Day I- Essential Question What was the relationship between early peoples and their environment?


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Day I- Essential Question

What was the relationship between early peoples and their environment?


Unit 1World HistoryHankins

Map Facts


7 Continents of the World Africa Asia Antarctica Australia Europe North America South America


5 Oceans of the World Pacific Atlantic Artic Indian Southern

Map Directions

Longitude Latitude Equator Prime Meridian Legend Cardinal Directions

North, South, East, West


The one you always see…

Standard Mercator’s Map

Physical Map

Time Zones

Comparing Hemispheres

Upside down?

Better geographic representation…

Peters Map

By population….

By wealth….


Africa… in perspective

The Elite 8 :Features of Civilizations

What is a Civilization?

Complex, Highly Organized Social Order


Kings of…

3. Complex Religions

Rituals and beliefs that were maintained by the community

Originally Polytheists

5. Social Classes

Wealthy vs. Poor, Slave vs. Free, etc

In Order: Clergy/Nobles Wealthy Peasants Slaves

8 Features Review

Take Each of the 8 Features of Civilization

Write one example of each from YOUR life

Explain in a sentence how it is important or how it impacts your life

Day II- Essential Question

How do you think a civilization begin, grow, and decline?


Geography of Mesopotamia

Means “Land Between the Rivers” Tigris & Euphrates

Fertile Crescent Spread Goods &


Various People Traded In and Invaded the Area


MAJOR City-State in Mesopotamia

City-States established areas of cultural relevance, protection, and trade

Large Hierarchy, w/ Ruler at Top…Slaves Bottom


Sumerian Religion & Writing Built ziggurats

(pyramids) to keep gods happy

Afterlife was a BAD place

Used pen to make marks on clay tablets (cunneiform)

Mesopotamia Rap

Watch This (terrible) Mesopotamia Rap Video

As You Watch Make a Chart that Includes These Categories and List ANYTHING From the Video That Covers These: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?


The Epic

Watch the Retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh

Note the 4 Most Important Events That Took Place in the Story

Choose One of the Events and Change What Happened in the Story. Explain how that changes the ending.

China & Early India

Day IV- Essential Question

What themes are universal in all religions?

Dawn of Civilizations

Indus Valley

The Deccan Plateau, Near River Valley

Monsoons Watered Crops

Diverse Culture

Indian Civilization

Carefully-Planned Cities = Organized Government

Mostly Farmers

Worship of Cattle

Neolithic Revolution

Change from Hunting to Farming

Farming was Much More Reliable

How Civilizations Change

Cultural Diffusion What does this mean?

Through Warfare, Trade, & Migration

Important Seas

Mediterranean Sea

Red Sea

Persian Gulf

Full Map

Equator & Prime Meridian

Longitude & Latitude


Day V- Essential Question

How does religion impact the development of cultures and societies?

Hinduism & Buddhism


Hinduism Combo of Indian & Aryan Through

Cultural Diffusion What Does This Mean?

Buddhism Siddartha Left Home to Find

ENLIGHTENMENT Wanted to End Suffering and Sorrow

Buddhism: Four Noble Truths 1. All Life is Full of Suffering & Sorrow

2. Caused By Desire for Money, Power, Long Life

3. Cure by Overcoming Desire

4. Follow Eightfold Path

Goals of Life

Hinduism Living Well Leads to Rebirth (Karma) Nonviolence

What About War?

Buddhism Follow The Eightfold Path

Buddhism: Eightfold Path

The RIGHT… Views Aspirations Speech Conduct Livelihood Effort Mindfulness Contemplations

Interesting Facts

Buddhism's Rejects Hindu Caste System

Both View Certain Animals As Holy Creatures; Elephants & Cattle What Does This Say About Their Diet?

A: Four Noble Truths

Go Through Each of the First 3 Noble Truths…Explain in 2-3 Sentences Whether you Agree or Disagree w/ Each One

For the 8 Fold Path, Choose the 2 You MOST Represent and the 1 You Least Represent

H: Rights & Wrongs of Eightfold Path Form Groups of No More than 4 and

Pick One of the 8 Fold Paths

Create TWO skits Showing the RIGHT Way to Follow and the WRONG Way to Follow Must Explain to Class

Everyone Must Have a Role Writer, Actors, Explainer

Story of Buddha

Summarize the Story in 4-5 Bullet Points

Write Your Own Story, Based on Your Religion or Not, On Finding “Enlightenment” in That Religion

Story Can be Based on You Or Not

Day V- Essential Question

What Makes a Different Religion Unique?

Judaism & Christianity


Judaism “Chosen People” Abraham’s “Covenant”

Christianity Accepts ANYONE Jewish Rabbi Named Jesus


Jesus Montage


Judaism Waiting for Messiah to Return The TORAH & the Talmud

Christianity Believe Messiah is Jesus Christ Bible


Judaism Christianity

Worship in TEMPLE

Passover & Hanukkah

Abraham & Moses

Holy Trinity Means?

Christmas & Easter

Peter & Paul


Rome Allowed Jews to Worship One God But ONLY If They Worshipped Rome

Emperor Too Problems?

Emperor Constantine Eventually Made ROME a Christian Nation


Problems w/ Each Other Jesus


Problems w/ Muslims Split Beliefs

Compare & Contrast

Religion Founder Beliefs (2)

Book Selection

Treatment by Rome



Day VI- Essential Question

Should a Country Base Its Rules on Religious Beliefs?


The Founder: Muhammad

Muhammad Was a Merchant’s Son Who Became a Prophet

He Rejected Old Gods & Later Conquered Mecca


Location of Mecca

Practicing Islam

Sacred Text The QURAN

Five Pillars of Islam Make Declaration of Faith Pray towards Mecca

Five Pillars of Islam

Islamic Law & Beliefs

Make a Pilgrimage to Mecca if Able

NO Pork Alcohol Gambling

Types of Muslims

Sunni Traditional Form Believe Muhammad

Appoint Successor

Shiites Alternate Form Believe Connection

to DIRECT Muhammad Relation


Muslims View Islam as LAST Uncorrupted Religion

Muslims Can Have Up to 4 Wives

Stereotypes Not Terrorists


Famous Muslims

Day VII- Essential Question

What Does It Mean to Be a Democracy?

5 Pillars

Choose the 5 Pillar You believe To be the Hardest to Follow and Why

Choose the 5 Pillar That Would Be The Easiest to Follow and Why

3-5 Sentences apiece



Athens City-State of THINKERS

How May They Go About Solving Their Problems?

Developed Science & Philosophy

Sparta City-State of WARRIORS

How May They Go About Solving Their Problems?

Fought Persians & Other Greeks

Social Classes & Jobs

Social Classes Leadership, Soldiers, Peasants, Slaves

Where Does the Power Lie?

Jobs Artists & Scientists Soldiers


Take Your City (Athens or Sparta) pg 106

Design a Brochure or Pamphlet Welcoming People to the City

Describe in Detail (at Least 2 or 3 Facts Each) History Types of People Government Beliefs Interesting Facts

At least 2 Pictures, Including the Cover


Athens vs Sparta

Athens vs. Sparta

You Are an ATHENIAN or a SPARTAN, I am Zeus…I am Going to Choose to Destroy One City-State But I Don’t Know Which One Yet; Your Mission is To Make The Best Argument to Remain Alive…So…

Read Over The Section Assigned (pg 106-108) To You & The Opposite Section

Record 5 Reasons Your Side Is Great Say WHY

Record 5 Reasons The Other Side Is Bad Say WHY

Athens vs. Sparta Debate

Each Side Discusses Their Reasoning With Each Other

Vote on the Top 10 Reasons (5 For Each Point), Record on Separate Sheet of Paper

Choose 4 People to Debate A Side I Will Randomly Choose 1 From Each

Essential Question

What Factors May Contribute to The Decline of a GREAT Society/Civilization?

Social Classes

Patriarchal Family Ruled By Father

What Conflicts May Arise From This?

Plebeians (Low Class) Fought for Many Rights

Cities & Religion

Cities Constantinople

Who Was This Named After? Why?

Religion Originally POLYTHEIST (Mars, Venus, etc) Later …Christians

Other Facts on Greece & Rome

Cultures of Greece & Rome

Greece TOO Diverse, Hard to Organize Country

Rome ALL Over the World (“Sun Never Sets”)

Fall of Rome

Rome Begin to SPEND too Much Money

After Rome Declined It Became the Byzantine Empire

- And The DARK Ages Formed


Socrates Always Question Any and Every Thing


Plato Ran Academy, One Shouldn’t Think Spiritually ONLY

Rationally Similar to What Other Thinkers in History?

Aristotle One Should Study ALL Knowledge & Disciplines

Philosophical Argument

Choose One of The Three Philosophers We’ve Studied

Develop a “Greek” Name and Write Them a HALF PAGE letter agreeing or disagreeing with their major belief. Explain why you agree or disagree Ask at least TWO questions to that

philosopher Use Evidence to Defend Your Beliefs

Day 2- Rome

1. Who Ruled The Family in Roman Society?

2. What Did Every Roman Child Receive?

3. What Was One Event Roman Emperors Used to Entertain themselves?

Day 3- Greece (Honors)

1. Name Two Types of Arts the Greeks Helped to Advance

2. Describe, Briefly, Athens as a City-State

3. Name 2 Famous Greek Gods

Part IV:Greek Culture

Persian Wars

Persians Attack Athens for Helping Enemy

King Darius of Persia LOSES to Themistocles in the Battle of Marathon

Darius’ Son Xerxes Beats Leonidas & the 300 How Are They Portrayed In


Xerxes Burns Athens but, Loses in Sea Warfare

1. Describe ONE of the Philosopher’s Beliefs

2. What Is the Term For Alexander Mixing Eastern & Western Cultures?

3. What Was the Fate of the 300?

Unit IDaily Quizzes

Day I-Maps

1. Name the 7 Continents

2. Name the 5 Oceans

3. Which Direction of Measurement is From East to West?

4. North, South, East, West are Called The…?

Day 2- 8 Features

1. Feature That Organizes Food & Maintains Order

2. Feature Covering Different Skills & Abilities

3. Feature Focused on Wealthy vs. Poor

4. Feature Used to Express Beliefs in Physical Form

Day 2- 8 Features (Honors) 1. The Only Two Purposes of Organized


2. Define Polytheistic

3. Very Top & Very Bottom of Social Classes

4. Purpose of The Arts in Civilization

Day 3- Mesopotamia (Honors) 1. What Famous Figure Worshipped

Aryans? What Are They Really Known For?

2. Age In Which Sumerians Switched From Nomads to Farmers

3. What Mesopotamia Literally Means

4. What Did Sumerians Call The Pyramids Built to Honor Their gods?

Day 3- Mesopotamia

1. Group of Polytheistic, Partiers

2. THE Major City-State in Mesopotamia

3. “Land Between the (Tigris & Euphrates) Rivers” Means…

4. What Did Sumerians Consider the Afterlife to Be?

Day 4- Dawn of Civilizations (Honors) 1. Two Theories Why The Indus Valley

People Disappeared

2. What Helped the Indus Valley People to Water Their Crops

3. What Change the Neolithic Revolution Brought

4. What Was Unique About the Phoenician Civilization?

Day 4- Dawn of Civilizations 1. One Theory As to Why The Indus

Valley Disappeared

2. Animal Worshiped By Indus Valley Civilization

3. Term for How Civilizations Change

4. First People to Trade By Sea

Unit IIDaily Quizzes

Day I-Hinduism (Honors)

1. What Two Cultures Combined to Create Hinduism?

2. What is the Force That Unites All the gods? What are the gods called?

3. What is the term for “living well leads to rebirth?”

Day I-Hinduism

1. What are the Sacred Texts?

2. What is a Hindus Goal in Life?

3. What Happens After You Die?

Day 2- Buddhism (Honors)

1. What Goal Does One Want to Reach in Buddhism?

2. What Three Things Are the Cause For All Suffering & Sorrow?

3. What Did Buddha Say One Should Always Follow?

Day 2- Buddhism

1. What Goal Does One Want to Reach in Buddhism?

2. What Must a Buddhist Follow?

3. Buddha Was Searching for a World…?

Day 3- Judaism

1. The Major Sacred Text of Judaism is…?

2. Name a Major Prophet of the Jews

3. Belief in One God is Called…?

Day 3- Judaism (Honors)

1. The 2 Sacred Texts? And How Are They Read?

2. Who Was the Father of Judaism and What is a Covenant?

3. What is the Problem Between Jews & Muslims?

Day 4- Christianity

1. Jewish Rabbi Who Was Called the Son of God…?

2. Why Did Christianity Grow Large?

3. Who are Two Major Figures in Christianity?

Day 6- Islam

1. Who was the Founder of Islam?

2. Name One of the Things a Muslim Can NOT Do

3. TRUE or FALSE: Muslims, Christians, & Jews All Worship the Same God

DAY 1- Egypt

1. What Types of People Participated in the Mummification Process?

2. Name the Two Types of Government We Said Egypt Has

3. What Did the Egyptians Use to Translate Languages
