Deconstruction of Charity Website



deconstruction of cahrity website

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Jade calveley

An introduction about the charity is shown, this isnt usually a typical convention as too much text is normally off putting however as its a charity the target audience need a deeper insight as to what their about to see if they can help them.Claire house is for young children and adults with life threatening illness which are terminal. Children who go in this hospice are likely to never come out so Claire house provides them with care and comfort. This website is aimed at parents or relatives of their child or anyone in their family who they feel could benefit from Claire House. Deconstruction

I like this website as it is full of information in a visual and entertaining way. It fits in with uses and gratifications theory. Rather than just publishing about them needing donations, they have references to events and other things to say thanks to the public which I feel is a really good convention for a charity.References to events are a convention, as Claire house are raising awareness and money they are also offering out great prizes to get people involved. A hyperlink is used on the main image, which is another convention of a website. This hyperlink is a way of getting onto another page to try and help someone in need. The target audience will sympathise as they can actually see the boy therefore more willing to help and donate.Another convention is the navigation bar at the top of the page, as its in bright blue you will see this first so can see if what your looking for is involved in this website. This fits in with uses and gratification theory of educating your target audience. The colour blue is used as their house style, this is significant as blue is the colour of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Within a charity all those aspects are deeply important therefore people are likely to want to help and engage with their charity. The main image used is a key convention of a website however it also defines the true meaning of Claire house. As we see a young volunteer looking after a disabled boy, it suggests the target audience and how this image can appeal to them. This website can also be a job application for people who want to volunteer as it tells you what Claire house is about and the role of a volunteer. This mobile number is a convention of a charity website, its a way of donating money for that charity. The number is in bold fuchsia font so we see it clearly.