December Newsletter




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Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Association of Canada

Volume 19 Issue 9 December 2013

154 Wellington Street154 Wellington StreetLondon, ON, N6B 2K8London, ON, N6B 2K8Tel: (519) 642-1970Tel: (519) 642-1970Fax: (519) 642-2932Fax: (519) 642-2932

Inside This Issue:

1. CMAAC Continuing Education2. WFAS General Assembly Results3. Objectives of 2015 WFAS Conference4. CMAAC News and Updates5. CMAAC News Bulletin 6. Continuing Education Form


CMAAC Continuing Education:

CMAAC has been working with TELUS HEALTH to implement direct billing for insurance claims; to meet requirements CMAAC needs to implement mandatory Continuing Education requirements. This is will build the profession in the eyes of the public and increase the accessibility of treatment for patients. CMAAC now requires 15 hours per membership year. Documentation and/or proof must be supplied to your Chapter President with your annual renewal of membership Meeting Continuing Education Hour Requirements:

Seminars or Workshops – all hours spent at the seminar or workshop plus 5 hours for preparation and review time (i.e. if the seminar/workshop is 1 hour in length, plus 5 hours for preparation and review of material, equals 6 hours completed in total). Members are responsible for their enrollment fees to any seminar or workshop. Documents of enrollment should be supplied as proof to the Chapter Office.Self Study – this could include a book or instructional video pertaining directly to the profession. It is the members’ responsibility to find and/or purchase any self study materials. The member would log the time spent in self study on which date (i.e. member studied from 1pm-2pm on Friday January 2nd, 2013) and send a copy of such log to their Chapter President.

CMAAC thanks you all for your continued support, efforts and co-operation in this matter.

CMAAC 再 教育學時要求:

  CMAAC 和 TELUS HEATH 共同合辦以電子賬單形式進行的保險索賠, 為建立公眾對中醫針灸專業形象,學會需實施每年再教育強制性申報學時的要求,CMAAC 現在要求每位會員每年進俢 15 學時。會員每年續期時, 必須提供所有進俢文件和/或證據給您的分會會長。

再教育學術課程要求::1) 講座 - 所有在在學堂的時間需要額外加上 5 個小時的預

習時間(例如:講座的時間是 1 小時, 加上 5 個小時的預習材料時間,加下來總共完成 6 小時的再教育學術課程)會員們需要自己負責講座的註冊費用, 收據需要提供給當地的分會會長作證明記錄。

2) 自學 – 包括專業書籍及教學視頻,會員需自己購買相關的材料。 同時需要記錄下學習所花的時間及日期(例如:會員在 2013 年 1 月 2 日星期五從下午 1 點-2 點學習了1 小時)將記錄複印本發給當地的分會會長。

WFAS Sydney General Assembly Report:

Congratulations to our following CMAAC members who has been elected during the General Assembly yesterday as members of the 8th Executive Committee of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS):

(Saskatchewan) Diana Zhang - re-elected as member of Executive Member(Ontario) Prof. Cedric Cheung - re-elected as Vice-President on behalf of Canada (special note: 133/145 votes which made him with the most votes of all )(Ontario) Bin Jiang Wu - re-elected as member of Executive Committee(Ontario) Guo Zhao Ji - newly elected as member of Executive Committee(Nova Scotia) Diana Tong Li - newly elected as member of Executive Committee

We would like to extend our congratulatory greetings to our fellow Canadian colleagues Chen Zhao (Ontario) and Steven Aung (Alberta) who were newly elected as Executive Members this year. WFAS with representation of over 53 countries and regions, CANADA did remarkably well with 7 out of 145 delegates. 

2013 年 11 月 1 日,世界针灸学会联合会第八届会员大会在澳大利亚悉尼会展中心隆重召开。会议讨论通过了秘书处工作报告、财务工作报告、章程修改 方案、第八届候选人分布方案以及“世界针灸周 11 月 16 日至 22 日”等重要提案。中国国家中医药管理局马建中副局长、世界针联高级顾问、中国中药学会会长房书亭等到会祝贺。本届大会共有来自 43 个国家和地区的 168 名代表参加。其中来自 33 个国家和地区的 76 名代表被选举成为第八届世界针灸学会联合会执行委员会委员。加拿大中醫藥針灸學會張金達教授獲得最高票連任為副主席,本會會員吳濱江教授,張冬月醫師,李彤醫師,郭兆起醫師也獲得高票當選為執委。在大會上本會也以最高票爭取到 2015 年國際會議主辦權,將在多倫多舉行。

2013 年 11 月 2 日,3 天的學術會議在澳大利亚悉尼会展中心隆重开幕。本次大会由世界针灸学会联合会和中国中医科学院共同主办,澳大利亚针灸中医协会承办。本次大会的主题是:从古典到现代--让针灸和中药促进全球医疗卫生与健康。澳大利亚国会议员、外交部副部长梅森专门为本次大会发来贺电;中国国家中医药管理局副局长马建中,世界针联高级顾问、原国家中医药管理局副局长、中国中药协会会长房书亭,中国中医科学院张伯礼院士,世界针联前主席、国际组委会联合主席邓良月,ISO/TC249 中医药国际标准技术委员会主席大卫,2014 年世界针灸学术大会承办城市、美国休斯顿市长代表乔治·弗兰兹,中国驻澳大利亚大使馆徐捷参赞等,分别到会致辞。世界卫生组织传统医学处主任张奇博士,世界针联第八届主席刘保延教授在会上做主题报告。本届大会共有 822 名代表出席,包括来自世界各地近40 个国家和地区,近 100 个世界针联团体会员组织的各位代表和观察员,以及来自各专业团体的专家、学者等。本會會員張金達教授,吳濱江教授,李彤醫師,田憶芳醫師也在大會上發表論文獲得好評,加拿大中醫藥針灸學會代表團共 10 人,團隊表現在國際上大受尊敬與贊揚。

Dear CMAAC members, After a successful bid from Jane Cheung, VP-External Relations, we are happy to announce that CMAAC will be hosting the World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) in Toronto, Canada for the year 2015!

WFAS Toronto 2015 will follow the mandates of WFAS and World Health Organization (WHO):

contributes to the WFAS’ mandate to globalize TCM and World Health Organization’s motto: ”Health For All”.

Promote TCM and Acupuncture to the next level as part of integrative healthcare

Standardize TCM and Acupuncture and Enhance Global Profile of TCM (2009, China)

Promote Appropriate, Safe, and Effective Use of TCM/Acupuncture and Integrate it into Primary Health Care Systems (2009, 62nd World Health Organization)

What to expect:

Current issues of today delivered by key speakers around the world

Brings together a diverse range of health professionals interested in integrative healthcare including TCM/A


Providing networking opportunity for any kinds of health professionals

Oral presentations (English and Bilingual) the end Workshops with skill on acupuncture techniques and

other manipulations Improve clinical ability and learn new techniques Enhance interprofessional collaboration

Let's help bring the TCM/A profession in Canada to an international level!致會員們:致會員們:經過外交部副會長張中佩醫師的爭取, 經過外交部副會長張中佩醫師的爭取, CMAACCMAAC 成功取得成功取得 20152015 年世界針年世界針聯會議的主辦權在多倫多舉行聯會議的主辦權在多倫多舉行!!

20152015 年多倫多會議主題与世界衛生組織和世針聯會一致年多倫多會議主題与世界衛生組織和世針聯會一致::

將傳統中醫全球化將傳統中醫全球化, , 世衛組織的口號為世衛組織的口號為: : 健康為首健康為首 推動中醫針灸到綜合醫療的新階段推動中醫針灸到綜合醫療的新階段 標準化中醫針灸在全球的形象標準化中醫針灸在全球的形象(2009, (2009, 中國中國))

結合初級醫保系統推廣運用中醫藥針灸結合初級醫保系統推廣運用中醫藥針灸(2009, 62(2009, 62屆世衛組織屆世衛組織))


各國代表為當前時事發表講話各國代表為當前時事發表講話 聚集中醫藥針灸各專業人士一起聚集中醫藥針灸各專業人士一起 提供交流專業平臺提供交流專業平臺 口頭報告 口頭報告 ((雙語雙語))

針術手技的教程針術手技的教程 提高臨床技術提高臨床技術 加強跨專業合作加強跨專業合作


Other CMAAC News & Updates:

CMAAC Newsletter: In the year of 2014, CMAAC will be taking a Eco Friendly approach with the Newsletters. Up to date news and updates can now be seen on CMAAC Website, Facebook and Twitter. Please submit your current email address with your name and membership number to to receive up to date CMAAC news (no spam!). This Eco Friendly approach allows CMAAC to do their part in protecting the environment for a brighter future!CMAAC通訊:從 2014 年起,CMAAC 將採取生態友好的方式與簡訊。所有最新的消息要到學會網站,Facebook 和Twitter看到。你們也可以以電子郵件方式得知通訊,請告知你的e-mail address,這種生態友好的方式允許 CMAAC做好自己的本分保護環境,為更美好的未來!

CMAAC News Bulletin:

ATTENTION ATTENTION all members able to assist with the 2015 all members able to assist with the 2015 WFAS Conference, including fundraising and acquiring of WFAS Conference, including fundraising and acquiring of grants. Please email your name and current contact grants. Please email your name and current contact information, as well as what you can help with to information, as well as what you can help with to Thank you in advance for all of your. Thank you in advance for all of your help and assistance in facilitating this upcoming and assistance in facilitating this upcoming event.

會員們,如你願義務協助 2015 年世界針聯國際會議,包括籌款和獲取補助金。請將您的姓名和當前的聯繫信息,以及你可以幫助。謝謝。

TELUS HEALTH UPDATETELUS HEALTH UPDATE: Thank you Chapter Presidents, : Thank you Chapter Presidents, Chapters and Members for your co-operation in Chapters and Members for your co-operation in

implementing the Continuing Education Policy. Once all implementing the Continuing Education Policy. Once all members of each unregulated Chapter have completed members of each unregulated Chapter have completed one year of the Continuing Education Requirements, one year of the Continuing Education Requirements, TELUS HEALTH will be able to access CMAAC eligibility for TELUS HEALTH will be able to access CMAAC eligibility for direct insurance e-claims for patients. We thank you all direct insurance e-claims for patients. We thank you all for your co-operation with completing all hours required for your co-operation with completing all hours required for Continuing Education going forward. for Continuing Education going forward.



Happy December Birthdays!


CMAAC Continuing Education Form

Instructions: Fill out each column. For Self-Study list the Title of book/paper, author and year published in the first column and describe content in the last column. For all seminars, workshops or webinars an extra 5 hours is credited for preparation and review. Total # of hours must equal to 15 or more hours. Attach proof of receipt for any workshops, lectures, seminars or webinar. PHOTOCOPY FORM BELOW FOR YOUR ANNUAL USE.

Name:________________________________________ Membership #: ________________ Year:_____________

Total Hours (add additional 5 hours for any Seminar/Webinar/Workshop)




Continuing Education Activity:


Date and Times of Activity

Seminar, Workshop

or Webinar

Self- Study

Number ofHours

Describe how this activity will help you in your practice

(Self-Study also describe what you learned, attach separate page if

necessary)EXAMPLE:Lecture on Carcinoma

December 2, 2013 @ 3:00pm

X 3.00 hours This will help me further my knowledge on specifically Carcinoma, allowing me to better treat patients with such ailment.