David R. Schultz, Professor of Physics - Amazon S3...David R. Schultz, Professor of Physics...


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David R. Schultz, Professor of Physics University of North Texas (UNT), 1155 Union Circle #310979, Denton, TX 76203 PRESENT POSITION Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation, UNT, 2013- RECENT POSITIONS Chair, Department of Physics, UNT, 2011-2013, 2015-2016 Group Leader, Atomic Physics, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 2000-2011 PREVIOUS POSITIONS Staff Member, Physics Division, ORNL, 1992-2011 Director, Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center, ORNL, 1992-2011 Research Professor of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), 2007-2011 Adjunct Professor of Physics, UTK, 1998-2007 Task Leader, Theoretical Atomic Physics, ORNL, 1995-2005 US DOE Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Fellow, ORNL, 1991-1992 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), 1989-1991 Sandia National Laboratory Outstanding Graduate Fellow, 1988 Graduate Research Assistant, UMR, 1986-1989 Graduate Teaching Assistant, UMR, 1985 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Drake University, 1983-1985 Engineering Associate, Emerson Electric Company, 1982-1984 Lecturer, McDonnell Planetarium, 1978-1983 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES, AFFILIATIONS, AND SERVICE Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), elected 2000 Vice Chair, Chair Elect, Chair, and Past Chair, APS Division of Atomic, Molecular, and

Optical Physics (DAMOP), 2010-2014 DAMOP, one of the oldest Divisions of the American Physical Society, is the national organization of scientists, students, and professionals in atomic, molecular, and optical sciences and allied areas of research and development

Secretary/Treasurer, APS DAMOP, 2005-2008 Executive Committee Member, APS DAMOP, 2002-2005 Local Co-Chair, APS Annual DAMOP Conference, 2006 Local Chair, APS Annual DAMOP Conference, 2011 Secretary, Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Community of the APS DAMOP,

1995-1998 Member, APS Committee on Meetings, 2016-2018 Member, Committee on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences (CAMOS), 2009-2012,

2012-2015 CAMOS, a committee of the National Academy of Sciences’ Board on Physics and Astronomy, proposes and oversees technical studies, scientific surveys, and conducts workshops and other meetings, aimed at assessing and stewarding the national atomic, molecular, and optical science communities’ activities

Editor, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (ADNDT), 2001-2015 ADNDT is a leading journal devoted to the compilation of data in nuclear and atomic physics for both fundamental physical investigations and applied research such as in astrophysics, plasma science, and nuclear science and engineering

Editorial Board Member, ADNDT, 1993-2000 Advisory Group Member and Consultant, Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, International

Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1991- Service as a provider of data and expert advice to the IAEA in the areas of atomic, molecular, optical, and particle-surface interaction data, plasma science, and scientific and technical data production, compilation, evaluation, recommendation, and dissemination

Member, IAEA International Fusion Research Council Subcommittee on Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion, 2010-

Editorial Board Member, International Bulletin on Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion,

1993- Editorial Board Member, Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion, 1998- International Advisory Board Member, Institute of Physics (IOP) Journal of Physics B,

2003–2013 Editorial Board Member, IOP, Computational Science and Discovery, 2009-2012 Fellow, IOP, named 2008 Member, Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Edge

Coordinating Committee, 2004-2010 Panelist, DOE Scientific Grand Challenges: Fusion Energy Sciences and the Role of

Computing at the Extreme Scale, 2009 Member, DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,

Review Committee, Kansas State University, 2000, 2003, 2009 Member, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Laboratory Review

Committee, National Research Council, 2004-2007 Member, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Director’s Review Committee, Atomic,

Molecular, and Optical Sciences Group, Chemical Sciences Division, 2005 DOE Q Security Clearance holder, 2007-2011 Treasurer, International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications

(ICAMDATA), 1997-2004 Member, International Advisory Board, ICAMDATA, 2004-2010 Local Chair, 3rd ICAMDATA, 2002 Executive Committee, APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas (APiP),

2000-2010 Local Chair, 13th APS Topical Conference on APiP, 2002 Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Electronic, Atomic, and

Photonic Collisions (ICPEAC), 2004-2007 Member, Local Committee, ICPEAC, 2001, 2009 Local Chair, NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop, 2010 Local Co-Chair, International Workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices, 2011

Member, American Astronomical Society Member, International Astronomical Union (IAU) Chair, Working Group 3: Collision Processes, IAU, Commission 14: Atomic and Molecular

Data, 1996-2005 Founder, Southeast Laboratory Astrophysics Community (SELAC), 2003; Chair, SELAC

Executive Committee, 2003-2012

Graduate, Inaugural Class, Developing Leadership Potential, ORNL, 2007 UNT Leadership Fellow, 2012-2013 Recipient, Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid for Graduate Research, 1988 Member, Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honor Fraternity, induction 1987 EDUCATION B.A., Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1983 Ph.D., Physics, University of Missouri, Rolla, Missouri, 1989

FUNDING HISTORY PI/Co-PI of DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences grants, $21.76M, 1992-2011 PI of DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences grants, $21.45M, 1996-2011 PI/Co-PI of 14 NASA grants, $3.65M, 1998- PI of 9 ORNL Laboratory Directed Research and Development grants, $2.76M, 1996-2012 PI/Co-PI of grants from NRO, NSF, DHS, $5.0M, 1992-2011

RESEARCH INTERESTS: The study of atomic scale interactions involving atoms, ions, molecules, and light; theoretical and computational atomic physics; hydrodynamical interpretation of quantum mechanics in atomic scale interactions; applications in astrophysics, plasma science, energy science PUBLICATIONS: examples, full list attached

199. T. Schlummer, O. Marchuk, D.R. Schultz, G. Bertschinger, W. Biel, D. Reiter and the TEXTOR-Team, “Comparison of effective rate coefficients for high energy charge-exchange with measurements of the Rydberg series of Ar16+ at the tokamak TEXTOR,” J. Phys. B 48, 144033 (2015).

193. L.Ph.H. Schmidt, C. Goihl, D. Metz, H. Schmidt-Bocking, R. Dorner, S.Y. Ovchinnikov J.H. Macek and D.R. Schultz, “Vortices associated with the wavefunction of a single electron emitted in slow ion-atom collisions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 083201 (2014).

192. N. Ozak, T.E. Cravens and D.R. Schultz, “Auroral ion precipitation at Jupiter: Predictions for Juno,” Geophysical Research Letters 40, 4144 (2013).

187. O. Marchuk, Y. Ralchenko and D.R. Schultz, “Non-statistical population distributions for hydrogen beams in fusion plasmas,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54, 095010 (2012).

179. S.Y. Ovchinnikov, J.B. Sternberg, J.H. Macek, T-G. Lee and D.R. Schultz, “Creating and manipulating vortices in atomic wavefunctions with short electric field pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 203005 (2010).


Articles in 2017 205. R.S. Cumbee, P. Mullen, D. Lyons, R.L. Shelton, M. Fogle, D.R. Schultz, and P.C. Stancil, “Charge exchange X-ray emission due to highly charged ion collisions with He, He, and H2: Line ratios for heliospheric and interstellar applications,” Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (2017) submitted. 204. S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, Y. Kamyshkov, T. Zaman, and D.R. Schultz, “Ionization, negative ion formation, elastic scattering, and spin exchange in H + H collisions at low- to intermediate-energies,” J. Phys. B 50, 085204 (2017). 203. D.R. Schultz, N. Ozak, T.E. Cravens, and H. Gharibnejad, “Ionization of molecular hydrogen and stripping of oxygen atoms and ions in collisions of Oq+ + H2 (q=0-8): Data for secondary electron production from ion precipitation at Jupiter,” Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 113, 1 (2017).

Articles in 2016 202. D.R. Schultz, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, P.C. Stancil, and T. Zaman, “Elastic, charge transfer, and related transport cross sections for proton impact of atomic hydrogen for astrophysical and laboratory plasma modeling,” J. Phys. B 49, 084004 (2016). 201. R.S. Cumbee, L. Liu, D. Lyons, D.R. Schultz, P.C. Stancil, J.G. Wang, and R. Ali, “Ne X X-ray emission due to charge exchange in M82,” Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 458, 3554 (2016).

Articles in 2015 200. J.R. Machacek, D.P. Mahapatra, D.R. Schultz, Yu. Ralchenko, A Moradmund, M.A.O. El Ghazaly, and A. Chutjian, “Solar-wind ion driven X-ray emission from cometary and planetary atmospheres: Measurement and theoretical predictions of charge-exchange cross sections and emission spectra for O6+ + H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, N2, NO, N2O, and Ar,” Astrophysics Journal 809, 75 (2015). 199. T. Schlummer, O. Marchuk, D.R. Schultz, and G. Bertschinger, W. Biel, D. Reiter, and the TEXTOR-Team, “Comparison of effective rate coefficients for high energy charge-exchange with measurements of the Rydberg series of Ar16+ at the tokamak TEXTOR,” J. Phys. B 48, 144033 (2015). 198. D.R. Schultz, P.C. Stancil, and C.C. Havener, “State-selective charge transfer cross sections for light ion impact of atomic hydrogen,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 576, 012009 (2015).

197. D.R. Schultz and S.Y. Ovchinnikov, “Excitation of the n=2 levels of hydrogen by proton impact for hydrogen beam diagnostics,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 576, 012008 (2015).

Articles in 2014 196. S.Y. Ovchinnikov, J.H. Macek, and D.R. Schultz, “Hydrodynamical interpretation of angular momentum and energy transfer in atomic processes,” Phys. Rev. A 90, 062713 (2014).

195. J.R. Machacek, D.P. Mahapatra, D.R. Schultz, Yu. Ralchenko, A. Chutjian, J. Simcic, and R.J. Mawhorter, “Measurement and calculation of absolute single- and double-charge-exchange cross sections for O6+ ions at 1.17 keV/u and 2.33 keV/u impacting He and H2,” Phys. Rev. A 90, 052708 (2014). 194. R.S. Cumbee, D.B. Henley, P.C. Stancil, R.L. Shelton, J.L. Nolte, Y. Wu, and D.R. Schultz, “Can charge exchange explain anomalous soft x-ray emission in the Cygnus loop?,” Astrophysical Journal Letters 787, L31 (2014). 193. L.Ph.H. Schmidt, C. Goihl, D. Metz, H. Schmidt-Bocking, R. Dorner, S.Yu. Ovchnnikov, J.H. Macek, and D.R. Schultz, “Vortices associated with the wavefunction of a single electron emitted in slow ion-atom collisions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 083201 (2014). 192. M.E. Bannister and D.R. Schultz, “Electron-impact dissociation of hydrocarbon molecular ions,” Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion 16, 3 (2014).

Articles in 2013 191. N. Ozak, T.E. Cravens, and D.R. Schultz, “Auroral ion precipitation at Jupiter: Predictions for Juno,” Geophysical Research Letters 40, 4144 (2013). 190. O. Marchuk, Yu. Ralchenko, D.R. Schultz, W. Biel, T. Schlummer, E. Stambulchik, and the TEXTOR-team, “Atomic data for beam-stimulated plasma spectroscopy in fusion plasmas,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA), AIP Conf. Proc. 1545, 153 (2013).

189. A. Chutjian, J.A. MacAskill, S.M. Madzunkov, J. Simcic, and D.R. Schultz, “Charge exchange and atom-surface collisions in astrophysics,” Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conference Proceedings 1525, 43 (2013).

Articles in 2012

188 J.L. Nolte, P.C. Stancil, H.P. Liebermann, R.J. Buenker, Y. Hui, and D.R. Schultz, “Final-state resolved charge exchange in C5+ collisions with H,” J. Phys. B 45, 245202 (2012). 187. Y. Wu, P.C. Stancil, D.R. Schultz, Y. Hui, H.P. Liebermann, and R.J. Buenker, “Theoretical investigation of total and state-dependent charge exchange in O6+ collisions with atomic hydrogen,” J. Phys. B 45, 235201 (2012). 186. O. Marchuk, Yu. Ralchenko, and D.R. Schultz, “Non-statistical population distributions for hydrogen beams in fusion plasmas,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54, 095010 (2012). 185. O. Marchuk, Yu. Ralchenko, D.R. Schultz, E. Delabie, A.M. Urnov, W. Biel, R.K. Janev, and T. Schlummer, “Non-statistical simulations for neutral beam spectroscopy in fusion plasmas,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, AIP Conf. Proc. 1438, 169 (2012).

Articles in 2011 184. Y. Liu, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, C.C. Havener, H.F. Krause, D.R. Schultz, D.W. Stracener, C.R. Vane, C. Geppert, T. Kessler, K. Wies, and K. Wendt, “Studies of the time profiles of ions produced in a hot-cavity resonant ionization laser ion source,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 269, 2771 (2011). 183. Y. Wu, P.C. Stancil, H.P Liebermann, P. Funke, S.N. Rai, R.J. Buenker, D.R. Schultz, Y. Hui, I.N. Draganic, and C.C. Havener, “Theoretical investigation of charge transfer between N6+ and atomic hydrogen,” Phys. Rev. A 84, 022711 (2011). 182. D.R. Schultz, S.Y. Ovchinnikov, J.B. Sternberg, and J.H. Macek, “Recent applications of the lattice, time-dependent Schrödinger equation approach for ion-atom collisions,” Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry – The 21st CAARI, AIP Conference Series 1336, 123 (AIP, Melville, New York, 2011). 181. D.R. Schultz, “Heavy particle collision data for fusion and astrophysics,” Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications – ICAMDATA-2010, AIP Conference Proceedings 1344, 159 (AIP, Melville, New York, 2011). 180. S.Y. Ovchinnikov, J.H. Macek, L.Ph.H. Schmidt, and D.R. Schultz, “Theoretical demonstration of the feasibility of observing vortices in the ejected electron spectrum in bare-ion – two-electron-atom collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 83, 060701(R) (2011).

Articles in 2010

179. S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, J.B. Sternberg, J.H. Macek, T-G. Lee, and D.R. Schultz, “Creating and manipulating vortices in atomic wavefunctions with short electric field pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 203005 (2010). 178. N. Ozak, D.R. Schultz, T.E. Cravens, V. Kharchenko, Y.-W. Hui, “Auroral X-ray emission at Jupiter: Depth effects,” J. Geophys. Res 115, A11306 (2010). 177. Y. Hui, T.E. Cravens, N. Ozak, and D.R. Schultz, “What can be learned from the absence of auroral X-ray emission from Saturn?,” J. Geophys. Res. 115, A10239 (2010). 176. J. Simcic, D.R. Schultz, R.J. Mawhorter, J.B. Greenwood, C. Winstead, B.V. McCoy, S.J. Smith, and A. Chutjian, “Measurement and calculation of absolute single and multiple charge exchange cross sections for Feq+ ions impacting H2O,” Ap. J. 722, 435 (2010). 175. V. Ramanathan, S. Banerjee, N. Powers, N. Cunningham, N. Chandler-Smith, K. Zhao, K. Brown, D. Umstadter, S. Clarke, S. Pozzi, J.R Beene, C.R. Vane, and D.R. Schultz, “Submillimeter-resolution radiography of shielded structures with laser accelerated electron beams,” Phys. Rev. Special Topics – Accel. and Beams 13, 104701 (2010). 174. J. Simcic, D.R. Schultz, R.J. Mawhorter, I. Cadez, J.B Greenwood, A. Chutjian, C.M Lisse, and S.J. Smith, “Measurement and calculation of absolute single- and multiple-charge-exchange cross sections for Feq+ ions impacting CO and CO2,” Phys. Rev. A 81, 062715 (2010). 173. Y.-W. Hui, D.R. Schultz, V.A. Kharchenko, A. Bhardwaj, G. Branduardi-Raymont, P.C. Stancil, T.E. Cravens, C.M. Lisse, and A. Dalgarno, “Comparative analysis and variability of the Jovian X-ray spectra detected by the Chandra and XMM_Newton Observatories,” J. Geophys. Res. 115, A07102 (2010). 172. R. Ali, P.A. Neill, P. Beiersdorfer, C.L. Harris, D.R. Schultz, and P.C. Stancil, “Critical test of simulations of charge-exchange-induced X-ray emission in the solar system,” Astrophys. J. Lett. 716, L95 (2010). 171. D.R Schultz, T-G. Lee, and S.D. Loch, “Calculations and analysis of cross sections required for argon charge exchange recombination spectroscopy,” J. Phys. B 43, 144002 (2010).

Articles in 2009

170. D.R. Schultz, J.H. Macek, J.B. Sternberg, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, and T.-G. Lee, “Origin, evolution, and imaging of vortices in proton-hydrogen collisions,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 012041 (2009).

169. Y-.W. Hui, D.R. Schultz, V.A. Kharchenko, P.C. Stancil, T.E. Cravens, C.M. Lisse, and A. Dalgarno, “The ion-induced charge-exchange X-ray emission of the Jovian auroras: Magnetospheric or solar wind origin?,” Astrophys. J. Lett. 702, L158 (2009). 168. Y. Liu, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, Ch. Geppert, T. Gottwald, C.C. Havener, T. Kessler, H.F. Krause, D.R. Schultz, D.W. Stracener, C.R. Vane, K. Wies, and K. Wendt, “Emittance characterization of a hot-cavity laser ion sources at Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility,” Review of Scientific Instr. 80, 083304 (2009). 167. N.J. Cunningham, S. Banerjee, V. Ramanathan, N. Powers, N. Chandler-Smith, C.R. Vane, D.R. Schultz, S. Pozzi, S. Clarke, J. R. Beene, and D.P. Umstadter, “High-energy laser-accelerated electron beams for long-range interrogation,” in Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 20th International Conference, edited by F.D. McDaniel and B.L. Doyle (AIP, New York, 2009) p. 638.

166. S.Y. Ovchinnikov, J.H. Macek, J.S. Sternberg, T-G. Lee, and D.R. Schultz, “Evolution of quantum systems from microscopic to macroscopic scales,” in Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 20th International Conference, edited by F.D. McDaniel and B.L. Doyle (AIP, New York, 2009) p. 164. 165. P.S. Krstic and D.R. Schultz, “Mean free paths and elastic and related transport cross sections for neutrals and singly-charged ions of Le, Be, and B in hydrogen plasmas,” Phys. Plasmas 16, 053503 (2009). 164. P.S. Krstic and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic and related transport cross sections for singly-charged ion-atom scattering of light metals (Li, Be, B) and hydrogen,” J. Phys. B 42, 065207 (2009). 163. J.H. Macek, J.B. Sternberg, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, T-G. Lee, and D.R. Schultz, “Origin, evolution, and imaging of vortices in atomic processes,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 134201 (2009).

Articles in 2008 162. S. Banerjee, N. Powers, V. Ramanathan, N. Cunningham, N. Chandler-Smith, S. Chen, B. Shadwick, D. Umstadter, R. Vane, D. Schultz, J. Beene, and S. Pozzi, “All-laser-driven, MeV-energy X-ray sources for detection of SNM,” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (2008) p. 1. 161. T-G. Lee, N. Balakrishnan, R.C. Forrey, P.C. Stancil, G. Shaw, D.R. Schultz, and G.J. Ferland, “Rotational quenching rate coefficients for H2 in collisions with H2 from 2 to 10,000 K,” Ap. J 689, 1105 (2008). 160. V. Kharchenko, A. Bhardwaj, A. Dalgarno, D.R. Schultz, and P. Stancil, “Modeling spectra of the north and south Jovian x-ray auroras,” J. Geophys. Res. 113, A08229 (2008).

159. C.S. Chang, S. Klasky, J. Cummings, R. Samtaney, A. Shoshani, L. Sugiyama, D. Keyes, S. Ku, G. Park, S. Parker, N. Podhorszki, H. Strauss, H. Abbasi, M. Adams, R. Barreto, G. Bateman, K. Bennett, Y. Chen, E.D. D’Azevedo, C. Docan, S. Ethier, E. Feibush, L. Greengard, T. Hahm, F. Hinton, C. Jin, A. Khan, A Kritz, P. Krstic, T. Lao, W. Lee, Z. Lin, J. Lofstead, P. Mouallem, M. Nagappan, A. Pankin, M. Parashar, M. Pindzola, C. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, K. Schwan, D. Silver, A. Sim, D. Stotler, M. Vouk, M. Wolf, H. Weitzner, P. Worley, Y. Xiao, E. Yoon, and D. Zorin, “Towards a first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas,“ Journal of Physics: Conference Series 125, 012042 (2008). 158. T. Minami, T-G. Lee, M.S. Pindzola, and D.R. Schultz, “Total and state-selective charge transfer in He2+ + H collisions,” J. Phys. B 41, 135201 (2008). 157. D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstic, T-G. Lee, and J.C. Raymond, “Momentum transfer and viscosity from proton – hydrogen collisions relevant to shocks and other astrophysical environment,” Ap. J 678, 950 (2008). 156. M. Seliger, C.O. Reinhold, T. Minami, D.R. Schultz, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdorfer, E. Lamour, J-P. Rozet, and D. Vernhet, “Occupation of fine-structure states in electron capture and transport,” Phys. Rev. A 77, 042713 (2008). 155. M.S. Pindzola and D.R. Schultz, “Time-dependent lattice methods for ion-atom collisions in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems,” Phys. Rev. A 77, 014701 (2008). 154. A. Maksimchuk, S. Reed, S.S. Bulanov, V. Chvykov, G. Kalintchenko, T. Matsuoka, C. McGuffey, G. Mourou, N. Naumova, J. Nees, P. Rousseau, V. Yanovsky, K. Krushelnick, N.H. Matlis, S. Kalmykov, G. Shvets, M.C. Downer, C.R. Vane, J.R. Beene, D. Stracener, and D.R. Schultz, “Studies of laser wakefield structures and electron acceleration in underdense plasmas,” Phys. Plasmas 15, 056703 (2008).

Articles in 2007 153. M.S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, S.D. Loch, J.C. Berengut, J. Colgan, M. Foster, D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, N.R. Badnell, M.C. Witthoeft, D.R. Schultz, and T. Minami, “Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of atomic and molecular collision processes,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 88, 012012 (2007). 152. T. Kessler, K. Bruck, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, C. Geppert, C.C. Havener, H.F. Krause, Y. Liu, D.R. Schultz, D.W. Stracener, C.R. Vane, and K. Wendt, “Three-step resonant photoionization spectroscopy of Ni and Ge: Ionization potential and odd-parity Rydberg levels,” J. Phys. B 40, 4413 (2007).

151. T-G. Lee, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, J. Sternberg, V. Chupryna, D.R. Schultz, and J.H. Macek, “Quantum treatment of continuum electrons in the fields of moving charges,” Phys. Rev. A 76, 050701(R) (2007). 150. S.A. Reed, V. Chvykov, G. Kalintchenko, T. Matsuoka, V. Yanovsky, C.R. Vane, J.R. Beene, D. Stracener, D.R. Schultz, and A. Maksimchuk, “Efficient initiation of photonuclear reactions using quasimonoenergetic electron beams from laser wakefield acceleration,” J. App. Phys. 102, 073103 (2007). 149. T. Minami, M.S. Pindzola, T-G. Lee, and D.R. Schultz, “Numerical study of the total charge transfer cross section in H+ + He+ and He2+ + Li2+ collisions,” J. Phys. B 40, 3629 (2007). 148. Y. Ralchenko and D.R. Schultz, “Database Demonstration Sessions at ICAMDATA-5,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA), ed. E. Roueff, AIP Conference Proceedings 901 (AIP, Melville, New York, 2007) p.249. 147. M.S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, S.D. Loch, J.C. Berengut, T. Topcu, J. Colgan, D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, D.R. Schultz, T. Minami, N.R. Badnell, M.C. Witthoeft, D.R. Plante, J.A. Ludlow, and U. Kleiman, “The time-dependent close-coupling method for atomic and molecular collision processes,” J. Phys. B 40, R39 (2007). 146. C.O. Reinhold, M. Seliger, T. Minami, D.R. Schultz, and J. Burgdorfer, “Quantum and classical transport of excited states of ions,” Nucl. Instr. and Methods Phys. Res. B 261, 125 (2007). 145. M. Seliger, C.O. Reinhold, T. Minami, D.R. Schultz, M.S. Pindzola, S. Yoshida, J. Burgdorfer, E. Lamour, J-P. Rozet, and D. Vernhet, “Capture and transport of electronic states of fast ions penetrating solids: An open quantum system approach with sink and source terms,” Phys. Rev. A 75, 032714 (2007).

Articles in 2006

144. L.H. Toburen, S.L. McLawhorn, R.S. McLawhorn, N. Evans, E.L.B. Justiniano, J.L. Shinpaugh, D.R. Schultz, and C.O. Reinhold. “Charge transfer and ionization by intermediate energy heavy ions,” Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 122, 22 (2006).

143. S. Reed, C.R. Vane, A. Maksimchuk, V. Yanovsky, V. Chvykov, G. Kalintchenko, P. Rousseau, D. Stracener, J.R. Beene, and D.R. Schultz, “Photonuclear fission with quasi-monoenergetic electron beams accelerated from laser wakefields,” App. Phys. Lett. 89, 231107 (2006). 142. S.A. Reed, N. Naumova, C.R. Vane, J.R. Beene, S.S. Bulanov, V. Chvykov, B. Hou, G. Kalintchenko, T. Matsuoka, R. Rousseau, D.R. Schultz, D.W. Strancer, V. Yanovsky,

and A. Maksimchuk, “Laser wakefield acceleration of high-quality electron beams to 300 MeV and efficient initiation of photonuclear reactions,” Advanced Accelerator Concepts: 12th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, AIP Conference Proceedings (November 2006, AIP) 877, 771 (2006). 141. J.G. Wang, B. He, Y. Ning, C.L. Liu, J. Yan, P.C. Stancil, and D.R. Schultz, “Charge transfer and ionization in collisions of Si3+ with H from low to high energy,” Phys. Rev. A 74, 052709 (2006). 140. T-G. Lee, N. Balakrishnan, R.C. Forrey, P.C. Stancil, D.R. Schultz, and G.J. Ferland, “State-to-state rotational transitions in H2+H2 collisions at low temperatures,” J. Chem. Phys. 125, 114302 (2006). 139. V. Kharchenko, A. Dalgarno, D.R. Schultz, and P.C. Stancil, “Ion emission spectra in the Jovian x-ray aurora,” Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L11105 (2006). 138. T. Minami, M.S. Pindzola, T-G. Lee, and D.R. Schultz, “Lattice, time-dependent Schrodinger equation approach for charge transfer in collisions of Be4+ with atomic hydrogen,” J. Phys. B 39, 2877 (2006). 137. P.S. Krstic and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic and related transport cross sections for protons scattering from the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe,” Phys. Plasmas 13, 053501 (2006). 136. Y. Liu, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, H. Z. Bilheux, C.C. Havener, H.F. Krause, D.R. Schultz, D. W. Stracener, C.R. Vane, K. Bruck, Ch. Geppert, T. Kessler, and K. Wendt, “Laser ion source tests at the HRIBF on stable Sn, Ge, and Ni isotopes,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 243, 442 (2006).

Articles in 2005 135. D.R. Schultz and P.C. Stancil, “Working group on collision processes” Trans. Int. Astron. Union (2005). 134. P.S. Krstic, J.H. Macek, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, and D.R. Schultz, “Analysis of all structures in the elastic and charge transfer cross sections for proton-hydrogen collisions in the range of 10-10 -102 eV,” Proceedings of the XXIV ICPEAC, Rosario, R. Rivarola, ed. (2005). 133. M.S. Pindzola, T-G. Lee, T. Minami, and D.R. Schultz, “Excitation and charge transfer in p + H(2s) collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 72, 062703 (2005). 132. R. Ali, P.A. Neill, P. Beiersdorfer, C.L. Harris, M.J. Rakovic, J.G. Wang, D.R. Schultz, and P.C. Stancil, “On the significance of the contribution of multiple-electron capture processes to cometary x-ray emission,” Ap. J. 629, L125 (2005).

131. D.R. Schultz, “The atomic and molecular data community and interaction process,” Proceedings of the 4th ICAMDATA, T. Kato, H. Funaba, and D. Kato eds. (AIP Conference Proceedings 771, 2005) p 255. 130. Y. Ralchenko, R.E.H. Clark, D. Humbert, D.R. Schultz, T. Kato, and Y.-J. Rhee, “Development of the atomic and molecular data markup language for internet data exchange,” Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 7, 338 (2005). 129. T. Minami, D.R. Schultz, and M.S. Pindzola, “Contribution of lattice time-dependent Schrödinger equation approach to the Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center,” Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 7, 265 (2005). 128. T.-G. Lee, C. Rochow, R. Martin, T.K. Clark, R.C. Forrey, N. Balakrishnan, P.C. Stancil, D.R. Schultz, A. Dalgarno, and G.J. Ferland, “Close-coupling calculations of low-energy inelastic and elastic processes in 4He collisions with H2: A comparative study of two potential energy surfaces,” J. Chem. Phys. 122, 024307 (2005). 127. A.E. Glassgold, P.S. Krstic, and D.R. Schultz, “H+ + H scattering and ambipolar diffusion heating,” Ap. J. 621, 808 (2005). 126. D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, M.S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, S.D. Loch, J.A. Ludlow, M.C. Witthoeft, J. Colgan, C.J. Fontes, and D.R. Schultz, “The validity of classical and perturbative quantal methods for electron-impact ionization from excited states of H-like ions,” J. Phys. B 38, L199 (2005).

Articles in 2004 125. T. Minami, C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, and M.S. Pindzola, “Coherence parameters for charge transfer in collisions of protons with helium calculated using a hybrid numerical approach,” J. Phys. B 37, 4025 (2004). 124. A. Maksimchuk, K. Flippo, H. Krause, G. Mourou, K. Nemoto, D.R. Schultz, D. Umstadter, C.R. Vane, V.Yu. Bychenkov, G.I. Dudnikova, V.F. Kovalev, K. Mima, V.N. Novikov, Y. Sentoku, and S.V. Tolokonnikov, “High-energy ion generation by short laser pulses,” Plasma Physics Reports 30, 473 (2004). 123. P.S. Krstic, J.H. Macek, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, and D.R. Schultz, “Analysis of structures in the cross sections for elastic scattering and spin exchange in low energy H+ + H collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 70, 042711 (2004). 122. D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstic, T. Minami, M.S. Pindzola, F.J. Robicheaux, J.P. Colgan, S.D. Loch, D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, N.R. Badnell, and H.P. Summers, “Computational atomic physics for plasma edge modeling,” Contrib. Plasma Phys. 44, 247 (2004).

Articles in 2003 121. M.S. Pindzola, T. Minami, and D.R. Schultz, “Laser-modified charge-transfer processes in proton collisions with lithium atoms,” Phys. Rev. A 68, 013404 (2003). 120. P.S. Krstic, R.K. Janev, and D.R. Schultz, “Three-body, diatomic association in cold hydrogen plasmas,” J. Phys. B 36, L249 (2003). 119. D.R. Schultz and P.S. Krstic, “Ionization of helium by antiprotons: Fully correlated, four-dimensional lattice approach,” Phys. Rev. A 67, 022712 (2003). 118. P.S. Krstic, D.R. Schultz, and T. Chung, “Elastic and transport cross sections for argon in hydrogen plasmas,” Phys. Plasmas 10, 869 (2003). 117. P.S. Krstic and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic processes involving vibrationally excited molecules in cold hydrogen plasmas,” J. Phys. B 36, 385 (2003).

Articles in 2002 116. D.R. Schultz and P.C. Stancil, “Working Group Report on Collision Processes,” Reports on Astronomy, Vol. XXVA (R. Hickman, ed., 2002). 115. F.W. Meyer, M.E. Bannister, C.C. Havener, H.F. Krause, P.S. Krstic, D.R. Schultz, A. Agarwal, D. Swenson, and F. Yan, “Ion-implantation-related atomic collision studies at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility,” Proceedings of the 13th APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, D.R. Schultz, F.W. Meyer, and F.M. Ownby, eds. (AIP Conference Proceedings 635, 2002) p. 125. 114. P.C. Stancil, J.G. Wang, M.J. Rakovic, D.R. Schultz, and R. Ali, “Charge transfer data needs for cometary x-ray emission modeling,” Proceedings of the 3rd ICAMDATA, D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstic, and F.M. Ownby, eds. (AIP Conference Proceedings 636, 2002) p. 144. 113. P.S. Krstic and D.R. Schultz, “Atomic and molecular databases for fusion divertor plasmas,” Proceedings of the 3rd ICAMDATA, D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstic, and F.M. Ownby, eds. (AIP Conference Proceedings 636, 2002) p. 277. 112. J.G. Wang, A.R. Turner, D.L. Cooper, D.R. Schultz, M.J. Rakovic, W. Fritsch, P.C. Stancil, and B. Zygelman, “Electron capture in collisions of S4+ with helium,” J. Phys. B 35, 3137 (2002). 111. D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstic, C.O. Reinhold, M.R. Strayer, M.S. Pindzola, and J.C. Wells, “Recent advances and applications of lattice, time-dependent approaches:

Fundamental one- and two-electron collision systems,” Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Proceedings of the XXII ICPEAC, J. Burgdorfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, and C.R. Vane, eds. (Rinton Press, Princeton, 2002) p. 536. 110. M.S. Pindzola, F.J. Robicheaux, J. Colgan, D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, and D.R. Schultz, “Time dependent dynamics of atomic systems,” Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Proceedings of the XXII ICPEAC, J. Burgdorfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, and C.R. Vane, eds. (Rinton Press, Princeton, 2002) p. 483. 109. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, P.S. Krstic, and M.R. Strayer, “Ejected-electron spectrum in low-energy proton-hydrogen collisions,” Phys. Rev. A. 65, 052722 (2002). 108. P.S. Krstic, D.R. Schultz, and R.K. Janev, “Charge transfer processes in slow collisions of protons with vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules,” Physica Scripta T96, 61 (2002). 107. D.R. Schultz and P.S. Krstic, “Transport cross sections relevant to cool hydrogen plasmas bounded by graphite,” Phys. Plasmas 9, 64 (2002).

Articles in 2001 106. A.A. Hasan, F. Eissa, R. Ali, D.R. Schultz, and P.C. Stancil, “State-selective charge transfer studies relevant to solar wind-comet interactions,” Ap. J. 560, L201 (2001). 105. D.R. Schultz, P.C. Stancil, and M.J. Rakovic, “Classical/quantal correspondence in state-selective charge transfer for partially stripped ion impact of atomic hydrogen: Improvements to the CTMC method,” J. Phys. B 34, 2739 (2001). 104. M.J. Rakovic, D.R. Schultz, P.C. Stancil, and R.K. Janev, “On quantum-classical correspondence in classical studies of atomic processes,” J. Phys. A 34, 4753 (2001). 103. P.C. Stancil, A.R. Turner, D.L. Cooper, D.R. Schultz, M.J. Rakovic, W. Fritsch, and B. Zygelman, “Electron capture in collisions of S4+ with atomic hydrogen,” J. Phys. B 34, 2481 (2001). 102. D.O. Odero, J.L. Peacher, D.R. Schultz, and D.H. Madison, “Time-dependent treatment of electron-hydrogen scattering for higher angular momenta (L>0),” Phys. Rev. A 63, 022708 (2001). 101. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic and inelastic collision processes at low energies which involve hydrogen ions, atoms, and molecules,” Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion 9, 135 (2001).

Articles in 2000

100. R.K. Janev and D.R. Schultz, “Workshop on molecule assisted recombination and other processes in fusion divertor plasmas: Summary report,” ORNL/TM-2000/313 (November 2000). 99. M.A. Abdallah, C.R. Vane, C.C. Havener, D.R. Schultz, H.F. Krause, N. Jones, and S. Datz, “Multiple ionization in fast ion-atom collisions: Simultaneous measurement of recoil momentum and projectile energy loss,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 278 (2000). 98. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Atomic and molecular transport processes in cool hydrogen plasma,” in Atomic Processes in Plasmas, AIP Conference Proceedings 547, edited by R.C. Mancini and R.A. Phaneuf (AIP, Melville, 2000) p. 53. 97. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “The ORNL Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, July 29-30, 1999, National Institute for Fusion Sciences, Toki, Japan, edited by T. Kato and I. Murakami, NIFS-PROC-44, 84 (2000). 96. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic collisions and related transport processes in cold hydrogen plasmas,” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, July 29-30, 1999,National Institute for Fusion Sciences, Toki, Japan, edited by T. Kato and I. Murakami, NIFS-PROC-44, 49 (2000). 95. W. Liu and D.R. Schultz, “Ultraviolet emission from oxygen precipitating into Jovian aurora,” Ap. J. 530, 500 (2000).

Articles in 1999 94. P.C. Stancil, D.R. Schultz, M. Kimura, J.-P. Gu, G. Hirsch, and R.J. Buenker, “Charge transfer in collisions of O+ with H and H+ with O,” Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 140, 225 (1999). 93. D.R. Schultz and P.C. Stancil, “Collision processes,” Reports on Astronomy XXIVA, 13 (1999). 92. W. Liu and D.R. Schultz, “Jovian X ray aurora and energetic oxygen ion precipitation,” Ap. J. 526, 538 (1999). 91. M.J. Jamieson, A. Dalgarno, B. Zygelman, P.S. Krstić, and D.R. Schultz, “Collisions of ground-state hydrogen atoms,” Phys. Rev. A 61, 014701 (1999). 90. G.D. Buffington, D.H. Madison, J.L Peacher, and D.R. Schultz, “Lattice, time-dependent approach for electron-hydrogen scattering,” J. Phys. B 32, 2991 (1999).

89. D.R. Schultz, M.R. Strayer, and J.C. Wells, “Lattice, time-dependent Schrödinger equation solution for ion-atom collisions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3976 (1999). 88. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic scattering and charge transfer in slow collisions: Isotopes of H and H+ colliding with isotopes of H and with He,” J. Phys. B 32, 3485 (1999). 87. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic and vibrationally inelastic slow collisions: H + H2, H+ + H2,” J. Phys. B 32, 2415 (1999). 86. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Consistent definitions for, and relationships among, cross sections for elastic scattering of hydrogen ions, atoms, and molecules,” Phys. Rev. A 60, 2118 (1999). 85. P.S. Krstić and D.R. Schultz, “Elastic and related transport cross sections for collisions among isotopomers of H+ + H, H+ + He, H + H, and H + H2,” Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion 8, 1 (1999). 84. A. Kolakowska, M.S. Pindzola, and D.R. Schultz, “Total electron loss, charge transfer, and ionization in proton-hydrogen collisions at 10-100 keV,” Phys. Rev. A 59, 3588 (1999). 83. D.J. Jeffery, P.S. Krstić, W. Liu, D.R. Schultz, and P.C. Stancil, “Atomic and molecular physics and data activities for astrophysics at Oak Ridge National Laboratory,” in Proceedings of the NASA Laboratory Space Science Workshop, April 1-3, 1998, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, edited by W.H. Parkinson, K. Kirby, and P.L. Smith (1999) p. 101.

Articles in 1998

82. U. Bechthold, J. Ullrich, U. Ramm, G. Kraft, S. Hagmann, C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, and H. Schmidt-Böcking, “Intra-atomic double scattering of binary encounter electrons in heavy ion collisions with gas targets,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 146, 46 (1998). 81. D.R. Schultz and C.O. Reinhold, “Elastic – Elastic scattering of electrons from ions and atoms,” Computer Physics Communications 114, 342 (1998). 80. P.C. Stancil, P.S. Krstić, and D.R. Schultz, “Heavy particle atomic collisions in astrophysics: Beyond H and He targets,” in Atomic Processes in Plasmas, AIP Conference Proceedings 443, edited by E. Oks and M.S. Pindzola (AIP, New York, 1998) p. 185.

79. M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik, J.A. Shaw, D.C. Griffin, N.R. Badnell, H.P. Summers, and D.R. Schultz, “Electron-impact ionization of atomic ions in the Na isoelectronic sequence,” Physica Scripta 57, 514 (1998). 78. A. Kolakowska, M.S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, D.R. Schultz, and J.C. Wells, “Excitation and charge transfer in proton-hydrogen collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 58, 2872 (1998). 77. C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, U. Bechthold, J. Ullrich, U. Ramm, G. Kraft, and H. Schmidt-Böcking, “Ternary ridge of electrons from fast ion-atom collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 58, 2611 (1998). 76. U. Bechthold, J. Ullrich, U. Ramm, G. Kraft, S. Hagmann, D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and H. Schmidt-Böcking, “Binary encounter electron emission after fast heavy-ion impact on complex rare and molecular gas targets,” Phys. Rev. A 58, 1971 (1998). 75. P.S. Krstić, P.C. Stancil, and D.R. Schultz, “Theoretical treatment of charge transfer processes of relevance to astrophysics,” in Stellar Evolution, Stellar Explosions, and Galactic Chemical Evolution, Proc. Second Oak Ridge Symposium on Atomic and Nuclear Physics, edited by A. Mezzacappa (IoP, Bristol, 1998) p. 79. 74. D.G. Whyte, R.C. Isler, M.R. Wade, D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstić, C.C. Hung, and W.P. West, “Argon density measurements from charge-exchange spectroscopy,” Phys. Plasmas 5, 3694 (1998). 73. P.C. Stancil, J.-P. Gu, C.C. Havener, P.S. Krstić, D.R. Schultz, M. Kimura, M. Bannister, B. Zygelman, G. Hirsch, and R.J. Buenker, “Electron capture in collisions of C+ with H and H+ with C,” J. Phys. B 31, 3647 (1998). 72. P.C. Stancil, C.C. Havener, P.S. Krstić, D.R. Schultz, M. Kimura, J.-P. Gu, G. Hirsch, R.J. Buenker, and B. Zygelman, “Charge transfer in collisions of C+ with H and H+ with C,” Ap. J. 502, 1006 (1998). 71. D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstić, F.M. Ownby, F.W. Meyer, C.C. Havener, M.E. Bannister, W. Liu, D.J. Jeffery, and P.C. Stancil, “The ORNL Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, Sept.29-Oct.2, 1997, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST Special Publications 926, 65 (1998). 70. D.R. Schultz, “Panel on increasing the visibility and publicity for data activities and assuring the open exchange of data,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, Sept.29-Oct.2, 1997, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, AIP Conference Proceedings 434, edited by P.J. Mohr and W.L. Wiese (AIP, Woodbury, 1998) p. 397.

69. D.R. Schultz, “Atomic collision databases and data services -- A survey,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications, Sept.29-Oct.2, 1997, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, AIP Conference Proceedings 434, edited by P.J. Mohr and W.L. Wiese (AIP, Woodbury, 1998) p. 119. 68. P.S. Krstić, C.O. Reinhold, and D.R. Schultz, “Interference oscillations in the excitation cross section for slow ion-hydrogen collisions,” J. Phys. B 31, L155 (1998). 67. V.A. Bilyk, V.L. Shablov, P.S. Krstić, and D.R. Schultz, “Coulomb effects in the interaction of a charged particle with a two-fragment quantum system,” J. Phys. A 31, 4743 (1998). 66. W. Liu, D.J. Jeffery, and D.R. Schultz, “Ionization structure of Type Ia supernovae: Electron impact, photon impact, or charge transfer?,” Ap. J. 494, 812 (1998). 65. G. Bent, P.S. Krstić, and D.R. Schultz, “The multi-electron, hidden-crossings method for inelastic processes in slow ion/atom-atom collisions,” J. Chem. Phys. 108, 1459 (1998). 64. B. Rosner, S. Datz, W. Wu, N.L. Jones, D.R. Schultz, and C.O. Reinhold, “Charge-state dependence of energy loss in random solids,” Phys. Rev. 57, 2737 (1998). 63. P.S. Krstić, D.R. Schultz, and G. Bent, “Ionization of He by slow protons,” J. Phys. B 31, 183 (1998).

Articles in 1997 62. W. Liu, D.J. Jeffery, D.R. Schultz, J. Shaw and M.S. Pindzola, “Emission from cobalt in Type Ia supernovae,” Ap. J. Lett. 489, L141 (1997). 61. D.R. Schultz, J.C. Wells, P.S. Krstić, and C.O. Reinhold, “Lattice Schrödinger-equation approach for excitation and ionization of He+ by antiproton impact,” Phys. Rev. A 56, 3710 (1997). 60. W. Liu, D.J. Jeffery, and D.R. Schultz, “Nebular spectra of the unusual Type Ia supernova 1991T,” Ap. J. Lett. 486, L35 (1997). 59. W. Liu, D.J. Jeffery, and D.R. Schultz, “Nebular spectra of Type Ia supernovae,” Ap. J. Lett. 483, L107 (1997). 58. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and P.S. Krstić, “Analysis of unexplained oscillations in intermediate-energy ion-atom collisions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2720 (1997).

57. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and P.S. Krstić, “On the unexpected oscillation of the total cross section for excitation in low- to intermediate-energy He2+ + H collisions,” Physica Scripta T73, 217 (1997). 56. D.R. Schultz and P.S. Krstić, “Elastic, excitation, ionization, and charge transfer cross sections of current interest in fusion energy research,” in Present status on atomic and molecular data relevant to fusion plasma diagnostics and modeling, edited by H. Tawara, National Institute for Fusion Science NIFS-DATA-39 (1997) p. 50. 55. D.R. Schultz, “Electron collisions with atoms and atomic ions,” Reports on Astronomy XXIIIA, 18 (1997).

Articles in 1996 54. P.S. Krstić, G. Bent, and D.R. Schultz, “New method for treating slow multielectron, multi-center atomic collisions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2428 (1996). 53. D.R. Schultz and J.K. Nash, “On-line atomic data access, in Atomic Processes in Plasmas, AIP Conference Proceedings 381, edited by A.L. Osterheld and W.H. Goldstein (AIP, Woodbury, 1996) p. 197. 52. D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstić, and C.O. Reinhold, “Inelastic processes in 1-1000 keV/u collisions of Beq+ (q=2-4) ions with atomic and molecular hydrogen,” Physica Scripta T62, 69 (1996). 51. P.S. Krstić, D.R. Schultz, and G. Bent, “Elastic processes in slow collisions of Be and Be ions with hydrogen,” Physica Scripta T62, 21 (1996). 50. M.S. Pindzola and D.R. Schultz, “Time-dependent close-coupling method for electron-impact ionization of hydrogen,” Phys. Rev. A 53, 1525 (1996). 49. J.C. Wells, D.R. Schultz, P. Gavras, and M.S. Pindzola, “Numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for intermediate energy collisions of antiprotons with hydrogen,” Phys. Rev. A 54, 593 (1996). 48. P.S. Krstić, D.R. Schultz, and R.K. Janev, “Inelastic processes in slow collisions of antiprotons with hydrogenic ions,” J. Phys. B 29, 1941 (1996). 47. D.R. Schultz, P.S. Krstić, C.O. Reinhold, and J.C. Wells, “Ionization of hydrogen and hydrogenic ions by antiprotons,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2882 (1996). 46. D.R. Schultz, “Time-dependent, lattice approach to atomic collisions,” in Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, AIP Conference Proceedings 360, edited by L.J. Dube, J.B.A. Mitchell, J.W. McConkey, and C.E. Brion (AIP, Woodbury, 1996) p. 455.

45. D.R. Schultz and M.R. Strayer, “Computational techniques,” in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Reference Book, edited by G.W.F. Drake (AIP, Woodbury, 1996) p. 104. 44. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and R.E. Olson, “Two-center effects in the ejected-electron spectra in ion-atom collisions,” in Symposium on Two-Center Effects in Ion-Atom Collisions, AIP Conference Proceedings 362, edited by T.J. Gay and A.F. Starace (AIP, Woodbury, 1996) p. 84.

Articles in 1995 43. D.R. Schultz and P.S. Krstić, “Inelastic processes in 0.1-1000 keV/u collisions of Neq+ (q=7-10) ions with atomic hydrogen,” Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion 6, 173 (1995). 42. P. Gavras, M.S. Pindzola, D.R. Schultz, and J.C. Wells, “Direct solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for proton-hydrogen collisions in two-dimensional Cartesian space,” Phys. Rev. A 52, 3868 (1995). 41. Y.-Y. Hsu, G.W. Kerby III, M.W. Gealy, M.E. Rudd, D.R. Schultz, and C.O. Reinhold, “Energy and angular distributions of electrons from ion impact on atomic and molecular hydrogen. IV. 28-114 keV He+ + H,” Phys. Rev. A 53, 303 (1995). 40. D.R. Schultz, “The fully correlated two-electron problem on a numerical lattice,” in Conference Proceedings of Fourth US/Mexico Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995), p. 42. 39. D.R. Schultz, S.Yu. Ovchinnikov, and S.V. Passovets, “Elastic and related cross sections for low energy collisions among hydrogen and helium ions, neutrals, and isotopes,” in Atomic and Molecular Processes in Magnetic Fusion Edge Processes, edited by R.K. Janev (Plenum, New York, 1995), p. 279. 38. G.W. Kerby III, M.W. Gealy, Y.-Y. Hsu, M.E. Rudd, D.R. Schultz, and C.O. Reinhold, “Energy and angular distributions of electrons from ion impact on atomic and molecular hydrogen. II. 20-114 keV H+ + H,” Phys. Rev. A 51, 2256 (1995). 37. D.R. Schultz, “The two-electron problem and prospects for atomic collision theory on a numerical lattice,” in Atomic Collisions: A Symposium in Honor of Christopher Bottcher, AIP Conference Proceedings 347, edited by D.R. Schultz, M.R. Strayer, and J.H. Macek (AIP, New York, 1995) p. 167. 36. D.R. Schultz, “Atomic and molecular data needs for fusion,” in Atomic Processes in Plasmas, AIP Conference Proceedings 322, edited by W.L. Rowan (AIP, New York, 1995) p. 3.

Articles in 1994 35. D.R. Schultz and C.O. Reinhold, “Theoretical description of the ejected-electron spectrum in collisions of 1.5 MeV/u F9+ with helium,” Phys. Rev. A 50, 2390 (1994). 34. M. Sataka, M. Imai, Y. Yamazaki, K. Komaki, K. Kawatsura, Y. Kanai, H. Tawara, D.R. Schultz, and C.O. Reinhold, “Projectile charge state dependence of binary electron production for 1 MeV u-1 Auq+ (q=12-37) ion impact on He,” J. Phys. B 27, L171 (1994). 33. D.R. Schultz, C. Bottcher, D.H. Madison, J.L Peacher, G. Buffington, M.S. Pindzola, T.W. Gorczyca, P. Gavras, and D.C. Griffin, “Time-dependent approach to atomic autoionization,” Phys. Rev. A 50, 1348 (1994). 32. C. Bottcher, D.R. Schultz, and D.H. Madison, “Correlated two-electron wave functions of any symmetry,” Phys. Rev. A 49, 1714 (1994). 31. C.J. Lundy, R.E. Olson, D.R. Schultz, and J.P. Pascale, “Coherence parameters for electron capture in H+ + He collisions,” J. Phys. B 27, 935 (1994).

Articles in 1993 30. M.S. Pindzola, D.R. Schultz, and D.C. Griffin, “Quantal and classical differential scattering calculations for the electron-impact excitation of argon ions,” Phys. Rev. A 48, 4333 (1993).

Articles in 1992 29. D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, and L. Meng, “Classical description and calculation of ionization in collisions of 100 eV electrons and positrons with He and H2,” J. Phys. B 25, 4601 (1992). 28. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and R.E. Olson, “Classical calculation of high-energy electron capture in 5 MeV proton-hydrogen collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 46, 666 (1992). 27. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, R.E. Olson, and D.G. Seely, “Differential cross sections for state-selective electron capture in intermediate energy proton-helium collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 46, 275 (1992). 26. D.G. Seely, S.W. Bross, A.D. Gaus, J.W. Edwards, D.R. Schultz, T.J. Gay, J.T. Park, and J.L. Peacher, “Angular differential cross sections for H(2p) formation in intermediate energy proton-helium collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 45, R1287 (1992).

Articles in 1991

25. D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, C.O. Reinhold, M.W. Gealy, G.W. Kerby III, Y.-Y. Hsu, and M.E. Rudd, “Ejected-electron spectra in proton-atomic hydrogen collisions,” J. Phys. B 24, L599 (1991). 24. C. Kelbch, R. Koch, H. Schmidt-Böcking, C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, and G. Kraft, “Delta-electron emission in fast heavy ion-atom collisions: Observations of new phenomena and breakdown of common scaling laws,” Z. für Physik D 22, 713 (1991). 23. O. Jagutzki, S. Hagmann, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R.E. Olson, D.R. Schultz, R. Dörner, R. Koch, A. Skutlartz, A. Gonzalez, T.B. Quinteros, C. Kelbch, and P. Richard, “Abnormal behavior of zero degree δ-electron emission on the projectile ionic charge,” J. Phys. B 24, 2579 (1991). 22. D.R. Schultz and R.E. Olson, “Binary peak enhancement and structure in partially-stripped-ion--atom collisions,” J. Phys. B 24, 3409 (1991). 21. C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, C. Kelbch, R. Koch, and H. Schmidt-Böcking, “Quantum interference in clothed-ion - atom binary peak structures,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1842 (1991). 20. D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, and C.O. Reinhold, “Recent advances in the comparison of matter- and antimatter-atom collisions,” J. Phys. B Topical Review 24, 521 (1991). 19. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and R.E. Olson, “Binary peak electrons from partially-stripped-ion--atom collisions,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 56/57, 170 (1991). 18. R.E. Olson, C.O. Reinhold, and D.R. Schultz, “Two-center effects in ion-atom collisions,” Lecture Notes in Physics 376, 69 (1991). 17. D.R. Schultz, L. Meng, C.O. Reinhold, and R.E. Olson, “Feq+ + H, H2 and He electron loss and He2+ + H (n=1,2) electron capture cross sections: Processes of interest in fusion plasmas,” Physica Scripta T37, 89 (1991). 16. C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, and R.E. Olson, “Theoretical description of the anomalous q-dependence of the zero degree binary peak in Fq+ + H2 collisions,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 56/57, 271 (1991). 15. R.E. Olson, C.O. Reinhold, and D.R. Schultz, “Energy partitioning in multiply ionizing collisions of C6+ with Ne,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 53, 378 (1991).

Articles in 1990

14. R.E. Olson, C.O. Reinhold, and D.R. Schultz, “Ionized electron spectra in energetic heavy ion-atom collisions,” in Proceedings of X-90, The 15th Int. Conf. on X-ray and Inner Shell Processes, AIP Conference Proceedings 215, edited by T.A. Carlson, M.O. Krause, and S.T. Manson (AIP, New York, 1990) p. 352. 13. C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, and R.E. Olson, “Theoretical description of the binary peak in clothed ion-atom collisions,” J. Phys. B 23, L591 (1990). 12. R.E. Olson, C.O. Reinhold, and D.R. Schultz, “Non-q2 scaling of the ionization cross section near the binary peak,” J. Phys. B 23, L455 (1990). 11. D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, C.O. Reinhold, S. Kelbch, C. Kelbch, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and J. Ullrich, “Coincident charge state production in F6+ + Ne collisions,” J. Phys. B 23, 3839 (1990). 10. L.H. Toburen, R.D. DuBois, C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, and R.E. Olson, “Experimental and theoretical study of the electron spectra in 66.7 to 350 keV/u C+ + He collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 42, 5338 (1990). 9. C.O. Reinhold, D.R. Schultz, R.E. Olson, L.H. Toburen, and R.D. DuBois, “Electron emission from both target and projectile in C+ + He collisions,” J. Phys. B 23, L297 (1990). 8. D.R. Schultz and C.O. Reinhold, “Electron capture to the continuum and binary ridge structures in positron-hydrogen collisions,” J. Phys. B 23, L9 (1990).

Articles in 1989 7. C.O. Reinhold and D.R. Schultz, “Anticusp and binary structures in the electronic spectra arising from proton-, antiproton-helium collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 40, 7373 (1989). 6. C.O. Reinhold and D.R. Schultz, “On the shape of the electron capture to the continuum peak for structured projectiles,” J. Phys. B 22, L565 (1989). 5. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and R.E. Olson, “Large-angle scattering in positron-helium and positron-krypton collisions,” Phys. Rev. A 40, 4947 (1989). 4. D.R. Schultz, “Comparison of single-electron removal processes in collisions of electrons, positrons, protons, and antiprotons with hydrogen and helium,” Phys. Rev. A 40, 2330 (1989). 3. D.R. Schultz, C.O. Reinhold, and R.E. Olson, “Dynamics of matter-, antimatter-atom collisions,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 42, 527 (1989).

2. R.E. Olson and D.R. Schultz, “n,l Distributions for electron-capture from H(1s) by C6+ and O8+,” Physica Scripta T28, 71 (1989).

Articles in 1988

1. D.R. Schultz and R.E. Olson, “Single electron-removal in collisions of positrons and protons with helium at intermediate velocities,” Phys. Rev. A 38, 1866 (1988).
