DAWLISH TOWN COUNCIL5 18th Meeting with Officers, land owners and their agents to discuss issues...


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Minutes of a Meeting of the

Town Council held at The Manor House, Dawlish on

Wednesday 7 October 2015 at 7.00 pm Present: Councillor Howard Almond (Mayor) Councillors Pauline Bloomfield, Humphrey Clemens, Alison Foden, John Petherick, Linda Petherick, Graham Price, Rosalind Prowse, Carole Tamlyn, Gary Taylor and Martin Wrigley.

In attendance: Ann Tipper (Town Clerk), Councillor John Clatworthy (Devon County Council), a representative of the press, four representatives of Dawlish Fairtrade and six members of the public. Before the meeting a representative from Devon County Council Highways Team gave a presentation on the Parish Paths Partnership, which aims to improve Devon’s rights of way and answered members’ questions about the scheme. The Mayor thanked Ros Davies for the presentation. A representative of Dawlish Fairtrade presented the Mayor with a certificate renewing its status as a Fairtrade Town. The Mayor’s Chaplain led members in prayer and then left the meeting. Declarations of Interest Councillor Humphrey Clemens declared an interest in agenda item 14 – Consultation Response to the NW Secmaton Lane Development, as the District Council Planning Portfolio Holder. Councillors Rosalind Prowse and Graham Price also declared an interest in this item as members of the district council’s Planning Committee. Urgent Items There were none. Public Participation Three members of the public commented on the agenda items 14 – Consultation Response to the NW Secmaton Lane Development. They raised the following concerns:

the district council’s management of this issue both generally and specifically with the consultation event;

the promised community and health facilities had been removed from the plan;

there was no confirmation of the total number of houses to be built;


retirement properties were needed;

a school would lose its playing field;

health and safety and air quality issues at the primary and secondary schools.

the link road should be built before the houses, to avoid traffic congestion on Elm Grove Road and health and safety issues caused by construction vehicles using Secmaton Lane.

temporary access via Secmaton Lane could become permanent;

lack of confirmation that Secmaton Lane would be converted to a pedestrian and cycle way long-term;

a stream was running down Secmaton Lane

when pumps failed sewage flows down Secmaton Lane 66 Apologies

There were apologies for absence from Councillors Angela Fenne, Gregory Fenne and Lisa Mayne (personal commitments), Councillor Carol Payne (health) and Councillor Terry Lowther (personal emergency). RESOLVED unanimously to accept these apologies.

67 Requests for Dispensation

There were none. 68 Devon & Cornwall Police

The beat manager for Dawlish, PC R Faichney, was unable to attend the meeting but had sent in the following report. This had been previously circulated and was noted. “As you will be aware there has been substantial fire damage caused to around 8 Beach Huts belonging to T.D.C. in Coryton Cove, at the end of September, there was also damage caused to a privately owned boat in the same area and benches on Lea Mount. All these offences are being linked and are currently subject to ongoing investigation. CCTV is being reviewed and will take some time to go through. An appeal has already gone out with regards to witnesses, and lines of enquiry are still being pursued. Any information in relation to this matter can be passed on to me. T.D.C. has cleared the site and will be assessing and looking to replace the huts in due course, they have been in contact with the relevant members of public who have hired the huts to discuss further arrangements. A drugs search warrant was executed earlier this month in Dawlish town on a residential property, where an amount of drugs were seized by police, one male was arrested and is currently on bail pending a charging decision for a Possession offence. There has been a recent increase in theft from garden sheds where gardening equipment has been stolen, Police enquires for one of these thefts led to the arrest of a local male who has now been charged with Burglary and is awaiting a court appearance.” The Mayor reported that the police had enquired about using a room in The Manor House when their current base in Dawlish closed. In response to a question from a councillor the Mayor


agreed to check what would happen to the space reserved for parking police vehicles in Brunswick Place.

69 Minutes

RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 2 September 2015 be approved and adopted and signed by the Mayor as an accurate record of the meeting.

70 Minutes of Committees for adoption Members received the following minutes for adoption:

Planning Committee – 6 and 27 August 2015

Civic Amenities Committee – 15 July 2015

Finance and General Purposes Committee – 23 July 2015

Events Committee – 30 June and 11 August 2015 RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes set out above, approved by the committee and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting, be adopted.

71 Town Mayor’s Announcements The following report from Councillor Howard Almond had been previously circulated and was noted. “MAYOR’S EVENTS – SEPTEMBER 5th September - walking the bounds. Saw them off from under the viaduct. 5th September – Allotment association. Coffee and cake and a tour of the allotments to see the achievements and the challenges. 7th September – Chaired the Dawlish Community Transport AGM 10th September – Early evening boat trip down the Teign with the Teign Estuary partnership. Arranged by Teignbridge 14th September – Opening of the Multi Media suite at Westcliff School 19th September – Dementia Awareness event at Teignmouth Community college, Purple Angel, Age Concern, Volunteering in Health, Assist Teignbridge and the CCG 19th September – Dawlish Arts Festival AGM 20th September – Triathlon 20th September – Little Ruckers tournament 20th September – Battle of Britain commemoration at St Gregory’s 22nd September – Twinning Association AGM 25th September – 100th anniversary of the deaths of 8 Dawlish men in WW1 at St. Gregory’s 25th September – Dawlish in Bloom, awards ceremony MAYOR’S EVENTS – OCTOBER 5th October – Dawlish Action for Youth AGM 7th October – East Teignbridge Health & Wellbeing Forum.”


72 County Councillor’s Report Councillor John Clatworthy reported as follows:

1. “The long outstanding works to the retaining wall at the bottom of Teignmouth Hill were meant to have started yesterday and the traffic lights are in place and the works are expected to take 16 weeks. 2. Walking along the sea-wall met The Mayor who spoke to 5 cyclists who dismounted and walked to Dawlish but need to review signs to direct cyclists to the Lady’s Mile cycle-path 3. With regard to Grants from the Locality Allowance to-date I have made 16 grants this year totalling some £8.5k. Ted Hockin and I are funding a new seat in Strand Hill and TDC are arranging. The grass cutting organized by the Town Council has gone well and DCC are considering ways to making funds available to Towns and Parishes for grass cutting. 4.The future of the Youth service is expected to now be on the October Cabinet agenda with the options being In-House provision, Mutual or Procurement and Youth provision at Red Rock is fundamental. 5 I had a meeting with Simon Niles about school places in Dawlish and he is happy to meet the Neighbourhood Plan Team when Education is discussed. With regard to Primary Schools at Gatehouse, the current capacity is 420 and roll 300+, with the Housing Growth in the immediate area the capacity needs to increase to 525/630 with an additional 1.7 hectare site. At Westcliff the current capacity is 315 and roll in late 200’s, it needs to expand to meet demographic growth to 420 and there is a site adjoining in DCC ownership and finally at Cockwood, the school is currently over-subscribed with 80 pupils and a small expansion is being considered. As to Early Provision which is 2 to 4 year olds that is provided at the Westcliff bungalow. The Community College has a capacity of 900 and current roll in order of 700. 6 Daw Vale has now been declared surplus and will be marketed by NPS and the tender pack is being prepared. 7. Under the sale of surplus assets to-date 98 sites have been disposed of with receipts of £29.3 millions, this year a further 30 properties are to be sold with expected receipt being £10.5 millions and next year a further 28 sites realising some £12 millions. As a result some £1.5 million of annual revenue savings achieved.” Councillor John Clatworthy agreed to ask the police what would happen to their parking space in Brunswick Place when they no longer had an office there.

73 District Councillors’ Reports The following report from Councillor Humphrey Clemens had been previously circulated and was noted. “Meetings attended in September

7th As Chairman of the Devon Building Control Partnership I had a meeting with the officer responsible on future changes to the partnership. 9th Meeting at Exeter Guild Hall with Officers and members of Exeter City Council to work on a joint strategy for homelessness in the two regions. I had further such meetings on the 23rd, 30th and the 5th Oct.


18th Meeting with Officers, land owners and their agents to discuss issues relating to the Secmaton Lane development plan. 21st Overview and scrutiny as an observer as I am not a member of that committee. 22nd Teignbridge Growth and Investment Board. An update on the progress of major projects, present and in the future. Attended the Planning meeting as Portfolio Holder for planning but not a voting member of the committee.

23rd Spent some time at the DA2 public consultation in the Leisure Centre. Officers are working hard to address some of the major concerns raised at the event. 24th A meeting with the lead Officer from East Devon and the relevant Teignbridge officer on a Joint Habitats Strategy to assist with Planning applications in the three authorities of TDC, Exeter and East Devon. 28th Attended a flood resilience meeting at County Hall. Will supply info for the next Town Crier. 29th Executive Meeting 30th Site inspection at Hillside, Secmaton Lane Meetings attended in October 6th Leadership

Ten Year Strategy 7th Meeting with the Private Housing Team in TDC.”

The following report from Councillor Rosalind Prowse had been previously circulated and was noted.

Apart from the normal meetings for the town council I have been busy as Teignbridge's representative on the South Devon Tourism Award. I have been judging with 2 others Tourism Attractions and Best Self Catering. This has taken me across S Devon and has been very interesting. We have a high standard and there is much to recommend a holiday locally. Others have been judging the many varying categories and the result will be at the presentation evening on 15 October. These are all finalists who will get a gold, silver or bronze award. 10 Sept Boat Trip down the River Teign looking at works done and expectation for the future. I would recommend crossing the new cycle/walking bridge over the Teign at Newton Abbot. 16 Sept I gave a talk to Gatehouse School on how to be a councillor, the duties, responsibilities, how you get voted in and why. The questions from the children were very interesting. The reason for this is because they are having a school council and children from each class were putting themselves forward to represent their class. This is a first class project and to be commended. 20 Sept Triathlon Little Ruckers Rugby Tournament Battle of Britain Service at St Gregory's Parish Church 21 Sept O & S TDC 22 Sept Planning TDC 23 Sept Dawlish leisure Centre to see DA2 consultation

The Opening of the talking book which is now up and running at the Strand Centre where it has a permanent recording studio.


24 Sept A service to commemorate all the Dawlish men lost on the first day of the Battle of

Loos in WW1 Dawlish in Bloom presentation evening 28 Sept Full Council at TDC 30 Sept Site inspection at 8 am at Trinity School followed by Shutterton Lane inspection where there is a planning application for a maximum of 35 homes. 5 Oct Holcombe Village Hall meeting 5 Oct TDC - planning matters 6 Oct TDC 10 year strategy consultation for members”

74 Town Councillors’ Reports The following report from Councillor Humphrey Clemens had been previously circulated and was noted. “ On 5th Oct I attended a Holcombe Village Hall meeting.” The following report from Councillor Terry Lowther had been previously circulated and was noted. “Cllr Terry Lowther Activities September 2015 September 3 Twinning meeting Review of programmes and preparation for AGM September 16 Civic Amenities Committee September 19 Dawlish Arts Festival AGM Mainly review of successful 2015 Festival and similar plan for 2016 September 19 am: Dawlish Triathlon Successful event with approximately 600 participants pm: Little Ruckers Junior rugby on the Lawn Battle of Britain Remembrance Service held at St Gregory’s Church September 22 Twinning Association AGM Reports and arrangements for scheduled 2016 visit to

Carhaix (twin Town) September 23 Events Committee Review of 2015 and early plans for 2016 September 24 Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting September 25 0900: Meeting to review Standing Orders

1400: Walking tour of town by members of CAC Aim to identify work required for 2016

1900: Dawlish in Bloom Annual Awards Presentation September 29 Standing Orders Review meeting 2 October 6 Standing Orders Review meeting 3” RESOLVED unanimously to note the Town Mayor’s Announcements along with the County, District and Town Councillors’ reports.


75 Neighbourhood Plan for Dawlish The following report from Councillor Rosalind Prowse had been previously circulated and was noted.

“Members discussed their progress on a Homes and local food – various figures were awaited from TDC on demographics of new

home owners and a plan from Bristol on local food production was produced b Sustainable transport and access – meetings are continuing on this

c Employment and job creation together with Regeneration and tourism – a paper has been produced comparing us with Ilfracombe, which has a similar population.

It is obvious that all the intended topics to produce policies are closely inter-linked and all

members will at some stage cross over their reports. Community facilities and landscape, nature conservation and built heritage are also to be

investigated. Consultation of DA2 Members were advised that non-councillors should make their own comments on the

consultation to TDC and council members should bring their view to full council for debate. A general discussion highlighted that this variation could have an impact on the agreed Vision for Dawlish. No votes were taken and no recommendation formulated.”

76 The Red Rock Centre As Councillor Terry Lowther was not present, it was agreed to defer this up-date on the current

situation to the next meeting.

77 Reduction in Grass Cutting Services Councillor Humphrey Clemens reported that the working party had met to consider the following two options offered by Devon County Council: a Devon County Council currently employ SWH to undertake highway urban grass cutting

as per council policy ie visibility areas, cut four times a year. Parishes can contact SWH or another contractor direct in order to ‘top up’ this service in terms of standard and/or frequency using means of self-funding.

b Devon County Council can give the parish an annual contribution in order to fulfill the

council’s requirements with regard to highway urban grass cutting. The parish through the development of local relationships can use this contribution to procure and manage the whole service within their parish, prioritising areas and topping up through self-funding as appropriate (ensuring that the requirements of the council’s policy is fulfilled as a minimum).

As the contribution offered by Devon County Council for Dawlish Town Council to take over responsibility for the whole service was £614 and SWH would charge the town council £1,920 for


this service, the working party recommended accepting option a. SWH had agreed to carry out four cuts ‘topping up’ the work carried out for Devon County Council for £720. RESOLVED unanimously to reject the £614 contribution offered by Devon County Council for Dawlish Town Council to take over responsibility for all grass cutting services in the parish and to accept the quotation from SWH to carry out four cuts a year ‘topping up’ the work carried out by Devon County Council for £720.

78 Events Committee Councillor Carole Tamlyn offered to serve on the Events Committee. RESOLVED unanimously that Carole Tamlyn is elected to serve on the Events Committee. 79 Consultation Response

The council’s response to the consultation on the NW Secmaton Lane Development was discussed. Members agreed with all the points made during the public forum and also questioned the value of having a 20 year plan if it could be amended so soon after being adopted. They were also concerned about residential development on employment land. RESOLVED ‘Dawlish Town Council responds as follows:

1 the infrastructure, particularly the link road, needs to be constructed before the houses

are built; 2 Secmaton Lane must not be used for any construction traffic or any access to new

houses; 3 objects to the extension for employment land to the North West of Development Area 4; 4 considers the development plan consultation was insufficient so an amended plan needs

to be circulated for further consultation.’ 80 Documents

It was noted that the working group had met three times and completed its review of the council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Risk Assessments, Statement of Internal Control and Discretions Policy but agreed that more time was needed before these documents could be approved. The Town Clerk pointed out that a decision on the Pensions Discretions Policy was long overdue and as this had been circulated on 2 September 2015 and not subsequently amended by the working group members agreed to vote on this policy. RESOLVED to adopt the Pension Discretions Policy attached to these minutes as Appendix A but to defer a decision on the other documents to the next meeting.

The meeting was closed by the Mayor at 8.15 pm. ………………………………….. Councillor Howard Almond MAYOR OF DAWLISH



Dawlish Town Council

Discretions policy

The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013


The Local Government Pension Scheme (Transitional Provisions & Savings) Regulations 2014


The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) 2008


Regulation R16(2)(e) & R16 (4)(d) Policy decision Shared Cost Additional Pension Scheme An employer can choose to pay for or contribute towards a member’s Additional Pension Contract via a Shared Cost Additional Pension Contract (SCAPC)

The Council will not pay for or contribute to a member’s Additional Pension Contract via a SCAPC.

Regulation R17(1) & TP15(1)(d) & A25(3)

Policy decision

Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contribution Arrangement An employer can choose to pay for or contribute towards a member’s Additional Voluntary Contribution arrangement entered into on or after 1st April 2014 via a shared cost AVC. An employer can choose to pay for or contribute towards a member’s Additional Voluntary Contribution arrangement entered into before 1st April 2014 via a shared cost AVC.

The Council will not pay for or contribute towards a member’s Additional Voluntary Contribution arrangement entered into on or after 1st April 2014 via a shared cost AVC. The Council will not pay for or contribute towards a member’s Additional Voluntary Contribution arrangement entered into before 1st April 2014 via a shared cost AVC.

Regulation R30(6) & TP11(2)

Policy decision

Flexible Retirement Employers may allow a member from age 55 onwards to draw all or part of the pension benefits they have already built up while still continuing in employment. This is provided the employer agrees to the member either reducing their hours or moving to a position on a lower grade. In such cases, pension benefits will be reduced in accordance with actuarial tables unless the employer waives reduction on compassionate grounds or a

The Council will exercise its discretion to allow flexible retirement only when it is in both the employee’s and the Council’s interest to do so. The Council will not normally waiver any reduced benefits that an employee may receive in accordance with actuarial tables.


member has protected rights.

Regulation R30(8)

Policy decision

Waiving of actuarial reduction Employers have the power to waive, on compassionate grounds, the actuarial reduction (in whole or part) applied to members benefits paid on the grounds of flexible retirement. Employers may also waive, on compassionate grounds, the actuarial reduction (in whole or part) applied to member’s benefits for deferred members and suspended tier 3 ill health pensioners who elect to draw benefits on or after age 60 and before normal pension age. Employers also have the power to waive, in whole or in part, the actuarial reduction applied to active members benefits when a member chooses to voluntarily draw benefits on or after age 55 and before age 60.

The Council will not normally waive on

compassionate grounds the actuarial reduction

(in whole or part) applied to a member’s

benefits paid on the grounds of flexible

retirement. The Council would consider each

case on its merits.

The Council will not normally waive, on

compassionate grounds, the actuarial

reduction (in whole or part) applied to

member’s benefits for deferred members and

suspended tier 3 ill health pensioners who

elect to draw benefits on or after age 60 and

before normal retirement age. The Council

would consider each case on its merits.

The Council will not normally waive in whole

or in part the actuarial reduction applied to

active member’s benefits when a member

chooses to voluntary draw benefits on or after

the age 55 and before age 60. The Council

would consider each case on its merits.


Regulation TPSch 2, para 2(2) &


Policy decision

Power of employing authority to grant ‘switch on’ the 85 Year Rule An employer can choose whether to “switch on” 85 year rule for members who voluntarily retire on or after age 55 and before age 60. An employer can also choose to waive, on compassionate grounds, the actuarial reduction applied to benefits for a member voluntarily drawing benefits on or after age 55 and before age 60.

The Council would consider “switching on” the rule of 85 but would have to investigate any possible financial implications through strain costs before agreeing to it. The Council will not normally waive on compassionate grounds the actuarial reduction applied to benefits for a member voluntarily drawing benefits on or age after 55 and before age 60. The Council would consider each case on its


Regulation R31 Policy decision

Power of employing authority to grant additional pension An employer can choose to grant additional pension to an active member or within 6 months of ceasing to be an active member by reason of redundancy or business efficiency (by up to £6,500* per annum) (*the figure £6,500 will be increased each April under Pensions increase orders)

The Council will not normally grant additional pension to an active member or within 6 months of ceasing to be an active member by reason of redundancy or business efficiency. The Council would consider each case on its



Local Government Pension Regulations 2008 discretions

Regulation B18

Policy decision

Flexible retirement Employers may allow a member from age 55 onwards to draw all or part of the pension benefits they have already built up while still continuing in employment. This is provided the employer agrees to the member either reducing their hours or moving to a position on a lower grade. In such cases, pension benefits will be reduced in accordance with actuarial tables unless the employer waives reduction on compassionate grounds or a member has protected rights.

The Council will exercise its discretion to allow flexible retirement only where it is in both the employee’s and the Council’s interests to do so. The Council will not normally waiver any reduced benefits that an employee may receive in accordance with actuarial tables.

Regulation B30

Policy decision

Choice of early payment of pension B30(2) Employers can also allow the early payment of deferred benefits to former members of the LGPS between the ages of 55 and 59. Please note where a deferred member left the LGPS before 1 April 2008 the employer policy under the 1997 Regulations will apply. B30A(3) Employers may also grant an application for reinstatement of a suspended tier 3 ill health pension on or after age 55 and before age 60. B30(5) & B30A(5) In such cases, pension benefits will be reduced in accordance with actuarial tables unless the employer waives reduction on compassionate grounds or a member has protected rights.

The Council would consider individual applications. The Council would consider individual applications. The Council would consider individual applications but would not normally agree to a waiver of the reduction of benefits.


These policies may be subject to review from time to time. Any subsequent change in this Policy Statement will be notified to affected employees. Signed on behalf of: __________Dawlish Town Council ____________ Signature of authorised officer: ________________________________________ Date: _____________ ___________ Print name of authorised officer: ___________Mrs Ann Tipper_________________ Job title: : ___________TOWN CLERK ________________
