Demons and Abelian projection QCD: action and crossover


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23 March 1995

Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374


Demons and Abelian projection QCD: action and crossover Ken Yee l

Physics and Astronomy, L.S.U. and Law School, Stanford Universiiy, P.0. Box 9425, Stanford, CA 94309-9425, USA

Received 23 July 1994; revised manuscript received 6 November 1994 Editor: H. Georgi


s~pacn, the Abelian projection QCD (APQCD) action, is evaluated using the demon method. For SU(2), SA~~CD at strong coupling is essentially the compact QED (CQED) action with &Qm = $&J(Z) ; extended and higher representation plaquettes arc absent. Since CQED deconfines when ~CQED >N 1, this relation must break down as &J(Z) -t 2. Indeed we find SA~~CD mutates: near &J(Z) N 2 it gains additional operators, including an exogenous negative magnetic monopole mass shift. SApoCn for SU( 3) has similar behavior. The Appendix gives a brief explanation of the demon method.

A clear demonstration that monopole condensa- tion is the origin of QCD confinement would be a notable achievement. To this end, ‘t Hooft [l-3] proposed that QCD monopoles are magnetic with respect to the [ U( 1) ] N-1 Cartan subgroup of color SU( N) . Full SU( N) gauge symmetry obscures these charges and it is necessary to gauge fix at least the SU( N) /[U( l)] N-* symmetry to expose them. In this scenario monopoles are fixed-gauge manifesta- tions of gauge field features responsible for QCD confinement. Only in special gauges does one have a picture of QCD confinement caused by monopole condensation. In other gauges the features causing confinement are still present but they do not look like magnetic monopoles [ 41.

Numerical studies have found that maximal Abelian (MA) gauge [ 51 is compelling for ‘t Hooft’s hypoth- esis. Upon decomposing gauge field A into purely di- agonal (n) and purely off-diagonal (ch) parts


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the MA gauge condition D;ALh E JPA$ - ig[ A>, ALh] = 0 leaves a residual [U( 1) ] N-1 gauge invariance under

a residud = diag ( exp-iol, . . . , expeioN ) , N

c oi = 0. (2) i=l

Under &&dud the N diagonal matrix elements (An) ii transform as neutral photon fields whereas the N( N - 1) off-diagonal matrix elements (Ach)ij transform as charged matter fields: (A$) ii --) (AL) ii - i J,q and,

for i # j, (AF)ij -+ (A$)ij exp-“(“i-Wj). Since (Ach)ij carries two different U( 1) charges, the ACh fields induce “interspecies” interactions between the iV photons. On the lattice the monopole currents are iden- tified according to discretized versions [ 61 of ,$ E &+&JAB and .ffiv = a,.&? - &A;.

This procedure of using only the diagonal An components of the SU( N) gauge fields for measur- ing kP and f pr is called Abelian projection. Since trAE=Oin SU( N) , an irreducible representation of

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368 K. Yee /Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374

[U( l)lN-’ is

8; E (A& (3)

The 8’ transform as 13; -+ 8; - fJp”i and automat-

ically obey constraint CE, 0; = 0. We shall refer to

the quantum dynamics of the N angles Bi as Abelian projected QCD or APQCD. Equivalently, APQCD is the field theory obtained by integrating out ACh from QCD in MA gauge [ 71. Its action t$APQm iS formally defined as

E log{ s

[ dACh] eXp(dQCD) Am 6[D;Az]}


where AFT is the Faddeev-Popov determinant [8]. Monopoles arise in APQCD due to topological quan- tum fluctuations in the compact fields 8’.

While there is no guarantee that SApQm has a sim- ple form or is otherwise well-behaved, it is of central import due to Abe&an dominance [ 91, the fact that 8” Wilson loops in APQCD have predominantly the same string tension as SU( N) Wilson loops in QCD. Abelian dominance has the following formal implica- tion. If trW is an SU( N) Wilson loop and if (*)QCD and (.)APQCD refer respectively to SQ, and SA~QCD ex@c- tation values, the APQCD operator W which obeys

(W.~PQCD = +VQcD (3


w = ex!?(+~APQC!D)

x s

[ dACh] exp(-SQCD) AFP 6[DLAF] trW.

(6) Abelian dominance means that W, which in other gauges would be a complicated superposition of assorted [ U( 1) ] N-1-invariant operators of various sizes, shapes, and topologies, is (for string tension) well-approximated by a 8” loop of the same size and shape as trW in MA gauge. In other gauges the (w)ApQm string tension would be due to a combina- tion of SAPQCD effects and details (such as operator coefficients) of W. In MA gauge, S~pac~ alone de- termines string tension: given SAPQCD one can recon- struct the QCD string tension using APQCD Wilson

Table 1 Sytz couplings in APQCD measured by the demon on a 143 x 4 lattice, where QCD is confining overthe whole &J(Z) range given.

Parameter PSU(2) L=l L=2 L=3

PI(L) 1.0 P2(L)


h(L) 2.0



PI(L) 2.2



.50( .02) .Ol(.Ol) -.02(.01) .OO( .OO) .OO( .OO) .OO( .OO)

1.03(.04) .02( .OO)

-.Ol( .Ol)

.OO( .OO)

.OO( .OO) -.Ol(.Ol)

1.2(.03) .04(.01)


.OO( .OO)

.OO( .OO) -.03(.02)

.02( .Ol)

.Ol (.Ol)

.OO( .Ol)



.OO( .OO)


.OO( .OO) -.02(.01)

loops without reference to the RHS of (6). In this sense, in MA gauge SNQCD knows the QCD string tension.

Our numerical procedure for evaluating SAPQCD is schematically summarized in Fig. 1. First, focusing temporarily on SU( 2) we make an ensemble of impor- tance sampling APQCD gauge configurations by ap- plying the Abelian projection to a set of Monte Carlo SU( 2) gauge configurations at some coupling &J(Z). Then, seeking the action S,+PQ~~J which would repro- duce this APQCD ensemble [ 71 in a Monte Carlo sim- ulation, we state an ansatz for SA~QCD and apply the microcanonical demon technique [ lo] to compute the parameters of this ansatz. This whole “inverse Monte Carlo” procedure is repeated starting from different QCD ensembles to determine how SAPQCD varies with

&J(Z) 1 The general U( 1)-invariant action consistent with

APQCD symmetries involves an infinity of operators. However, previous studies [ 7,111 and, independently, the demon technique indicate that neither extended nor highly charged Wilson loops contribute substantially to SAPQCD. In particular, Table 1 shows the results of applying the demon to the ansatz

z+l q=l &WY

where cos q@,, ( L) is an L x L plaquette in U( 1) rep- resentation q, given in terms of link angles 0;; p,(L) is its coupling the demon computes. A explains the technical idea underlying the demon technique. Figu- ratively, imagine a battalion of demons each carrying

K. Yee /Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374 369

Monte Carlo



SVAChl Abelian




APQCD ensemble

Fig. 1. To integrate out ACh we: (i) generate an ensemble of importance sampling SU( N) gauge configurations; (ii) project this ensemble onto a [U( 1) ] N-* ensemble; and (iii) compute the &$QCo couplings using the microcanonical demon.

M coupled thermometers whose temperatures corre- spond to the M undetermined couplings in the ansatz action. (M = 9 for Sye.) The demons thermal- ize with an APQCD configuration-the heat bath- by hopping from link to link. Each hopped-upon link is randomly updated, and the hopping demon absorbs or emits the corresponding energy( Eaction) decre- ment or increment created in the configuration by the update. The thermometers are coupled by requiring all their energies to simultaneously remain within a given range [ -l?‘, I?] ; if any proposed update vi- olates this range it is rejected. Upon thermalization the couplings are read off by fitting the energy dis- tributions of the demons’ thermometers to M Boltz- mann distributions. Statistical errors are computed by jackknifing the demons. (The errors from jackknifing SU( 2) configurations are comparable.) In principle, if yt, contains all the operators of SAPQCD, the demon method tells us which couplings vanish and measures all the nonzero couplings exactly (modulo statistics). In practice, ya is a truncated action which is un- likely to contain all SApa operators. Extensive nu- merical experiments with control ensembles (see Ap- pendix and Ref. [ 151) reveal that if important opera- tors are missing the method yields readjusted “effec- tive” coupling values. These effective values are not

equal to the true values. As illustrated in Table 1, L = q = 1 plaquettes dom-

inate SAPQCD. Furthermore, there is no significant sig- nal for any of the L > 1 plaquette couplings at any &J(Z). This result, unanticipated, has a substantial im- plication. Since BKT transformations of L = 1 actions do not lead to extended L3 monopoles, this implies that, at least within our /3sucz, range, the fundamental dynamical degrees of freedom [ 111 for confinement in APQCD are pointlike l3 rather than extended L3 monopoles, as considered in [ 121. In future work, it will be important to examine if this result survives the zero lattice spacing limit, e.g. if APQCD monopoles truly are pointlike.

On the other hand, the L = 1, 4 = 2 plaquette has a noticeable signal at /3sucz) = 2.2 in Table 1. Therefore, we focus now on the L = 1 ansatz 2

q=l x,p<v


2 Unless otherwise specified, L = 1 is assumed in the remainder of this Note.

370 K. Yee /Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374

0 1 2

PS”(Z) Fig. 2. ,Spk coefficients fir, p2 and K as a function of &r(2). Ip3[, not depicted, is always smaller than 1&j, typically by a factor of 3-5. Our 203 x 16 lattices are all well inside the zero temperature phase for the &u(2) range depicted. The bold fir = $&IJc~) line is a guide-to-eye.

The K operator shifts the 4 = 1, l3 monopole mass [ 121 implicit in pi cosOELy, allowing the APQCD monopole mass to be independent of pi. Of course, & and K vary with &(2). Fig. 2 shows pti coefficients PI, /& and K, computed by the demon, as a function of &J(Z). ]&I, not depicted, is always smaller than I&], typically by a factor of 3-5. Each ,&u(2) configuration is generated fresh from a cold start so our data points do not contain any spurious correlations. Our Nz x Nr = 203 x 16 lattices are all well inside the zero temperature phase; for the range of ,&u(2) shown the APQCD Polyakov loop vanishes. As depicted, at strong coupling(&u(a) < 2)

Pl N $kJ(P), fi2.3 N 0, K N 0, (9)

that is, SA~Q~ reduces to the compact QED (CQED) action at strong coupling. At weaker coupling (&JCZ, > 2) & and K grow in magnitude but /?I always remains the largest coupling.

Note that since monopoles are condensed when &QED < 1 in CQED [ 161, Fig. 2 or Eq. (9) vicar- iously proves that SU(2) monopoles are condensed when Psu(2) < 2.

When &J(Z) > 2, the situation is not so clear. In fact, Fig. 2 suggests a paradox in the &r(2) > 2 re- gion: how can APQCD maintain confinement in the continuum limit if CQED deconfines when &QED >

l? Clearly, either the meaning or validity of rela- tion (9) must break down when &u(2) is sufficiently large. Either: (I) Abelian dominance does not survive the Psu(2) N 2 crossover making Smoco less perti- nent at weaker coupling-see discussion pertaining to Eq. (6) ; or (II) SA~QCD gains additional operators near

&J(2) N 2; or a combination of (I) and (II). We do not have anything to say about (I) in this Note except that Abelian dominance apparently has been observed at all &J(Z) 5 2.6 [9].

(II) requires that when &r(p) > 2 SAPQCD is no longer well described by SCQED. Indeed, we can demonstrate this by simulating

-sCQED = c PCQEDCoSQpvl~~~=~,(PSU(l)) (lo) x,p<v

(also on a 203 x 16 lattice) to see if it reproduces cor- responding APQCD expectation values. As depicted in Fig. 3, &QED reproduces APQCD plaquette aver- ages and monopole densities only in the SU( 2) strong coupling region. At weaker coupling the CQED sim- ulations start to disagree dramatically with APQCD. This implies that at weaker coupling either other terms of vti have become important or pBnsatZ itself is inadequate. In any case, this means SAPQ~ is not form-invariant between the strong and weak coupling regimes: at strong coupling SAPQCD is well approx- imated by &QED; at crossover region &u(p) N 2 SAPQCD mutates and develops substantial deviations from SCQED. Inspection of Fig. 2 reveals that a pos- sible scenario 3 might be that K, the exogenous mag- netic monopole mass shift, becomes more and more negative at larger &u(z). As negative monopole mass favors monopole condensation (compensating for a large pi ) , the occurrence of a sufficiently negative K

in SAPQCD at &u(2) > 2 could maintain APQCD con- finement.

Note that Fig. 2, as characterized by Eq. (9), “ex- plains” Abelian dominance-at least in the strong cou- pling regime. The SU( 2) plaquette in the strong cou-

3 Our demon studies, exemplified in Table 1, seem to mle out the alternative possibility that L > 1 plaquettes become important at larger couplings.

K. Yee / Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374 371

pmacn at Bsu(z)

0.4 0.2

<Ikrlh>brrwx at BSU(Z)

Fig. 3. (A) compares APQCD plaquettes P.QQCD at &J(Z) to CQELD plaquettes Pcan, at &QED = /31(/3~1~(2)) for a range of pso(2) values. When &u(2) < 2 the data points lie on the bold PCQ~ = PAPQCD line showing that SCQ~ is a good model of SMQCD. The set of points lying off of the PCQED = P-D line corresponds to fisu(2) > 2, when SCQED is not a good model of SAPQCD. (B) is an analogous plot using monopole densities.

pling expansion behaves like PQCD N ~/&u(2) and the CQED plaquette like PQED - $PcQED. Therefore, identifying PCQED(~CQED = PI) with PAPQCD and ap- plying Eq. (9) yields

PAPQCD N $3S”(2) N PQCD. (11)

Carrying this argument over to larger Wilson loops leads to a strong coupling version 4 of Abelian dom-

4Not to be confused with weak coupling Abelian dominance which requires only string tension equality.

inance: at sufficiently strong coupling APQCD and QCD Wilson loop averages and, hence, string tensions are equal. Fig. 4 confirms ( 11) and shows how this re- lation breaks down at weaker coupling. Interestingly, Eq. (11) contradicts the naive expectation, based on PQCD containing a trace over a 2 x 2 matrix and PAPQCD involving no trace, that Papacy = i PQCJD.

We have obtained similar results for the SU(3) Abelian projection which will be described elsewhere. For SU( 3)) SNQCD is more complicated due to inter- species dynamics [ 11,17,18]. Nonetheless, we have

372 K. Yee/Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374

e m

0.0 1 I I I / I , / t

0 1 2

f%“(Z) Fig. 4. The APQCD and SU( 2) plaquettes as a function of &J(Z). In the strong coupling region (&IJQ) -=z 2), both the AFQCD and SU(2) plaquettes grow like +/3su(p), the guide-for-the-eye line’s slope. At weaker coupling(/3su(2) > 2) the APQCD plaque&x deviate substantially from the SU(2) plaquettes. Correspondingly, the monopole density decelerates noticeably near &J(Z) N 2.

observed completely analogous behavior in SU( 3). At stronger couplings, &pQc~ is dominated by L = q = 1 operators; at weaker couplings, there is a crossover to a more complicated, but still L = 1 action. Again, L > 1 plaquettes are never resolved. Very preliminary SU( 3) results are reported in Ref. [ 31.

In conclusion, while it is not form-invariant be tween the strong and weak coupling regimes, &pQCD

is dominated by L = 1 operators for all values of &u(p) studied. This implies that l3 (rather than L3) monopoles are the dominant fundamental dynamical degrees of freedom for APQCD confinement, and that phenomenological features of the APQCD con- finement mechanism, such as whether APQCD is a Type I or Type II superconductor, might vary with lattice spacing. In particular, the results of this pa- per predict APQCD is a Type II superconductor like CQED [ 191 when psuc2) is small, as distinguished from the &u(p) > 2 case studied in [ 201.


It is a pleasure to thank Misha Polikarpov for many stimulating discussions and for the use of his SU( 2) FORTRAN codes. I am indebted to the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) for their hospitality. Computing was done at the NERSC Supercomputer Center. The author is supported by DOE grant DE-FG0591ER40617.

Appendix A. The demon method

This Appendix explains the demon method [lo] for ansatzes which can be link-wise partitioned so that psati = CX,+ ?$?J’r= where qz= = CE1 PiHi has the same form and coupling values pi on all links. i labels the M different operators Hi. While all the operators of SyFti share a common link UX+, they may (and do) depend on other links. For yt, of Eq. (8)) M = 4; HI, HZ and Hs correspond to c( C”,=_, cos q@,,(x)

for q = 1,2,3; and H4 is 0; C,, k,(x)k,(n) summed over all directions affected by link 0:. Let

Cl =Ck(H1,H2,...) (A-1)

denote the number density of states in the “energy in- terval Hi and Hi+&. In statistical mechanics language, the entropy is proportional to log n and, for a system with fixed total energies I$‘, the inverse temperatures are


Now imagine a “demon” carrying M thermometers corresponding to the M operators Hi. The job of the demon is to measure the inverse temperatures /3i of a heat bath-in our case an APQCD gauge config- uration. To do this, the demon hops link-to-link and exchanges energy with the bath until it thermalizes. More precisely, at each link the demon thermometers are changed by an energy increment AHymon com- puted as follows: the bath link is randomly updated and AH?““” z HFld - qrn is computed by evaluat- ing Hyld and flew on the bath before and after the up- date. Since Aqti = -AHymon, the demon plus bath

K. Yee / Physics Letters B 347 (1995) 367-374 313

energy is constant under this procedure. 5 The ther- mometers are coupled by requiring every thermome- ter energy to be inside some range [-p, ,!?‘I ; if a potential update pushes any thermometer outside this range, it is rejected.

Upon denoting heat bath quantities with primes, the microcanonical partition function of the total demon- bath system is

znc(ET, Jq, - * *)

3 [de][de’] fis(H,+H:-ET) s A=1

= s

[de] [dH’] n(H;,H;,. . *>

(A-3) A=1

Performing the [L-M’] integration and Taylor expand- ing entropy log 0 yields

Znc(J$-, E;, . . -1 M

=i-i(E;,E;,- -1 /W@l exp x -piHi. (A.4) A=1

Eq. (A.4) expresses the well known result that a ther- malized subsystem of a microcanonical ensemble has a Boltzmann distribution with inverse temperatures given by (A.2). Hence, if we set a battalion of demons free in the importance sampling APQCD configura- tions, upon thermalization the demons will return with their M thermometers each distributed in a Boltzmann distribution. Therefore, the FTti coupling constants /3i corresponding to APQCD are readily extracted by fitting each of these M distributions to exp{ -&Hi}.

We have tested the demon method extensively as follows. First, we generate an ensemble of U( 1) con- figurations according to a known U( 1) action SO. For example, SO may be pti at some point P in /3,(L) space. Then we apply the demon method with a trial

5 In practice we do not retain the update of the APQCD config- urations, so that the demon plus bath energy is not really constant in our procedure (as it is in Ref. [lo] ). Nonretention shortens the computer algorithm and avoids any possibility of damaging the APQCD configuration, a real danger since we have a whole battalion of energy-absorbing demons.

ansatz $-a which, for purposes of discussion, may or may not contain all operators of true action SO. If vtz contains all operators of SO, then we find that the demon always successfully recovers P and SO, that is: (i) coefficients of operators in vtz which do not exist in SO vanish modulo statistical errors compara- ble in size to those in Table 1; and (ii) coefficients of operators in 5’0 equal P modulo statistical errors. The ability of the demon method to unambiguously and automatically reveal when an operator does not exist in SO is an advantage of the demon method over other methods.

If pa does not contain all the operators of SO, the situation is less straightforward. The demon apparently tries to obtain an effective action by using the available operators in v= to fit the ensemble as optimally as possible. However, is not easy to nail down what exactly is being optimized. Therefore, it is important to simulate the ansatz action with demon couplings and verify, as we have, that ansatz expectation values reproduce APQCD expectation values.


[ 11 G. ‘t Hooft, Nucl. Phys. B 190 (1981) 455. [2] A. Kronfeld, G. Schierholz and U. Wiese, Nucl. Phys. B

293 (1987) 461. [3] More references are given in K. Yee, Helv. Phys. Acta 67

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