Dealing With Depression Class Outline · My personal experience with depression Defining depression...


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Dealing With Depression Class Outline

March 20 Chapter 1-The Crisis


April 3 Chapter 2-The Complexity

April 10 Chapter 3-The Condition

April 17 Chapter 4-The Causes

April 24 Chapter 5-The Cures

May 1 Chapter 6-The Caregivers

Chapter 1-The Crisis March 20

Hand out books. “Christians Get Depressed Too” by David Murray

Go over outline for the class

Admitting the limitations of my knowledge in this area

o You may get weary of me saying “I don’t know”

o Which is why I want you to take a moment to look over the resource


My personal experience with depression

Defining depression

o Depression: Feeling low in mood is a normal part of life. Difficult

circumstances in life will cause us to feel bad. There is nothing unusual

about this. In some cases this depressed feeling can worsen and begin to

dominate a person’s life. When someone feels very low for more than

two weeks and feels like this day after day, week after week, this is

called a depressive illness. – Info taken and adapted from “I’m Not

Suppose To Feel Like This” by Chris Williams, Paul Richards and Ingrid


QUESTION: Why did you decide to be a part of this class?

QUESTION: Why do you think depression is not talked about much in the


EIGHT REASONS why we should study and talk about depression in the

church (taken directly from Chapter 1-The Crisis)

o Because the Bible speaks of it (A LOT)

Moses: Numbers 11:1-15

Elijah: 1 Kings 19:1-8

Job: Job 10:1

Solomon: Ecclesiastes 1

David: Psalm 42:5

Paul and Timothy: 2 Corinthians 1:8

Read 1 Kings 19:1-8

QUESTION: Why was Elijah feeling so depressed?

QUESTION: Is it possible to take some comfort from this story? If

so, how?

QUESTION: What are some of the different reasons people get


o Because it is so common

One in five people experience depression

Studies show that 5.8 percent of men and 9.5 percent of women

will experience a depressive episode in any given year

Suicide is the leading cause of violent deaths worldwide

o Because it impacts our spiritual life

QUESTION: How can depression impact a person’s spiritual life?

o Because it may be prevented or mitigated

Knowledge may help stop depression or shorten the length of

depression. Here is another way that knowledge can help…“An

additional benefit of having some knowledge about depression is

that it will prevent the dangerous and damaging

misunderstanding that often leads people, especially Christians, to

view medication as a rejection of God and His grace rather than a

provision of God and His grace. P. 6

o Because it will open doors of usefulness

If we suffer from depression we will be more sympathetic to

others who are suffering

“Winston Churchill used to speak of his black dog: he survived

though he was dogged by depression for much of his life. It is said

that only because Churchill had faced his own black periods was

he able, at sixty years of age, to rally those who felt overwhelmed

by the Nazi threat. His own experience of adversity enabled him

to be a leader who helped to save the world from the darkness of

tyranny.” –Taken from “When the Darkness Will Not Life” by John


This next piece of advice may be challenging for some

people…“However, the general rule is that those who listen most

and speak least will be the most useful to sufferers.” P. 6

o Because it is so misunderstood

“John Lockey writes: Being depressed is bad enough in itself, but

being a depressed Christian is worse. And being a depressed

Christian in a church full of people who do not understand

depression is like a little taste of hell.” P. 6-7

Question: Can you give some examples of bad advice that you can

give to a person who is struggling with depression?

o Because it is a talent to be invested for God

QUESTION: How might God use a person who has struggled with

depression to minister to others?

QUESTION: How might God use depression to change a person

into the image of Jesus Christ?

QUESTION: Instead of allowing God to transform us in our

depression we may be tempted to “medicate” ourselves. What

are some different ways that people tend to improperly deal with

their depression?

o Because we can all improve our mental and emotional health

Next class we will be discussing Chapter Two-The Complexity

Will Medicine Stop the Pain?: Finding God’s Healing for Depression, Anxiety, and

other Troubling Emotions by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Laura Hendrickson

Good Mood Bad Mood: Help and Hope for Depression and Bipolar Disorder by

Charles Hodges

D Is for Depression: Spiritual, psychological and medical sources for healing

depression by Michael Lawson

Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Practical Workbook For The Depressed by Dr. John Lockley

Christians Get Depressed Too by David Murray

When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God–and

Joy by John Piper

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission by Amy Simpson

Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness by

Matthew Stanford

Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness by Edward T. Welch

I’m Not Supposed to Feel Like This: A Christian Approach to Coping with

Depression and Anxiety by Chris Williams, et al

Article Links

Six Free Video Curriculum From 2014 | Brad Hambrick

Sorrow, Depression, and the Holidays | The Cripplegate

The Puritans on mental illness – St. Petersburg Mental Health |

The Forgetfulness that Leads to Depression

How to Find Bread and Water in the Dungeon of Depression - Borrowed Light

If I’m a Christian, Why Am I Depressed? | Biblical Counseling Coalition Blogs

7 Things NOT to Say to a Depressed Christian – Parchment and Pen Blog

What If We’re Wrong About Depression? –

10 Types of Thinking that Undergird Depression-Anxiety | Brad Hambrick

When Is Depression-Anxiety Sinful? | Brad Hambrick

Overcoming Depression-Anxiety: A Personal Responsibility Paradigm (Seminar

Videos) | Brad Hambrick

20 Approaches to Battling Depression-Anxiety as Suffering | Brad Hambrick

Tangled Up in Blue: Depression and the Christian Life – Reformation21

12 Ways Depression-Anxiety Impacts Family and Relationships | Br ad Hambrick

Like Job, I Too Was Surrounded By Darkness

7 Factors that Contribute to the Impact of Depression-Anxiety | Brad Hambrick

Online Depression-Anxiety Evaluation | Brad Hambrick

Why Three Seminars on Depression-Anxiety? | Brad Hambrick

Depression, Divorce & New Life In Jesus: Ronnie’s Story – 20schemes

Depression, a Pastoral Approach

Depression and Common Grace | TGC

When Christians Suffer from Depression | TGC

Anxiety and Depression, My Strange Friends | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

My Second Round with Depression | Parchment and Pen

In The Dark | The Table: The Journal of the Biola University Center for Christian


Christians Get Depressed Too – Dr. David Murray

8 Books That Have Helped in Battling Depression - Borrowed Light

9 Ways to Battle Depression, Condemnation and Anxiety > The Village Church

When Depression Comes Back | Addie Zierman | How To Talk Evangelical

Keith O’Neil | Game plan | bphope

The Christian Curmudgeon: When Darkness Is Your Only Friend

3 Suggested Uses for My Depression Interview | Counseling One Another

8 Causes of Spiritual Depression | The Christward Collective

How to Beat that Bad Mood | Challies Dot Com

New Study Shows Social Groups Alleviate Depression

Psychiatry Now Admits It’s Been Wrong in Big Ways: But Can It Change? | Biblical

Counseling Coalition Blogs

God Is with You in Depression | Desiring God

5 Things Christians Should Know About Depression and Anxiety | RELEVANT


What Depression Teaches Us | Counseling One Another

The Psalmists’ Rich View of Depression

hope for depression | post traumatic stress disorder | depression recovery

In Case It’s the Right Question | Addie Zierman | How To Talk Evangelical

Allie Brosh On Depression | The American Conservative

Homeschooling with Depression

BBC News – Where hyenas are used to treat mental illness

Suffering service | The Briefing

Spiritual Depression: The Dark Night of the Soul by R.C. Sproul | Ligonier

Ministries Blog

Depression among Christians

Examples of mental anguish and depression in the Bible

Mothering Through Depression and Chronic Illness | CBMW | The Council on

Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

The Sad Christian | Parchment and Pen

The Depression Epidemic Revisited | Counseling One Another

Deserted by God? by Starr Meade | Ligonier Ministries Blog

Lessons Learned from the Dark Valley of Depression | Biblical Counseling Coalition


How has faith shaped our view of mental illness?

Mental Health Black Community: What African Americans Need To Know About

Mental Health | Breaking News for Black America

The Real Problems With Psychiatry – Hope Reese – The Atlantic

Review – Manufacturing Depression – Depression

Believing in God can help treat depression | Mail Online

Overcome Depression: How to Avoid Hitting Bottom |

Running the race to the finish!!: Coming Out of the Closet (sort of speak)

My Take: Let’s stop keeping mental illness a secret – CNN Belief Blog –


13 Truths You Must Know about Depression, re-post from May 2011, Jenny Price

| iwokeupyesterday

Suicide, Mental Illness, Depression, and the Church – Justin Taylor

Can a Christian get depressed?

My Take: How churches can respond to mental illness – CNN Belief Blog – Blogs

Out of the darkness of Depression | Not So Common Sense Blog

Embracing God’s Promises … 1 – Focus on the Family Daily

Depression and the Limits of Psychiatry –

Any Place for the God of Job? – Reformation21 Blog

When He Feels Far Off – The Gospel Coalition Blog

The Austin Stone Counseling Center

BBC News – Self-help books ‘treat depression’

I am NOT a Depressed Person | Parchment and Pen

Christian—and Depressed | RELEVANT Magazine

Out of the Ordinary: Anxiety and the Battle for the Mind

Describing the indescribable | HeadHeartHand Blog

Unmasking Male Depression: Recognizing the Root Cause to Many Problem

Behaviors Such as Anger, Resentment, Abusiveness, Silence, Addictions, and

Sexual Compulsiveness: Dr. Archibald Hart

Camp Kivu’s Quest to Get Depressed Teens to Disconnect From Social Media –

The Daily Beast

Depression Strikes Again: Leave Me Alone Black Dog

A Biblical Approach to Depression | Counseling One Another (Part 1, Part 2, Part


Mental Illness in the Bible – Christian Mental Illness

The Blues vs Clinical Depression – Christian Mental Illness

Storytelling and Your Brain | Everyday Theology

10 Tips For Getting Through Seasonal Depression

Swing Low: A Life: Miriam Toews: Books

Theology for Girls: When “Anxiety” Is Not A Sin – My Journey Through the

Labyrinth Of Panic Disorder

Battling Depression . . . Redemption, Medication, and Christ – Desiring God

Battling Depression – Justin Taylor

A Day In The Life Of This Christian Living With Anxiety/Depression | Ragamuffin


Every Time I Talk About Depression – Being Brave

Injecting the Light of H-O-P-E into a Dyed-Black Perspective | Biblical Counseling

Coalition Blogs

How to Pray When You’re Depressed: A Look at Psalm 13 | Biblical Counseling

Coalition Blogs

When Despair is Our Only Song – Christian foundations –

Depression: Hurtful Things to Avoid

When Feelings Fail – Wog Magazine

Depression: Helpful Things to Say and Do

Jesse Jackson Jr’s Shame on Us » Amy Simpson

When God Withdraws the Sense of His Presence – The Gospel Coalition Blog

Desert Springs Church Blog » Resources for Depression and Spiritual Desertion

The Ministry of Sorrow | Counseling One Another

The Internet Knows You’re Depressed, but Can It Help You? | Healthland |

Depression and your internet usage? | Musings of a Christian Psychologist

What can a depressed person do daily while fighting for joy? | Practical


Depression – When We Want to Die | Parchment and Pen

Her.meneutics: Why Stay-at-Home Moms Are More Depressed Than Working


Anxiety Therapy, Depression Therapy, New York City

Borrowed Light: How John Piper Helped Me In the Midst of Darkness

A Prayer for Serving Our Friends Who Struggle with Depression – Heavenward by

Scotty Smith

Depression and Scripture Reading | Gospel Grace

The Doctor Is IN | CCEF (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7)

How can I help my spouse through depression? | CCEF

How to Cope with a Depressed Spouse | Reader’s Digest

Pyromaniacs: Spurgeon on Depression

Wasted Depression | Thistletown Baptist Church

Depression | Biblical Counselling Australia

Pyromaniacs : Battling depression

Pyromaniacs: Book review — Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cures (re-issued

and enhanced), by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Depressed and Doubting While Sitting in a Dungeon! –

The Upward Call – The Upward Call – Those nasty family legacies

With Depression, Helping Others May in Turn Help You –Doctors Lounge

BBC – Chris Bevan: Andy Morrison’s biggest battle

Out of the Darkness — Modern Love –

Danny Rossi’s Story on Vimeo

William Cowper’s Letters « Soliloquium

Cultivating Distrust of the Certainties of Despair – Justin Taylor

Grace for the Afflicted: Viewing … – Google Books

Depression: how should we understand it? | Wisdom for Life

BBC News – Persistent depression risk ‘doubles’ in abused children

Women Bible Life: depression

Anxiety and Depression Together | Psychology Today

No room for sadness (a closer look at depression) | Wisdom for Life

Spiritual Depression | Wisdom for Life

Spiritual Depression | RPM Ministries

Christians Get Depressed Too by Guy Waters | Ligonier Ministries Blog

Depression | The Counseling Solutions Group, Inc.

Discerning Reader: Review of Depression: A Stubborn Darkness by Ed Welch

Institute for Nouthetic Studies Blog » Blog Archive » Book Review: Depression, A

Stubborn Darkness

Ann L. Dunnewold, Ph.D. » Blog Archive » Stigma

Do You See the Glory of God in the Sun? Spurgeon’s Battle Against Depression –

Justin Taylor

BBC News – Not depressed, just sad, lonely or unhappy

Does Your Depression Mak e You Hypersensitive to Criticism? – Postpartum


Depression and the Holidays – Roxborough-Manayunk, PA Patch

Hope for Your Dark Night of the Soul – Justin Taylor

The Dark Night of the Soul – Audio and Book Available (Links Corrected)

Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness | Magazine

The Happiness Project: 5 Common Happiness Mistakes — “Boosters” That

Actually Do More Harm Than Good.

Lisa Notes: If you’re discouraged with yourself…

The Bleakest Psalm Is Really a Night-light :: Desiring God

A Boomer in the Pew: Video: David and Carol Porter – Our Story Filmed by

Scottsdale Bible Church

What should a Christian do when overwhelmed with depression? –


Hope for the Depressed

Children and Teenagers

Why Teenage Suicide is More than a Statistic for Me | TGC

BBC News – Test ‘predicts’ teen depression risk

Christian Teenagers – Depression FAQ For Teens

Time on the Internet Linked to Teen Depression | Covenant Eyes

The Internet Usage Patterns of Depressed College Students

BBC News – Late-night teens ‘face greater depression risk’

Post-Partum Depression

When The Psychologist Has Postpartum Depression

When Christian Moms Get the Blues | Her.meneutics |

When New Moms Can’t Stop Worrying | Her.meneutics |

Baby Blues & Postpartum Depression: It’s Ok to Admit You Need Help (Part 1) |

Black and Married With – A Positive Image of Marriage and Family

Black And Married With Kids Features Story on Postpartum Depression

How Other Cultures Prevent Postpartum Depression | baby gooroo

BBC News – Postpartum psychosis: Affected parents speak out

Bringing new mothers’ pain out of the shadows –

One In Five Get Postpartum Depression: Numbers Too Big To Ignore

Black with Postpartum Depression: My Therapist Had Never Treated A Black


How To Tell Whether It’s Postpartum Depression Or Normal New Mom Stress

7 Postpartum Depression Survivors Share Their Stories Of Having More Children

Is Postpartum Depression Non-Existent in Other Cultures?

How Do You Tell A Pregnant Friend About Postpartum Depression?

Fact Checking The Postpartum Depression Doubters: “Pills Are The Easy Way Out”

Dads Must Deal With Indecisiveness During Postpartum Depression – Postpartum

Progress – postpartum depression hope

Being Open to Treatment for Postpartum Depression – Postpartum Progress –

postpartum depression hope

Having A Child After Postpartum Depression: A Short Film – Postpartum Progress

– postpartum depression hope

Postpartum Anxiety: A Multitude of Fears – Postpartum Progress – postpartum

depression hope

Postpartum Depression & The Pain of Perfectionism – Postpartum Progress –

postpartum depression hope

The Impossible Simplicity of Treating Postpartum Depression – Postpartum


Need the Latest Postpartum Depression Research? It’s A Click Away – Postpartum


How Can You Help Yourself ? Join the 21-Day Self-Care Challenge – Postpartum


Tips For Supporting Someone With Postpartum Depression – Postpartum Progress

How Your Diet Can Raise The Risk of Postpartum Depression – Postpartum


Good Morning America Misses The Mark on PPD

Pastors/Ministry Leaders

When A Pastor Gets Depressed – J.A. Medders

Breaking the Silence: When Christian Leaders Speak Openly about Depression |

Everyday Theology

The Pastor’s Wife Who Went Crazy: A guest post by Heather Palacios | The

Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer

Top Ten Causes of Depression in Pastors | Andrew

7 Ways The Lord Uses Depression in the Life of a Minister

Depression and the Pastor’s Wife: Suffering in Silence | Counseling One Another

Using Effort-Reward Imbalance Theory to Understand High Rates of Depression

and Anxiety Among Clergy – Springer

Rising stress boosts clergy depression

Encouragement for Pastors Tempted with Depression – Justin Taylor

Depression and the Ministry, Part 5: Facing Depression with Christ | Biblical

Counseling Coalition Blogs

Depression Claims Many Pastors, Ministry Leaders, Christian News

Depression and the Ministry, Part 1: The Setup | Biblical Counseling Coalition


Spurgeon’s Sorrows | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

Physical Health

Depression and Exercise | Biblical Counseling Coalition Blogs

Depression & Exercise: I Run! Therefore I Am Not Depressed! – Good Mood Bad


6 Changes in Lifestyle that Add to the Impact of Depression-Anxiety | Brad


Treating Your Stomach For Depression « The Dish

The Nutrition of Mental Health

8 Components of a Healthy Lifestyle ‹ Christian Mental Health and Mental Illness

The Hormone Connection to Women’s Mental Health

BBC NEWS | Health | Depression link to processed food


The beginning of wisdom: on suicide, gratitude and compassion

I’m Glad I Stopped My Suicide Attempt

When You Are Thinking About Suicide

Depression and suicide: Football’s secret uncovered – BBC Sport

Matthew Warren and the effects of suicide –

When a Loved One Takes His Life

BBC News – Call for action to tackle ‘Scottish effect’ on suicide rates

Research and Brain Science

Chemical Imbalances and Depression | Biblical Counseling Coalition Blogs

Chemical Imbalances & Depression: A Theory Falls victim to New Research – Good

Mood Bad Mood

Helping a Counselee Understand Chemical Imbalance | Biblical Counseling

Coalition Blogs

BBC News – Ketamine ‘exciting’ depression therapy

Can Our Brains Tell Us How To Best Treat Us For Depression? | Co.Exist: World

changing ideas and innovation

NIMH · Scan Predicts Whether Therapy or Meds Will Best Lift Depression

Researchers Want Stroke Patients on Anti-Depressants Even If Not Depressed |


BBC News – Cognitive behavioural therapy ‘can reduce depression’

BBC News – Does sunshine make us happier?

Phone-Based Psychotherapy May Help Depression as Much as Face-to-Face

Treatment, at Least in the Short Term | Healthland |

BBC News – Brain training ‘helps treat depression’

How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs

A Video Game Designed to Treat Depression Worked Better Than Counseling –

medGadget – Health – The Atlantic

Treating depression with electrodes inside the brain –

Avoid Working Long Hours of Overtime to Reduce Your Risk of Depression

Is Gluten Making You Depressed? | Psychology Today

One in four American women take medication for a mental disorder | Mail Online

Report: 1 in 5 American Adults Takes Mental Health Drugs – TIME Healthland

Why Patients Don’t Open Up to Doctors About Depression – TIME Healthland

New Mouse Study Links Chronic Stress to Depression, Adds Evidence to the

Benefits of Antidepressants – - TIME Healthland

Misdiagnosed Mood Disorders – Fox News Video –

VeriPsych Says It Can Spot Depression, Schizophrenia in Blood | Fast Company

How a flash of light to the brain can banish fear | Mail Online

Dr. David Powlison – Is Depression Purely Biological? on Vimeo

Yale Medicine-Findings

Human brain has more switches than all computers on Earth | Health Tech –


A Gene to Explain Depression – TIME Healthland – StumbleUpon

The Evolutionary Reason for Depression – Mind – Lifehacker

BBC News – GPs access to depression treatment ‘is too narrow’


Hope Is a Very Good Thing: What Is the Active Ingredient in Antidepressant

Medication? | Biblical Counseling Coalition Blogs

Jesus Isn’t Going To Take My Zoloft

Christianity Can’t Replace My Zoloft – TIME

Listening to Prozac… and to the Scriptures: A Primer on Psychoactive Medications

| Biblical Counseling Coalition Blogs

This Demon Only Comes Out By Prayer and Prozac | Mere Orthodoxy |

Christianity, Politics, and Culture

How to Fight Depression (Without the Pills)

Sufficiency of Scripture and Psychotropic Medication | Biblical Counseling

Coalition Blogs

6 Steps to Wise Decision Making About Psychotropic Medications | Brad


Is it right for a Christian to take antidepressants? | Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness? | Blog | Perry Noble ·

Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church

Healing Hope: Depressed about Taking Antidepressants?

Unraveling the Mystery of How Antidepression Drugs Work: Scientific American

Mental Illness, Psychiatric Drugs, and Counseling Education | Biblical Counseling

Coalition Blogs

Should Christians Take Antidepressants? | Her.meneutics |

Will Medicine Stop the Pain? – Book Reviews | Biblical Counseling Coalition

Can We Be Positive about Psychiatric Medications? | CCEF

Why Do We Seem Negative about Psychiatric Medications? | CCEF

Moore to the Point – Is It Right for a Christian to Take Anti-Depressants?

‘I Wanted To Live’: New Depression Drugs Offer Hope For Toughest Cases : Shots

– Health Blog : NPR


New drugs for depression? | Musings of a Christian Psychologist

New Research on the Antidepressant-Versus-Placebo Debate | Healthland |

Her.meneutics: Should Christians Take Antidepressants?: A Response

The New York Times’ Defense of Antidepressants | Psychology Today

Talk Therapy vs. Drugs | Psychology Today

BBC NEWS | Health | Antidepressants ‘work instantly’

Antidepressants May Prevent Hippocampus From Shrinking — Psychiatric News

BBC News – ‘Doctors should stop pushing drugs at depressed people’

In the News

BBC News – What are the top five happiest parts of the UK?

BBC News – Would-be MP on depression battle

NAMI | Winston Churchill and his “Black Dog” that Helped Win World War II

Rick Warren acts on mental health in son’s death

Her.meneutics: Kay Warren Talks to CT about Her Battle with Depression

Robin Williams & Depression | The American Conservative

BBC News – Why are sports stars prone to depression?

BBC Sport – Cricket – Cricket World Cup – England hit by Yardy withdrawal

Chapter 2 -The Complexity

April 3

We will begin this class by giving you an opportunity to share your experience

with depression

Last time (Chapter 1-The Crisis) we looked at 8 reasons why a Christian should

study depression. This morning we will look how a Christian should study


Avoid dogmatism and seek humility

Avoid extremes and seek balance

o There are three simplistic extremes that we should avoid when

considering the cause of depression:

ONE: The cause is all physical

QUESTION: What are the dangers to this simplistic


QUESTION: Why do you think so many people in our culture

only think of physical causes for depression?

QUESTION: Explain why a secular counselor is limited in the

advice and wisdom he/she can give a person who is

struggling with depression.

TWO: The cause is all spiritual

Depression is caused by demonic possession and requires


o Possessed

There is not one example in Scripture of a

believer being possessed by a demon. There is

not one example in Scripture of a Christian

having a demon exorcised.

Read 1 Corinthians 6:19

Read 2 Corinthians 6:15-16

QUESTION: How do these verse relate to the

idea of a believer being demon possessed?

Scripture does not teach that a Christian can be possessed by a demon. The believer is “in Christ,”- one of His. Every example in the Bible of a person being demon-possessed concerns an unbeliever – there are no examples of believers being possessed. Furthermore, we must be careful not to rely on stories of believers and demon-possession – many other explanations are possible. The Christian, who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, need not fear demon possession. Yet, demons do attack believers in various ways. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that they cannot have any effect on the Christian. –Don Stewart

o Influenced by the demonic

Read Ephesians 4:26-27

QUESTION: What do you think it means for a

Christian to give the devil an opportunity or a

foothold in their life? How do you think it


Depression is caused by sin; therefore, rebuke, repentance,

and confession are required.

o QUESTION: Can you give an example of how sin in

someone’s life may lead to depression?

o QUESTION: What are the strengths of this way of

thinking (sin leads to depression)?

o QUESTION: What are the weaknesses of this way of

thinking (sin leads to depression)?

o Important to notice. Later in the book the author will

examine how we decide if depression has spiritual

causes or simply spiritual consequences.

THREE: The cause is all mental (“in the mind”)

This can mean two different things. Some people use this

expression correctly identifying the seat of a depression-the

chemical imbalances in the brain. However, most people

who use it incorrectly mean that the depression is fictional,

made up.

o Concluding thoughts for this chapter

All this reminds us that the prescription of solutions is often a

matter that takes much time, and even trial and error. There are

usually no quick fixes. For Christians there will often need to be a

balance between medicines for the brain, rest for the body,

counsel for the mind, and spiritual encouragement for the soul.

Recovery will usually take patient perseverance over a period of

many months, and in some cases, even years. P.30

Chapter 3 -The Condition April 10

Watch video by Brene Brown on empathy (a key in interacting with people

who are struggling with depression…or anything for that matter)

o QUESTION: What is the main point of the video?

Suggestions on how to use this book (Christians Get Depressed Too):

o Read through the book with someone who is struggling with


o If you are personally struggling with depression open up to a godly

friend who will spend time with you going through the book

We began with 8 reasons WHY we should study depression and two

principles to govern how we should study depression.

We also examined three extreme positions some take regarding the cause

of depression

o All physical

o All spiritual

o All mental

This morning we will be talking discussing “what is depression?”

We won’t go into detail about how to help someone dealing with

depression until chapter 5 (The Cures)

Two reasons we should be concerned about getting the right answer to the

above question (what is depression?).

o The physical reason is that only by knowing the symptoms can I know

if others or I are suffering from depression and then seek appropriate


o The spiritual reason…is that many who have symptoms of

depression, without identifying then as such, reason, “If I have these

thoughts and feelings, I cannot be a Christian.”

o QUESTION: Why would lead a person who is struggling with

depression to question their salvation? What would you say to them

to encourage them?

We will answer the question “What is depression?” by looking at how it is

related to and reflected in five areas of our lives: our situation, our

thoughts, our feelings, our bodies, and our behavior.


o One of the first steps in treating depression is to take time to

examine our lives and, with God’s help, to trace our present

depressed thoughts and feelings to events in our lives.

o QUESTION: Can you give an example of how an event in life could

lead a person to depression?


o The biggest focus of this chapter is on our thoughts…

o As the writers of Mind Over Mood put it, “Our perception of an event

or experience powerfully affects our emotional, behavioral, and

psychological responses to it.” Or, as the Bible puts it: “As a man

thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7).

o Ten false thought patterns that reflect, but also contribute to, the

symptoms of depression.


Sometimes called all or nothing thinking

Life example: You make one mistake in cooking a meal and

conclude you are a total disaster.

Spiritual example: You have a sinful thought in prayer and

conclude that you are an apostate.

Biblical example: Despite most of his life being characterized

by God’s blessing and prosperity, when Job passed through a

time of suffering, he decided he must be an enemy of God (Job

13:24; 33:10)

Do you see this in your life?


This happens when, after experiencing one unpleasant event,

we conclude that the same thing will happen to us again and


Life example: If a young man’s feelings for a young woman are

rebuffed, he concludes that this will happen to him and that he

will never marry a woman.

Spiritual example: When you try to witness to someone, you

are mocked, and you conclude that this will always happen to

you and that you will never win a soul for Christ.

Biblical example: At a low point in his own life, Jacob deduced

that because Joseph was dead and Simeon as captive in Egypt

that Benjamin would also be taken from him (Gen 42:36).

Do you see this in your life?


When we are depressed, we tend to pick out the negative in

every situation and think about it alone, to the exclusion of

everything else.

Life example: You get ninety percent on an exam, but all you

can think about is the ten percent you got wrong.

Spiritual example: You heard something in a sermon you did

not like or agree with and went home thinking and talking only

about that part of the service.

Biblical example: Despite having just seen God’s mighty ad

miraculous intervention on Mount Carmel, Elijah filtered out

all the positives and focused only on the continued opposition

of Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 19:10).

Do you see this in your life?


Another aspect of depression is that we transform neutral or

positive experiences into negative ones.

Life example: If someone compliments you, you conclude that

the person is just being hypocritical or that he or she is trying

to get something from you.

Spiritual example: When you receive a blessing from a verse or

a sermon, you decide that it is just the devil trying to deceive


Do you see this in your life?


We may think we can tell what someone is thinking about us,

that the person hates us or views us as stupid. But such

negative conclusions usually are not supported by the facts.

Life example: A friend may pass you without stopping to talk

because, unknown to you, he is late for a meeting. But you

conclude that he no longer likes you.

Spiritual example: Someone who used to talk to you at church

now passes you with hardly a word, so you decide that you

have fallen out of her favor. But unknown to you the person’s

marriage is in deep trouble, and she is too embarrassed to risk

talking to anyone.

Do you see this in your life?


This occurs when we feel so strongly that things will turn out

badly that our feelings-based prediction seems to become an

already established fact. We expect catastrophe, and the

expectation itself produces hopelessness and helplessness.

Life example: You feel sure that you will always feel depressed

and will never be better again. This is despite the evidence that

almost everybody recovers.

Spiritual example: You are convinced that you will never be

able to pray in public. Again, this is despite the evidence that,

though difficult at first, with practice almost everybody

manages it.

Biblical example: Anticipating the opposition that Jesus would

face in Bethany, Thomas falsely predicted not only his own

death there but also that of the Lord and the other disciples

(John 11:16).

Do you see this in your life?


This is when we view our fears, errors, or mistakes through a

magnifying glass and deduce catastrophic consequences.

Everything is then out of proportion.

Life example: When you make a mistake a work, you conclude,

“I’m going to get fired.”

Spiritual example: Despite having received forgiveness from

God, you focus on your sins from the distant past in a way that

leads to continued feelings of guilt, self-condemnation, and

fear of punishment.

Biblical example: When Peter sinfully denied the Lord, he not

only wept bitterly but decided that since his mistake was so

spiritually catastrophic, there was no alternative but to forget

about preaching about Christ and go back to catching fish

(John 21:3).

Do you see this in your life?


People suffering from depression tend to take their emotions

as the truth. They let their feelings determine the facts.

Life example: You feel useless and conclude that you are


Spiritual example: You feel unforgiven and conclude that you

are unforgiven. You feel cut off from God and conclude that

you are cut off from God.

Biblical example: At one of his low points, David felt and hastily

concluded that he was cut off from God. “I said in my haste, I

am cut off from before thine eyes” (Ps. 31:22).

Do you see this in your life?


Our lives may be dominated by “shoulds” or “oughts” applied

to ourselves or others.

Life example: The busy mother who tries to keep her house as

tidy and orderly as if there were no children is putting herself

under undue pressure to reach unattainable standards.

Spiritual example: The conscientious Christian who feels that

despite being responsible for taking care of her household,

preparing meals and raising children, she ought to also be at

every prayer meeting, worship service, and Bible study and

should also serve on several church committees, prepare

meals for needy church members, read good books, always

feel close to God.

Do you see this in your life?


This is when we assume responsibility and blame ourselves for

a negative outcome, even when there is no basis for this.

Life example: When your child does not get excellent grades

you conclude that you are an awful mother. The real reason

may be instead that your child has a poor teacher or that the

child does not have academic gifts.

Spiritual example: When your child turns against the Lord and

turns his back on the church, you assume that, despite doing

everything you possibly could to bring him up for the Lord, it is

all your fault.

Biblical example: Moses felt responsible for the negative

reactions of Israel to God’s providence and was so cast down

about this that he prayed for death (Num. 11:14-15).

Do you see this in your life?

o Important points to remember

False thinking patterns are compatible with being a Christian.

False though patterns will have a detrimental effect on our

feelings, our bodies, our behavior, and our souls, usually in

that order.

One of the first steps in getting better is recognizing these false

thinking patterns, which do not reflect reality.

While we can do little, if anything, to change our providence

(our life situation), we can change the false ay we may think

our providence.


o Do you feel overwhelming sadness? Biblical examples: Job (Job 3:20;

6:2-3; 16:6, 16); David (Ps. 42:3, 7).

o Do you feel angry with God and others? Jonah 4:4, 9); Moses (Num.


o Do you feel your life is worthless? Biblical examples: Job (job 3:3-26);

Jeremiah (Jer. 20:14-18)

o Do you feel extreme anxiety or panic? Biblical examples: David (1

Sam. 21:12); disciples (Matt. 8:25).

o Do you feel God hates you and is far from you? Biblical examples: Job

(Job 6:4; 13:24; 16:11; 19:11; 30:19-23, 26); Jeremiah (Lam. 3:1-3).

o Do you feel suicidal or do you have a longing to die? Biblical

examples Job (Job 3:20-22; 6:9; 7:15-16); Moses (Num. 11:14); Elijah

(1 Kings 19:4).


o Disturbed sleep, tiredness, weight fluctuations, digestive problems,

loss of appetite, bodily pain, choking feelings and breathlessness.

o Do you see this in your life?


o Stop doing the things we use to enjoy (not going to church, not

contacting family and friends).

o Start doing things that make us feel worse (drinking alcohol, staying

indoors, pushing people away who care).

o Do you see this in your life?

Let’s look at the important summary on pages 50-51 (this will help you to

know how to respond to depression!!)

For next week please read Chapter 4-The Causes

Chapter 4 -The Causes April 17

VIDEO: Are Christians more susceptible to depression than non-Christians? By

David Murray

o Please take note of David Murray’s blog! Lots of great resources to help

you think biblically about depression.

This morning we will go into greater detail regarding the CAUSES of depression

Depression is often divided into two main categories

o Reactive

Reactive depression is usually traced to some obvious trigger,

perhaps a stressful life event or unhelpful thought patterns

o Endogenous

Endogenous depressions are thought to be organic or biological in

nature. It is the name usually given to depressions that seem to

have no obvious external trigger, and they are often traced to

genetic disposition.

Let’s consider five triggers of depression: stress, psychology, sin, sickness, and



o QUESTION: Do you believe stress could lead to depression? If so, how?

o Life events

Life events including marriage, relocating, exams, bereavement,

illness, unemployment, and birth of children.

My recent bout with stress, shingles and depression (in that

specific order!)

o Lifestyle

While we have little if any control over life events, we do have

substantial control over our lifestyle-the proportion of time and

energy we give to work, socializing, shopping, traveling,

recreation, exercise, rest, and sleep. Much of the increase in

depression and anxiety today is largely the result of an

unbalanced lifestyle where people are, on the one hand, working

too hard, are exercising, resting, and sleeping too little.

QUESTION: Do you have an example or a story to tell of how

lifestyle has led to depression?

PSYCHOLOGY (The way that we think)

QUESTION: Can you give any examples of negative ways of

thinking that you have picked up from your early formative years?


o Non-Christians may be depressed because of their sin.

o QUESTION: Can you explain how this might happen?

o How does a Christian know if his depression has a spiritual cause or not?

Here are some questions from Ed Welch to help you think through


If you made someone besides God the center of your life, and you

lose him or her, you will feel isolated and without purpose. Can

you see how this can give way to depression?

If you feel like you have failed in the eyes of other people, and

your success and the opinions of others is of critical importance,

you can slip into depression. Can you see the spiritual roots?

If you feel like you did something very wrong, and you want to

manage your sin apart from the cross of Jesus, depression is

inevitable. Can you see how this can lead to depression?

If you are angry and don’t practice forgiveness, you can easily

slide into depression. What makes us angry shows us what we

love and what rights we hold dear. Can you see how this can lead

to depression?

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting

the other person to die.” –Anne Lamott

Ways that I have seen this in my family


o We need to have a balanced approach to what causes depression!

Yes, sin can cause depression!

Yes, our fallen, not fully redeemed bodies can cause depression!

If we come to the point that our default position in dealing with

the causes of depression is that it is sin until proven otherwise we

are getting painfully close to the disciples position: “Master, who

did sin, this man or his parents?” (John 9:2)


o A well-known example of this is Job, where God allowed Satan to afflict

His beloved servant. A lesser-known example is Hezekiah. “God left him,

to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart” (2 Chron. 32:31).

Chapter 5 -The Cures April 24

The Road to sorrow has been well trodden, it is the regular sheep track to

heaven, and all the flock of God have had to pass along it. –Charles Spurgeon

Sometimes our feet can’t tap when the music plays. –Zack Eswine

Video: Randy Alcorn talks about depression

o Write down anything that is said that you find helpful

o ___________________________________________________________




o QUESTION: What do you find helpful?

Chapter 5 talks about the cures for depression. Before we move in that

direction we need to ask this question…“do you want to get better?”


Correct your lifestyle

o Routine

Stay with a routine even when your feelings tell you to drop

everything and spend the day in bed.

o Relaxation

Do you have enough margin in your life to slow down and relax?

o Recreation

Exercise helps to expel unhelpful chemicals from our system and

stimulates the production of helpful chemicals.

o Rest

Regular sleep patterns enable the body to repair and re-charge…

o Reprioritize

Is your schedule overloaded?

o QUESTION: Which one of these do you struggle with most?

Correct your false thoughts

o As we have already noted, one of the most common contributory

factors to depression is wrong and unhelpful thoughts.


ONE: Asaph’s life situation



TWO: Asaph’s feelings



THREE: Asaph’s thoughts



FOUR: Asaph’s analysis



FIVE: Asaph’s behavior



SIX: Asaph’s reasons



SEVEN: Asaph’s challenge



EIGHT: Asaph’s conclusion



NINE: Asaph’s feelings



TEN: Asaph’s plan



o QUESTION: What does this teach you about dealing with depression?



Correct your brain chemistry

o Talk to a doctor

o QUESTION: What are some false assumptions people make about using

medicine to help with depression?

Correct your spiritual life

o ONE: Accept that being depressed is not necessarily a sin and indeed

compatible with Christianity. Many Bible characters and many of the

greatest Christians passed through times of depression.

o TWO: Try to understand that your loss of spiritual feelings is not the

cause of your depression, but rather the depression has caused a

general loss of feeling in all parts of your life, your spiritual life included.

o THREE: Patiently wait for the corrections in your lifestyle, thinking, or

brain chemistry to have an effect on your feelings as a whole, and your

spiritual life will pick up at the same time also.

o FOUR: Have a set time for reading your Bible and praying.

This is Bible 101 but so many times we overlook it!

o FIVE: Bring objective truth to mind (for example, the doctrine of

justification or the atonement), especially positive verses that set forth

God’s love, mercy, and grace for sinners…

Our feelings are not always very reliable! Follow your heart can be

some of the worst advice a person can receive!

o SIX: When you pray, tell God exactly how you feel. Be total honest. Ask

God to help you with your doubts and fears and to restore to you the joy

of salvation.

o SEVEN: Keep going to church and seek out fellowship of one or two

sympathetic Christians you can confide in, and ask them to pray with

you and for you.

o EIGHT: Remember, GOD LOVES YOU AS YOU ARE, not as you would like

to be.

Correct the spiritual causes

o Repent

Feeling overwhelmed?

o That is understandable. Think and pray about the material we have

covered. Jot down 3-4 different things you want to do to help yourself

recover from depression.

Chapter 6 -The Caregivers

May 1

“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” -Psalm 43:5

“I am the subject of depression so fearful that I hope none of you ever get to such extremes of wretchedness as I go to. But I always get back again by this–I know that I trust Christ. I have no reliance but in Him, and if He falls, I shall fall with

Him. But if He does not, I shall not. Because He lives, I shall live also, and I spring to my legs again and fight with my depressions of spirit and get the victory

through it. And so may you do, and so you must, for there is no other way of escaping from it.” –Charles Spurgeon

“I often feel very grateful to God that I have undergone fearful depression of

spirits. I know the borders of despair, and the horrible brink of that gulf of

darkness into which my feet have almost gone; but hundreds of times I have been

able to give a helpful grip to brethren and sisters who have come into that same

condition, which grip I could never have given if I had not known their deep

despondency. So I believe that the darkest and most dreadful experience of a

child of God will help him to be a fisher of men if he will but follow Christ.” –

Charles Spurgeon


Heads up! Good Biblical Counseling Resources: Christian Counseling

Educational Foundation. WWW.CCEF.ORG.

Video: John Piper talks about how we can worship when we are depressed


o Write down ideas or thoughts that seem helpful to you

o ___________________________________________________________



o QUESTION: Share with us some of the things you jotted down from

Piper’s talk

o QUESTION: How can a person worship and stay close to God when they

are feeling depressed?



o QUESTION: What would you do if a family member or friend told you

they were struggling with depression?




o Briefly go over the article that talks about what we should do if someone

tells us they are contemplating suicide.


Ten areas for caregivers to consider when they are trying to help a depressed

person get better.

1. Study

a. When loved ones suffer from depression we want to provide the best

possible care, which means we will need to do some studying.

i. I’m Not Suppose To Feel Like This by Chris Williams, Paul

Richards, and Ingrid Whitton

ii. Overcoming Spiritual Depression by Arie Elshout

iii. Broken Minds by Steve and Robyn Bloem

iv. A Practical Workbook for the Depressed Christian by Dr. John


v. Spiritual Depression by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (focuses on

spiritual consequences of depression)

2. Sympathy (this is interesting based on the video we watched about

empathy from Brene Brown

a. By sympathy, I mean an ability to communicate that we truly

understand the problem and the symptoms, that we are deeply

concerned, and that we will do all we can to help. In many cases such

sympathy can have a powerful therapeutic effect on the sufferer. The

lack of it can only multiply the pain and deepen the darkness.

3. Support

a. Support follows sympathy. It involves being available to listen and

talk either in person or at the end of the phone.

4. Stigma

a. We need to work hard as Christians to do away with the bogus idea

that Christianity means we don’t have problems. A third of the

Psalms deals with fear, anxiety and despair.

5. Secrecy

a. Because of the stigma associated with depression it takes a lot of

courage for them to come and open up to you about it. If they do

share how they are feeling make sure you maintain the strictest

confidence. No sanctified gossip.

6. Self-esteem

a. Often times a depressed person has an unhealthy view of who they

are. Look to use words of life with them. Encourage them, remind

them of their worth and value.

7. Subjectivism

a. One of the most common tendencies for those with depression is to

focus on feelings and to base beliefs and conclusions on those

feelings. We should encourage the depressed person to move away

from the realm of the subjective and to instead think on the

objective truths of Christianity, things that are true regardless of our

feelings: justification, adoption, the atonement, the attributes of

God, and heaven, for example.

8. Speak


following is a helpful list of what NOT to say:

i. Pull yourself together.

ii. But you’ve got nothing to be sad about.

iii. Don’t get so emotional.

iv. Oh, you’ll soon get over it.

v. It’s a sin to be depressed.

vi. Just believe the promises.

vii. Smile, it can’t be that bad.

viii. Well, things could be worse.

ix. At least it’s nothing serious.

x. You should confess your sins.

xi. You are not still on medication, are you?

9. Suicide

a. Don’t be afraid to ask some questions regarding whether or not the

person is contemplating suicide. If they are then you should get them

professional help.

10. Slow

a. It is important to realize that there are no easy answers and there are

no quick fixes in dealing with depression. It usually takes months, and

in some cases even years, to recover. You should, therefore, take a

long-term view and patiently wait for improvement. Don’t get

frustrated over lack of progress, and be aware that temporary lapses

may occur

“Churches can talk about it, and talk about it often. I’m a firm believer that secrets lose power when they exit the dark. Confession is a healing balm toward connectivity and we’re loved to the measure we are known. The more we name our struggles, the more others have permission to do the same. I can’t think of a

more perfect medium to provide this healing community than the church.” –Rebekah Lyons
