Data Included: 2009-2010 Caseload by Age Group 2009-2010 Caseload by Child Care Account 2009-2010...


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Data Included:

2009-2010 Caseload by Age Group

2009-2010 Caseload by Child Care Account

2009-2010 Caseload by Program Setting

2009-2010 Caseload IE Contracts Caseload by Regular and Flex Pool Slots

2009-2010 IE Voucher Attrition

Supportive FY10 Actual/Projected Cost

DTA Actual/Projected FY10 Spending

Income Eligible FY10 Actual/Projected Cost

Supportive FY10 Actual/Projected Cost

• July through October are actual billing amounts, the remainder of FY10 are projected costs

DTA Actual/Projected FY10 Spending

FY10 Approp:$116.2M

• July through October represent actual billing amount, the remaining months of FY10 are projected.

Income Eligible FY10 Actual/Projected Cost

• July through October represent actual billing amount, the remaining months of FY10 are projected.
