Dec 14, 2010 hi line



The Tiger Hi-Line is produced weekly by the journalism students at Cedar Falls High School.

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The talent show lets you see stu-dents in another light. Different

students, talents and backgrounds coming together for one cause”

—Marcey Hand Junior Leadership adviser


tiger hi-lineVOLUME 51 ISSUE 11

1015 Division St. Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613

Chandal GeerdesStaff Writer

The first ever Junior Leadership sponsored charity talent show will be held on Saturday, Dec. 18 in the high school auditorium. All proceeds from the $5 admission fee will go to The House of Hope in Waterloo. Just like the food drive volleyball game, the participants also paid a $5 participation fee.

“It’s fun with a pur-pose behind it,” Junior Leadership adviser Marcey Hand said.

The auditions for the talent show were held for about a week and ended

on Tuesday, Dec. 7.Hand said she was pleased with

the auditions and feels that there are many good candidates.

A few of these candi-dates include junior Alex-andra Stewart, senior Tyler Chrusciel and the well known Dragon Slay-ers: senior Graham McClanahan, sophomore Raud Kashef and sopho-

more Evan Fairbanks.Being nervous for the show is not

on the minds of juniors Ben Bonwell and Alexandra Stewart.

“I’m not nervous. I think it’s going to be awesome,” Stewart said.

Both students also feel that the fact that the talent show is also a charity event makes it all the more important.

“It’s more than a good [idea]; it’s super good,” Bonwell said.

Most of the acts will be music re-lated, either vocal or dance; however, resource teacher Dan Hensing plans to perform a stand up comedy.

“They said come up with a name for your act, and well it’s kind of funny: Living with Adult ADD,” Hensing said.

Marie DevineyStaff Writer

In the spirit of the Christmas season, the CFHS orchestra will be having a concert on Dec. 16 at the high school in the auditorium.

The pieces they will be playing include “Sonata No. 9-The ‘Golden Sonata’” by Henry Purcell and “Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella;” “Pat-A-Pan;” and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-men,” all by Chip Davis. They will also be playing “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy,” “March of the Nutcrack-er” and “Waltz of the Flowers” from Tschaikowsky’s Nutcracker Ballet.

Scott Hall, orchestra director, said he is excited for all the fun music that will be played in the concert.

“We are playing a great piece called ‘Don Quixote Suite’ by Georg Telemann, and then some Mannheim Steamroller arranged Christmas carols then some Nutcracker Ballet selec-tions and ending with a barn burner called ‘The Dance of the Tumblers’ by Rimsky- Korsakoff.”

The students all have their own favorite songs.

Sophomore Victoria Pixler said, “I like ‘Pat-A-Pan.’” While sophomore

Julia Liu said, “My favorite is the ‘Dance of the Tumblers.’”

They are expecting a big turnout for the concert because the string orchestra and symphony orchestra will be performing.

Hall said he thinks all students should come.

“I think they should come to the concert because all of the students play so well. They are very talented, and this year the orchestra sounds great. Also, just awesome music.”

Everyone is working very hard fixing things and getting all the music together to prepare for the concert.

“We rehearse every day starting the day after our last concert. It takes a lot of hard work on everyone’s part to prepare the music and put things together as a group. I am very proud of the orchestra, and I know they will have an awesome concert,” Hall said.

Tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for students. Activity passes will be accepted as long as they’re with the student.

Junior Leadership sponsored talent show to be held Dec. 18

The music department has been cranking out concerts as the holiday season approaches. At the band concert last Thursday, senior Kevin Dou added to the festivities with his clarinet.

Hand and the other organizers in-volved are hoping for a great turnout since the show is a charity event.

“Fun, comfortable but not formal,” Hand said. “A good mix of staff, students and the community.”

In year’s past, there has not been a talent show at the high school. Junior Leadership decided this would be a great way to raise money and have fun at the same time.

With the help of emcees juniors Jayne Durnin and Ali Miller, light and sound seniors Hannah East-man and Nick Miller, and Junior Leadership advisers Hand and Susan Considine, the show should be great for all to enjoy.

“The talent show lets you see students in another light. Different students, talents and backgrounds coming together for one cause,” Hand said.

Krystal Thomas Photo

Orchestra plans holiday concert on Thursday in CFHS auditorium

Tickets: $4 Adults, $3 StudentsTime and Place:Auditorium, 7:30 on Dec. 16

Tickets: $5 for allTime and Place:Auditorium at 7 on Dec. 18

Fa La La

Contact the Tiger Hi-LineThe Tiger Hi-Line is a weekly publication of the journalism classes of

Cedar Falls High School, 1015 Division St., Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613. Our website is The Hi-Line is distributed to CFHS students on Tuesdays to read in their DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) classes.

Columns and letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Hi-Line or Cedar Falls Schools. The Hi-Line editorial staff view is presented weekly in the editorial labeled as Our View.

Reader opinions on any topic are welcome and should be sent to the Tiger Hi-Line staff or delivered to room 208. All letters must be signed. Letters must be submitted by 3 p.m. on Thursday for publication the follow-ing Tuesday. Letters may not exceed 300 words and may be edited to meet space limitations. Include address and phone number for verification.

Editorial StaffEditors-in-Chief: Sara Gabriele and Ellen Gustavson

News Editor: Sara Gabriele and Allyson VuongOpinion Editor: Meg Lane and Kaylee Micu

Sports Editor: Ali MillerFeature Editors: Ellen Gustavson and Ali Miller

Entertainment Editors: Meg Lane and Kaylee Micu Photo Editor: Tracy Lukasiewicz


tiger hi-lineDec. 14, 2010

2 opinion

our view

Jessica DallyStaff Writer

We’ve all heard the classic story of The Polar Express by Chris Van Alls-burg; however, not everyone has seen the movie with Tom Hanks, so I recently went to the Holiday Hoopla in downtown Cedar Falls and watched the movie. It was a free showing, and a lot of younger kids were there, but it was still a great event. It really gets people into the Christmas spirit and allows children of all ages to believe in Santa Claus.

It almost made me believe in him again. The showing was at the Oster

Regent Theatre on Main Street. Families of all sizes were there, and it was a spe-cial thing.

Holiday Hoopla isn’t going to last much longer on Main Street. Both the Trolley Rides and the Naughty and Nice night are on Dec. 16. If you go to the library parking lot between 6 and 8 p.m, you can get a FREE horse drawn carriage ride provided by Jim and Cecilia Mudd.

Naughty and Nice night is still in the plan making stage, but it’s a great way for you to find out whether you will be receiving great presents or, unfortunately, will you be receiving a hard lump of coal. Those two events are the last

events around Christmas time. Stores on Main Street have also opened their businesses later for a longer shopping period.

Don’t miss out on a great family adventure down on Main Street. There are only a few things yet going on, so bundle up and make your way out to Holiday Hoopla. It’s a family experience that you don’t want to miss and a lot of the things going on are free.

So, go get on a trolley ride and then go find out if you’ve been naughty or if you’ve been nice.

Remember Santa is watching, and he’s checking his list twice.

Around Town

Young drivers should stop misuse of school permits

“You can’t do anything without a good education.” Many of us have heard this expression since we were in Kindergarten. Although this still remains true, a recent assessment done by the Programme for International Student shows that education is not a top priority in the United States.

In a test of 15-year-olds from 34 countries, the United States ranked 17th in reading, 23rd in science and 31st in math. Shanghi-China, Finland, Korea, Hong-Kong-China, Singapore, Canada and New Zealand were the top rank-ing countries.

These results should be big eye openers for our coun-try. Our world is constantly changing, and we need to be able to perform on the global stage if we want to keep up. While other issues like the economy and world relations are the main focus of Congress, education deserves its share of attention as well.

The Department of Education has tossed around the idea of raising pay for high-achieving teachers and weed-ing out those who are not up to par. Another suggestion is to downsize classes.

However, we can’t just use teachers or bigger classes as our scapegoats. The U.S.’s poor academic performance also comes from our culture. Families and communities need to stress to their children that education is number one. Many of us take school for granted, complaining about homework and how boring our classes are; we don’t try hard enough to do well, but that kind of attitude will not help us in the long run.

Whether it be the teachers’, students’ or school cur-riculum’s fault, the United States should not be looked down upon as the “stupid” country.

Recent U.S. test scores show need for improvement

Kara StewartStaff Writer

While there’s normally nothing wrong with making a stop by the gas station, getting a snack after school or stopping at the bank to cash a paycheck, how many times has this been done on a school permit?

More and more teens today are pushing the limits of their school permits. They make stops for personal wants or needs, but if they make a bad habit of stopping anywhere but home, school and school-sponsored events,

they just might get busted. Today’s teens are saying,

“If I don’t get caught, I won’t get in trouble,” but truth be told that isn’t the case. School permits, more than any other kind of license, get the most abuse.

Kids will make stops on their way home from school or to school to get some coffee or grab a snack. They not only make stops that aren’t allowed, but also stay out past their legal curfew. The curfew that the state has given to kids 14 and a half and older, is 10 p.m.

Students may like to stay

until the end of the sport-ing event to socialize with friends or just to stay out late, but if you have a legal curfew, then there is nothing you can do but be home by 10 o’clock.

A lot of students don’t realize that if you are pulled over while on a school per-mit and get a moving viola-tion, you can be without your school permit for a minimum of 30 days depending on why you were pulled over.

If you rear-end someone, its considered your fault and that will guarantee your permit to be gone.

Naughty and Nice Night still ahead on CF Main Street

“... the United States should not be looked down upon as the ‘stupid’ country.”


tiger hi-lineDec. 14, 2010


Jordan BurtchStaff Writer

Cedar Falls High School has won the last three sports-manship awards in the confer-ence and thereby completed a full year as tops in sportsman-ship in the Mississippi Valley Conference.

“This is the first time I remember that one school has had possession of all three trophies at one time, and that’s quite an accomplishment for the coaches, players and spec-tators,” Athletic Coordinator Gary Koenen said.

Officials at each athletic event rate the coaches, the players and the spectators on a five-point scale. The ratings then go to the commissioner and the scores are compiled and the award is given to the team with the most points.

As of late, the team with the most points has been the Tigers, winning the award last spring, this last summer and now this fall. For the purposes of tabulating this award, the fall sports included are vol-leyball and football. Summer sports include men’s and women’s soccer, baseball and softball. Spring sports include men’s and women’s basketball and wrestling.

“It goes out to all the press and media. We tell the Cou-rier and promote it at sports banquets, and we’re proud of it and need to continue these efforts,” Koenen said.

To achieve these accom-plishments, Mr. Koenen and coaches at Cedar Falls try to emphasize sportsmanship as much as possible. “We want our players to compete hard, but with class,” Koenen said.

Jared HyltonStaff Writer

When some people think of winter break they probably envision opening presents, making cute little ginger-bread men or spending time with family. I love doing all of that too, but I also look forward to college football’s bowl season. This year col-lege football fans are in for a sweet treat.

The Tostitos BCS National Championship Game features a battle of the unbeatens — Auburn versus Oregon — in what has the potential to be one of the best bowl games of the year. Oregon is sporting a 12-0 re-cord and a Pac-10 conference championship. Auburn, on the other hand, finished 13-0 and out-right won the SEC.

Auburn’s quarterback, Cam Newton, has been a center of controversy since he was first accused of taking

Holidays bring bowl game fun

money to play at Auburn. SEC commissioner Mike Slive announced Newton elgible to play, and that up to this point there isn’t enough information to be sure of any-thing. Oregon’s quick style of play headed by running back LaMichael James is sure to keep Auburn on its toes.

Another game with some noise surrounding it is the Outback Bowl featuring Ur-ban Meyer’s Florida Gators and the Penn State Nittany Lions. Florida’s coach, Mey-

er, has already announced that he will be resigning after the Outback Bowl. Florida’s players will have an extra incentive when they meet Joe Paterno’s Nittany Lions.

And, of course, the Iowa Hawkeyes will be play-ing Missiouri in the Insight Bowl. The Hawkeyes, how-ever, will be short-handed. Following the arrest of senior Iowa wide receiver Darrell Johnson-Koulianos (DJK), he was immediately suspended from all team activities. DJK

“This holiday season I’ll be doing what mil-lions of other Ameri-cans will be doing — watching bowl games in the comfort of my


was arrested on seven differ-ent accounts of drug-related charges. The absence of DJK will make Mar-vin McNutt the primary receiver for the Hawkeyes. The Missouri

Tigers are 10-2, and Iowa is 7-5, but the now unranked Hawkeyes have lost their last three games — including one to Minnesota who finished second to last in the Big Ten — in disappointing fashion. Even without DJK, football fans should be in for a heck of a game.

This holiday season I’ll be doing what millions of other Americans will be doing — watching bowl games in the comfort of my house.

Footy pajamas; check.

Tigers complete full year of titles for tops in MVC sportsmanship

Spirit Sweep Athleteof

the Week

Taylor RobertsSkiingJunior

Sophomores Alexus Watts and Mckenzie Pint cheer on the Tigers at an end of the season football game this fall.

1. How often do you ski? Where do you go?“I ski every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday through Sunday at Chestnut Mountain in Galena, Illinois.”

2. Do you compete?“Yes. We have races every other weekend and I race in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado and we have one at Chestnut.”

3. Who/what is your biggest motivation?“My dad because he is a really good skiier and I some day want to be like him because he’s professional, and I want to be a professional too.”

4. What’s your favorite part about skiing? “Too many. I like going fast down the hill. I like the adrenaline rush.”

5. Is this something you want to do in college?“I do, but it’s really hard because I live in the middle of Iowa, so it’d be really hard for me to get something.


tiger hi-lineDec. 14, 2010


SupportStudent Press

The list of businesses and individuals included here are backers of the real world educational opportunities made possible by all the publication and broadcasting programs at Cedar Falls High School. Check out their links at our website:

Gold Star Sponsors ($250)•Sandee’s Silver Star Sponsors ($180)•Cedar Falls Community Credit Union

To find out how you can be a Journalism Backer, call 553-2590 or email

Bronze Star Sponsors ($100)•Ruth N. DeHoff•Glass Tech•Larry and Judy Timmins

Jessie HoffmanStaff Writer

The CFHS entrepreneur-ship classes have been busy this semester. The classes, who’ve taken the company names of Cash Money and Second to None, sold CFHS Tigers apparel to raise money for a few different causes.

“Cash Money will spend some profit on a memorial to Jacob Charley and will donate to the American Cancer Soci-ety,” entrepreneurship teacher Julie Cuvelier said. “Second to None will donate to a Me-morial to Jacob Charley and has not decided on a second donation cause.”

Jacob Charley was a CFHS student who died in a car accident the morning of Dec. 5, 2010.

The class Second to None sold Dri-Fit shirts at $18 with

sizes ranging from small to 3XL. The sweatshirts sold at $25 with sizes ranging from small to 3XL and with a color choice of black or grey.

The design for the Dri-Fit shirts shows a crouching tiger in the bottom-left corner. The design is also on the back of the sweatshirts. On the front of the sweatshirts the school team name shines largely with a fun font.

The profits will be donated to the Jacob Charley memorial and the second cause has yet to be determined.

“We have already placed our orders. The sales are com-plete and the companies will close business shortly after Christmas break,” Cuvelier said.

The sale deadline was Dec. 1, and the companies are hop-ing to have the apparel in time for the holidays.

The entrepreneurship class is offered in the business department. The course is designed to be a small busi-ness as if in the real world. It is a semester course and is offered for grades 10 through 12. The second course begins the spring semester.

“We usually form a com-pany, design a product, market the product and use the funds gathered to decide on a social responsibility task,” Cuvelier said.

Students not taking the course can always be involved by purchasing the merchan-dise being sold by the differ-ent companies formed each semester.

The new companies will start over next semester, so be on the lookout for more prod-ucts from the entrepreneurship classes.

Entrepreneurship raises money for former student’s memorial

Sophomores Leah Broadie and Allan Nyhus work on a skit about the wom-en’s rights movement in the 1970s for Chad Van Cleve’s U.S. History class.





Fancy Fingers:

Alex Clark Photo

Chandal GeerdesStaff Writer

For today’s fancy nails, one could spend hundreds of dollars to go to the salon and even more for those special machines, but sophomores Tarah Willsher, Anna Love and senior Jordi Powell do them for free.

These three girls have been painting nails for a while now and enjoy doing it for themselves and others. They do many designs ranging from zebra to lace, and their ideas

flow from many places like fashion magazines and seeing others’ nails.

“I use more spunky de-signs,” Powell said.

“I really like art, doing makeup and I’m good at painting,” Love said.

Although they do this for free almost once a week for friends, special occasions and anyone who asks, it is very time consuming. Love said she could spend up to two and a half hours to do nails and toes. On the other hand, Powell said it only takes her

between 10 and 40 minutes. During these long sessions

Sophomores Tarah Willsher, Anna Love and senior Jordi Powell are becoming known for their fancy manicure skills.

Tarah Willsher Photo

of nail paintings, the girls use many supplies to create their designs.

“Mini scissors are al-ways a good thing to have,” Love said.

The girls use Stripes nail polish from Sally’s. They also use lace, jewels and sparkles depending on the design.

Love has even been asked to have her nails

licked because of the texture of the lace.

“But I wouldn’t let them do that,” she said.

Willsher and Love both agree that painting designs makes their nails more in-teresting. They find painting nails for themselves and oth-ers to be a fun hobby.

“I really like doing other people’s nails. I can almost do them better than my own,” Willsher said.

The girls rarely ever go to salons to get their nails done. Powell is the only one that foresees a profession to come out of her talent, but she said it would be out of her own home.

Students paint salon quality nails