Dec 10, 1898 - Treaty of Paris.pdf


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  • 8/10/2019 Dec 10, 1898 - Treaty of Paris.pdf


  • 8/10/2019 Dec 10, 1898 - Treaty of Paris.pdf


    e White House Visitor Center, ca 1898

    ipino diplomats and leaders in Paris, 1898. SEATED, from left: F. de Almores, Felipe

    oncillo, Pedro Roxas, and Antonino Vergel de Dios. STANDING, from left: B.

    lanueva, Antonio Roxas, E. Brias, and P.A. Roxas.

    Agoncillo (LEFT) and

    Felix Roxas (RIGHT)

    went to Paris and tried

    to represent the

    Filipinos in the

    negotiations, but they

    were excluded from the

    sessions as Aguinaldo's

    declaration of Philippine

    independence on June

    12, 1898 was not

    recognized by the family

    of nations.

    e snub irked Filipino leaders, whose troops effectively controlled the entire

    chipelago except Muslim areas in Mindanao and the capital city of Manila.


    Page 2 of 7hilippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin


  • 8/10/2019 Dec 10, 1898 - Treaty of Paris.pdf


    nsion and ill feelings were growing between American and Filipino troops in Manila

    d the suburbs. In addition to Manila, Iloilo, the main port on the island of Panay, also

    as a pressure point. The Revolutionary Government of the Visayas was proclaimedere on Nov. 17, 1898, and an American force stood poised to capture the city. Upon

    e announcement of the treaty, the radicals, Apolinario Mabini and General Antonio

    na, prepared for war, and provisional articles were added to the constitution giving

    esident Aguinaldo dictatorial powers in times of emergency.

    Page 3 of 7hilippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin


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    ue of Nov. 22, 1898

    ue of Dec. 3, 1898

    Page 4 of 7hilippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin


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    Page 5 of 7hilippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin


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    c. 10, 1898: Last joint session of the Treaty of Paris. Attendees (LEFT to RIGHT) are:

    nator William Frye, John Moore (Secretary), Senator George Gray, Senator Cushman

    vis, Judge William Day, Whitelaw Reid, General Rafael Cerero, Wenceslao Ramirez de

    la-Urrutia, Jose de Garnica, Buenaventura de Abarzuza, Eugenio Montero Rios, Arthur

    rguson (interpreter), and Emilio de Ojeda.

    n December 10 the Treaty of Paris was signed, thus ending the Spanish-American

    ar. Spain ceded the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico (Cuba was granted its

    dependence); in return, the US paid Spain the sum of US$20 million for the

    ilippines.(The Philippine-American War, which broke out two months later, cost the

    ited States $200 million).

    Page 6 of 7hilippine-American War, 1899-1902 | by Arnaldo Dumindin


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