Deliver realtime toll and traffic analytics · Apache Hadoop, the open source platform for storing,...


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© 2017 Hortonworks, Inc. All rights reserved. Hadoop and the Hadoop elephant logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.

Every day, Expressway Authorities must make critical decisions— often times without sufficiently accurate and transparent data. At the same time, they may be losing revenue due to reporting latency and the inability to respond when toll plaza sensors are down. Hortonworks Data Flow and Hortonworks Data Platform can help resolve these challenges by making data less expensive, better organized, and more readily available.

Deliver realtime toll and traffic analytics

Expressway Authorities Do Hadoop

Monitor Transactions in Real Time Toll Plaza sensors capture and stream transaction data into a Hortonworks cluster. If sensors malfunction, transactions may be lost. In situations like this, the ability to respond immediately can have a huge impact on an Agency’s revenue.

Hortonworks Data Flow can determine if transaction are incomplete and trigger real-time alerts, enabling traffic analysts to respond more promptly to unexpected changes.

Increase Understanding of Traffic Patterns Enriching Hortonwork Data Flow for realtime ingestion with historical data in Hortonworks Data Platform, you will find trends in traffic patterns over time. You can compare fluctuations in volume over holidays and weekends.

Advanced Analytics are possible by running your own traffic data through data science algorithms to predict future volume and revenue.

Reduce IT Costs Through Automation In a typical setting, traffic analysts monitor, transform, and report on traffic data. But often, this is a manual or batch process introducing latency between traffic events and the ability to respond.

Hortonworks Data Flow automates the collection, filtering, and mapping of various types of traffic payloads such as XML and images, allowing analysts to focus on improving response time and reporting, instead of labor intensive data ingestion, mapping and transformation.

As traffic volumes increase, storage costs are reduced by storing data in Hortonworks Data Platform, designed to run on low-cost, commodity hardware or in the cloud.

© 2017 Hortonworks, Inc. All rights reserved. Hadoop and the Hadoop elephant logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.

Hortonworks Data Flow

Toll Processing

• RFID Transaction stream through Nifi at the Toll Plaza to a durable messaging broker at Central IT/Cloud

• Data is read from Durable messaging broker, processed again through Nifi and stored in HDP

• Raw Event data is stored in HDP and transformed into Hive tables to enable SQL-based BI Reporting

• Future analytic capabilities can be built into the HDP based platform without need to reingest the Toll data

Hortonworks is a leading commercial vendor of Apache Hadoop, the open source platform for storing, managing and analyzing Big Data. Our distribution of Apache Hadoop, Hortonworks Data Platform, provides an open and stable foundation for enterprises and a growing ecosystem to build and deploy Big Data solutions.

Hortonworks is the trusted source for information on Hadoop, and together with the Apache community, Hortonworks is making Hadoop an enterprise data platform. Hortonworks provides unmatched technical support, training and certification programs for enterprises, systems integrators and technology vendors.

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Hortonworks. We do Hadoop.

Data Management

Ingest, Store and process vast quantities of data in a scale-out storage layer.

Hortonworks: Enterprise-class, Enterprise-ready Hortonworks Data Flow and Hortonworks Data Platform are delivered to meet enterprise requirements, encompassing the functional areas that are foundational to any platform technology. Data Access

Access and interact with your data in a wide variety of ways—spanning batch, interactive, and real-time use cases.

Data Governance and Integration

Quickly and easily load data and manage according to policy.


Address requirements of Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Data Protection.


Provision, manage, monitor and operate Hadoop clusters at scale.
