Day 3 unit 4 - workbook - eng


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Leadership Development Program/ LDP 2012

Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook


Copyrighted by LIW 1/10 OLA Assessment sheet

Day 3 - Unit 4

Copyrighted by LIW 2/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Building competence for results

Copyrighted by LIW 3/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Coaching and Feedback

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.

The Coaching Context

Michael Phelps (the multiple Olympic and World Cup gold medal swimming champion) was once asked ‘what did you do to be so successful?’ His response? ‘I listened to my coach’.

Roger Federer (at the time of writing) the world’s best tennis player has a coach? Why does he need a coach if he’s the best in the world?

Elite sporting success is almost always accredited, at least in part, to the coach. Yet frequently the coach was not the world number one at whatever sport is being coached. They may not even have competed at the same level.

To innovate and grow in today’s competitive business environment, leaders must do more than manage others well. They must also excel at managing and developing themselves, teams and the organisation in order to drive performance and productivity. An organisation’s key competitive advantage is to develop individuals who can transform themselves and others, and create balanced working environments in which people, productivity and profits thrive.

Increasingly, organisational leaders and executives have turned to one-to-one executive coaching to help them increase their effectiveness as leaders, enhance and practice critical skills, and manage challenges or direct major organisational changes.

Copyrighted by LIW 4/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Team Exercise

The value ofCoaching to the:

• person being coached

• coach

• organisation

CompareCoaching to:



•performance management


The Value Of Coaching - Exercise

What stops us from coaching:



Best vs Worst Coach:

• what behaviours do you see

• how do they make you feel

• public or personal examples


Team 1:





Team 2:





Copyrighted by LIW 5/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Team 3:





Team 4:





Coaching, in comparison to…

Section One

QuestioningTrainer sets the agendaShort term transfer of skill

Mentor is an expert in fieldSenior advisor

Usually used as corrective action

ReactiveIndividual does not have the resources within them to improveIdeally psychologist or accredited counsellor

Copyrighted by LIW 6/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

What is coaching?

Coaching is:

• Unlocking someone’s potential to maximise their performance

Performance = Potential - Interference

• A collaborative solution-focused, results-orientated, systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of performance, self directed learning and personal growth of the individuals

Section One


Copyrighted by LIW 7/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Giving Feedback

• Impact – What was the result or impact

• Continue/change – What needs to change or continue

• Example – What was said or done/not done

Feedback is often difficult to give but is imperative in creating successful outcomes.

EIC is a simple framework which helps you to be able to give specific facts, get the other persons buy-in and try and take emotion from the conversation.

Feedback Exercise in 3's: The Gift

Coaching Structure

Coaching Structure

In any situation it is important to structure the coaching conversation or have an agenda - otherwise it is just a conversation or ‘chat’. As defined earlier, coaching is a goal-orientated conversation aimed at bringing about a positive change.


The 3Ws is a simple, probing model that gives managers a powerful coaching tool and provides a sustaining process which individuals at all levels can use to manage themselves in day to day tasks.

These questions can be asked by a coach or by the individual themselves. It is a highly versatile tool that can be used in an informal or formal coaching session.

Copyrighted by LIW 8/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Where are we now?

What next?

Where are we going and why?





Three Fundamental Questions

Exercise in 3's

Using the 3W's - Coach each other on a challenge that you are facing in delivering your project. One will be the coach, one the coachee and the third the observer who gives feedback using EIC

You have 15 mins each:

Copyrighted by LIW 9/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook

Final Session

Outcomes session - what are you committed to developing and what have you already achieved?






Copyrighted by LIW 10/10 Day 3 - Unit 4 - Workbook
