Database Concept Fan


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  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    CFDatabase 65687201 Concept Fan

    Car, train, plane, walk, etc. Travel roads, rails, etc. Travel North Arrive at Destination

    Code # Ideas L Concepts # Directions L Objective

    Specific, concreteways of putting aconcept to work

    General method orway of doingsomething

    Very broad conceptsor approaches

    High Level ProcessFlow

    Features without benefits have no relevancy; Benefits without features have no credibility.

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    CFExample 65687201

    High Level Process Flow

    Car, train, plane, walk, etc. Travel roads, rails, etc. Travel North Arrive at Destination

    Code # Ideas L Concepts # Directions L Objective

    A1A1 1 Working at home A Reduce the need to travel 1 Reduce the traffic load A Minimize traffic congestion

    A1B2 2 Wireless Network Access B Working at home 1 Reduce the traffic load A Minimize traffic congestion

    A1C3 3 Car pooling C Increase density per vehicle 1 Reduce the traffic load A Minimize traffic congestion

    A1C4 4 Public transport C Increase density per vehicle 1 Reduce the traffic load A Minimize traffic congestion

    A2A1 1 Stagger work hours A Reduce peak load 2 Improve flow along roads A Minimize traffic congestion

    B1A1 1 In-Process Indicators A 1 B

    C1A1 1 A 1 C

    D1A1 1 A 1 D

    1 How does this idea help? How does this concept help? How does this direction help?2




    Features without benefits have no relevancy; Benefits without features have no credibility.

    Objective control city traffic congestion Ideas

    Directions Specific, concrete ways of putting a concept to work

    road concepts or approaches It must be possible to implement an idea directly

    oadest concept I can conceive idea (reduce traffic load) - working at home

    ion - reducing the traffic load idea (increase density of people per vehicle) -

    proving the flow along existing roads car pooling; public transportation

    Concepts idea (reducing the peak load) - staggering work hours

    ethods or ways of doing something Questions to ask

    traffic load) - reduce the need to travel How does this help?

    load) - increase the density of people per vehicle idea --> concept

    along existing roads) - reducing the peak load concept --> direction

    Specific, concrete ways ofputting a concept to work

    General method or way ofdoing something

    Very broad concepts orapproaches

    Ensure accurate materialhandling

    Improve flow of materialsthrough work areas

    Well-maintained andexecuted productionschedule

    Reduce office lead-timeswhich account for 50+% of

    overall lead-timesRe uce o ice expenses sincethey can account for 25+% ofCOGS

    How can this concept becarried out?

    How can this direction becarried out?

    How do I get to this point


    How do I get to this point


    How do I get to this point


  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Overview 65687201 Concept Fan

    Concept Fan-Achievement Technique

    Provides framework for generating alternative ideas

    framework forces alternatives by providing succession of fixed points

    provides new focus points

    concept - rewarding people who could drive into the city for choosing not

    to do so

    idea - ??? There may not yet be a feasible way of doing this.

    This becomes a creative focus point.

    Set out to find ways to do this.

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Evaluation 65687201 Concept Fan

    Evaluation procedure

    not part of creative thinking

    part of the assessment, judgment and decision capacity of an individual or


    concept - rewarding people who could drive into the city for choosing not

    to do so

    Disasters attributable to poor assessment of creative possibilities

    Judgment/decision system operating in organization should be used in final

    assessment of ideas produce by creativity

    Exception-organization deliberately decides to allocate a fixed

    proportion of resources to creative ideas with high potential and high risk

    Major Considerations

    What are the benefits?

    How large are the benefits?

    Where do the benefits come from?How doable are the benefits?

    Strong showing in the "benefit" area is required for idea to

    have immediate value.

    Does the idea actually work?

    Can the idea be made to work?

    Are the resources available for implementing the idea?

    The resources may include time, money, people, technology,

    mechanisms and motivation.

    An idea may be feasible in itself, but the resources may not be

    available to make the idea work.

    Does the idea "fit" the needs of whomever is supported to

    implement the idea?

    The concept of "fit" includes strategy, policy, personalities,

    agendas and so on.

    Essential Factors

    Fall-Back Position





  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Evaluation 65687201 Concept Fan



    The Final Decision

    Make Idea Work

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    EndCategories 65687201 Concept Fan

    Directly Usable Ideas

    Ideas judged to have value and be directly usable

    Idea may be used immediately or after more directly usable ideas

    concept - rewarding people who could drive into the city for choosing not

    to do so

    only these ideas go forward to the priority decision implementation

    ideas still need to be subjected to testing or piloting

    check out idea

    build up basis of support for putting idea into action

    test results can be much more motivating than idea itself

    Idea workable and has value

    Sense that idea could be revived and used in the future

    Doesn't fit current needs/priorities

    Idea remains on Back Burner for future will consider periodicallyNeeds More Work

    Serious defects/insufficiencies

    No fundamental impossibilities

    Ideas shows potential

    Do further logical and creative work on idea

    Task force may be assigned to do further work

    Powerful but Not Usable

    Idea has great power but for a variety of reasons can't be used

    Reasons: regulations, environmental concepts, very high risk factors,

    cannibalizing existing products

    Put ideas on file and look at occasionally since circumstances change

    to make idea usable

    Useful concepts may be taken from the idea and put into a more usable form

    Interesting but Unstable

    not "powerful"

    "interesting" - open up many possibilities because of effect on perception

    ideas stimulate and create value

    End Categories

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    EndCategories 65687201 Concept Fan

    even if never used

    give ideas attention and keep around to review periodically

    Weak Value

    Idea is workable and fits organization

    Weak value and suggested benefits

    no reason/motivation to use such ideas

    value may be underestimated-proposers responsibility demonstrate higher

    degree of value

    high novelty value attract attention and interest but idea may only have novelty

    novelty only sufficient in world of advertising


    fundamental impossibilities

    deserve to be rejected

    creative indulgence should not seek to keep such ideas alive

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Benefits 65687201 Concept Fan

    No benefits - not worth considering further

    Value resides in the idea and benefits enjoyed by those affected by idea

    Beauty-statue; benefits-tourists, photographers, artists and others affected by the beauty

    Ideas have immediate value with a strong showing in the "benefit" area

    to do so

    Full range and extent of benefits need to be spelled out clearly with the logical and

    information reasons given for why benefits are expected

    Questions to ask to find benefits:

    What are the benefits?

    How large are the benefits likely to be?

    Benefits(current exchange rates may be large and short-lived)

    Benefits(low-cost production in certain country may not last)

    Benefits(new financial concept may only last until competitors duplicate the concept)

    Who would get the benefits?directly to producer due to lower costs and better profits?

    buyer-terms of lower price, better quality or extra functions?

    better design appeals to buyer and increased sales benefit producer

    Concentrated detergent packs reduce handling costs for supermarkets (45%)

    and distributors

    Does new idea make life easier or more difficult for...

    agents and brokers?


    Frequent maintenance or difficult to demonstrate provide not benefits to retailers

    Benefits to environment may be real and also good publicity


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    Feasibility 65687201 Concept Fan

    Does the idea actually work?

    Can the idea be made to work?

    How much effort is going to be put into an idea to make it feasible?

    If you perceive benefits to be considerable, then make much more effort to

    to do so

    find way make idea work

    No point to go further - Some ideas not workable if they contravene some

    basic principle (i.e. perpetual motion machines)

    Idea may contravene some regulation or law

    Efforts keep concept and change idea legal and fits regulations

    Only insistence of entrepreneur may find way get it done

    If benefits strong enough, then determined efforts can find way to carry out idea

    Ex. "living benefits" in life insurance industry


  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Resources 65687201 Concept Fan

    Do we have the resources to make the idea work?




    to do so




    Do we want to allocate the resources to this idea?

    What is the cost in...

    Who is going to...

    have to work on the idea?

    be responsible for the idea?

    What about the diversion of resources and effort from other activities and projects?always a matter of limited resources

    all valuable and workable ideas have limits to possibility they are put into action

    If resources available, then base decisions on priorities and comparisons

    Realistic assessment of resources is critical since people typically grossly

    underestimate the necessary resources

    Ideas may be feasible but lack resources to make work


  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Fit 65687201 Concept Fan

    Does the idea "fit" the needs of whomever is supposed to implement the idea?

    Does the idea "fit" the type of organization?

    Market newcomer trying to enter market vs. large organization with enough

    conmarket muscle make idea work

    to do so

    Complex/very important issue

    Does the idea "fit" .... of the organization?




    stock analysts' hopes

    personality and ambitions of CEO and other decision makers

    motivations of those immediately responsible for putting idea into action

    and so on"Fit" difficulty - only traditional ideas seen "fit" usual behavior of organization

    by definition, any new idea will not "fit"

    new idea must fit style and motivation of organization

    a very valuable and workable idea may fail if it lacks "fit"

    Can idea be made to fit?

    May be area for further effort

    How much effort are we willing to put into making it fit?

    What would be the best home for this idea?

    "Best home" scrutiny - way assess most suitable home for idea

    see where idea would fit

    imagine ideal home and compare it to existing organization

    Can we provide this sort of home?

    Perceived benefits of idea need to drive any effort make idea fit


  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Essential Factors 65687201 Concept Fan

    Essential Factors

    Factors decide if idea is usable or not

    if no essential factor, throw out idea

    include essential factor

    concept - rewarding people who could drive into the city for choosing not

    to do so

    Necessary for life of idea; make idea work


    compliance with regulations

    acceptance by unions

    defined market

    some arise from way idea treated

    adequate capitalization-vital factor-new business success

    Fatal Factors

    if idea contains these it can't workEnvironmental damage in many countries

    Price too high

    Hight legal costs and complications

    Infringement of intellectual rights

    Association with failing corporation

    perceived cruelty to animals

    exploitation of minorities

    effort my be made to get rid of fatal factors


    Future condiitions, competitors behavior and costs are uncertain

    Values are changing

    Difficult-predict-certain idea will work

    Need for new ideas since not possible sit back avoid all risk by doing nothing

    Can idea be modified to adjust to changing conditions?

    Is the idea sufficiently flexible?

    If competitors respond in one way, can idea be changed meet response?

    If need change price, can this be done?

    i l 6 68 20 C

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    Essential Factors 65687201 Concept Fan

    Rigid ideas not good choices so important part design process build flexibility into ideas

    If ideas doesn't work, can it breed whole number additional ideas

    take advantage of momentum?

    "son of Lassie"

    "grandson of Lassie"

    Can we turn a success-whole range of models?

    If risk pays off, how maximize success?

    F llB kT tM k W k 65687201 C t F

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    FallBackTestMakeWork 65687201 Concept Fan

    Fall-Back Position

    What is it?

    Can we minimize losses?

    Can we gain anything from attempt (perhaps learn something re: market)?

    concept - rewarding people who could drive into the city for choosing not

    to do so

    It's prudent to design fall-back position


    Part of design process any new idea - think of its testability

    Can this idea be tested...

    in advance by "flying a kit" or press "leakage"?

    by allowing soimeone else try it first?

    through focus groups or in-store testing?

    Values of Testing:See if idea works

    Modify idea in accordance with feedback

    Provide support for idea

    Considerable creativity necessary to design practical and persuasive test procedures

    Making an Idea Work

    Sometimes a belief that a marvelous idea so good/powerful will drag everyone along with it

    Belief is almost never the case so it's always necessary to "make an idea work"

    Someone/group makes idea work when they decide idea is worth doing and are

    determined to overcome obstacles/frictions

    Diamonds not very beautiful in raw case

    Diamond cutter's skill reveals diamond's beauty

    Set out to make ideas work to reveal value of ideas

    FallBackPosn 65687201 Concept Fan

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    FallBackPosn 65687201 Concept Fan

    Fall-Back Position

    What is it?

    Can we minimize losses?

    Can we gain anything from attempt (perhaps learn something re: market)?

    Will failure of idea damage existing products, image or distributor relations?

    It's prudent to design fall-back position

    estability 65687201 Concept Fan

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    estability 65687201 Concept Fan


    Part of design process any new idea - think of its testability

    Can this idea be tested...

    in a pilot plant?

    in a consumer test market?

    by sampling?

    by consumer survey?in advance by "flying a kit" or press "leakage"?

    by allowing soimeone else try it first?

    through focus groups or in-store testing?

    Values of Testing:

    See if idea works

    Modify idea in accordance with feedback

    Provide support for idea

    Considerable creativity necessary to design practical and persuasive test procedures

    Risk 65687201 Concept Fan

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Risk 65687201 Concept Fan


    Risk factor underlies all...




    Design/assessement purpose-reduce risk

    Types of risks that idea mayfail

    prove much more expensive than hoped

    cause damage (image, product liability, distributor/customer relations)

    divert attention/resources vs other matters

    get wrecked by unforeseeable change in circumstances

    fail due to a failure of technology

    trigger very effective competitive responses more than negate idea's value

    fail for almost anything since future is uncertain

    Handle risk in these ways:

    be aware of possible risks

    design fall-back positions & damage containment systems

    reduce risk by testing/redesigning idea

    early warning systems

    be as informed as possible


    quick reactions/responses

    spread risk with parnters/joint ventures

    assess risk/reward ratios

    Final decision re: how much risk org. willing to take once all sensible things done to reduce/contain risk

    If you can reduce the cost of new product introduction then there's less risk in such introduction

    In the end, oranizations need to make "venture' or "entrepreneurial" decisions

    How much available resources allocated to new ventures where potential reward is high but also risk factor?

    Doing nothing is acceptance of high risk through inertia vs. avoidance of risk

    Market loss to competitor is a risk if me-too product is too late or someone else develops new market.

    FinalDecision 65687201 Concept Fan

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    The Final Decision

    Decisions often just emerge as you examine ideas.

    Idea must offer sufficient benefits to pursue it.

    Many difficulties arise when you implement idea.

    Consider fatal factors.

    Consensus opinions can gradually emerge (Japanese style decision-making)

    Use 6-Hat Thinking when you discuss ideas to utilize different thinking modes.Make conscious decisions if none made via evaluation process. Choose from these methods

    Point System

    Weight the different evaluation factors and each idea given points against each factor

    Favored ideas emerge as leading contenders

    Difficulties tend to arise as this system produces bland ideas since they score steadily in each area

    Direct Comparison

    Make between contending ideas or available alternatives

    Note points of similarity and difference

    Compare differing performances against evaluation criteria

    Advantage: Allows consideration of factors other than those on any evaluation checklist

    Advantage: Easier to assess ideas as a "whole"

    Works best on "rejection" basis

    Focus on risks/defects to provide rejection reasons for some contender

    If you focus on good points it's very difficult to reject ideas due to reluctance to put aside ideas with potential

    Hindsight Logic

    Take each idea in turn, imagine it in use and explain to audience why chosen

    List logical reasons why we chose idea to see if idea is strong or weak

    Idea's appeal may be more emotional vs. rational; hope-based vs. supportable expectations

    Often helps pull out ideas should be selected on grounds it can be explained

    Danger: reject more unusual ideas where potential is high but grounds for support not strong


    All decisions are emotional in the end

    Information/logic only put us in better position to exert our emotions

    Seek out emotional basis re: decisions

    Note basic underlying emotion that would drive a particular choice for each alternative

    FinalDecision 65687201 Concept Fan

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    risk/blame-basis reject ideas/feel unenthusiastic re: them

    can be driving force that leads to positive action

    getting left behind

    losing market share

    attacked by competitor

    Greed-positive driving force in this context; covers:willingness to grow

    make things happen

    increase market share/stock price

    Laziness-drives many decisions as a disinclination to do/avoid anything different

    preference-"quiet life"

    New project demands attention, extra work uncertainty and even "thinking"

    Reasons found to turn down ideas when basic reason is laziness

    Questions to ask yourself:

    Why do I like that idea?

    Why do I not like that idea?

    How much do fear, greed, and laziness contribute in each case?

    Circumstances - framework can make choices easier

    Under what circumstances would I...

    choose this idea?

    want to proceed with this idea?

    Perhaps ideal circumstances...

    can be provided.could never be provided.

    MakeIdeaWork 65687201 Concept Fan

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Making an Idea Work

    Sometimes a belief that a marvelous idea so good/powerful will drag everyone along with it

    Belief is almost never the case so it's always necessary to "make an idea work"

    Someone/group makes idea work when they decide idea is worth doing and are determined to overcome obstacles/frictions

    Diamonds not very beautiful in raw case

    Diamond cutter's skill reveals diamond's beauty

    Set out to make ideas work to reveal value of ideas

    CFTemplate 65687201 Concep

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Car, train, plane, walk, etc. Travel roads, rails, etc. Travel North

    Code # Ideas L Concepts # Directions L Objective

    A1A1 1 A 1 A

    B1A1 1 A 1 B

    C1A1 1 A 1 C

    Features without benefits have no relevancy; Benefits without features have no credibility.


    Spec c, concrete waysof putting a concept to

    workGeneral method or way

    of doing somethingVery broad concepts or

    approachesArrive at Destination - High

    Level Process Flow

    ConceptFan 65687201 Concept Fan

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Car, train, plane, walk, etc. Travel roads, rails, etc. Travel North Arrive at Destination

    High Level Process Flow -

    Ideas Concepts Directions Objects

    How does this help? How does this help?

    How can this be carried out? How can this be carried out?

    How do I get to this point? How do I get to this point? How do I get to this point?

    Features without benefits have no relevancy; Benefits without features have no credibility.

    Issues List

    STCCF 65687201 Concept Fan

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Goal Arrive at Destination (Action, Object & Purpose)

    How do I get to this point?

    Action Steps

    Directions (broad concept: travel north)

    How can this be carried out?

    What is this step designed to do?

    How do I get to this point?

    Concepts (general method: travel roads/rails/air)

    How can this be carried out?

    What is this step designed to do?

    How do I get to this point?

    Ideas (specific: car/train/plane)

    What is this step designed to do?

    Once I have accomplished thisstep, what result will I have?

    Once I have accomplished thisstep, what result will I have?

    Once I have accomplished thisstep, what result will I have?

    STCCF 65687201 Concept Fan

  • 8/4/2019 Database Concept Fan


    Features without benefits have no relevancy; Benefits without features have no credibility.

