Deconstruction of 3 magazines covers


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Deconstruction of 3 Magazines

BY Rebecca Black

Q Magazine – Cheryl RocksThe masthead is the biggest size font of the magazine and this is to entice the reader into reading the magazine because of what the magazine is called. The white on red Q has been cleverly put together so that it stands out even though it is not at the center of the magazine. They have also boxed this letter, they have not done this again in that style to any other part of the magazine making this stand out again to the audience.The essential information is located underneath the masthead and they have done this because you will be focusing more on the masthead than the little writing underneath. Another thing they have also put this text in very small so that the reader doesn’t spot it straight away and they have also not put in any colour to the essential information very bright so that the reader’s eye would not be caught by it.

The sell lines are located at the side of the main image so if the main image appeals to you, the reader may also be interested in what is in the rest of the magazine. They have put the text in boxes so that they stand out more and they have put them in boxes to match the style of the masthead and so they have done this to keep a theme to the magazine.

They have also used the same colour theme to keep in theme with the image and the magazine cover.

The main sell line is the only part of the front cover that has used different font style as the smallest part of the main sell line has the words ‘3words’ to make it stand out to the reader because it is the smallest writing there so the magazine have to do something to make it stand out. They also have the word ‘ROCKS’ plastered across the bottom of the magazine and you don’t usually assume rock with Cheryl Cole. They also have minimal writing so that they don’t bore the reader with a long paragraph.

The main image gives the magazine an identity as other magazines will not have that picture of Cheryl Cole on the front of the magazine making that particular magazine stand out from all the rest. The picture is very different from what you usually see Cheryl Cole styled like for example usually see her in bright clothes whereas in the picture she is in black leather. The fact that she is opting for a very vampire pose also the picture gets the reader interested as you don’t often see Cheryl looking that way usually.

Cheryl Cole has been staged so that she looks rock chick for example the silver stud ring, black smoky eyes and the devil red lips – these colours also match the style of the magazine.

The magazine has also framed Cheryl so that her red devil lips are at the center of the image. The rain droplets have also been added so that your eyes follow down the page so that your eyes follow down every story.

The magazine has a very ordered style as it is very organized very neatly all the way around the image and on the right hand side the writing starts and ends at the same point on each line making it look very professional

Billboard – Carrie UnderwoodThe masthead is behind the main image which is unusual for a magazine unless the magazine name is well known brand which Billboard is. Another thing that I noticed that there is 3 colours in the masthead unusual as it is usually 2 but they have also added the colour into the curves of the text instead of around it and they have also not used the same colours in the masthead in the magazine and they have done this so that the magazine masthead stands out as some people just buy the magazine for what it is called not for what it is inside. The masthead is also the biggest text size used on the front cover of the magazine and they have done this so that the audience is attracted to the biggest writing – the masthead. They have also kept to the colour scheme with the rest of the front cover.

The essential information is located at the bottom left of the magazine and they have not put anything else around the text so that your eyes would not be drawn away from that information but they have also not put the writing big so that they focus more on the stories of the magazine so you will be swayed more to but it.

The sell lines are located at the side of the image, underneath the masthead and above the image and they have done this so that once you have looked at the main image your eye travel to the information surrounding. They have opted for bold colours so that the writing stands out against the image as they have used red, white and yellow.

The main sell line is located at the bottom of the image and is usually the second largest writing on the front of the magazine after the masthead. They use minimal words on the main sell line and if the story or model is enough to draw the audiences attention in to read that magazine they have also added a little information for what to expect. They have also kept with the theme of text colour however they have got different text style so that the audience will notice that information first and o that it will stand out

The main image is appealing to the audience as that is mainly the first thing your eye is going to look at as that is the only picture in the front of magazine. The main image gives a very womanly feel as the clothes she is wearing hugs her figure and then at the side of here arm there is a lot of excess material and this is framing the celebrity as it is making the eye follow down the body to the main sell line. They have also positioned the celebrity so that her elbow also creates a frame so that you follow it along and you see the title and you go down and you see the main sell line.They have also put the light on the celebrity so that your eye is caught by her natural beauty and her messy hair do and this gives an edgier look to the image not something you would relate to Carrie Underwood.

Flavour - JLS The masthead is displayed across the top of the image and usually magazine are displayed behind or on top of the main image however they have opted for a different approach by having a strip along the top just for the masthead. They have also decided to go for a block, black background and orange, block text and these colours stand out on top of each other. They have also incorporated the masthead with the rest of the front cover of the magazine. They have also used the same text style though out the front cover.

The essential information is located on the top right of the magazine. They have also kept the text style with the rest of the magazine. They usually have the essential information with the smallest text size however this information is quite big as they are advertising that the ‘#18 NOV/DEC – FREE’ and that is something that they want to boast about and something they want the audience to see but they don’t want that information to detract from main image and they have not got the information as big as the main sell line information.

The main sell line is very appealing to all those JLS fans out there and it is not very hard to miss that they are in the magazine as the band name ‘JLS’ are plastered across the bottom of the magazine nearly the same size if not bigger than the size of the masthead and this shows that they are aiming to entice the magazine because of the band as well as the name of the magazine. They have bold colourful writing and then smaller writing around so that the audience has a quick look at what to expect inside of the magazine.The sell lines are artist names along the bottom and this is not in the usual style you usually see a sell line as they would normally have a little paragraph along the side of the main image however they have may have done this for a reason - to stand out from other magazines. They have used the same text style as the rest of the magazines and they have used to bright colours against a black background so that they stand out.

The main image is connected to the main sell line – JLS.. The magazine has also got the JLS boys to look very calm and relaxed - a very intriguing look. They have also got Aston to hold his shirt to make your eye follow down and look at the names along the bottom and they have also got the bands name beside so that you follow that up and then you follow the image round. The lighting has been done so that the light hits off the side of the faces and this attracts the audience to each of their faces. They have also positioned them so that they have the other band members behind in a protective stance. They have been positioned so that the main singer – Aston Merrygold is at the focal point of the image and the magazine have done this because Aston is most loved in the band and so the magazine have done this to entice the audience.
