DBA’s new favorite: Lifecycle Management with Enterprise … · Enterprise Manager 12c...


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DBA’s new favorite: Lifecycle Management with Enterprise Manager 12c

Hari Srinivasan Product Management, Oracle

Todd Bacon Lead Database Infrastructure, GE Oil n Gas

Vaithianathan Soundararajan DBA, Nationwide Insurance

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Session: CON9586

Title: DBA’s New Favorite: Database Lifecycle Management with

Enterprise Manager 12c

Description: Enterprise Manager Database Lifecycle Management

features automate day-to-day tasks for DBAs across hundreds or

thousands of databases. In this session you will learn about customers

who run Enterprise Manager 12c in production and use features like

automated discovery, provisioning, patching, change management and


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Safe Harbor

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is

intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into

any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or

functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing

decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or

functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole

discretion of Oracle.

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Program Agenda

Challenges & Business Impact

Enterprise Manager Lifecycle

Management Solution

– Faster and Standardized Deployments

– Manage Databases at Scale

– Reduce Downtime

Customer Testimonials

Demo & Wrap Up

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Top 12 Database Administrative Challenges IOUG Survey (2012)

Diagnose Performance

IOUG 2012 Survey - Between Big Data to Databases in Cloud



Tune SQLs


Patch to Current Levels


Manual Repetitive Tasks 31%

Manage Large No. of Databases


Handle Security Threats


Resource & Capacity Planning


Promoting Database Changes


Tracking System Configurations


Provisioning Systems


Metering & Chargeback Reporting


Rapid Growing Database Structures

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Top 12 Database Administrative Challenges Lifecycle Management Challenges

IOUG 2012 Survey - Between Big Data to Databases in Cloud

Diagnose Performance



Tune SQLs


Patch to Current levels


Manual Repetitive Tasks 31%

Manage Large No. of Databases


Handle Security Threats


Resource & Capacity Planning


Promoting Database Changes


Tracking System Configurations


Provisioning Systems


Metering & Chargeback Reporting


Rapid Growing Database Structures


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Can traditional approaches solve the problem ?


Lack end-to-end automation of complete stack,

such as RAC

Lack integration between Provisioning,

Configuration Management and Compliance

Can’t keep pace with evolving database

technologies such as, Multitenant option


(Point) Products

Enterprises need a comprehensive, integrated Lifecycle Management Solution




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Lifecycle Management Solution Requirements For Cloud-scale Operations







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Lifecycle Management Solution Requirements Faster & Standardized Deployments






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Faster & Standardized Deployment Key Asks

1. Standardized, repeatable software deployments

2. Fast data cloning leveraging pluggable

databases and storage copy on write

3. Self-Service enablement

46% of the administrators do not consistently use

automated methods for provisioning IOUG Survey, 2013

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Standardizing Deployments Profiles and Lock Downs Together

Provisioning Profile

Gold image with specific patches,

configuration, etc

Stored and versioned in Software Library

Clear separation of Designer and Operator roles

Lock Down

Inputs to Deployment Procedure that cannot

be edited by Operators

Used together guarantees standard deployment of

new databases

Deployment Procedure


Lock Down Inputs

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Multitenant Database Provisioning EM enabled fast, flexible copy and snapshot of 12c Pluggable Databases

Create CDBs with

multiple PDBs

Unplug and plug full

data and application

Useful for

Upgrade Testing

Functional Testing

Agile development

Storage efficient

snapshots within a

container database

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Rapid and space efficient cloning of large databases

Support various storage vendors and configurations (Netapp, ZFS)

“Time travel” capability to restore and access past data from snapshots


Agile provisioning (minutes to clone TB sized database)

Over 90% storage savings (KBs of additional space for cloning TB sized database)

Reduced administrative overhead from integrated lifecycle management

Snap Clone – Database Cloning in Minutes


AGUILAR 203-33-3234 40,000

BENSON 323-22-2943 60,000

Test Master Database


MILLER 112-23-4567 40,000

SMITH 111-22-3333 60,000

Masking & Sub setting

Production Database



000111010 Functional Copies – User can create multiple copies for functional testing without consuming space

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Self-Service Enablement

Out-of-box console with customization and RESTFul API support

Provision dedicated databases, PDBs, Schemas and Clones based on pre-defined service catalog

Intelligent placement algorithm to find best destination based on load or configuration

Role based access control on service templates and software pools

Governance using policies for quota, retirement, and chargeback/showback

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Deploy Application Services 10X Faster Multi-Customer Study By Crimson Consulting


Full App Stack


Oracle DBA, telecommunications firm

“ ” With Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c we cut the

time required to provision our RAC systems in half.

“ Standardized builds based on Enterprise Manager

templates are a massive plus…you get fewer

errors, lower downtime, fewer infrastructure issues,

and faster application development. ” Oracle DBA, telecommunications firm

“ I can give a set of business resources to a

business segment and they can be responsible for

the capacity that they stand up. ” Infrastructure team manager, computer tech firm

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Lifecycle Management Solution Requirements Manage Databases at Scale






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Manage at Scale Key Asks

1. Keep track of fast moving assets and


2. Track changes and compliance violations

3. Prevent drifts from IT standards

25% of the environments have more than 100 databases

IOUG Survey, 2013

56% use manual methods for configuration compliance

IOUG Survey, 2013

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Tracking Databases and Related Components

Auto Discovery finds databases regardless of

creation method:

Manual methods such as DBCA

Provisioned by Enterprise Manager

Automated discovery of relationships, e.g:

RAC databases and Clusterware

Pluggable and Container database

Topology Viewer to perform dependency and

impact analysis

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Simplified Adhoc Reporting

Powerful adhoc search based on configuration values,

target properties, relationships, e.g:

Find all databases with sga_target greater than 5GB

and hosting E-Business Suite on Exadata

Search queries based on Mgmt$ Views can be used

from BI Publisher for reporting to non-EM users

Saved Searches can be accessed and leveraged from

EMCLI, e.g:

emcli get_targets -config_search="Databases on Exadata" –target_name="exa%“

Configuration Search


BI Publisher

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Efficient Drift Tracking Finding the ‘needle in the haystack’

1-1 and 1-n comparison across

Dev, test, Prod, DR


Comparison of entire stack, e.g:

Exadata database machine

(database, grid infrastructure,

compute node, storage)

Comparison Templates to control

what’s compared and how

Automatic drift detection and


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Comprehensive Compliance Reporting

Real-time change detection for critical files and


Automated reporting of compliance against Oracle

Best Practices and internal standards covering:


RAC, Single Instance, Pluggable databases

Underlying OS and related Applications

Can be mapped to CIS, PCI or other frameworks

Compliance Management with Dashboard maintains

and displays up to date compliance score

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Introducing …

Change Activity Planner Plan, Track and Monitor Change Activities in Real Time

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Tracking Rollout with Change Activity Planner Visibility into long running processes

Track long running change activity

involving multiple people or teams

Ideal for rolling out changes over time

by multiple users

Graphically create plans including

dependency and sequences

Tasks assigned based on target

ownership to individual administrators

Automated status update based on

patch deployment, compliance rollout.

Access support both as a Manager

and a DBA

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Change Activity Plans- Define Process flows

• Create Change Activity Plan with

Tasks Groups and Tasks

• Define dependencies, sequencing,

e.g: Do it in Test/QA env then move it

to Production post approvals.

• Orchestrate from EM (Jobs, Patch

plans, DPs..) or outside EM

• Associate targets – Groups, LOBs,

query based on Configuration

attributes while creating tasks

• Automatic task assignments based on

target ownership

• Flexible scheduling allows you to

define start time and the effective

duration of the plan

Create - Tasks, Tasks Groups with dependency & sequencing

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Change Activity Plans: Separation of views…

• Monitor status across

all plans, quickly

identify plans that need


• Track individual plans

and their tasks

• Handle assignments

and ownership


• Track Progress

• Generate Reports for



Manager’s View

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• Identify and Manage

all tasks posted

• Quickly get to top

tasks, tasks that need


• Allows


and other human


• Complete action for

standards tasks like

patching, compliance

rollouts, etc.. From

within EM.

• Add Comments and

review Audit trail

Change Activity Plans: Separation of views DBA’s View

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Todd Bacon Lead Database Administrator General Electric Oil and Gas

Todd Bacon Lead Administrator Infrastructure Group General Electric, Oil & Gas

Lifecycle Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c

29 GE Title or job number


Measurement & Control Subsea Systems Global Services Drilling & Surface Turbomachinery

GE Oil & Gas overview Employees: ~39,000 Operating in more than 130 countries

•Drilling risers

•Blow-out preventers

•Electric submersible pumps

•LWD & wireline tools

•Surface wellheads & flow control

•Logging services

• Asset condition monitoring, control, sensing & inspection solutions

• Optimization & diagnostic software

• Control & safety relief valves

• Blowers, compressors, flow & NG Pipeline Solutions

• Fuel dispensers & payment terminals

• Fuel control & retail systems

• CNG compression

•Subsea trees & wellheads

•Subsea power & processing



•Flexible risers

•Flow lines

•Specialty connectors & pipes

•Floating production systems

•Transactional outage services

•Contractual services

•Conversions, modifications, & upgrades

•Remote monitoring & diagnostics

•Gas & steam turbines

•Axial, centrifugal & reciprocating compressors

•Reactors & heat exchangers

•Radial & hot gas expanders

•Pumps, valves & fuel gas systems

•Control panels

•Industrial modules

A portfolio that spans from upstream to downstream,

with service & measurement & control solutions at our core

PII Pipeline Solutions a GE - Al Shaheen JV


Old landscape

Setup • 1600 + agents

• 1 load balancer

• 3 OMS

• all server V440’s

Planned HA Architecture

Setup • All new hardware

• 1600 + agents

• 1 load balancer

• 3 OMS – DL380s

• 2 server RAC –


Actual HA Architecture

Setup • Business Delayering

• 1600 + agents Split

between 4 businesses

• 1 load balancer per


• 3 OMS – DL380s using

unique ports

• 2 server RAC –

DL580s with unique

dbs per business

What does this mean Small issues are Magnified

Downtime management

Capacity Planning


Total Cost of Ownership


Downtime Management Reactive VS Proactive

Manual process

Long weekends

Human error

Capacity Planning Shared Data centers

Shared Hardware

Shared Databases



Standards Hosts


Total Cost of Ownership Shared Data centers

Shared Hardware

Shared Databases


OEM12c Comes to the rescue!

OEM12c Downtime Management

Patching and Upgrades!

Automated Database Patching

• RAC DB patch

• Standalone DB patch

Automate Agent patching/upgrades

• Agent upgrades

• Agent patches

OEM12c Capacity Planning

Proof of concept Database….DBaaS!

Database creation

• DBA control the environment

• Eliminates requests

• DB created in 35 minutes

OEM12c Capacity Planning

Compliance Standards


• Framework

• Production/Development

• Different Target Types


OEM12c can help with

Downtime management: Automated Patching!

Capacity Planning: DBaaS/Chargeback

Standards: Compliance libraries

Total Cost of Ownership: Better visibility over all!


Lessons learned!

Hard work at the beginning is required!

Foundation! Foundation! Foundation!

Team work!

Much more to come!

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Lifecycle Management Solution Requirements Reduce Downtime






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Reduce Downtime Key Asks

1. Reduce risk of changes through pre-flight checks

2. Apply multiple changes at the same time

3. Minimize downtime during the change process

59% experience extended downtime owing to manual patching

IOUG Survey, 2013

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Predictable Patching with Pre-flight Checks

Comprehensive real time sanity and conflict checks

prior to patch deployment

Patch conflict checking:

Among patches within the patch plan

Between patches in plan and current inventory

Optional post check pause saves valuable

maintenance window time by performing checks

ahead of time

Target availability OPatch and OUI checks Inventory Sanity

- Locks, Access System space Cluster verification - cluvfy, srvctl Config sqlplus access Patch Conflicts …

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Simplified Mass Patch Deployment Apply multiple patches in a single downtime window

Patch Plan wizard guides admin through choosing

patches, how to deploy them and to which targets

Add patches to Patch plan using:

Recommended Patches ( CPU/PSU, Security)

Manually using MOS Search

Patch Template used to mass deploy set of patches in a

consistent and approved manner.

Integrated with Change Activity Planner to datacenter

rollout tracking

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Rolling Real Application Cluster patching

• Near zero Downtime Rolling Patch Orchestration across RACs

• Patch support Grid Infrastructure (Clusterware) bundles, applying the patch to both GI

and RAC OH one node at a time or on all nodes simultaneously

• Supports database version 10.2.0.x and onwards

• Including Database 12c Pluggable Databases, Clusterware and ASM

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Minimum Downtime, Out-of-Place Patching

Apply patch to a clone of the current Oracle Home

before switching database instance

Instances can be migrated together or individually

based on business needs

Technique enables:

Deployment of patch before the downtime window

Troubleshooting during non-downtime windows

Switchback after migrate, in case of issues


o D




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Mass and Automated Database Upgrades Automation in Scale

Upgrade Standalone, RAC, and Data guard (Primary-

Standby) Databases from older versions to higher versions

(supports DB12c)

RAC Database Upgrades:

Full stack upgrade covering Grid Infrastructure and RAC DBs

Flexibly upgrade to suit the operational and testing needs (GI

only, Few RAC DBs or All RAC DBs)

Minimize downtime by upgrading software and Database


Comprehensive pre-requisite checks including RAC checks,

cluster verify (CVU) checks , can be updated directly from MOS

Integrated back up and restore policies

Rolling Upgrade using Transient logical standby for Data

Guard based Primary and Standby Databases

Support upgrading multiple standby environments Oracle Data Guard

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Vaithianathan Soundararajan Database Administrator Nationwide Insurance

Database Lifecycle


with Oracle Enterprise

Manager 12c

Vaithianathan Soundararajan

About Nationwide

Founded in 1926

$22.4 Billion in Revenue

$168 Billion in Assets

Fortune 100 Company

33,000 Employees/Associates

#1 Writer of farm owner insurance

#1 provider of public-sector retirement plans

OEM 12c Overview

4 Management Servers

(OMS) spread across 2

data centers

Repository (OMR) 2

node RAC cluster with

DataGuard to another 2

node RAC cluster

293 Agents

218 Linux

75 Solaris

5600 Monitored Targets

1300 Database

Challenges in 2013 and beyond 2013

Currency – Each Oracle DB will receive yearly security patch.

Compliance - Each database will be evaluated quarterly against the security template.

Gold Copy Provisioning - Quicker deployment of Oracle databases.



• Currency – Bi-annual and eventually quarterly.

• Compliance-Stricter tracking of violations to include trending and remediation

• Provisioning - Quicker deployment of Oracle databases

• Gold Copy Provisioning

• Cloud Management pack with self service provisioning.

• Patching-High priority security patches applied across the company in a timely fashion.

Problem 1 : Provisioning

Do more with less

Increase demand for Dev. Databases with shorter


Provision Oracle Binary/Database


Manual Method – 135 Min

Identify a Database Version (include latest Patch Set Update and one-off Patches) – 30 mins.

Download and Ftp Binary zip file to the Host or NAS mount and unzip files – 45 mins.

Run Oracle Software Prerequisite checks – 15 mins.

Run Installer and install Software – 45 mins.

Enterprise Manager 12c – 20 Min

Create Gold Image in Software

Library (Gold Copies of Oracle

Software were kept in a virtual

server) for every version – 15

mins./image ( 1 Time Effort )

Use Custom profile/procedure to

provision Oracle Software – 20


600% Savings!

14 Database Gold Images

Provisioning Gold Images

Database Software Deployed in 15:42

Problem 2 : Patching

Software currency : Database Version should be

current with periodic patching to latest patchset

Ever expanding complexity of Database environment

(Real Application Clusters (RAC), RAC 1 Node,

Veritas Clustering)

Patching Oracle Database

Manual Method – 1.5 Hrs/DB

Identify a Database Patch

Download and Ftp Patch zip file to the Host or central location and unzip files – 20 ~ 30 mins.

Run Prerequisite (Upgrade Opatch, conflict check etc.) – 15 ~ 20 mins.

Blackout Targets, Stop Listener, Stop Database(s) – 30 mins.

Apply Patch – 20 mins.

Enterprise Manager 12c – 40 mins.

Identify a Database Patch and Create Patch Plan – 10 mins.

Run Analyze (OEM 12c Patching Procedure runs prerequisite checks such as Credentials setttings, Upgrades Opatch, checks for patch conflicts etc.,) – 10 mins.

Deploy (Apply Patch) ~ 20 mins.

Yearly Patch (Includes a PSU and one-off/merge/Overlay patches)

Savings increase with more databases

Successful Patch deployment

Patch Plans

Problem 3 : Compliance

Increased scrutiny on security compliance

with quarterly review and remediation

Compliance Compliance framework incorporated into existing OEM infrastructure

After Setup – compliance evaluations require no additional maintenance occur daily.

Ability to send notifications when new compliance violations are created.

Visibility of compliance results for entire system and on each target’s home page.

Manage Compliance

Out of the Box Compliance Standards

Custom Compliance Standards

Compliance Standard Rules

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Demo Lifecycle Management

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Oracle DB Lifecycle Management Solution

Proven, Faster ROI

Complete Lifecycle Management

• Provisioning & Cloning

• Patch Automation

• Upgrades

• Configuration Management

• Compliance Management

• Change Management

Enabler of Private

Database Cloud

Cloud Foundation

140% ROI over 3 years

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Q & A

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Lifecycle Management on OTN


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Graphic Section Divider

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