Dental Implants Miami



Dental Implants by Tamara Rojas D.M.D., P.A. 5000 Hollywood Blvd Suite #4 Hollywood, FL 33021 (954) 963-4700 Dental Implants by Tamara Rojas D.M.D., P.A. is a Board Certified Periodontist specializing in gum treatments, extractions, implants and other dental specialty services. We are a kind caring pratice that caters to the fearful patients. As such we aoffer a variety of sedation options with treatment.

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Is Dental Implant Fort Lauderdale An Innovative Approach?

Dental implant is the gateway for every individual who has got the second chance to smile

again with confidence, to relish the food they eat asthey regained life after their tooth loss.

It fortifies that your newly implanted teeth looks like the real teeth as it behaves like

artificial roots, providing firm support to the cracked or decayed replaced teeth. It leads to

solid restorationwhich even last for lifetime with almost no maintenance. It sets a golden

standard because it plays the role of real teeth retaining the feel and natural look,

providinga strong support for facial structure.

Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are artificial roots that serve as a strong base for stable replacement teeth.

It is a secure procedure where doctors use a titanium fixture which is surgically infused into

the bone cells of the jaw. This medical grade post, function as a long lasting anchor for the

new acrylic artificial teeth. It is designed to be a painless process,as the healing phase is

monitored with utmost care. Moreover, there is no problem with eating since they act as a

permanent base for fixed teethminimizing frequent replacement. In Dental implant in Fort

Lauderdale center, patients can avail a single day treatment which avoids the bothersome

task of bone graft surgical treatment.

Specific Implant Services Offered

Dental implant involves replacement of full upper or lower arches or a single tooth or

multiple teeth. The specialists in Dental implant in Fort Lauderdale offer world class

treatment with great care and utmost dedication. First 3D CT scans of the entire mouth and

jaw bone are done followed by replacement of unhealthy and decayed teeth. Then the

implants are placed on the jaw bone. The implants make a firm base on the jawbone

creating a strong anchor for the new teeth. Then finally the customized teeth are planted on

the implant. Throughout the entire process the specialists provide suitable guidelines and

even offers financial aid if needed.

Implant treatments range from the immediate replacement of an extracted tooth to over six

months when jaw surgery and bone grafting is needed. The average treatment is three to

six months. Rather than going for easier option like removing the dentures or giving support

by dental bridge, dental implants are preferable for replacing your missing tooth.

Follow Up For The Procedure

Dental implantcenters are onsite labs where a team of uniquely equipped expert dental

surgeons work jointly to offer unparalleled standard of teeth replacement. At dental labs,

the entire process of designing and creation of the prosthetic teeth are undertaken.Since

dental implant is a surgical process it is better to have maxillofacial surgeons who

specializes in skin, bone, nerves and muscle complications thus leading to an effective

result. Dental implant in Fort Lauderdale centers are operated by oral surgeons,

prosthodontists and restorative dentists who have good apprehension of the dynamics of a

better smile and specializationabout oral health.

Insight Into The High-End Proficiency Of The Dental Implants Center In Miami

You pride yourself on your beautiful smile. Now that you have a couple of teeth missing, it

will not only affect your chewing ability, but the look and luster of your facial orientation will

stand affected, as well. In spite, of the damage that has taken place, you have precious

little to worry. The Dental Implants in Miami are there to provide you with the most

appropriate solution. Consequently, you can think of smiling your way to the glory.

A Convenient Process

Implant dentistry happens to be the specialized acumen of the Miami-based dental facility.

It takes not more than a single sitting to get the rectification done. The maxillofacial

surgeons have the skill and competence to retrieve the situation with the help of the non-

detachable Dental Implants in Miami. The treatment concept dwells on making the most of

the bony part of the gum. Within the scope of one single dental arch, it is possible to

introduce as many as four non-removable implants. If you report to the clinic early in the

day, by evening the grafting procedure will complete. So, by evening, you can leave. Once

you go back home, you will find that you are having little or no difficulty in eating, talking

and laughing.

The Current Scenario

Nowadays, the implant drafting procedure has become even more sophisticated than what it

was previously. The fact that you don’t have sufficient bone support is not a cause of

constraint. As said before, it pays to maximize the efficiency of the dental arch. It is here

that the high-end dexterity of the implant dentists comes to the fore. The dentist detects

the mechanical inclination with the help of the CT scan. After this, he makes use of the

available bone tissue to place the implant. Secondly, the fact that it is possible to place four

implants within the scope of an arch also proves to be advantageous. Advancement in the

diagnostic technology has made the difference. Wisdom Teeth removal in Hollywood FL no

longer evokes the fear and shudder as it used to do before. Similar is true of the implant

placement procedure. There is little or no pain to bear.

Painless Handling of Issues

From guiding you through an easy course of implant induction to detecting the presence of

a bothersome wisdom tooth; the Floridian dental care center seeks to provide you with

quality oral health solutions. It drives home the importance of regular check-ups. As and

when you make a visit, you will have the dentists taking x-rays. Hence, in little or no time,

it is possible to detect if the Wisdom Teeth in Hollywood FL will be in the need for a

removal. The extraction procedure involves the use and application of local anesthesia.

Consequently, the removal becomes painless especially if the dentist is an experienced


Are Periodontist In Fort Lauderdale Treating Dental Diseases?

A periodontist is a dental surgeon who specializes in gum diseases. People who suffer from

aching or infected gums can visit a periodontist who specially deals with the diagnosis,

treatment and prevention of diseases around the teeth. Periodontal disease causes

inflammation resulting in the formation of bacteria in plaque, loss of teeth and bone

damage. It destroys the tissues and bones that hold the teeth. If the gums are not firmly

attached to the teeth, pockets develop which lead to gingivitis, a mild gum disease. If it is

not treated in time, it leads to a more serious gum infection called periodontitis. If any such

serious gum problem occurs, you should seek the help of periodontist.

The Service of A Periodontist

A periodontist is a dental specialist who covers dental surgery, laser surgery of the gums,

cosmetic periodical surgery, gum grafting and crown lengthening.Periodontist in Fort

Lauderdale dental experts employ the most updated methods of treatment, variety of

surgical treatment which helps to overcome different periodontal gum diseases.Periodontal

diseases also increase the risk of heart diseases and skin cancer.The periodontal surgeons

recommend pocket reduction procedure, grafting of fragile tissues or regeneration of bone

for treating periodontal diseases. Maintaining oral hygiene and frequent visit to the

periodontist helps in overcoming diseases.

Modern Day Treatments Offered

Painless laser surgery of the gum known as Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure or

LANAP is a revolutionary form of treating periodontal disease. This pain free therapy

involves minimal bleeding and root inflammation, recession and less swelling. This

treatment is ideal for patients who are afraid of undergoing conventional deep scaling,

dissecting and stitching surgical method. Cosmetic periodical surgery is also carried out by

the surgeons of Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale to cover sensitive and inflamed root surfaces

and helps in overcoming future recession. If you are unhappy with the unsightly teeth the

periodontal surgeon offers a combined treatment periodontal processes and cosmetic dental


Uniqueness of Practice

A periodontist is offering the most unique laser therapy treatment to overcome the

periodontal diseases since a decade. The surgeons of the Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale are

carrying out several researches including multi center study where theyundertake

comparison between laser treatment and conventional surgery. Theirsuccessful experiments

on periodontal diseases help them in managing recurrent periodontal diseases by treating

the bacteria responsible for the disease. They undertake DNA analysis to find the bacteria

which causes infections and suggests what antibiotics should be taken for the treatment.

They are also pioneers in soft tissue grafting and ensure that their patients feel good about

their appearance by undergoing the treatments from them.

Care For Dental Support

You should maintain good oral hygiene, regularly visit your dentist and maintain healthy

lifestyle. It helps to prevent decay, protects the gum and tooth enamel. You should always

keep your mouth clean to prevent any dental problems. Brush often to remove plaque and

food deposits as it could potentially lead to oral health deterioration.

Does Sedation Dentistry In Fort Lauderdale Helps To Replace Anxiety with


Many dentists use sedation dentistry to provide relaxing, soothing and peaceful experience

to patients who have undergone dental treatment previously or are fearful about visiting

dental clinic. The situation leading to dental sedation may be anxiety in medical clinics,

fearing about the use of needles or other dental equipments. It may also includecomplex

and time consuming procedures, unable to forget past dreading experience, resistance

against local anesthetics, unbearable teeth sensitivity and others. The dentists offer

sedation dentistry methods like deep cleansing, dental implants, root canal, filling,

extraction etc.

Form of Treatments

Sedation dentistry enables treatment possible for every individual who are afraid of

periodontal treatments because they avoid these surgical treatments where they need to

endure physical pain. Oral sedation is a very effective way of relieving anxiety and

encouraging peace of mind and relaxation. No dental equipment like needle is involved in

this procedure which is good for patients who have fear about taking injections. In this case

tablets are prescribed by the dental practitioners. Intravenous sedation often referred

as“twilight sedation” is transported through vein that operates by depressing the central

nervous system involving memory and realization. Sedation dentistry in Fort Lauderdale

enables even the most depressed patient to avail this treatment only in a single visit.

Dental implants help in stabilizing that bone preventing loss. In addition to replacing the lost

teeth, these implants also help to maintain the shape and density of the jawbone. They

indirectly support the facial skeleton, internal tissue structures, lips and cheeks and gum

tissues. It makes you get your smile back and helps you to eat, chew and talk look

absolutely natural.

Some More Sedation Options

Conscious intravenous (IV) sedation is a procedure where mediation is offered

intravenously. It is the most efficient form of dental sedation since the medication is directly

injection into the bloodstream and so it works very fast. It is very effective form of

treatment. The main aim of Sedation dentistry in Fort Lauderdale is to provide a relaxed

state of consciousness through this form of treatment. Inhalant sedation is another way of

treatment where patients can opt for sedation medication through the simple inhalation

process. The form of gas used in this process is anesthetics. Nitrous oxide is the gas, the

type of inhalant which is used in sedation dentistry.

Healing Effects of This Procedure

The sedation dentistry centers offer a wide range of oral care processes. Sedation dentistry

in Fort Lauderdale aims at providing a calm and comfortable experience by boosting up the

natural beauty of your teeth. These dental centers look forward to offer their patients with

homely care which they deserve. They ensure totally stress free, relaxed and painless form

of treatment in every dental visit. There can be nothing better than to visit sedation

dentistry centers for a pain free method of dental treatment.
