Dec & jan 2014 post




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Produced by : Mick & Kim Workman, Mike Parker, Chris & Mel Wilson,

Marilyn Butt, with watercolour above by Julian Crawford

A SeSaME Production. No 13

December 2013 & January 2014









Jazz poster courtesy of Kim & Mick Workman








12th Jan

16th March

11th May

13th July

14th Sept

20. SeSaME & New Sedgeberrow

Energy Co-operative Ltd

8. Have Your Own Group‟s Web-

page on

9. Church News

Editors Mike Parker 01386 881863

Mel Wilson

Advertising – see page 10

Copy Deadlines 2014

This publication is printed

on recycled paper

24. Worcs CC Report. Liz Eyre

All paper used in the Sedgeberrow Post

has been sponsored by Kim & Mike

Workman, courtesy of Dunn & Dusted.

Do Support Our Advertisers

You will see that a good mix of people

have responded to our offer of advertising

space in the 2013 Sedgeberrow Post,

showing us the services that they offer.

Without them we could not afford to pro-

duce this newsletter, with its splash of

colour and information for the village.

Thanks to them all. So please do your bit.

Consider what they are offering very

seriously and when you respond make

sure that you let them know that you

heard about them here, between the pages

of our village newsletter.

10. Advertise in the Sedgeberrow Post

5. Oil Buying Group

Not to be Missed

19. Police News

6. Family Film Club

6. Wordsearch

3. Home Energy Survey update

27. Footpath Warden‟s Report

22. WI Events

14. Energy Myths

10. Tomboy Poem

36. 200 Club News

13. Xmas Poem

28. CE First School Xmas Fayre

22. Traffic Lights: Winchcombe Rd

28. Muppet says Hello

31. British Legion

30. SOAP Drama

33. Colouring Competition

34. Parish Council Report

4. Sedge Warbler

39. Bowls Club Details

38. Flood Group Latest News


Sedgeberrow Post is available online. Go to & click on the Kingfisher. If you

want a reminder on every publication date see below:

Just contact the editor via won‟t deliver but

send you a link to its place on our SeSaME website. A reader wrote: “What an excellent, beautifully produced, easy to navigate, online magazine.”

If so, that’s maybe why you might miss getting an article into the

Sedgeberrow Post on time.

We have to admit that the increased gap, caused by being bi-monthly,

makes timing a little complicated for article and minute writers. It does

though significantly reduce the pressure on the time commitment of the

busy twenty two villagers who generously arrange the rhythm of their

lives around dropping the Post onto your doormat.

You can get rhythm though!

Please look at these 2014 copy deadlines: 12th January. 16th March, 11th May,

13th July, 14th September, 16th November

Take the floor, swirl into action, plot and plan your meetings so

that you are left with time to catch the Sedgeberrow Post. Pen your

articles with an eye on those magic dates.

Do You Lack Rhythm?

Note from SeSaME: We process personal data in accordance with the rights of

data subjects under the Data Protection Act. Please inform us if there is any data

that you do not wish us to store on our computers.

Update on the Home Energy Survey

The last of the completed home energy forms have been gathered in and are now

being analysed, to see what they tell us and to provide the basis of future action.

We received 225 completed forms, a return of 61%, an excellent effort by

all concerned. See the next February/March Post for what‟s going to be on offer.


Sedge Warbler pic. copy-

right of P&H Harris.

(Evesham Journal Advert 1968) The firm started as wheelwrights and horse farriers

before moving on to create farm buildings, which would have proudly featured the

enamel sign. Both The Acres and Maycroft were the family homes. At some stage

the business was sold but continued under the same name, which was probably

when I was walking that way. If anyone has other memories please write into the

Post and share them with us. Sedge


The Sedge


Thomas George Higgins (jnr) (1886-1950), the orig-

inal founder of the business, was described as a gen-

eral smith in the 1911 Census. The 1881 Census has

Thomas Higgins (snr) his father as being born in

1861 at Leigh, Worcestershire being a blacksmith‟s

apprentice and living-in with the blacksmith at

Beckford.Thomas (jnr) married his Emma (nee:

Newman) in 1909 and the two featured sons were

Victor (1917-1987) and Philip (1923-1963).

Because I can remember walking up the track that led to a building that was a

work-place with a history, but now long demolished to be replaced by the new

houses of Farriers and Blacksmith Close, I might think I am a bone-fide Sedgeber-

rowite. But that was only 40 years ago and I “know nutting.” I have always

bought Evesham memorabilia, if it appeared at the right price, but physical memo-

ries of Sedgeberrow have been hard to come by - some postcards from the old

bottom shop and the sign shown above found in an Evesham junk shop. Then a

village friend called recently and kindly gave me this much smaller brass plaque.

This has spurred me into finding out more. We clearly

have changed our telephone exchange, but I hope read-

ers will correct me if I get anything wrong. I don‟t have

any dates for the plaques but with no “& Sons” shown it

is possible that the brass advert is the earlier one.

The July 1st 1968 Evesham Journal advert

provided courtesy of Maureen Pratt.


Talk to Mike, who will help you

sort out how much space you will need. (01386 881863)

Your Village Needs You Have you any experiences you wish to share, a skill that could please our

villagers? Do please us all by submitting articles, recording your events and most

importantly, hitting our bi-monthly deadlines.

If you are a local villager you will have a choice of a double A5 page spread, a

single A5 page, a half page and a quarter page. We can help you estimate how

many words you will need for each size.

Submitting Material For Publication

In association with Evesons of Worcestershire.

For a monthly email reminder - contact Mike Parker

Don’t miss out! Next Delivery Dates are: Thurs 12th Dec. Thurs 9th January. Thurs 13th February

Make sure that you buy regularly as a member of Sedgeberrow Oil

Buying Group, as come the crunch at any time, because of supply and weather

conditions, loyal members will be prioritised.

Reminder: Minimum delivery is 500 litres, so check that your tank

will easily take that amount. It’s important because our Oil Buying

Group pays 1000 litre rates for 500 litre orders, which are normally at

least a 1p a litre more. 1. Check the dates - see below.

2. Phone on 01905 775920 or by email to

3. Remember: If you order after midday of the day before delivery, you will

NOT be eligible for the reduced price. Check your tank levels regularly.

4. You must say you are part of the Sedgeberrow Oil Buying Group.

5. Give full delivery name and address.

6. Payment can be made either at time of ordering but certainly within TEN days of

delivery, either by cheque or by phoning in with debit card details.

7. Sign up with SeSaME for an “email - order date reminder” if you lead a busy life.

8.The price is not fixed until two days before delivery, as market prices change every day.

2014 Delivery Dates.

Thurs 13th March. Thurs 10thApril. Thurs 8th May. Thurs 12th June.

Sedgeberrow Sustainable and Manageable Energy

SeSaME. Website: – Email:

Contact: Mike Parker (Chairman) Tel: 01386 881863


Sedgeberrow Wordsearch Find all the words on the right in this topically themed Wordsearch

The idea for this Wordsearch

comes to you courtesy of Lind-

sey, a Villager and Post Advertis-

er (see page 17). If you have any

ideas to share about what would

be good to see in the Post, please

let us know. (Editor)

Where was this picture taken then? (Pictures & idea courtesy of Peter Loomes)

How well do you

know your village?

See page 36 for the answer.































Family Film Club Alternate Friday Nights. To see what‟s on.

Go to website












Please feel free to contact me for a quote

Catherine Newman, 01386 882248





Loyalty scheme available.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday - 9am to 6pm

Saturday - 9am to 5pm

Tel: 01242 609330

9 North St,



GL54 5LH



The Sedgeberrow Village Website:

If you are a village group who would like to keep people up to date with

activities on a page that you control on this website, contact Mike Parker

at or on 01386 881863. Courtesy of our own Chris

Wilson, we are offering villagers access to their own page, via their own

unique password, enabling them to update their own written material, with

a nominal charge of £5 a year to cover administration costs. We hope that

people will come forward to cover many facets of village life.

Watercolour by Pam Cuthbert. 2003

We specialise in bathroom renovations, minor heating installations and general

service and repair.

SC Heating And Plumbing

Feel free to call to arrange for a free quotation on

07850151199 or 01386 882167




SALON Crazy Hair

Professional Hair Design

Ample Free Parking


Sedgeberrow Parish Church News

Drawing by John Livingstone

Benefice of Hampton, Sedgeberrow

& Hinton on the Green.

Priest in Charge: Revd. Mark Binney as at

Hampton Vicarage on 01386 424235.

Churchwardens: Ann Banks 881623 and

Doreen Hayes 881965



Jan 5th 9am Holy Communion

Jan 12th 11am All Age Worship

Jan 19th 9am Holy Communion

Jan 26th 11am All Age Worship


Dec 1st 9am Holy Communion

Dec 8th 11am All Age Worship

Dec 15th 9am Holy Communion

Dec 15th 3pm Carol Service

Dec 22nd 11am All Age Worship

Dec 24th 6pm Crib Service

Christmas Day 9am Holy Communion

Dec 29th 10am Joint Asum Service at

All Saints

Candles to remember loved ones

Please ring Ann Banks on 01386 881623

Christmas Trees

We are again going to have Christmas Trees on display.

For more information please ring Ann Banks on 01386 881623

Coffee Mornings: This month‟s Coffee Morning is on

Tues December 17th 10am -12noon (With Christmas tree display)

We will have a break during January and February.

Bingo: December 14th & January 18th– both at 8pm

when the £100 will be drawn for the 200 Club

Church News


Sedgeberrow Post Advertisements

Single Issue

1/4 page ……£7.50

1/2 page…...£15.00

Full page…..£25.00

For 2014 - 6 Issues

1/4 page ……£30.00

1/2 page……£60.00

Full page….£120.00

All adverts that are booked for issues starting with February/March

2014, will also appear at no extra charge on the village website, under

“Local Traders” on the menu list. View

Please email advert material to:

To discuss your needs, format your advert,

ring 01386 881863 (Speak to Mike)

We can afford to include some colour in your advert for a logo or small section.

If however you wish to have full colour throughout we will need to negotiate

with you on the price

By the late Betty Bowles


Dunn and Dusted

Contract Cleaners

Professional carpet cleaning using hot

water extraction. Your carpets can look

as good as new with our latest state of

the art equipment. We carry out a sur-

vey of your carpet to determine fibre

content and construction to ensure the

correct chemicals are used to achieve

optimum results. Fully insured.

Landline: 01386 882902

Kim mobile: 07974 191 648

Mike mobile: 07854 872 343

Sedgeberrow Based

Driving Instructor


Preferential Rates for

Sedgeberrow Residents

Telephone: Home 01386 881505

Mobile 07808 476412

Email Shirley at:


01386 882353 or 07542748742

Call Lucy today for a

friendly, efficient service.

Need more time at home or

work? Lots of ironing to do,

but no time to do it? I accept

all orders, large or small at

very competitive prices.

Ironing can be collected and

delivered back to your door.

Hard Pressed-Village

Ironing Service



Contact details of your key elected members.




Maureen Pratt – Chairman of Sedgeberrow Parish Council

Tel: 01386 881637. Email

Clerk: Jacqueline Shields.

Parish Councillors: John de Paris, Darren Farmer,

Richard Hunt, Alan Stow.

Roma Kirke – District Councillor

Woodpeckers, 9 Hands Orchard, Great Comberton.

Liz Eyre – County Councillor

150 High Street, Broadway, WR12 7AJ Tel: 01386 854807. Mobile: 07801816755

Harriett Baldwin – Member of Parliament for West

Worcestershire. The House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. For caseworkers and advice surgery:

Call Malvern Office to make an appointment on 01684 585165

Parkers Paraffinalia

“keeping old lamps aflame”

Want to know more about

your paraffin lamp? Do you

like complete, old lamps of

your own for a kind mellow

light and help in power cuts?

Then call on Mike. 01386

881863 or 07949 200207

I collect and restore all

kinds of old oil lamps, like

Tilley, Hinks and Wells

Unbreakable lamps. I am

also quite happy to help you

with queries about ways to

restore or find parts for your

lamps and give talks about

early lighting.



Hand tied






Posies and

Vase filling.

Main St, GL20 7AD

01386 881248

Beckford Stores

Speciality Foods & Delicatessan

Post Office & PayPoint

Dry Cleaning


Tel: 01386 881248


All I want for Christmas is a bit of peace and quiet

I don't want tips on hairstyles or on little black dress diets

Or how to stuff a turkey with some chestnut puree stuff

There's one whole month to go yet and I've blooming had enough

All I want for Christmas is some turkey for me dinner

Throw in some sprouts and tatties and to me you've got a winner

But Deliah keeps cropping up in every flipping place

The newspaper, the telly - When I sleep, I see her face

She stuffs a turkey with a goose, in that, she stuffs a pheasant

Meanwhile "This Morning" shows me how and when to wrap my presents

And Deliah keeps harping on 'bout how to glaze me carrots

I'm quite surprised we've not been taught to marinate a parrot!!

All I want for Christmas are some memories of old

When snowflakes fluttered silently in frosty skies so cold

When Santa's sleigh flew past the moon amongst the stars so bright

And Sis' and I could hear his bells as he came Christmas night

The smell of coffee on the stove, logs crackling in the grate

And waking up at 5 am when no more could we wait

And racing down in dressing gowns to presents round the tree

And shrieking with unbridled joy - "Get up Dad, quick he's been"

All I want for Christmas is to be that child again

Re-kindle all my childhood dreams if any should remain

But all I get is Deliah she's making cranberry jelly

And promises of old repeats to watch on Christmas telly

Give me back my Christmas with traditions I remember

Don't overload me with that stuff from half-way through September

Give the kids a Christmas of the kind that you can't buy

And let them hear old Rudolph's bells as Santa's sleigh flies by.

(Poem courtesy of Marilyn Butt)


taken from a poem by Carolyn D. Tyson


Confused about what the

papers say about energy?

What better than a detached analysis,

courtesy of WHICH? Magazine?

Gas and electricity bills have risen dramatically over the years, often well above

inflation. As many people struggle to pay their bills, Which? asks if these price

hikes are justified and dispels some of the myths around the energy market.

Since 2001 gas prices have risen by 137% and electricity prices by 66%, both

well above inflation. Energy suppliers largely blame the increase on a rise in

wholesale costs and government policies. But consumers don’t believe that –

a survey for Which? shows that 84% blame price rises on energy companies

increasing their profits. So who should you believe, and what is the state of the

UK energy market in 2013?

Is it truly competitive and working in favour of consumers? Where does our

energy actually come from now and is there a real risk of it running out? What

follows is a summary of how Which? brings us the answers to these questions,

based on their energy experts‟ research and analysis.

Energy companies often blame rising wholesale prices and the increasing cost of

government environmental policies when they announce price rises, and they also

claim they don‟t make much profit from supplying consumers with energy. In the

case of the big six companies the retail and wholesale operations are linked

by a single parent company. These „vertically integrated‟ companies can sell

electricity to themselves. However, this is carried out behind closed doors and the

price the supply arm of the company pays to the generation arm isn‟t made public.

The companies often claim they buy and sell their energy on the wholesale mar-

kets, but their own accounts show they sell internally. And most of the trading

they do externally just isn‟t transparent – there are no details of how much elec-

tricity is sold or what prices were paid. It‟s nearly impossible to find out how

much your company paid for the energy it sells, and therefore impossible to work

out if you‟re paying a fair price as an end user. According to our analysis of the

companies‟ financial information, the major suppliers‟ retail arms make average

profits of about 2% to 4%. But the generation arms of these companies made

Since 2008, there have been 91

price changes, of which

77% were increases.


average profits of about 20% in 2012. Between them, the big six made about

£3.7bn profits last year from the electricity generation, gas and electricity supply.

When the British energy market was

opened up to competition in the 90s,

the idea was that the advent of differ-

ent energy companies competing for

your custom would keep prices down. But the result has been an energy „market‟

made up of an oligopoly of six large, vertically-integrated suppliers that do not

appear to provide competition for the vast majority of their customers. While mar-

ket-leading deals are sometimes offered by smaller independent energy suppliers,

the vast majority of consumers (98%) stick with the main six companies, and 62%

have never switched. The bigger companies don‟t even seem to care about losing

customers as a result of price rises. For example, in 2006 British Gas‟ parent com-

pany Centrica increased its prices by a staggering 28.6%. This resulted in it losing

868,000 customers and sales volumes dropping by 8%. But its revenue from gas

sales still increased by 15%. So it appears that weak competition in the energy

market means it can really pay for companies to increase prices.

About £53 (including VAT) of the average

annual energy bill goes towards promoting

investment in low-carbon energy.

This makes up about 4% of an average household energy bill in 2013. It is

predicted to grow to £118 by 2020. However, the bulk of our bills will continue to

be made up of wholesale costs, network costs and suppliers‟ costs.

To hit the UK‟s legally binding car-

bon emission targets, we need to

generate more of our energy from

low-carbon and renewable sources.

The government estimates that about

a fifth of our existing generating ca-

pacity will be lost by the end of this

decade, meaning around £75bn will

need to be invested by 2020 in new

generating capacity. Consumers are

expected to foot the bill for the gov-

ernment‟s policies to promote this

investment, it being paid for via their

electricity bills. People using electric

heating will be disproportionately

affected. Contd


Which? believes that fuel-poor households with electric heating should receive

help to manage the increasing impact of government policy on their bills.

The electricity used in UK homes is mainly

produced from fossil fuels – 67% is

generated from coal and gas.

Perhaps surprisingly, coal overtook gas in 2012 as the primary fuel for electricity

generation, due to high gas prices. Meanwhile, the amount of electricity generated

using renewable resources is small but growing – 11.3% in 2012, up from 9.4% in

2011. The illustration below shows the mix of electricity generation in 2012.

After successive winters of

price hikes, people will be

anxious about further increas-

es this year. With many peo-

ple struggling to pay their

bills, the government must do

much more to make sure the

energy market delivers fair

prices. We believe this means

making energy prices simple

to help people find the cheap-

est deals, separating large

companies‟ supply and gener-

ation businesses to increase

price transparency and com-

petition, and rigorously scruti-

nising whether policies to pro-

mote new electricity genera-

tion are delivered at the low-

est possible cost to consum-

ers. These are extracts from the

October Which? magazine

if you wish to find out more

about their activities and sign

up for a month’s trial (Cost £1)

Go to


It doesn’t have

to happen.

There has been plenty of spare electricity capacity

in Britain over the last six years, but this is likely

to change over the next decade. Around a fifth of

our generation capacity will close by the end of the

decade and all but one of the UK‟s existing nine

nuclear power stations are expected to be retired

by 2023. The government is working on plans to

help make sure we have enough spare capacity in

the future through a system called the capacity

mechanism. This will involve paying power sta-

tion owners just to be available, even when they

are not generating any power, so they‟re ready if

we do need them. The government estimates the

new mechanism, planned for winter 2018/19 could

add an extra £16 onto the average annual bill.


Extra sockets, downlighters, security lighting.

New consumer units to current specification.

Testing and certification.

Free estimates.

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Please call Pete on

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07899 778725.

Ohmpride Electrics


Regain Your Natural Poise



Can help with:

Philippa Rands MSTAT

01386 881633

Chimney Pots Chimney Services

Chris Hurley

-Woodburners and Liners fitted

-Bird Guards and Pots fitted

-Pointing and Repairs

-Gutters cleaned

-Broken roof tiles replaced

01386 841808

07969 423020


poor posture, back, neck

and joint pain

improved performance in

sport, music and other


general health & well being

Sedgeberrow 01386 881 841

Lindsey is a fully qualified vtct beauty therapist and has worked in the beauty industry since 2003. The salon is peaceful, relaxing, private

and professional.

Beauty by lindsey

01386 881 841 OR 07801 629756

Caci, Jessica, Geleration, SpaRitual,

Guinot, Anne Borlind

Gift Vouchers, Pamper Parties

Treatments Include:

Waxing, manicures, pedicures, Gel varnish, facials, nonsurgical face lifts, Organic Facials, electrolysis, tinting,

massage Inc deep tissue & Indian head


Sedgeberrow Village Stores - 01386 882989

CHRISTMAS IS COMING! You’ll find a selection of Christmas gifts and treats now in store... from

Teak Anti Pasti sets to Mince Pies!

We also have Christmas Cards, Calendars

& Diaries in aid of St Richards Hospice

7am-5.30pm Mon to Fri & 8am-1pm Saturday

Sedgeberrow Village Hall



The village hall committee

require a

volunteer treasurer.

If anyone in the village

is interested in this role

please contact:

Colette Malin on

01386 881014

for further details.


Don’t be in the dark about Home Security!

House burglary is low in West Mercia, but we are working hard to reduce it even

further. By targeting persistent burglars we will ensure that your neighbourhood

remains a safe place.

During the autumn and winter months when it is dark outside, unlit houses can be

a target for thieves. That‟s why West Mercia Police has established it‟s „Lighten

Up!‟ campaign to promote the simple precautions that you can take to significant-

ly reduce the chance of your home being burgled.

Did you know?

Burglary is rare. Less than 1% of homes are burgled each year.

A well lit home gives the impression that someone is in.

Use timer switches to turn lights on while you are out.

A low energy light bulb costs less than 2p per day to run (if left on for

four hours).

Visit the force website ( for more home

security advice.

Got an issue?

Communities can play an active role in the fight against crime by providing

valuable information about what is happening in your area.

We hold regular meetings, details of which can be found at: and if you have any

concerns you can contact your Safer Neighbourhood Team,

PC Sean Woods and PCSO Simon Williams on:

Telephone: 101


Twitter: @PershoreCops

Finally, your Safer Neighbourhood Team would like to wish you all a

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


2010: From the very beginning SeSaME has been keen to explore reduc-

ing energy costs through improved insulation – hence the Home Energy

Survey – and community bulk buying – hence the Oil Buying group.

Alongside this we have continued to explore ways of generating our own

electricity. All actions are aimed at reducing some of our reliance on

thefactors outside of our control.

2011: Four members of SeSaME between them committed £3000 to ena-

ble the building of a proposed 3.96 kWp (kilowatt peak) solar photovoltaic

panels installation on the village school, with the remaining funding to be

met by the County Council‟s “Spend to Save scheme”. The project fell

through after the goalposts were moved with regard to the timing and

amount of the Feed In Tariff (FIT).

2012: SeSaME applied to Marches Energy Agency for funding, receiving

a £600 allocation, to help explore the possibility of hydro power on the riv-

er Isbourne. The study, carried out by Sharenergy, quickly found no practi-

cal hydro resources in the Sedgeberrow area, leaving enough finances for

them to carry out an outline wind study as well, if we wished them to.

We received this wind study in December 2012. At that time the report

concluded there may be a possible site for a medium-scale turbine of

around 500KW.

This possibility wasn‟t followed up immediately because of the high costs

of the more detailed feasibility study required and the priority of our com-

mitment to planning for our village Home Energy Survey, whose results

are now being analysed.

2013: Government funding fortuitously became available from a new

Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF), aimed specifically at feasibility

studies to determine the viability of renewable energy projects.

SeSAME decided that as such a project, if approached as a local co-

operative, would bring significant financial advantages to the village and it

was agreed that we should at least ask relevant questions.

SeSaME and the newly formed

Sedgeberrow Energy

Co-operative Ltd.


We approached Sharenergy again to help with preparing a bid for RCEF

Stage 1 funding for a detailed feasibility study, meanwhile securing 4 days‟

of Sharenergy‟s time from the Co-operative Enterprise Hub, to help with

business planning and preparing for legal negotiations with a landowner.

Success with the RCEF application would then take us to the stage of

knowing whether a planning application was appropriate and could have a

workable outcome, (though there would still be considerable more work

before we knew for definite that a planning application could be submit-


When the RCEF application form was tackled it became clear that SeSaME

was not a suitable community organisation to apply for RCEF money.

What was required was an Industrial Provident Society (IPS).

Accordingly Sedgeberrow Energy Co-op Ltd was formed and registered

with the Financial Conduct Authority on 19 August 2013. This new Co-

operative, though an independent body, will operate as a natural extension

of the work of SeSaME, complementing our other activities. Four members

of SeSaME formed the Co-op‟s Founding Members.

Sedgeberrow Energy Co-op Ltd has now applied to the RCEF for a grant of

£7,800 towards a feasibility study to be undertaken by Sharenergy.

At this stage there are still many unanswered questions. However, the

important thing for SeSaME is that we are asking the questions, as we have

done before with Hydro and Solar opportunities.

A crucial part of securing the funding is having communi-

ty support to investigate the opportunity. Please contact

us on the email address below to say that you support our

work or let us know if you have any concerns. If you wish

to know more and/or receive regular updates on progress

please email Mike Parker, Secretary of Sedgeberrow En-

ergy Co-operative Ltd, on

Please get in touch:

“I bought a new caravan and posted a photo of it

on Twitter, before towing it to Cornwall for the weekend.

In no time at all, I had hundreds of followers!”



Women’s Institute

Christmas again! I can scarcely believe it. Where does the time go to?

What has been happening?

Well, in November, we had our Christmas shopping trip to the Touch-

wood Centre in Solihull, enjoyable as always. Our Book Club met and

our Coffee morning was held at Jenny's.

Other events - A talk about Denman College by Diane Colbeck

A Christmas icing class at Helen's

A skittles evening at Dumbleton

A visit to the Regal Cinema to see the film " Philomena"

Now for December. To start the month there will be a coffee morning

at Pam's

December 10th Members evening, when Chris will tell

us about her recent visit to India

December 16th Christmas coffee morning at Jacky's

December 17th Christmas Dinner at Dumbleton .

2014. In January we shall be having our usual meetings at the

Book Club, coffee mornings and other things which we are working on.

More on that later.

Our January speaker will be Ian Lloyd-Oswell, who will speak about

his life working with wood. This should be very interesting.

Until then, have a Very Merry Christmas and

a Happy and Peaceful New Year

Ella Hardman 01386 881088

Glebe Meadow: Sometime from now until Christmas,

Glebe Meadow will be closed for the day due to the

pollarding of the trees. Whilst this essential work is being

done there will also be traffic lights on the Winchcombe

Road. (Village Hall Committee)




Tight financial constraints: Worcestershire County Council is considering a

1.9% increase from April, adding around £29.49 to a band D household.

Bus Services: Almost 88 bus services in county (43) routes are facing their bus

subsidy being removed. With a £100 million saving plan over the next 3 years the

subsidy of £3 million is unaffordable. This is the start of the process. There is a

consultation. Please feed back to me any thoughts around any routes that effect

you. It is worth noting only 20 per cent of bus services in Worcestershire are sub-

sidised, 80 per cent are commercial. This link will lead you straight to the best site

for a response:

transport-review.aspx. One of the routes is Astons Coaches 540 Evesham - Chel-

tenham via Beckford, Bredon, Tewkesbury Monday to Saturday. Your support for

this route is important. There seem to be 9 journeys affected 4 of which are school

journeys. It may be by removing one journey middle of the day or other changes

this route will become sustainable without subsidy. Let me have your views?

Do you value the 540? (See contact details on page 12)

Parkway plans: The County Council is to lead on a planning application for the

[Worcester] parkway station [at Norton] in the new year. We have recognised the

Parkway in all strategic planning. The Parkway is a key matter for the Local

Enterprise Partnership in its plans

Quality children centres: Two popular children's centre in the Vale, the Orchard

and Spring Vale Children's Centre in Evesham and the Blossom Vale Children's

Centre in Pershore, have been rated 'good' in Worcestershire's first ever group

Ofsted inspection. The group inspection, which also included WANDS Children's

Centre in Droitwich, was one of only five nationally to achieve this grade since

the inspection framework was introduced in April. Managed by Worcestershire

County Council, the centres provide a range of activities and support services for

families with young children.

Main Street yellow lines: I am looking at the bus service, in the context of the

changes mentioned above, the changed timetable and the changes at the school.

Do we really need the yellow lines? (See contact details on page 12)

Evesham volunteers v Worcestershire Voices I am providing a view about what

each does.

News from your local County Council representative.

Sedgeberrow Report: November 2013-Liz Eyre

For your diaries: the next Parish Meeting is Tuesday

14th January.

For Liz Eyre’s



See page 12




For a great service and sparkling windows

Roger Andrews

Telephone 881255 Mobile 07541 990 871


We look forward to being of service.

Bespoke Picture

Framing Services

Quiet Place, Lifford Gardens,

Broadway, Worcs, WR12 7DA.

Tel: 01386 881782/882268



We offer specialist one to one services

in respect of framing, canvases (all siz-

es), photographic enhancement,

giclee printing, limited edition prints,

cards taken from artists original work/

photographs etc, 35mm slide and

negative printing and much more.

The NEW Studio will be open from 3rd December, 2013



Tuesday 10.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Wednesday 10.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Thursday 10.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Friday 10.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Saturday CLOSED




Please contact Dave if you need further information:

either on 01386 882113 or e-mail:

pedestrian gates on the footpath extending from The Hollows to the small copse at

the junction with the Wychavon Way. I‟m pleased to report that the three gates on

the path have now been been completed.

Clearance work: Two stretches of overgrown parish footpaths have been sched-

uled for winter clearance by Worcestershire County Council. One is through the

woodland next to the River Isbourne, whilst the other is the the path going from

the Elmley Road towards Kersoe. Many thanks to those who keep an eye on our

paths, and have reported these and other problems for me to follow up.

Seasonal Walks: The last of this year‟s seasonal walks took place in early Octo-

ber, and about a dozen villagers enjoyed the circular route via Ashton under Hill

and Dumbleton. Looking forward into 2014, the next walks will be on the 5th

January and the 6th April. Loosely titled „Beating The Bounds‟, the first will head

west to north, taking in Sandfield Farm and Hinton, whilst the second will go

south to east, via Dumbleton and Wormington.

Both of the above walks will start at 11.00 am from the village hall, and will be

about 4 miles/ 2 hours in length. As usual suitable footwear and clothing for rural

walking should be worn, and a drink and snack should also be brought along.

Finally, I will be giving up the post of parish footpath warden in May, so if

anyone is interested in taking over, please get in touch with me or a member

of the parish council.

“That is one path that villagers will be sad to see Dave taking. He has done

sterling work for the village and its interests and will be sorely missed. It‟s good

to know that he will keep on walking our footpaths unofficially.” (Editor)

One of our village farmers has complained that recently a per-

son walking her dogs, allowed them to run free, scattering his

large flock of sheep. As you will appreciate this is unac-

ceptable, and goes against one of the important rules of the

countryside. The upkeep of our parish rights of way relies

much upon on the goodwill of our landowners, who have

greatly helped to maintain them in recent years. However it is

essential we all play our part in ensuring our neighbourhood

paths are used responsibly.

New Gates: On a more positive note, you may have noticed

that progress has been made towards the installation of new


Hallo everyone Muppet here

It‟s been another hectic time at chez Muppet with lots

of strange two-legs coming and going and making so

much noise I could barely hear myself bark (and be-

lieve me I tried) – mind you, it has to be said that I

spent most of the time in “my spot” behind the chair

in the bedroom (some might say I was hiding but I

was always ready „just in case‟ I was needed!)

It turns out that one of these two-legs was a „squid‟ (no, I don‟t understand

it either, you‟ll have to ask Doofuss – I thought it was being called „Sid‟

but Doofuss insists it was „squid‟ and sometimes there is no arguing with

him). This „squid‟ became his best friend „cause he got lots of cuddles, ear

scratching, and „who‟s a good boy then‟ („who‟s a good boy‟ my tail

bone!) and it got to the point where Doofuss would sit at the entrance of

our lair and cry until „squid‟ arrived to give him a cuddle. The two-legs

have stopped visiting now (ah, the peace and quiet) but luckily Doofuss

has got the post man to bark at so it didn‟t take too long for him to get over

missing „squid‟.

On a much happier note our pack has increased. Our two-legs are

now Great Aunt and Great Uncle to twins (like that means anything to me)

but it‟s got something to do with „babies‟ – tiny two-legs. Now here‟s

something else I don‟t understand ... their legs don‟t actually work yet and,

apparently, woe betides us when they do! We‟re sort of looking forward to

meeting them but I, for one, am not too keen.

We don‟t really understand what our two-legs are talking about but

very soon a big fat two-legs dressed in red and saying “Ho Ho Ho” will

come calling and climb down your chimney in the dead of night – well let

me tell you, if he tries that at my lair he‟ll get my teeth in his bum – the

cheek of it!

See you all soon

Muppet and Doofuss

Sedgeberrow Cof E First School Christmas Fayre

Friday 6th December

From 3.30pm to 5.00pm

Organised by FOSS

Don’t miss it.


Stuart Huntley

Aerial Erection








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Family Business Established 1973



Are you running a small business as

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Telephone : 07909 617111

Email :


FINGS AIN'T WHAT THEY USED TO BE Sketches from your favourite Radio & TV programmes.

Tickets £5.00 Concessions £4.00 and Children 15 years £2.00

Shows starts at 8.00pm in Sedgeberrow Village Hall

Cabaret style seating. Bring your own drinks & snacks

Think Hancock, Del Boy, Pugwash, Joyce Grenfell and many more

A note for your diary. Our next productions are on

FRIDAY 31st January & SATURDAY 1st February

Please note: The Wassail planned for 8th December has been cancelled.

Soap Drama Group presents



For all your garden requirements, your local parish lengthsman...

fully insured, friendly service,

no job too small

Martin Woodhouse Telephone 882497

Mobile 07766 113 671

Registered & Reliable,

Flexible Service with Trust.

Cost Effective.

Local in Sedgeberrow


Sedgeberrow British Legion

Womens Section

The Queens Head

The Queen‟s Head, 1 Main St Sedgeberrow,WR11 7UE

Telephone 01386 881135

John & Olive Wilsher

Serving a fine Selection of HOOK NORTON ALES & guest beers


OPENING HOURS: 12-2pm & 5.30pm - 11.00pm, DAILY



Music on Saturdays, after 8.30 pm.


Dec - Copperline. Sat 28th

Dec- music with Chris.

Sat 4th

January - Diamontez

Fortnightly Quiz on a Sunday at 8pm.

Sunday 15th

Dec and 29th


Sunday 12th Jan and 26th Jan.

There will be no meeting in JANUARY.

The next meeting will be held on: WEDNESDAY 5th FEBRUARY 2014 at 7.30PM in the BETTERIDGE ROOM.

The Speaker is to be Arranged

Hostesses: Shelia McMuiness, Pauline Mills

Monthly Prize: Jenny Wood.

2014 Programmes will be out has soon has possible,

when speakers have been arranged.

Many thanks to Teresa Holder for all her many years

she has done as Poppy Organiser for the branch,

and to those who help the door to door collecting.

The fashion show by Bon Marche is to be arranged.






























Winter Service on Public Highways

Worcestershire County Council is responsible for providing a winter service on

adopted public highways, except for motorways and trunk roads, which are the

responsibility of the Highways Agency. The road network is divided into Primary

and Secondary routes according to priority. The Primary routes are treated first

and the Secondary routes are treated in severe weather conditions only after all the

Primary routes have been treated. A map of the routes can be found on the Coun-

ty Council website ( The eastern end of Cheltenham

Road and Winchcombe Road are on the Primary route but please be aware that

Main Street, the western end of Cheltenham Road and Sedgeberrow Hill are on

the Secondary route. The County Council do not generally treat footways. The

grit bins are provided for the community to use to treat ice and snow on small are-

as of the public highway and public footways. You are allowed to clear ice and

snow from outside your property, but please do not pass it on to your neighbours!

Village Crime Figures

Crime figures for Sedgeberrow from 1st August 2013 to 1st November 2013 are as

follows: Criminal damage – 1 crime recorded

Vehicle damage – 1 crime recorded

Other (which includes Motoring Offences) – 1 crime recorded

None of these crimes have been detected

Please contact the Police on 101 should you have a crime problem. Our CSO Si-

mon Williams now has increased powers to deal with matters. If you are going

away on holiday or will be away from your property for a while he would like you

to notify him by email on

Withdrawal of Subsidised Bus Services

Worcestershire County Council is consulting on the proposed reduction of some

of the subsidised bus services and the Astons Coaches 540 Evesham to Chelten-

ham route is under threat. Your response to this consultation is essential and an

information leaflet and response pro-forma can be downloaded from If you do not have access to the

website, the staff at Evesham Library will print off a copy for you. You can also

respond by letter sent to FREEPOST RSGG-HSZK-HSGL, County Hall, Spetch-

ley Road, Worcester WR5 2NP. The closing date for responses is 17th January


Food Waste Collection

Unfortunately as part of its cuts, Wychavon District Council has decided to stop

the food waste collections from 10th January 2014. Worcestershire County Coun-

cil has special offers on compost bins, which are available at, or by calling 0844 571 4444.


Maureen Pratt – Chairman. Tel: 881637


Also, Wychavon District Council has a fortnightly collection of compostable garden

waste at a cost of £42.00 a year. Bins can be ordered by calling 01386 565005, or at

Vehicle Activated Sign

The Vehicle Activated Sign has now been in use and the following figures record the

number of hits above the speed limit during a 7-day period:

(30mph) Outside 57 Winchcombe Road (northbound facing) – 3040

(30mph) Outside 57 Winchcombe Road (southbound facing) – 2165

(30mph) Opposite 99 Winchcombe Road (northbound facing) – 2961

(40mph) Opposite 3 The Hollows (westbound facing) – 2416

(40mph) Outside 6 Cheltenham Road (eastbound facing) – 2457

The number of hits will continue to be monitored and if they are not reduced then

Police action will need to be taken.

Proposed Waiting Restrictions

The Parish Council has not received any further information about the proposed

waiting restrictions in Main Street, except that only 2 objections were received, and

that the decision now rests with our local County Member and the Police.

Grass Cutting

The Parish Council would be pleased to hear from anyone who would be interested

to quote for cutting the grass next year in the Jubilee Play Area and around the War

Memorial. Please contact me for a Schedule giving full details.

War Memorial

On the 4th August 2014 it will be the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World

War and many events will be taking place throughout the country. The Parish Coun-

cil is to obtain quotes for professionally cleaning and re-painting the lettering of the

names on the Crucifix and Stone Tablet and it hopes to use some of the Council‟s

New Homes Bonus allocation to cover the cost.

Wychavon Parish Games

In this year‟s Wychavon Parish Games the Sedgeberrow Angling Team, consisting

of Dave Beasley and his two sons, came 1st and Dave came 2nd in the individual

weights with 8lb 7oz.

The Sedgeberrow Ladies Darts Team was also successful in winning their event

again and retains the shield for another year. The presentation evening took place at

the Bell Inn, Eckington on 20th November. Many congratulations to the winners and

grateful thanks to the organisers and to all the Sedgeberrow residents that took part

in the various events.

Christmas Greetings

The members of Sedgeberrow Parish Council would like to wish all village residents

a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

Here it is!

<== The answer to

the page 6



Week 41 No 8 Mrs.S.Winnett

Week 42 No 289 Mr.J.Barclay

Week 43 No 50 Mrs.Atkin

Week 44 No 314 Miss.E.Kearsey

Week 44 No 210 Mrs.Raybund

Week 44 No 79 Mrs.R.Rencher

Week 45 No 41 Mrs.C.Robinson

Drawn by Mrs.T,Skinner

After 24 years I have decided to give up running the

200 Club, the main reasons being health and current

family commitments. I would like to thank you all on behalf of myself

and my fellow collectors, past present and deceased, for your continued

support of your Church. The 200 club has been the main fund raiser of

your church bringing in £2,500 annually and over the past 24 years has

raised over £50,000 towards the running and upkeep of your Church. If

you would still like to make an annual donation in lieu of the 200 club

you can by contacting the P.C.C. Treasurer on 01386 881623 and you

can gift aid your donation. Thank you all once again. C.F.Banks.

200 Club Winners

St Mary the Virgin


200 Club

And thank you Cyril, on behalf of the village, for all

your hard work collecting and organising it all. Editor






£ 5







Window Cleaners

Family Run Business

Established 1993

01386 446098

Domestic and Commercial

Enquiries about this service should be made to:


Tel 01905 822722,

The Mobile Library will be visiting the above stops

on the dates listed below:-

Churchill Road: 9.20 – 9.40am. School: 9.45 - 10.05am.

Phone Box: 10.10 -10.25am.


Mobile Library Timetable

2nd December 2013, 13th January 2014, 3rd February 2014,

24th February 2014, 17th March 2014, 7 th April 2014.

Note: The Mobile Library will now NOT be stopping at the Church


SEDGEBERROW FLOOD GROUP Flood Warden - Richard Hunt 01386 882079 Secretary –

Emergency Warning Siren

Thank you all for your support with our Emergency Warning Siren test on

Sunday 20th October. As is often the way things didn‟t go quite according

to plan as when we switched it on, it tripped out and blew the surge protec-

tor! Villagers are reminded that this alarm would only be used if conditions

became extreme and a warning was absolutely necessary. It is worth noting

for example that this alarm would not have been sounded in any of the river

conditions experienced since 2007.We now have to go back to the drawing

board and fit a heavier surge protector and fuse, arranging for a re-test

sometime in the New Year. Thanks to sparky Pete for his technical input.

Volunteer lists

We have been busy updating our Flood Volunteers lists and have 38 house-

holds offering 8 different categories of help, so thank you to everyone for

your continued support here.

Environment Agency action

Some of you might have noticed activity on the River Isbourne recently,

the Flood Group have been supporting the Environment Agency (EA) in

taking measurements at different points along the river bank to help im-

prove their flood warnings to us.

Support for volunteers

Individuals from the flood group have also taken part in a survey run by the

EA on why we volunteer and what support we need. This made us all think

about why we do it. We look forward to seeing the results and hopefully

improvements to the support services for communities like ours.

Finally the Flood Group would like to finish by wishing you all a

Happy Christmas and New Year.

Richard Hunt

Flood Warden


Personal Training

Contact Donna to arrange training at

your home, for individual and small

groups at a time that suits you.

Donna is a qualified Advanced Fitness

Instructor. Previous to this she was a

professional dancer and loves bringing

the dance styles of both Zumba and

Boolaka to everyone. A fun and exciting

way to get and stay fit!

Mon One on One

Studio Evesham

Zumba 6.00 - 7.00pm

Tues Sedgeberrow

School Hall



6.30 - 7.30pm

7.30 - 8.30pm

Weds Harvington

School Hall


Ab Blast

7.00 - 8.00pm

8.00 - 8.30pm

Thur St Egwin’s

Middle School

Zumba 7.30 - 8.30pm


Mobile: 07849 712709

Landline: 01386 761290

For Evesham and the North Cotswolds

Vehicle Valeting Service


Mobile: 07956 446954


The Bowls season starts in April 2014 and we are currently looking for new

members of both sexes and all ages. We would be delighted to welcome an-

yone to come along who may want to try the game and perhaps have never

had the opportunity to see if they would enjoy playing, or maybe you are an

experienced bowler looking to join a local, friendly and vibrant Bowls Club.

We would love to talk to you and

invite you to join us when the

season starts in April. Contact

Geoff Roberts 07817716018, for

more information.

Aston Somerville

Bowls Club is near

Evesham, surrounded

by beautiful



Village Hall Events

(MH) = Main Hall (BR) = Betteridge Room

What’s on in December 2013 What’s on in January 2014

3rd Pilates

4th Dog training

6th School Christmas


10th Pilates

14th Church Bingo

17th Pilates


7th Pilates

8th Dog training

14th Pilates

Parish Council

15th Dog training

18th Church Bingo

21st Pilates


22nd Dog training

28th Pilates

29th Dog training

31st Drama Show

“My granddad says that every morning when he measures his allotment it's a

couple of inches smaller than the day before.

I think he's slowly losing the plot.”

Local I.T

Domestic & Business Support

Server & Network


WiFi & Mobile Advice

Virus/Spyware Removal

Custom Office Support


Maintenance Contracts

Competitive Rates

Tel: 01684 273118

Mob: 07788 922534

Your IT Solution


Horse Rugs

*** Free Local Collection ***

Call Natasha: 01684 273118 or 0776 6141994

Stable Rug Wash.

from £7

Equine & Canine Laundry Service

Turnout Wash.

from £8

Turnout Wash and

Reproof. from £14

Dog Bedding & Coats

Dog Coat Wash.


Dog Bed Wash.

from £5

Dog Coat Wash and

Reproof. from £6

7.30pm (MH)

6.30pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)


6.30pm (MH)

8.00pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)

6.30pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)

6.30pm (MH)

8.00pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)

6.30pm (MH)

3.30pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)

8.00pm (MH)

7.30pm (MH)

7.30pm (BR)
