December 1, 2001 Fighter Group 21 - 2001/Vol 21...


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December 1, 2001

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Fighter Group Association Station F378 – Fowlmere, England

“The Lads from Fowlmere” Volume 21, Issue 4 Editor: Stephen C. Ananian

This is not the Berlin we flew over on April of 1945, nor is it Coventry or London after

the Blitz. You are looking at my hometown, New York City, where my wife, my children and I were born. Steve

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association December 1, 2001

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Conversation with a ‘Patriot’ By SCA Many of us know our reunion chairman, Larry Powell. For

those of you that do not know him, Larry was a pilot with the 505th Fighter Squadron. He had completed his first Combat tour and was flying his second tour when his plane hit high-tension wires while strafing trains. Larry crashed-landed and evaded the enemy for 48 hours when he was captured and

became a POW until Patton’s boys liberated him. After the war, Larry flew in the California Air National Guard. A jet he was flying exploded resulting in many months in hospitals while recovering from his injuries. I had the honor of flying with him on many missions.

I asked Larry his feelings on the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. His reply was, “It makes me furious! I am angry. I feel violated! Yes that’s it, I feel VIOLATED! All I have gone through, for my children and grandchildren, so that they might live in peace and freedom. These terrorists seem to have negated it.”

Larry speaks for us all! How fragile peace is. Steve


Dear Stephen I write on behalf of The Friends of Fowlmere School and the children and staff at the school,

to offer our condolences for the dreadful suffering of so many people all across the USA as a result of the terrorist attack last Tuesday. As both President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have said, this was not just an attack on the USA but also on freedom and democracy. I heard this morning that the nationals of some 80 countries (at least), were caught up in the carnage.

I am sure there must be some of your members who have lost family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time.

In one sense the prospect after these atrocities is grim indeed. To quote Rudyard Kipling:

"This is midnight - let no star Delude us - dawn is very far. This is the tempest long foretold, Slow to make head, but sure to hold."

Kind regards, John Rushton Chair, The Friends of Fowlmere School

December 1, 2001

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By Jim Starnes Permanent Columnist

Another Great Reunion . . . We had excellent facilities arranged by Larry Powell. Our hotel was

next door to Busch Stadium, and from our Hospitality Suite on the 22nd floor we could look down on a baseball game in progress there. We were only two blocks away for the famous Gateway Arch, and quite a few members took the cable car ride to the top (620 feet) to view the city and Mississippi River. Weather conditions during the reunion were ideal. The bus trip around the city arranged by Jerry and Mary Graham included visits to Busch Brewery with their Clydesdale horses (and a couple samples of brewery products), a trip to Forest Park where the World’s Fair was held many years ago, a fine paddlewheel boat trip and lunch on the Mississippi River. High on the favorite experiences was the bus trip to St. Louis Regional

Airport where Mike George gave us a brief air show and static display of his beautiful Mustang “Worry Bird.” The skin on that bird has been shined to a mirror finish, and Mike even opened the gun bays to show that he had 50 caliber machine guns with dummy ammunition in them. Many photos were taken by 339ers next to “Worry Bird”.

Dr. Wes Stricker wanted to fly his own P-51 (Kansas City Kitty), to join Mike George at the airport, but his bird had an 800-magneto drop. His mechanic was unable to get it into flyable condition, so Dr. Wes flew over to St. Louis in another aircraft to spend some time with us in the Hospitality Suite. We are most grateful that these two

gentlemen show our 339th wartime colors on Mustangs at air shows around the country during the years. They are the only two Mustangs, which currently have our markings. Many years ago a P-51 owner named William Clark from Pennsylvania was killed in bad weather while flying his 5Q-C plane with our own Bill Clark’s markings on it.

Almost no one who signed up for this reunion were stopped because of the terrorist threat to airline travel. John Murray had to cancel when US Airways canceled his flight from Pittsburgh, and John Harris was urged by his family

L to R, Emma & Dick Thieme, Harry & Maria Howard, and Donald & Shirley Olander.

‘Desk of Jim Starnes’ continued on next page

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association December 1, 2001

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to cancel his trip from England. 339ers are not easily intimidated. As usual there were a few cancellations for health reasons. Dutch Eisenhart had a heart attack a few days before driving to St. Louis, requiring him to be hospitalized during the reunion. Dutch is improving slowly and plans to get a ‘stent’ installed in an artery when he is better able to undergo surgery. He has a good attitude and we will see him again next year. Frank Gerard and Primo Zambardo also had health problems requiring them to cancel. It was great to see Ken and Honey Sylvester after a number of years of absence, and Carl Cloud returned to our midst again as well. Bud Martin was in attendance with his two brothers. All are cousins of the famous Pepper Martin of St. Louis Cardinals fame during World War II. Pepper was part of the “Gashouse Gang,” and Bud Martin was a fine ball player who ‘tried out’ for the Cardinals after the war.

As promised, first time attendee Charlie Le Duc (Crew Chief 505th) was there with his lovely spouse Dorothy. Charlie and his pilot, Chet Malarz had a ball reminiscing.

Roland W. Smith (Pilot 504th) also a first time attendee was there with his whole family!

A few weeks before our reunion Leonard Kunz (Pilot 504th) slipped and had a hip replacement. Leonard showed up with wife Norah and wheel chair. This was their first

reunion as well. Our banquet speaker was General

Bill Bryan, who gave us an account of his long and distinguished career in the Air Force. Bill is by far our most notably decorated veteran, having flown combat in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Since he had already received one of our 339th plates, he was given a ‘Bald’ eagle statue obtained by president Charlie Steffen. Richard C. Penrose’s son Tom attended his first reunion and received a 339th plate for his

distinguished service in assisting his father with the second edition of our 339th history. You may recall that our historian Richard ‘Slick’ Penrose developed a brain tumor and died prior to the completion of the manuscript for the second edition. Tom Penrose took over the task, dealt with Turner Publishing on our behalf and completed that fine revision to the first book published ten years ago. Tom is an artist by trade and has taught art at the Central Oregon Community College. His oil paintings are being sold by a gallery in New York City. Tom also designed the dust cover for the second edition. We are most grateful for his difficult work on our behalf. Now he knows the 339th history better than those who made it! We hope to see him again at future reunions. Also receiving a 339th plate at the banquet was Mike George.

L to R Cathy & Michael George and Pat Steffen

‘Desk of Jim Starnes’ continued on next page

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Mike flew his Mustang down from Springfield, IL, for us to enjoy. Mike also said a few words at the banquet after being introduced by Bob Frisch – whose P-51 markings are duplicated on Mike’s bird. As usual General John Henry presented all the banquet awards and made his usual outstanding remarks of tribute to the honorees. This was John Henry’s second reunion after major surgery. He was looking his fine healthy self, accompanied by the lovely Maxine. No other World War II group can boast such a tremendous supporter in their wartime commander as we can. John and Maxine Henry have never missed one of our reunions for any reason whatsoever, and he is now in his mid-80s.

What a guy! Jim

“Battle Stations” The P51 Mustang - Episode #5 By Flash Back TV

A videotape of the episode that aired on the History Channel, featuring some of the interviews with members of our group at our San Antonio Reunion. Using archive films, pilot interviews and color reenactment the documentary explains the importance of the P-51’s participation in the air war over Europe.

Call 1-800-708-1776. Price $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

The Mighty Eighth: The Colour Record By Roger A. Freeman

A book you must have in your library! See actual color photographs of Eighth Air Force Groups, including members of the 339th Fighter Group at Fowlmere. If you cannot order locally, contact the US distributors.

Sterling Publishing Co, 387 Park Avenue South, New York City, NY 10016-8810.

2nd Edition: History of the 339th Fighter Group Edited by ‘Slick’ & Tom Penrose & members of the 339th Fighter Group

If you have not purchased the second printing of our 339th history, do so now before you miss out. The first edition is sold out. Turner Publishing informs me there are only 60 of the second edition left! Do not mistake this as a rewritten first edition. It is an improved version with added color photos.

For our readers only, you may purchase the second edition at the reduced rate of $29.95, plus shipping.

Write to: - 339th Fighter Group 2nd Ed., Turner Publishing Co., P.O. Box 3101,

Paducah, KY 42002-3101. Tell them you are a member of the 339th Fighter Group and you are asking for the ‘Special Rate’.

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association December 1, 2001

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By Charles Steffen President 339th FGA It has been a real honor for me to serve you over the past two years

and I sincerely appreciate the many compliments on my leadership. I do recognize a leader is only as successful as are his team members good in carrying out there functions. For so many of you who were unable to attend our St. Louis Reunion, I would like to point out those of your comrades of the past to whom I am grateful for their support in providing an enjoyable affair.

My heart felt thanks go out to – Larry Powell, our Banquet Master of Ceremonies, for providing us with a splendid hotel and

accommodations at a choice location. Jerry and Mary Graham, for arranging an excellent tour of the city with a luncheon cruise

on the Mississippi, and bus transportation to see ‘Worry Bird’. Warren and Gladys Olsen, for managing the Hospitality Room. Bob Frisch, for inviting Mike and Kathy George along with their P-51, D7-J ‘Worry Bird’. Not

many dry eyes when the ‘Bird’ streaked by. Thanks to the Georges. Warren Olsen, for his Banquet Invocation. Bob Irion, for his usual fine tribute to comrades who have passed on. Jim Starnes, for his introduction of Tom Penrose who we honored for the work of he and his

father, Dick, on the second edition of the 339th History book. Our thanks also for the preparation of the usual fine pictoral souvenir Banquet Program, and the time he devoted to the registration of all the attendees.

Enoch Stephenson, for his introduction of our main speaker, and to; General Bill Bryan, himself, an aviator with a distinguished military career. Marshal Cole, the oldest Fowlmere veteran in attendance. Steve Ananian, for the arty name badges, agendas, membership lists, and all the

paperwork that goes with a reunion, to say nothing about his excellent quarterly Newsletters. Tim Ferrell, for his video coverage of the reunion. Bill Guyton, for keeping our financial accounts straight, particularly on the reunion. The four-airman Color Guard from Scott Air Force Base, with their precision drill. The lead of Marilyn Carollo and Gloria Sams in our singing of the National Anthem and

‘God Bless America’. All the Board members and Past Presidents for their assistance. Finally, the continuing attendance of our WW II Commander, General John Henry, with his

inspiring and comforting remarks for all of us. I was particularly pleased to receive his personal congratulations and treasured remarks on my leadership. We had a relatively good turnout in a sunny city despite the dark cloud hovering. It was gratifying to have so many family members attending and also the Nick King family all the way from Britain and first timers Nora and Len Kunz, and the Rowland Smith family of five, all from the 504th.

We missed John and Laurina Harris, Peter Randall from the UK as well as Jim and Mary Sterling from Alaska, and a few other regulars. We hope to see them all next year when our new administration, lead by Jerry Graham, will take us to Charleston.

I thank you again for allowing me this honor. Until we join together again, Pat joins me in wishing you all good health and happiness.

Seasons Greetings to All. Charlie

December 1, 2001

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It was about 1:30 PM on October third. Two busses pulled up to the side gates at the

‘St. Louis Airport’ in Alton Illinois. The 339ers, families and friends, about 86 in all, casually unloaded, as most elderly people do. They slowly walked out onto the ‘Tarmac’ in groups of two’s and three’s.

There was an air of anticipation. Michael J. George was going to fly in from Springfield Illinois in his shinny Mustang, “Worry Bird”.

We watched a student shooting landings in a light plane with Tri-cycle Landing Gear. The pilots among us thought of their first solo flight in a Stearman, PT-17 so many years ago.

Michael’s wife Cathy had driven in her car. She was there with camera in hand, talking to longtime friend Robert Frisch (Original 503rd pilot of D7-J). Our eyes strained toward the East from where Michael was coming. He was scheduled to arrive at 1:45 and it was nearly that now.

Suddenly, we heard the familiar roar of an engine, that sound that is so difficult to describe to anyone who has never heard it before. The high-pitched wine, that rises to a roaring crescendo as that beautiful silver ‘bird’ with the red and white checkered nose, that sleek, polished, P-51 flew by doing 375 miles per hour. It was here, overhead, and then it was

gone, way off in the distance banking to the right in a shallow turn, as Mike showed us that perfect silhouette.

There wasn’t a dry eye in that group of Fowlmere veterans. Then from nowhere a second pass and Mike gently waggled his wings in salute.

This was no ordinary pilot flying a million dollar aircraft. He had confidence in his flying ability as well as his ‘bird’. No, this was a real pilot! Continued next page

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As he came in on his ‘final’, the ‘horse pilots’ in the crowd tried to anticipate his next move. Would he ‘show off’ with a three-point landing and risk getting a ‘wing-tip’ or would he

make a sensible approach and do a ‘wheelie’ with power on. There was a stiff cross wind and Mike flew it as an experienced pilot would. He made a beautiful two point ‘wheelie’.

I looked at O.P. Farmer and Bill Bryan; both their eyes were as moist as mine. “Yeah,“ Barney said, “They are tears and I’m proud of it”. “Me too,” I mumbled. Even Ollie Bryan admitted she had a ‘lump in her throat’.

I could not help but remember how we used to watch returning pilots land after a mission, standing there in front of the control tower at Fowlmere.

It was ‘déja vu’ all over again! We strolled toward that polished Mustang, now parked on

the apron, with our shoulders back, stomach in, feeling two inches taller and twenty years younger. It was a great day!


S.C. Ananian

We thank the following members for their generous donations: - $50 in memory of 504th pilot 1/Lt. Robert Vernon Blizzard by his nephew John Blizzard, $20 Robert Kuhlman, $92 William R. Mac Clarence, $20 Walter D. Edwards, $30 Kenward R. Hayes, $25 Con Hatfield, $20 Elmer Haidle, $35 Stanley S. Bloomberg, $30 William P. Healy, $30 ‘Jimmy’ Pappas, $40 Carol ‘Bud’ Martin, $30 Ronald E. Miller, $50 Robert Burns, $45 John P. Wilson, $40 Richard O. Lewey, $20 George J. Rosen, $20 Earl R. Gertz, $ 20 Sam Palmucci, $20 Richard E. Krauss, $25 Carmel King, $70 Primo Zambardo, $20 Pasquale C. ‘Pat’ Bova, $100 Stephen J. Grogan, $20 Jeanne Mulquin Wood, $20 G. Thomas Rich, $35 Bill Raines, $25 Kenneth C. Sylvester, $25 Harold J. Meyer, $20 Harry Rosenberg, $20 Robert E. Irion.

O.P. ‘Barney’ Farmer ‘checking out’ landings of

returning pilots in ’45.

December 1, 2001

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The following article was the topic of discussion at our reunion. It appeared in the September 2001 issue of the 8th Air Force News. Jim felt it had to be corrected, for it gives the impression that shooting down a plane requires no skill! Would you not have thought that the 8th Air Force would know if any member of the 8th shot down 5 planes on his first mission, but then again they think the ‘Tuskegee’ Airmen were in the ‘Mighty Eighth”.

Gi’me a break! W. W. WALLEY …

We had a young replacement pilot going on his first mission. He was just as jolly as he could be, eager to go on his first mission. When he returned that day and landed, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody as distraught as this man was. He was as near shock as anybody I’ve ever seen, not to be in total shock. I’ve wondered many times how he managed to land a plane like a P-51 on that fighter strip and survive!

It was my custom to help the returning pilots, get them out of the cockpits and get them back to base. We had whiskey available to give those who wanted it. On this particular occasion, this man was just too “shook-up” to undo his harness; I had to help him out of it. I then took him back to my office where he told his story. Since he was flying on his first mission he said “I really didn’t want to shoot anybody, but everywhere I turned somebody got right in front of me.” When it was all over, he had shot down five German fighter craft, and one almost certain “probable.” He had become an ACE on his very first mission. He was a big part of the reason our Group was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation. W.W. Walley, 339th FG in Fighter Doc

Jim Starnes reply follows: - 15 October 2001 Dear Dr. Brown,

The September 2001 issue of 8th Air Force News was an excellent coverage of Medicine in England during World War II. However, you noted in your remarks on page 3 that fallacious articles do creep in. One such item was reported in the “Debriefing” page 41 in an apparent extract from a publication called “Fighter Doc” by W. Walley.

As editor of our 339th Fighter Group newsletter for 19 years, I know Dr. Walley from the war and from two of our reunions, which he attended in the 1990’s. The item you extracted is 99% fiction, and no one in the 339th has heard of his ‘Fighter Doc’ publication. For one thing, he was no fighter doc. Walley was medical administrator of our base dispensary and saw pilots only in the Officer’s Club. At the suggestion of our base surgeon, Dr. E. A. Stricker, Walley attended medical school after the war under the ‘G.I. Bill’ and practiced medicine in Waynesboro, MS, for over 40 years.

For the record, the 339th had no pilot shoot down even one German plane in the air on his first mission. I have never met a fighter pilot who said he really did not want to shoot anybody on a combat mission during the war. We had one pilot half way through his tour on 26 Nov 44 claim five shot down, but he had no combat film and his wingman did not see him fire at an enemy plane on the mission. No 339th pilot became an ace with less than 30 missions during the war, and his ‘ace on his first mission’ story is offensive to all fighter pilots. I am enclosing a copy of our Dec 1990 newsletter, which shows Walley and Dr. Stricker with their wives on page 4. Continued on next page

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Not mentioned is the fact that Lt. Walley caused much laughter after a V-1 buzz bomb fell near our base on 26 Jun 44. He prepared paper work for a Purple Heart award to himself, claiming that he suffered temporary hearing loss from the explosion, which only dug a hole in a field some distance away. Needless to say, the award was rejected.

About a year ago our 339th newsletter to Dr. Walley was returned marked “Return to Sender.” Since that had been his address for ten years, we assume that he is deceased. Last year we also lost our last surviving wartime flight surgeon Dr. Fred Scroggin; so none of our wartime doctors could appreciate the fine September 2001 issue of the 8th AF NEWS on medicine in England.

Dr. Brown, the above material does not belong in a Letters to the Editor page, but we would be grateful if you mentioned that the extract from W. W. Walley’s “Fighter Doc” is pure fiction and did not belong in your fine publication. Incidentally, there are a couple of fighter POW speeches printed in that Dec 1990 newsletter, which describe medical emergencies by our pilots where our Flight Surgeons were unable to assist them. Those two heroes passed on in the past few years to their heavenly rewards. I flew combat with both of them and appreciate their difficult times in enemy hands. Sincerely, Jim Starnes


Remember only veterans of the group need pay dues. We do not wish to encumber widows and family members of our deceased members with that burden. Your dues are $10.

St. Louis Arch

Ollie & Bill Bryan, feeling well and back with us again. The skies are blue!

‘More photos’ on next page

December 1, 2001

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Charlie Le Duc and his pilot Chet Malarz. This is Charlie’s first reunion. He finally arrived this year with his lovely wife, Dorothy. They have a coyote for a pet and were finally able to get a ‘sitter’ for their little ‘friend’.

Retiring Treasurer, Bill Guyton, pilot 505. Smiles, as wife Margie and my Isabel were gambling on the Mississippi.

Gabe Cutri, 505th Crew Chief with his pilot Jim Starnes pose in front of ‘Worry Bird’!

Gabe says he used to keep his plane ‘Tar Heel’ just as clean and polished, but with a name like ‘Tar Heel’ it was tough keeping it spotless!

‘Even more photos’ on next page

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Photos thanks to Tom Penrose, Bob Frisch, and Jim Starnes!

Pilots at reunion pose with Michael J. George (center) owner of "Worry Bird".

Back to camera, Jim Starnes, Bob Burns and Dick Thieme discuss just whose turn it is to get the drinks.

FW-190 instrument cluster. Brought to reunion by Eddie Epp 504 Homing Station Operator.

Picture on left is Hospitality Suite. Seen kneeling on left bottom is Roland Smith (pilot 504), attending his first reunion, talking to wife Dorotha.

December 1, 2001

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‘Twas the night before Christmas all over the place, When we were confronted by an old three thirty-nine ace There was icing reported and turbulent air, He said, “File me a flight plan, I gotta get there,” Outside sat his aircraft all ready to run, And the old man walked out to that P-51, “Bad weather’s no problem,” he silently mumbled, The prop came to life … that big Merlin rumbled. He eased forward the throttle; the roar shook the ground, He taxied on out and he turned it around. He went through the run-up and seemed satisfied, Then he said to himself, “I’m in for a ride.” So he lined it up straight as he poured on the coal, The tail wheel came up as he started to roll, Up off the runway, he pulled up the gear, And that mighty V-12 was all you could hear. He screamed overhead with a deafening crack, The blue flames were streaming from each shiny stack. He pulled up the nose and started to climb, No ice on that airframe, it just didn’t have time. On top of the weather with trim tabs all set, He looked up above him and saw a ‘Lear Jet’, With jet fuel and turbines there just ain’t no class, “Gimme pistons, and props and lots of avgas!” Now he was approaching where he wanted to go, But the weather had covered the runway with snow, How will he land it? We just have to guess, ‘Cause the only way in was by ‘Needle ‘n Ball’. Then over the marker, he started his run, The ceiling was zero, visibility … none. Still going three hundred and he felt the need, For an overhead break to diminish his speed, Over the numbers he zoomed, Along like a flash, Pulled up into a three-sixty, Continued on next page

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We just knew he would crash. Oh, why do they do it on these kinds of nights? Then over the threshold, We saw landing lights. “I’m on a short final with three in the green, And I see enough runway to land this machine.” Then he tied down that Mustang, And they all heard him say … “Next year, I’m stickin’ with my reindeer and sleigh.

This poem was sent to me by Chet Malarz (Pilot 505). It was found taped to a glass display case at Buffalo {NY} International Airport, and is credited by ‘Paul Harvey News’ to ‘Anonymous’ and slightly enhanced by me. Steve

From Jeanne Mulquin Wood, Red Cross:- 9/8/01 - Hi Steve

Just wanted to ‘touch base’ with you and tell you how much I enjoy your Newsletters. I read them from cover-to-cover.

. . I wonder how you find all the information on the members of the 339th. It is so interesting to me to hear about the members and also to read about the past stories of what happened to many of them during the War.

They all were a group of very fine young men. I feel privileged to have been at Fowlmere and on the base.

I thought, and still do that the P-51 Mustang was one of the best planes in the War. They remind me of birds flying through the sky. I have a beautiful picture of a P51 in a prominent place in my living room. It often starts a conversation, which pleases me and brings back memories. Being a ‘Civilian part’ of the 339th Group means a lot to me.

. . . . I regret so much not being able to attend the Reunions. I always looked forward to them. I never missed one from 1980-1995. Then I had a bad injury to my back – so was physically unable to travel. Miss seeing my ‘Old Friends’ and will be thinking of all of you in St. Louis.

Will close for now, as it is difficult for me to write. Doubt if you can read my scribbling. Give all my best regards!

Regards, Jeanne Mail Bag continued on next page

Mary Williams and Jeanne Wood

December 1, 2001

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Jeanne I have shown a photo of you and Mary Williams taken by Paul Unterkircher (Special

Services) from his scrapbook, during the winter of ’44-’45. Also, photo below of the Christmas pageant, thanks to Martin Sheldrick! Harold Sheldrick is on extreme right.

See the story on page 5 of the June 2001 issue of our newsletter. From Frank Tropea, 504 Crew Chief:- 9/14/01 - Hi Steve,

Thanks for your concern. God works in very strange ways. My wife Gloria did not want to join me in my trip to Europe, which became a blessing in disguise. Instead, I took both my sons, who are NYC Firefighters, with me instead. Because of the journey, it may have spared their lives. Tom, my oldest, is a Captain. His old unit, lost about seven men. Bill, my other son knows at least two, who perished. I am just arriving home tonight from Rome, tomorrow we will probably hear of more causalities.

Strange too, from my beach house, I had a beautiful view of the New York Skyline. It will never be the same without the sun shining on those Twin Towers.

Regards, Frank

From John & Laurina Harris: - 9/14/01 - Laurina and I cannot find the words to express our sorrow over what has just happened in New York and Washington. Our prayers and support are with you all and we pray none of our dear friends from the 339th FG had any family in the areas at the time.

We hope and pray that many more survivors are found. God bless our two nations and let us hope this barbaric act will bring us even closer.

Our Love and Best Wishes, Laurina & John (UK)

Also from Martin Sheldrick: - 9/16/01 - Steve,

I have been along to Madingley Cemetery to sign the Book of Condolence.

There were many people present, some placing flowers around the base of the American Flag.

Mail Bag continued on next page

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Let us hope and pray that something positive will emerge from all this unspeakable horror.

Best wishes, Martin. (Fowlmere)

And from Peter Randall we hear: - 9/16/01 - Steve,

Thanks for circulating the messages of support. It’s at times like these that you find out who your real friends are.

Since last Tuesday, I have been in a state almost akin to shell shock. There are no words powerful enough in our language to fully express the feelings that we all have. I have so many contacts in the US, so many fine people that I just can’t write to them all individually to express my feelings and hopes for their well-being. I have therefore confined myself to putting a little dedication panel on my index page (Web Site), which I hope will in some small way show the world just what the strength of feeling is.

God bless America.Peter (UK)

And last from Joe Noah at the ‘Preddy Memorial Foundation’: - Dear Steve, et al,

I too thank you for sending thoughts on to us while America is being attacked. Hope this doesn’t interfere with your reunion.

I have received several messages from Arnaud Beinat, a Frenchman who lives in Metz near the Lorraine American Military Cemetery. Both George and Bill Preddy are buried there, side by side. He says the French are with us all the way; in fact, Metz had 600 firefighters ready to come to the US to help us in NY and DC. Of course, they were not allowed to come since we have more volunteers here than we can accommodate. We have had sympathetic statements from our friends in The Netherlands and England.

Regards Joe Noah

Make the following additions or changes to your new mailing list: - Change: - Members STEFFEN, CHARLES J., 503 - Assist C/Chief, 240 LEWIS CIRCLE #314, PUNTA GORDA, FL 33950 WILSON, JOHN P., 503 – Pilot, 3813 WILDA Drive, BELLEVILLE, IL 62223 KANNER, HENRY, 505 – Mail Clerk, 88 Normandy – B, Delray Beach, FL 33484 FARMER OWEN P., 505 – Pilot, 112 Fourth Ave., Shalimar, FL 32579-1908 ADDISON, ROBERT J., 504 – Communications Officer, 2500 S. Roslyn, # 248, Denver, CO 80231-3731 GIRZI, H. EDWARD, 505 – Pilot. 608 East 4th Street, Superior, WI 54880, Alice O'SULLIVAN, Mrs. ‘Betsy’ WALTER RIDGELY, 504 - widow of Pilot, Roster is continued on next page

December 1, 2001

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202 Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22304 FRENCH, L. JEFF, 503 – Pilot, Bigelow Commons, Apt 1101, Enfield, CT 06082 SYLVESTER, KENNETH C., 503 – Aircraft Maint. 1781 Franklyn Chase Terrace, Henderson, NV 89012 SMITH, Mrs. RICHARD F. ‘Smitty’, 503 – Communications, 4921 Gordon Ave. Apt 1, Monona, WI 53716 ADDISON, ROBERT J., 504 – Communications, to Apt. #247 BROWNE, Mrs. ANNA, ORD- Daughter of Sterling Conley, 42460 Shady Lane, Oakhurst, CA 93644 HARRIS, JOHN, Friend of 339th FG, 5 Ditmas Ave., Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7PJ, England, Laurina Tele: 01234 856299 Add: - SMITH Jr., ROWLAND W., 504 – Son of Pilot, 166 AMES Street, MEXICO, NY 13114, Nancy CLARK Jr., WILLIAM C., GRP- Son of C.O. William C. Clark, 109 SHERWOOD OAKS Drive, WACO, TX 76705, Sharon

There are available for members, copies of our latest mailing Roster. We gave them out at our reunion to save mailing. Those that wish copies, drop me a card and I will be happy to mail you one.

There is No charge! Steve

DECEASED Donald G. Beckman, 505 – Engineering flight chief, age 84. John Franz informs me that Donald suddenly passed away on August 7, 2001after he had successful ‘Bi-Pass’ surgery. Pasquale C. ‘Pat’ Bova, 505 – Engineering Officer, His wife Elsie writes … “after a week under hospice care he passed away yesterday (September 5th) about 3 AM with one of our daughters and I holding his hand. Pat quietly went to sleep”. Joseph E. Hawley, ORD – Auto Maintenance Chief, passed away on September 9, 2001. For a number of years Joe and Mae attended our reunions but then health and age took over and they could not make it. Helen Miller, wife of 505 Crew Chief Tom Miller passed away on February 11, 2001. Joseph J. Mansfield, 505 – Medical NCO, passed away on September 14, 2001, after a courageous battle with liver cancer. “He’s in heaven with our son Kevin, walking hand-in-hand.” Our condolences to all the families of our comrades.

. . . . the bells toll for thee . . .

We are on the Internet! The Village of Fowlmere Web site: - England, "Little Friends" 8th AF Web site: - England, Peter Randall 339th Web-Birds Web site: - Alaska, Jim Sterling 339th Fighter Group Homepage, Tim Ferrell: -

My Email address is: -

NEWSLETTER of the 339th Fighter Group Association December 1, 2001

Page 18

By Stephen C. Ananian Pilot 505

These sobering times are reflected in the photo on the first page.

It had to be printed in color to tell the full story. In spite of the war shadow hanging over our reunion, the overall spirit

was high and the 118 members that were there, all claimed they had a great time. Jim Starnes (page 3) and Charlie Steffen (page 6) have told it all in their accounts.

I wanted to draw attention to the great job that Warren Olsen, Hospitality Room Coordinator, and our unit directors did in providing us with great planning of the ‘Unit’ dinners and the Hospitality Suite. This was tough, since all were unfamiliar with the St. Louis Area. Everyone commented on the professional supervision that these members provided. Our thanks to Sal Carollo, Jim Mankie, Ken Willard, George Safarino, Warren Olsen and John Henry for jobs well done.

Some of our members missed seeing the History Channel presentation on Cable TV, the ‘Battle Stations’ series on the story of the P-51 Mustang during WW II. The documentary featured some great shots of ‘Mustangs’ as well as interviews with fighter pilots, including Frank Gerard, Larry Powell, Bob Irion and myself.

As we go to press, I saw the ‘Battle Stations’ series on the MESSERSCHMITT 262: ‘Race for the Jet’ and Bob Irion describes his ‘Jet Kill’ on that. Both tapes are $19.95.

Also contacted Turner publishing and negotiated a deal for them to sell our members the few remaining issues of the 2nd edition of the 339th history at our low discount rate. There are only 60 left at $29.95. Good choices for holiday gifts.

This year the election of a new board of directors took place. The members thank the outgoing Board for a job well done. Bill Guyton has held the job of treasurer for 14 years and is stepping down. He has done a fantastic job and deserves our gratitude.

The two sites for next year’s reunion were San Diego and Charleston. With Charleston getting the preference. Jay Marts, working with Larry has been hard at work, investigating the Charleston Area. Larry will evaluate all the data, and inform us of his decision. Steve

Your newly elected officers as of January 1, 2002 are as follows: - Gerald E. Graham President Enoch Bledsoe Stephenson Vice President Richard G. Thieme Treasurer Stephen C. Ananian Secretary Thomas Glenn Sams 503rd Unit Director Gilbert G. Cohen 504th Unit Director Robert F. Burns 505th Unit Director John B. Henry HQ Unit Director Warren L. Olsen ORD Unit Director James A. Mankie 8th AFHS Coordinator James R. Starnes & Chester Malarz Permanent members/advisors

Ron Miller

December 1, 2001

Page 19

LAST FIRST UNIT Ananian, Isabel & Stephen 505 Bellman, Ray & Son John 503 Bryan, Ollie & Bill 503 Burns, Carol & Bob 505 Carollo, Marilyn & Sal 503 Chetneky, Irene 503 Clark, Dorothy + family (4) HQ

Clark, Jr., William HQ Clark Sharon HQ Clark Joyce HQ

Cloud, Carl 503 Cohen, Carol & Gilbert ‘Gil’ 504 Cole, Marshall + family (3) HQ

Cole, Ronald HQ Cole, Nara HQ

Creswell, Ray 504 Cutri, Neva & Gabe 505 Davidson, James R. 503 Dearey, Ila 503 Delisio, Ruth & James 503 Epp, Edward ‘Eddie’ 504 Farmer, Janet & Owen ‘O.P.’ 505 Ferrell, Clarence + family(4) 503

Ferrell, Lance 503 Ferrell, Randy 503 Ferrell, Tim 503

Francis, Betsy & Luther 503 French, Beverly & Carl 503 Frisch, Robert + guests (2) 503

George, Cathy (wife of pilot) 503 George, Mike (Pilot Worry bird) 503

Gager, Andrew ‘Andy’+ guest 505 Downing, Ken 505

Gertz, Earl + guest HQ Amidon Judy HQ

Graham, Mary & Gerry 505 Griffith, Claire 504 Guyton, Margie & Bill 505 Hartman, Madelyn & Miller 503 Henry, Maxine & John HQ Howard, Marie & Harry 505 Irion, Robert E. ‘Bob’ 505 Joe, Jean & George 503 Johnson, Bertil + daughter 504

Istanbouli, Linda 504

LAST FIRST UNIT King, Julie & ‘Nick’ + family (4) UK

King, Phillip UK King, Stuart UK

Krauss, Eloise & Richard 503 Kunz, Nora & Leonard 504 Le Duc, Dorothy & Charles 505 Malarz, Mary & Chester ‘Chet’ 505 Miller, Weldon ‘Red’ 503 Martin, Bud + brothers (3) 505

Martin, Sam 505 Martin, Bill 505

Olander, Shirley & Don 505 Olsen, Gladys & Warren ORD Penrose, Thomas 503 Perry, Lova Lee & Bill 503 Poutre, Rex 503 Powell, Larry 505 Purzycki, Pearl & Edward HQ Russ, Alan 503 Safarino, George 505 Sams, Gloria & Thomas 503 Smilth, Roland E. + family (4) 504

Smith, Dorotha (Wife) 504 Smith, Jr., Capt. Jeffrey (Grandson) 504 Smith, Jr., Roland E. (Son) 504 Smith, Jr., Nancy (His wife) 504

Starnes, James R. ‘Jim’ 505 Steffen, Pat & Charles 503 Stephenson, Enoch 503 Stricker, MD Dr. Wes HQ Swinand, Sunny & Frank 505 Sylvester Honey & Kenneth 503 Thieme, Emma & Richard 505 Tower, Anna 505 Weber, Eileen 503 Wells James + son HQ

Wells James HQ White, Carol & Thomas 505 Willard, Terry & Ken 504 Wilson, John 503 Total Attendees 118

December 1, 2001

Page 19

339th Fighter Group Association, Inc. c/o S. C. Ananian 4 North Orchard Farms Ave. Simpsonville, SC 29681-4866, USA



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