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NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23521-5070 COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 N43 25 Feb 2004


Subj: MAINTENANCE AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT (3-M) SYSTEM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE NAVAL CONSTRUCTION FORCE (NCF) Ref: (a) OPNAV Instruction 4790.4C (b) NFELC Notice 4790 of 24 October 2003 (c) COMSECONDNCB/COMTHIRDNCB Instruction 11200.1A Encl: (1) Naval Construction Force 3-M Policies and Procedures 1. Purpose. To establish 3-M policies and procedures, assign action and provide guidance for the NCF. 2. Cancellation. COMFIRSTNCD NOTICE 4790, Interim Promulgation of Naval Construction Force (NCF) Maintenance Material Management (3-M) Organizational Responsibilities and Work Center Codes (W/C Codes). 3. Discussion. COMFIRSTNCD units will convert from the existing Equipment Repair Order (ERO) System to the Navy’s 3-M system. Per reference (a), Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) manages and directs the development, implementation, operational maintenance, and improvements of all aspects of the Ship’s 3-M System throughout the Navy. This conversion will bring these standard Navy maintenance and material management practices to the NCF. Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center (NFELC) Port Hueneme has responsibility for the installation of software and the implementation of 3-M processes. Reference (b) provides information regarding actions to be taken in support of installs. The objectives of 3-M are standardization, efficiency, documentation, analysis, configuration status accounting, and scheduling.

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4. Responsibility a. COMFIRSTNCD 3-M responsibilities are to: (1) Exercise Program Director/Program Management responsibility for the 3-M System for COMFIRSTNCD.

(2) Exercise primary responsibility for the effective operation and support of the 3-M System by COMFIRSTNCD units.

(3) Maintain a full time 3-M Program Manager and a staff of adequate size to properly administer the 3-M System. (4) Conduct appropriate review of the quantity and quality of 3-M data submitted (Technical Feedback Reports, MDS documents, et cetera). Ensure accurate processing and prompt submission of 3-M data. (5) Provide necessary resources to ensure adequate 3-M System training for personnel associated with maintenance or maintenance management. (6) Oversee the development of 3-M management tools and initiatives. (7) Evaluate and/or conduct appropriate review of Technical Bulletins, Safety Advisories, Mishap Reports, and Material Inspection reports, Equipment Deficiency Memorandums, et cetera). Where 3-M System deficiencies are evident, initiate corrective action. (8) Monitor the functional adequacy of installed 3-M Systems. b. Naval Construction Regiment (NCR) responsibilities are to: (1) Exercise primary responsibility for the compliance of subordinate units with 3-M policies and procedures. (2) Assign an E-7 or above with NEC 9517 as the Regimental 3-M Coordinator.


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(3) Ensure subordinate units conduct and document 3-M Self-assessments at intervals not to exceed 24months. Each NMCB will conduct a Self-assessment during each deployment. (4) Review unit 3-M Self-assessments conducted by subordinate units and take action as necessary to correct deficiencies or report problems. (5) Conduct appropriate review of the quantity and quality of 3-M data submitted (Technical Feedback Reports, MDS documents, et cetera). Ensure accurate processing and prompt submission of 3-M data by subordinate units. c. Seabee Readiness Group (SRG) responsibilities are to: (1) Provide 3-M training required to support COMFIRSTNCD and Unit 3-M implementation and use as required. (2) Assign an E-7 or above with NEC 9517 as full time 3-M Coordinator to oversee the command 3-M program. Maintain 3-M staff of adequate size to properly administer the 3-M program. (3) Implement and employ the 3-M system for maintenance of any 3-M covered equipment assigned, or under SRG cognizance. (4) Monitor and participate in the development of 3-M management tools and initiatives. (5) Conduct appropriate review of Technical Bulletins, Safety Advisories, Mishap Reports, and Material Inspection reports (Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program (BEEP) and Equipment Deficiency Memorandums, et cetera). Where 3-M System deficiencies are evident, initiate corrective action. (6) Conduct appropriate review of the quantity and quality of 3-M data submitted (Technical Feedback Reports, MDS documents, et cetera). Initiate corrective action as necessary. d. All NCF units responsibilities include:

(1) Compliance with 3-M policies and procedures.

(2) Assign a 3-M Coordinator in accordance with Appendix E of this instruction to oversee the Command 3-M Program. (3) Prompt and accurate 3-M reporting.


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(4) Participate in the development of 3-M management tools and initiatives. (5) Provide technical feedback and other feedback as necessary to alert the chain of command regarding the effectiveness of 3-M policies and procedures at the unit level.

1. Action. All COMFIRSTNCD units will support the implementation and roll out of 3-M in the NCF. The implementation process will require close cooperation by all units, and close attention at all levels to ensure smooth and effective transition from the ERO system to the Navy 3-M system. (a) Reference (a) provides basic guidance regarding policy and procedures relevant to 3-M Navy wide. Enclosure (1) adapts that guidance to focus on NCF requirements and terminology. All units should refer to enclosure (1) as the primary source of guidance, and to reference (a), when additional guidance is needed. Conflicts or gaps in the information provided should be brought to the attention of the COMFIRSTNCD 3-M Program Manager via the chain-of-command. (b) 3-M installation/implementation at the unit level will be conducted in accordance with the procedures in reference (b). (c) All units performing maintenance will continue to use the existing procedures contained in reference (c) until 3-M is implemented. Enclosure (2) provides modification of the guidance in reference (c) and should be used in conjunction with reference (c) after 3-M implementation. (d) Upon completion of 3-M implementation, all equipment covered by the 3-M system will be maintained using the 3-M system. All reporting, scheduling, and procedural requirements apply. D. C. PHILLIPS By direction Distribution: COMFIRSTNCDINST 5216.1 NCF website


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Naval Construction Force 3-M Policies and Procedures

Enclosure (1)

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Table of Contents Title Page # Executive Summary 4 Chapter 1. 3-M System Program Requirements and Guidelines 100 - Policy 1-1 101 - 3-M Program General Guidance 1-1 102 - Assessment Requirements 1-2 103 - 3-M PMS Program 1-2 104 - 3-M MDS Program 1-4 105 - Maintenance Duties and Responsibilities 1-5 106 - PMS Program Supplementary Guidance 1-11 107 - MDS Program Supplementary Guidance 1-16 108 - PMS Records Retention 1-16 109 - JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL MANUAL (JAGMAN) 1-17 Chapter 2. 3-M PMS Assessment 200 - Background 2-1 201 - PMS Assessment Objectives 2-1 202 - PMS Scheduling 2-2 203 - PMS Accomplishment 2-3 204 - PMS Performance Rate 2-6 Chapter 3. 3-M MDS Assessment 300 - Introduction 3-1 301 - MDS Assessment Objective 3-1 302 - MDS Assessment Guidance 3-2 303 - PMS/MDS Program Administration 3-2 304 - CSMP Purpose and Content 3-3 305 - CSMP Maintenance and Utilization 3-4 Chapter 4. 3-M "TYCOM" Supplementary Guidance 400 - Guidance 4-1 Appendix A. Real-Time/Spot Check/Assessment Maintenance Check Appendix A-1 Procedures PMS MAINTENANCE CHECK EVALUATION CHECK Appendix A-4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS EVALUATION Appendix A-6 MRC STEPS EVALUATION Appendix A-6 GRADING THE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Appendix A-7 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS EVALUATION REMARKS Appendix A-8 Appendix B. 3-M PMS Cycle/Quarterly/Weekly Schedules Appendix B-1 Questionnaires CYCLE PMS SCHEDULE QUESTIONNAIRE Appendix B-1 QUARTERLY PMS SCHEDULE QUESTIONNAIRE Appendix B-3 WEEKLY PMS SCHEDULE QUESTIONNAIRE Appendix B-5 3-M SCHEDULES EVALUATION REMARKS Appendix B-6


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Table of Contents Title Page # Appendix C. 3-M PMS/MDS Assessment Summary Report Forms Appendix C-1 WORK CENTER 3-M PMS ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appendix C-2 WORK CENTER CSMP ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Appendix C-3 3-M PMS/MDS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY WORKSHEET Appendix C-4 3-M PMS/MDS ASSESSMENT SUMMARY REPORT Appendix C-5 Appendix D. 3-M MDS Assessment Questionnaire Appendix D-1 TAB A: 3-M Organizational and Administration Appendix D-1 TAB B: Current SEABEE Maintenance Project (CSMP) Appendix D-19 Assessment Criteria TAB C: Tag Guide List (TGL) Assessment Questionnaire Appendix D-24 TAB D: 3-M Administrative Support Assessment Appendix D-27 Questionnaire TAB E: 3-M MDS Supply Assessment Questionnaire Appendix D-29 Appendix E. 3-M Organizational Responsibilities Appendix E-1 Appendix F. Automated Shore Interface (ASI) Checklist Appendix F-1 Appendix G. Tag-out Procedures Appendix G-1 Figure 10-1: PMS Scheduling Procedures (Brown Line) 1-13 for Deploying Units Table 10-2: PMS Record Retention Requirements 1-17 Table 10-3: 3-M Program Guidance Cross Reference 4-1 Index


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Maintenance and Material Management (3-M) Policy And Procedures

Executive Summary

The 3-M system applies to all Naval Construction Force equipment including Civil Engineer Support Equipment (CESE), Civil Engineering End Item (CEEI), Weapons, Communications Equipment, and other Table of Allowance (TOA) material that requires periodic or corrective maintenance. All COMFIRSTNCD units shall comply with the 3-M program policy, requirements, and responsibilities as outlined in reference (a) and modified herein. There shall be no deviation from these procedures without the prior written approval of COMFIRSTNCD. 1. The 3-M system is designed to provide an efficient and uniform method of managing and recording corrective and planned maintenance in a way that allows easy access to the collected data. It provides all maintenance and material managers with a means to plan, acquire, organize, direct, control, and evaluate the manpower and material resources expended or planned for in support of maintenance. This is an all-hands, top-down program and it is imperative that each individual understand its importance. Formal schooling, correspondence courses, Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS), and other training in 3-M program procedures and processes are fundamental to the success of the program and should receive appropriate command attention. 2. Reference (a) sets forth the 3-M objectives and prescribes the procedures for completing MDS documents. This instruction provides essential supplementary guidance to reference (a), where applicable, and affirms COMFIRSTNCD’s commitment to achieving optimum readiness through effective use of the 3-M program. Accordingly, the purpose of this Chapter of the Maintenance Manual is: a. To provide COMFIRSTNCD 3-M policy and criteria for carrying out the 3-M program and, in particular, the two key systems – Planned Maintenance System (PMS) and Maintenance Data System (MDS). b. To provide the procedures and criteria for the periodic evaluation of each command’s 3-M program and, when deficiencies are noted, to give Commanding Officers, Officers-In-Charge, and other cognizant program managers the key information needed to initiate corrective action.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 c. To provide 3-M System Self-assessment guidelines with particular emphasis on 3-M program administration and Current Seabee’s Maintenance Project (CSMP) management. (The CSMP provides consolidated listing of interim and deferred maintenance, and is a key tool in maintenance managing and scheduling.) d. To provide supplementary guidance and clarification of requirements where reference (a) directs the user to refer to "TYCOM for guidance" and, as necessary, to facilitate the proper, timely and effective documentation of maintenance requirements in support of various planned maintenance availabilities addressed in applicable sections of Chapters 6 - Intermediate Level Maintenance and 7 - Depot Level Maintenance of this manual.

3. Questions concerning policy, requirements, responsibilities, or other 3-M program matters should be directed via the chain-of-command to the COMFIRSTNCD 3-M Program Manager.


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Chapter 1 3-M System Program Requirements and Guidelines

100 - Policy

COMFIRSTNCD policy, as stated in Chapter 1 of this manual, is to use the 3-M System as fully as possible to attain and maintain the highest degree of operational readiness and reliability within current resource limitations. Since this can be achieved only through effective utilization of the 3-M System, an assessment program has been developed to assist the Regimental Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Officers-In-Charge in assessing the use of the 3-M System within their commands and subordinate units and to facilitate the timely recognition and correction of problems impacting material readiness. The assessment program guidelines defined herein shall be used for periodic Self-assessments as well as 3-M Team assessments and assist visits. To this end, Regimental Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Officers-In-Charge shall implement a 3-M System assessment program to monitor and enhance overall 3-M performance. In addition, they shall encourage their subordinates to conduct periodic Self-assessments.

101 - 3-M Program General Guidance

Reference (a) defines the basic responsibilities for monitoring maintenance and material management programs. It highlights the importance of establishing, maintaining, and monitoring 3-M programs for the effective management of organizational level ("O-level") maintenance of Seabee equipment and material. This has particular importance in view of continuing high operating tempos, vital mission assignments, budget constraints, and personnel shortages. The PMS program, in particular, is the least costly and most effective method of keeping Seabee equipment and material in the best possible operating condition using the "O-level" work force. However, maintenance requirements beyond O-level capability and/or capacity need to be well defined and documented to support effective planning, assignment and execution by other maintenance activities. The 3-M program is the only proven method available to effectively manage both O-level and outside activity support in the performance of planned preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, and parts support in a manner that will ensure optimum equipment readiness.


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102 - Assessment Requirements

Per reference (a), 3-M PMS and MDS program performance shall be assessed at intervals of not greater than 24 months for conformance with TYPE COMMANDER maintenance policy and 3-M System program requirements. The continuous improvement process shall be utilized while monitoring the 3-M program. 1. Procedure. Procedures for conduct of 3-M assessments are provided in Chapters 2 and 3 of this enclosure. Additional guidance and checklists useful in the assessment process are found in Appendices A through D. Equal emphasis should be placed on the effectiveness of maintenance management and actual maintenance accomplishment. 2. Action a. Each command participating in the 3-M program will conduct a Self-assessment at intervals not to exceed 24 months. For NMCBs, a 3-M Self-assessment will be conducted during each deployment. The NMCB Self-assessments will include an assessment of all maintenance at the deployment site, and at Detachment or Detachment for Training sites, for equipment included in the 3-M program. b. Self-assessments will be evaluated by the cognizant Operational Regiment for thoroughness and accuracy. The Regimental Commander will use the review of these assessments, in conjunction with monthly metrics and information gleaned from site visits to determine the effectiveness of the unit maintenance program. Corrective action, if necessary will be initiated and monitored by the cognizant Regiment. c. Seabee Readiness Groups (SRGs) will report Self-assessment results to COMFIRSTNCD.

103 - 3-M PMS Program

The PMS program has been engineered to prescribe the minimum Maintenance Requirements (MR). Therefore, 100 percent accomplishment of scheduled maintenance is the desired goal. PMS assessments shall specifically address the accuracy of PMS scheduling, the actual PMS accomplishment rate, and the quality of the maintenance actions for the period since the last assessment.


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1. Scheduling. Sound judgment and foresight must be applied when tailoring and scheduling PMS to prevent excessive deferral or partial completion of required maintenance. No matter how valid the reasons are for not completing PMS, installed systems and equipment will deteriorate and fail prematurely if not properly maintained. However, it is recognized that there are times and situations when some Maintenance Requirements (MRs) cannot or should not be done (e.g., lack of materials or specialized skill, operational commitments that prevent securing vital equipment; and restrictions against the operation of equipment solely to perform a MR). Situations may arise where it is detrimental to perform certain PMS actions or operate equipment exclusively to accomplish a MR. 2. Deferral. When these circumstances arise, only a senior maintenance manager should, with due consideration to the impact on readiness, make the decision to defer maintenance. Such deferrals should be properly documented for accomplishment at the earliest opportunity. In addition, the cognizant senior maintenance manager and 3-M Coordinator, as applicable, shall play a prominent and proactive role in coordinating outside support for the timely accomplishment of PMS as well as corrective maintenance requirements. 3. Accountability. If enough priority is given to PMS, a normal quarter’s operating schedule should offer sufficient time to complete a high percentage of scheduled PMS MRs. Clear accountability for those required, recurring, actions is an integral part of the credibility of the PMS program. For each scheduled MR, the work center supervisor shall assign an individual to perform the PM check and maintain a record of the assignment in the Weekly Work Center PMS Accountability Log, described in paragraph 108 PMS Records Retention, section 3. 4. Accomplishment. The evaluation of PMS accomplishment consists of an examination of PMS schedules for the 13-week period preceding the week of the assessment. From this data various statistical rates [Recorded Accomplishment Rate (RAR), Accomplishment Confidence Factor (ACF), and PMS Performance Rate (PPR)] are developed for use in assessing the overall level and quality of PMS performance. A more detailed analysis and other factors to be considered by 3-M Teams and commands reviewing PMS assessment reports are included in section 2.


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104 - 3-M MDS Program

The MDS program provides Seabee maintenance managers a method of documenting corrective repairs, man-hours expended, parts usage, configuration changes, and other technical and/or administrative matters and using this data to more effectively manage maintenance programs. 3-M MDS assessments, discussed in Chapter 3, shall focus primarily on CSMP management, MDS reporting, configuration management and the proper use of support programs. Command awareness and effective utilization of MDS shall also be evaluated. 1. MDS Program Elements. The key elements of effective MDS program evaluations include: a. Producing and managing the unit’s CSMP. b. Generating maintenance requests for outside assistance. c. Documenting configuration changes. d. Managing the planning, scheduling, and reporting of corrective repairs and material procurement. e. Reporting maintenance actions and material conditions by the accomplishing activity. f. Producing automated reports tailored to meet the needs of different levels of management.

2. Guidelines. The questionnaires in Appendix D to this enclosure are comprehensive. They cover 3-M procedures, responsibilities, and actions from the CO/OIC to the work center level. Due to the variety of NCF units, the various billets/positions and related functions referred to in reference (a) and this manual may not exactly match with the actual organizational structures at the different subordinate activities. For example, smaller COMFIRSTNCD units may not have a CO, XO, or full time 3-M Coordinator; however, each unit shall ensure the requirements of 3-M administration are assigned and adequately performed by responsible personnel within their organization. 3. CSMP Management. The CSMP is the key maintenance management tool that provides Seabee maintenance managers with a consolidated listing of outstanding deferred maintenance actions.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 CSMP management should be routinely reviewed as part of the PMS assessment or command inspection to emphasize our commitment to the 3-M program and the importance of proper CSMP management to a unit’s overall readiness posture. 4. Evaluation Process. Unlike PMS Assessments, no indication is provided in these guidelines regarding the relative weight to be accorded individual items. It is not considered possible to realistically predetermine the precise relative importance of various items and the effect that compliance (or noncompliance) will have on a particular 3-M program. The relative importance of each item is to be based on the judgment of a qualified 3-M team member. Considerations will include the effect that the item has on the unit’s 3-M program. 5. Related Programs. The 3-M Teams shall also observe and make note of other factors, which have a bearing on maintenance management effectiveness. These include, but are not limited to the following: Maintenance History Records, availability of technical manuals, shop organization and cleanliness, safety awareness, compliance with safety requirements, Electrical Safety, and Lock-Out/Tag-Out programs. Each of these, where applicable, is separate but integral to the overall 3-M program improvement initiative. Any significant deficiency shall be noted in the Summary Report.

105 - Maintenance Duties and Responsibilities

1. COMFIRSTNCD 3-M Office. The Division 3-M Program Manager, Code N43, in addition to the duties and responsibilities delineated in paragraph 2-4.4 “TYCOMs” of reference (a), shall: a. Coordinate the definition and development of 3-M System Program requirements and operations to include implementation of the 3-M System policy throughout COMFIRSTNCD. b. Ensure comprehensive assessments are conducted at intervals of not greater than 24 months of each command/unit to determine the effectiveness of the 3-M program. c. Ensure the scope of 3-M System training at the unit provides maintenance and management personnel with the necessary skills to successfully support the 3-M System.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 d. Promote quality, completeness, and timely submission of data and effective utilization of data collected within COMFIRSTNCD. e. Coordinate and promote utilization of Information Technology (IT) facilities to process 3-M System information. f. Augment MDS data by accessing other Navy and Department of Defense management data files to enhance COMFIRSTNCD’s overall 3-M posture. Provide assistance in the selection, development and implementation of 3-M System user-training programs. 2. Regimental Commanders shall: a. Exercise primary responsibility for the effective operation and support of the 3-M System at units under their cognizance. b. Provide sufficient time for subordinate units to perform 3-M functions. Operational orders, plans, and other directives should recognize and support accomplishment of 3-M requirements. c. Maintain a full time, qualified 3-M staff to properly administer the 3-M Program or coordinate requirements with other commands. d. Provide a qualified team to conduct 3-M System training assist visits, installations, and assessments as necessary to ensure subordinate units properly implement and administer the 3-M System. e. Ensure that subordinate units complete of Self-assessments as required by this instruction. f. Conduct appropriate review of Self-assessments, Technical Bulletins, Safety Advisories, Mishap Reports, and Material Inspection reports. Where 3-M System deficiencies are evident, initiate corrective action.

3. Seabee Readiness Group Commanders shall: a. Provide the necessary training opportunities and training aids to NCF units to support the implementation and employment of the 3-M systems.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 b. Employ the 3-M system in the maintenance and administration of covered equipment under SRG cognizance. 4. Commanding Officers (CO). The CO shall carry out the duties and responsibilities outlined in paragraph 2-5.1 of reference (a). In particular, the CO shall: a. Ensure appropriate personnel receive adequate formal 3-M training. b. Conduct periodic checks to ensure that the 3-M System is functioning properly and require other responsible personnel to perform real-time maintenance checks. (Appendix A to this enclosure refers) Specifically: (1) The CO, or their designated representative, will conduct five maintenance checks per week on maintenance actions currently scheduled (two will be real-time). Ensure Work Center Supervisors (WCS) or Senior Personnel conduct two maintenance checks per week per work center (one will be real-time). (2) Personally conduct a minimum of one real-time maintenance check per month. c. Establish an effective 3-M organization and program to ensure proper: (1) Cycle, Quarterly, and Monthly PMS schedules reparation and maintenance including installation of the Force Revisions. (2) CSMP utilization and management in accordance with reference (a) and this Instruction. (3) MDS documentation and reporting to include review and approval at a responsible level. d. Ensure that accomplishment of all critical PMS on equipment and systems is performed prior to departure on non- routine deployment, detachment or extended operations. This includes accelerated performance of selected PMS checks in the two-week period prior to departure as discussed later in paragraph 106.2.


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e. Ensure that all documentation deferring maintenance is reviewed and approved at a responsible level and that 3-M submissions are being made as required. f. Keep the operational commander advised, as appropriate,

concerning the status of 3-M and any factors that prevent full accomplishment of PMS requirements. 5. Executive Officer (XO). Executive Officers are designated 3-M Managers and as such are responsible to their COs for the proper and efficient running of the 3-M Program throughout the command. They shall effectively supervise and monitor the unit’s performance and shall promptly report any problems affecting operational readiness to the CO. 6. Officers-in-Charge (OIC). OICs are responsible to their reporting seniors for the proper conduct of 3-M program requirements for assigned equipment. They shall effectively supervise and monitor their unit’s performance and shall promptly report any problems affecting operational readiness to the CO. In particular, they shall: a. Function as the 3-M Manager for equipment under their cognizance.

b. Be knowledgeable of current 3-M System policies, procedures, programs, and directives.

c. Brief their immediate superior at regular intervals on the status of 3-M PMS performance and MDS administration and reporting, CSMP management, and PMS administration. d. Integrate 3-M System training into the activity’s training and qualification program and ensure that personnel receive adequate and effective 3-M System training. e. The OIC, or their designated representative, will conduct five maintenance checks per week on maintenance actions currently scheduled (two will be real-time). Ensure Work Center Supervisors (WCS) or Senior Personnel conduct two maintenance checks per week per work center (one will be real-time). 7. 3-M Coordinator. The NMCB 3-M Coordinator shall be conversant with Seabee systems, equipment and maintenance program requirements, be a master chief or senior chief petty officer who has earned a secondary Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) of 9517, and be assigned to the position as a primary duty. Appendix E to


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this enclosure provides specific guidance regarding 3-M Coordinator assignments for each unit type. The 3-M Coordinator shall: a. Coordinate external support and monitor PMS related external maintenance requirements. b. Assist in maintaining an ongoing 3-M Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) and formal schools training program for 3-M maintenance supervisors and key personnel. c. Coordinate the documentation of all maintenance bulletins and other requirements (as appropriate) identified by external organizations into the CSMP in an accurate and timely manner. d. Review 3-M documentation submissions for accuracy, completeness, and timeliness, and monitor correction and resubmission of deficient documents. e. Establish and maintain a master PMS library applicable to and in direct support of assigned equipment and material. f. Assist Department Heads/Company Commanders, and other key maintenance managers, as applicable, in documenting and correcting all safety related corrective actions. g. Ensure current status reports of maintenance actions for accomplishment by external repair activities are provided to cognizant personnel within the command. h. Ensure timely and accurate Automated Shore Interface (ASI) processing and upline maintenance reporting. Appendix F to this enclosure provides ASI processing guidance. 8. Details and Detachments for Training. The unique organizational and operational requirements of COMFIRSTNCD detachments necessitate further definition of 3-M System requirements. In particular, reference (a) does not address the transfer of PMS requirements from a "parent" (primary) to a detachment or deploying unit (secondary), or the duties and responsibilities of either organization. The 3M Manager and 3-M Coordinator shall, in addition to requirements delineated in paragraph 2-5.4 of reference (a), ensure that the cognizant department head or company commander will:


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a. Supervise maintenance scheduling for equipment and materials normally under their cognizance within the detachment. Review and approve the cycle and quarterly schedules and comply with other routine administrative requirements. b. Inspect the 3-M System operation weekly within the detachments during homeport and training periods. c. Ensure detachment personnel are properly trained in 3-M System operations, including the importance of PMS scheduling and performance, configuration management, and necessity for timely and accurate documentation. d. Initiate the accelerated accomplishment of PMS requirements during the two-week period prior to departure as discussed in paragraph 3.d above. 9. 3-M Assessments/Assist visits. Regimental Commanders will serve as the advocate for 3-M readiness for subordinate units. They may work directly with unit personnel (e.g., 3-M coordinator, department head, company commander, work center supervisor) to evaluate specific aspects of 3-M program administration and execution. Specific inspection requirements are not mandated. On site inspections/assists by Regimental Commanders or their representatives are at the discretion of the Regimental Commander. The 3-M Self-assessment conducted at the unit level is the primary 3-M performance assessment tool. Regimental Commanders are responsible for the overall effectiveness of the 3-M program in subordinate units. To ensure best performance Regiments will: a. Review and evaluate unit level 3-M Self-assessments and take action as appropriate. b. Evaluate PMS scheduling and actual accomplishment of scheduled PMS per chapter 3 reference (a) and as modified by chapter 2 of this instruction. c. Assist subordinate commands, track progress, monitor trends, and provide feedback via the chain-of-command. d. Conduct appropriate review of the quantity and quality of 3-M data submitted (MDS documents, Technical Feedback Reports) and ensure accurate processing and prompt submission of 3-M data.


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e. Monitor and participate in the development of 3-M management tools. f. Provide 3-M System training for personnel associated with maintenance or 3-M management. g. Assess the functional adequacy of installed 3-M Systems and assist in discrepancy correction. h. Ensure all activities effectively use their installed automated system for 3-M MDS reporting.

106 - PMS Program Supplementary Guidance

1. PMS Scheduling Procedures for Deploying/Deployed Units. For the purposes of this instruction deploying/deployed units does not refer to normal NMCB rotations between overseas main body Camps and homeport. Deploying and deployed units should be interpreted as Details, Detachments For Training (DFTs), and non-routine deployments. All PMS scheduling policies and procedures outlined in reference (a) shall remain in effect in developing PMS schedules. Additional procedures are defined herein for interim transfer of PMS requirements between primary and secondary work centers without use of feedback reporting. Guidelines for installation and implementation of Force Revisions (FRs) are also provided. a. PMS Scheduling, "Brown Line" Procedures. The techniques and procedures for transferring maintenance requirements and annotating entries on the master quarterly schedule are as follows (Figure 10-1 provides a sample illustration): (1) The secondary work center will follow the technique of transferring PMS by marking each transferred MIP line and all PMS requirements within the MIP line with a vertical "BROWN" line on the date "tic" the transfer is to take place. On the left side of the "BROWN" vertical line, at the beginning of the transfer, place the appropriate work center designator code. Follow this procedure for each piece of equipment (MIP) to be transferred. (2) For those maintenance requirements to be transferred to a detachment/platoon secondary work center, draw a horizontal "BROWN" line through the periodicity indicating the maintenance has been transferred.


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(3) The secondary work center shall develop PMS schedules (Cycle, Quarterly, Weekly) in accordance with reference (a) for a PMS maintenance requirements being transferred. (4) The work center supervisor of the secondary work center will schedule the PMS in the same month and week as it appears on the quarterly schedule of the primary work center. This keeps both schedules in agreement with each other. Both work center supervisors can reschedule and/or defer PMS in accordance with standard procedures to meet their own mission requirements. b. The secondary work center supervisor shall maintain the PMS schedules while deployed and provide a weekly status report to the primary work center. c. Upon return from deployment, the secondary work center supervisor shall return all PMS schedules to the primary work center. The Department Head of the primary work center shall review and sign the back of these schedules as well as the master schedules for the department. The Department Head/Company Commander shall retain both sets of schedules for a period of one year. d. The secondary work center supervisor and assigned maintenance personnel are responsible for the PMS.


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Figure 10-1 PMS Scheduling Procedures (Brown Line) for Deploying Units 1. A BROWN vertical line at the beginning of a Quarter indicates that PMS was transferred during the previous Quarter and remains transferred. 2. The line drawn HORIZONTALLY through the MRC periodicity signifies that a Secondary Work Center has PMS responsibility for the equipment.


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3. The BROWN vertical line in this position identifies equipment transferred back to the Primary Work Center; and that PMS responsibility has been shifted. 4. The VERTICAL BROWN line indicates a Secondary Work Center has custody of the equipment and is responsible for the PMS from that date on the Quarterly Schedule. 5. The Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) scheduled indicate the Primary Work Center has custody of the equipment and is responsible for PMS. a. Accelerated PMS Scheduling for Deployment. When a COMFIRSTNCD detachment is leaving for deployment or extended operations where PMS accomplishment is critical to maintain optimum readiness, or there is limited storage for PMS materials and test equipment, every effort should be made to accomplish as much of the PMS as possible during the two-week period prior to departure. In particular, all annual, semi-annual and multiple- monthly PMS checks that would be required during the operation should be accomplished in that two-week pre-deployment period. The cognizant Regimental Commander should be advised of the intended actions and any required assistance. This will leave only monthly, quarterly, and situation requirement checks to be accomplished while deployed and will significantly reduce the deployed PMS workload. However, deployed units shall submit a weekly message to the parent command to report PMS accomplishment. b. Force Revision (FR) on Deployed Unit. Whenever a unit’s deployment spans the end of one quarter and the beginning of the new quarter in which a FR is to take effect, the actual installation and implementation may be delayed with the CO’s approval provided such action will not have an adverse affect on unit readiness. The reason for the delay will be documented on the reverse of the quarterly schedule. Deferral may be approved under the following conditions: (1) If the deployed unit is scheduled to return within 30 days, the unit may continue to perform PMS per the previous quarter’s cycle schedule. The FR shall be implemented effective on the first day of the month following return from deployment. (2) If the deployed unit is scheduled to return more than 30 days beyond the start of the new quarter and the FR changes are administrative rather than operational in nature, the FR installation may be deferred until after the unit returns


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 from deployment. Otherwise, the changes should be implemented at the first opportunity.

(3) Any FR change evaluated as significant, but not mandatory (safety related), shall be implemented, if possible, no later than 30 days after the start of the new quarter. Where implementation of the latest FR is delayed, new COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 quarterly schedules should be prepared using the previous cycle schedule. A note should be added at the heading of each month on the quarterly schedule indicating that "FR XXX has been deferred." New cycle and quarterly schedules based on the FR shall be used for the remainder of the quarter when implemented. c. Real-Time Maintenance Check. The number of required weekly "spot checks" is five per week (command wide) for the CO or their designated representative, of which two will be real- time (Work Center Supervisors and Senior Personnel must conduct two spot checks per week per work center, one of these spot checks will be real time). This requirement does not apply to work centers, which have no maintenance responsibilities in the 3-M system. Real time checks shall be performed on a real-time basis. For example, a PMS MR scheduled for accomplishment is selected at random and the maintenance person is observed during the actual performance of the check. If no PMS is scheduled for that week, then no real-time maintenance check is required- "Spot Checks" of completed MRCs shall be conducted by the 3-M team during assessments and assist visits as a QA check on the PMS program. Guidelines for conducting and recording real-time checks are contained in Appendix A to this enclosure. d. Location Guide Lists (LGL). The LGL must not be confused with the EGL (Equipment Guide List). Each EGL, for example, is linked to a controlling MRC and a single entry on the cycle board for a group of like equipment/systems. The number of like equipment items that can be listed on the EGL is limited to a single day’s work. The LGL, however, is used for identical equipment individually listed on the cycle board and located in different areas. Therefore, it is not restricted by the day’s work limitation. The EGL form shall be used by lining out the word "equipment" and inserting the word "location" on the EGL. Enter the location and serial number for the individual pieces of equipment and attach the LGL to the MRC. In the location block of the MRC, enter "LGL attached." CO/OICs are authorized to tailor the LGLs to the minimum required to locate equipment covered by the MRC.


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107 - MDS Program Supplementary Guidance

1. PMS Auto Scheduler (SKED). COMFIRSTNCD units are encouraged to use auto scheduler to reduce administrative requirements of the PMS program. Use of PMS Scheduler is a special interest item and will be evaluated during PMS Assessments. 2. Inactive Equipment Maintenance (IEM). IEM includes equipment in “Live Storage.” IEM procedures can be performed using PMS Auto Scheduler. However, the following manual additions to the computer print-out of quarterly schedules are required: a. Draw a red line in the weekly column to identify start and stop of IEM. b. Line-out in blue ink PMS checks that need to be deleted during IEM. c. Schedule IEM checks (LU/PM/SU/OT) in green. Note: This same criteria applies to work centers on deploying units using the Brown Line method discussed in paragraph 106.1.a, above. Pen and ink additions have to be made to computer printout of the quarterly schedules to reflect the Brown Line method.

108 - PMS Records Retention

(See Table 10-2) 1. Quarterly and Cycle Schedules. The cognizant Department Head (DH) (or organizational equivalent) will review and submit closed-out schedules to the 3-M Coordinator for review at the end of each quarter. The four previously completed quarters worth of schedules shall be maintained on file with the DH. 2. Weekly Work Center PMS Report. This report which includes weekly PMS accomplishment and weekly real-time maintenance checks data shall be submitted to the 3-M Coordinator after review by the Division Officer and DH (or equivalent). The last 13 weeks of weekly PMS reports shall be kept on file by the 3-M Coordinator. 3. Weekly Work Center PMS Accountability Log. For work centers using SKEDPORT, a computer print-out of the completed weekly schedules is an acceptable accountability log provided the same maintenance person was assigned to and accomplished all PMS checks scheduled for that MIP line item.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 For non-automated work centers, a manual accountability log shall be maintained which identifies the performance period, the MRs scheduled and accomplished, and the maintenance person. The work center supervisor shall maintain a 13 week accountability log. PMS Weekly Schedule Current schedule only (posted)

PMS Quarterly Schedules

Current schedule (posted) – The Department Head (DH) retains 4 previous quarters

PMS Cycle Schedule Current schedule (posted) – The DH retains superseded cycle schedules for 12 months

PMS Feedback Reports

Until a response is received (submit follow-up after one year)

Weekly Work Center Accountability Log

Work Center Supervisor retains most recent thirteen weeks

Weekly Work Center PMS Report

3-M Coordinator retains most recent thirteen weeks

Real-Time Spot-Check Forms

The Work Center Supervisor (WCS) retains most recent thirteen weeks with their accountability sheets

Table 10-2 PMS Record Retention Requirements


Under certain significant casualty situations, the Regimental Commander or CO/OIC may require the conduct of a Judge Advocate General Manual (JAGMAN) investigation or inquiry to determine the cause of the casualty. This is particularly true for casualties involving personnel injury, operational incidents (e.g. collisions, etc.), or catastrophic material failures in equipment/systems. Where 3-M Systems have been installed, the JAGMAN investigation shall include in its report of findings of fact, opinions, and recommendations, comments on the following: 1. Determination if inadequate PMS coverage is considered to be a factor in the cause of the casualty, and give recommendations to correct the PMS coverage, as appropriate. 2. Determination if PMS was performed properly, with regard to periodicity as well as technical requirements and if personnel are adequately trained to perform the maintenance requirements. 3. Determination if completion of proper PMS could have prevented or lessened the severity of the casualty.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 4. Determination if appropriate seniors were notified of any inadequate PMS coverage or accomplishment and determine what action, if any, was taken to correct the problem.


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Chapter 2 3-M PMS Assessment

200 - Background

The PMS assessment shall focus on scheduling and accomplishment of MRs. In particular, equipment and personnel shall be evaluated to determine if PMS, recorded as completed or partial, has in fact been accomplished in accordance with the MRC. Various administrative tools: cycle, quarterly and weekly schedules; MIPs, MRC decks, etc. shall be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. A summary report identifying discrepancies and areas that need improvement will be provided to the CO/OIC, and other responsible personnel, as appropriate. These discrepancies will be revisited during unit Self-assessment or at CO/OIC discretion.

201 - PMS Assessment Objectives

Proper PMS performance cannot be overstated in light of today’s operational and fiscal climate. Equipment/system reliability, personnel safety, environmental issues, and other contemporary concerns require the personal attention and commitment of each CO/OIC and the personnel under their charge. The primary objectives of the PMS Assessment are: 1. To ensure that PMS requirements (MRCs) match installed equipment and systems. 2. To ensure that PMS checks are done in accordance with the MRC. In particular, the following, at a minimum shall be assessed: a. Safety precautions are followed. b. Required tools and materials are available and used properly. c. Lock-out/Tag-out procedures are properly used, when applicable. d. Proper handling and disposal procedures and personal protective equipment were used for the type of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) in use. 3. To analyze recorded reasons for non-accomplishment of PMS to determine trends and actions taken or required to improve PMS System performance.


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4. To assess the effectiveness of the command’s 3-M program. NOTE: Appendices A through D to this enclosure contain detailed guidelines, questionnaires and report forms for use in 3-M Program assists and Self-assessments.

202 - PMS Scheduling

Proper scheduling of PMS requirements is fundamental for an effective 3-M program. The integration of cycle, quarterly, and weekly schedules provides an orderly means for units to effectively plan or reschedule maintenance requirements during the respective periods within a maintenance cycle, allocate resources to accomplish planned maintenance, and identify personnel, material, or logistics problems that may impact readiness. PMS schedules should be prepared per paragraph 3-4.11 of reference (a), except as noted in paragraphs 106 and 107, above.

1. Schedule Evaluations. The first step in conducting a thorough assessment is to review the PMS scheduling process. In particular, using Appendix B to this enclosure as a guide: a. Evaluate all master schedules and related documents (e.g., Departmental Master Manuals, Work Center Manuals, List of Effective Pages, etc.) for completeness, proper preparation, and maintenance. b. Validate work center PMS schedules and documents against the Master Manuals and the PMS Cycle Schedules. c. Gather statistics on the number of checks scheduled, completed, and recorded as "partials."

2. Recorded Accomplishment Ratio (RAR). The next step is to compute the RAR which is the ratio of the number of checks recorded as completed plus half credit for partially completed checks divided by the total number of MRs which were and should have been scheduled for accomplishment during the last 13-week period. Calculate PMS RAR.

a. Number Scheduled. The total number of scheduled MRs includes those properly rescheduled from the preceding 13-week period and/or the previous quarter’s schedule, and all Inactive Equipment Maintenance (including “live storage”), biweekly, monthly, multiple month, quarterly, semiannual, annual cycle, and situation MRs, except for daily and weekly situation MRs,


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which should have been scheduled and recorded as completed on the Quarterly PMS Schedule. Those MRs not properly recorded shall count as scheduled MRs. b. Number Accomplished. This total includes all MRs recorded on the quarterly schedules as having been completed or partially completed. Partial MRs must be properly documented to receive credit toward the RAR. Proper documentation includes the circling of all Partial MRs on the front of the Quarterly PMS Schedule; annotating all steps of the MRC not completed and stating, clearly and completely, the reasons for not completing the steps, on the back of the Quarterly PMS Schedule. c. Data Records. The forms in Appendix C to this enclosure shall be used to record the findings and RAR calculation. Appropriate comments should be included in the 3-M Assessment Summary Report. NOTE: To receive credit for a partial check, the completed steps must support the intent of the MRC. Every effort should be made to complete the partially completed MR at the first opportunity.

203 - PMS Accomplishment

PMS provides the means to identify problems and initiate corrective maintenance actions often before the equipment or system becomes inoperative. It is the best insurance against catastrophic failure of critical systems and equipment. Proper and timely performance of PMS is the key to optimum readiness and reliability. 1. Accomplishment Confidence Factor (ACF). The formula for calculating the ACF is provided on the Department and Unit 3-M Assessment Worksheets in Appendix C to this enclosure. The previous quarter’s PMS schedule will be needed to complete this step since the ACF evaluation is intended to cover the most recent 13week performance period. Selection of completed MRs for the ACF calculation should encompass a representative sample from the various work centers and involving different maintenance procedures, personnel, and equipment. The assessor then observes the maintenance person who performed the checks demonstrate the method and procedures used for conformance with the MRC. Each check observed is evaluated as complete, partial, or non-accomplished and a quantitative score is derived for each department/work center.


COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 2. Calculating the ACF. As stated above, a spot check shall be made of selected equipment to decide if the PMs, recorded as completed or partial, have actually been accomplished per the MRC. The key steps in this evaluation process include: a. Select MRs to be observed: (1) Identify the major departments/divisions with one or more work centers to be assessed singly and as a group to determine departmental/divisional as well as overall command/activity performance. Minor organizational units [e.g., detachments as secondary work centers (Brown Line)] shall also be individually assessed. (2) Select a minimum sample size of 2% to 5% of the total number of scheduled checks for each major department/division and at least two for each minor organizational unit, where appropriate. This may require evaluating MRs scheduled more than four weeks prior to the assessment. (3) Checks shall be randomly selected and adjusted, as necessary, to ensure that the sample is representative of the equipment/systems being maintained by the activity’s work center(s). (4) Include a representative sample of partially completed checks to identify procedural, logistics, training, or other type problems and any required corrective actions or assistance.

b. Sample Evaluation. Guidelines in Appendix A to this enclosure shall be used to conduct and evaluate MRC checks.

(1) Each work center supervisor shall maintain a record of personnel accountability (e.g., log, weekly schedule, etc.) that identifies the worker assigned to perform the MR. If the person is not available select a replacement MR. (2) Evaluation of the selected MR should include an assessment of the maintenance worker’s general knowledge of the check and key procedures. The worker should be questioned on safety precautions, lock-out/tag-out requirements, special materials/tools, and any departure from or problems with the MRC.


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(3) Based on the foregoing, the maintenance worker should be observed redoing the check to assess basic skills and familiarity and compliance with the PMS program. (4) Evaluate and record each sampled MR as completed, partial, or not completed. Each MR recorded as partial shall be evaluated as either EFFECTIVE or INEFFECTIVE. NOTE: In cases where checks meet the intent of the MR but steps are only partially completed due to lack of material or a procedural problem, full or partial credit for accomplishment may be given if the maintenance worker placed the missing material on order, initiated a Feedback report, prepared an appropriate CSMP entry, or did some combination of the above as evidence of corrective action.

(5) The evaluation of an MR as partial or not completed is in the judgment of the assessor. An MR, recorded as fully or partially completed, shall be evaluated as not completed when one or more of the following conditions exist: (a) The intent of the MRC is not completed. (b) The maintenance person commits a flagrant safety violation which could result in damage to the equipment or personal injury. (c) There is no physical evidence of actual maintenance. (d) Mandatory related maintenance is not recorded as having been performed in conjunction with the MR when the related maintenance is a major part (e.g., 20 percent or more of the total number of steps listed on both the parent and related MRC) of the MR procedure. (e) The test equipment specified in the MRC is inoperative or out of calibration or the special tools or materials were not available. (f) There is no record of follow-up action (e.g., WCWL/CSMP entry, FBR submission, material order, etc.) in the case of a partial to correct the deficiency preventing full accomplishment. NOTE: The 3-M team should determine for each PMS check evaluated as ineffective or not accomplished whether or not the check was previously observed under the command’s real-time maintenance


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requirements check program or if this is a first-time check. Analysis of these checks will assist the 3-M team in determining the effectiveness of the activity’s self-monitoring program. Results should be included in the Summary Report.

c. Data Records. The forms in Appendix C to this enclosure shall be used to record the findings and calculate the ACF. Guidelines in Appendix A to this enclosure apply.

204 - PMS Performance Rate

The PMS Performance Rate (PPR), which is the product of the RAR and ACF, is a statistical representation of the overall effectiveness of the unit’s PMS program. CO/OICs and other responsible personnel should consider a score of less than 85 as an indicator of potential problems which may warrant senior management attention. Other indicators of potential problems which will be assessed and acted upon include: a. Excessive deferrals of items affecting safety or material condition of readiness which degrades the command’s ability to meet its mission. b. Maintenance practices, which result in the accomplishment of easier MRs while consistently, neglecting the more difficult checks. c. Deferred maintenance on the quarterly schedule that extends beyond four quarters, annual checks beyond three quarters, and semiannual checks beyond two quarters. The forms in Appendix C to this enclosure shall be used to record the findings and PPR calculation. Appropriate comments should be included in the 3-M Assessment Summary Report by the 3-M Team Leader. Significant problem areas and recommended corrective actions should be included and addressed in any follow-up assist visits.


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Chapter 3 3-M MDS Assessment

300 - Introduction

Reference (a) prescribes the administrative procedures and organization requirements considered necessary to establish an effective 3-M System MDS program. Accordingly, each COMFIRSTNCD command having responsibility for equipment maintenance shall comply with the provisions of reference (a) as modified by this manual. Each command and its applicable departments/divisions/ work centers shall be reviewed periodically regarding the adequacy of their MDS Program and key related administrative programs and procedures.

301 - MDS Assessment Objectives

Documentation and validation of MDS data is a critical part of the overall maintenance management program. The MDS files form the basis for configuration management, logistics support, and maintenance availability or emergent repair planning. MDS assessments, like PMS assessments, are intended to emphasize COMFIRSTNCD’s commitment to Naval Construction Force readiness and the importance of these programs in achieving and maintaining that level of readiness. The MDS Assessment, by focusing on the key objectives listed in Chapter 8 of reference (a) and cited below, is intended to assist Commanders and their units in the early identification of procedural or material deficiencies as well as problem resolution. Selected MDS program checks, similar to PMS checks, shall be evaluated to assess the ship/craft/unit’s performance and success in meeting the following objectives: 1. Shipboard Ships Configuration and Logistics Support Information System (SCLSIS) or equivalent configuration data file matches actual equipment. 2. Logistics Support Data matches the actual equipment. 3. The CSMP accurately reflects the current material condition of the unit’s systems and/or equipment for use in the effective management of maintenance requirements. 4. Pre-transmittal review, up-line reporting, and Automated Shore Interface (ASI) processing (COSAL maintenance processing for non-automated activities) is accomplished in a timely manner.


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302 - MDS Assessment Guidance. To assist in conducting thorough assessments, the requirements of reference (a) and other directives have been incorporated into Appendix D to this enclosure. The purpose for reviewing the various program criteria is to identify deficiencies in administrative procedures that may have a detrimental effect on maintenance management and material/operational readiness. MDS assessments should be particularly concerned with the overall effectiveness of PMS and MDS administration and CSMP maintenance and utilization. These programs will be more thoroughly discussed in the following paragraphs.

303 - PMS/MDS Program Administration

1. PMS Administrative Program Effectiveness. The following factors directly impact the ability of an activity to meet the PMS Program objectives: a. Senior management involvement in the 3-M program through consistent and active participation in weekly real-time maintenance checks, Self-assessments, and problem resolution. b. Program publications, instructions, and manuals properly maintained and reflect the unit’s actual configuration [e.g., where applicable LOEPs match the COSAL or TOA (Table Of Allowance)]. c. 3-M training program includes PQS and formal schooling, as well as COSAL maintenance training, and is scheduled in the activity’s long-range training plan. d. Lock-Out/Tag-Out Program policies, procedures, and audits performed as required by references (c) and (e) of this instruction. Appendix G to this enclosure provides a sample vehicle tag out procedure. e. Proper use of the "Brown Line" method by deploying units as defined in paragraph 106. I.a. 2. MDS Program Effectiveness. As with PMS, key aspects of the MDS program include: a. CSMP provides correct information to allow effective planning for scheduled equipment maintenance, as well as unplanned emergent repairs.


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b. Configuration changes resulting from accomplishment of approved alterations are recorded and submitted on 4790/CKs in a timely manner. c. 3-M-Supply interface with particular attention on the quality of 1250/1 and 1250/2 preparation and submission to NAVSEALOGCEN for machinery history, COSAL maintenance, etc. d. Timely submission and follow up on Technical Feedback Reports, COSAL changes, CSMP entries, and other administrative actions.

304 - CSMP Purpose and Content

The CSMP is the cornerstone of the MDS program and is used for management of maintenance requirements from organizational-level PMS to depot level maintenance and everything in between. It provides maintenance managers with a consolidated listing of material deficiencies and/or requirements. The CSMP, in general, includes but is not limited to, the following three distinct parts: 1. Work Center Work List (WCWL). The WCWL is a list of all material discrepancies by unique Job Sequence Number (JSN) to be corrected by work center personnel or an outside activity. If more than 30 days have elapsed since a deferral was entered in the WCWL, and if a corrective action was not completed, the deferral should be transmitted for screening and up-line reporting into the activity’s 3-M data history file. Completed items shall be recorded as a 4790 completed action and likewise up-line reported via MRMS 2. Automated CSMP. This is a computer listing of deferred maintenance and alterations which have been identified and documented through submission of OPNAV 4790 documents by activity personnel and outside activities (e.g. NFELC, etc.) when authorized by COMFIRSTNCD. Each deferral should be written as if it were a work request that may require outside assistance. Source screening, and the review process embedded in the MicroSNAP program, provides the opportunity for maintenance managers to identify requirements for assistance and to assign accomplishment of maintenance requirements to specific periods.


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3. Suspense File. OPNAV 4790 documents for maintenance items that have been submitted but are not yet reflected in the CSMP reports or MDS Transaction and Error Identification Report make up the Suspense File.

305 - CSMP Maintenance and Utilization

1. CSMP Validation. If the unit’s CSMP performs no function of value to the user, then it simply becomes an administrative (paperwork) drill. The first step to CSMP viability is to conduct periodic reviews of the CSMP (Report 2) at the work center, division, department, and command levels with the specific purpose of eliminating entries which: a. Will never be completed due to cost-benefit tradeoffs or other reasons. b. Are already completed and should be passed to history. c. Are duplicates or paraphrase other entries.

d. Cannot be understood as written.

e. Are no longer relevant and should be canceled. 2. CSMP Purging. When this CSMP review is finished, completion or cancellation coded 4790/2K data should be entered in the unit’s CSMP file and then reported up-line into the MRMS CSMP database. 3. CSMP Quality Improvement. Once the CSMP has been purged and entries validated, future entries should be screened at appropriate levels to ensure: a. The problem is clearly stated. (What is wrong?)

b. The repair requirements are correctly articulated. (What is needed to fix the problem?) c. Known materials are specified as to size, amount, dimensions, and stock numbers. d. The deferral equipment nomenclature matches the


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installed equipment nomenclature. 4. CSMP Quality Determinations. During an MDS 3-M Team or Self-assessment, CSMP quality may be evaluated by using one or more of the following measurement indicators: a. Average age of CSMP entries. b. Average age of "Safety related" entries. c. CSMP size (number of entries). d. Percent of entries reviewed that require additional data or corrections to data provided. Each of these measures has a certain value if for no other reason than to point out trends or to highlight the need for more frequent unit CSMP review. None of them, however, should stand-alone as a measure of CSMP quality. 5. CSMP Utilization. All levels of management within a command or activity have need of a CSMP that accurately reflects the material condition of the unit. The CO/OIC and other senior managers may use the CSMP to assess mission readiness, determine need for outside assistance, and develop near-term operational, maintenance, and training plans. Middle managers (Department Heads, Company Commanders and Division Officers) should use the CSMP to plan use of their internal resources, assess operational readiness, and identify shortcomings in material, personnel, and logistics support. Finally, the work center supervisor uses the CSMP to manage the work center maintenance activities. The MDS assessment should evaluate the knowledge of these principal users both in CSMP use and content.


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Chapter 4 3-M "TYCOM" Supplementary Guidance

400 - Guidance

There are numerous instances in reference (a) where the reader is directed to the “TYCOM” for policy, guidance, authorization, etc. For the most part, guidance has been addressed earlier in this Instruction and in various applicable Maintenance Manual sections. In addition, authority has been delegated to cognizant Regimental or Seabee Readiness Group Commanders as COMFIRSTNCD representatives for various maintenance management functions. This section of this Instruction is intended to address those instances that require further clarification or supplementary guidance. For example, there are instances where "no action" is required or which are "not applicable" to COMFIRSTNCD activities. In those cases, the specific section of reference (a) will be cited and appropriately clarified. Where guidance is required, the applicable section of reference (a) will be cross-referenced to specific areas in this Instruction or provided directly. The following table lists in chronological order those sections of reference (a) that have implications for COMFIRSTNCD. The paragraph numbers and subject descriptions refer to reference (a). The last column identifies the section of Instruction containing the required guidance or provides the guidance explicitly.


Subject Comments/Guidance

2-3 Command Responsibility – 3-M ADP tools development process

Potential applications requiring modifications or additional programs must be proposed via the CoC to COMFIRSTNCD prior to implementation.

2-4.4 TYCOM Responsibilities

Refer to this instruction’s introductory letter & 105.1.

3-4.1 PMS Master File LOEP

No additional guidance required from COMFIRSTNCD.

3-4.5 Equipment Guide List (EGL)

Comply with ref (a) for EGL, refer to 106.5 for LGLs. No current TYCOM directed check off lists, Calibration Recall Programs or PMRs.


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Cycle PMS Schedule

Auto Scheduler forms are authorized for the Cycle Schedule. See 107.1.

3-4.16a PMS Force Revision

No Action Required.

3-4.18 Documentation Provided TYCOMs

No Action Required.

3-5.2 Responsibilities for Providing Coverage

Cat. B FBRs will be used to request PMS coverage. FBRs will be submitted to FTSCLANT/PAC via the cognizant NCR & COMFIRSTNCD. Local PMS procedures require NCR approval.

3-6.1 PMS Assistance Per 105 NCRs/SRGs are the POCs for PMS assistance.

5-2 Update of Shipboard PMS Package during overhaul

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

6-4.2.2 4790/CK Alteration and Installation

Ensure forms are completed & forwarded IAW current procedures.

6-4.2.3 3-M Reporting Requirements

COMFIRSTNCD units will use applicable MicroSNAP programs to meet these requirements.

6-5.1 SFWL/JSN Log The Work Center Work List (WCWL) is synonymous with the SFWL and will be used by COMFIRSTNCD units.

6-5.2 Deferred Maintenance Action

Per 304.1 &304.2, material deficiencies not corrected within 30 days will be documented in the CSMP.

6-5.3.1 Departure from Specifications

Shall be submitted using an OPNAV Form 4790/CK.

6-5.4 Documenting a Periodic Maintenance Requirement (PMR)

Report PMR documentation, deferral and completion using the same procedures as for other maintenance actions per Ref (a) Appendix C.

6-5.7 Selected Equipment List (SEL)

No action required.


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6-6 Screening and Submission Process

Unless otherwise directed, MDS documents do not require COMFIRSTNCD review and approval.

6-7 Current Ship’s Maintenance Project

Called “Current Seabee’s Maintenance Project” in COMFIRSTNCD. Per 304 &305 each unit is responsible for maintaining a CSMP.

7-4 Types of IMAVs Not applicable in COMFIRSTNCD. 7-5.1.1 Job Screening Work packages for COMFIRSTNCD

units will be developed by continuous screening for different types of material and equipment.

7-5.2.2 Planning and Estimating Process

No action required.

8-2,3 Assist Visits, TYCOM Assessments

Requests for assists will be forwarded to the cognizant NCR. Assessments will be scheduled per 102 and 105.

8-3.1,2 PMS Assessment, MDS Assessment

See Chapters 2 and 3 of this Instruction for guidance.

9-7 INSURV Inspection Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD. 10-1,2,3 Alteration

Management COMFIRSTNCD equipment and materials alterations will be developed and fielded by NAVFAC. COMFIRSTNCD will prioritize and coordinate unit installations.

10-3.4 IMA Organizational Responsibility (ALTs Mgt)

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

10-4 Alteration Process

NAVFAC will forward alteration documents and data to COMFIRSTNCD. COMFIRSTNCD will prioritize/schedule fielding and installation.

10-4.5 ADP Between 3-M and SCLSIS

No action required.

11-2.1.d Ship Inactivation PMS, MDS

COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required for unit inactivation.


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11-3.1,2 Ship Reactivation PMS, MDS

COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required for unit reactivation.

11-4,5 Ship Strike, Transfer to a Foreign Navy PMS, MDS

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

12-5 Ship’s 3-M On-line System

No Action Required.

13-1,2,3,4 3-M System Training

No Action Required, 105 assigns responsibilities and training requirements.

Page A-1 Data Element Descriptions and Validation Specifications

No additional COMFIRSTNCD guidance.

A-13 TYCOM Screening Leave blank unless otherwise directed by supplementary guidance.

A-14 Work Request Routine

Will be left blank.

A-15 Action Taken No Action Required. A-32 Key Event Not Applicable to COMFIRSTNCD. A-33 Lead Repair Work

Center Not Applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

A-36 Quality Assurance Requirements

Not Applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

A-40 Screening (TYCOM) COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required.

A-43 Special Data COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required

A-44 Departure Required

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

A-45 TYCOM Authorization, Screening, Signature

COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required..

A-46 Work Request Routine

Not Applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

B-7 AILSIN No entry required unless number has been assigned by Configuration Data, Platform or Item Manager.


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B-21 Identification Block 10,11,12

Not currently used, COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required.

B-23 Deferral/Action Block 27 Ship’s Force Man-hour remaining

Automated close out feature not authorized or applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

B-27 Remarks Block F,44,45,46

Deferrals management delegated to cognizant NCR. Additional codes will be promulgated by COMFIRSTNCD as required.

B-30 Work Req. Routine Blocks 56,57-63

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

B-31 Documenting a Completed Maintenance Action previously deferred

The Auto Close feature is not authorized or applicable for COMFIRSTNCD units.

B-35 Block 10,11,12 Not currently used, COMFIRSTNCD will provide guidance via separate correspondence when required.

B-48 Maintenance Planning and Estimating Form

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

Paragraph C-4.1

Use of the MJC Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

C-7.3 Other Automated Systems in-Support of PMR

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

C-8.6 Block 8 Screening Action, Block 12 Lead Work Center

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

C-8.8 MJC Alteration Documentation Differences

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

C-8.9 MJC Index and Statistics

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

C-8.11 Modification of On-site MJC

Not applicable to COMFIRSTNCD.

Table 10-3 3-M Program Guidance Cross Reference Index


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Appendix A Real-Time/Spot Check/Assessment Maintenance Check Procedures

The PMS Real-Time Maintenance Check program is the single most important tool a command can have in maintaining a successful 3-M Program. These checks provide the chain of command information on the status and material condition of its equipment as well as any problems with training, logistics support, and manpower. The following guidelines are provided to assist the command/activity/work center in developing, preparing, and performing PMS Real-Time Maintenance Checks. NOTE: These procedures with slight variations, as noted, shall also be used by the 3-M team during the periodic 3-M PMS Assessments.

1. Select MRs from the weekly PMS Schedule and confirm schedule and personnel assignment with the Work Center Supervisor (WCS). NOTE: For Assessments, use the Quarterly PMS Schedule and the accountability log to select and verify completed MRs.

2. Ensure the MRC date and MIP on the Weekly PMS Schedule match those on the Quarterly to ensure the maintenance action has been properly scheduled. NOTE: For Assessments, compare data to what is recorded in the accountability log.

3. Personnel observing the check should ask the designated maintenance person if they have ever performed this MR to determine their familiarity and/or experience with the check. NOTE: For Assessments, the question is intended to determine if the accountability log is correct or if another person performed the check. In addition, the maintenance person should be asked if there were any outstanding maintenance discrepancies or anything that prohibited him/her from completing 100% of the required maintenance on the MRC.

4. Observers should familiarize themselves with the MRC maintenance procedures prior to having the maintenance person start the maintenance action. 5. Observers shall ensure compliance with lock-out/tag-out procedures. Do not check the lock-out/tag-out log only but go to the equipment and ensure it is locked/tagged out. In some cases it may be necessary to lock-out/tag out an entire system. In such cases, ensure the entire system is in fact locked/tagged out.

Appendix A-1

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6. Observers shall ensure the maintenance person complies with all safety regulations and that maintenance is performed using the appropriate safety equipment. Some safety equipment also requires PMS be performed before performing PMS on equipment, i.e., a safety harness requires a R-1 maintenance requirement before it can be used. The R-1 must be performed on the safety harness, if not, the maintenance action shall be stopped and evaluated as not accomplished. 7. Observers shall ensure maintenance personnel performing the PMS adhere to all warnings on the MRC cards. 8. Observers do not require the maintenance person to perform all the maintenance on all the equipment listed on an EGL (as applicable). Instead, have the maintenance person perform all the steps on one piece of equipment. NOTE: For assessments, visually check the remainder of the equipment on the EGL for evidence that the maintenance has been performed. This validates the accuracy of the EGL and ensures that maintenance was actually accomplished.

9. Observers must let the maintenance person demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to perform the maintenance on the MRC. Do not allow them to talk their way through the MRC maintenance procedures and do not coach maintenance personnel through the maintenance procedures. 10. Observers must observe the maintenance person’s actions to ensure all steps on the MRC card are followed. 11. Observers must check any test equipment used to ensure it is within its certified calibration date. If the test equipment is out of calibration, the maintenance action will be assessed as not accomplished. 12. Observers shall check the MIP to see if there is any related maintenance required to be performed in conjunction with the MRC that is being checked. If there is related maintenance, both MRs must be accomplished. If only one of the MRs is accomplished, the primary MR will be assessed as not accomplished. 13. Observers must not be too lenient with EFFECTIVE or NOT ACCOMPLISHED evaluations. Being too lenient causes an inflation of the assessment and will not correct problems.

Appendix A-2

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NOTE: For Assessments, observers shall review the Work Center Work List (WCWL) to determine if all outstanding discrepancies have been properly recorded and, if necessary, documented on 4790/2K and entered in the Current Seabee Maintenance Project (CSMP).

14. The "Real-Time Maintenance Check" program must cover the full spectrum of the 3-M system and equipment in a command. Do not check only those equipment or systems one feels comfortable with but, all Work Centers, all equipment, and all systems must receive their fair share of checks to make the program work. Checks must be conducted on a regular basis as outlined earlier in this Chapter.

Appendix A-3

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Observer Date

W/C MIP # MRC Code

Week accomplished

Equip. Name

Maintenance Person


Selecting a Maintenance Requirement from the Weekly/Quarterly Schedule

Y N N/A A. Real-Time Maintenance Check Select MR from the PMS Weekly Schedule 1. Does this MR and MIP match the PMS Quarterly [ ] [ ] Schedule? 2. Does date in Weekly Schedule correspond with [ ] [ ] [ ] the Quarterly Schedule? 3. Has the WCS/DO signed the weekly schedule? [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Did maintenance person ensure the MRC was [ ] [ ] [ ] current? a. Does MRC Control Number match number [ ] [ ] [ ] on MIP? b. Does MIP Control Number match number [ ] [ ] [ ] on LOEP? c. Is LOEP current with the latest FR? [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Is an EGL/LGL required? [ ] [ ] [ ]

B. 3-M PMS Spot Check - Select from PMS Quarterly Schedule 1. Is this MR in the accountability log? [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Does date in accountability log correspond [ ] [ ] [ ] with the quarterly schedule?

Appendix A-4

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3. Has the WCS/DH/CC updated the weekly/ [ ] [ ] [ ] quarterly schedules? 4. Did maintenance person ensure the MRC was [ ] [ ] [ ] current? a. Does MRC Control Number match number [ ] [ ] [ ] on MIP? b. Does MIP Control Number match number [ ] [ ] [ ] on LOEP? c. Is LOEP current with the latest FR? [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Did maintenance person actually perform [ ] [ ] [ ] this MR? 6. Are there any uncorrected discrepancies? [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Is an EGL/LGL required and attached to the [ ] [ ] [ ] MRC?


Instruct the maintenance person to perform the PMS check per the MRC. Note: Not all equipment on the EGL needs to be observed. For an Assessment, the other equipment should be checked for evidence of the maintenance being performed as required.

Appendix A-5

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1. Were standard safety procedures followed? [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Were Tag-Out procedures IAW OPNAVINST [ ] [ ] [ ] 3120.32C used? a. Has W/C tag-out log been audited within [ ] [ ] [ ] the last week? b. Did the WCS issue, sign, and log [ ] [ ] [ ] (red laminated) tags? c. Is TGL properly signed, laminated, [ ] [ ] [ ] and attached to MRC? d. Was the CDO notified as per the TGL? [ ] [ ] [ ] e. Did the maintenance person use the TGL [ ] [ ] [ ] to hang the tags? f. Did the maintenance person sign the tag [ ] [ ] [ ] after it was hung? g. Was a second independent verification of [ ] [ ] [ ] tag conducted? h. Did the 2nd person sign the tag after it [ ] [ ] [ ] was hung? 3. Are portable tools (e.g. vacuum cleaner) [ ] [ ] [ ] safety checked? 4. Were checks done on safety equipment (e.g. [ ] [ ] [ ] rubber gloves/safety harness) immediately prior to each use?


1. Are all blanks (location; parts, procedures [ ] [ ] [ ] etc.) on the MRC filled in? 2. Were all steps of the MRC completed step by [ ] [ ] [ ] step? 3. Was mandatory related maintenance performed [ ] [ ] [ ] and recorded?

Appendix A-6

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4. Were all required tools/materials available [ ] [ ] [ ] and IAW MRC? 5. Is the test equipment calibrated? [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Was the maintenance person familiar with the [ ] [ ] [ ] equipment and MRC? 7. Were all applicable deficiencies documented [ ] [ ] [ ] in the WCWL?


Evaluation Results: (Select "Effective" or "Ineffective" and appropriate qualifier) [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] INEFFECTIVE [ ] FULL [ ] SAFETY [ ] INTENT [ ] OTHER NOTE: IF REQUIRED, CONTINUE COMMENTS/REMARKS ON THE REVERSE SIDE Maintenance Person

W/C Supervisor Supervisor

Appendix A-7

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Appendix A-8

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Appendix B

3-M PMS Cycle/Quarterly/Weekly Schedules Questionnaires


Reference: OPNAVINST 4790.4, Para 3-4.11.1 Y N N/A 1. Are cycle schedules typed or neatly entered [ ] [ ] [ ] in black ink and legible? (Changes maybe made in ink) 2. Are work centers properly indicated? [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. Are all MIPs listed in LOEP? [ ] [ ] [ ] 4. Are all items in LOEP applicable to the [ ] [ ] [ ] work center? 5. Is equipment quantity properly reflected by [ ] [ ] [ ] individual entries and identification/serial numbers, Equipment Guide List (EGL), or USN numbers? 6. Are MR periodicities in accordance with the [ ] [ ] [ ] applicable MIPs? 7. Are “A”, “S”, and multiple-month MRs [ ] [ ] [ ] scheduled properly? 8. Are multiple month checks scheduled for the [ ] [ ] [ ] quarters in which they are to be accomplished? 9. Are all mandatory and convenience related [ ] [ ] [ ] MRs scheduled in the same column with the primary MR? 10. Are all “2W”, “M”, multiple-month, “Q”, [ ] [ ] [ ] and situation requirements entered in the "Each Quarter Column?" 11. If the unit has a maintenance cycle of [ ] [ ] [ ] less than 24 quarters, are MRs scheduled within the operational time frame?

Appendix B-1

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3-M PMS Cycle/Quarterly/Weekly Schedules Questionnaires (cont’d) 12. Unless specifically stipulated on an MRC, [ ] [ ] [ ] are MRs scheduled in quarters other than the quarter immediately prior to the end of the cycle? 13. Is the workload properly balanced? [ ] [ ] [ ] 14. Are Force Revision (FR) and Special Issue [ ] [ ] [ ] (SI) changes correctly reflected? 15. Is cycle schedule signed and dated by [ ] [ ] [ ] Department Head (or equivalent)?

Appendix B-2

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Reference: OPNAVINST 4790.4, Para 3-4.11.2

Y N N/A 1. Is header data complete and up to date [ ] [ ] [ ] (Work center, Year, Quarter After Overhaul, (if required), Date, Months Covered)? 2. Did the Department Head (or equivalent) [ ] [ ] [ ] approve the schedule (sign and date)? 3. Are dates for the Mondays of each week [ ] [ ] [ ] properly entered on pedestals and the starting date for the quarter correct (first Monday of the quarter)? 4. Are expected deployment/operational period [ ] [ ] [ ] shaded in with pencil across the tick marks? 5. Does the Maintenance Index Page (MIP) [ ] [ ] [ ] sequence read line-for-line with the cycle schedule ? 6. Do the MRs scheduled reflect those for the [ ] [ ] [ ] current quarter on the cycle schedule? 7. Are entries legible? [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. Are all MRs properly scheduled within the [ ] [ ] [ ] required intervals? 9. Are all mandatory and convenience related [ ] [ ] [ ] MRs scheduled in the same week as the Primary MR (except daily and weekly MRs)? 10. Is the workload properly balanced? [ ] [ ] [ ] 11. Are MRs not accomplished as scheduled [ ] [ ] [ ] circled and, where possible, rescheduled? 12. Is the back of the schedule used to [ ] [ ] [ ] properly annotate partial or non-accomplished MRs?

Appendix B-3

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QUARTERLY PMS SCHEDULE QUESTIONNAIRE (cont’d) 13. Are MRs erroneously rescheduled into [ ] [ ] [ ] following periods? 14. When possible, are Situation Requirements [ ] [ ] [ ] scheduled in advance? 15. Is the “RESCHEDULE” column used to indicate [ ] [ ] [ ] scheduling to subsequent quarter? 16. Are procedures established to ensure [ ] [ ] [ ] priority is given to monthly and quarterly maintenance requirements not accomplished during previous quarter and other MRs deferred from previous quarter? 17. Did the Department Head’s (or equivalent) [ ] [ ] [ ] review and sign on the back of the previous quarter’s schedule?

Appendix B-4

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WEEKLY PMS SCHEDULE QUESTIONNAIRE Reference: OPNAVINST 4790.4, Para 3-4,11.3 Y N N/A 1. Is the weekly schedule readily available [ ] [ ] [ ] within the work center? 2. Is the “PMS Schedule for Week of” block [ ] [ ] [ ] entry correct? 3. Did the Division Officer, or equivalent, [ ] [ ] [ ] review and sign prior to Monday noon? 4. Do MIPs and components read line for line [ ] [ ] [ ] with the Quarterly schedule, including serial and ID numbers and EGL information? 5. Are all Daily, Weekly, and Situation [ ] [ ] [ ] Requirements listed on MIPs entered properly on the weekly schedule? 6. Are all mandatory and convenience related [ ] [ ] [ ] MRs scheduled on the same day with the primary MR? 7. Does scheduling indicate consideration was [ ] [ ] [ ] given to the unit’s operating/maintenance schedule? 8. Are MRs, known to be due in next four weeks, [ ] [ ] [ ] entered in the “Next 4 Weeks” column? 9. Are personnel assigned by name to equipment [ ] [ ] [ ] listed on the schedule? 10. Is the schedule being maintained in a [ ] [ ] [ ] legible, clearly understandable manner?

Appendix B-5

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Appendix B-6

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Appendix C 3-M PMS/MDS Assessment Summary Report Forms

1. The following forms are recommended for use in conducting 3-M PMS/MDS Assessments: a. Work Center 3-M PMS Assessment Worksheet. Used to record the findings of the examination of work center schedules, analysis of the random sample of PMS MRs recorded as accomplished, and 3-M administration. b. Work Center CSMP Assessment Worksheet. Used to record the results of the review of the random sample of Work Center CSMP entries selected for assessment using the guidance of Tab B to Appendix D to this enclosure. c. 3-M PMS/MDS Assessment Summary Worksheet. Prepared for each ship, department, or division with multiple work centers to summarize the findings within the activity/organization to calculate the consolidated unit/department/company/division PMS Performance Rate and record the overall evaluation. d. 3-M PMS/MDS Assessment Summary Report. To be attached to the 3-M PMS/MDS Assessment Summary Worksheets with the following: (1) Amplification of discrepancies found. (2) Other observations taken into consideration. (3) Notation of exceptional performance. (4) Other noteworthy conditions relating to maintenance or maintenance management. (5) Recommendations as appropriate.

Appendix C-1

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Appendix C-2

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WORK CENTER________________ DATE____________

____________ __________ _________ _____ TOTAL CSMP CSMP JSNs CSMP JSNs CUP%



NOTE: CSMP CUP= (#SAT/#Reviewed) X 100

Appendix C-3

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Appendix C-4




PMS Performance Analysis (Quantitative) MRS Scheduled

Recorded ACCOMPL


Sample #





CSMP Useful (“Spot Check”) Percentage Assessment


JSNs Reviewed


Activity Overall 3-M Program Summary Assessment (Effective, Deficient, Ineffective) Program

(Tabs A to F)

Exec. Level

Dept. Level

Div. Level

W/C Level

CSMP Mgmt.


Supply 3-M PQS


NOTE: PMS Recorded Accomplishment Ratio (RAR) = MRs Recorded Accomplished / MRs Scheduled PMS Accomplishment Confidence Factor (ACF) = (E - N - (P/2)) / E E = Total MRs Evaluated

N = Total MRs Evaluated as Not Accomplished P = Total MRs Evaluated as Partially Accomplished (Meaning Significant Partial)

PMS Performance Rate = PMS RAR X PMS ACF CSMP CSMP Useful Percentage (CUP) = (# of Satisfactory Entries Reviewed / Total # of Entries Reviewed) X 100

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004


Appendix C-5

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Appendix D 3-M MDS Assessment Questionnaires

TAB A: 3-M Organization and Administration Guidelines


Y N N/A Part A. General 1. Is the Commanding Officer briefed at [ ] [ ] [ ] regular intervals on the status of the 3-M System, both PMS and MDS? 2. Does the Executive Officer schedule and act [ ] [ ] [ ] as chairman of periodic meetings with department heads and the 3-M Coordinator to monitor 3-M Program performance? 3. Has an officer, chief petty officer, or [ ] [ ] [ ] senior petty officer been assigned in writing as the 3-M Coordinator? a. If an allowance exists for a 3-M [ ] [ ] [ ] Coordinator, is this the primary duty? b. If the allowance does not exist is it [ ] [ ] [ ] assigned as a “most significant collateral duty”? 4. Has the 3-M Coordinator: a. Adequate 3-M experience and training? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. NEC 9517 (3-M Coordinator)? [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Does the 3-M Coordinator maintain and [ ] [ ] [ ] distribute an up-to-date file of the key directives, instructions, and notices (See Tab D)? 6. Does the 3-M Coordinator distribute pertinent [ ] [ ] [ ] 3-M information to work center personnel? 7. Is there a command program to ensure that [ ] [ ] [ ] appropriate personnel receive adequate and effective 3-M training?

Appendix D-1

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Part B. Planned Maintenance System (PMS) 1. Does the Commanding Officer perform a [ ] [ ] [ ] minimum of one real time maintenance check per month to ensure compliance with PMS program directives? 2. Does the 3-M Coordinator: a. Regularly monitor each department to [ ] [ ] [ ] ensure PMS installation is kept current and correct? b. Have an effective procedure for routing [ ] [ ] [ ] and explaining PMS documentation changes (received via FR, Special Issue (SI), Document Information Transmittal (DIT, or Advance Change Notice (ACN) to all concerned in a timely manner? c. Maintain an effective accountability [ ] [ ] [ ] log for FR, SI, DIT, and ACNs including an entry when each department has installed changes? d. Promptly screen, serialize, and submit [ ] [ ] [ ] all PMS Feedback Reports (FBRS)? e. Ensure improperly prepared FBRs are [ ] [ ] [ ] returned to originating work center for correction? f. Maintain the command master file, a [ ] [ ] [ ] suspense file of outstanding FBRs (blue copy), and responses to FBRs? g. Route the originator’s FBR copy (green [ ] [ ] [ ] copy) and responses to FBRs to the originating Department/work center? 3. Does the command have an effective program to evaluate PMS performance that addresses: a. The degree of supervision and attention [ ] [ ] [ ] given to PMS? b. PMS supervisory and quality control [ ] [ ] [ ] practices?

Appendix D-2

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

c. Proper use of applicable EGLs and/or LGLs? [ ] [ ] [ ] d. Excessive deferral of MRs beyond [ ] [ ] [ ] periodicity?

4. Does the Command have a Weekly Real-Time Maintenance check program that includes or verifies the following: a. One check per work center by an E-6 or [ ] [ ] [ ] above?

b. Commanding Officer or representative [ ] [ ] [ ] assigns personnel to conduct Real-Time Maintenance checks? c. MRCs are valid and tailored to equipment? [ ] [ ] [ ] d. Maintenance personnel are familiar with [ ] [ ] [ ] the equipment and MRC? e. All safety requirements were fully [ ] [ ] [ ] complied with? f. All steps of the MRC were properly [ ] [ ] [ ] performed and recorded or partial credit taken with follow-up corrective action initiated? g. All applicable EGLs/LGLs are accurate [ ] [ ] [ ] and maintenance performed? Part C. Maintenance Management (MDS/CSMP) 1. Does the 3-M Coordinator: a. Maintain an up-to-date Equipment [ ] [ ] [ ] Identification Code (EIC) Master Index and Selected Equipment List (SEL)? b. Screen MDS documents for legibility [ ] [ ] [ ] and completeness? c. Ensure improperly prepared documents are [ ] [ ] [ ] returned to the originating work, center expeditiously corrected, and returned for processing?

Appendix D-3

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 d. Submit all MDS documents or ADP output [ ] [ ] [ ] media to the designated ADP center weekly and not later than seven days after receipt? e. Have an effective system of accountability[ ] [ ] [ ] for MDS documents received, returned for correction, and forwarded for processing? f. Properly maintain the Master CSMP? [ ] [ ] [ ] g. Promptly distribute copies of the CSMP [ ] [ ] [ ] to Department Heads? h. Route a copy of the CSMP to the CO and [ ] [ ] [ ] XO? i. As ADP 3-M Functional Area Supervisor: (1) Assign user access to the ADP system [ ] [ ] [ ] within the MDS? (2) Maintain the work center and Seabee’s [ ] [ ] [ ] Unique Data (SUD) titles? (3) Produce external MDS reports and internal management reports that include: (a) CSMP printouts? [ ] [ ] [ ] (b) Work Package reports? [ ] [ ] [ ] (c) Copies of work requests? [ ] [ ] [ ] (d) Seabee’s Equipment File summary [ ] [ ] [ ] and analysis reports? (e) Logistic Support Data reports? [ ] [ ] [ ] (f) Transaction reports? [ ] [ ] [ ] (g) Maintain copies of the last 13 [ ] [ ] [ ] weeks work center weekly PMS Reports? (h) Provide EXECUTIVE LEVEL configuration change reporting support to include:

Appendix D-4

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

(a) Review of all 4790/CKs [ ] [ ] [ ] for legibility? (b) 4790/CKs are submitted [ ] [ ] [ ] whenever any System or Component/Equipment within the Command is removed, modified, installed, or relocated? (c) Proper entry of the 4790/CK [ ] [ ] [ ] into the Micro-SNAP System? (d) Maintain the latest copy of [ ] [ ] [ ] the NICP monthly OPNAV 4790/CK status report (MCMAR) Processing summary and distribute the information to all Departments? (e) Do Supply Department [ ] [ ] [ ] Personnel retain the second copy of each 4790/CK? (non-automated activities only) (f) Does the Work Center maintain [ ] [ ] [ ] the third copy of the non-automated 4790/2K? 2. Are applicable EIC and Job Sequence Number [ ] [ ] [ ] (JSN) entries being made on PMS related supply documents? 3. Does the Supply Department effectively support the PMS and maintenance program by establishing: a. A Supply Support Center (SSC)? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. Pre expended bins? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. Internal supply documentation to request [ ] [ ] [ ] and report usage of PMS-related material and turn-in of repairables? d. Are Supply Department personnel instructed [ ] [ ] [ ] in 3-M Systems and their interface with the Supply System?

Appendix D-5

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Part D. Executive Level 3-M Administration Evaluation. Based on the foregoing (Part A through C) is it considered that the executive level procedures of this command/activity are adequate to support an effective maintenance management program that includes both PMS and repair maintenance? [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-6

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

II. DEPARTMENTAL Y N N/A Part A. General 1. Has the Department Head: a. Attended the Maintenance and Material [ ] [ ] [ ] Management (3-M) Operations and administration training course (or STEP CD ROM, or equivalent)? b. Completed 3-M PQS (NAVEDTRA 43241-H)? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. Have responsibilities been delegated by [ ] [ ] [ ] the Department Head only to equally, or more highly, qualified individuals (example, A6 delegating 3-M responsibilities to A4)? Part B. Planned Maintenance System (PMS) 1. Does the Department Head or his/her 3-M [ ] [ ] [ ] assistant maintain an up-to-date file of key 3-M directives, notices, and instructions (see Tab D)? 2. Are the following properly maintained and up to date: a. Departmental Master PMS Manual? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. Department Master MRC/EGL/TGL decks? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. File of previous four Quarterly PMS [ ] [ ] [ ] Schedules, each to be retained for a period of one year (note: may be retained by 3-M Coordinator or in the Auto-Scheduler database)? 3. Is the OPNAV Form 4790.17B, PMS Feedback Report (FBR) program properly managed as follows: a. Promptly reviewed for accuracy and [ ] [ ] [ ] completeness, signed by the department head, and forwarded to the 3-M Coordinator? b. Properly filed by originator (green copy)?[ ] [ ] [ ] c. Responses routed back to the originator? [ ] [ ] [ ]

Appendix D-7

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4. Do Department records indicate that FRs, [ ] [ ] [ ] ACNs and special issues/DITs are properly entered in the Work Center manuals (43-P1)? 5. Does the Department Head: a. Supervise and ensure the proper [ ] [ ] [ ] preparation of Cycle and Quarterly PMS Schedules before signing these schedules? b. Ensure that a Chief Petty Officer or [ ] [ ] [ ] Senior Petty Officer, if no Chief Petty Officer is available, is assigned as the Work Center Supervisor and that this assignment is his/her primary collateral responsibility, and not delegated to a subordinate? c. Ensure that priority is given to completing[ ] [ ] [ ] maintenance actions rescheduled from the previous quarter and those not accomplished within their assigned periodicity? d. Randomly review PMS schedules at least [ ] [ ] [ ] weekly to ensure proper accomplishment or rescheduling of MRs? e. Give adequate attention to MRs not [ ] [ ] [ ] accomplished within periodicity to determine reasons for non-accomplishment and to provide assistance in obtaining tools, parts, time, personnel, etc. to correct the condition? f. Conduct Real-Time Maintenance checks of [ ] [ ] [ ] Maintenance Requirements (MRs) currently scheduled to ensure PMS is performed in accordance with the MRC? g. Ensure that PMS either partially [ ] [ ] [ ] accomplished or not accomplished is properly documented on the back of Quarterly PMS Schedules with sufficient information to accurately describe the reason for non-completion and sign the back of the schedules for the quarter just ending to indicate awareness thereof?

Appendix D-8

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 h. Give adequate attention to Situation [ ] [ ] [ ] Requirement MRs to ensure that they are properly accomplished and documented? i. Have an effective training program on [ ] [ ] [ ] PMS procedures (at least PQS-301 maintenance person level qualified) for all personnel to ensure proper scheduling and accomplishment? Part C. Maintenance Management (MDS/CSMP) 1. Are all noted material deficiencies promptly[ ] [ ] [ ] and properly documented on the CSMP and/or Work Center Work List, using OPNAV 4790/2K format? 2. Are all completed maintenance actions [ ] [ ] [ ] (including those on SEL and SURV deficiencies) promptly documented on OPNAV 4790/2K or 4790/CK Forms? 3. Does the Department Head: a. Review all MDS documents and promptly [ ] [ ] [ ] forward to the 3-M Coordinator? b. Review the CSMP/WCWL to ensure that all [ ] [ ] [ ] deficiencies are recorded and that effective follow-up corrective action occurs? c. Ensure that appropriate personnel are [ ] [ ] [ ] properly trained and motivated concerning timely and accurate MDS documentation, use of CSMPs, AWRs, MHRs, 4790/2K, 4790/CK and all MDS related forms?

Appendix D-9

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Part D. Department Level 3-M Administration Evaluation. Based on the foregoing (Part A through C) is it considered that the departmental level procedures of this command/activity are adequate to support an effective Maintenance Management Program that includes both PMS and repair maintenance? [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations: ____________________________________



________________________________________________________________ _________________ 3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-10

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 III. DIVISION Y N N/A Part A. General 1. Has the Division Officer: a. Completed the STEP CD ROM course for [ ] [ ] [ ] 3-M Operation and Administration? b. Completed 3-M PQS (NAVEDTRA 43241-H)? [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Does the Division Officer: a. Incorporate 3-M training into the [ ] [ ] [ ] divisional training plan? b. Meet with work center Supervisors and [ ] [ ] [ ] inform the Department Head at least weekly concerning the status of 3-M within the respective division? c. Ensure division 3-M files, publications, [ ] [ ] [ ] and MRC/EGL/TGL decks are complete and current? Part B. Planned Maintenance System (PMS) 1. Does the Division Officer: a. Supervise preparation of Weekly schedules? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. Ensure Weekly schedules reflect the [ ] [ ] [ ] Quarterly schedules before signing? c. Ensure that weekly schedules are properly utilized to: (1) Plan daily division work? [ ] [ ] [ ] (2) Record completed maintenance? [ ] [ ] [ ] (3) Defer maintenance not accomplished as [ ] [ ] [ ] scheduled? d. Conduct Real-Time Maintenance checks of [ ] [ ] [ ] Maintenance Requirements (MRs) currently scheduled to ensure PMS is accomplished as prescribed by the MRCs?

Appendix D-11

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 e. Ensure the work center supervisor [ ] [ ] [ ] reviews MIPs/MRCs to ensure that MRs are complete, applicable, and correct? f. Keep the department head informed each [ ] [ ] [ ] week of the status of 3-M system within his/her division? g. Ensure the Quarterly schedules are [ ] [ ] [ ] updated weekly to reflect MRs completed, partially completed, or deferred; and that partials or maintenance deferred to the ensuing quarter are properly documented on the back of the Quarterly Schedule providing sufficient information to justify deferral/partial? h. Give adequate attention to MRs recorded as [ ] [ ] [ ] accomplished or not accomplished within periodicity to determine reasons for non-accomplishment and to provide assistance in obtaining tools, parts, personnel, time, external assistance, etc.? i. Work in conjunction with the 3-M [ ] [ ] [ ] coordinator in matters concerning 3-M systems? j. Ensure work center PMS records and MRC/ [ ] [ ] [ ] EGL/TGL decks are complete and up-to-date? k. Ensure assigned personnel are adequately trained in: (1) PMS procedures? [ ] [ ] [ ] (2) Equipment Danger Tag-out procedures? [ ] [ ] [ ] Part C. Maintenance Management (MDS/CSMP) 1. Does the Division Officer: a. Ensure MDS directives, SEL, EIC Index, [ ] [ ] [ ] and forms are up-to-date and available? b. Review all MDS documents for completeness/[ ] [ ] [ ] accuracy and promptly forward to the Department Head? c. Ensure a complete CSMP consisting of the [ ] [ ] [ ] following is maintained for the division, for the work center, and, where applicable, on the ADP data base?

Appendix D-12

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 (1) Computer-produced listing of deferred [ ] [ ] [ ] maintenance or alterations? (2) A suspense file or MDS documents [ ] [ ] [ ] submitted but not yet reflected in CSMP reports? (3) A Work Center Work List/JCN (WCWL/JCN)[ ] [ ] [ ] Log listing all material discrepancies to be either corrected by the unit or an outside activity? d. Ensure an effective plan for correction [ ] [ ] [ ] of material deficiencies is in effect? Part D. Division Level 3-M Administration Evaluation. Based on the foregoing (Part A through C) it is considered that the division level procedures of the command/activity are adequate to support an effective maintenance management program that includes both PMS and repair maintenance. [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-13

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

IV. WORK CENTER Y N N/A Part A. General 1. Is the work center supervisor: a. The most senior chief petty officer [ ] [ ] [ ] (E-7 to E-9) or most senior petty officer assigned within the work center? b. Responsible for the effective operation [ ] [ ] [ ] of 3-M within the work center? This responsibility shall not be delegated to subordinate personnel. c. Responsible for scheduling weekly work [ ] [ ] [ ] center maintenance and supervising its proper accomplishment? d. Ensuring the Division Officer is advised [ ] [ ] [ ] of all activity within the work center? e. Ensuring all noted material deficiencies [ ] [ ] [ ] and completed corrective actions are promptly documented on OPNAV 4790/2K or 4790/CK as required? f. Using PMS as a training aid in [ ] [ ] [ ] maintenance procedures? 2. Has the work center supervisor: a. Completed the STEP CD ROM course for [ ] [ ] [ ] 3-M Operation and Administration? b. Completed applicable 3-M PQS (NAVEDTRA [ ] [ ] [ ] 43241-H)? Part B. Planned Maintenance System (PMS) 1. Does the work center supervisor: a. Properly prepare the Weekly PMS [ ] [ ] [ ] Schedule(s)? b. Require work center personnel to report [ ] [ ] [ ] completed, partially completed, and Non-accomplished maintenance requirements?

Appendix D-14

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 c. Ensure the weekly schedule correctly [ ] [ ] [ ] reflects MRs accomplished, partial, or not accomplished on a daily basis? d. Ensure work center weekly PMS report is [ ] [ ] [ ] submitted to 3-M Coordinator via Division Officer and Department Head every Monday? e. Ensure last thirteen weeks of [ ] [ ] [ ] accountability log is kept? 2. Work center PMS Manual: a. Is it complete and up-to-date with the [ ] [ ] [ ] latest FR and SI? b. Do the MIPs agree with the current LOEP? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. Does the PMS documentation correctly [ ] [ ] [ ] reflect work center equipment configuration? 3. Is the work center MRC Deck complete and [ ] [ ] [ ] correct in accordance with the current SFR, LOEP, MIPs, SIs and ACNs? 4. On applicable MRCs: a. Are the blanks on the MRCs properly [ ] [ ] [ ] filled in where required? b. Are equipment locations blocks completed? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. Are EGLs used when a MRC applies to a [ ] [ ] [ ] number of identical pieces of equipment? d. Are the EGLs prepared correctly and [ ] [ ] [ ] attached to the applicable MRC? e. Are TGLs prepared in accordance with [ ] [ ] [ ] OPNAVINST 3120.32 Article 630.17, and Appendix F to this enclosure? 5. Is adequate attention given scheduled [ ] [ ] [ ] maintenance requirements not completed within periodicity to ensure priority is given to early

Appendix D-15

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 accomplishment or is action taken to correct the situation which prevented completion? 6. Does the work center supervisor: a. Schedule weekly maintenance and supervise[ ] [ ] [ ] its proper accomplishment? b. Use PMS as an aid in training maintenance[ ] [ ] [ ] personnel in maintenance procedures for equipment within the work center?

Part C. Maintenance Management (MDS/CSMP) 1. Are the following available and up-to-date: a. Appropriate 3-M Manual(s)? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. SEL? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. Adequate supply of MDS forms? [ ] [ ] [ ] 2. Does the work center supervisor: a. Ensure prompt documentation of all noted material deficiencies on: (1) SFWL/WCWL/JCN Log? [ ] [ ] [ ] (2) OPNAV 4790/2K if required? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. Promptly document completed maintenance [ ] [ ] [ ] actions on OPNAV 4790/2K or OPNAV 4790/CK Forms, as required? c. Maintain control and accountability of [ ] [ ] [ ] JCNs within the work center? d. Ensure all MDS documents submitted from [ ] [ ] [ ] the work center are correct, legible, and promptly prepared and submitted to the Division Officer? e. Verify the CSMP is current and complete? [ ] [ ] [ ]

Appendix D-16

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

f. Review the CSMP to ensure all reported [ ] [ ] [ ] deficiencies are properly recorded and that follow-up corrective action is taken? g. Maintain an accurate and current LOEP [ ] [ ] [ ] by comparing the configuration documentation with the actual equipment in the work center? h. Have an adequate understanding of: (1) MDS documentation and its importance? [ ] [ ] [ ] (2) Use of the EIC Master Index? [ ] [ ] [ ] (3) Use of the Work Center Work List? [ ] [ ] [ ] (4) Use of the CSMP? [ ] [ ] [ ] (5) Use of the AWRs? [ ] [ ] [ ] (6) Material History Requirements? [ ] [ ] [ ] (7) Use of the OPNAV 4790/CK configuration[ ] [ ] [ ] change reporting?

3. Does the Work Center CSMP: a. Contain a WCWL/JCN Log which lists [ ] [ ] [ ] deficiencies to be corrected by either organizational personnel or an outside activity? b. Contain a suspense file of MDS documents [ ] [ ] [ ] that have been submitted but are not yet reflected on the CSMP? c. Contain a current CSMP Report l Option B? [ ] [ ] [ ] d. Contain a current CSMP Report 2 Option A? [ ] [ ] [ ] e. Reflect the current work center material [ ] [ ] [ ] deficiencies? f. Narrative adequately describes deficien- [ ] [ ] [ ] cies and corrective action taken?

Appendix D-17

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Part D. Division Level 3-M Administration Evaluation. Based on the forgoing (PART A through C) is it considered that the division level procedures of this command/activity are adequate to support an effective maintenance management program that includes both PMS and repair maintenance? [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-18

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

TAB B: Current SEABEES Maintenance Project (CSMP) Assessment Criteria

1. A CSMP will normally be judged ineffective when the CSMP Useful Percentage (CUP) is less than 85% or when in the judgment of the assessor the CSMP is not being utilized as intended. For the CSMP to be properly utilized it must accurately reflect the material condition of the work center. All discrepancies must be recorded by the Work Center Supervisor in one of the following fashions: as a Seabee’s Force Work List (SFWL), Work Center Work List (WCWL) entry (4790/2K), Maintenance Data System (MDS) CSMP entry (4790/2K), or a configuration change entry (4790/CK). A command/activity’s CSMP will normally be judged ineffective if two or more Work Center CSMPs are graded ineffective. Numerical grades will not be assigned; the CSMP will be assessed as EFFECTIVE or INEFFECTIVE.

a. The CSMP Useful Percentage (CUP) will be determined by the following mathematical equation: NUMBER OF SATISFACTORY ENTRIES REVIEWED x 100% = CUP TOTAL NUMBER OF ENTRIES REVIEWED b. The 3-M Team may request and utilize CSMP reports from the 3-M Coordinator of the command up to 10 days prior to the 3-M Assessment. c. A sample size of 5% to 10% of the entries per work center shall be selected for evaluation.

2. A MDS, CSMP, SFWL or WCWL entry is unsatisfactory if it has one or more of the following deficiencies:

a. The JSN or the Work Center is erroneous.

b. The APL Block is incorrect when: (1) The APL is missing and the component is listed in the command’s COSAL. (2) Entries which have ‘NOT LISTED" in block 4, and there is an APL in the General Distribution Bank of Provisioning APLs (GDB) and no OPNAV 4790/CK has been submitted to add the component to the command’s COSAL.

Appendix D-19

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 (3) Entry contains "NOT LISTED" in the APL block 4, and the component is listed in the Command’s COSAL.

c. Information in the remarks/description segment (block 35) is missing or insufficient. d. Technical documentation is missing or incorrect. Normally, if an entry has an APL or "NOT LISTED" in the APL block, it will have technical documentation listed in block 35 or block 47. e. The Maintenance has been completed for more than 30 days and has not been removed from the CSMP database.

f. The CSMP summary line does not contain a condensed description of the deficiency.

g. The MDS entry has been on the CSMP for more than 14 days and has not been reviewed. h. The above guidelines shall be applied to each Work Center CSMP and then combined, if applicable, to determine the overall Departmental and/or Command CSMP management effectiveness. The following Questionnaire should be used to evaluate the selected entries. The results and comments shall be recorded on the applicable forms for submission to the activity at completion of the Assessment.

Appendix D-20

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 CSMP EVALUATION GUIDELINES Part A. CSMP Entry Assessment. The following questions address the minimum requirements for determining the accuracy, effectiveness, and utilization of the command/activity’s CSMP. NOTE: Questions 1 through 12 apply to each CSMP entry. Y N NA 1. Is the Job control Number (JCN) correct [ ] [ ] [ ] (UIC, work center Code, JSN)? 2. Is the Equipment Identification Code (EIC) [ ] [ ] [ ] correct? 3. Is the equipment noun name correct (same as [ ] [ ] [ ] identified by the EIC)? 4. Is the deferral date correct? [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Is the deferral reason accurate? [ ] [ ] [ ] 6. Is the priority code correct? [ ] [ ] [ ] 7. Is the type availability code correct? [ ] [ ] [ ] 8. Does the CSMP summary accurately describe the [ ] [ ] [ ] deficiency? 9. Is the location correct? [ ] [ ] [ ] 10. Is the Allowance Parts List/Allowance [ ] [ ] [ ] Equipment List (APL/AEL) information properly documented: a. APL/AEL of the equipment? [ ] [ ] [ ] b. NOT LISTED" for equipment not in COSAL? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. "NA" for maintenance that is not equi- [ ] [ ] [ ] pment related? 11. Is the narrative (Remarks/Description) brief,[ ] [ ] [ ] but complete and meaningful, describing: a. What is wrong followed by "XXX”? [ ] [ ] [ ]

Appendix D-21

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 b. What caused the failure or malfunction? [ ] [ ] [ ] c. What corrective action is required? [ ] [ ] [ ] d. Material and/or replacement parts [ ] [ ] [ ] required? e. Symptoms, attempted repairs, measurements [ ] [ ] [ ] and tolerances f. Deficiencies with maintenance documen- [ ] [ ] [ ] tation, test equipment, etc.? g. Parts replaced or logistics delays? [ ] [ ] [ ] h. Events within the maintenance action? [ ] [ ] [ ] i. Serial numbers of removed and installed [ ] [ ] [ ] parts? j. Any other information which may be [ ] [ ] [ ] helpful? 12. Are the point of contacts currently on [ ] [ ] [ ] board and actively engaged in the maintenance action? Part B. CSMP Utilization Assessment. The following questions address CSMP management effectiveness. 1. Are there duplicate deferrals with different [ ] [ ] [ ] JCNs? 2. Are there JCNs listed that are over 12 months [ ] [ ] [ ] old and no longer applicable? 3. Are there completed maintenance actions over [ ] [ ] [ ] 6 months old still listed on the CSMP? 4. Are safety related entries given high [ ] [ ] [ ] priority attention (normally corrected no later than the next available maintenance opportunity)?

Appendix D-22

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 Part C. CSMP Evaluation [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-23

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

TAB C: Tag Guide List (TGL) Assessment Questionnaire

WORK CENTER:_________________________________ DATE:_______________________ References: (a) OPNAVINST 4790.4 Chapter 3 (b) OPNAVINST 3120.32 Chapter 630.17 Y N N/A Part A. Questionnaire. 1. Does the Work Center Supervisor (WCS) [ ] [ ] [ ] maintain a copy of references (a) and (b)? 2. Are the following Tag-Out Guide List (TGLs) [ ] [ ] [ ] procedures being complied with: a. Are the number of tags per equipment [ ] [ ] [ ] sufficient to completely isolate the equipment or system? b. Is the notification data filled out; [ ] [ ] [ ] and correct in accordance with the MRC and current command instructions? c. Does the information in the "SERIAL No. [ ] [ ] [ ] SWITCH/VALVE" block of the TGL identify and match the information on the switch/valve (switch number, circuit number, valve number, etc.)? d. Does the "LOCATION OF SWITCH/VALVE" [ ] [ ] [ ] block of the TGL correctly locate the switch/ valve. (location, power panel number, etc.)? e. Is the WCS using system diagrams and [ ] [ ] [ ] schematics to accurately fill out TGLs? f. Are TGLs reviewed independently by the [ ] [ ] [ ] Division Officer for accuracy of the tag-out action? g. Are TGLs reviewed independently by the [ ] [ ] [ ] Department Head for accuracy of the tag-out action? h. Are only TGLs approved by the Commanding [ ] [ ] [ ] Officer being used?

Appendix D-24

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 i. Does the back of the TGL have a current [ ] [ ] [ ] list of authorized signature names: Commanding Officer, Department Head, Division Officer, and Work Center Supervisor? j. Are the fronts of the TGLs laminated and [ ] [ ] [ ] are they attached to the MRCs, in the same manner as the EGLs, after the Commanding Officer has signed his approval? k. Does the WCS ensure that no corrections [ ] [ ] [ ] are made to the TGL after the Commanding Officer’s approval (Pen and ink corrections are not authorized)? 3. Are TGLs and laminated danger tags being properly utilized as follows: a. Are laminated danger tags used only for [ ] [ ] [ ] designated maintenance actions addressed in reference (a)? b. Does the WCS/DO/DH ensure that if there [ ] [ ] [ ] are two or more work centers involved in tagging out a system, that both Work Centers Supervisors must sign the Tag-Out Log (The laminated tags are not authorized when more than one Work Center is involved in the tag out action)? c. Does the WCS and Maintenance person ensure [ ] [ ] [ ] that laminated danger tags are used only when an approved TGL is available? d. Does the WCS properly provide [ ] [ ] [ ] "notification," to the CDO etc., as instructed on the TGL prior to issuing the tags? e. Does the WCS control the issuance of [ ] [ ] [ ] laminated tags to the maintenance persons; and record the issuance of the tags in the Work Center PMS Red Tag Log? f. Does the maintenance person fill out the [ ] [ ] [ ] data on the Danger Tag as specified on the TGL? g. Are witnesses designated by the WCS to [ ] [ ] [ ]

Appendix D-25

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 independently check the tag-out procedures to ensure compliance with the TGL and, when satisfied, sign the danger tag? h. If the maintenance action requires an [ ] [ ] [ ] operational test be conducted before the maintenance can be completed and this requires the removal of the danger tags temporarily, in order to conduct the test, are the procedures outlined in reference (a) followed to re-attach the danger tags to the switch/valve? 4. Is a daily danger tag inventory conducted by [ ] [ ] [ ] the WCS accounting for the danger tags by serial number and are discrepancies reported to the department head? 5. Is a weekly audit of the WCS log conducted by [ ] [ ] [ ] the Division Officer with all discrepancies reported to the Department Head? Part B. Assessment. [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-26

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

TAB D: 3-M Administrative Support Assessment Questionnaire

Command/Activity:__________________________________________ DATE:__________________ Part A. Questionnaire. Are the following instructions, notices, and publications onboard and available where indicated? INSTRUCTIONS/PUBLICATIONS 3-M DEPT DIV WCS Y/N

CRD HEAD OFF 1. OPNAVINST 3120.32 CH 630.17, X NOTE NOTE Standard Organization and Regulations #1/#3 #2/#3 Manual (Equipment Tag Out Bill)

2. OPNAVINST 4790.4, 3-M Manual X X X X 3. OPNAVINST 5100.23, Safety Precautions for Shore Activities X X

4. COMFIRSTNCDINST 4400.3A X X Force Supply Manual 5. Regimental 3-M Instruction X X X X ( if applicable) 6. Local 3-M Instruction(s) X X X X 7. NAVSUPINST 4440.160 Establishment Of NOTE Authorized Stock Level (Fixed Allowances) #4 For Navy Depot Level Repairable items 8. NAVSUP Publication P-485 NOTE Supply Afloat Procedures #4 9. SPMIG X X (Standard PMS Material Identification Guide) 10. NICP Monthly OPNAV 4790/CK Status X X

Report (MACMAR) 11. NICPINST 4441.170, COSAL Use and X X

Maintenance Manual 12. Unit’s 3-M Reference Information CD-ROM X X X X NOTE 1: To be kept in the applicable department tag-out log. NOTE 2: To be kept in the applicable work center PMS tag-out log.

Appendix D-27

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

NOTE 3: To be kept in the work center PMS tag-out log; when the, department, division, and work center are one of the same.

NOTE 4: Retained by the Supply Department. B. Assessment. [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-28

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

TAB E: 3-M MDS Supply Assessment Questionnaire

Command/Activity:_________________________________________ DATE:_______________________ Part A. Questionnaire. Note: This questionnaire assesses on the duties of the 3-M Coordinator or Departmental/Activity 3-M Assistant Coordinator, as applicable. Y N N/A 1. Are 1250-1s and 1250-2s reviewed and processed for the following information:

a. Is the Noun Name or reference symbol [ ] [ ] [ ] number of repair part entered in block #8 the 1250-1, or block "J" of the 1250-2?

b. If required, is Failed Part Reporting [ ] [ ] [ ] (FPR) block #9 of the 1250-1, or block "K" of the 1250-2 being reported?

c. Does block #10 of the 1250-1 or block [ ] [ ] [ ] "L" of the 1250-2 list the Allowance Parts List (APL) number?

d. Does the "JOB CONTROL NUMBER" list the following: ***(1) Unit Identification Code (UIC) [ ] [ ] [ ] block #13 on the 1250-1, and block "Q" on the 1250-2? *** (2) Approved Work Center Designator [ ] [ ] [ ] Code block #14 on the 1250-1, and block "R" on the 1250-2? *** (3) Job Sequence Number (JSN) block [ ] [ ] [ ] #15 on the 1250-1, and block "S" on the 1250-2?

e. Is the Equipment Identification Code (EIC)[ ] [ ] [ ] listed in block #16 of the 1250-1, and block `T" of the 1250-2?

*** f. Has the supply department entered [ ] [ ] [ ] in block # 18 of the 1250- 1, or block “SWW” on the 1250-2 the Source Code (SC)?

Appendix D-29

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

***g. Is the COG listed in block #19 of [ ] [ ] [ ] the 1250-ls?

***h. Is the Federal Supply Code (FSC) [ ] [ ] [ ] listed in block #21 of the 1250-ls, or the Navy Item Control Number (NICN) or P-NICN blocks #8-22 of the 1250-2s? ***i. Is the National Item Identification [ ] [ ] [ ] Number (NIIN) listed in block #22 of the 1250-ls?

***j. Is the Special Material Identification [ ] [ ] [ ] Code (SMIC) listed in block #23 of the 1250-ls?

***k. Is the Unit of Issue (U/I) listed in [ ] [ ] [ ] block #24 of the 1250-ls, or in blocks #23 and #24 of the 1250-2s?

***l. Is the Quantity to be purchased [ ] [ ] [ ] listed in block #25 of the 1250-ls, or blocks #25-29 of the 1250-2s? ***m. Is the extended price listed in block [ ] [ ] [ ] #28 and block "C" of the 1250-ls, or block "O" of the 1250-2s? ***n. Is the Fund Code entered in block #28 [ ] [ ] [ ] of the 1250-ls, or blocks #52 and 53 of the 1250-2s?

o. Is the requisition number listed in block [ ] [ ] [ ] "B" of the 1250-1 s, and block "I" of the 1250-2s? NOTE: Items appearing with a triple asterisk (***) at the beginning of the question are MANDATORY ENTRIES and must be entered on the 1250-ls/2s. 2. Does the 3-M Coordinator receive a copy of [ ] [ ] [ ] the MACMAR? 3. Does the 3-M Coordinator investigate why such [ ] [ ] [ ] elements as APL, EIC, and other elements are missing on the 1250-ls? 4. Are 1250-ls returned to originator when there [ ] [ ] [ ] are missing data elements?

Appendix D-30

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 5. Does the 3-M Coordinator require 4790/CKs [ ] [ ] [ ] and 4790/7Bs for data elements that are missing on the 1250-ls; such as, APLs and EICs? 6. Is the 3-M Coordinator accessible to the [ ] [ ] [ ] Work Center Supervisors and the Repair Parts Petty Officer (RPPO) in matters relating to 3-M Supply interface? 7. Does the 3-M Coordinator conduct training for [ ] [ ] [ ] the Work Center Supervisors and Repair Parts Petty Officers in matters relating to the 3-M System and Supply interface? Part B. Assessment. [ ] EFFECTIVE [ ] DEFICIENT [ ] INEFFECTIVE Comments/Recommendations:

3-M Team Assessor

Appendix D-31

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Appendix E 3-M Organizational Responsibilities

1. Discussion – Organizational Responsibilities. 3-M is a Navy-wide program with a well-established and functional organizational infrastructure. Training, reporting, on-line resources, and management tools exist and have proven to be of great value in maintenance management and planning, improving safety, life cycle cost analysis, and failure rate analysis. In order for the NCF to realize maximum benefit from these resources, it is essential that a robust and functional 3-M staff infrastructure be embedded at the Unit level. 2. Actions – Organizational Responsibilities a. Specific 3-M responsibilities exist at every level in the chain of command. Detailed 3-M functional responsibilities are provided in reference (a). All COMFIRSTNCD units will establish a 3-M Manager, a 3-M Coordinator, and departmental 3-M assistants as indicated in the table below.

ORG 3-M Manager

3-M Coordinator Dept 3-M Assistant*

NCR R43 R43 Staff Member – collateral duty (E-7 or above)

Collateral duty (E-7 or above)

SRG R43 R43 Staff Member – primary duty (E-7 or above)

Collateral duty (E-7 or above)

NMCB XO Full time special assistant – direct report to XO – (E8/9)

Collateral duty (E-6 or above)

UCT XO Full time special assistant – direct report to XO – (E-7 or above)

Collateral duty (E-6 or above)

CBU OIC Full time special assistant – direct report to OIC. (E-6 or above)

NCFSU OIC Full time special assistant – direct report to OIC. (E-6 or above)

Appendix E-1

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

CBMU OIC Full time special assistant – direct report to OIC. (E-6 or above)

*Applies to all departments performing maintenance under the 3-M system.

b. The 3-M Coordinators require specialized training and carry a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Code of 9512 or 9517. All units will ensure that training and the associated NEC for designated 3-M Coordinators is obtained. c. The 3-M Coordinators will be assigned in writing by the Commanding Officer. When assigned, provide contact information to COMFIRSTNCD 3-M Program Manager. d. In addition, all hands are required to participate in, and receive, 3-M training appropriate for their level of responsibility. Training is available during Homeport Cycles and through Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS).

3. Work Center Codes. 3-M, Microsnap, and configuration management processes require the use of Work Center Codes (w/c) to function. W/c’s are four character alphanumeric codes that comprise a portion of the Job Sequence Number (JSN) and identify the smallest sub organization within a command that can expend funds and complete maintenance. Consistency in the assignment and use of w/c’s for each command type (e.g., NMCB, UCT.) is essential to make optimal use of these systems, and to minimize the amount of work and information to be exchanged. This is especially true with NMCBs. The NMCB deployment plans, which include rotation through the deployed camps further complicate the process. Maximum commonality of w/c assignments is necessary between all NMCBs and deployed camps. Work Centers as listed in enclosures (1) through (5) of this Appendix provide the minimum required w/c by unit type. Note that w/c codes are not provided for NCR, UCT, or CBUs. These units should continue to use the existing, or locally developed w/c’s.

Appendix E-2

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

N M C B H o m e P o rt 3 -M O rgan izatio n an d W o rk C en ter C o d es

3M AssistantXX02

3M CoordinatorXX01











Central Tool RoomST01


Central Store RoomST01


Barber ShopSB01

Post OfficeSP01


782 Gear IssueSI01







Quality ControlOQ01



IT ShopEA01

Tactical CommsEC11

Tactical CommsEC09

Tactical CommsEC11







Lite EquipmentAL13

Heavy EquipmentAH13

5000 ShopAT13

Alfa CompanyAA01

Camp SupportBC13

BU/SW ShopBU01

CE/UT ShopBE01


Bravo CompanyBB01

Charlie CompanyCC01

Delta CompanyDD01

Executive OfficerXX00

Command Master ChiefCO01

Commanding OfficerCO00

Appendix E-3

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

G u a m 3 - M O r g a n iz a t io n a n d W o r k C e n t e r C o d e s

3 M A ss i s t a n tX X 0 2

P e r so n n e lX P 0 1

M e d i ca lX M 0 1

D e n t a lX D 0 1

D A P AX A 0 1

C C CX C 0 1

S a f e tyX S 0 1

H a zM a tH Z 0 1

L e g a lX L 0 1

M A AX H 0 1

A d m in i s t r a ti v eX X 0 1

C e n t ra l T o o l R o o mS T 0 1

M L OS M 0 1

C e n t ra l S to re R o o mS T 0 1

G a ll e yS G 0 1

B a rb e r S h o pS B 0 1

P o st O f fi ceS P 0 1

B a r ra c ksS L 0 1

7 8 2 G e a r I ssu eS I0 1

W a r e h o u seS W 0 1

D i sb u rs in gS D 0 1

S u p p lyS S 0 1

C B RO B 0 1

E n g i n e e r in gO N 0 1

E m b a rkO E 0 1

Q u a l it y C o n t r o lO Q 0 1

O p e r a tio n sO P 0 1

O p e ra tio n sO O 0 1

I T S h o pE A 0 1

T a c ti ca l C o m m sE C 0 1

T a c ti ca l C o m m sT O A

E C 0 3

C M SE M 0 1

C o m m u n i c a ti o n sE E 0 1

A r m o r yT A 0 1

A r m o r yT O A

T A 0 3

S u p p o r tT S 0 1

T ra in i n gT T 0 1

L it e E q u ip m e n tA L 0 1

L it e E q u ip m e n tT O A

A L 0 3

L it e E q u ip m e n tA u g m e n t

A L 0 5

H e a vy E q u i p m e n tA H 0 1

H e a vy E q u i p m e n tT O A

A H 0 3

H e a vy E q u i p m e n tA u g m e n t

A H 0 5

5 0 0 0 S h o pA T 0 1

5 0 0 0 S h o pT O A

A T 0 3

5 0 0 0 S h o pA u g m e n t

A T 0 5

C ra n e sA C 0 1

C ra n e sT O A

A C 0 3

M i n e r a l P ro d u c t sA M 0 1

M i n e r a l P ro d u c t sA u g m e n t

A M 0 5

S u p p o rtA S 0 1

O p s/ D i sp a t chA O 0 1

F u e l s / P O LA F 0 1

A l f a C o m p a n yA A 0 1

C a m p S u p p o rtB C 0 1

C a m p S u p p o rtT O A

B C 0 3

C a m p S u p p o rtA u g m e n t

B C 0 5

B U /S W S h o pB U 0 1

C E / U T S h o pB E 0 1

C E E IB I0 1

C E E IT O AB I0 3

C E E IA u g m e n t

B I0 5

B ra vo C o m p a n yB B 0 1

C h a rl i e C o m p a n yC C 0 1

A i r D e tD A 0 1

D e l t a C o m p a n yD D 0 1

S a n C le m e n teG I 0 1

S a n D ie g oG S 0 1

L e m o o reG L 0 1

D e t AG A 0 1

B a h r a inG B 0 1

D e t CG C 0 1

D e t DG D 0 1

G u a m D e tG G 0 1

3 M C o o rd in a t o rX X 0 1

E x e c u t iv e O ffi c e rX X 0 0

C o m m a n d M a st e r C h i e fC O 0 1

C o m m a n d in g O ffi c e rC O 0 0

Appendix E-4

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Okinawa 3-M Organization and Work Center Codes

3M Assista ntXX02

Personne lXP01

Medica lXM01

D enta lXA01




Ha zMa tH Z01



Administra tiveXX01

C entral Tool Roo mST01


Central S tore Roo mST01

Galle ySG01

Barber S hopSB01

Post O fficeSP01


782 Gea r IssueSI01

Ware ho useSW01

D isbursingSD 01



Enginee ringON01


Quality Contro lOQ01

Opera tionsOP01

Opera tionsOO01

IT S hopEA01

Tac tical Com msEC 01

Tac tical Com msTOA

EC 03


Comm unicationsEE01




Traini ngTT01

Lite Equipme ntAL01

Lite Equipme ntTOAAL03

Lite Equipme ntAugme nt


Hea vy Eq uipme ntAH01

Hea vy Eq uipme ntTOA


Hea vy Eq uipme ntAugme nt


5000 ShopAT01

5000 ShopTOAAT03

5000 ShopAugme nt


CranesAC 01


AC 03

Mine ral Prod uctsAM01

Mine ral Prod uctsAugme nt



Ops/D ispatchAO01

Fue ls/POLAF01

A lfa C ompa nyAA01

Camp Suppo rtBC 01

Camp Suppo rtTOA

BC 03

Camp Suppo rtAugme nt

BC 05

BU/SW ShopBU01

C E/UT ShopBE01



C EEIAugme nt


Bravo Compa nyBB01

C har lie C ompa nyC C01

A ir D etD A01

Delta C ompa nyD D01

Poha ngKP01

IwakuniK I01

Fu jiKF01


D et AKA01

D et BKB01

D et CKC01

D et DKD01

Okina wa D etKK01

3M C oordinato rXX01

Executi ve OfficerXX00

Comma nd Maste r C hiefCO01

C omma nding O fficerC O00

Appendix E-5

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Rota 3-M Organization and Work Center Codes

3M AssistantXX02











Central Tool RoomST01


Central Store RoomST01


Barber ShopSB01

Post OfficeSP01


782 Gear IssueSI01







Quality ControlOQ01



IT ShopEA01

Tactical CommsEC01

Tactical CommsTOAEC03







Lite EquipmentAL01

Lite EquipmentTOAAL03

Lite EquipmentAugment


Heavy EquipmentAH01

Heavy EquipmentTOAAH03

Heavy EquipmentAugment


5000 ShopAT01

5000 ShopTOAAT03

5000 ShopAugment




Mineral ProductsAM01

Mineral ProductsAugment





Alfa CompanyAA01

Camp SupportBC01

Camp SupportTOABC03

Camp SupportAugment


BU/SW ShopBU01

CE/UT ShopBE01





Bravo CompanyBB01

Charlie CompanyCC01

Air DetDA01

Delta CompanyDD01

Suda BayRG01





Det ARA01

Det BRB01

Det CRC01

Det DRD01

Rota DetRR01

3M CoordinatorXX01

Executive OfficerXX00

Command Master ChiefCO01

Commanding OfficerCO00

Appendix E-6

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

S R G 3 - M O r g a n iz a t io n A n d W o rk C e n te r C o d e s

S a fe tyX S 0 1

3 M A s s is ta n tX O 0 2

3 M C o o rd in a to rX O 0 1

A d m in is t ra t iv eX X 0 1

E m b a rkO E 0 1

B U /S W S h o pB U 0 1

F a c il it ie sO P 0 1

F u e ls /P O LA F 0 1

E q u ip O p s /D is p a tc hA O 0 1

S u p p o r tA S 0 1

H e a vyA H 0 1

N M C B H e a vyA H 1 3

L ite S h o pA L 0 1

N M C B L ite S h o pA L 1 3

5 0 0 0 S h o pA T 0 1

N M C B 5 0 0 0 S h o pA T 1 3

E q u ip m e n tO C 0 1

O p e ra t io n sO O 0 1

7 8 2 G e a rS I0 1

C T RS T 0 1

C U U In it ia l Is s u eS I0 4

M o b il iz a t io nS I1 0

C U U D e s e r tS I0 2

C U U S R G G u l fp o r tS I0 6

W a re h o u s e (T O A )S W 0 3

S u p p lyS S 0 1

C E E IB I0 1

C E DL C 0 1

(N /A fo r 3 1 S R G )

L o g is t ic sL T 0 1

L o g is t ic sL L 0 1

C M SE M 0 1

N M C B C o m m sE C 0 7

N M C B C o m m sE C 0 9

N M C B C o m m sE C 1 1

T a c t ic a l C o m m sE C 0 1

C o m m sE E 0 1

S u p p o r tT S 0 1

C C C TT C 0 1

N M C B A rm o ryT A 0 7

N M C B A rm o ryT A 0 9

N M C B A rm o ryT A 1 1

A rm o ryT A 0 1

M il it a ry T ra in in gT M 0 1

T ra in in gT T 0 1

F E X G u lfp o r tF G 0 1

F E XF F 0 1

R 4 3 (3 M M a n a g e r)X O 0 0

C h ie f S ta f f O ff ic e rC O 0 3

C o m m a n d M a s te r C h ie fC O 0 1

C o m m a n d e rC O 0 0

Appendix E-7

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Appendix F


MANDATORY PREPARATIONS ASI TAPE PROCESSING CHECK LIST The following pages show the checklist of what needs to be accomplished and by whom, for all personnel involved in ASI Processing. It summarizes the direction given in this section, and all personnel listed on this checklist should have a copy: ________________________________________________________________ PROCESSING OF ASI NUMBER ____________________ SCHEDULED FOR (DATE/TIME)____________________, AS SCHEDULED BY: IT ADMINISTRATOR ____________________________ 3-M COORDINATOR _____________________________ SUPPLY OFFICER _____________________________ LEADING STOREKEEPER _________________________ PERSON DATE/TIME ACTION______________ RESPONSIBLE ____ COMPLETED _____ INITIALS _______ 1. Pre-transmittal review all 4790/CKs 3-M Coord _____________________ and file corrections and upline report. 2. Run Transaction Ledger (live). Store Leading SK ___________________ with Master Transaction Ledger File. 3. Run reorder reviews (include dues Leading SK ______________________ and subs, high limit) for HME & OSI 4. Perform full system backups IT Admin ______________________________ (Including COSAL File) within 24 hours prior to ASI Processing 5. Load and process ASI or UASI File. 3-M Coord ______________________ 6. Run Equipment File Analysis Report. 3-M Coord _____________________ Compare to report of prior ASI cycle. 7 Run Suspense Statistical Summary 3-M Coord _________________________ Report. Compare to report of prior ASI cycle. 8. Print 2 copies of ASI Input Error Report. 3-M Coord _______________ Review then forward 1 copy of each to CDM Via e-mail (in event of lack of e-mail, forward Hard copy to below address.) Commander NFELC Code N422 1000 23rd Ave Port Hueneme, Ca 93043 or 9. Print Verify Bulk Input (VBI) and ASI 3-M Coord ___________________ Input Summary Report. 10. Process VBI Report with assistance 3-M Coord _____________________ from Work Center Supervisors. (Annotate actions taken on report.) Refer to TYCOM Instruction regarding the use of "AUTOVBI" Utility. 11. Run Summary of Effective APLs 3-M Coord __________________________

Appendix F-1

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 (SOEAPL). Compare to report of prior ASI cycle. Provide one copy to SUPPO. 12. Print Automated Stock Report. Leading SK _________________________ (RPT 091) (4 parts) 13. Correct records appearing on Leading SK __________________________ Transaction Error List of Automated Stock Report (Annotate actions taken on report for Parts I and III.) 14. Print "P" (NAVSEA) Requirements Leading SK _______________________ 15. Review, research* and approve NAVSEA Leading SK __________________ Requisitions and TYCOM (HM&E) Shortages 16. Produce Initial Outfitting Requisition for Leading SK ____________ NAVSEA & OSI Requirements generated by the ASI Tapes. 17. Forward NAVSEA funded HM&E SUPPO and OSI Requisitions to P96 __________________________________________ NOTE: (1) Ensure requisitions are on floppy disk or magnetic tape. Retain disk for 30 days as backup. When TOB Holder receives your NAVSEA requisitions and status is provided, the backup disk can be discarded or reused. NOTE: (2) Annotate the ASI Tape Number on all reports generated from the ASI Tape. 18. Run Transaction Ledger (Live). Leading SK _______________________ Print 2 copies. Store 1 with Master Transaction Ledger Listing and 1 with ASI Listings. 19. Run Reorder Review for HM&E Leading SK ___________________________ (by COSAL Type) 20. Perform full system backups IT Admin _____________________________ (including COSAL). 21. File this sheet and all listings Leading SK ______________________ associated with this ASI Tape Processing including requisition submission. 22. Report ASI Tape last run on next BOR SUPPO _______________________ *prior to submitting NAVSEA funded requisitions verify that material was not pushed from NFELC by conducting an inventory of material associated on APL’s. The following listings should be attached: Required to be maintained by Storekeeper for review: Pending, COSAL Deficiency Records (P) Listing ________________________ (NIIN Sequence) RPT137 Pre-ASI Transaction Ledger. Store in Master Transaction Ledger File ____________________ Pre-ASI Reorder Review: HME/MAM/OSI __________________________________ Post-ASI Transaction Ledger __________________________________________ Automated Stock Report (4 parts) annotated (hard copy) _______________ Post-ASI Reorder Review: HME/MAM/OSI (hard copy) _____________________ HME/MAM/OSI Initial Outfitting Requisition Listing (hard copy) NOTE: Listings should be hard copy printed reports and retained from LMA to next LMA. Required to be maintained by 3M Coordinator: ASI file downloaded from RADWEB (electronic or hard copy) ____________________

Appendix F-2

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 Post-ASI Equipment File Analysis Report (hard copy) ____________________ Post-ASI SOEAPL (hard copy or disk) __________________________________ ASI Input Error Listing (hard copy or electronic) ____________________ VBI Listing (annotated hard copy or disk) ____________________________ ASI Input Summary Listing (disk) _____________________________________

Appendix F-3

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Appendix G


This SOP pertains to 3-M tag-out procedures for ALFA Company motorized equipment only. This SOP is in full compliance with CFR 1910.147(c) (1) Energy Control Program. 1. Remove the negative cable from the battery. 2. Place a Danger, Do Not Operate tag through the battery clamp using a plastic zip tie. Logging of this tag is not required as per 1910.147 (c) (4) (i) exceptions. 3. Fill out all information at the bottom of the tag using a grease pencil. 4. Complete maintenance requirements 5. Remove tag and re-connect battery terminal only after visually inspecting the work area for other workers and tools that may be endangered by starting the equipment.

Appendix G-1

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004 A copy of the pertinent sections of the 1910.147 (c) (1) must be kept on file in the ALFA Company files for review of the applicable standards

Appendix G-2

COMFIRSTNCDINST 4790.1 25 Feb 2004

Appendix G-3