Data Rates-Dam Works-Part 5


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  • 8/13/2019 Data Rates-Dam Works-Part 5


  • 8/13/2019 Data Rates-Dam Works-Part 5



    9 Labour for scaffolding @ 15 % 572.10

    Total Rs: 8779.22

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 87.79

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 877.92

    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 1316.88

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 438.96

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 438.96

    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 11939.74


    A. Cost of Materials including royalty charges Rs: 40823.80

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 691.65

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11939.74

    TOTAL Rs: 53455.19

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 748.37

    Total Rs: 54203.56

    Add for 1 km rehandling / initial lead including loading / unloading:

    Cement 2571 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 331.92

    Coarse aggregates 6.25 cum @ Rs: 121.90 / cum Rs: 761.88

    Fine aggregate 3.5 cum @ Rs: 84.90 / cum Rs: 297.15

    Total cost for 36.00 Rm Rs: 55594.50Rate per Rm Rs: 1544.00

    Rate approved per Rm Rs: 1544.00


    ITEM: Providing and laying insitu M- 25 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 25

    N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded

    aggregates for wearing coat including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,

    cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position in alternate panels, levelling, compacting,

    finishing, curing, packing joints with asphalt mortar etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km

    and all lifts.( Cement content : 360 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser )

    DATA:For 1 cum CC :- Coarse aggregates : 0.80 cum. Blending ratio : 65 :35

    Fine aggregate : 0.45 cum.

    Cement : 360 kg. Super plasticiser : 1.00 ltr

    Wastage : 1 % for cement and 2 % for coarse & fine aggregates.

    For wearing coat concrete shall be laid in alternate panels with asphalt mortar filling for panel

    joints after curing concrete. The thickness of concrete shall be 100 mm at the centre of roadway

    and 50 mm at kerb.

    Consider 300 / 200 ltr capacity mixer and 50 kg cement per mix for use of 20 mm down CA.

    Equivalent volume batching using 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 m size boxes assumed for batching CA

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix :Batching 20-10 mm CA ( 0.072 cum ) : 3.00 min

    Batching 10 mm below CA parellel activity : ---

    Batching fine aggregate parellel activity : ---

    Batching cement parellel activity : ---

    Loading mixer drum & miscellaneous : 1.00 min

    Mixing and unloading parellel activity : ---

    Add for possible delays in any of the activity : 0.50 min

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix : 4.50 min


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    No. of mixes per day with 50 min / hr working ( 50 x 8 / 4.5 ) : 89 mixes

    Output of CC for 89 mixes ( 89 x 50 / 360 ) say : 12.35 cum

    Considering clear road width of 6.80 m and laying wearing coat in alternate panels of 3.4 x 3.0 m

    for 1 day output of mixer 16 panels can be concreted.

    Quantity of concrete for 16 panels ( 16 x 3.4 x 3.0 x 0.075 ) : 12.25 cum

    Consider 12.35 cum for rate analysis.

    1. Requirement of materials:

    Cement for mix with 1 % wastage ( 12.35 x 360 x 1.01 ) : 4491 kg

    Cement for incidental works @ 5 kg / cum ( 12.35 x 5 ) : 62 kg

    Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm size range ( 12.35 x 0.8 x 0.65 x 1.02 ) : 6.55 cum

    Coarse aggregate 10-4.75 mm size ( 12.35 x 0.8 x 0.35 x 1.02 ) : 3.55 cum

    Fine aggregate ( 12.35 x 0.45 x 1.02 ) : 5.65 cum

    Super plasticiser ( 12.35 x 1.0 x 1.02 ) : 12.60 ltrs

    2. Requirement of machinery :

    Deploy 300 / 200 ltr capacity concrete mixer for 8 hours for production of concrete.

    Deploy 1 Pump 10 hp for 1 hour for water required for concrete mixing / curing / cleaning etc.

    3. Formwork & scaffolding :

    Consider normal shuttering as concrete is laid in smaller lifts.

    Requirement of shuttering for wearing coat concrete is assumed at 0.5 sqm / cum of concrete.

    Shuttering @ 0.50 sqm per cum of concrete ( 12.35 x 0.5 ) : 6.20 sqm

    No scaffolding required for wearing coat concrete laying.4. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    Consider batching of materials and conveyance & laying of concrete by manual labour.

    Batching 20-10 mm CA Heavy mazdoors : 3 Nos.

    Batching 10 mm below CA Heavy mazdoors : 2 Nos.

    Batching fine aggregate Heavy mazdoors : 3 Nos.

    Batching cement Heavy mazdoors : 2 Nos.

    Remixing and conveying concrete Heavy mazdoors : 4 Nos.

    Light mazdoors : 13 Nos.

    Laying and compacting / finishing concrete Mason Cl - I : 2 Nos.

    Heavy mazdoors : 4 Nos.

    Maistry : 1 No

    Packing joints with asphalt mortar Mason Cl - I : 1 No.

    Heavy mazdoor : 1 No

    Washing / cleaning / curing etc Light mazdoors : 1 No.

    Labour charges for normal shuttering / sqm ( Annexure-B Item :13 ) @ Rs: 33.17

    5. Rehandling / Initial lead for materials:

    1 km rehandling lead for cement and 1 km initial lead for other materials considered.

    6. Use rate of materials :

    Use rate of normal shutter per sqm ( Annexure-A Item : 13 ) @ Rs: 151.07

    As shuttering for wearing coat is placed in position for very short period the number of uses can

    be considered at 80 uses instead of 40 uses considered for normal shuttering.

    Use rate of shutter per sqm for 80 uses ( 151.07 / 2 ) Rs: 75.53

    RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 12.35 cum


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Cement for mix kg 4491.00 4.00 17964.00

    Cement for incidentals @ 5 kg / cum kg 62.00 4.00 248.00

    2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 6.55 520.00 3406.00

    Perticulars Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 3.55 669.00 2374.95

    3 Fine aggregate ( screened ) cum 5.65 199.00 1124.35

    4 Super Plasticizer ltr 12.60 75.00 945.00

    5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 6.20 75.53 468.30

    6 Sundries ( asphalt mortar etc ) LS 5.00 30.00 150.00

    Total Rs: 26680.60

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 266.81

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 2668.06

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 1334.03

    Add Royalty charges on CA @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Add Royalty charges on FA @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 30949.50


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 42.00 336.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 55.00 440.00

    2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 5.00 5.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 50.00 50.00

    Total Rs: 831.00Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 8.31

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 49.00

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 41.55

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 929.86

    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 75.10 600.80

    2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 26.90 26.90

    3 Mason Class-I Day 3.00 159.00 477.00

    4 Maistry Day 1.00 141.50 141.50


    C. LABOUR ( Contd ) :

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.


    5 Heavy mazdoor

    for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 134.00 268.00

    for batching materials Day 8.00 132.00 1056.00

    for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 132.00 528.00for laying & compacting Day 5.00 132.00 660.00

    6 Light mazdoor

    for conveying concrete Day 13.00 130.50 1696.50

    for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 130.50 130.50

    7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 6.20 33.17 205.62

    Total Rs: 5790.82

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 57.91

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 579.08

    in Rs.



    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate

    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate



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    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 868.62

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 289.54

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 289.54

    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 7875.52


    A. Cost of Materials including royalty charges Rs: 30949.50

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 929.86

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 7875.52

    TOTAL Rs: 39754.88

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 556.57

    Total Rs: 40311.45

    Add for 1 km rehandling / initial lead including loading / unloading:

    Cement 4553 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 587.79

    Coarse aggregates 10.10 cum @ Rs: 121.90 / cum Rs: 1231.19

    Fine aggregate 5.65 cum @ Rs: 84.90 / cum Rs: 479.69

    Total cost for 12.35 cum Rs: 42610.11

    Rate per cum Rs: 3450.00

    Rate approved per cum Rs: 3450.00


    ITEM: Pre-coolingto control placement temperature of cement concretein the range of 18 to 21 C

    at the concrete placement point by inundation of coarse aggregates and adding flaked ice as

    part of mixing water including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with all

    leads and lifts.

    DATA:Consider M-15 grade concrete using 80 mm down CA and 30-50 mm slump.

    Requirement of materials per cum of concrete:

    Cement : 210 kg

    Fine aggregate : 575 kg

    Coarse aggregate : 1490 kg

    Water for W / C ratio of 0.6 for use of air entraining admixture : 126 kg

    Daily concreting programme ( based on data in item - 13 ) : 500 cum

    Hourly output of batching plant ( based on data in item-13 ) : 30 cum

    Proposed temperature of concrete at placing point : between 18 & 21 deg C

    Av. temperature of concrete at placing point considered for rate analysis : 19.5 deg C

    Probable gain in temperature during conveying CC from BP to block : 2 to 3 deg C

    Av gain in temperature during conveying CC considered for rate analysis : 2.5 deg C

    Required temperature of concrete at batching plant ( 19.5 - 2.5 ) : 17 deg C

    Precooling of aggregate is not considered. However, as coarse aggregate stocked in open area

    is exposed to sunlight during day time spraying normal water over coarse aggregate heaps is

    considered to keep the aggregate temperature at minimum possible level.Use of chilled water and flaked ice is considered for mixing concrete.

    Material parameters considered / assumed for determining the quantity of ice flakes:

    Weight of Cement ( Wc ) : 210 kg

    Temperature of cement in silo ( Tc ) : 45 deg C

    Specific heat of cement ( Cc ) : 0.25

    Weight of Coarse aggregate ( Wa ) : 1490 kg

    Temperature of wet CA in BP aggregate bins ( Ta ) : 25 deg C

    Specific heat of coarse aggregate ( Ca ) : 0.22


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    Free water in wet CA @ 2% ( 0.02 x 1490 ) ( Wam ) : 29.80 kg

    Weight of Fine aggregate ( Ws ) : 575 kg

    Temperature of FA in BP fine aggregate bin ( Ts ) : 27 deg C

    Specific heat of fine aggregate ( Cs ) : 0.22

    Free moisture in wet FA @ 1% ( 0.01 x 575 ) ( Wsm ) : 5.75 kg

    Weight of Water including free moisture and ice flakes ( Ww ) : 126 kg

    Temperature of chilled water in BP mixing water tank ( Tw ) : 5 deg C

    Specific heat of normal / chilled water ( Cw ) : 1.00

    Weight of ice flakes in kg ( Wi ) : to be determined

    Temperature of ice flakes in ice elevator ( Ti ) : - 5 deg C

    Specific heat of ice flakes ( Ci ) : 0.50

    Latent heat in kilo calories ( kcal ) ( L ) : 80 kcal

    Required temperature of concrete at batching plant ( T ) : 17 deg C

    1.a Heat dissipated by Cement / CA / FA / free water in CA & FA :

    Heat dissipated by Cement in kcal Wc x Cc ( Tc - T )

    210 x 0.25 ( 45 - 17 ) say: 1470.00

    Heat dissipated by Coarse aggregate in kcal Wa x Ca ( Ta - T )

    1490 x 0.22 ( 25 - 17 ) say: 2625.00

    Heat dissipated by Fine aggregate in kcal Ws x Cs ( Ts - T )

    575 x 0.22 ( 27 - 17 ) say: 1265.00

    Heat dissipated by free water in CA in kcal Wam x Cw ( Ta - T ) 29.80 x 1.00 ( 25 - 17 ) say: 240.00

    Heat dissipated by moisture in FA in kcal Wsm x Cw ( Ts - T )

    5.75 x 1.00 ( 27 - 17 ) say: 60.00

    Total heat dissipated in kcal = 1470.00 + 2625.00 + 1265.00 + 240.00 + 60.00

    = 5660.00 kcal

    1.b Heat absorbed by Chilled water / Ice flakes :

    Quantity of chilled mixing water = ( Ww - Wam - Wsm - Wi )

    Heat absorbed by chilled mixing water in kcal = ( Ww-Wam-Wsm-Wi ) Cw ( T -Tw )

    ( 126 - 29.8 - 5.75 - Wi ) x 1.00 x ( 17 - 5 ) : 1085 - 12Wi

    Heat absorbed by ice flakes in kcal = Wi x ( Cw x T - Ci x Ti + L )

    = Wi x ( 1 x 17 - 0.5 x -5 + 80 ) : 99.5Wi kcal

    Total heat absorbed by chilled water and ice flakes in kcal = 1085.00 - 12Wi + 99.5Wi

    = ( 1085.00 + 87.5Wi )

    1.c Quantity of ice required based on heat balance equation :

    Total heat absorbed by chilled water and ice flakes = Total heat dissipated by other ingradients

    1085.00 + 87.5Wi = 5660.00

    87.5 Wi = 5660.00 - 1085.00

    Weight of ice flake / cum of concrete ( 5660.00 - 1085.00 ) / 87.5 say : 53 kg

    Quantity of ice required / day for 500 cum concrete ( 53 x 500 ) / 1000 : 26.5 tonnes

    Consider pre-cooling of 500 cum concrete for rate analysis.

    2. Requirement of materials:

    No materials required for pre-cooling of concrete.

    Lump sum provisions considered for minor materials like amonia gas etc.

    3. Requirement of machinery :

    Provide for 3 ice plants ( 10 t / day capacity each ) with all accessories for 24 hours running.

    4. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    For ice handling in ice chamber Heavy mazdoors : 2 x 3 Nos.

    For other miscellaneous works in ice plants Heavy mazdoors : 1 x 3 Nos.


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    Add for aportioned cost of sub-station/demand charges@ 18.80% Rs: 5403.24

    Add for aportioned cost of conveyor system @ 7.90% Rs: 2270.51

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 402.37

    Total cost for 500.00 cum Rs: 36816.74

    Rate per cum Rs: 74.00

    Rate approved per cum Rs: 74.00


    ITEM: Conveying and fixing elastomeric bearingsfor spillway bridge including cleaning and preparing

    surface, mixing and applying adhesive, fixing bearing in correct position etc., including cost of

    all materials (except bearings), machinery, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts.

    DATA:Number of elastomeric bearings for 1 span : 6 Nos.

    Quantity of resin and hardener mixture per bearing say : 0.10 kg

    Consider fixing 6 bearings for one spillway bridge span.

    1. Requirement of materials:

    Synthetic resin & hardener @ 0.1 kg / bearing ( 6 x 0.1 ) : 0.60 kg

    2. Requirement of machinery :

    No machinery is required for fixing bearings.

    3. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    For marking and preparing surface Marker / Erector : 1 No.

    For conveying and handling bearings Heavy mazdoors : 2 Nos.

    Maistry : 1 No.



    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Synthetic adhesive ( Resin + Hardener ) kg 0.60 450.00 270.00

    2 Sundries LS 2.00 30.00 60.00

    Total Rs: 330.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 3.30

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 33.00

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 16.50

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 382.80


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00

    0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total Rs: 0.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 0.00

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 0.00



    TOTAL Rs:

    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate

    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 0.00

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 0.00

    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Marker / Erector Day 1.00 157.50 157.50

    2 Maistry Day 1.00 141.50 141.50

    3 Heavy mazdoor Day 2.00 132.00 264.00

    Total Rs: 563.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 5.63

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 56.30

    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 84.45

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 28.15

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 28.15

    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 765.68


    A. Cost of Materials Rs: 382.80

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 765.681148.48

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 16.08

    Total cost for 6.00 Nos Rs: 1164.56

    Rate per Each Rs: 194.00

    Rate approved per Each Rs: 194.00


    ITEM: Providing and constructing 150 mm dia hume pipe weep holesfor concrete / masonry walls

    including providing 200x 200 x 200 mm size porous concrete block made of cement and 20 mm

    down coarse aggregate in 1 : 4 proportion including 100 mm thick sand backing at the junction

    of wall and soil back fill, cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with lead upto

    1 km and all lifts.

    DATA:Assume average 3 m width of wall.

    Sand Porous concrete block

    150 mm dia hume pipe

    Back fill

    Quantity of concrete for porous block ( 0.20 x 0.20 x 0.20 ) : 0.008 cum

    Quantity of sand around porous block ( 0.40 x 0.40 x 0.10 ) : 0.02 cum

    Hume pipe 150 mm dia : 2.90 m

    Cement content for porous concrete per cum : 408 kg

    Consider 3 m length of weep hole forming for rate analysis.

    Description Rate

    TOTAL Rs:

    in Rs.




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    1. Requirement of materials:

    Cement ( 0.008 x 408 x 1.01 ) : 3.3 kg

    Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm @ 1 cum / cum concrete ( 0.008 x 1 ) : 0.008 cum

    Sand ( unscreened ) ( 0.02 x 1.02 ) : 0.02 cum

    Hume pipe 150 mm dia : 2.90 m

    2. Requirement of machinery :

    No machinery is required for forming weep holes.

    3. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    For forming porous block and fixing pipe Mason Class-II : 0.25 No.

    For assisting mason Heavy mazdoors : 0.25 No.

    4. Rehandling / Initial lead for materials:

    1 km rehandling lead for cement and 1 km initial lead for other materials considered.



    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 150 mm dia hume pipe Rm 2.90 160.00 464.00

    2 Cement kg 3.25 4.00 13.00

    3 20 - 10 mm coarse aggregate cum 0.008 520.00 4.16

    4 Sand ( unscreened ) cum 0.02 154.00 3.08Total Rs: 484.24

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 4.84

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 48.42

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 24.21

    Add royalty charges on CA @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Add royalty charges on Sand @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 561.72


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00

    0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total Rs: 0.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 0.00

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 0.00

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 0.00

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 0.00

    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.1 Mason Class-II Day 0.25 148.50 37.13

    2 Heavy mazdoor Day 0.25 132.00 33.00

    Total Rs: 70.13

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 0.70

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 7.01

    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 10.52

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 3.51

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 3.51






    in Rs.

    in Rs.




    in Rs.



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    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 95.37


    A. Cost of Materials including royalty charges Rs: 561.72

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 95.37

    TOTAL Rs: 657.09

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 9.20

    Total Rs: 666.29

    Add for 1 km rehandling / initial lead including loading / unloading:

    Cement / pipe 100 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 12.91

    Sand 0.02 cum @ Rs: 84.90 / cum Rs: 1.70

    Coarse aggregate 0.008 cum @ Rs: 121.90 / cum Rs: 0.98

    Total cost for 3.00 Rm Rs: 681.87

    Rate per Rm Rs: 227.00

    Rate approved per Rm Rs: 227.00


    ITEM: Providing and forming expansion joint for spillway bridge consisting of 75 x 75 x 6 mm angles

    2 numbers provided with 250 mm long 12 mm dia. anchors fixed to both flanges at 150 mm c /cand 140 x 6 mm plate welded on top of one of the angle including cost of all materials, labour,

    machinery, providing and fixing 38 mm thick joint filler board matching the thickness of wearing

    coat, painting etc., conplete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts.

    DATA:Width of spillway bridge considered : 7.50 m

    6 mm fillet weld considered for welding MS plate to one of the angle.

    12 mm dia bars are considered for anchoring angles.

    Consider 1 expansion joint for rate analysis.

    140 x 6 mm MS plate 38 mm th Joint filler board

    ( welded to angle )

    Wearing coat Wearing coat

    75 x 75 x 6 mm MS angle

    12 mm dia Anchor rod

    Deck slab Deck slab

    1. Requirement of materials:Length of weld per expansion joint : 7.5 m

    No. of electrodes per m length of weld : 9 Nos.

    No. of electrodes for welding anchors assumed : 3 Nos.

    MS plate 140 x 6 mm 7.5 m long @ 47.1 kg / sqm with 2.5 % wastage

    ( 0.14 x 7.50 x 47.10 x 1.025 ) : 50.70 kg

    MS angles 75 x 75 x 6 mm 7.5 m long 2 Nos. @ 6.8 kg / Rm with 2.5 % wastage

    ( 2 x 7.50 x 6.80 x 1.025 ) : 104.50 kg

    12 mm dia anchors 0.30 m long @ 15 cm c / c @ 0.89 kg / m with 2.5 % wastage



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    ( 100 x 0.30 x 0.89 x 1.025 ) : 27.40 kg

    Welding electrodes ( 7.5 x 9 + 3 ) : 70 Nos

    Joint filler board 38 mm thick ( 2 of 19 mm thick ) ( 2 x 6.8 x 0.075 ) : 1 sqm

    2. Requirement of machinery :

    Deploy welding machine for 7 hours for welding plate.

    3. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    For fabrication and erection Marker / Fabricator / Erector : 1.50 Nos.

    For cutting and welding sections Gas cutter / Welder : 1.50 Nos.

    For assisting fabrication and erection Heavy mazdoor : 2 Nos.

    4. Rehandling / Initial lead for materials:

    1 km rehandling lead for steel considered.



    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Structural steel plate kg 50.70 40.00 2028.00

    2 Structural steel angle kg 104.50 37.95 3965.78

    3 12 dia steel anchors kg 27.40 36.20 991.88

    4 Welding electrodes Nos 70.00 6.00 420.00

    5 Joint filler board 19 mm thick sqm 1.00 528.00 528.006 Sundries ( cutting gas / paint etc ) LS 1.75 30.00 52.50

    Total Rs: 7986.16

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 79.86

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 798.62

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 399.31

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 9263.94


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Welding transformer Hour 7.00 12.00 84.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 7.00 60.00 420.00

    2 Sundries (cutting torch/welding gun etc) LS 1.50 30.00 45.00

    Total Rs: 549.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 5.49

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 46.50

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 27.45

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 628.44

    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 1.50 157.50 236.252 Gas cutter / Welder Day 1.50 157.50 236.25

    3 Heavy mazdoor Day 2.00 132.00 264.00

    Total Rs: 736.50

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 7.37

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 73.65

    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 110.48

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 36.83

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 36.83


    in Rs.

    in Rs.

    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate



    Quantity Rate

    Quantity Rate


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    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 1001.64


    A. Cost of Materials Rs: 9263.94

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 628.44

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1001.64

    TOTAL Rs: 10894.02

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 152.52

    Total Rs: 11046.54

    Add for rehandling charges for 1 km including loading / unloading :

    Steel 182.60 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 23.57

    Total cost for 7.50 Rm Rs: 11070.11

    Rate per Rm Rs: 1476.00

    Rate approved per Rm Rs: 1476.00


    ITEM: Providing and constructing un-coursed rubble stone masonry using approved stones in

    cement mortar 1 : 3proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding,

    cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc., complete with initiallead upto

    1 km and all lifts.

    DATA:For 1 cum mortar 1 : 3 proportion :- Cement : 460 kg Sand : 0.96 cum

    Consider 40 percent mortar content for uncoursed rubble stone masonry.

    For 1 cum UCR masonry :- Rubble stones : 0.86 cum Stone chips : 0.13 cum.

    Sand : 0.385 cum Cement : 184 kg

    Wastage : 1 % for cement and 2 % for sand and stones.

    Consider 300 / 200 ltr capacity mixer and 50 kg cement per mix for mortar mixing.

    Equivalent volume batching using 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 m size boxes assumed for batching sand.

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix :

    Batching sand ( 0.104 cum ) : 4.00 min

    Batching cement parellel activity : ---

    Loading mixer drum & miscellaneous : 1.00 min

    Mixing and unloading parellel activity : ---

    Add for possible delays in any of the activity : 0.50 min

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix : 5.50 min

    No. of mixes per day with 50 min / hr working ( 50 x 8 / 5.5 ) : 73 mixes

    Output of mortar for 73 mixes ( 73 x 50 / 460 ) say : 7.93 cum

    Daily output of masonry for 40 % mortar content ( 7.90 / 0.40 ) : 19.80 cum

    Consider 19.80 cum UCR masonry in CM 1 : 3 proportion for rate analysis.

    1. Requirement of materials:

    Cement for mix with 1 % wastage ( 19.80 x 184 x 1.01 ) : 3680 kg

    Rubble stones ( 19.80 x 0.86 x 1.02 ) : 17.40 cumStone chips ( 19.80 x 0.13 x 1.02 ) : 2.60 cum

    Sand ( screened ) ( 19.80 x 0.385 x 1.02 ) : 7.80 cum

    2. Requirement of machinery :

    Deploy 300 / 200 ltr capacity concrete mixer for 8 hours for production of mortar.

    Deploy 1 Pump 10 hp for 1 hour for water required for mortar mixing / curing / cleaning etc.

    3. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    Mason Cl I @ 10 cum / day : 2 Nos

    Mason Cl II @ 10 cum / day : 2 Nos


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    Chavalis 4 gangs / day : 16 Nos

    Heavy mazdoors :

    for batching cement : 2 Nos

    for batching sand : 3 Nos.

    for loading stone chips : 1 No.

    for filling mortar pans : 2 Nos.

    for loading mortar pans : 2 Nos.

    for laying mortar : 2 Nos.

    for packing mortar : 4 Nos.

    Light mazdoor :

    for conveying mortar @ 1 cum / day : 8 Nos

    for conveying stone chips : 2 Nos.

    for curing & miscellaneous works : 2 Nos.

    4. Rehandling / Initial lead for materials:

    1 km rehandling lead for cement and 1 km initial lead for other materials considered.

    RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 19.80 cum


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Cement for mortar with 1% wastage kg 3680.00 4.00 14720.002 Rubble stones cum 17.40 200.00 3480.00

    3 Stone chips cum 2.60 240.00 624.00


    A. MATERIALS ( Contd ) :

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.


    4 Sand ( screened ) cum 7.80 199.00 1552.20

    5 Sundries LS 1.00 30.00 30.00

    Total Rs: 20406.20

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 204.06

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 2040.62

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 1020.31

    Add royalty charges on Stone @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Add royalty charges on Sand @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 23671.19


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 38.00 304.00Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 25.00 200.00

    2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 5.00 5.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 50.00 50.00

    Total Rs: 559.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 5.59

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 25.00

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 27.95

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 617.54



    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate

    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.

    Perticulars Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 75.10 600.80

    2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 26.90 26.90

    3 Maistry Day 1.00 141.50 141.50

    4 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 159.00 318.00

    5 Mason Class-II Day 2.00 148.50 297.00

    6 Chavali Day 16.00 173.50 2776.00

    7 Heavy mazdoor

    for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 134.00 268.00

    for batching sand Day 3.00 132.00 396.00

    for filling mortar pans Day 2.00 132.00 264.00

    for laying & packing mortar Day 8.00 132.00 1056.00

    for loading chips Day 1.00 132.00 132.00

    8 Light mazdoor

    for conveying mortar / chips Day 10.00 130.50 1305.00

    for curing & miscellaneous works Day 2.00 130.50 261.00

    Total Rs: 7842.20

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 78.42Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 784.22


    C. LABOUR ( Contd ) :

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.


    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 1176.33

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 392.11

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 392.11

    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 10665.39


    A. Cost of Materials including royalty charges Rs: 23671.19

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 617.54

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 10665.39

    TOTAL Rs: 34954.12

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 489.36

    Total Rs: 35443.48

    Add for 1 km rehandling / initial lead including loading / unloading:

    Cement 3680 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 475.09

    Sand 7.80 cum @ Rs: 84.90 / cum Rs: 662.22Stones / chips 20.00 cum @ Rs: 121.90 / cum Rs: 2438.00

    Total cost for 19.80 cum Rs: 39018.79

    Rate per cum Rs: 1971.00

    Rate approved per cum Rs: 1971.00


    ITEM: Providing and constructing un-coursed rubble stone masonry using approved stones in

    Description Quantity Rate

    in Rs.

    Description Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Cement for mortar with 1% wastage kg 3127.00 4.00 12508.00

    2 Rubble stones cum 18.90 200.00 3780.00

    3 Stone chips cum 2.90 240.00 696.00

    4 Sand ( screened ) cum 8.80 199.00 1751.20

    5 Sundries LS 2.00 30.00 60.00

    Total Rs: 18795.20

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 187.95

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 1879.52

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 939.76

    Add royalty charges on Stone @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Add royalty charges on Sand @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 21802.43


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr Hour 8.00 38.00 304.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 25.00 200.00Contd

    B. MACHINERY ( Contd ) :

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.


    2 10 hp pump Hour 1.00 5.00 5.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 50.00 50.00

    Total Rs: 559.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 5.59

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 25.00

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 27.95

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 617.54

    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 75.10 600.80

    2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 26.90 26.90

    3 Maistry Day 1.00 141.50 141.50

    4 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 159.00 318.00

    5 Mason Class-II Day 2.00 148.50 297.00

    6 Chavali Day 20.00 173.50 3470.007 Heavy mazdoor

    for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 134.00 268.00

    for batching sand Day 3.00 132.00 396.00

    for filling mortar pans Day 2.00 132.00 264.00

    for laying & packing mortar Day 8.00 132.00 1056.00

    for loading chips Day 1.00 132.00 132.00

    8 Light mazdoor

    for conveying mortar / chips Day 11.00 130.50 1435.50




    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


    Description Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    for curing & miscellaneous works Day 2.00 130.50 261.00

    Total Rs: 8666.70

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 86.67

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 866.67

    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 1300.01

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 433.34

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 433.34

    Total cost of Labour : Rs: 11786.71


    A. Cost of Materials including royalty charges Rs: 21802.43

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 617.54

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11786.71

    TOTAL Rs: 34206.68

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 478.89

    Total Rs: 34685.58

    Add for 1 km rehandling / initial lead including loading / unloading:

    Cement 3127 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 403.70

    Sand 8.80 cum @ Rs: 84.90 / cum Rs: 747.12

    Stones / chips 21.70 cum @ Rs: 121.90 / cum Rs: 2645.23

    Total cost for 21.50 cum Rs: 38481.62

    Rate per cum Rs: 1790.00

    Rate approved per cum Rs: 1790.00


    ITEM: Providing and constructing coursed rubble face stone masonry using approved rubble stones

    in cement mortar 1 : 3 proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding,

    ramps, cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc., with initial lead upto 1 km

    and all lifts.

    DATA:For 1 cum mortar 1 : 3 proportion :- Cement : 460 kg Sand : 0.96 cum

    Consider 37.5 percent mortar content for coursed rubble face stone masonry.

    Thickness of CR face stone masonry assumed : 750 mm.

    For 1 cum masonry :- CR stones 300 x 300 x 450 mm : 9.75 Nos. Stone Chips : 0.13 cum

    CR stones 300 x 300 x 600 mm : 3.25 Nos. Rubble stones : 0.30 cum

    Sand : 0.36 cum. Cement : 172.5 kg

    Wastage : 1 % for cement and 2 % for sand and stones.

    Consider 300 / 200 ltr capacity mixer and 50 kg cement per mix for mortar mixing.

    Equivalent volume batching using 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 m size boxes assumed for batching sand.

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix :Batching sand ( 0.104 cum ) : 4.00 min

    Batching cement parellel activity : ---

    Loading mixer drum & miscellaneous : 1.00 min

    Mixing and unloading parellel activity : ---

    Add for possible delays in any of the activity : 0.50 min

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix : 5.50 min

    No. of mixes per day with 50 min / hr working ( 50 x 8 / 5.5 ) : 73 mixes

    Output of mortar for 73 mixes ( 73 x 50 / 460 ) say : 7.93 cum


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    Daily output of masonry for 37.5 % mortar content ( 7.93 / 0.375 ) : 21.15 cum

    Consider 20.15 cum CR face stone masonry in CM 1 : 3 proportion for rate analysis.

    1. Requirement of materials:

    Cement for mix with 1 % wastage ( 21.15 x 172.5 x 1.01 ) : 3685 kg

    Coursed rubble face stone 300x300x450 mm ( 21.15 x 9.75 x 1.02 ) : 210 Nos

    Coursed rubble face stone 300x300x600 mm ( 21.15 x 3.25 x 1.02 ) : 70 Nos.

    Rubble stones ( 21.15 x 0.3 x 1.02 ) : 6.45 cum

    Stone chips ( 21.15 x 0.13 x 1.02 ) : 2.80 cum

    Sand ( screened ) ( 21.15 x 0.36 x 1.02 ) : 7.75 cum

    2. Requirement of machinery :

    Deploy 300 / 200 ltr capacity concrete mixer for 8 hours for production of mortar.

    Deploy 1 Pump 10 hp for 1 hour for water required for mortar mixing / curing / cleaning etc.

    3. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    Stone chiseller Class-II @ 25 stones / day : 11 Nos.

    Mason Cl I @ 7.5 cum / day : 3 Nos

    Mason Cl II @ 7.5 cum / day : 3 Nos

    Chavalis 4 gangs / day : 16 Nos

    Heavy mazdoors :

    for batching cement : 2 Nos

    for batching sand : 3 Nos.

    for loading stone chips : 1 No.

    for filling mortar pans : 2 Nos.

    for loading mortar pans : 2 Nos.

    for laying mortar : 2 Nos.

    for packing mortar : 4 Nos.

    Light mazdoor :

    for conveying mortar @ 1 cum / day : 8 Nos

    for conveying stone chips : 2 Nos.

    for curing & miscellaneous works : 2 Nos.

    4. Rehandling / Initial lead for materials:

    1 km rehandling lead for cement and 1 km initial lead for other materials considered.

    RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 21.15 cum


    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Cement for mortar with 1% wastage kg 3685.00 4.00 14740.00

    2 Coursed rubble stone 300x300x450 mm Nos 210.00 15.00 3150.00

    3 Coursed rubble stone 300x300x600 mm Nos 70.00 20.00 1400.00

    4 Rubble stones cum 6.45 200.00 1290.00

    5 Stone chips cum 2.80 240.00 672.00

    6 Sand ( screened ) cum 7.75 199.00 1542.25

    7 Sundries LS 1.00 30.00 30.00 Total Rs: 22824.25

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 228.24

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 2282.43

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 1141.21

    Add royalty charges on Stone @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Add royalty charges on Sand @ ( Included in material rate ) Rs: 0.00

    Total cost of Materials : Rs: 26476.13

    Perticulars Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 38.00 304.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 25.00 200.00

    2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 5.00 5.00

    Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 50.00 50.00

    Total Rs: 559.00

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 5.59

    Add for Contractor's Profit on DPOL / Energy @ 10% Rs: 25.00

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 27.95

    Total hire charges of Machinery : Rs: 617.54

    C. LABOUR:

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.

    1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 75.10 600.80

    2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 26.90 26.90


    C. LABOUR ( Contd ) :

    Sl No Unit Amount

    in Rs.


    3 Maistry Day 1.00 141.50 141.50

    4 Stone chiseller Cl -II Day 11.00 146.00 1606.00

    5 Mason Class-I Day 3.00 159.00 477.00

    6 Mason Class-II Day 3.00 148.50 445.50

    7 Chavali Day 16.00 173.50 2776.00

    8 Heavy mazdoor

    for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 134.00 268.00

    for batching sand Day 3.00 132.00 396.00

    for loading mortar pans Day 2.00 132.00 264.00

    for laying & packing mortar Day 8.00 132.00 1056.00

    for loading chips Day 1.00 132.00 132.00

    9 Light mazdoor

    for conveying mortar / chips Day 10.00 130.50 1305.00

    for curing & miscellaneous works Day 2.00 130.50 261.00

    Total Rs: 9755.70

    Add for small Tools and Plants @ 1% Rs: 97.56

    Add for Contractor's Profit @ 10% Rs: 975.57

    Add for hidden cost on Labour @ 15% Rs: 1463.36

    Add for additional hidden cost on labour @ 5% Rs: 487.79

    Add for Contractor's Overheads @ 5% Rs: 487.79Total cost of Labour : Rs: 13267.75


    A. Cost of Materials including royalty charges Rs: 26476.13

    B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 617.54

    C. Cost of Labour Rs: 13267.75

    TOTAL Rs: 40361.42

    Add for enabling works @ 1.40% Rs: 565.06




    in Rs.

    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


    Quantity Rate

    in Rs.


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    Total Rs: 40926.48

    Add for 1 km rehandling / initial lead including loading / unloading:

    Cement 3676 kg @ Rs: 129.10 / tonne Rs: 474.57

    Sand 7.75 cum @ Rs: 84.90 / cum Rs: 657.98

    Stones / chips 21.85 cum @ Rs: 121.90 / cum Rs: 2663.52

    Total cost for 21.15 cum Rs: 44722.54

    Rate per cum Rs: 2115.00

    Rate approved per cum Rs: 2115.00


    ITEM: Providing and constructing coursed rubble face stone masonry using approved rubble stones

    in cement mortar 1 : 4 proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding,

    ramps, cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc., with initiallead upto 1 km

    and all lifts.

    DATA:For 1 cum mortar 1 : 4 proportion :- Cement : 360 kg Sand : 1.00 cum

    Consider 37.5 percent mortar content for coursed rubble face stone masonry.

    Thickness of CR face stone masonry assumed : 750 mm.

    For 1 cum masonry :- CR stones 300 x 300 x 450 mm : 9.75 Nos. Stone Chips : 0.13 cum

    CR stones 300 x 300 x 600 mm : 3.25 Nos. Rubble stones : 0.30 cum

    Sand : 0.375 cum. Cement : 135 kg

    Wastage : 1 % for cement and 2 % for sand and stones.

    Consider 300 / 200 ltr capacity mixer and 50 kg cement per mix for mortar mixing.

    Equivalent volume batching using 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 m size boxes assumed for batching sand.

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix :

    Batching sand ( 0.139 cum ) : 5.00 min

    Batching cement parellel activity : ---

    Loading mixer drum & miscellaneous : 1.00 min

    Mixing and unloading parellel activity : ---

    Add for possible delays in any of the activity : 0.50 min

    Cycle time for batching / mixing / unloading 1 mix : 6.50 min

    No. of mixes per day with 50 min / hr working ( 50 x 8 / 6.5 ) : 62 mixes

    Output of mortar for 62 mixes ( 62 x 50 / 360 ) say : 8.60 cum

    Daily output of masonry for 37.5 % mortar content ( 8.60 / 0.375 ) : 22.90 cum

    Consider 22.90 cum CR face stone masonry in CM 1 : 4 proportion for rate analysis.

    1. Requirement of materials:

    Cement for mix with 1 % wastage ( 22.9 x 135 x 1.01 ) : 3123 kg

    Coursed rubble face stones 300x300x450 mm ( 22.9 x 9.75 x 1.02 ) : 228 Nos

    Coursed rubble face stones 300x300x600 mm ( 22.9 x 3.25 x 1.02 ) : 76 Nos.

    Rubble stones ( 22.9 x 0.3 x 1.02 ) : 7.00 cum

    Stone chips ( 22.9 x 0.13 x 1.02 ) : 3.05 cum

    Sand ( screened ) ( 22.9 x 0.375 x 1.02 ) : 8.75 cum2. Requirement of machinery :

    Deploy 300 / 200 ltr capacity concrete mixer for 8 hours for production of mortar.

    Deploy 1 Pump 10 hp for 1 hour for water required for mortar mixing / curing / cleaning etc.

    3. Requirement of workforce ( other than machinery crew ) :

    Stone chiseller Class-II @ 25 stones / day : 12 Nos.

    Mason Cl I @ 7.5 cum / day : 3 Nos

    Mason Cl II @ 7.5 cum / day : 3 Nos

    Chavalis 5 gangs / day : 20 Nos