DEMAREST CNL TC2015 FINAL - ETSI · European Standardization CLC TC205 - Home Electronics Systems...


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European Standardization

CLC TC205 - Home Electronics Systems and the IoT – EN 50090-6-1

Joost Demarest - KNX Association

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 2March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

CLC TC205 HBES and the IoT – HBES KNX Web Services

Current HBES Standardization Landscape

Internet of Things: what is it?

HBES: is it already part of the Internet of Things?

Home automation: a changing landscape

HBES and the Internet – how is it solved today - disadvantages

HBES and the Internet – aims of the HBES Web Service (EN50090-6-1) Project – target groups and use cases

HBES Web Services – technical solution

HBES Web Services – what will be offered?

HBES Web Services – the complete technical picture!

Overall Agenda

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 3March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

European Home Automation Standardization (1)

• CENELEC (1)• European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization• Responsible committee = Technical Committee (TC) 205• Scope: Home and Building Electronic Systems• Standard series for home and building control = EN 50090• KNX Association

• Partner Organization to CENELEC = important player in the field of home and building control

• Possibility to submit standardization proposals without need for New Work Item proposal by national committees

• Before 2003: EN 50090-2-2• Only existing part of EN 50090 series

documenting hardware requirements• EMC, Electrical Safety, Environmental

conditions• System independent

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 4March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

• CENELEC (2)• Since 2003:

• approval of European TC 205 national mirror committees of• KNX media (TP, PL, RF)• KNX protocol (LL, NL, TL, A(I)L)• Management procedures• KNX Interworking model and KNX standardized data types

• All part of the EN 50090 series• Since 2010:

• Out-phasing of EN 50090-2-2• Replacing by new standard series EN 50491• EN 50090 becomes fully KNX – EN 50491 collects hardware

requirements for any HBES solution, even systems that are notEN 50090 compliant

• IEC SC23 new working group: internationalizationof EN 50491 to IEC standard

• IEC 60669-2-5: product standard for HBES electronicswitches

European Home Automation Standardization (2)

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 5March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Internet of Things: Definition According Wikipedia Network of physical objects or “things”

embedded with electronics, software, sensors and network connectivity Objects able to collect and exchange

data Enabling connection between physical

world and computer based systems Each thing uniquely identifiable Each thing able to interoperate with

internet infrastructure 2020: 50 billion such objects

The Internet of Things: Definition

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 6March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Is HBES not already long part of the IoT? Since more than 10 years, EN50090-4-3 allows to

integrate HBES into IP based networks Already since then, there is a “HBES of Things” –

compare previous definition WikipediaPhysical objects HBES devicesNetwork connectivity TP, RF, PL, IPCollect and exchange data group objects/interface objects – propertiesConnection between devices and computers HBES data interfacesEach thing uniquely identifiable HBES serial number and/or individual addressEach thing able to interoperate with internet HBES IP routers



TP Area



IP Router IP Router

IP Backbone


TP Area


868 868

The Internet of Things: Is HBES part of it?

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 7March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

A changing Home automation landscape

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 8March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Current trend: APIs Reunite different home automation solutions via a unified


In a central device in the installation

In your Smart Phone

In the Cloud

Drawbacks of these solutions compared to HBES

Increased complexity of the installation

No proven reliability of these solutions (yet)

Central device is weak spot in these concepts

But: Data is power!

Information on the user profiles of the smart thermostat could provide business opportunities

Offering of additional services data mining

But: there is no strict need to be able to access every single data element in a home/building (e.g. occupancy mode)

USB receiver per system

GW per product/system

Engineered links

Current trends

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 9March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Today: App on Mobile platform accesses HBES installation

Possible implementations A) App talks directly HBES by integrating the HBES telegram into IP frames sent from the IP Client (e.g. with installed App) via

the HBES/IP router to the desired HBES end device B) IP client talks manufacturer specific IP Frame format to manufacturer specific IP Gateway: this converts proprietary format

into HBES frame to the desired HBES end device

Drawbacks Every IP client has to support HBES/ IP or is specific to the used IP Gateway No standardization HBES installations are seen as “Fort Knox” by IT experts as HBES protocol unknown to them – complicated integration of HBES

and other protocols

IP router

BC 1041 17D0 E1 00 81A)HBES IP Frame

IP client IP Gateway

B) Manufacturer specific IP Frame format

BC 1041 17D0 E1 00 81

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 10March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Create a possibility that IT systems and HBES networks can be interlinked by means of a HBES Gateway. Skill Factor

HBES terminology like GAs or GOs are unknown to a person unfamiliar with HBES Integration Factor

How easy can an IT expert integrate an HBES based system in an(y) IT infrastructure?

By default such Gateways are interesting for two target groups. Web Client developers

Defined interface to implement Web Clients Gateway manufacturers

Provide the Web Client developers with a common and standardized interface Development and sales of gateways …

HBES Web Services, Intention

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 11March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

HBES Web Services, Use Cases

The Web Service gateway should be able to answer questions like:

Question directed to the HBES system only …

• Give me the room temperature of the “meeting room on the ground floor” Temperate value

• Which rooms are currently occupied by someone, in which the temperature is lower than 20°? Combination of presence and temperate value

Question to the entire Building Automation System

• Give me all apartments in my hotel that are currently rented out? Occupancy value in addition to the room information post processed (value not available in HBES…)

• Where are the MCBs assembled in wiring schema (geographically) located (which room/ floor)? Combination of room/ floor and “MCB” position

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 12March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

With HBES Web Services: App on Mobile platform accesses HBES installation

Implementation Web Client (e.g. with installed App) browses data held by the Web Service Gateway by using common web services The Web services do not embed the HBES protocol Data in the Web Service Gateway only reflects the statuses of the devices inside the connected HBES network Is modelled according oBIX, OPC UA or BACnet WS Can be exported by configuration tool based on the project data represented according a standardized (tagged) HBES

information model – non HBES data could even be modelled according to it (e.g. localization info of project devices) Gateway can be realized on simple Raspberry PI

Advantages The web client realization is much more versatile, it must only adapt to the information modelling supported by the web server

(oBIX, OPC UA or BACnet WS) Software for the realization of web clients for OBIX, OPC UA or BACnet WS readily available Very simple integration of HBES with other protocols Data could even be “googled” in the gateway through support of query language by web client and web service gateway

IP router

Web client KNX Web ServiceGateway

RESTful Web Services

GET http://localhost:8080/installations/views/all%20devices/.../temperature%20controller/datapoints/temperature%20value/D%2D01/

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 13March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

HBES Web Services, Technology Concept of EN50090-6-1

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 14March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Detailed technical presentation

• Interface 6: HBES Information model

• “Entity”= something you know from HBES: a device, a Line, a Datapoint, a manufacturer

• “Tag”= An entity can have multiple tags, to tell more about the entity.A tag can be:• a marker: to tell what the entity is

EXAMPLE “This entity is an installation.” – “This entity is a Group Object”• a tag/value pair: to give a specific name or identifier to an entity

EXAMPLE name=“Light Switching Actuator”• a reference: to refer to another entity

EXAMPLE name=“Light Switching Actuator”

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 15March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Detailed Technical presentation

• Interface 6: HBES Information model: animated example.

These are entities:a device, a buildingPartFloor, a Room, a Manufacturer

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 16March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Detailed technical presentation

• Interface 6: HBES Information model: animated example.

These are tags:“device”, “name=”, “order number=”, datapoint...Some say what the entity is: device, datapoint = “Marker tags”Some have a value: “physical address=1.4.43” = “Tag/Value pairs”Some refer to another entity = “Reference tags”80 tags are defined so far

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 17March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Detailed technical presentation

• Interface 6: KNX Information model• It is the task of the HBES gateway to present the HBES information model in the way

as required by the web service technology (oBIX, OPC UA, BACnet/WS).• The Information Model of a project will be loaded in the gateway, as an XML file. The way

how this is done, can vary (over IP, memory card…).• Advantages

• More easy to extend than an Object Model (classes, attributes).• Allows presenting the installation in other ways than the classic Topology, Group Address View, etc.

Own views are possible.• Allows including devices and data (“additional data”) that do not come from the installation, in one

common way!• Tags and entities follow a meta-model (not explained here) to allow extensions of this model, which can

automatically be interpreted by the gateway.

• Allows hiding the specificities.• HBES specific features (Individual Address, Line, Group Object…) are available, but are not necessary

to use the model.

• Independent of the gateway technology (oBIX, OPC UA, BACnet/WS).• One file format

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 18March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Detailed technical presentation

• Interface 8: oBIX – the web interface• Everything is modelled as a small object. New object types are defined through “contracts”.• EXAMPLE Reading a device description

• GET http://localhost:8080/installations/demo/views/view_devices/devices/temperature_controller/• The gateway responds as follows

• <obj name="temperature_controller" is="/knx/Device" displayName="Temperature controller" href="/installations/demo/views/view_devices/.../temperature_controller/">

• <int name="physicalAddress" href="physicalAddress" val="43"/>• <str name="orderNumber" href="orderNumber" val="1234567"/>• <str name="serialNumber" href="serialNumber" val="SN33221133"/>• <ref name="manufacturer" href="manufacturer_gmbh" is="/knx/Manufacturer"/>• <list name="datapoints" href="datapoints" of="obix:ref /knx/Datapoint">• <ref name="temperature_value" href="datapoints/temperature_value"

displayName="Temperature value" is="/knx/DPST_9_001 /knx/Datapoint"/>• </list>• </obj>

• Also this is transferred using http.

<Joost Demarest>< KNX Association cvbar>

Page No. 19March 16

KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control

Detailed technical explanation

• Interface 8: oBIX – the web interface• The value of the temperature can finally be read as follows.

• GET http://localhost:8080/installations/demo/views/view_devices/...-/temperature_controller/datapoints/temperature_value/

• The gateway reads the value of the Group Object in the installation, and responds as follows.

• <obj name="temperature_value" is="/knx/DPST_9_001 /knx/Datapoint"href="/installations/demo/views/view_devices/.../datapoints/temperature_value/"

• displayName="Temperature value">• <real name="temperature" href="temperature" displayName="Temperature" val="23.4" • min="-273.0" max="670760.0" unit="/units/celsius"/>• </obj>

I thought the gateway would not expose HBES specific things?

True. This is just a “contract” definition, saying that the data has been converted from a type that is not known in oBIX (HBES F16).

And the gateway returns a readable value!

This example uses XML.Note that JSON, EXI and CBOR are possible as well.

Thank you for your attention!

For more informationJoost Demarest – KNX Association cvba

Tel: +32 2 775 86 44E-Mail:

