DC and Small Signal Components


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  • 8/13/2019 DC and Small Signal Components


    1/25/2014 206387416.doc 1/6

    DC and Small-Signal

    ComponentsAlthough ( )Iv t can be anygeneral functon of t!e" #e #ll fnd

    that often" n real$tc and u$eful electronc crcut$" th$ n%ut

    can be deco!%o$ed nto two $e%arate co!%onent$&the DC

    component I' " and the small-signal component ( )v t . I..

    ( ) ( )I Iv t ' v t = +

    *et+$ loo, at each of the$e co!%onent$ ndvduall-

    he DC component I' $ eactl- #hat -ou #ould e%ect&

    the co!%onent of $gnal ( )Iv t ote th$ value $ nota

    functon of t!e (other#$e t #ould not be ) and

    therefore $ e%re$$ed a$ a constant ( e.g." 12 3.I' '= ).

    athe!atcall-" th$ value $ the time-averagedvalue of( )Iv t


    1( )


    I I' v t dt /=

    #here /$ the time durationof $gnal ( )Iv t .

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    A$ the notaton ndcate$" the small-signalcomponent( )v t isa functon of t!e oreover" #e can $ee that th$

    $gnal $ an AC signal" that $" t$ t!eaveraged value $

    zero I..


    1( ) 0


    v t dt / =

    h$ $gnal ( )v t $ referred to a$ the $!all$gnal

    co!%onent becau$e t magnitude$ generall- smallfor all

    t!e t.

    Q: 7o# $!all $ small88

    A: hat depends 9o!et!e$ t #ll be ver- $!all (e.g."

    !llvolt$)" other t!e$ not$!all at all&!ore on th$ later

    he total$gnal ( )Iv t $ the sumof the and $!all

    $gnal co!%onent$. herefore" t $ neithera nor an A$gnal

    :a- attenton to the notation#e have u$ed here. ;e #ll u$e

    th$ notaton for the re!ander of the cour$e

    DC valuesare denoted a$ upper-casevarable$ (e.g." 'I"

    I1" or '

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    AC signals(.e." =ero t!e average) are denoted #th

    lower-case subscripts(e.g." ( )" ( )" ( )o cv t v t t ).

    9gnal$ that are not AC (.e." the- have a non=ero

    co!%onent) are denoted #th upper-case subscripts(e.g."(t)" ( )" ( )"I < 2 I v v t t ' ).

    ote #e $hould neveru$e varable$ of the for! " "e b' I ' . o

    you$ee #h-

    A1: >r$t" the co!%onent $ t-%call- ?u$t

    a bias. It $ a nownvalue" $elected anddeter!ned b- the de$gn engneer. It

    carre$ or relate$ nonfor!aton&the onl-

    rea$on t e$t$ $ to !a,e the electronc devce$ #or, the

    #a- #e #ant the! too (e.g. to ba$ a @ to the active


    A!: onver$el-" the $!all $gnal co!%onent $ t-%call-unnown It $ the $gnal that #e are atte!%tng to

    processn $o!e !anner (e.g." a!%lf-" flter" ntegrate).

    he $gnal t$elf re%re$ent$ in"ormation$uch a$ audo"

    vdeo" or data.

    Q: Bou $a- that #e #ll often fndn%ut $gnal$ #th twoco!%onent$&a

    2 and $!all6$gnal co!%onent. #hy

    $ that8 ;hat $ the $gnfcance or

    %h-$cal rea$on for each co!%onent8

    Q: Bou $a- that #e #ll often fnd

    n%ut $gnal$ #th twoco!%onent$&a

    2 and $!all6$gnal co!%onent. #hy

    $ that8 ;hat $ the $gnfcance or

    %h-$cal rea$on for each co!%onent8

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    9o!et!e$" ho#ever" th$ $!all" A" un,no#n $gnal

    re%re$ent$ not nfor!aton" but no$e o$e $ a random"

    un,no#n $gnal that n fact !a$,$ and corruptsnfor!aton.

    or ea!%le" the emitter voltageof a @ crcut !ght havethe for!

    3 5 0 01 co) $( . .(

    v tt = +

    It $ ho%efull- evdent that

    ( )e










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    Agan" the DC biaster!$ n all voltage and current$ are

    necessary" but of littlentere$t to u$ #hen evaluatng a!%lfer


    A: ;e are ntere$ted n the three valuesthat character=e an

    a!%lfer&Avo" C" and Co.

    o#ever" #e are ntere$ted n deter!nng the small-signal

    o%encrcut voltage" the small-signaln%ut re$$tance and the

    small-signalout%ut re$$tance. I..

    hu$ the small-signal" o%en crcut voltage gan of an a!%lfer

    $ defned a$

    ( )

    ( )o


    v tA

    v t=

    Q: A!%lferper"ormance8 ;hat

    $%ecfcall- do -ou

    !ean b- a!%lfer


    Q: A!%lferper"ormance8 ;hat

    $%ecfcall- do -ou

    !ean b- a!%lfer


    ( ) ( )I I

    v t ' v t = +

    ( ) ( )I I

    t I t = +

    ( ) ( )o<

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    *,e#$e" the small-signaln%ut re$$tance $ defned a$

    ( )

    ( )

    v tC


    and the small-signalout%ut re$$tance $

    ( )

    ( )oc



    v tC


    #here voc$ the small-signalo%encrcut out%ut voltage" and $c

    $ the small-signal$hortcrcut out%ut current.
