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Department of Finance Government of Bihar



User Manual

Government Industry Solution Unit (ISU)

October, 2018

CFMS – Budget Preparation SRS V 1.6

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CFMS – Budget Preparation SRS V 1.6

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Document Details: SRS Version: 1.6

Name Version No. Description

User Manual Version 1.0 Original Document

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Actor for Budget Preparation Module: -

• Actor of Budget Preparation Module is classified into FD(Level-0)/AD(Level-1)-Maker, Checker and Approver

o Administrative Department(AD)-Maker, Checker and Approver- AD will use Budget Preparation for creating new File.

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Contents LIST OF FIGURES: ......................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2. Steps for Budget Preparation .............................................................. 7 AD MAKER STEPS: ....................................................................................................... 7

AD CHECKER STEPS: ...................................................................................................... 17

AD APPROVER STEPS:.................................................................................................... 21

Total Number of pages: 24

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Figure 1: Login As Maker ................................................................................................................. 7Figure 2: User Activity Screen .......................................................................................................... 7Figure 3: Budget Preparation Dashboard ........................................................................................ 8Figure 4 : Create A New File Screen ................................................................................................ 8Figure 5: Head of Account (HoA) LoVs Screen ................................................................................ 9Figure 6: Create a New File .............................................................................................................. 9Figure 7 : File Id Generated ........................................................................................................... 10Figure 8: Select Budget Category Screen ...................................................................................... 10Figure 9: Click to View Draft File ................................................................................................... 10Figure 10 : File Detail Entry Screen ................................................................................................ 11Figure 11: Edit Remark Screen ...................................................................................................... 11Figure 12: Estimation and Prediction Entry ................................................................................... 11Figure 13 : Prediction Form ........................................................................................................... 12Figure 14: Details Entry of Prediction Form .................................................................................. 12Figure 15: Support Annexure Link ................................................................................................. 13Figure 16: Support Annexure Screen ............................................................................................. 13Figure 17 : Support Annexure Edit Screen .................................................................................... 14Figure 18: File save ........................................................................................................................ 15Figure 19: Self Approved Section .................................................................................................. 15Figure 20: File Forward Screen ...................................................................................................... 16Figure 21: File Successfully Forwarded ......................................................................................... 16Figure 22: Checker Login Screen ................................................................................................... 17Figure 23: User Activity Screen ...................................................................................................... 17Figure 24 : Budget Preparation Dashboard ................................................................................... 18Figure 25 : Incoming File ................................................................................................................ 18Figure 26: Incoming Files List ........................................................................................................ 18Figure 27: Check/Edit Details of Incoming File .............................................................................. 18Figure 28: File Saved Successfully .................................................................................................. 19Figure 29: Self Approved File ......................................................................................................... 19Figure 30: File Successfully Forward .............................................................................................. 20Figure 31: Approver Login Screen ................................................................................................. 21Figure 32: User Activity Screen ...................................................................................................... 21Figure 33: Incoming File ................................................................................................................ 22Figure 34: Incoming File Screen ..................................................................................................... 22Figure 35: Edit / View File Detail ................................................................................................... 22Figure 36 : File Saved & Accepted Successfully ............................................................................. 23Figure 37: Self Approved Files ....................................................................................................... 23Figure 38: File Save & Forwarded .................................................................................................. 23Figure 39: File E-sign & Forwarded Sucessfully ............................................................................. 24

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Budget Preparation is one of the sub modules of Budget Management under Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS). Budget is an instrument which operationalizes the strategy for development and lays down the methodology for achievement of plan objectives. It is essentially a blue print for action expressed in financial terms.

The budget exercise for the ensuing financial year is initiated with the issuance and uploading of Budget Circular by the Finance Department containing instructions to be followed by all departments in the preparation of revised estimates for the current year and the budget estimates for the next financial year. The Budget circular also contains sample formats for the preparation of estimates and only these forms should be used, as uniformity is essential.

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Step 1. Login Functionality and Feature

AD MAKER STEPS: • Accessing CFMS Portal: • Bihar CFMS login page will open

• Maker will enter the user name and password and click on Log in as shown in the below screen

Figure 1: Login As Maker

• User successfully enters CFMS home page and clicks on Budget Preparation.

Figure 2: User Activity Screen

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• Clicking on the Budget Preparation icon on the home page, Task list opens where all pending actionable work items is shown.

Figure 3: Budget Preparation Dashboard

Step 2. Creation of New File

On clicking the Create New File on the left pane, “Create A New File” entry screen will be displayed.

Figure 4 : Create A New File Screen

• In the above screen user will Select Budget type as Annual budget

LoV to Select Head of Account

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• Select Budget category from drop down as Establishment and committed expenditure or Receipt budget or Scheme Expenditure

• Select Head of Account (HoA) on clicking search icon from the given LoV

Figure 5: Head of Account (HoA) LoVs Screen

• Choose Head of Account from LoVs(List of Values). • Click on Select button.

Figure 6: Create a New File

• Select Prediction Based on as Monthly or Quarterly or Yearly (non-mandatory) • User can write remarks in Remarks in English column (non mandatory) • Click on save button.

Choose HOA

Click Button to Select HOA

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Figure 7 : File Id Generated

• A File Id will be generated against the created file. • Click on OK button. • Then, Click on back button, user will be directed to the Budget Preparation Dashboard.

Step 3. Budget Estimation

Figure 8: Select Budget Category Screen

• To estimate budget against the above created file user need to select Budget Type and Budget category from Budget Details section in the dashboard.

• Click on Search button.

Figure 9: Click to View Draft File

• Click on Draft section, user can view created file with their File Number. • On clicking File Number hyperlink, File gets opened with the following fields: File ID, File

Date, Head of Account ,Budget Type, Budget Category, Remarks (With View hyperlink) and with the following columns Object Head, AG Actuals, Budget Estimate, Actuals, RE Current Year , B.E. Ensuing Year and Remarks.

• User can click on Edit Remark hyperlink to view and Edit/Write remarks after that user clicks on Ok as shown in figure 11.

Select Budget Category

Select Budget Type

Click to View File

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Figure 10 : File Detail Entry Screen

Figure 11: Edit Remark Screen

Figure 12: Estimation and Prediction Entry

Click on arrow as indicated in the figure above for predicting the estimates.

Edit Remark Button

Enter Remark

Prediction Entry

Enter Revised proposed estimate and Proposed budget estimates for ensuing financial year

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Figure 13 : Prediction Form

• The Prediction Entry Form appears as per the selected object code. • Enter the details on the screen on the basis of their parameters that appears on the

screen. • Enter the percentage change if required else put zero.

Figure 14: Details Entry of Prediction Form


Click to Save

Click To Back

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• Click on save button. “Data Saved successfully” message will be displayed. Click on Back button.

• Enter the details on the screen on the basis of their Object Code • Enter the percentage change if required. • Click on Save button to save the Prediction. • Click on Back button.

Step 4. Annexure Creation

Figure 15: Support Annexure Link

• Click on Supporting Annexure Data hyperlink as shown in figure. • The Annexure File List will be displayed. • Here user can Download/ Upload / Insert/ Edit annexure. • Click on the icon corresponding to the Insert/Edit button to download annexure and

upload the annexure by clicking on Upload button on the screen as shown in the figure below.

Figure 16: Support Annexure Screen

• User can also insert/edit annexure details as shown in figure above .

Support Annexure Link

Insert Edit


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• User will enter the annexure details in “Annexure wise details“from as shown in the figure.

Figure 17 : Support Annexure Edit Screen

• Click on save button. “Record saved successfully” message will be displayed, Click on Back button.

• Enter the amount in R.E Current year if required. • Click on “Save & Accept” button. • “Data Saved and Consolidated Successfully” message will be displayed. • Click on Back button.

Enter Details

Save Button

Back Button

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Step 5. File Consolidation and Approval

Figure 18: File save

• Click on Self Approved section in Budget Preparation dashboard. • User can view file with their File Number hyperlink. Click on File Number hyperlink.

Figure 19: Self Approved Section

• Here user can edit the details if required. Otherwise, Click on “Assigned To” dropdown as displayed on the screen.

• Select Assignee to forward the file.

Record Saved Successfully

Save & Accept Back Button

Self Approved Button Self Approved File

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Figure 20: File Forward Screen

• Click on “Save & forward” button.“File successfully forwarded” message will be displayed.

Figure 21: File Successfully Forwarded

• Click on back button. User can view the forwarded file in “Forwarded Files” section on Budget Preparation dashboard.

Select User Save & Forward

Back Button

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• Checker will enter the user name and password and click on Log in as shown in the below screen

Figure 22: Checker Login Screen

• User successfully enters CFMS home page and clicks on Budget Preparation.

Figure 23: User Activity Screen

• Clicking on the Budget Preparation icon on the home page, Task list opens where all pending actionable work items is shown.

• Select Budget Type and Budget category from Budget Details section in the dashboard. • Click on Search button.

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Figure 24 : Budget Preparation Dashboard

• Click on “Incoming Files” section . • The files forwarded from the maker will be displayed in this section .

Figure 25 : Incoming File

• Click on File number hyperlink in Incoming files section.

Figure 26: Incoming Files List

• On clicking File Number hyperlink, File gets opened.

Figure 27: Check/Edit Details of Incoming File

Incoming Files

File Number

Save & Accept

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• Here user can edit the details if required. Otherwise, Click on “Save & Accept” button.

• “Data Saved and Accepted successfully” message will be displayed.Click on Back button.

Figure 28: File Saved Successfully

• Click on Self Approved section in Budget Preparation dashboard. • User can view file with their File Number hyperlink.Click on File Number hyperlink.

Figure 29: Self Approved File

• Here user can edit the details if required. Otherwise, Click on “Assigned To” dropdown as displayed on the screen.

• Select Assignee to be assigned.

Self Approved File

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• Click on “Save & forward” button. • “File successfully forwarded” message will be displayed.

Figure 30: File Successfully Forward

• Click on back button. • User can view the forwarded file in “Forwarded Files” section on Budget Preparation


Select User

Save & Forward

Back to Dashboard

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• Approver will enter the user name and password and click on Log in as shown in the below screen.

Figure 31: Approver Login Screen

• User successfully enters CFMS home page and clicks on Budget Preparation.

Figure 32: User Activity Screen

• Clicking on the Budget Preparation icon on the home page, Task list opens where all

pending actionable work items is shown. • Select Budget Type and Budget category from Budget Details section in the dashboard. • Click on Search button.

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• Click on “Incoming Files” section . • The files forwarded from the Checker will be displayed in this section.

Figure 33: Incoming File

• Click on File number hyperlink in Incoming files section.

Figure 34: Incoming File Screen

• On clicking File Number hyperlink, File gets opened.

Figure 35: Edit / View File Detail

Incoming File

Incoming File List

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• Here user can edit the details if required. Otherwise, Click on “Save & Accept” button.“Data Saved and Accepted successfully” message will be displayed. Click on Back button.

Figure 36 : File Saved & Accepted Successfully

• Click on Self Approved section in Budget Preparation dashboard. • User can view file with their File Number hyperlink. Click on File Number hyperlink.

Figure 37: Self Approved Files

• Here user can edit the details if required.

Figure 38: File Save & Forwarded

Save & Accept

Self Approved Files

Save & Forward

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• Click on “Save & forward” button.“E-sign bypassed successfully, file forwarded successfully” pop-up will be displayed.

Figure 39: File E-sign & Forwarded Sucessfully

Click on back button. User can view the forwarded file in “Forwarded Files” section on Budget Preparation dashboard.

E-sign By-passed
