Deliverance Ministry Training (FULL 12 Weeks) · The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The...


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Week FourThe Theology of




The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression


(Example: Revelation 1:10)

There are 4 words used for Possess/Possessed in the NT. Only two are used in reference to demonic “possession”:

• Echo (used 2x in the NT-Acts 8:7; 16:16):•To have, to hold (i.e.-own or possess)•“have," is translated "to be possessed of," in the sense of "had" and "having.”

The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression


• Daimonizomai (used 13x in the NT):• To be under the power of a demon.

•To act under the control of a demon." To express the mind and consciousness of the "demon" or "demons" indwelling them.

The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression


“And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.”-Acts 10:38

The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression


• Oppressed, katadynasteuo: (used 2x in the NT):• To exercise power over • To exercise harsh control over someone

The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression


The correct or proper terminology then for demonic oppression should be “to be demonized,” “under the influence of demons,” or “to have a


NOT demon possessed…

The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression


Can a Christian Have a Demon

(Be Demonized)?


The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression

The typical logic or thought process behind this question is primarily a two-fold assumption:

• If the Holy Spirit lives in you, then how could there be an evil spirit that dwells in you?

• God & demons (unclean spirits) cannot indwell the same space or place.


The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression

Four-fold response:1. God’s Omnipotence, Omniscience & Omnipresence

2. Numerous Biblical references to demons being in heaven standing in the Presence of God.• (Job 1:6-8 (v.12); Job 2:1-2; Zechariah 3:1)

3. The Makeup of the OT Tent of Meeting/Tabernacle

4. Can a Christian sin or participate in unclean activities?

Setting The Captives FreeMAN’S MAKE UP

1 Thessalonians 5:23


Setting The Captives FreeMAN’S MAKE UP

1 Thessalonians 5:23


The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression

What is the solution? The Truth of God’s Word Implanted In Their Souls

• Written (Logos)• Spoken (Rhema)


The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression

“Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness,

and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able

to save your souls.”-James 1:21


The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression

Implanted, emphytos: “Rooted word”; implanted by others

instruction.Metaphorically speaks of a seed

rooting itself in the heart.


The Theology of Deliverance: Clearing Up The Confusion Between Demonic Possession & Demonic Oppression

“If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

-John 8:31-32


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

• Children's (Christian's) bread. (Mt. 15:22-28)• Man in the synagogue (Believer). (Mk. 1:23-27)• Demons cast out in synagogues. (Mk. 1:39-42)• Jesus Called Peter Satan (Mk. 8:33)• A Believer’s son (Mk. 9:17-29)• Daughter of Abraham (Luke 13:11-17• Satan enters Apostle Judas (Luke 22:3)• Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5:3-4)• Simon was a believer (Acts 8:20-24)


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible-(cont.)

• Rebellious Believer handed over to Satan (1 Cor. 5:1-5)• Paul’s demonic messenger (2 Cor. 12:7-9)• Galatians bewitched (Galatians 3:1)• Hymenaeus & Alexander delivered to Satan (1. Tim. 18-20)• Believers departing from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1-2)• Believers caught in the snare (trap) of the devil (2 Tim. 2:24-



The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Apostle Peter

• Summary: Jesus told his disciples that He must suffer, be executed & resurrected. Peter did not like what He said, took Jesus aside and rebuked Him. Jesus then turns and says to Peter, Get behind me Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

(Matthew 16:21-23)


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Apostle Peter

• Transgression/Sin: Unsure-Bible doesn’t say (possibly pride)• Consequence: Public rebuke• Penalty: Unsure


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Apostle Judas Iscariot

• Summary: Jesus prayed all night prior to selecting His apostles, Judas was one of the ones that was selected.

• He was a believer, disciple, Apostle of the Lamb and treasurer.• At some point he walked upright before the Lord or Jesus

would have never selected him.


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Apostle Judas Iscariot

• Transgression/Sin: Greed & Betrayal (John 12:6)• Consequence: Satan entered into him• Penalty: Death


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Ananias & Sapphira

• Summary: A married believing couple who were members of the church in Jerusalem. Believers in the Church were selling properties and donating the proceeds to the Church so the needs of the Saints could be cared for. Ananias & Sapphira did the same but lied about the size of their financial gift. They withheld a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the property but lied and said that they donated the entire amount. E.Q.U.I.P.P.


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Ananias & Sapphira

• Transgression/Sin: Pride, greed & lying• Consequence: Public rebuke/Satan filled their hearts• Penalty: Death


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Simon (formerly known as “Simon the Sorcerer.”)

• Summary: Simon was a notable sorcerer in the city of Samaria. He became a believer after hearing the gospel preached under Philip the Evangelist’s ministry. He got saved, was baptized in water and became a traveling companion with Philip’s ministry. After seeing the Apostles Peter & John lay hands imparting the Holy Spirit to other believers, he offered them money to give him that same power.


The Theology of Deliverance: Examples of Demonized Believers in the Bible

Simon (formerly known as “Simon the Sorcerer.”)

• Transgression/Sin: Bitter and iniquitous conduct• Consequence: Public rebuke/Call to repent• Penalty: He humbles himself and asks for the Apostle Peter to

pray for him.



