Dawn Sabre NPCs



NPCs and their descriptions for a horus heresy era RPG

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  • Dawn Sabre NPCs


    Kenin Solki, for those who have inquired, Kenin has had multiple wives in his last 187 years of life. While he has sired

    many children, hes only recognized three, Ninu, Runkan, and the toddler Kagetora. He has recently disowned his

    second born, Ninu is imprisoned, and Kagetora is now the heir/official Prince of the Skorpions. Until he is old enough to

    rule on his own, Kenin is aiding the child as the Regent. Unfortunately for him, neither the Green nor the Iron Skorpions

    will even recognize the Solki claim to Clan leadership and it seems that the independent Skorpions will soon leave the

    Crimson fold for greener pastures. Kenin is a man against the wall, and that will make him even more dangerous and

    deadly, especially when one considers his past.

    Kenin Solki was born 80 years before the Wind Wars (and most Wind War veterans have died of old age), and was the

    first Skorpion to bond with a Tabire. His companion, Drakis, is a powerful and feared beast. It is the oldest confirmed

    Tabire on the planet, and unlike many nobles, Kenin takes it with him everywhere he goes even warzones and council

    meetings. Only recently have any other Skorpions been able to bond, and only during the Clan wars was it widely known

    that Kenin had a bonded companion. Amazingly, there has only even been two Skorpion Princes on the High Council,

    Kenin and Ninu.

    When Kenin was only 40 some years old, the Skorpion Clan appointed Kenin as its director of security. In his work

    managing the spy network and digital safeguards of the clan, he traveled to the then-Starz held part of Teer to acquire

    better security software. While spending almost a year there, learning all he could from the Hideki Clan, he met a much

    younger Siber guard, Zoar Baldwin Jr. Baldwin was a consultant for the Fuchida Clan of the Starz, coming from a branch

    of the Siber Clan specializing in protecting the Princes of the Clan, trading martial training for security technology too.

    The two became close friends and together defeated the Mad Alchemist Ronhu. In thanks for their aid, the Fuchida and

    Hideki Clans pledged to clean their genetic codes and give them the best life enhancing technology available (a rare and

    extremely expensive process, done to only a handful of people in Euphratian History) After their time at Teer, Baldwin

    took Kenin to Xel, where he became the first, and for a very long time, the only person to bond with a shadow tabire

    that was 143 years ago.

    While the Skorpions and Sibers became entrenched in land wars and intrigue as their borders grew to meet each others,

    Kenin and Baldwin became the unofficial liason for the warring parties. What happened next is unclear. Each side has

    their own stories, but the facts are that one of the Princes pushed either Kenin or Baldwin to assassinate the opposing

    Prince. The wetwork escalated between the two security forces and Baldwins pregnant wife ended up dead. The child

    was presumed dead, but it has become more recently known that it was placed in cryogenic sleep while a deadly poison

    was in its veins. Only recently was the technology developed to purge the vile substance, and the child was brought out

    of its sleep who knows what measures Baldwin took to save his only loves second child, but the result was allegedly

    Naga Zoar.

    Regardless of the truth behind the shadowy counterpart to the Wind Wars, the Skorpion Prince was killed by one of

    Baldwins assassins (some tales say Baldwin himself did it) and Kenin became the new Prince of the Clan. Kenin has

    served on the Council since its beginnings almost eighty years ago and only recently stepped down to let Ninu take over.

    He has been aggressive and direct in his hatred of the Sibers, and their aged security chief, Baldwin. Baldwin was always

    the power behind the throne, supporting his much younger relatives and even a grandchild as the leaders of the Siber

    Clan. After Ninu took over the High Council, Baldwin was adopted by his grandchild, Baldwin IV, the then current Prince

    of the Sibers.

    While living in exile, Baldwin the IV was killed by a Kenin Security Team, and the sons of the Prince appointed the one

    person they felt could rival Ninu and Kenin is another Shadow War as the new Prince of the Clan Baldwin II. Working

  • with his allies and connections in the Steed and Sky clan (and apparently with his mastermind child, who is either a

    young tween or over a 100 years old, depending on how one counts these things), Baldwin calls in over a century of

    favors and connections to drive the Skorpions out of Kesh and retake the throne. Since then, it has been a war of

    diplomacy, manipulation, and subterfuge between the former blood-brothers.

    Kenin has been very vocal as to the wrongness of Naga Zoar. He refuses to believe the Siber sob-story of a pregnant lost

    love and the new renaissance of the New Order of the Dawn Guard. He sees Baldwin as a manipulative charlatan who

    has deceived the masses and is a dictator, not a savior to the Clans. Kenin has countless decades of political, military,

    and intelligence experience to draw upon. Who can say how formidable his network of resources may be and to what

    lengths he will go to in saving the clan for longer than any human (save one) can remember.


    Tszo Jan is the Robin Hood of the non-aligned peoples. While almost no noble child would know or even care

    about the legendary adventures of the Double Dragon Monk, hes the quintessential hero for middle class school

    children in most of the Old Lands (the Northern Isles and Skorpion lands today). A thousand years ago, much of the

    mainland was dominated by the Wytches and their human puppet Barons. Dark and twisted city-states ruled the

    continent and the Clans lived on the two smaller subcontinents in the North. Skor the Great was uniting the Clans and

    eventually led a conquering battle to free the people from severe and terrible bondage.

    But before Skor, was Jan. As the legend goes, the tattooed monk roamed the Wytchlands saving fair maidens

    and noble runaways from the slave yards and pleasure fields of the Dark Sorcerers ruling Roku. His six famous marks

    were the Red Dragon (flame attacks), the Great Dragon (exceptional speed and strength), the Great Eye (protection from

    magic and damage some later sources give him some sort of teleporting ability too), the Blue Serpent (run over water),

    the Black Web (climb walls and stealth), the Third Vision (detect lies and see the hidden). Tszo Jans nemesis was the

    Spire Watcher, a Wytch Lord whose main source of income was hunting down escaped slaves for the rulers of the

    Wytchlands. The Spire Watcher always seeded discord and chaos by turning people against each other through half-

    truths and greed. Tszo often faced down the Spire Watcher or his vile servants (usually great spider or insectoid

    monsters with twisted human minions). His qualities were a positive outlook, distain for greed, willingness to sacrifice

    self for others, and a belief in forgiveness and unity.

    While no Clan histories mention him, the peoples lore tells of Tszo Jan repeatedly saving the Great Clan fathers

    from the Wytches at pivotal times. More recently a very popular series of books and subsequent holonet series called

    the JanTzo Marks follows six gifted youth superheroes who each exemplify one of the tattoos of the Bard Monk.

    Together they can summon the Brother Brawler himself in times of dire need. The merchandise is everywhere.

    Tszo Jan symbols have a kind of Guy Fawkes use to them among the commoners and non-aligned peoples. His

    deeds are often celebrated on holidays in the Old Lands and it is very common for actors to play him during the

    festivities. Almost every town in the Old Lands has a Jan Temple, a Tzojen Temple, a Tso Temple, etc, and claim to be

    the original town from which the Great Liberator came from (while most historians agree that IF he did exist, he most

    likely came from the heartland of Roku, not one of the Northern Isles. As most tales go, the Wandering Father

    disappeared, promising to return if ever the Spire Watcher and his foul kin returned to the Land.

    No one seems to agree which dragons are on which arms and which tattoo is on which foot nerd rage often

    ensues depending upon which stories, holonet movie or series the given person follows as canon.


    Dawn Guard Commander Yori Zoar was the second in command of the Siber infantry during the Clan Wars. His

    no nonsense approach to the war and practical application of force made him a soldier favorite. He often moves

    through the common troops, giving simple words of encouragement and is not an arrogant or aloof officer, but deeply

    loved by his men. Yori doesnt believe in tricks or gimmicks to win his battles. He is known for pressing the enemy hard

    and then bringing in overwhelming forces out of reserves to deal with any troublesome enemy unit. While not himself a

    creative tactician, he has a very solid reputation of recognizing others attempts at trapping or fooling his soldiers. Yori

    also believes in tactical withdraws when needed (a rarity among Siber generals, who typically dont want to be seen as

    cowards). Nicknamed the Siber Hound for his ability to defeat all of the clever foxes that the Skorpions had for

    generals during the Clan War.

    Before Baldwin took over, Yori was passed over for major command positions as he was seen as too cautious

    and lacking in the signature Siber bravado. While certainly Baldwin let him shine, Yori has been vocal in opposing the

    Tower and Naga Zoar. He feels the Skorpions should have been eliminated when there was a chance, and is bitter that

    he was denied his total victory over them. His sons have done him well, one commanding the Council Guard and the

    other a top cadet in the Tower. He also is very suspicious of Naga, and considers anyone who is given power, instead of

    having earned it, as unworthy of an elevated position. That being said, he wants to be where the biggest and best army

    is, and right now thats the Dawn Guard. He trains his men to deal with everything between an attempted coup to a

    peasant uprising or an alien invasion. Yoris command staff is rumored have witnessed him praying to the ancestors for

    the Skorpions to do something stupid so that he can invade their lands and burn them off of Euphrates for good.

    Baldwin has often been asked why he tolerates a general who constantly questions his New Order and actively

    campaigns to remove Naga from power. He simply states that there is no one better to command and train an army in

    the field and he knows Yori will follow orders when the time comes. Jebe Tark and Yori and very close friends and drill

    their forces together regularly. It is not uncommon for Tanz Hira or Sohu Taryo (commanders of the Sky Shield and

    Shadow Guard) to complain of these two teaming up to get their way with military matters in Tower command

    meetings. There is quickly becoming a rivalry between the Dawn/Flame faction and the Sky/Shadow faction in the New


    Yoris wife was herself a koshido, female officer, in the Siber military. She died clearing out a security bunker

    held by Skorpions outside Kesh. She was known for being a rare beauty and excellent diplomat.


    Flame Commander Tark Jebe is a firebrand. Hot tempered, extremely aggressive, and as likely to have his tanks

    run over a foe as to fire upon them (hes gone so far as to request the redesign of the hover tanks so that they can travel

    lower and have a reinforced front blade for this purpose). He is constantly being reined in by Baldwin and Yori (who are

    trying to convince him to stop firing his artillery at flat trajectories). Yori and Tark have developed a very clever

    command system where the equestrian cavalry are a Dawn Guard unit in the Flame Shield chain of command (allowing

    the armor and the cav to co-ordinate with each other). Tark wanted the Tabire Cavalry too, but Yori is doggedly keeping

    them as his problem solvers in reserve, and wont loan them to Tark (who wont stop asking).

    Tark was the commander of the tread tanks for the Steeds during the Clan War, while their combat results were

    hardly spectacular, it seemed clear that Baldwin sees something in Tark that is desirable for armored corps command.

    He is slowly adapting artillery techniques, but now that the hover tanks are in production, he is eager to rewrite the

    playbook for battle tanks with the new capabilities at his disposal.

  • Tark is also the token Steed in the command staff. His brash, rude, manners have caused him to clash with the

    Shadow and Void Shield staff on a regular basis. His family is fairly low in the Steed Clan and he is adamantly apolitical in

    both Tower and Clan debates. He has two wives and 14 children at home. Unsurprisingly he takes every appropriate

    time off he can to spend them back at his modest family estate training his young brood for glorious combat in the

    future. Tark expects all 8 of his daughters to be fierce koshido and his sons to be the most fearsome of warriors. His

    favored weapon is an overcharged, two handed shock tetsubo that he swears is more a tool than a weapon (often

    beating an unresponsive tank into unwilling compliance many are amazed how often it actually works). His two

    favorite mantras are speed AND accuracy you mutts! and forward!!! You idiots!!, move forward!!.

    Green Skorp Leadership

    Well, for those who asked, the Green Skorpions dont have a set leader, they are a council of 21 family elders

    (basically every family who controls a major estate, town, or business has a representative it currently is settled into

    three major factions, the rangers (7), the estate lords (5), and tycoons (5) ). The speaker of the council is not allowed to

    be the High Council Representative (which they refuse to call a Prince). Whoever is sent to the Council takes 2 aides

    with him. This group of three is empowered by the Clan Council to make votes on the High Council, but is up for re-

    election every year and must always act with the majority of the three sent (one Prince and two aides). The Iron

    Skorpions have given a silent nod to this process and are currently entering into negotiations to gain one of the aide

    positions, if this happens, it would break the Crimson Skorpions hold on the independent members of the Skorpion

    Clan, and may end its chances to return to Clan rule for good.

    Team Tango

    (number 1 on combat drills, 3rd in Investigation work, 6th in de-escalation simulations out of 6)

    Captain Ichido Tose (Starz, with known Crimson Skorp Father of Minamo Family)

    WS BS S T AG IN PER WP FEL Move Wounds

    40(2at) 60(93) 30(40) 50(4arm) 20 30(50) 30 35 30(45) 2/4/6/12(24) 21

    Special: -10 to hit him (master at making his profile small, for his size), carries two range Assault Rifles (fire x2) and has

    +5 damage energy fists with guns on bracers that allow them to fold back (1d10+8 Pen 4, power field 6 charges).

    Library Monocle, Refractor field(50%) rumored to have optical weapons too, 4 Mechadendrites (Optic, Manip, Utility,

    Ballistic), magnetic clamps in feet, small repulsor nodes in both hands and on his back (1d10 damage, 5m range,

    shocking). 1 Stork Dueling Saber and 1 Tower Saber. His sealed exosuit provides him with level 4 armor on all points, his

    chest plate is known to be tougher

    Okay, this guy is a beast. Almost 7 feet tall, slim, and yet over 350 pounds, he is already a simulator legend, with a KDR

    of 9.76 against other RRT members, and well into the high 20s against Tower personnel. Infamous/Famous for rushing

    in and subduing the entire leadership of a worker uprising (9 ex-military personnel) buy ripping open a blast door in a

    smeltry and then shooting/pummeling them, while Tango took down the rest of the Mantis Militia, he is quickly

    becoming the RRTs heavy hammer. His mother is Iveks sister and she is one of the Manifactorum Boardmembers on

    Xel (AKA one of their top 8 officials). His father died in the Clan War, but was a well-known hacker and data-grifter for

    the Skorpions.

    Tose is actually a very well-liked guy. Never has he said anything negative to a fellow RRT member and is gracious in

    victory and defeat. Even though he often loses close combat bouts to the top brawlers in the RRTs, he is determined to

  • become as proficient in that as he is in ranged combat (where his volume of fire and precision is deadly). His PT records

    list him at 28% cybernetics, but he insists hes done (yet comes back a little bit more machine after each break). He

    respects power and martial prowess. More than once instructors have chided him on a very might makes right

    attitude. To this he replies, then why are we here?. Tose respects Baldwin and the school masters and wants to do all

    he can to become then most lethal member of the RRTs. His combat team is called Spear and consists of three almost

    identical siblings (below). He is a bit of a social recluse, preferring the simulator dojo to building relationships. Tose also

    has an already infamous temper and is very aloof and demeaning to Tower personnel not of high rank, and cadets not in

    the RRTs. He is a lethal elitists.

    Command Team Spear Techs x3 Starz with dull gun-metal plated faces, with 2 eye slits, go by Ichido Un, Du, & Te

    WS BS S T AG IN PER WP FEL Move Wounds

    40(50) 40(63) 30(40) 60/40(4arm) 35 30(65) 20/40 35 20/45 2/4/6/12(18) 15/12

    All three carry modified Steed blade rifles (1d10+7 6 shots. 1d10 x2 attacks, roll 2 dice take highest on damage). They

    also each have 2 modified ballistic Mechadendrites (1d10 +2, but long range and can semi auto 4 bursts each) that

    seem to help with computer interfacing. They all three have a single repulsor node in their backs and emit slight

    whirring noises as they move (+5 to hear them if theyre moving silent).

    Triplets, 2 guys and a girl (Te). They are distant cousins to Tose, seem to look up to him and defer to him in all matters,

    when he chooses to have an opinion. In the two live fire incidents Tango has been through, their SOP has been to

    repulsor boost to a firing point with Tose and then lay down covering fire at medium range for the rest of the team. Du

    and Te are silent and stoic, but Un is a chatterbox and a social butterfly. He loves political debate and is one of the more

    popular members of the first Tower class. He seems to have a very good grasp of ballistic tactics and seems to at least

    be the communicator for team Tango and some suspect him to actually be the guiding force in Tangos combat record.

    Un has been a strong supporter of Matthew Zoar class presidency campaigns. He has also gone out of his way to get

    along with the Fallen Starz at the Tower and has even acted as a go between for family members caught on opposite

    sides of the split. Un is the face of Tango, acting as its spokesperson and advocate as needed. Typically combat Team

    Spear follows him around (Tose included).

    Combat Team Shield Jochi Kveith (Steed)

    WS BS S T AG IN PER WP FEL Move Wounds

    20 40(63) 30 30(3arm) 40(80) 40(60) 30 30 30 3/6/9/18 11

    LMG 100m -/5/10 1d10+6 150 clip Pen 3

    Gunners x3 (Tadaka Garret, Iron Skorp) (Chen Wei, Sky fm) (Chen Zhoe, Sky fm)

    WS BS S T AG IN PER WP FEL Move Wounds

    20 35(58) 30 30(3arm) 30(70) 30 25 30 30 3/6/9/18 9

    All gain +10 when shooting at same target, all bullets do +1 damage, red dot laser sights all double tap

    This team of four has perfected VTOL warfare. Wei and Zhoe are the team Tango pilots and Kveith and Garret are the

    gunners. When not able to use their birds, all four wield LMGs and lay down a heavy field of fire. In using their twin

    VTOLs, this team is second to none, constantly moving to bring fire down on any targets identified by teams Spear or

    Sword as worthy of destruction. This team is notoriously crude and rude to others. Only the Steed members of the

    Tower will tolerate them and apparently Zhoe and Wei did something to anger the Sky Clan, as they are banned from

    Teer and two of the major estates. While most of team Tango is fairly reserved in boasting about their excellence, these

    two ladies and gents are not. Zhoe especially is known for smack talk and taunting others (something fairly

    unappreciated by the refined and noble children of the RRTs). Wei is covertly known as the ringleader of the Tower

  • black market. Oddly enough, these four seem to go out of their way to pick on the Starz (bucket heads) except those

    in team Tango.

    Combat Team Sword Asahina Lao (Stork)

    WS BS S T AG IN PER WP FEL Move Wounds

    50(65) 30(40) 30 30(4arm) 50 30 30 30 45(80) 3/6/9/18 14

    Duel wielding sabers and very good at it, Lao is a whirlwind in combat. Known for exceptional parrying skills.

    Melee x3 Jebe Roth, Kel, Ian (Steed)

    WS BS S T AG IN PER WP FEL Move Wounds

    40(50) 20(30) 30 40(4arm) 40 30 30 30 20 3/6/9/18 12

    All have claymores and auto-pistols, reinforced bracers on left arms that hold ko-katanas.

    Masters of Melee, team Sword can brawl with the best. Typically rushing in and mauling particularly tough targets or at

    least flushing them out for the other teams, team Sword is the example of the sum being greater than its parts. This

    team is fairly typical in its demeanor, blending well with the other students. The exception is Lao, he has serious political

    ambitions. Hes the vocal leader of the GoKenin. His family is known for being master chess players. Lao is very careful

    and precise, the perfect example of the patient hunter. People often think hes said something or done a deed, but on

    recollection its always what theyve read into it or assumed, not actually what he did. His addition to Tango is seen by

    some to be an attempt to close the gap between Tango and Echo when it comes to political and social capabilities. Lao

    wants the cadets of the Tower to renounce their clans and swear to the Tower. His group has gained wide support

    among the tower cadets, and even a few of the personnel and teachers back his point of view. While officially

    disavowed by Zoar and Baldwin, very little has been actually done to discourage this movement (some feel for fear that

    the Iron Skorpions or the Fallen Starz might take offense as they are the strongest supporters). No other member of

    Tango supports this movement, though if Wei and Zhoe cared about politics, they probably would.

    Ivek built Tango with strong family relations in mind, 10 of the 12 team members have either a cousin or sibling in the

    team. He pushes them to excel at combat above all.


    Ivek is Toses uncle and adoptive father. This gives Tose access to some of the best relics and forgecraft to come off of

    Xel. Iveks reputation a brutal and dangerous mastermind has been enhanced by Tangos performance and by his

    training of the RRTs. Ivek has several mechadendrites, but they are shorter and more slender than most. No one says

    that he is faster than Krane, but his bulk and tenacity makes him formidable. He has at least 4 bladed mechandendrites

    and rumors persit that he has some sort of energy weapon built into his prosthetic arms.

    As a soldier he was in charge of the boarding teams for the Starz. These insertion teams were particularly brutal on

    Teer, but also did extreme damage to Siber forces in Kesh. Tales abound of an epic duel in the High Princes Chambers

    as Baldwins team attempted to retake the city. Baldwin and Ivek fought for almost half an hour before Baldwin began

    slowly removing mechandendrites and eventually took off an arm. Ivek refused to yield and only allowed himself to pass

    out from fluid and blood loss after forcing Baldwin to give his word that Ninu would be treated as a hostage of the

    Sibers, and not as a POW or criminal. When the Tower opened, Ivek applied to be its chief physical trainer and along

    with his good friend Adam Hideki, became the top Starz in the new military. Many were surprised at Iveks acceptance

    to the Tower, but Baldwin is reported to have stated that having fought the man for almost a hour, he knew him better

    than anyone else could and found him worthy of trust and respect. Ivek is very formal in all of his dealings. He once

  • put a student in the brig and another in the ward for having suggested that Zoar was not the rightful heir to the Siber


    When Adam Hideki resigned from Void Shield command, many thought Ivek would go with him. However, no one has

    seen anything to hint at Ivek or his Tango protg leaving the Tower anytime soon. Many Starz whisper that Iveks

    engineering guild has a secret trove of relics from the Great Interstellar Republic, which he shares sparingly with those

    he favors. Given that his grasp of security and automated defense systems is as renown as his combat ability, few have

    tried to find this treasure and none have succeeded.

    When asked about his duel with Baldwin, Ivek usually can be seen giving a grim smile from inside his suit Im

    upgraded now.

    Of course, the other head master that fascinates is the Headmaster Krane.

    Arch-Duke Krane

    That the Sibers pet project, theTower, is ran by a Stork says volumes about the respect and capability of Headmaster

    Krane. The Krane Grandmaster of iaijutsu sword dueling and its third highest ranking majordomo, Krane is economy of

    motion and thought in all he does. Stork nobles treat him as a philosopher and master administrator, as during the war

    he was the logistical genius behind the Stork war effort. Though criticized by the Starz and Skorpions for not aiding

    more to the matters in Kesh, Krane followed Prince Kakitas wish that Stork security come first and alliance matters

    second. During the Clan Wars no other clan took as few loses in personnel or territory as the Storks.

    While Krane was overseeing a bridges construction on the border, a Steed raid struck his convoy. Led by Prince Jochi

    Umibe himself, Kranes force fought valiantly, but Steed tabire cavalry was too much for them to handle. Pinned down,

    Krane challenged the Prince to a duel. Victory meant the Stork survivors would gain free passage home, defeat, their

    surrender and death. In a blur of motion both struck Krane drove his blade through Umibes heart, as he himself was

    hit by a massive two handed blow. Though Krane had cleverly cut through Umibes right shoulder tendons on his way to

    the chest, Umibes sword, though turned to the flat, hit with enough force to throw Krane onto a burning repulsor train

    reactor core electrocuting him and destroying much of his spinal cord. Krane spent the rest of the war on Xel in

    traction having the best Hideki and Bakin cybernetists and surgeons rebuild his body. They improved it. His entire

    nervous system is now intertwined with complex circuitry and superfast neural pulse nodes. While hospitalized he still

    ran the war effort remotely. Steed settlements burned on the borders as raid after perfectly orchestrated raid was

    mechanized. Krane tried to contain the attacks to military targets, but seems to have not cared that collateral damage

    occasionally took place.

    He landed back on Euphrates faster and more deadly than before. His complex system allows his body to have

    completed movements in the time it takes an unmodified body to send the thought to begin an action. A fact proven as

    he slew the Sibers choosen headmaster in an honor duel without the other blade having even cleared the sheath. His

    cybernetic and integrated battle glove also allows him some sort of extra sensory perception, as he seems to have

    hearing and sight beyond the normal realm of human experience. Kranes blade is pledged to Baldwin who has never

    received a challenge since.