Defect Detection and Imaging From Phased Array




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R. Sicard, J.-F. Martel and H. Serhan

TecScan Systems Inc., Boucherville (Québec) Canada, J4B 6Y4

ABSTRACT. The use of numerical and phased array techniques to focus guided waves and perform inspection

of plates and pipes has not been widely used; it represents an interesting solution for defect detection and

localization. In addition, imaging of ultrasonic guided wave results using color coded B-Scans is also

considered a highly valuable tool for data interpretation. While commercial ultrasonic phased array systems have

both the ability to perform focusing and present data in B or S-Scan formats, they are not designed to perform

guided wave focusing. The present paper presents an experimental study for the implementation of ultrasonic

guided wave focal law algorithms into phased array systems. Focal laws are calculated for the inspection of plate

structures using ultrasonic Lamb waves generated by the angle beam wedge method. The wedge properties and

the considerations for guided waves imaging are outlined in this work.


The use of Phased Array focusing as a mean to perform ultrasonic inspections has

become very popular in the last years. Focusing ultrasonic waves increases the signal-to-noise

ratio of echoes returning from the area of interest, therefore resulting in an increased POD

and, under certain conditions, fewer false calls. For that reason, Phased Array focusing has

been integrated and used in applications such as conventional B-Scan imaging and angle

beam and TOFD inspections of welds using either longitudinal or shear waves. However, the

inspection of thin materials presents limitations mainly because of the combination of the

required higher frequencies and the dead zones inherent to ultrasonic inspections.

Guided waves provide a rapid mean of inspecting large areas of a structure with

minimal measurement points. Aluminum aerospace structures could benefit from the use of

ultrasonic guided waves as a rapid screening tool. However, their interpretation often requires

skilled inspectors, mainly because of their multi-modal and dispersive nature. Representing

the result of an inspection as an image often represents an excellent solution which helps in

the identification of defects. Work has been carried out by many authors using tomography

[1-2] and, more recently, phase superposition algorithms such as the Synthetic Aperture

Focusing technique (SAFT) [3-4] to produce images from guided waves signals in plates,

namely Lamb waves. The feasibility of using Phased Array as a guided waves imaging tool

has also been studied numerically by Sicard et al. [5].

In this paper, we present an experimental study of Lamb waves based on phased array

imaging of plate structures. Linear scan (depth focusing) and sectorial (azimuthal) scan were

performed using a commercial phased array system. The results of this study are presented for

thin plates containing artificial defects in a 1.82 mm stainless steel plate with simulated

corrosion pitting and a 2-layer aluminum riveted aluminum plate arrangement with EDM

notches on the first layer. Good detection is obtained on both samples, highlighting potential

applications of Phased Array Guided Waves.


Lamb waves represent, along with the shear horizontal modes, a group of guided

ultrasonic wave modes propagating in an elastic plate. Lamb waves propagating in a plate of

thickness 2h are defined by the mode phase velocity 𝑉𝑝 𝜔 , obtained from the dispersion

relation [6]:

𝑘2 − 𝑞2 2𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑝ℎ + 𝛼 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑞ℎ + 𝛼 + 4𝑘2𝑝𝑞 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑝ℎ + 𝛼 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑞ℎ + 𝛼 = 0, (1)

where the wavenumbers p and q are given by:

𝑝2 =𝜔2

𝑉𝐿2 − 𝑝2 and 𝑞2 =


𝑉𝑇2 − 𝑘2 (2)

Here, k is the frequency-dependant angular wavenumber (𝑉𝑝 𝜔 = 𝜔 𝑘 ) and VL and VS are

respectively the longitudinal and shear bulk wave velocities of the material. Symmetric

(𝛼 = 0) and antisymmetric (𝛼 = 𝜋 2 ) solutions are provided by the roots of (1) and

correspond to the dispersion curves of the different Lamb modes, which can be represented as

phase and group velocity as a function of the product of frequency and plate thickness. As an

example, figure 1 shows the dispersion curves calculated for an aluminum plate.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 1. (a) Phase and (b) Group velocity dispersion curves of an aluminum plate (VL = 6348 m/s;

VT = 3133 m/s).

One of the common ways to generate Lamb waves is to use an angle wedge with the

angle selected considering a refracted angle of 90° in Snell’s law of refraction:

𝜃 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 𝑉𝑊

𝑉𝑃 (3)

where 𝑉𝑊 is the wedge longitudinal velocity and 𝑉𝑃 is the phase velocity of the selected Lamb

mode at the selected frequency. Figure 2 illustrates the beam divergence of Lamb waves in an

isotropic plate as a function of the wedge incidence angle.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 2. Illustration of a conic wave beam projected on the plate and the subsequent Lamb wave beam for

incidence angles of (a) 20° and (b) 40°. The filled section in the wedge corresponds to a constant incidence

angle within the incident beam, while the flat filled area corresponds to the Lamb wave field.


The principle of phased array imaging is based on the phase matching of waves

propagating through different paths by applying proper delays on the wave generation and/or

reception. The ability to focus at a certain point within a material resides in the application of

individual delays on each element of the array in order to create a constructive interference of

the waves at the desired point. This implies and requires some level of beam divergence from

the array elements, which is generally not problematic. The delays can be applied at both the

wave generation and reception, and they can be computed from a simple ray tracing approach.

The time delays requiring to be applied at wave generation (∆𝑡𝑇) and reception (∆𝑡𝑅)

are computed relative to the time-of-flight of the element that is closest to the focal target (the

time delay of this element is zero). If ∆𝑟 is the difference between the propagation path from

the current element to the target focal point and the propagation path between the target point

and the closest array element, then the time delays are calculated using the wave velocity V

within the material as:

∆𝑡𝑇,𝑅 =∆𝑟𝑇 ,𝑅

𝑉 (4)

with indices T and R representing wave generation and reception respectively. The principle

of phased array focusing is illustrated in figure 3.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3. Illustration of the generation and reception delays for of phased array focusing at a given point

using a linear array. (a) 16 element linear array with time-of-flights 𝑡ℎ necessary to reach the desired point of

focus (without delays); (b) Example of delays that need to be applied to the array of (a) in order to synchronize

the time-of-arrival of each waves at the defect position.


Guided waves require particular calculations in order to obtain the proper focal law

delays, as presented in an earlier work [5]. A focal law calculator was developed with the

ability to calculate delays for guided Lamb waves focusing (figure 4).

FIGURE 4. Interface of the focal law calculator developed for guided waves focusing.


For our experiments, a TomoScan III PA 32/128 unit was used to perform guided

wave focusing. A 2.25 MHz array probe with 128 elements and pitch of 0.75mm (2.25L128-

I3) was mounted on a 30° LOTEN wedge to generate and receive the guided Lamb modes

(figure 4a). The first set of experiments was conducted on a 1.82 mm thick, 302 stainless steel

plate with simulated corrosion pitting (1 mm deep FBH with a diameter of 3 mm). The

objective of these tests was to demonstrate the potential imaging capabilities of phased array

with multiple reflectors.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 4. (a) Picture of the array and wedge on the stainless steel sample. (b) Dimensions and separation of

the simulated pits cluster.

A comparison between standard B-Scan and phased array imaging was performed

using the A1 mode in the stainless steel plate around 2.21 MHz. Depth focusing was

performed at 25 mm using 16 elements of the array to do a linear scan across the array. Figure

5 shows the results obtained (a) from a B-Scan performed using 1 element at a time (~0.75

mm wide transducer, no delays) across the array, (b) from phased array focusing at 25 mm,

and (c) from a B-Scan perform using 8 elements at a time (~6 mm wide transducer, no delays)

across the array. The first B-Scan (1 element – figure 5a) show the defect cluster with a very

low SNR and show the cluster as a single indication. The B-Scan obtained with 8 elements

(figure 5c) provides some indication of the shape of the defect cluster by displaying a cross

pattern, but defect separation is once again impossible. The phased array result in 5b however

does display a clear defect separation and a strong SNR for all five defects.

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 5. (a) B-Scan obtained from a linear scan using 1 element. (b) Linear scan (16 elements) with a

focusing depth of 25 mm. (c) B-Scan obtained from a linear scan (8 elements, no focusing). Defects are

encircled in red, specimen edge reflections are encircled in black.

A second linear scan (16 elements) and a sectorial scan (32 elements) were also

performed on the same sample at a greater distance from the defects (50 mm), as shown in

figure 6 (a) and (b) respectively. Again, these results demonstrate the validity of the method

and the benefits of focusing guided waves to improve defect detection and imaging; four of

the five FBH can be easily identified while traces of the fifth FBH can also be observed. It

should be noted that additional indications appear in the results, which are artifacts resulting

from internal reflections due to the geometry of the wedge that was used.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 6. (a) Picture of the array and wedge on the stainless steel sample. (b) Dimensions and separation of

the simulated pits cluster. Defects are encircled in red, wedge artifacts are encircled in black

The results in figure 5 highlight the benefits of phased array focusing in this case; both

the signal-to-noise ratio of the defects and their separation was increased by phased array

focusing and imaging.

The second set of experiments aimed at verifying the potential in detecting and sizing

EDM notches in thin plates. The example presented here is an eddy current reference standard

composed of two riveted 1.02 mm thick (0.040”) aluminum plates containing a total of 6

rivets. Four EDM notches are present in the sample with lengths of 6.35 mm (0.250”), 5.08

mm (0.200”), 3.81 mm (0.150”) and 2.54 mm (0.100”), as illustrated in figure 7. In that case,

the S0 Lamb mode was used for the imaging at 1.93 MHz.

FIGURE 7. Illustration of the riveted plates and the EDM notches in the top layer plate. Notches are present in

rivets R2 (2.54 mm), R3 (3.81 mm), R4 (5.08 mm) and R5 (6.35 mm).

A sectorial scan (32 elements) was performed on rivets R1 to R5 at a focal depth of 40

mm. Figure 8 presents the results obtained on the EDM notches. Please note that all rivets

were inspected by centering the array on the EDM notch, not the rivet itself, with the

expection of rivet R1, which does not have any defect around it. As it can be observed on

figure 7, the EDM notches signals are very strong when compared to the reflection from the

rivet hole itself and their lateral size increases coherently with that of the real notches. Plus,

indication coming from the rivet hole and from the EDM notch are fairly well separated,

especially for rivet R5, as it illustrated in figure 7f. This leads to a possible interresting

application of guided waves focusing, where cracks could be detected around rivets.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

FIGURE 8. Sectorial scan (focal depth of 40 mm) obtained on rivet (a) R1; (b) R2; (c) R3; (d) R4; (e) R5.

(f) Enlarged view of the rivet R5 and its associated EDM notch.


In this paper, we have shown the applicability of phased array focusing to guided waves

in plates using the angle wedge method. The developed guided waves focal law calculator

was successfully tested for linear and sectorial scans for multiple scans performed using a

commercial phased array instrument. A cluster of FBH simulating corrosion pitting was

successfully detected and displayed in a 1.82 mm stainless plate, and phased array focusing

proved to increase both the SNR and the ability to separate individual reflectors when

compared to conventional B-Scan imaging. EDM notches of lengths ranging from 2.54 mm to

6.35 mm were also successfully inspected and detected by performing phased array focusing

of the S0 mode in the upper skin of a 2-layers, riveted aluminum eddy current reference

sample. Experiments showed strong reflections from all notches when compared to the

reflection from the rivet hole itself, leading to a potential application of the technology.


TecScan would like to thank Zetec Inc. (Quebec facilities) for the utilization of their

phased array unit and array probe.


Rivet Rivet

Rivet Rivet EDM



Rivet EDM


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