Day by Day- DIY Cokin X-Pro Filter Rig for Nikon 14-24mm



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DIY Cokin X-Pro Filter Rig for Nikon 14-24mm

This is a home-made fi lter rig for my Nikon 14-24mm lens. The design came about because I didn'twant the universal adapter to scratch the hood of the 14-24mm lens.

It consists of a 100mm PE or polyethylene pipe, its black and is generally used for waste. I managedto get a piece of off-cut from a plumber mate. You can't find this at Bunnings, you need to visit aproper plumbing supply store.

I cut a 35mm piece of pipe for the universal adapter to clamp onto. I then sculpted the piece of pipeto the contours of the hood using my Dremel. The PE pipe is very soft so its not too hard to do. Thishas to be done otherwise you will see it on an FX camera, l ike my D700.

I also used strips of stick on foam to ensure a snug fit onto the lens and to minimise movement. Youcan buy them from Clark Rubber, you can buy them cut to length so its cheap, only costs me a couple

Check out my new and improved DIY filter "rig" design. Clickhere.

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of bucks.

Here are a couple of shots of the universal adapter and fi lter holder mounted onto the "rig"

Here is a shot of the fi lter "rig" mounted on my Nikon 14-24mm.



Cokin X-Pro Filter Rig -Mark II - Nikon 14-24mm

DIY Cokin X-Pro Filter Rigfor Nikon 14-24mm

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Here are a couple of shots of the fi lter rig with the Cokin X 121 installed.

Ok, you can see that there is a gap between the "rig" and the universal adapter. This gap needs to beblocked otherwise light coming from the back will ruin your photos.

This what happens if you don't block the gap. Can see the circle of l ight?

Check out my new and improv ed DIY filter "rig" design. Click here.

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Posted by lozzmann at 23:03

Labels: Cokin, Cokin X-Pro Filters, DIY Filter Holder, Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 AFS

I used a piece of packing foam from a power supply I bought to fix my nephew's PC. Using a Stanleyknife I cut a circle using the "rig" as the template. I am in the process of spraying it black. I have onlymanaged to do the first coat, a couple more coats should do the trick.

I've been very happy with the results from my testing, there is zero vignetting at 14mm when usingjust one fi lter. However, the results have not been great when I try stacking 2 fi lters together. Most ofthe time I am able to just see the top right hand corner of the X-Pro fi lter holder. I think this is becauseI am not able to clamp the the fi lter holder squarely onto the "rig". A bit more tweaking to the "rig"should resolve this issue.

It is not the most elegant solution but I am stil l in the process of refining the design. If any of you guysreading this has a good idea please let me know. Chris and Vince, I hope this will help you guys getstarted.

Cokin has release a new universal adapter specifically for the Nikon 14-24mm. This wasn't aroundwhen I bought my one. Thanks for that Miha.

Here are some of my test shots from Warriewood Beach and Turrimetta Beach

Check out my new and improved DIY filter "rig" design. Clickhere.


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is what I'd hoped to see - thanks for taking the time to post it! I have been thinkingof something quite similar, with the difference being the use of a larger diameter pipe(one that tightly fits inside the fi lter mount), and then building up the inside with foam sothat it has a nice friction fit with the lens. Now I'm questioning that logic in that the largerpipe may, in fact cause some vignetting. Your solution using the foam "gasket" is a nice,simple way to tone down the liklihood of that happening. I guess it's time to go buy somepipe and start experimenting!

I haven't seen that particular Cokin adapter ring (guessing it's new?), but the rig they sellthat includes a CPol is unbelievably expensive - especially considering the lessened needfor a polarizer with the nano coating on this lens. Even though reflections aren't reducedso much, the vivid nature of images produced by this lens (when properly exposed) makesspending $600USD a ridiculous idea.

Thanks for sharing your solution with us! Looking forward to trying it myself even more now!


11 August 2009 4:03 am

lozzmann said...

Hi Vince,

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I am glad you found the guide useful. Let me know how you go with pics of course. I mightbe able to pinch some ideas off you.

That new universal adapter with the 8 prongs is the one they are bundling with the superexpensive Cir. Pol kit. I was thinking about getting one until I saw the price, AUD 650.00,that's just for the Cir. Pol. Umm, no thanks.

Are you on fl ickr?


11 August 2009 5:44 am

Anonymous said...

Lawrie, no - not officially on fl ickr. I had a Zenfolio acct for a while, but never really did alot with it. Lately I've been between Nikon's Picturetown and iDisk on my .me acct. One ofmy near term projects is to refine my library and upload some stuff to one of the officialhosting sites (l ike fl ickr or maybe Zenfolio again). This fi lter mount is also one of my nearterm projects as is putting a new lightened verto clutch in my classic Mini.

As soon as I get something worthy of mounting and photographing, I'l l glady get back andprovide you the links so you can see, or even post them if you'd l ike.

Meanwhile, I can't believe no one has made a specific holder for this lens! Even with it'srelatively high cost, the 14-24 is immensely popular. Seems like someone would havesomething in the works by now - that's not as crazily priced as the Cokin X-Pro CPol kit!

Great photo work. I've really enjoyed seeing your stuff since finding your site a couple ofweeks ago. Looking forward to seeing more soon!


11 August 2009 9:11 am

lozzmann said...

Hi Vince,

Cool, I can't wait to see your "rig" up and running.

This is an official email from Cokin.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your interest in the Cokin fi lters. We have recently adapted our X-PROsystem to the Nikon 14-24mm lens, so you should be able to sti l l use your X-PRO systemwith this lens. It is a modification of the universal ring of the X-PRO Cokin system

The universal ring to use is the new reference X499-N ; please contact your Cokin dealeras this accessory is available now.

The only l imitation is that between 14 to 17mm, it is not possible to avoid all vignetting ;in fact due to the formula and shape of the lens it is impossible whatever the system orbrand used.

According to Cokin their setup vignets up to 17mm. There is no mention of reflections orstray light from behind interfering with the shot. I am not will ing to pay $600 USD forsomething like that!

I wished I had access to CNC machine (and someone to operate it) I reckon I can design apretty decent holder for Cokin X-Pro.

Yes It is amazing that no one has a commercial solution. There is a lot of misconceptionon the forums that it is not possible to have fi lters on the Nikon 14-24mm lens.

Let me know when you have your "rig" ready.


11 August 2009 2:12 pm

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely crazy that Cokin doesn't market this kit without the polarizer. I'd be will ing towager that what 90% of us 14-24 shooters are looking for is a ND or graduated fi lter - NOT

Exposure (4) Sigma 10-20mm (4)

a polarizer! I guess they have a LOT of those giant polarizers in a warehouse somewhereand need to get rid of them!

I'l l try to get something working on this sometime over the next two weeks and post myprogress.

Thanks again for helping us all out with this "problem"!


12 August 2009 11:01 am

lozzmann said...

According to Cokin's website they do have a ND Grad kit - Pro ND Grad Kit (W960) =FH+121L+121M+121S. You can get from B&H:*&bhs=t

It pisses me off that they don't have the 154 ND8 fi lter for the X-Pro. They have it for theentire range except for the X-Pro!

14 August 2009 4:44 pm

Joey said...

Hello, I love your rig and I was wondering how much you would charge to make one or twoand ship them over to me in the US? I'd be will ing to pay you for your time and parts.Please let me know. Thanks a lot and great work!

3 September 2009 9:28 am

lozzmann said...

Hi Joey,

Thanks for your interest in the "rig". You know that I am not a craftsman and the "rig" ispretty rough and ready and it definitely won't win any awards.

I only ever intended to make just the one unit for personal use. Look let me think about it.

Do you already own or are planning to purchase the Cokin X-Pro fi lter system?


3 September 2009 3:46 pm

robwolathome said...

Hi Lawrie,

I'm a photgrapher from England, I found your post realy helpful, thanks. I've nearlyfinished making up the rig, and have most of the other bits. It's probably a cheek to ask, butwould you mind if I made up some extra rigs and sold them on ebay? I have some time onmy hands and quite a bit of left over materials.



4 January 2010 11:14 pm

lozzmann said...

Hi Rob,

Glad to hear that you found my post useful. I have no problems with you making extra rigsand sell ing them on ebay.

However, I wouldn't mind checking out your handy work. Please post any pics you have ofyour rig!

Actually, you should leave details on here that you are sell ing rigs for the Nikon 14-24mmhere or on my other post >> lter-rig-mark-ii-nikon-14.html.

I have had a few people asking if I would build one for them.

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5 January 2010 12:37 am

iori said...

hi lozzman,

i 've been googling about a fi lter solution to nikon's 14-24 and i stumbled at your site -GREAT STUFF!! Staring at your solution to nikon's 14-24 fi lter problem, i 'm amazed! i 'l l tryto make one myself.

i 've noticed you're in australia, are you in sydney? thanks!


25 January 2010 1:54 pm

lozzmann said...

Hi iori,

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog! This is the first version. You should bechecking the newer and better version here: lter-rig-mark-ii-nikon-14.html

I hope you find it useful. Yes, I am in Sydney!



26 January 2010 4:17 am

Jorma Hev onkoski said...

I have built such a solution Tokina 16-28

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