Decision-making in periodontics: a case report · Decision-making in periodontics: a case report...


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PERIO 2008;5(2):83–98

� 83Fickl et al Decision-making in periodontics

Long-term periodontal stability is one of the major issues of periodontal therapy. Besides a successfulactive therapy and a meticulous periodontal maintenance phase, the initial risk assessment for eachsingle tooth is of utmost importance. However, the literature contains only limited guidelines andrecommendations concerning periodontal risk assessment. In particular, when teeth are to be used asabutments for a new prosthetic reconstruction, long-term periodontal stability should be expected.This clinical report discusses the clinical considerations concerning periodontal risk assessment, andfactors that aid in the decision-making process.

Stefan Fickl, Wolfgang Bolz, Hannes Wachtel, Tobias Thalmair, Otto Zuhr, Markus B. Hürzeler

Decision-making in periodontics: a case report

decision-making, implants, periodontal therapy, risk assessmentKEY WORDS

Stefan Fickl*

Wolfgang BolzTobias ThalmairOtto ZuhrAll from:Institute for Periodonticsand Implantology (IPI),Munich, Germany

*and: Department of Peri-odontology and ImplantDentistry, New York Uni-versity College of Dentistry345 East 24th StreetNew York, 10010, NY, USA

Hannes WachtelClinic and Polyclinic forDentistry, Stomatology andOrthodontics, Departmentof Restorative Dentistry,Campus Benjamin Franklin,Charite-UniversitätsmedizinBerlin, GermanyandInstitute for Periodonticsand Implantology (IPI),Munich, Germany

Markus B. HürzelerPolyclinic for RestorativeDentistry and Periodontics,Albert-Ludwigs University,Freiburg im Breisgau,GermanyandClinical Assistant Professor,University of Texas,Dental Branch, Houston,Texas, USAandInstitute for Periodonticsand Implantology (IPI),Munich, Germany

Correspondence to:Dr Stefan FicklInstitute for Periodonticsand Implantology (IPI)Rosenkavalierplatz 18,81925 Munich, GermanyEmail:

ManuskriptEingang: 25.10.2007Annahme: 21.12.2007

� IntroductionThe foundation of any successful periodontal therapymust be the correct prognostic assessment of the teeth.However, the decision-making that leads to prognos-tic assessment of each individual tooth is dependent onmany variables and factors. Modified in accordancewith the test series by McGuire and Nunn1-4, a three-tiered classification of teeth from a periodontal view-point was created, which provided a rough guide forclassification (Fig 1). In these studies, a high percentageof teeth that were initially given a good prognosis wereable to be retained for a period of 5 to 8 years1-4. How-ever, teeth with a questionable prognosis had a clearlyinferior survival rate over the study period1-4. In addi-tion, differentiation was made between multi-rootedteeth and single-rooted teeth in the prognostic assess-ment. Long-term studies have shown that molars (especi-ally furcated molars) have the worst survival rates5-7.

In this context, an important deciding factor iswhether or not a tooth is to be used as an abutmenttooth for a new prosthetic reconstruction. A toothwith a questionable prognosis must not be used in anew reconstruction, as the complete reconstructionis lost if this abutment tooth is removed.

The case presented provides examples of the fac-tors on which clinical decision-making is dependent.The clinical decisions made in this case are scientifi-cally and critically scrutinised.

� Master data

The treatment of the patient (born 14.04.1968)began on 24.05.2005 and ended on 27.02.2007.Since then, supporting periodontal treatment hasbeen carried out.











� Anamnesis� General

At the start of treatment, the patient was 37 yearsold, exhibited good general health and took no regu-lar medication. A penicillin allergy and increased sen-sitivity to adrenaline were determined. The familyanamnesis was ordinary and it was determined thatthe patient was exposed to a large degree of profes-sional stress.

� Dental

On the referral of her general dentist, the patientpresented for treatment due to a periodontal com-plaint in October 2005. She stated that teeth hadalready been extracted a year previously because ofincreased loosening. Due to an extensive cariouslesion, an adhesive filling with a self-hardening com-posite material (Clearfil Core®, Kuraray, Tokyo,Japan) was carried out on tooth 46 before the startof the periodontal treatment.

� Findings� Extraoral

The extraoral findings were normal.

� Intraoral

Inspection of the oral mucous membranes, the lips,the mouth base and the tongue showed no patho-logical changes. The saliva was inconspicuous in its

quantity and consistency. Teeth 27, 28, 38, 37 and48 were missing. Teeth 16, 15, 13, 24, 25, 26 and 45did not react to a CO2 cold test. Tooth 17 exhibiteda gold onlay and insufficient metal-ceramic crownscould be diagnosed on teeth 16, 15, 13, 45 and 47.Teeth 24, 25 and 26 had been restored with metal-ceramic crowns. Resin composite fillings could bedetected on teeth 12, 11, 23, 36 and 35. Teeth 16,25 and 47 exhibited access cavities sealed with resincomposite. The findings showed an average level oforal hygiene with dental calculus, plaque and bleed-ing on probing. The gingiva exhibited evidence ofmarginal inflammation.

The probing depths were between 3 mm and12 mm. Degree II furcation involvement in accor-dance with the classification of Hamp and colleagues8

could be measured on tooth 16 and 17 (buccal, mesialand distal). Degree I furcation involvement wasexhibited by teeth 36 and 47 (buccal). There was nopathological tooth mobility. The probing attachmentlevel (PAL) was between 4 mm and 13 mm. Figs 2 to7 show the clinical findings at the time of initial assess-ment and Fig 8 shows the periodontal findings.

� Functional

The patient had no tenderness upon pressure, and noother complaints of the jaw joints or masticatorymuscles.

� Radiographic

The patient brought a recent orthopantogram to theinitial examination (Fig 9). In addition, on 07.12.2005

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Prognosis and risk evaluationCertain� < 25% attachment loss� good oral hygiene� good aftercare guaranteedQuestionable: (one or more of the following parameters applies)� > 50% attachment loss� unfavourable root morphology� grade II furcation and difficulty with cleaning, or grade III

furcation� endodontic problems� tooth mobility class 2 to 3Hopeless:�more than 80% attachment loss

Fig 1 Prognostic assessment of teeth,modified in accordancewith McGuire andNunn1-4.











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Fig 2 Anterior view of initial situation of the maxilla. Fig 3 Anterior view of initial situation of the mandible.

Fig 4 Occlusal view of the maxilla. Fig 5 Occlusal view of the mandible.

Fig 6 Right lateral view. Fig 7 Left lateral view.

Fig 8 Periodontal statusof initial situation.











single-tooth radiographs were taken (Figs 10 to 13).The gold reconstructions showed up as metal-denseshadows on the radiographs. Teeth 16, 15, 13, 24,25, 26 and 45 exhibited previous root canal treatmentand root canal filling. Apical light zones on teeth 16and 15 were determined. Generalised bone reduction

with vertical components could be seen on teeth 15,16, 17 and 36. The bone reduction was between2 mm and 12 mm and was measured as the distancebetween the cementoenamel junction or restorationmargin and the limbus alveolaris. In region 18, a rudi-mentary wisdom tooth could be diagnosed.

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Fig 9 Orthopantogramof initial situation.

Fig 10 Radiograph of region 17 to 15. Fig 11 Radiograph of region 26 to 25.

Fig 12 Radiograph of region 47 to 45. Fig 13 Radiograph of region 36.











� Microbiological findings

Due to the suspicion of a serious form of periodon-titis, a further diagnostic test was carried out (Fig 14).Microbiological examination of the subgingivalplaque flora was performed using the micro-IDent®

test (Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany). For this,the removal of subgingival bacteria samples tookplace at the deepest sites of each quadrant9. Theevaluation showed an elevated number of perio-dontopathogenic bacteria. The microbial concentra-tion of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella for-sythensis and Treponema denticola were greatlyincreased (< 106 cells/ml). In addition, it was alsopossible to detect Actinobacillus actinomycetem-comitans (< 103 cells/ml).

� Diagnosis

The diagnosis was of severe generalised chronic peri-odontitis (in accordance with the classification of theAmerican Academy of Periodontology10).

� Aetiology of the periodontal disease in question

The insufficient oral hygiene in combination withextensive prosthetic reconstruction and the increased

levels of professional stress must be listed as the riskfactors in this case. In addition, owing to the age ofthe patient and the advanced periodontal disease, itcould be assumed that the patient had increased sen-sitivity to periodontopathogenic bacteria, and conse-quently altered immunocompetence.

� Prognosis

The prognostic assessment of the teeth (Fig 15) wascarried out with the aid of the risk assessment byMcGuire and Nunn as well as individual considera-tions1-4.

The prognosis for teeth for 18 to 15 was assessedas hopeless. The following considerations were deci-sive; as well as the extensive periodontal bone lossand the apical pathology, the prosthetic reconstruc-tion on tooth 16 was assessed as insufficient. Thesefactors led to the cost of reconstructing this toothbeing assessed as too high with a prognosis thatremained questionable nonetheless. Due to the fur-cation involvement and bone loss through to theapex, tooth 17 could not be used as the bridgeanchor. A prosthetic reconstruction was also neces-sary. As well as the increased probing depths andextensive bone loss, tooth 15 also exhibited root pinconstruction with insufficient residual tooth struc-ture. Revision of the root canal filling and new pros-thetic construction would also have been necessary.

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Fig 14 Microbiologicalassessment.











Despite all the treatments, the prognosis of these twoteeth (17 and 15) would have remained questionablein the long term. Implant construction of tooth 16would have been required as it was not possible tomake a bridge construction on the basis of abutmentteeth, and this also added to the poor prognosis. Par-ticularly after augmentative measures, three inter-locked implants in the posterior tooth area are usu-ally favoured with regard to the long-term stability.These points led to the decision to extract teeth 18to 15 and to replace them with a purely implant-sup-ported reconstruction.

Teeth 24 to 26 were assessed as questionablebecause of the increased probing depths. In addition,the advanced furcation involvement on tooth 26made this prognosis worse. However, tooth 26 didnot receive a hopeless prognosis, particularly becauseno prosthetic reconstruction or endodontic revisionhad to be carried out. Owing to the fact that almostno expenditure had to be invested in this tooth, itcould be retained (even long term) despite the ques-tionable prognosis, as it could be re-observed in therecall and, if necessary, action could be taken. Teeth35 to 36 and 45 to 47 were assessed as questionablebecause of the increased probing depths and exist-ing furcation involvement.

� Treatment plan:

– Anti-infectious treatment– Re-evaluation– Extraction of teeth 18 to 15– Implant insertion in regions 17 to 15– Periodontal surgical measures 35 to 36

– Re-evaluation II– Implant exposure– Definitive prosthetic treatment– Supporting periodontal treatment.

� Course of treatment� Anti-infectious treatment

The anti-infectious treatment was carried out from27.06.2005 to 28.08.2005. An initial session toinform the patient took place, along with oralhygiene instruction and motivation and supragingi-val plaque and tartar removal. An ultrasound tooth-brush (Philips Sonicare®, Philips, Hamburg, Germany)was recommended and the correct cleaning tech-nique was demonstrated to the patient. In addition,the patient was shown how to use interdentalbrushes in the sizes selected for each interdentalspace. One week after this initial session, a subgin-gival curettage of all pathologically deepened pock-ets was carried out under local anaesthetic in twosubsequent sessions (full-mouth disinfection inaccordance with Quirynen et al11). In addition, alldeepened pockets were rinsed with 0.2% chlorhexi-dine solution (Chlorhexamed® Strength 0.2%, Glaxo-SmithKline, Bühl, Germany) during these sessions.The patient was instructed to clean her teeth with achlorhexidine toothpaste (Gum® Paroex® chlorhexi-dine gel toothpaste 0.12%, Butler, Kriftel, Germany).

Owing to the results of the microbiological exam-ination, a supporting, systematic intake in accor-dance with van Winkelhoff et al12 of 3 x 500 mgamoxicillin and 3 x 400 mg metronidazole was takendaily over a period of 7 days.

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Fig 15 Prognostic assessment of teeth.� secure; � doubtful; � hopeless.











Weekly check-ups with oral hygiene motivationand reinstruction took place and, when necessary,supragingival biofilm destruction (oral hygiene train-ing) was performed. The plaque index (PI, in accor-dance with Ainamo and Bay13) decreased within 4weeks from 88% to 18% and the papilla bleedingindex (PBI, in accordance with Saxer and Muhle-mann14) decreased from 64% to 7% (Fig 16).

� Re-evaluation

Eight weeks after the anti-infectious treatment, re-evaluation took place. The clinical signs of periodon-tal inflammation had clearly improved (Figs 17 to22). Using the mechanical treatment, the probingdepths could be reduced. However, bleeding onprobing and some probing depths of greater than6 mm could still be detected (Fig 23). Owing to thesefindings, teeth 18 to 15 were extracted and reinstru-mentation of the remaining teeth that displayedincreased probing depths and bleeding on probingwas carried out.

� Extraction of teeth 18 to 15

Teeth 18 to 15 were removed without complications.In addition, reinstrumentation of the deepened pock-ets was carried out. Eight weeks after this, the perio-dontal situation was inspected. The probing depthshad further improved. However, probing depths of>6 mm could still be detected in the regions of tooth26, 36 and 46. Due to the defective configurationdetected radiographically, the decision was made toperform a microsurgical access flap and to continue toconservatively treat teeth 26 and 47 (Fig 24).

� Sinus floor elevation in regions 17 to 15

Sinus floor elevation in the right maxilla took place inaccordance with the technique by Boyne et al15, byoutlining the lateral maxillary sinus wall with a muco-periosteal flap, preparing the Schneider’s membrane(Fig 15) and filling the resulting cavity with a mixtureof xenogenous bone replacement material (BioOss®,Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhusen, Switzerland) andautologous bone (Fig 25).

The autologous bone was removed from theoperating field using a piezoelectric technique.Owing to a low residual alveolar crest height, simul-taneous implant insertion was not performed. Thewound was closed with macrosurgical (Gore-Tex®

CV5, W.L.Gore & Associates, Putzbrunn, Germany)and microsurgical suture material (Seralene®, SeragWiesner, Naila, Germany).

� Microsurgical access flap 35 to 36

In the same session, a microsurgical access flap wasperformed in accordance with the modified papillapreservation technique of Cortellini et al16, with aregenerative attempt in regions 37 to 35. After mak-ing a sulcular incision near the tooth roots, separa-tion of the papilla displaced to the buccal side tookplace as, on the basis of the wide interdental cavity,sufficient blood supply could be expected to the lin-gual papilla that was to be mobilised.

To avoid vertical discharge incisions, the cross-section was extended horizontally by a tooth widthfrom the mesial side to the buccal and lingual sides.After elevating the mucoperiosteal flap in the buccaland lingual area, the periodontal defect was degran-

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27.06.2005 04.07.2005 12.07.2005 25.07.2005








x [%


Fig 16 Schematic rep-resentation of plaqueand bleeding indices (PI= plaque index, PBI =papilla bleeding index).











ulated and the root surface was cleaned using a dia-mond-tipped ultrasonic instrument. An infra-alveo-lar bone defect of approximately 6 mm was detected(Figs 26 and 27).

After conditioning with EDTA gel (ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid; Pref-Gel™, Straumann,Basel, Switzerland), the root surfaces were appliedwith an enamel matrix protein (Emdogain™, Strau-

mann) and the defect was filled in with a xenogenousbone replacement material (BioOss®). The additionalfilling of the defect with a bone replacement mate-rial had the aim of preventing a collapse of the flapin the defect area (Fig 28).

The microsurgical suture closure was carried outwith polypropylene sutures of strength 7 to 0 (Sera-lene®) using a modified suture technique (double

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Fig 19 Occlusal view of the maxilla at the point of re-evaluation.

Fig 20 Occlusal view of the mandible at the point of re-evaluation.

Fig 21 Lateral view right. Fig 22 Lateral view left.

Fig 17 Frontal view of the maxilla at the point of re-evaluation.

Fig 18 Frontal view of the mandible at the point of re-evaluation.











sling suture in accordance with Wachtel et al17) (Fig29). The patient was provided with an analgesic andantibiotic medication and the wound area was rinsedwith 0.2% chlorhexidine solution.

After 7 days the stitches were removed and thewound was healing well, with primary wound closure(Figs 30 to 32).

After rubber cup polishing of the operated areaand application of chlorhexidine gel (ChlorhexamedGel®, GlaxoSmithKline), the patient was scheduled toreturn every week for 4 weeks for supragingival pol-ishing with chlorhexidine gel, in accordance with amodification of the post-operative recommendationsof Heitz et al18.

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Fig 23 Periodontal status at the point ofre-evaluation.

Fig 24 Renewed peri-odontal status 8 weeksafter tooth extraction.

Fig 25 Sinus floor elevation with a mixture of autologousbone and xenogenous bone replacement material.

Fig 26 Microsurgical access flap in region 36 and 35.











� Implant insertion in regions 17 to 15

Six months after the sinus floor elevation, threeimplants (Osseotite®, 3i Implant Innovations, PalmBeach, CA, USA) were fitted with primary stability.The implants were closed with cover screws and thewound was closed with a macrosurgical suturematerial. The wound healed without complications.Fig 33 shows the post-operative radiograph.

� Re-evaluation II

Twelve months after the surgical periodontal treat-ment, the operated area was completely free frominflammation in clinical terms and a reduction ofprobing depths to 4 mm was determined in the oper-ated area. The defect filling was monitored radio-graphically (Fig 34).

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Fig 29 Microsurgical suture closure. Fig 30 Seven days after intervention.

Fig 31 Healing, without complications, 7 days post-operative. Fig 32 Clinical situation after removal of the sutures.

Fig 27 Representation of infra-alveolar components. Fig 28 After application of an enamel matrix protein, theinfra-alveolar defect is filled with a xenogenous bone re-placement material.











� Exposure of implants

Six months after the insertion of the implants, theywere exposed. For further development of kerati-nised gingiva, palatal gingiva was displaced on thebuccal side. The wound was closed using macrosur-gical suture material (Fig 35).

� Temporary implant-supported construction in maxilla

Four weeks after the exposure of the implants in themaxilla, the impression for a temporary implant-sup-ported construction was taken. The impression wascarried out with individually constructed spoonsusing an open impression method and a polyethermaterial (Permadyne Garant 2:1/Permadyne Penta

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Fig 33Orthopantogram afterinserting the three implants.

Fig 34 Radiograph of tooth 36, 6 months after treatment.Defect filling can be seen.

Fig 35 Exposure of the implants 6months after insertion.











H, 3M Espe, St. Paul, USA). The temporary solutions,which were connected directly with the implants,were manually screwed in and sealed with foam pel-lets and Fermit® (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechten-stein).

The temporary construction initially took place inan infraocclusion position. In weekly check-ups, theimplants were progressively loaded. This took placethrough an intraoral construction of the contact sur-faces with a fine-particle hybrid composite (TetricCeram®, Ivoclar Vivadent).

� Definitive construction

Two months after the temporary construction, thedefinitive reconstruction took place.

As well as the implant construction, a prostheticreconstruction of teeth 13, 47, 46 and 45 was car-ried out. On teeth 13 and 45, revisions of the rootcanal treatments had already taken place.

The construction of the implants was performedusing screwed titanium abutments and interlockedfull-ceramic crowns on a zirconium oxide basis. Afterfitting the titanium abutments with the help of aplastic tool prepared by the dental technician, theabutments were fixed with a torque spanner(20 Ncm).

After closing the screw openings with gutta-percha and fine-particle hybrid resin composite (Tet-ric Ceram®), the definitive reconstruction was fas-tened using a temporary cement (TempBond, Kerr,Karlsruhe, Germany) (Figs 36 and 37).

Teeth 13, 47 and 45 were restored with full-ceramic crowns, which were fastened with a glass-ionomer cement (Ketac™ Cem, 3M ESPE, Seefeld,Germany).

Tooth 46 was prepared for a ceramic onlay, whichwas applied with a fluid light-curing resin composite(Tetric® Flow, Ivoclar Vivadent, New Zealand).

� Supporting periodontitis treatment

During and after the active treatment, the patientwas scheduled for supporting periodontal treatment.The recall intervals were determined with help ofmulti-dimensional risk diagrams19. These showed anaverage risk of periodontitis with a recall interval of4 months. In the recall sessions, special significancewas placed in remotivation and the removal of supra-gingival and subgingival biofilms. The probingdepths (Fig 40) and the oral hygiene indices (Fig 41)were shown to be stable in the recall sessions. Figs42 to 47 show the final clinical findings and Fig 48shows the final radiograph.

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Fig 36 Definitive implant-supported re-construction.

Fig 37 Lateral view of implant-supported reconstruction.











� Epicrisis and prognosis

The present case demonstrates the treatment ofadvanced periodontitis. In this case, it is especiallyinteresting that the decision was made to extract andimplant on the right side and to use a conservativeapproach on the left side. Owing to the serious perio-dontal destruction with extensive furcation involve-ment, in connection with insufficient root canal treat-ments and restorations, the cost of retaining theseteeth was too high in relation to their periodontalprognosis. For these reasons, the decision was madeto use an implant-supported solution on the rightside. On the left side, tooth 26 still had to be assessedas questionable at the end of active treatmentbecause of the advanced bone loss and furcationinvolvement. However, as teeth 24 to 26 reacted wellto the first phase of periodontal treatment and the

root treatment and restorations were assessed asacceptable both clinically and radiographically, a con-servative process in this area was justified. As thepatient was recalled at short intervals, treatmentcould immediately be given should the situationworsen.

When re-evaluating the clinical condition 8weeks after the anti-infectious treatment, isolatedcases of increased bleeding on probing were stillfound. Renvert and Persson20 demonstrated thatprobing depths of more than 6 mm have to be seenas a marker for further progression of periodontitis.In addition, the factor of bleeding on probing, par-ticularly with advanced periodontitis, seems to beanother marker for further progression20. As a result,the decision was made to carry out surgical periodon-tal treatment in accordance with the modified papillapreservation technique of Cortellini16. In this context,

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Fig 38 Final periodon-tal findings.









x [%


04.07.2005 12.07.2005 25.07.2005 01.11.2005 15.03.2006 20.07.2006 15.11.2006 16.03.2007 02.07.2007Fig 39 Developmentof oral hygiene indicesduring active treat-ment.











the ability to achieve primary interdental flap closurewas an important deciding factor, as this is not pos-sible with other techniques (e.g. modified Widmanflap21). In addition to the flap technique, a microsur-gical procedure can support the predictability of theprimary interdental flap closure22. In particular, a deli-cate and unstressed suture technique and low tissuetrauma seemed to be of huge importance in the heal-ing process in this case23.

To expose the implants, keratinised gingiva wasused in an attempt to reach the implants through api-cal repositioning. The presence of fixed gingivaseems to be important in the long-term preventionof inflammation, especially on the implants24-26. Incontrast the mandible, free mucosa transplants wereavoided in the maxilla, and advancement flaps of thepalatal mucous membrane on the buccal side wereused.

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Fig 42 Occlusal view of the maxilla after treatment. Fig 43 Occlusal view of the mandible after treatment.

Fig 44 Lateral view right. Fig 45 Lateral view left.

Fig 40 Frontal view of final situation. Fig 41 Frontal view of final situation.











After the impression of the implants was taken,temporary construction was initially attempted inorder to check the phonetic and functional parame-ters and to carry out gradual loading of the implants.The definitive restoration took place with screwedtitanium abutments and interlocked zirconium oxidefixed partial dentures.

According to Abrahamsson et al27, titanium abut-ments show better biological integration in compari-son with other materials. The abutments were cre-ated with a reduced diameter in comparison with theimplants. Through the inward displacement of themicrobiologically settled gap between the implantshoulder and abutment, this concept (platformswitching) seems to be capable of being able to pre-vent any patelliform defects occurring after the abut-ment has been connected28. Prospective long-termexaminations with standardised radiographs are notpresently available.

The final findings show that the combined perio-dontal and implantological treatment should be classedas a success and that a good long-term prognosis forthe further retention of teeth and implants exists withgood compliance and oral hygiene. The prognosis oftooth 26 is still questionable. However, this can beimmediately treated if its condition worsens.

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Originally published (in German) in Parodontologie2008;19(2):135-150.

PERIO 2008;5(2):83–98

98 � Fickl et al Decision-making in periodontics
