Department of General Education at Taipei National University of the Arts, TAIWAN Teaching...


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Department of General Education

at Taipei National University of the Arts, TAIWAN

Teaching Excellence Project Report—Teaching Excellence Project Report—

An Integration of Liberal and Professional EducationAn Integration of Liberal and Professional Education



To reach for teaching excelle

nce, faculty and staff members of

the Department of General Educa

tion are divided into four work un

its to develop the plan. The ongoi

ng project of the 2005 academic y

ear is focused on the following fou

r major areas.

Establishment of an integral course curriculum through in-depth discussions, an innovative course design, and a

reinforced evaluation mechanism

1. Improvement upon course curriculum and teaching standards of general education, with an emphasis on integration and innovation

Project Results

Development of innovative/interdisciplinary courses offered by faculty members inside and outside the university. Courses include “Life Science and the Arts,” “Art and the Community,” and “Success Stories of Modern Heroes and Role Models”

Development of a Teaching Assistant Program to assist in and document the teaching process, so as to enhance overall teaching quality while promoting learner performance in general

Project Results

2. Building a learner support system to help improve students’ basic skills

Establishment of a student support system which provides learning resources through student counseling and academic advising to help provide scaffolding and promote students’ learning skills.

Creating a dynamic learning experience

through field trips, viewings of documentary films, and learning workshops incorporating digital technologies to enrich the learning process

Project Results

3. Promoting teacher growth and improving teaching quality

Project Results

Encouraging idea exchange and experience sharing among teachers by holding panel discussions, book clubs, workshops and field trips

Building course websites and conducting peer observation for teachers to share course materials and teaching resources both digitally and face-to-face, so as to inform, inspire and promote teacher performance

Project Results

Designing a learner-centered multidimensional learning


Encouragement of visionary, innovative and experimental

teaching styles and lesson plans to promote active, experiential and reflective learning

4. Creating a dynamic learning space
