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Longevity Now Conference 2012


David Wolfe: Q & A

David Avocado Wolfe


at the 2012 Longevity Now Conference


DW: A lot of new people in the room. The biggest question of all—I’m just going

to get right to it—”What in the hell do I do with all this stuff? Where do I even

start?” Right? Is that what is happening? What in the world? It is like… you have

got iodine, you have got Bob Marshall’s formulas with like 80 things in them, you

have got superfood formulas, you have Justin Bua and Immortal Machine. You

have got all kinds of green fl avored water. The colostrum bag. What in the—?

Where do you start with this stuff? So here is the answer: I don’t know. I have no

idea. I have been doing this for so long I don’t even know what to tell you. This is

just where we’re at. You have got to kind of fi gure it out from here. It started out

for me with avocados and oranges, and eventually we got here. What went wrong?

You just have to take a piece of the puzzle and kind of fi gure it out. I like giving

you the tools like that basic framework of: “You’ve got to sort your diet out. Your

diet has got to make sense.”

My dad is actually in the room. Where is my dad? Where is he at? Right there.

That’s my dad right there. [applause] So when I was growing up in his offi ce it

was basically like there was the doctor’s bag—which we are going to get into my

doctor’s bag tomorrow by the way. That’s what I’m doing tomorrow, what’s in

my actual doctor’s bag. His doctor’s bag was different back in those days. But I

remember he would eat one piece of a roast beef sandwich, like one bite, and then

he’d sip a Gatorade and then not touch anything for like 8 hours. I was just looking

at that, going “There is just no way it is going to be possible for him to ever eat

anything organic or go into a health food store.”

So last year, last event here, last Longevity Conference, we actually went and had

dinner at Mother’s Market. And I was like, “You know about Mother’s Market?”

and he was like, “Yeah. I shop here all the time.” That’s a miracle right there! For

the loaves, the fi sh, the wine, whatever that was, that is nothing compared to my

dad shopping in a health food store! So miracles are possible. It is totally possible

that that could happen to you. I mean we went to A&P, right? In Seaside Heights,

and it was Seaside Heights, Jersey Shore. Are you aware, Dad, of the TV show

Jersey Shore. Are you? I mean, that’s where we’re from. Do you guys know that

Longevity Now Conference 2012


David Wolfe: Q & A

show? If you don’t know that show, you don’t want to know that show. That’s

where I’m from. I was born there, in that town. I was there fi rst, way before them.

[laughter] Unbelievable stuff.

So back in those days, I mean the fi rst thing I remember of my uncle, my dad’s

brother Uncle Norman, he showed me how to use a blender when I was four and

a half years old. I came down one morning and he was making some kind of a

blended drink. It was a Minute Maid frozen orange juice. Remember you’d peel

the thing off and it was like this lumpy thing that would pop out? And then we’d

throw ice in there and we’d blend that, and that was it. That’s where it was in 1974.

So it’s a little different now. It changed a little bit. And that’s just how it is. In those

Joe Weider formula amino fl exo whey protein powder, bigger weiner fuel things.

I think I could give Kyle Cease a run for his money, but I don’t know. Anyway, so

it was all that kind of stuff, so then we went through all that world. And you know

we’ve got TR Goodman here, and he trained all those guys—Lou Ferrigno, Arnold

Schwarzenegger. Half those guys are dead. Right? They didn’t make it. And the

other half of them had all their joints replaced. They’re not doing too well. They

were on all that stuff, so that’s not the way to go.

So eventually we found our way toward superfoods. That’s really where we made

the inroads beyond food. And that is that category we talked about, diet, and you

have got to sort that out, but then there comes that inroad of like, “Where do we

really want to go?” Is it biting Dino’s head off of Flintstones chewable vitamins?

Is that going to be our future? And in fact instead of doing that we came up

with superfoods. Like hey, why don’t we go up to the most powerful foods ever

identifi ed by the greatest civilizations in the world? Spirulina, cacao, maca, aloe

vera, noni, coconut, that kind of stuff, see what that does for us. And that is really

that superfood revolution, which is kind of like an insurance policy. Great place

to start if you don’t know which way to go. It’s very simple, very understandable.

Good place to start.

The next thing brings in the herbalism. And this is almost an imperative at this

point. In a world with every kind of virus, unbelievable fl u viruses going around

right now, respiratory viruses going around right now, you have got to have some

kind of defense—but it’s not going to be a little white pill that is being sold to you

you-know-how that is extracted out of a mushroom that is being sold to you you-

know-how that’s a mushroom extract that you are not being told about that is being

sold to you you-know-how. That streptomycin is a little mushroom extract that

Longevity Now Conference 2012


David Wolfe: Q & A

is being sold to you you-know-how… it’s called an antibiotic. That penicillin is

actually a fungus being sold to you. You might as well go for the best fungus there

is called reishi mushroom/chaga. [cheers] Great place to start! We don’t study this,

but in China they study it.

I get this question: “My grandma is like 98. She has never ever touched an herb

ever, meat and potatoes her whole life, totally dehydrated, doesn’t drink water,

she’s in the hospital, I think she is going to die. What do you think I should do?

What can I give her?” You know, the Chinese have actually studied that. I couldn’t

believe it. I came across a study and they had studied that particular question right

there. Is there anything you can give to somebody who is 98, who is dying in a

hospital that would actually help them? “Green juice!” So they selected reishi

mushroom, and then panned it out over time against controls, randomized controls,

and fi gured out that actually reishi mushroom is the best thing to give to somebody

in that situation. Because it’s so gentle. Look at it. That thing is damn magic.


I was just doing an interview back here with my paleo friend that Tony Horton was

picking on, and he said, “What’s going on with mushrooms?” and I said, “They are

denizens of a magical realm, of course.” He said, “Denizens of a magical realm?”

I took Christopher to this spot right here fi nally. That’s our audio/visual guy back

there. Give it up for Christopher Westerlund over there [applause]. Took him to that

spot right there. It’s the power spot on the whole property and lo and behold, one

massive storm comes through, blows apart three trees, three trees die on the edge

of that cliff in one storm. A year later a reishi grows out of one of them—right on

the spot. That’s the spot. Native American sacred site. And it’s just like that. Right?

So what an interesting thing, what a great place to start, what a safe way to start.

This is the most well-studied herb in the history of the world. There is nothing

more well-studied than reishi mushroom. There is no herb you can take.

I heard that, I looked at that. I got on PubMed and punched up reishi mushroom,

Ganoderma lucidum, pulled up thousands of studies. There are thousands of

studies. And I started going, “Okay. It’s got to do something.”Right? Because

everybody is like, “I took it for two weeks and I didn’t feel anything.” You heard

that before? Remember that? This is something that’s like, look, if you start taking

iodine, if you take reishi mushroom, you might have to take a signifi cant amount of

reishi mushroom – like 9 capsules, 10 capsules, 13 capsules, 15 capsules—before

you feel anything. But then one day you do 15 capsules and you are like, “Whoa.

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David Wolfe: Q & A

I am feeling something now.” In the meantime, it’s just I’m gonna hang my hat on

all that research and just say, “That stuff has got to do something.”

The fi rst time I ever found reishi mushroom I was in the forest near where I saw

that wolf, walking back and forth with a friend of mine. It was November 15,

2005. We were walking back and forth across the forest, back and forth across

the forest in this one spot. She’s like, “I know it’s here. There’s reishi mushroom

here.” We’re going back and forth in this one area of the forest. I’m like, “I don’t

know.” Three hours later I’m like, “You know what? I don’t think so. I think this

is it. I think we ought to go back, because it’s getting late.” So I hung my head in

dejection, like that. I took two steps and I saw something that was smooth, bone

smooth, that was blood red. And it was like, there it was right at our feet. The tree

had fallen over with reishi mushrooms in it, and it was laid right there and there

were ten of them right there in front of us. It’s like that. It’s weird like that.

When they started going into these mushrooms trying to fi nd out what are they

made of, they are neurotransmitters. They are made of neurotransmitters, just like

your brain is, just like your nervous system. Here is an organism that fi gured out

how to live forever in its own imagination. Just as a point of reference. Something

to meditate on.

Angela, do we have some questions? We had a few folks actually give us some

really interesting questions, so I am going to just pick these at random. I’ll take the

whole list and we’ll just pick them out. How does that sound? And then we will

take some from the audience. You guys ready? Here we go.

What are your recommendations about working in front of the computer and sitting

for long periods of time? Is it healthy?

[laughter] Sitting is usually not healthy. Sitting in front of a computer is probably

more unhealthy. Sitting in front of WiFi, Internet, email and all kinds of EMF

radiation is probably not the healthiest thing ever, but I’ll tell you what helps

more than anything is that little grounding thing that is attached to you. But it is

not attached to you. What’s going on? You got found out. If you are grounded

you are safer. And I have put out many videos. You can get online, you can see

these videos—they are on the Longevity Warehouse website—where I show you

that when you sit in front of a computer you are getting hit by all the dirty EMF

radiation. You are basically getting hit by all the dirty harmonics of the electricity,

60 hertz and then all the dirty electricity that is beyond that. As soon as you ground

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David Wolfe: Q & A

yourself you drop that radiation off you by a factor of 100. You are getting hit by

100 times less radiation.

Here is an important thing to consider. Really if you can be on the computer with

it unplugged you are vastly safer than when it is plugged in. So if it is recharging

you are not around. You’re down here. You’re in this thing. Your computer is

recharging up in your room right now. When you get up there to get onto your

computer you unplug it and use it unplugged. Otherwise you’ve got that 60 hertz

fi eld and all those dirty harmonics hitting you like nobody’s business and if you

don’t believe that, we have done the oscilloscope demonstrations here at the

Longevity Conferences in the past, there are many videos I have put out there

online. It’s important to look at that and see that, because then you realize that

even if I go like that—like this is a grounding mat right here. Right? Even if I just

go like this, just like that, and just touch it with my fi nger it is an instantaneous

speed-of-light drop in the EMF fi eld. Instantaneous. As soon as I let my fi nger off,

the fi eld is back on me again. As soon as I touch it—just can touch it with my toe

like that—it’s immediately off me. As soon as I let go again it is immediately back

on. Earthing is good.

Here is what is also good. I have every gadget, every single doodad, every little

gizmo, every little bauble that exists out there to protect you from EMFs. I don’t

know what works. I’ll tell you what I think is working the best. I had my friend

Howard Wills—you guys know Howard Wills? Howard Wills is an amazing

psychic. I don’t know if you believe in such things, but I do, because I’ve seen it.

Some people have it. It’s one of those things. Like Uri Geller. I was over at Uri

Geller’s house one day and I said, “Can you like read like 3-digit numbers out

of people’s minds?” He has done that under controlled scientifi c conditions, 100

people correct in a row, a 3-digit number correct 100 times in a row—in a person’s

mind. That’s Uri. He’s been a vegetarian since 1970. Amazing guy. Love Uri.

Was over at his house one day, he was like, “Well, I can do that, but why don’t I

do this? Why don’t you draw a picture and then I’ll draw it.” So I was like, “Okay.

I’ll do that.” And I’m sitting there, I’m like okay, I’m thinking, “There could be

cameras on the wall. Somebody could see.” So I draw this picture and I’m like

this, [pantomimes drawing under a folded piece of paper and looking up and

around often]. I draw a picture. He’s turned around. He can’t see me. He turns

around. He says, “You ready?” I’m like, “Yeah.” He said, “Okay. Here is what

is going to happen. I want you to look me in the eye and I want you to visualize

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David Wolfe: Q & A

what you drew and then I will draw it.” I was like, “Yeah. Okay. No problem.” So

I looked him in the eye and I visualized what I drew, and he is sitting there and

he is drawing something like this, looking right at me. He draws it. Then he turns

around. He goes, “Is this what you drew?” I was like, “Yep.” He has not looked

at what he drew. He has not looked at the paper. He said, “Give me your paper.” I

gave him my paper. He has not looked at what he has drawn. He grabs my paper

and his paper and he puts them on top of each other and he holds it to the light and

you can see right through both pieces of paper. It’s a carbon copy. Exact. Exact.

Now, that is going to violate anybody’s rational mind. That actually happened to

me though.

There is even more phenomenon about that particular event that I could go into—

I’m not going to go into here. Howard has that kind of power. He has stuff like

that goes on around him, weird stuff like that. Howard one day decides he is going

to give me a whole bag of jewels—like emeralds and rubies and sapphires—just

a bag of jewels. He sends someone over to my house to bring me a bag of jewels.

This guy comes over. So I got this download. I’m like, “You know what? These

are jewels. What am I going to do with this? I don’t need jewels.” Then I thought,

“Wait. EMF protection.” So I put them in a little plastic kind of like thing like

that, got all the jewels in there, and now when I plug my computer in, right where

it plugs into the computer I put the jewel thing right there. Man, I think it works.

It’s rubies, sapphires, topaz. I’m not a big jewel person, but it was all that kind of

stuff. Emeralds. It was like a thousand dollars in jewels he gave me, more than a

thousand dollars in jewels. Just one day just decided. He is like, “Hey, go bring

David Wolfe this bag of jewels.” So that’s working. Which is nice.

And you know, I’ve got all the other gizmos. I mean you look at my cell phone,

I’ve got every kind of little gadget on this cell phone. I’ve got a metal case, and

I tell you what, that is a good thing to have. I can hardly get a connection on this

phone because I’ve got a metal case on it. I have to take the metal case off in order

to get a connection. Right? That’s the metal case on the back right there. That’s

one of the emeralds that Howard gave me right there, because I said to him, I said,

“Howard, I feel this feeling like maybe I should put one of these emeralds on my

phone.” He’s like, “That’s exactly what I was thinking. You should just tape it

to your phone.” So you see how it’s taped right to my phone? I’ve been around

Howard long enough, it’s like whatever he says, I’m doin’ it.

Anyway, I got the BioPro on there, and I’ve got Bob Marshall’s thing on there. So

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David Wolfe: Q & A

the more of this the stuff the better. I don’t know which stuff works, but I’d better

have it all. Okay, so that’s that question. [laughter]

I get this. This one drives me nuts. Do you guess see this? Look what’s going on

out there. What’s the better mouse pad? This is the question I get all the time. This

question drives me crazy: What do you eat?

What do I eat? It’s so… I don’t know, man. I am in like somewhere else every

day. I am in Edmonton one day, I was in Calgary before that. This is wild. So I’m

in Calgary. We do this event called The Seed Event, wonderful event, beautiful

event. The event is going on all day. Luckily my friend Malcolm made 70 gallons

of chaga chocolate drink—70 gallons for several thousand people, and they drank

it all. I got some of that. That’s what I had that day. The next day I am over at

Malcolm’s place, we do two back-to-back events on how to make chaga chocolate

drinks. That’s what I had that day. Then that night my friend Austin is there.

Austin is an amazing guy. This kid, he’s been listening to me and he has actually

been doing it since he was a kid, so he has been on a berry diet, superfood, I mean

deer antler—this kid is a superman. Like all of a sudden he is jumping up and

down doing fl ips, gymnastics, he gets on a unicycle at 4 o’clock in the morning,

no kidding, jumping around on his unicycle, running around. He jumps up onto a

rock on this unicycle in front of his house. That day that this kid ate just Saskatoon

berries. Four in the morning.

Next day we go to Edmonton, so we fi nally get to Edmonton. We go to this place,

Noorish Cafe, we go to the bar. I’m like, “Do you have any chaga chocolate

drinks?” They do, so that’s what we have. Then the next thing you know we are at

Eden Hot Springs. Basically it is so damn hot there about the only thing you can do

is just drink water, and that is not even touching your thirst, drinking water all day

long, drinking water all day long, can’t eat anything; it’s too hot.

We get out to the desert—this is the day I leave—we fi nally get out to the desert,

we pick wild goji berries, we pick wild juniper berries, we pick resin from a juniper

tree, we pick chaparral—which is one of the most powerful herbs on the whole

planet—we have wild spring water and wild honey. Then we take that all back and

we blend that all with orange juice, lemon juice, lime juice and grapefruit juice and

made that drink up. So that’s what I had that day. Do you see how problematic this

question is? It’s like, “Whoa!”

I was talking to TR Where are you, TR? Are you in here? TR Goodman, where

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David Wolfe: Q & A

are you? Somewhere. And we were talking in the back and he’s like, “Yeah, I just

pretty much eat like herbs and water in the morning.” And I was like, “So do I.”

So in the morning what I have is just water, and then I take a whole bunch of like

everything. Like EstroGuard, sometimes I’ll do that, sometimes I’ll do a massive

amount of herbs like 9 reishi mushrooms capsules or 15 or something crazy like

that. I just fi nished Ramiz’s chaga capsules. Boom, I nailed that whole bottle in

like a week, got rid of that, downed that whole thing. So it just gets problematic.

Isn’t it? And it just goes on like this. Sometimes I’ll just do tinctures. There are

kids who come to this event and their favorite thing is tinctures. They go to Dragon

Herbs and are like, “Can I get the goji/schizandra tincture?” Like that’s their

favorite food. When I was a kid my favorite food was spaghetti and meatballs. This

kid’s favorite food is goji and schizandra tincture.

All right. Next question. This is a controversial question, and so I fi nally got to the

bottom of this: Is fl ax seed good for you or not?

Are you guys ready for this answer? Okay, so I fi nally found the study, and it was

on 150 foods. I mentioned it. Do you remember when I did that fi rst talk? And

on one end of the extreme, the worst things that triggered off estrogen-receptor

positive cancer cells and estrogen-receptor negative cells, the worst culprit of all

was soy. On the other side of the extreme the thing that was best, that fought those

cells better than anything else, do you remember what those were? Mistletoe?

Close. I had it in the desert. What did we have? Juniper. That’s why we did juniper

resin. I’m like, “There’s a juniper tree with resin coming out of it. That’s what

we’re having.” That is super. That was on that side. But number two there, next to

soy, that is the worst thing: fl ax. Triggered the worst reaction with the estrogen-

receptor positive and estrogen-receptor negative cancer cell lines that are being

studied in a test tube. This is an in vitro—not an in vivo. It’s not in a person; it’s in

a test tube. So this is interesting research, because on the one hand Rudolf Steiner

is validated: mistletoe fi nished the best. On the other hand, what we have been

saying about soy, that is also validated. But then all of a sudden boom, there is fl ax.

Now fl ax is vastly more nutritious than chia seed, way more nutritious than chia

seed. There are way more minerals in it, it has way more protein in it, it has more

omega-3 in it. It’s more nutritious. But if you are dealing with like a reproductive

cancer, no way I would recommended fl ax, not based on that research. No way.

Here is another thing: the fl ax in the research is pulverized. A lot of fl ax actually

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David Wolfe: Q & A

goes through you. If you have a fl ax cracker it actually goes through you, so you

don’t actually absorb it, so those phytoestrogens that could irritate or antagonize an

estrogen-receptor negative or estrogen-receptor positive cancer may not even, you

may not even absorb it. It’s like chia seeds. A lot of it just goes right through you.

Which is cool. You can be planting chia seeds out in the desert. [laughter] So that’s


Which of these are you going to have? Quick pop quiz. Let’s go back. Good one.

Okay. A werewolf says what? [howls from audience] I don’t get that what means.

A wolf in hemp clothing.

Top three things you do regularly for physical, emotional, spiritual health or top

three tips.

One is—well, you’ve got to work with your path. What have we got? More

questions. Oh. Okay. We’ll get there. Top three things you do regularly for physical,

emotional, spiritual health or top three tips. What would you recommend?

This is a very important point. I’m going to bring it in this way. You have got to

focus on what you do and totally get into what you do. If I am sitting up here going,

“Green juice is the answer. You need to do green juice, green juice is the only way,

green juice is the best thing ever, you take the celery, you take the cucumber, you

take the shin bone, you put it on the hip bone, you put the knee bone above the

ankle bone,” if I get into that whole thing and that whole schpiel and you are sitting

there going, “I’m not cleaning a juicer. I’m not gonna do that. I’m not cleaning

a juicer,” then that’s the wrong thing for you. Right? Some people, they are like,

“Flintstones chewable vitamins? Love it. Give me something else I can swallow.”

That’s how it is. Like 15 reishi mushroom things, “I’m on it!” Some people are

like, “Tinctures. Love that. That’s the best thing ever.” Some people it’s like, “You

know, I’m throwing in a bunch of different powders instead of this whey protein

business.” Or whatever. So it just depends what you are into.

But my feeling is, is that what you are into, if you really open that up and look at

it, there is your immortality if you really get into it. It took me a long time to get

through all of the overlay. Like, “It should be this, you should be doing that, you

should this, you should that,” no one likes to be should upon. And then I eventually

realized that like, you know, what is all this business? I better do what I’m into.

Like I really like traveling with tinctures. That’s real easy for me. I’m sitting in the

front of the car and driving through South Africa. I’ve got my little doctor’s bag

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David Wolfe: Q & A

right there. I’m bustin’ out tinctures, and just keeping them in there. “I can’t talk to

you right now because I’ve got—” And everybody in the car, they know. They’re

like, “Okay. We’ll ask you later.”

Some people it’s like, “Look. I’m a gourmet chef and I’m into food and I can make

this food.” So that might be the deal. See, it depends on what you will actually do.

Here is what is terrible: what you should do. Here is what is amazing: what you

will do and what you already do.

Here we go. How can I conquer sugar addiction?

Very good question. One is body ecology diet, getting the probiotics on your side,

working from that angle. We are basically fi fth or sixth generation sugar addicts,

most of us. It goes all the way back. Back in the 1600s sugar was like cocaine. You

would get a pinch of it at a party. It was that kind of a deal. And now it’s normal

and every kids is having tons of it. How can I conquer sugar addiction? So the fi rst

thing is get nature working on your side. Get the allies in. Use life against life. You

against that candida is pretty tough, but it’s you and the acidophilus against the

candida… easier. So the probiotics are very helpful.

Another thing is just get it out of your house. Get it away from you. It’s really

amazing. When I was living in New York the health food store was so far away

I had nothing there. So I’d get up, I’d be up at the computer, I’d get up and walk

back and forth in the apartment. I’d be like, “I’m really hungry. No, I’m not. It’s a

mind thing. Get back on the computer.” Get back up, walk around, open the fridge,

there is nothing in there; open the cupboards, there is nothing in there. Go back to

the computer. Because it is not around so there is nothing to eat, so I’m not going

to do anything. That’s a really good idea: get it away from you.

Another thing is, make sure you are getting the right kind of nutrition that is well-

balanced so you are getting energy so you are not using sugar as a stimulant.

Right? So you have to have some kind of nutrition that is going to get you that

energy so you are not using sugar as a stimulant. It is a tough path actually to

get off sugar. It’s like one of those things that like lingers on too, and then all of

a sudden you have been good, good, good for years and years and years, all of a

sudden you go bad, bad, bad and all of a sudden all those things fl are up again.

Isn’t that trippy?

And that is really what I love about Donna Gates’s work, is she really addresses

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that. It’s like once you have been broken down in that way and you have had

that predisposition it can fl are up again on you later. It’s not like something—it’s

something you may have to deal with for the rest of your life, so you just create a

life that doesn’t have that in it. Right? That carbohydrate coma.

Coconuts are actually raw and alive. The best coconuts are rumored to be irradiated

and dipped in formaldehyde—and the frozen meat and water from that New York

company may be dead. I know you. I know who wrote this. Those coconuts that

you get, those Thai coconuts you get that are not organic, they’re in Whole Foods

now? The reason that is in Whole Foods and why you even know about that is

because years ago I was doing a fast with Steve Adler in the desert. Where is Steve

Adler? Is he in this room? You remember that day. And you took me to Ranch 99

Market in Las Vegas and you said, “Dude, do you know what this is?” It looked

like a little white hut. And I was like, “No.” And you’re like, “Dude, this is a

coconut.” So I went around for years with those darn things and showing people

how to do those, and then Juliano got onto it and he created a whole cuisine. This

is back in the ‘90s. This is back ‘96 or something.

Anyway, those turned out to be not organic, and we did fi nd out that they are not

dipped in formaldehyde but they are dipped in some kind of bleaching agent. We

don’t know what it is. So there is good news—it’s not formaldehyde; bad news

is we don’t know what it is. You can get those organic now. You can get those

organic. And organic food, it is illegal in America to irradiate organic food. Does

that mean that they still do it? It’s that kind of planet. It’s that kind of country. It’s

that kind of thing. I don’t know, but they probably still do it.

What about the frozen stuff? The frozen meat, the frozen coconut meat. I am

not a big fan of it. I have experimented a lot with frozen coconut oil. Not into it.

Something is disturbed about it. I think it is other than excellent. If you really are

living in Southern California and you are into real coconuts then you have got to go

across the border to TJ and get them down there and walk them across the border

or drive them across the border. You can bring back like 24 without a problem. I

used to do that. I did that for years actually, and that was great. So I would come

across the border. It was a workout. I’d have 12 coconuts in each arm, plastic bags

like this, and I’m come and it was intense, going all the way across that bridge

all the way down through the whole customs thing. This was before 9/11, so you

walk across the border and there would be one person there, and they didn’t X-ray

everything and like crucify you and proclaim you a criminal and throw you in jail

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for three days or any of that. It’s a trip.

It was really interesting. So you know the Nazis, right? “Where are your papers,

please?!” So it’s interesting. We go to South Africa, there ain’t no Nazis in the

airport. There is nobody going, “Where are your papers? Fill out your papers.

Where is your paperwork?” We go from there to Israel and I’m thinking, “This is

going to be interesting.” Right? “I wonder what is going to happen in that airport.”

No paperwork. Right? I’m like, “Whoa! This is Israel. They are against the Nazis.”

Got it! Then we go to Holland. No paperwork. You come into the country and they

are like, you don’t have to claim anything. You just walk right through. That was

amazing. Three countries in a row.

It was cool. What happened was, we went to Canada after that. So Canada is chill.

I mean, Canada is amazing. You go through customs there and they recognize you.

They are into raw foods. [laughter] The Toronto Pearson Airport, almost everybody

who works there is a Hindu. So they see Ganesh on my computer and they are like,

“Ah!” Like, “Yeah, yoga. I’m a raw foodist, vegetarian. You are into raw food,

right?” They are like, “Oh, raw food?” And we ended up having a conversation, so

they all know me there. Totally it’s the best ever.

So then we fl ew over to Calgary, then Edmonton. So you cross U.S. customs in

Edmonton. That’s cool. So all of a sudden you are like crossing Edmonton. It’s


What can I do to make my memory better?

Here is a very important thing that makes your memory better: focus on things you

are interested in. [laughter] Not what somebody tells you you should be interested

in, not what your mom told you 50 years ago you should be interested in; what you

are actually interested in. If you ask me about NASCAR, I am not going to know

anything about NASCAR. I don’t know what this, I don’t care. Gordon Johncock, I

remember him from Formula 1 race cars when I was in 5th grade. That was the last

thing I remember about race car racing. So if you are really interested in something

you could be a genius in it—if you really are into it. And actually, you are already

a genius in the things that you are really into. Some people are like, “Actually I do

know a lot about shoes. Yep.” [laughter] I’ll bet you, if you start digging into your

memory banks there is something you are a genius in, and you are like, “Wait a

second. I’m actually a genius in this.” It might not be something that’s cool or fun

or kosher to most of us, but to you, you are into it. That’s number one.

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David Wolfe: Q & A

Number two is this whole estrogen-progesterone thing. Like for a woman—this

looks like a woman’s handwriting—very important. If you can get your androgens

up, progesterone, DHEA, vitamin D3, thyroid hormone… your memory improves.

If the estrogens are predominating, estrogen dominance, your memory gets

worse because there is a fog to come in. Progesterone has been attributed to this

ability that women have to multitask—to be able to like drive the car, be on a cell

phone, text, kids screaming over there, turning the radio all at the same time. It is

progesterone apparently that is attributed to that particular phenomenon. So it’s a

multi-tasking thing.

Now imagine the progesterone is driven down by the estrogen dominance and you

are not getting that ability to multi-task, so everything goes foggy and you can’t

keep track of all those 15 things that are going on. So that’s the other piece of it.

DHEA supplementation. We talked a little about that if you recall. I am not a real

big fan of it, it’s kind of a last resort, but it is a bio-identical hormone… certainly

a lot better than horse urine or whatever they were using in estrogen replacement

therapy. Don’t ask me about that one. That is like nutso. That is like beyond. Like

how did that ever get going? That is one of the craziest, weirdest things I ever


Can you share some light on chemtrails? Suggestions for combating effects.

This is a crazy situation. I dug into this, being good friends with David Wilcock,

all these people in that world, kind of the conspiracy world, been on the Alex

Jones show before. Actually I was on the Coast to Coast George Noory show on

5/05/05 and 8/08/08. One time I was on right after Alex Jones on 8/08/08 and I got

on and I was like, “Yeah, you know what, George? I think Alex could use some

raw food. That would help.” Alex Jones is kicking some butt right now though.

It’s incredible. They were getting 700,000 new hits an hour! Right? Because

people are starting to get wind of this whole like banking conspiracy, oil/petroleum

conspiracy, nuclear conspiracy, and then this whole thing that Steven Greer has

done with his fi lm Sirius. Have you guys heard about this? Where he is calling

it, and it’s a real big call, which is the real thing that is hidden; the real thing that

is under the rug, that every little being in that little ivory tower there is trying to

cover up, is the advanced free energy technology. Because once you have that, the

oil thing is over, the nuclear thing is over, the electrical power plants are over, the

coal is over. It’s all done. That’s the end of it. [hoots and cheers]

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David Wolfe: Q & A

That’s the real one. And the reason why I like bringing that up is we talked

about it. You are a free energy machine. Right? When you are hanging out with

a breatharian, you realize really quickly you are a free energy machine. You are

gleaning off energy all the time that is being created from nothing. Life does that.

Every tree is a free energy machine. You are a free energy machine. Everything

living is a free energy machine. So the real geniuses—and maybe some of those

being out there—have fi gured out those systems that nature uses to bleed energy

off of the ether or the vacuum energy or whatever you want to call it.

So, on this chemtrail business, this is kind of that old thing that’s like, you know,

all those people are still stuck and they are still in that old mold of whatever that

is, “Out with the mold, in with the nude.” Here is what is in chemtrails. Chemtrails

consist of ethylene dibromide. That is the number one ingredient in chemtrails.

That is a halogen contaminant. Basically if you live in the Northern Hemisphere

a good idea is to be on iodine, and the reason why you want to be on iodine is

because iodine takes up the receptor site of bromide or bromine—and that is

what we are breathing in. I fl ew into Phoenix from Edmonton. I had been out of

chemtrails for months. All of a sudden we come into Phoenix and it’s like, “Whoa!”

Fog, haze, criss-cross tic-tac-toe boards across the sky. No commercial jetliners

do tic-tac-toe boards across the sky. It is not allowed. Right? The FAA will never

allow anything like that to occur, because two planes could actually crash into each

other. So it is not commercial jet craft. And if you get online enough, you will fi nd

that there are enough whistleblowers in the U.S. Air Force who are saying, “What

is this stuff?” or “We are not going along with it.”

They are spraying something. It is apparently primarily ethylene dibromide, barium

oxide and aluminum oxides. Those are the major ones. Can you protect yourself

from it? The answer is yes. You have got to fortify yourself. The best thing to do

is fortify yourself with the pigments that protect you—in particular chlorophyll. I

mentioned already chlorella is like 40 times higher in chlorophyll than wheatgrass

is. This is the reason why you would want to have something like chlorophyll, and

this is the reason why if you are just doing diet stuff, in a world that is polluted

with nuclear pollution and chemtrails and all this other stuff, it’s not enough to

fortify you and protect you and create a buffer. And basically what protects you is

color pigments. Not Gatorade color pigments, but natural color pigments that are

in—they are fl avonols. They are the colored pigments in berries; there are colored

pigments in chlorella; there are color pigments in cacao; there are color pigments

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David Wolfe: Q & A

in chaga mushroom, like melanin. That kind of stuff protects you from radiation.

That kind of stuff protects you from what is being blasted out. The phycocyanin,

the blue pigments in spirulina. That is why we have those things by the way.

The reason why we have superfood powders is because we need them, and they

are here. Everything is always provided. All we have to do is just go “yes.”

Are you guys ready to say yes? [loud applause and yeses; someone asks, “Why


Okay. Why? What is this? This has been going on since 1948 as far as I can

tell, meaning that in the Northern Hemisphere of this planet—most of you are

from the Northern Hemisphere, most of you have lived most of your life in the

Northern Hemisphere—we have never seen a real, natural weather pattern in the

Northern Hemisphere in our entire life. That is what that means. You go to the

Southern Hemisphere, totally different story. You are in the Amazon, there ain’t

no chemtrails, anything like that, and you see big, beautiful cumulus clouds, you

see clouds that are healthy. And you start to understand like, “Whoa. That is totally

different.” This is why traveling is so powerful and so valuable. When you are in

the Andes you see clouds that are extraordinary. Everybody had their cameras out

the fi rst time we were up on the Temple of the Moon outside of Cusco just because

the clouds were so healthy. Everybody was like, “What’s going on?” because we

have never seen anything like that in the Northern Hemisphere, everything is so

sick. The atmosphere is sick.

There are different layers of understanding of what they are trying to do. One

layer is that it is basically a weather modifi cation program. That is defi nitely going

on. Another layer is that by blasting all that barium and aluminum oxide in the

atmosphere, it is protecting us from geological weapons. So here is another type

of terrorism. It looks like a natural disaster but it’s not. It is actually artifi cial, but

made to look like a natural disaster. Like, “Japan, you don’t do what we say, we

are gonna throw a tsunami at you,” something like that. Or something. [audience

member: Thank you!] You’re welcome.

The radar machines [at airports]? You know this stuff, this right there? [DW throw

his hands in the air as if in a hold-up] Okay. That’s basically throwing terahertz

[THz] thrown at you—which is very, very, very fi ne radiation. Gigahertz is

what is coming out of your cell phone; terahertz is even the next octave up. It is

what is coming out of those waves. I would never get in one of those machines,

ever—never get in one of those machines. Because it is basically at the frequency

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David Wolfe: Q & A

range, at the wavelength range of DNA, so it can unzip your DNA. It can cause

mutations. This is the machine where you walk in and it goes [makes a beeping/

clicking noise]. Here is what you do: you walk up and you go, “Search me.” Here

is what is great about that. Here is what is amazing about that. You know the

normal radar thing you walk through? The normal metal detector? Almost in every

case now I will walk up and I’m like, “Yeah, search me.” They go, “Okay.” They

bypass me right past that metal detector, they bypass me through [sic; right past]

this machine, and they just search me—so I don’t get any radiation. It’s awesome.

I’m thinking the worse it gets the better it gets.

I have never looked at these. I am just going through them. Can you address gray

hair strategy?

Yes. Okay. So there are different theories about gray hair. One theory is, fi rst of

all, all mammals, especially primates—we apparently are a primate; not from this

planet, but whatever, you know, close. Like the silver-backed gorilla, the reason

why it gets silver hair is because it is a silver-backed gorilla. It is a natural product

of aging. There is another aspect of it. Oh by the way… all those hair dyes and

everything? Get off of it. That stuff goes right into your brain. It’s the worst news

ever. It is literally the worst news ever. Just go natural. It’s like, who are you trying

to kid? Who are you trying to fool? It’s like let’s just go natural, everybody go


It’s like the dental thing. I have had every dentist go, “You’ve got to do this! We

are going to get in there, we are gonna do that, we are gonna do this,” and you

know I’m talking to Hal Huggins [DDS] and he is like, “Don’t do anything. Don’t

let them touch your teeth.” I’m like, “Yeah. That’s what I thought.” That’s what

he’s telling me. Right? I’m like, “Thank you, Hal. I agree. I’m not letting them do


So just go natural. Right? You know, what is the deal? People are like, “You need

to have your teeth [whitened], you are TV,” blah blah blah. Look, I am on one of

the most popular TV shows in the whole world right now. I haven’t done anything

to my teeth, haven’t had my teeth whitened, didn’t go to any dentist, didn’t have

my teeth cleaned, didn’t do anything like that. So I didn’t need to do that. Because

I don’t care. It’s like, if I have to do some kind of thing, whiten my teeth, put

fl uoride on it or whatever weird stuff goes on that is going to scratch the hell out

of my teeth or whatever, I’m not going to do it! So I’m going natural. And that’s

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David Wolfe: Q & A

my position by the way. If I’m ever on TV and they are like, “How come your

teeth aren’t glowing white?” It’s because I don’t do that crap. I’m not into it. We’re

going natural.

You know, just like Jack LaLanne got up there and did sideways pushups and stuff.

And he goes, “Here’s natural, right here.” Right? This guy was 110. He still kept

his teeth. Good yogi. So one thing about the gray hair strategy is just go—don’t

fi ght it so much. It’s like, come on. Not a big deal.

Here is another thing about the strategy, is that it seems to be attributed to a

number of factors. One is it is enzymatic. That if you have high-enzymatic food.

You know the old story that Ann Wigmore talked about was rejuvelac helped

her to actually regain her dark hair; that is reversed her gray hair. Drinking live

cultured food. That was one aspect. Another thing she said was that B vitamins

were involved. So high B-vitamin diet also seems to be correlated with reversing

gray hair. My feeling about the B-vitamin idea is that it’s a methylation problem;

that in fact if you have enough methylators—the best methylator is a tetra

methylator—is actually raw yolk. The second best is beet root juice, depending on

what you are into. Now the egg yolk is a tetra-methylator. It is an amazing methyl

donor actually, but in the vegetarian world it is going to be beetroot, so I would

recommend that, getting a higher amount of methyl groups in your body. If you

want to go supplement-wise, I really like this supplement, I think it is one of the

best supplements ever, is betaine. Not betaine hydrochloride! That’s another thing.

Betaine: trimethylglycine. Betaine. It is basically the beginning of carbohydrate

formation in nature. It is carbon and hydrogen groups, in their very basic forms,

and as you bring those in your body your liver takes that in and goes, “I can use

that to attach to toxins and move things out.”

Here is another part of the gray-hair strategy: schizandra berry. So male pattern

baldness and gray hair have something to do with tin. Tin is an alchemical

metal actually. It is connected to Jupiter. Tin. And tin, by far the highest natural

source of it in the world is schizandra berry. And you know about schizandra.

Ron Teeguarden will talk ad infi nitum about schizandra. I really feel a strong

connection to schizandra. That’s the lineage of Taoist tonic herbalism that we

provide you guys that education. It is one of the single greatest herbs in the world.

And tin has something to do with male pattern baldness; it has something to do

with graying of hair, and so if you get schizandra in your body you are going to

get the tin in and that is going to be the way you deal with it from a trace mineral

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David Wolfe: Q & A

perspective. So that’s another idea?

You want to do male pattern baldness? Yeah, so we are working on that. We have

been working on it for a while. If you want my straight herbal hit on what’s the

best thing for male pattern baldness I would say nettle root tincture—in alcohol. It

has to be in alcohol and it has to be sublingually delivered. That is my best, out of

everything I have read in this whole fi eld, I would say that’s the best thing for male

pattern baldness of anything you could actually take internally that is natural and

that would do the job as best as anything. I would also recommend a little Ormus

Gold on top there. I would also recommend a little aloe vera.

Because there are two things that cause male pattern baldness. One of them is

dihydro-testosterone. And so your body is actually converting testosterone and

dihydro-testosterone, which gradually actually can increase or fl uctuate throughout

your life, but then the follicle becomes sensitive to it. If the follicle is not sensitive

to DHT then you will have no male pattern baldness, but once the follicle becomes

sensitive to it then you can have a problem there with male pattern baldness. Most

of the drugs work to block DHT, which is dangerous.

But here is another strategy: get the follicle younger again so it’s not sensitive.

That’s one strategy. Okay. That’s that. We are working on the cacao bark. I

know that’s what you are thinking. Right? The cacao bark extract that was in the

Amazon, basically an Amazonian shaman said to me, I said, “What do you think

about cacao?” He said, “Oh, cacao. You could live on cacao.” He didn’t know me

from Shinola, but that is what he said. Next thing he said, “We think cacao is the

future. We just planted 3,000 cacao trees between here and the river.” I was like,

“Cool.” The next thing he said, “You can take bark”—just out of the blue he just

says this—he says, “You can take the bark of the cacao tree, just peel off a section.

It will regrow and repair itself. Soak it in ice cold water for 24 hours. It will secrete

a gel and then you take that gel, you scrub it into your scalp and it reverses male

pattern baldness.” That was the most incredible thing I’d ever heard. I was like,

“Ask him to tell me that exact thing again. I want to hear that exactly again.”

I checked that up with another Amazonian shaman and he told me the exact same

thing. It’s the Amazonian wisdom. Right? Male pattern baldness, you use cacao.

Of course. Cacao is like the Knight on the chessboard; it has the weird move. It’s

got weird stuff going on. Now imagine a product that can sell more than chocolate

itself that is made from the cacao tree as well? Think about that concept. That’s

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David Wolfe: Q & A

coming. Okay.

Sleep. How much is enough?

Here’s my take on it. You don’t have to listen to me. But here is my thing: I have

got a million years to sleep when I’m dead. I am not worried about that. I am going

4 hours of sleep a night or less if I can get away with it, and that is how I want to

live. I don’t want to be sleeping my life away. People who sleep 8 hours a day,

what a waste of time; 7 hours a day, waste of time; 6 hours a day, waste of time.

Now you don’t start there. It’s a step-by-step process. Right? In the beginning it’s

like we’re in food comas. Right? So obviously the food causes the pass-out. Right?

We used to say this thing back in the early days, raw food days, “Oh, he’s passed

out on bread.” Because back in the early days it was like people would eat raw

foods for days and days and days and then all of a sudden the bread binge would

occur and then the person would be completely out, like that. [laughter]

I remember seeing my friend Safari Cass. He mowed into a loaf of bread. Passed

right out, cold, palms up. [laughter] Sleep less, live more. That’s my written goal.

What do you think about astaxanthin?

I think good things about astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is one of the carotenoids that

protects DHA. So when you start looking at the chemistry of DHA there are

carotenoids around it that shield it. Violaxanthin, astaxanthin, beta-carotene, alpha-

carotene and several other carotenoids protect it. I know the son of the guy who

fi rst isolated DHA. What he did is he stripped off those carotenoids, the shielding

of the DHA. Do you know what happened? The DHA touched the atmosphere and

exploded and burned his lab to the ground. DHA is what’s in fi sh oil, it’s also in

algae oil, and it’s also in krill oil. It is not some little like joke little thing. It’s also

in AFA blue-green algae. It is a very powerful, highly volatile compound. That is

why it has such powerful nervous system powers. It’s a high-energy substance. It

will explode on touching with the atmosphere, so it is protected and shielded by

astaxanthin and these other carotenoids. Two milligrams of astaxanthin a day is

known to protect you completely from macular degeneration, which is the number

one cause of blindness in the Western world.

Because that leaked out, there has been an enormous demand for astaxanthin. It

has blown up. It has become an enormous product, so it has actually become even

diffi cult to fi nd. What we do with our algae oils, we take that DHA product and

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David Wolfe: Q & A

we have also the phospholipids in there and we have the astaxanthin in there, so

two capsules of that provides you 2 milligrams of astaxanthin. That is why it is

designed that way. Which protects you from macular degeneration.

Last question. Your four-point strategy is great: diet, insurance policy, immunity

strategy and longevity strategies. It needs a fi fth component. Spiritual growth.

What do you think?

Here is my thing. Look: emotional healing stuff, that is somebody else’s job. That’s

not my job. I don’t do that. Spiritual growth counseling, whatever that is, I don’t

do that. That is somebody else’s job. I think it’s great, but it’s not my job. Right? I

do a different job.

The number one thing in health in my opinion is to be doing what you love—

which is a spiritual thing. That is the number one thing of health. You do what you

love, you don’t need to eat, you don’t need food, you don’t need anything. Right?

You just keep doing what you love.
