Dash Diet Phase One...Dash Diet Phase One Dash Diet Stage 1 Foods you are able to eat in limited...


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Dash Diet Phase One

Dash Diet Phase One

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Dash Diet Phase One

Dash Diet Phase 1 Guidelines

The DASH Diet is best done in two phases, so the DASH Diet phase1 is basically a low-

carbohydrate diet, with no fruit and whole grains; it lasts for only 14 days. Dash Diet Phase 1

is designed to reset your metabolism and boost your natural calorie burning processes. With

this protein-rich, low carbohydrate and sugar period you will see an immediate and visible

weight loss.

Then when Phase Two is reintroduced with healthy whole grains, fruit and starchy vegetables

so as to control your weight loss and improve the body’s response to hypertension.

During the 14 days of Phase 1, you will learn how to satisfy your hunger and feel fuller

longer. You trick your body by eating non starchy foods and this will regulate your blood

sugar and help curb your cravings, avoid fruit and whole grains, which have a lot of natural

sugar, and sorry to say alcohol, which also contain sugars.

You can enjoy 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy per day. This would include 1 cup of skim milk or

low-fat yogurt. Avoid regular or even fat-free cheese because they are often high in sodium.

You can also enjoy up to 6 ounces of lean meats, fish and poultry a day. Aim for 4 to 5

servings of beans or lentils a week.


It is important to know your limits when on the

Dash Diet.

Here is One Serving Size for the following


Phase One dieters will need to consume an

unlimited intake of non-starchy vegetables and include some protein-rich foods, such as lean

meat, fish, low-fat cheese and nuts. Proteins work to prevent snacking and work to keep

blood sugar levels stable because they help dieters to feel full and satisfied. Removing starch

and sugar from the food intake will reduce the body’s need for insulin, which helps us desire

lighter, healthier foods. It’s important to choose the foods you like.

Avoid starchy foods with sugar, you’re helping to regulate your blood sugar and diminish

cravings. Try leafy greens like lettuce and spinach or cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or

cabbage. You can also eat cucumbers, squash, peppers and tomatoes.

Opt for protein-rich foods that have healthy fats, like fresh nuts and seeds, or fatty fish like

salmon or mackerel. Avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats as well as antioxidants

lutein, vitamin E and beta-carotene. Toss them in a salad along with vegetable oils, especially

olive, canola and nut oils, which you can use as salad dressing.

These simple detox water recipes are inexpensive, have almost zero calories, and taste great

too. Also called detox water, fruit flavoured water, or fruit infused water; infused water can

generally be any combination of fruits, vegetables, and herbs immersed in cold water.

Dash Diet Phase One

Guidelines to Reducing Salt.

Cut down on your salt gradually while adding flavours to your meals

Don’t have salt at the dining room table

Use fresh vegetable

Buy frozen vegetable instead of canned.

Avoid processed food- most of these have slat in them

Buy salt free soup

Buy low sodium ketchup, mustard and sauces as these are loaded with salt.

Include herbs and spices in your recipes

Dash Diet Phase One

Dash Diet Stage 1 Foods you are able to eat in limited amounts


o 2 servings per day for smaller appetite, 2-3 servings per day for moderate

appetite, 2-4 servings per day for large appetite

o Serving size – 8 ounces yogurt (1 per day), 1 ounce cheese, ½ cup cottage


Nuts, beans, seeds

o 1 serving per day for smaller appetite, 1-2 servings per day for moderate

appetite, 1-2 servings per day for large appetite

o Serving size – ¼ cup beans, ¼ cup nuts, ¼ cup seeds

o Choose nuts in the shell to slow you down, and choose nuts that are not

addictive for you

o No clear guidelines on portions of vegetarian proteins for vegetarian diets

Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs

o 5-6 ounces per day of cooked meat or protein for smaller appetite, 6-8 ounces

per day for moderate appetite, 8-11 ounces per day for large appetite

o 3 ounces is about the size of the palm of a woman’s hand; 4 ounces is about the

size of a woman’s palm and thumb; 5 ounces is about the size of a man’s palm.

1 egg = 1 ounces, 2 egg whites = 1 ounce

Fats – heart-healthy

o 1-2 servings per day for smaller appetite, 2-3 servings per day for moderate

appetite, 2-4 servings per day for large appetite

o Serving size – 1 tablespoon salad dressing, 1 teaspoon of butter or oil

DO NOT east these Foods in phase 1 of The DASH Diet

Starchy foods (other than beans)

o No foods made from flour e.g. bread, pasta

o No grains e.g. rice, etc.

o No starchy vegetables such as corn, potatoes, winter squash

o No foods fried in batter



Alcoholic beverages

Dash Diet Phase One


Individually packaged light

cheeses such as: Light Laughing Cow wedges, Light

Baby Bel

Light string cheese, light

cottage cheese (4 oz size), and Kraft® 2% singles.

Egg Beaters® or other egg

substitute, with or without


Ham, Turkey, lean roast beef.

Sugar free Jell-o®

Sliced light cheese and lean

deli meats.

V8 Juice

Egg white salad, tuna salad,

chicken salad, occasional egg salad.

Salad bar for cut up peppers,

cucumbers, radishes, celery,

avocados and for salads.

Nuts, preferably unsalted and non-roasted, such as raw almonds, ballpark peanuts,


Nuts-in-the-shell is great as you have to work at opening them up and you actually eat

less of them.

Dash Diet Phase One

Planning is so Important

1. Take your lunches and snacks to work. Either stock your mini fridge at the office, or bring an insulated bag with all the right foods.

2. Make sure you keep all the right foods on hand. 3. Do not skip any meals or snacks. 4. Plan what you will eat for each meal and snack, each day.

5. Plan what you will eat before you go to a restaurant. 6. Remember your goal. Then plan to succeed.

During the Phase One phase, you have learned to fill your plate with lots of colourful vegetables, you are choosing lean meats, fish, and poultry, and you have added low fat dairy

to your regimen. What a great start to a weight loss plan that will improve your health, and be easy to follow.

Dash Diet Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the Dash Diet stand for?

A. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; it is a flexible and balanced

eating plan that has been shown to lower high blood pressure as well as many other benefits

to your health.

Q. What is the basic principal of the Dash Diet?

A. Eating foods high in potassium and calcium are the key to the DASH diet; the fruits,

vegetables, and low fat dairy make it work. You can fill yourself up on healthy foods that are

low in fat and calories.

Q. I have reduced sodium in my foods, but a recent medical test report showed high content

of sodium? And there are several foods that contain sodium in this case, what should I do?

A. This is the common problem and it is more about the nutrient in our foods we eat. Sodium

is a substance made up of sodium and chloride. Therefore, the foods you eat in the DASH diet

may already have sufficient amount of sodium in them that is necessary for your body. Avoid

eating processed foods that contain 70% to 75% sodium. The natural fruits and vegetables

are the best source of sodium instead of sodium chloride.

Q. I take medicine to control my high blood pressure; do I still need to take them?

A. If you take medicines to control your high blood pressure, keep taking them. However, you

should tell your doctor that you're now following the DASH eating plan.

Q. Are there health risks?

A. No. However, if you have a health condition, check with your doctor to be sure DASH is

right for you

Dash Diet Phase One

How many Calories do you need?

This is a general idea on the amount of calories your body needs daily, by reducing your

intake by 500 calories per day will reduce your weight by 1 pound per week.


Age Calories - Not Active Calories-Mod Active Calories- Very Active

19-30 2000 2000-2200 2400

31-50 1800 2000 2200

51+ 1600 1800 2000-2200


19-30 2400 2600-2800 3000

31-50 2200 2400-2600 2800-3000

51+ 2000 2200-2400 2400-2800

Dash Diet Phase One

I find planning your meals to be the success in any healthy diet regime, here are some suggested Dash Diet Phase One Meal Plan.

Menu Day 1 Breakfast • Hard-boiled egg.

Hint: Make several hard-boiled eggs, and peel. Store the remaining eggs in a zipper bag in the refrigerator. Then you will have them when you need them, for super-quick breakfasts.

• 1 or 2 slices Canadian bacon • 6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack

• 1 stick light cheese • Baby carrots

Lunch • Albacore Tuna Salad • Cherry or grape tomatoes

• Small side salad: Dressed with Italian or oil and vinegar dressing

• Strawberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• 4 ounces lemon light yogurt, fat-free,

artificially sweetened • 18 cashews (1 ounce by weight, 1/4 cup by volume, or small handful)

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional)

• Pepper strips.

Hint: To make the strips quickly, cut off the tops and bottoms of some red, yellow, or orange bell peppers. Remove seeds, and cut in half. Flatten each half and take a very sharp knife and cut along the surface, removing the membranes. Then cut into 1-inch strips. These are great

to dip into guacamole, as a chip substitute. • 2 ounces guacamole, which is about 1/4 cup

Dinner • Grilled or Baked Chicken Breast • 1 cup (or more) mixed carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower blend: steamed or micro waved

• Salad: romaine blend with Italian or Vinaigrette Dressing • Raspberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Get Your Dash Diet Ingredients Shopping Here

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu DAY 2

Breakfast • Mini–Egg Beaters South western Style omelette. Spray microwave-safe dish or cup with cooking spray. Add 1/4–1/2 cup Egg Beaters South

western Style. Microwave on high for just 1 minute. Stir, and cook an additional 15 seconds.

• 4–6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack • 1 Light Laughing Cow Light Cheese Wedge

• 6 grape tomatoes

Lunch • 2–3 Cucumber-Turkey-Swiss roll-ups.


With the cucumber on the outside, as the wrap. Deli turkey slices for the meat. Add whatever condiments you like, such as mustard. You could also add lettuce as the

outermost layer of the wrap. • 1/2–1 cup coleslaw

• Raw snow peas or sugar snap pea pods (as much as you like) • Orange Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• 1 stick light cheese • Baby carrots

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional) • 10 peanuts in the shell (20 individual peanuts)

Hint: Shelling nuts slows you down, so you are less likely to overeat them.


• Roasted sliced turkey • Sautéed carrots and onions.

Preparation Sauté 1 medium onion, thinly sliced, in 1 tablespoon olive oil or canola oil.

Add about 8 ounces sliced carrots, and continue to sauté until the carrots are soft. Add 1 thin pat of butter at the end. Hints: Top the turkey with the sautéed carrots for extra flavour. If you like very soft carrots, microwave first before sautéing.

• Side salad topped with Italian dressing

• Lime Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu for DAY 3


• Scrambled eggs • 1–2 slices Canadian bacon • 4–6 ounces diet cranberry juice

Midmorning Snack • 4 ounces raspberry light Greek yogurt, non fat

• 23 almonds (1 ounce by weight, ¼ cup by volume).

Lunch • Cold fried chicken breast (don’t

eat the skin or coating) • Coleslaw

• Baby carrots • Lemon Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• 1–2 The Laughing Cow Light Cheese Wedges • 6 grape tomatoes

Before-Dinner Snack


• Pepper strips • Guacamole


• Poached Salmon with Dill Sauce • 1 cup broccoli

• Side salad with All Purpose Vinaigrette dressing • 1–2 strawberry Jell-O cups, sugar-free

The Benefits of Grape Tomatoes

Grape tomatoes are a good source of fibre.

Grape tomatoes have vitamins A and C.

Vitamin A supports eye, bone, and skin health and protects against infection.

Dash Diet Phase One

Meals for DAY 4

Breakfast • Turkey-Swiss roll-up. 2% Swiss cheese as the wrap for 1–2 ounces turkey

• 4–6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack • 2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter

• 8 baby carrots

Lunch • Salad with grilled chicken

• 20 walnuts • Orange Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack • 1 light string cheese stick • Celery sticks

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional) • Pepper strips

• Hummus

Dinner • 1/4 rotisserie chicken (precooked, from supermarket)

• 1 cup peas or green beans (microwave from frozen) DO NOT USE CANNED. • Side salad

• Cherry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Get Some Phase One Breakfast Recipe Ideas HERE

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu DAY 5

Breakfast • Ham Swiss and Avocado Omelette. • Diet cranberry juice

Midmorning Snack • 1 The Laughing Cow Light Cheese Wedge

• Baby carrots

Lunch • 2–3 Provolone cheese and roast beef roll-ups. Use the cheese as the wrap for the deli-sliced

roast beef, or add a piece of lettuce for the outside wrap. Use mayo or mustard as the condiment, if desired.

• Italian coleslaw. You can use raw bagged coleslaw and add very thin strips of red pepper and some grated carrots. Dress with Italian or other oil and vinegar dressing. • Sliced tomato

• Strawberry Jello-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• 4-ounce strawberry-banana light non fat Greek yogurt • 10 cashews

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional) • 20 pistachios in the shell. Hint: The shells slow you down.

Dinner • Rainbow Chicken Salad

• Strawberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Low Sodium Cheeses

Swiss, Gruyere, fresh Chevre, are all naturally much lower

sodium content and Monterey Jack, Ricotta, Parmesan, Ficek. Wensleydale, Emmental, Mozzarella, Cream cheese and

Cottage cheese are good low sodium options when you are looking for a low sodium cheese.

Check out more information interesting tips on Low Sodium Cheeses.

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu DAY 6

Breakfast • 1–2 hard-boiled eggs (check out below on how to get the Perfect Hard Boiled Egg) • 1 slice Canadian bacon

• 4–6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack • 1 The Laughing Cow Light Cheese Wedge

• Grape tomatoes


• Tuscan Tuna salad • Sliced tomato • Side salad with Italian dressing

• Strawberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• Key lime light non fat Greek yogurt • Baby carrots

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional)

• 10 peanuts in the shell (20 individual peanuts)

Dinner • Chilli chicken

• Cherry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

The Perfect Boiled Egg

While you’re on Phases One eggs are your go to friend, here is one of the best ways to make the

perfect boiled egg.

Cover them with cool water by 1 inch. Slowly bring water to a boil over medium heat; when the water has reached a boil, cover and remove from heat. Let

sit 12 minutes.

Transfer eggs to a colander; place under cool running water to stop the cooking.

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu DAY 7

Breakfast • Hard-boiled egg(s)

• 10 cashews • 4–6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack

• 1 light string cheese stick • Baby carrots


• Lettuce Roll Ups Butter lettuce as well as Romaine lettuce make great roll ups when you are in Phase One of

your Dash diet you can put in your assortment of lean meats, eggs, tuna, chicken, cottage cheese or low fat cheeses and enjoy them in a lettuce wrap. • Strawberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free.

Midafternoon Snack • Sour Cream and Herb Blend Popcorn

• 10 almonds

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional)

• Celery sticks • Guacamole


• Lo So Vegetable Soup • Black cherry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Get Your 5 Low Sodium Popcorn Recipes Here

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu DAY 8


• 4 ounces reduced-fat cottage cheese • Diet cranberry juice

Midmorning Snack

• Kale Chips or Roasted (Season kale leaves with your choice of herbs and spices and bake for 15 to 25 minutes at 250

degrees. Try experimenting with more exotic flavours like maple syrup and balsamic vinegar.)


• Tuna Salad • Orange Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• 1 light string cheese stick • 20 walnuts

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional) • Cut-up raw veggies • Light ranch dip

Dinner • Pan-seared salmon, coated with salt-free Cajun seasoning mix

• Sautéed peppers and onions. Tip: you could use a frozen mix, or cut up your own. Sauté in olive oil. • Side salad with Italian or oil and vinegar dressing

• Strawberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

The Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

You may have heard that drinking cranberry juice can help with a urinary tract infection (UTI), but that's not the only benefit.

Cranberries are water-harvested fruits. They are

packed with nutrients to help your body ward off infections and boost overall health.

Get your wholesome Cranberry Juice Here

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu DAY 9

Breakfast •Mushroom and Sausage Quiche. • 4–6 ounces diet cranberry juice

Midmorning Snack

• 1–2 light string cheese sticks

• 8 baby carrots

Lunch • Turkey and Swiss roll-ups (2–3)

• Coleslaw • Cherry tomatoes

• Raspberry Jello-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

• Strawberry non fat Greek yogurt

• 10 cashews

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional)

• Pepper strips • 1/4 cup guacamole


• Pork and Vegetable in a Slow Cooker • Add your favourite Frozen Veges medley

• Avocado Mousse Health Benefits of Cashews

Cashews are one of the lowest-fibre nuts, they are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

These include vitamins E, K, and B6, along

with minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium, all of which are important for maintaining good bodily


Dash Diet Phase One

Menu Day 10

Breakfast • 1 to 2 Hard-boiled Eggs

• Canadian bacon • 4 to 6 ounces Tomato Juice

Mid-Morning Snack

• Wedge Light Laughing Cow Cheese • Grape Tomatoes


• Avocado Egg and Salmon Salad

This simple dish can be made a little more elegant with freshly poached salmon instead of the canned. Fresh, salmon is delightful, refreshing and super healthy, especially in this salad, but if fresh is unavailable, frozen or canned salmon is just as good in this recipe. ( Don’t add the

honey in Phases One) • Pepper Strips

• Strawberry Jell-O, sugar-free

Mid-Afternoon Snack

• 4 ounces Non fat Cottage Cheese

• Celery Sticks

Before Dinner Snack (optional)

• Raw Veggies • Hummus


• Spinach Crust Pizza

Using spinach to make pizza crust is a great alternative that also helps you cut down your carbohydrates and

calorie intake. This crust itself is only 63 calories a serving and can be

topped with whatever you want—like sauce, cheese, meat, and veggies. You do need a food processor or blender to

make this recipe successful. • Hearty-sized Salad

Tip: Add a variety of veggies such as cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, red cabbage, pepper slices or mushrooms.

Top with Italian, oil and vinegar, or vinaigrette dressing.

• Dark Cherry Jell-O, artificially-sweetened

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu Day 11


• Poached Eggs with Avocado and Tomatoes • 4 - 6 ounces Diet Cranberry Juice

Mid-Morning Snack • Peanut Butter

• Carrot or Celery Sticks


• Lettuce Roll Ups (Put in your assortment of lean meats, eggs, tuna, chicken, cottage cheese or low fat cheeses and enjoy them in a lettuce wrap)

• Baby Carrots • Italian Coleslaw

• Strawberry Jell-O, sugar-free

Mid-Afternoon Snack

• Baby Bel Cheese • Grape Tomatoes

Before Dinner Snack (optional) • Peanuts in the Shell


• Sesame Beef and Broccoli

Tip: You can make double this recipe and split it in two and place it in the freezer and then it is ready for another quick fix meal.

• Orange Jell-O, artificially sweetened

Dash Diet Phase One Tips

Opt for protein-rich foods that have healthy fats, like fresh nuts and seeds, or fatty fish like salmon or mackerel. Avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats as well as antioxidants

lutein, vitamin E and beta-carotene. Toss them in a salad along with vegetable oils, especially olive, canola and nut oils, which you can use as salad dressing.

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu Day 12

Breakfast Avocado Omelette

4–6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack 4 ounces strawberry Non Fat Greek yogurt, 10 cashews

Lunch Zucchini Canoes

(Zucchini stuffed with tomatoes, mozzarella and basil make a delicious

vegetarian dish or have it as a side dish with your summer barbecue.)

Lime Jello-O cup, artificially sweetened

Midafternoon Snack

1–2 light string cheese sticks Celery sticks

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional)

Pepper strips 1/4 cup guacamole (see recipe below)

Dinner Balsamic Chicken and Vegetables – made in a slow cooker

Here is a light, easy, and perfect for any meal in the slow cooker which cooks it to tender perfection with vegetables and the savoury taste of balsamic vinegar.

Cherry Jello-O cup, artificially sweetened.

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu Day 13

Breakfast • Guacamole Devilled Eggs

• Diet Cranberry Juice

Mid-Morning Snack

• Light Laughing Cow Wedge

• Baby Carrots

Lunch • Spicy shrimp Salad • Lime Jell-O, sugar-free

Mid-Afternoon Snack

• Blueberry Non Fat Greek Yogurt • Walnuts

Before Dinner Snack (optional) • Swiss Cheese, made from 2% milk

• Cashews

Dinner • Steak Salad

This Steak Salad that has 480 calories per serving. Steak has many health benefits and beef is a good source of polyunsaturated fat that helps strengthen bones and teeth; the

recommended amount of 4 oz is 64% of the daily requirement of protein. • Green Beans • Sliced Tomatoes

• Cherry Jell-O, sugar-free

DASH Diet Phase One Tips:

Phase One dieters can consume an unlimited intake of non-starchy vegetables and include some protein-rich foods, such as lean meat, fish, low-fat cheese and nuts.

Avoid starchy foods with sugar, you’re helping to regulate your blood sugar and diminish

cravings. Try leafy greens like lettuce and spinach or cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or

cabbage. You can also eat cucumbers, squash, peppers and tomatoes

Dash Diet Phase One

Menu Day 14

Breakfast Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Tomatoes

4–6 ounces tomato Juice, low-sodium

Midmorning Snack 4 ounces strawberry-banana Non Fat Greek yogurt

10 walnuts

Lunch Grilled chicken breast

Sliced tomatoes Baby carrots

Side salad, with dressing (Here are some great Dash Diet Dressing Recipes)

Raspberry Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Midafternoon Snack

1–2 light string cheese sticks Grape tomatoes

Before-Dinner Snack (Optional)

10 peanuts in the shell (20 individual peanuts)


Eggplant Roll Ups Eggplant roll-ups are quick and easy to make, they are a healthier alternative to a pasta dish

and can be made in bulk for meal prep.

Orange Jell-O cup, sugar-free

Dash Diet Phase One

Dash Diet Phase One Recipe List


Poached Eggs with Avocado and Tomatoes

Mushroom and Sausage Quiche

Guacamole Devilled Eggs

Scrambled Eggs with Spinach


Avocado Omelette

Spicy Eggs with Kale

Dash Diet Phase One


Salad Dressing

All Purpose Vinaigrette.

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

Main Lunch Meals

Tuna Salad

Cucumber and Turkey Swiss Roll Ups

Grilled Chicken Salad

Avocado Egg and Salmon Salad

Zucchini Canoes

Spicy Shrimp Salad

Brussel Sprout Slaw

Dash Diet Phase One


Bieler’s Broth

Spicy Black Bean Soup

LoSo Vegetable Soup

Roasted Tomato Soup



Turmeric Bombs


Dash Diet Phase One


Poached Salmon with a Dill Sauce

Honey Garlic Salmon

Rainbow Chicken Salad

Chilli Chicken

Eggplant Rollups

Steak Salad

Roasted Cauliflower


Sesame Beef and Broccoli

Dash Diet Phase One


Avocado Mousse


Balsamic Chicken and Vegetables

Chicken and Red Bean Chilli

Pork and Vegetables

Dash Diet Phase One

Dash Diet Phases One Recipes


Poached Eggs with Avocado and Balsamic Tomatoes

This is really one of my favourites, I enjoy a poached egg and the avocado combination it is a huge tasty success.


8 to 10 tomatoes

2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon thyme or mixed Italian herbs 2 avocados 2 to 3 eggs per person


Bring a pot of water to boil (use enough water to

cover the eggs when they lay in the bottom).

Crack the eggs directly into the boiling water, turn down the heat to medium for 2

minutes then take off the element.

While the eggs are cooking, chop up the tomatoes and slice the avocado. When the eggs are done, use a spatula to lift the eggs out of the water.

Sprinkle with Italian herbs, pepper, and fresh herbs; serve with the fresh quartered

heirloom tomatoes or if you have time roast the tomatoes with a little balsamic vinegar.


Adding a teaspoon of vinegar to the water before boiling helps the eggs stay together

in the water.

Dash Diet Phase One

Mushroom and Sausage Quiche Ingredients

8 oz. Turkey breakfast sausage (remove casing) cut into small


1 teaspoon olive oil 6 oz mushrooms

¼ cup sliced scallions

¼ cup grated Swiss cheese

½ teaspoon ground black pepper

5 eggs

3 egg whites

1 cup 1% Milk


Heat a large non stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add sausage and cook until golden brown, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer to a bowl to cool.

Add oil to the pan. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring often, until golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer mushrooms to the bowl with the sausage.

Let cool for 5 minutes. Stir in scallions, cheese and pepper.

Whisk eggs, egg whites and milk in a medium bowl. Divide the egg mixture evenly among the prepared muffin cups. Sprinkle a heaping tablespoon of the sausage mixture into each cup.

Position rack in centre of oven; preheat to 325 degrees F. Coat a nonstick muffin tin generously with cooking spray

Bake until the tops are just beginning to brown, 25 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes. Place a rack on top of the pan, flip it over and turn the quiches out onto the rack. Turn upright and let cool completely.

Guacamole Deviled Eggs


2 Avocados, ripe

1 tbsp Chives or green onion

1 tbsp Cilantro

1 tbsp Lime

1/2 jalapeno chili pepper

1 tbsp Sour cream

6 Hard Boiled eggs -remove shell and cut in half


Slice avocados and remove pit and scoop out the fruit into a bowl add the remaining ingredients and mash with the yellow part of the egg.

Dash Diet Phase One

Scrambled Eggs with Spinach

Here is a basic recipe for scrambled eggs, but you’re welcome to add tomatoes, avocado,

Canadian bacon, ham, turkey while you are in Phase One of the Dash Diet. Spice it up with

some Tabasco or your favourite hot sauce.


2 Eggs

½ teaspoon of fresh basil or parsley or Cilantro

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

¼ cup Swiss cheese

1 large handful of chopped Spinach

1 medium chopped tomato


In a large bowl combine the eggs, basil and cayenne pepper. Use rotary beater or wire whisk

to beat until frothy.

Dash Diet Phase One

Dash Diet Phase One Frittata

It’s so easy to make a frittata for brunch, turn on your stove top and into your fry pan add all

your ingredients then pour your egg mixture over everything, as soon as the edge of the eggs

set on the cook top, just pop it into the oven for a couple of minutes to finish it off – you have

a wonderful tasty brunch. Think of what you like on your pizza, and then try adding it in:

olives, mushrooms.

This recipe has Sodium 101.9 mg per serving.


2 Cups Zucchini - grated

2 oz. fresh baby spinach

2 Cloves Garlic

2 Tbsp. Olive Oil - for sautéing

8 Leaves Fresh basil

1 teaspoon Chia Seeds

1 Cup Onion - Chopped

1 Medium Tomato - sliced to garnish on top

8 Large eggs

Dash Diet Phase One

1/4 Cup 2% Milk

1 tsp Black Pepper

2 Tbsp. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese lowest sodium you can find.


Pre heat your oven to 350 degrees F.

Grate the Zucchini and then dry on some paper towels and squeeze out a lot of the moisture.

Heat the olive oil in a deep skillet or sauté pan (that is oven safe) over medium heat.

Warm the garlic in the oil and sauté the onion, basil, chia seeds and zucchini in the pan up on

medium high heat until the mix turns golden brown.

Add the milk, eggs, baby spinach and black pepper to a blender and blend on the highest

speed until frothy.

Pour the egg mixture over the ingredients in the pan.

Let it set for one minute on the stove top.

Add the cheese, float the tomato slices on top and finish the frittata in the oven for ten

minutes and the eggs have cooked through.

Garnish with a little fresh basil, slice and if you are having it for your brunch or lunch add

your favourite side salad and enjoy.

Pour into prepared skillet. Immediately begin stirring the eggs gently but continuously with a

wooden or plastic spatula until mixture resembles small pieces of cooked egg surrounded by

liquid egg. Add the spinach and tomatoes.

Cook for 30 to 60 seconds more or until egg is set but shiny.

Sprinkle with Swiss cheese and fresh ground pepper.

Top with a finely chopped scallion.

With a spatula, lift and fold one side of omelette partially over filling.

Arrange remaining spinach on warm platter.

Dash Diet Phase One

Avocado Omelette

Here is a low sodium breakfast recipe that is so easy to make, this Avocado Omelette it high-

protein omelette with avocado and fibre-rich kale and will keep full for longer.


2 large eggs

1 teaspoon low-fat milk

2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive

oil, divided

1 cup chopped kale

1 tablespoon lime juice

1 tablespoon chopped fresh


1 teaspoon unsalted sunflower


Pinch of crushed red pepper

¼ Avocado sliced

Tabasco to taste


Beat eggs with milk and salt in a small bowl.

Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a small non stick skillet over medium heat.

Add the egg mixture and cook until the bottom is set and the centre is still a bit runny, 1 to 2


Flip the omelette over and cook until set, about 30 seconds more. Transfer to a plate.

Toss kale with the remaining 1 teaspoon of oil, lime juice, cilantro, sunflower seeds, crushed

red pepper and a couple of drops of Tabasco if you like to spice it up a little.

Top the omelette with the kale salad and avocado.

Try adding a little tomato to add some flavour and colour.

Dash Diet Phase One

Spicy Eggs and Kale

I’m not a big Kale eater, but it is one of those leafy green vegetables we should all be eating

and here is a great way to disguise kale in your breakfast with some spicy flavors added to it.

Add some protein-rich eggs are then nestled into the bed of kale, where they gently simmer

to perfection. A finishing garnish of red pepper flakes adds the perfect amount of contrasting

heat. This recipe serves 4 people.


2 Tbs. unsalted butter

4 green onions chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 bunches kale, tough stems removed,

leaves roughly chopped

1 cup chicken or vegetable broth

1/2 tsp. Sriracha sauce

6 sundried tomatoes

1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

Zest and juice of 1 lemon

4 eggs

Red pepper flakes, to taste


In a large fry pan over medium-high heat, melt the butter. Add the green onions and garlic

and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute.

Add half of the kale and sauté, stirring frequently until it begins to wilt, about 2 minutes. Stir

in the remaining kale and repeat.

Add the broth, the 1/2 tsp. Sriracha sauce and the 1/4 tsp. black pepper.

Stir in the sundried tomatoes, lemon zest and juice.

Simmer stirring occasionally, until the kale softens, about 6 minutes.

Using the back of a spoon, create a pocket for each egg in the kale. Crack 1 egg into each

pocket. Reduce the heat to medium-low and season the eggs with salt and black pepper.

Cover the pan and let the eggs cook until almost opaque, 4 to 5 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let the eggs rest, covered, until done to your taste. Sprinkle with red

pepper flakes and serve immediately.

Dash Diet Phase One


With so many great salad recipes available, there are really only a few salad dressing that are

acceptable with the Dash Diet, they are the oil or vinegar based ones, here are a couple of

my Dash Diet Salad Dressing.

Dash Diet Honey Mustard

It is possible to have your favourite

honey mustard combination in a salad

dressing with only 120 mg of sodium

and 106 Calories per serving.


1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon honey

2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil

Dash Diet Phase One

All Purpose Vinaigrette

This is such a versatile low sodium dressing and can be used to dress any combination of

mixed greens.


1 medium garlic clove

5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

¼ teaspoon of salt

6 tablespoons fresh orange juice, plus more to taste

¼ cup white-wine vinegar or red-wine vinegar

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard


Peel garlic clove and smash with the side of a chef’s


Using a fork mash the garlic with salt in a small bowl to form a coarse paste. Whisk in oil. Add

juice, vinegar and mustard; whisk until well blended. Taste and whisk in up to 4 tablespoons

more juice to mellow the flavour.

Dash Diet Phase One

Albacore Tuna Salad

This can be made as a main dinner dish, but I love it as a lunch time dish, it give me so much

energy for the rest of the day.


2 6-ounce cans chunk light tuna, drained

4 scallions, trimmed and sliced

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 15-ounce can small white beans, rinsed

Freshly ground pepper, to taste


Combine tuna, beans, tomatoes, scallions, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a medium

bowl. Stir gently. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serving size: 1 cup

Per serving: 199 calories; 9 g fat(1 g sat); 6 g fibre; 20 g carbohydrates; 16 g protein;

102 mcg folate; 17 mg cholesterol; 2 g sugars; 0 g added sugars; 488 IU vitamin A;

11 mg vitamin C; 73 mg calcium; 2 mg iron; 355 mg sodium; 549 mg potassium

Dash Diet Phase One

Turkey and Cucumber Roll Ups

Turkey-Swiss roll-ups can be made in a

variety of ways, but basically you need

1 Cucumber or Romaine Lettuce Leaf 3 Oz. Turkey Breast (sliced or shaved)

1 Oz. Swiss Cheese (sliced) 1 Tbsp. your favourite Low Sodium Salad

Dressing 2 Tbsp. Red Chopped Onion Cherry Tomato

Black Pepper You can use the Cucumber or the Romaine

lettuce leaf as the wrap or use the cheese as

a wrap.

Add really any combination of chopped up

vegetables you desire and use on a little

salad dressing

Grilled Chicken Salad

This is my got favourite Dash Diet Phase One Lunch Meal. Full of protein and so easy to whip

up and it is so easy to take to work.

Here are just a few suggestions of what you can add to your Grilled Chicken Salad


1/2 C. chopped Romaine

1/4 C. baby spinach

1/4 C. arugula

3 cherry tomatoes

1 egg, boiled and peeled

1 grilled chicken breast, halved


1 Tbs. chilli powder

1 tsp. Cumin

¼ tsp. pepper

½ tsp. cayenne

¼ C. lime juice

Mix all the ingredients together and then drizzle a small amount of the All Purpose Vinaigrette

Dressing over the top of your Grilled Chicken Salad when you are ready to east it.

Dash Diet Phase One

Avocado Egg and Salmon Salad


Juice of 1 lime

1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar

pinch cayenne pepper

1 (12-oz) piece of Salmon

2 avocados, cut into chunks

1/2 red onions

2 boiled eggs

6 cherry tomatoes

2 teaspoon of capers

2 tsp raw sesame seeds

1 teaspoon Chia Seeds


Hard boil 2 eggs.

In a small bowl mix together the lime juice, balsamic vinegar and cayenne until well

combined. Set aside. In a large bowl assemble the salmon, avocado, cherry tomatoes,

capers, onion slices and gently toss with the lime-honey dressing. Refrigerate for about 30

minutes for all the flavours to come together. If desired, sprinkle sesame and chia seeds over

salad before serving.

Dash Diet Phase One

Zucchini Canoes

Zucchini stuffed with tomatoes, mozzarella and basil make a delicious vegetarian dish or have

it as a side dish with your summer barbecue.

For the best presentation, use long, relatively skinny zucchini.

Ingredients for 4 servings

1/2 cup diced mozzarella

cheese, preferably fresh

¼ cup thinly sliced fresh basil

½ teaspoon freshly ground

pepper, divided

1 tablespoon white-wine


1 cup quartered grape


1 tablespoon minced shallot

2 medium 2-inch-wide



Trim both ends off zucchini; cut in half lengthwise. Cut a thin slice off the backs so each half

sits flat. Scoop out the pulp, leaving a ¼-inch shell. Finely chop the pulp; set aside.

Place the zucchini halves in a microwave-safe dish. Sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon pepper. Cover

and microwave on High until tender-crisp, 3 to 4 minutes.

(You could steam in a steamer basket over 1 inch of boiling water in a large skillet or pot.)

Whisk oil, vinegar, shallot and pepper in a medium bowl. Add tomatoes, cheese, basil and the

reserved zucchini pulp; toss to combine. Divide the filling among the zucchini canoes.

Dash Diet Phase One

Spicy Shrimp Marinated in Lime

In this recipe, the shrimp is marinated rather than served with a heavy sauce. Serve the

shrimp cold


1 medium red onion,


1/2 cup fresh lime juice,

plus lime zest as garnish

2 Jalapenos

2 tablespoons Dijon


1/2 teaspoon hot sauce

1 cup water

1/2 cup rice vinegar

3 whole cloves

1 bay leaf

1 pound uncooked shrimp, peeled and deveined


In a shallow baking dish, combine the onion, lime juice, Jalapenos, mustard and hot sauce.

Set aside.

In a large saucepan, add the water, vinegar, cloves and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and add the

shrimp. Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

Drain and transfer the shrimp to the shallow dish containing the onion mixture, making sure

to discard the cloves and bay leaf. Stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled,

about 1 hour.

To serve, divide the shrimp mixture among individual small bowls and garnish each with lime

zest. Serve cold.

Health Benefits of Shrimp

Shrimp are low in calories but high in nutrients contains Vitamin and rich in protein. Four

ounces steamed contains over 100% of the Daily Value for selenium, over 75% for vitamin

B12, over 50% for phosphorous and over 30% for choline, copper, and iodine. Shrimp is

very low in saturated fat and is eliminates the bad cholesterol.

Dash Diet Phase One

Brussel Sprout Slaw

I find it hard getting Brussel Sprouts into my diet, but they are so good for you, but I have

this one recipe that is suitable for Phases One in the Dash Diet


2 teaspoon of your Honey mustard salad dressing

2 tablespoons freshly

squeezed lime juice

1 tablespoon lime zest

¼ cup olive oil

1 ½ pounds Brussel

sprouts, trimmed and


1 medium size carrot

1 large shallot,


Freshly ground black pepper

¼ cup chopped fresh mint leaves


Use you homemade Honey Mustard Salad Dressing and add a little lime juice and zest in a

small bowl.

Add Combine the Brussels sprouts, carrot and shallot and toss with the dressing. Add black

pepper and refrigerate until ready to serve.

(It’s best to let the slaw rest for an hour or so to allow the flavours to mellow; the sprouts will

also soften a bit.

You can let it sit longer, for up to 24 hours, if you like.

Drain the slaw before continuing.

Just before serving, toss with the mint.

Dash Diet Phase One


There are countless soup recipes, but finding them that is acceptable for the Dash Diet Phase

One is not always easy, but here are several that you can use.

Adding herbs and spices add the flavour to any soups and every herb and spices have their

own medicinal benefits, reducing inflammation lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of


Dash Diet Phase One

Bieler’s Healing Detox Broth

This soup is full of fresh ingredients and healing nutrients. Packed with coconut oil and tons of

green veggies, sipping on this soup twice daily guarantees you get your daily dose of

potassium and other important minerals.

1 cup water

2 cups string beans

3 stalks of large chopped


3 whole large chopped


1 tbsp virgin organic coconut


1 handful of parsley


1. Boil one cup of water in stock pot.

2. Steam two cups of string beans for five minutes.

3. Add chopped celery and zucchini for seven minutes, until tender but not crisp (don’t


4. Add three stalks of large chopped celery (not minced).

5. Add three whole, large, chopped zucchinis.

6. Blend until liquefied. Then, add one handful of parsley and one tablespoon of virgin

organic coconut oil and blend again until smooth.

Drink two cups daily.

Dash Diet Phase One


This Spicy Black Bean Soup is a protein-rich meal and will leave you full and satisfied.

From the delightful taste of the dried oregano, to the heat provided by the cumin, it’s

plentiful in flavour too. This delightful dish could become a staple for any occasion,

whether at home with family.

(Yield: 8-10 servings)

1 pound black turtle beans, soaked overnight, drained, and rinsed

2 quarts vegetable stock

2 large onions, small dice

6 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

2 tomatoes

2 diced Jalapenos

½ teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon chilli powder

2 bay leaves

1 teaspoon of ginger

1 tablespoon dry sherry

3 tablespoons brown rice vinegar

Freshly ground black pepper ½ cup chopped whole scallions for garnish

Dash Diet Phase One


Combine beans in 1 gallon pot with stock. Bring beans to boil, skimming foam that rises to

surface. Reduce heat, cover, and cook for 45 minutes.

While beans are cooking, heat oil in 10-inch sauté pan and sauté onion, ginger and garlic

over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes.

While onion and garlic are sautéing, drop tomatoes into bean pot for 30 seconds; remove

using slotted spoon. Peel tomatoes, cut them in half crosswise and squeeze out seeds.

Chop coarsely and add to sauté pan, along with jalapenos, oregano, cumin, and chilli

powder. Cook and stir for 2 to 3 minutes.

Transfer contents of sauté pan into soup pot. Add bay leaves. Cover pot and simmer for

30-40 minutes.

Add mirin or sherry, vinegar, and salt and continue to simmer for another 15 minutes.

Remove bay leaves. If you wish, puree 2 to 3 cups of soup in blender or food processor to

create thicker, smoother texture.

Season with a little pepper. Ladle into soup bowls and serve, garnished with chopped





3/4 cup water, divided

1 small onion, chopped

15 ounces of pumpkin puree

2 cups unsalted vegetable broth

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 cup fat-free milk

1/8 teaspoon black pepper

1 green onion top, chopped


In a large saucepan, heat 1/4 cup water over medium heat. Add onion and cook until

tender, about 3 minutes. Don’t let onion dry out.

Add remaining water, pumpkin, broth, cinnamon and nutmeg. Bring to a boil, reduce heat

and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the milk and cook until hot. Don’t boil.

Ladle soup into warmed bowls and garnish

Dash Diet Phase One

LoSo Vegetable Soup

Vegetable Soups can have a variety of your favourite vegetables in them, but keeping

them low sodium can be a little tricky.

The best way to reduce sodium in your cooking is to use fresh ingredients. If you have to

use canned or frozen veggies, look for low sodium options, and rinse them before adding

to the pot.

Ingredients and Method

Dice hard vegetables -potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, winter squash, all the

colours of bell peppers- place them in the bottom of the slow cooker insert.

Cut any meat you're adding into bite-sized bits and add it on top of the vegetables. Stick with

fresh meats; processed meats like ham, corned beef and sausage can contain upwards of

1,000 milligrams of sodium per serving.

Season with your favourite fresh or dried herbs.

Add tender vegetables like corn, peas and okra.

Cover with sodium-free bouillon dissolved in water.

For creamy soups or chowders, stir in a half cup of heavy whipping cream (liquid, not

whipped), or 1 cup of half-and-half or evaporated milk, maybe try a little coconut milk if you

like the taste of coconut.

Cook on high for 6 to 8 hours (or on low for 10 to 12 hours).

Dash Diet Phase One

LoSo Roasted Tomato Soup

Tomatoes are a good source of potassium, manganese and magnesium they have Vitamin A,

C and K, this recipe is great hot, but it is also suitable served cold.


2 lbs Roma tomatoes, sliced

4-6 garlic cloves, peeled

1 onion, chopped

2 cups low-sodium broth

½ tsp extra-virgin olive oil

Pepper to taste

Garnish with some Fresh Basil

Preheat oven to 425. Line a baking

sheet with aluminium foil.


Lay sliced tomatoes (flesh side up), onion and garlic in a single layer on the baking sheet.

Drizzle with Olive Oil and season with pepper.

Roast vegetables 30-40 minutes or until the food start to char but not burn.

Add tomatoes, onion and garlic to the slow cooker along with the broth.

Stir to mix well.

Cook on HIGH 2 hours.

Pour all entire content of the slow cooker into a blender or food processor and blend until

smooth. Serve with some fresh basil.

Dash Diet Phase One



Guacamole is a very popular Dash Diet Phase One Snack, but keeping it fresh and green

can be challenging, here are some tips to help you keep your guacamole fresh.

Try sealing you Guacamole with plastic wrap and another tip is to add some additional

Lime Juice On top Of Guacamole, Insert Pit into centre, then seal with plastic wrap.


4 ripe, fresh avocados, seeded, peeled, cut in chunks

1 tablespoon lime juice

½ small sweet white onion, minced

1 ripe Roma tomato, seeded and diced

Pepper and a little hot sauce to taste


1. Mash avocados with lime juice in a bowl, leaving some chunks.

2. Gently stir in remaining ingredients and serve immediately.

Dash Diet Phase One

Turmeric Bombs


1/3 cup organic ground turmeric

About 1 Tbs. quercetin powder (about 10

capsules, emptied),

Big pinch of finely ground black pepper

Choose ONE of the following (you will need

about 3 Tbs.)

Coconut oil,

Grass fed ghee,

Unbleached parchment paper,


1. Line a baking sheet with the unbleached

parchment paper. Make room in your

freezer to put the cookie sheet for a few

hours when the Turmeric Bombs need to


2. Select one of the binding agents. You will need approximately 3 tablespoons. If you

choose raw honey and it is thick, melt it in a saucepan over very low heat until it is

pourable. Do the same with the coconut oil or ghee so it is liquid, but not hot.

3. In a bowl, stir together the turmeric, quercetin, pepper, and binding agent. If using

oil, you should have a thick mixture with which you can form pills.

4. For the oil variation, use a spoon to scoop small pill shapes onto the baking sheet.

5. Freeze until firm, then transfer to a storage container and keep in the freezer.

Dash Diet Phase One

Homemade Salsa

Salsa is so easy to make and fresh salsa tastes the best, don’t eat those store bought

salsa’s that are so high in sodium and sugar, try this recipe, it has only 4 mg of sodium in

2 tablespoons of salsa, so use this great dip on your main meals for some flavor.


8 or 9 cocktail tomatoes

(about 8 ounces),


2 green onions, white and

light green parts only,


1 jalapeño pepper,

seeded and chopped

Dash Diet Phase One

2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice


1. Place tomatoes, onions, jalapeño, cilantro, and lime juice into food processor or shop

up finely to your required texture.

2. Pulse until salsa is the consistency you like.

3. Store in refrigerator for up to three days.

If you don’t like spicy salsa, replace the jalapeno with about 1 tablespoon mild banana

pepper or green bell pepper.


There are an abundance of suitable Dash Diet Phase 1 dinner recipes; you can enjoy 2-3

servings of low-fat dairy daily, this includes 1 cup of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Avoid

regular or even fat-free cheese because they are often high in sodium. But you can also

enjoy up to 6 ounces of lean meats, fish and poultry a day. Aim for 4 to 5 servings of

beans or lentils a week.

Poached Salmon with

a Dill Sauce

This elegant meal takes less

than 30 minutes to put

together and yet is

impressive enough for

entertaining. This is a great

dinner for nights when you

don’t want to turn on the

oven but still crave a home

cooked meal. Salmon and

other cold water fish have

high levels of heart healthy

Dash Diet Phase One

Omega-3 fatty acids.


1 teaspoon olive or vegetable oil

2 tablespoon shallots, finely chopped

1 1/2 cup fat-free or low fat milk

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 1/4 lb salmon fillet, about 1 inch thick, skin on, cut into 4 portions

1 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

Lemon or Lime wedges and fresh dill sprigs for garnish.


In a 10-inch skillet or sauté pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add shallots and sauté until

softened, 30 to 60 seconds. Add milk, shallots and pepper; bring to simmer, stirring.

Reduce heat to low.

Slip salmon pieces in the milk sauce, skin-side up; immediately turn over. Cover and

poach salmon gently, spooning milk cooking liquid over top of salmon occasionally, just

until interior is opaque, 10 to 12 minutes.

With a slotted spoon, carefully transfer salmon to a warm platter. Cover with foil and keep


In a small bowl, mix lemon juice and cornstarch; add to poaching liquid and cook, stirring

constantly, until slightly thickened, about 1 minute. Stir in sour cream, chopped dill and


Garnish salmon with lemon wedges and dill sprigs. Serve with the mustard-dill sauce.

Honey Garlic Salmon

Just a few ingredients make this quick and tasty recipe perfect for a busy weeknight. A

simple marinade of soy sauce, lime, honey and garlic adds tons of flavour to salmon with

ease. You can serve it with a spiralized salad

Ingredients 4 servings

2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce

2 tablespoons lime juice

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

1 clove of grated garlic

Dash Diet Phase One

1 1/2 pounds of Sockeye Salmon – cut into 4 portions

1 tablespoon of fresh cilantro


Stir soy sauce, lime juice, honey, sesame oil and garlic together in a small bowl. Place

salmon pieces and 3 tablespoons of the soy sauce mixture in a large sealable plastic

bag. (Reserve the remaining soy mixture for sauce).

Marinate the salmon in the refrigerator, turning frequently, for 20 minutes.

Preheat broiler to high and position rack in the upper third of oven. Line a large

rimmed baking sheet with foil and coat the foil with cooking spray. Remove the salmon

from the bag and transfer to the prepared baking sheet.

Drizzle any remaining marinade from the bag over the salmon and then sprinkle with

salt. Broil until the salmon is just cooked through, 5 to 8 minutes, depending on


Sprinkle with cilantro and serve with the reserved soy sauce.

Health Benefits of Salmon

Rainbow Chicken Salad

Here is a colourful Rainbow Chicken salad that is high in fibre and low in sodium that has a

variety of textures and a colourful array of vegetable, then add you favourite roasted

chicken or if you prefer salmon it tastes just as good.


Dash Diet Phase One

¾ cup water

½ cup couscous

6 cups baby arugula

1 cup fresh corn kernels

(from 2 ears of corn)

1 cup halved or quartered

cherry tomatoes

1 firm ripe avocado, diced

¼ cup toasted pumpkin seeds

½ cup chopped fresh basil

¼ cup buttermilk

¼ cup mayonnaise

1 tablespoon lime juice

1 small clove garlic, peeled

¼ teaspoon Chia seeds

¼ teaspoon ground pepper.


Bring the water to the boil in a small saucepan. Add couscous, reduce heat to maintain a

gentle simmer, cover and cook until the water is absorbed, 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer to a

fine-mesh sieve and rinse with cold water. Drain well.

Spread arugula on a serving platter. Add the couscous, corn, tomatoes, avocado and

pumpkin seeds in decorative lines over the arugula.

Combine basil, buttermilk, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, chia seeds and pepper in a

mini food processor or blender; pulse until smooth. Top the salad with the dressing just

before serving.

Chilli Chicken

This recipe has so many flavours with the mix of spices; corn and bell pepper giving this

healthy one-pot chicken chilli recipe with a South-western flavour and it’s a great way of

using up some leftover chicken.

Serving size: about 1½ cups and contains 570 mg of sodium.


Dash Diet Phase One

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

3 Cloves of crushed garlic

1 large onion, chopped

2 cups cubed sweet potato ( ½-inch)

1 medium green bell pepper, chopped

2 tablespoons chilli powder

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoon dried oregano

¼ teaspoon Ground pepper

1 15-ounce can low-sodium cannellini

beans, rinsed

2 cups low-sodium chicken broth

1 cup frozen corn

2 cups cubed cooked chicken ( ½-inch; about 10 ounces)

Non fat Greek yogurt, avocado and/or cilantro for garnish


Heat the oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, sweet potato and bell

pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are slightly softened, 5 to 6 minutes.

Stir in chilli powder, cumin and oregano and cook, stirring, until fragrant, 1 minute.

Add beans and broth (or stock) and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, partially cover and simmer

gently for 15 minutes.

Increase heat to medium-high and stir in corn; cook 1 minute. Add chicken and cook until

heated through, 1 to 2 minutes more.

Remove from heat. Stir in pepper.

Serve topped with a little Non Fat Greek Yogurt, avocado and/or cilantro, if desired.

Eggplant Rollups

Dash Diet Phase One

Eggplant roll-ups are quick and easy to make, they are a healthier alternative to a pasta dish

and can be made in bulk for meal prep.


1/2 cup chopped onion

1 cup diced red bell peppers

1 10 oz bag washed spinach

1 tbsp plus 2 tsp chopped garlic

crushed red pepper flakes

1 cup fresh basil leaves, firmly packed

3 cups crushed tomatoes – homemade is the best but you can get some really nice

canned tomatoes

1 large eggplant, cut lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slices


1/2 cup toasted almonds, soaked overnight in enough water to cover

1 oz Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, finely grated


1. Preheat the grill and the oven to 350°F.

Dash Diet Phase One

2. Lightly coat a large non stick skillet with the cooking spray, and place over medium-

high heat. Add the onion and bell peppers to the hot skillet and cook until soft, three to

five minutes.

3. Add the spinach and cook until wilted and the water has evaporated. Transfer the

vegetables to a bowl and set aside. Spray the skillet again and place over medium-high

heat. Add the garlic and cook until a deep golden brown. Add a pinch of red pepper

flakes and half the basil leaves and sauté just long enough to wilt basil. Add the

tomatoes and cook until the mixture reaches a thick sauce consistency, three to five


4. Spray the eggplant slices with cooking spray. Grill the eggplant on each side until

lightly charred, about one minute per side. Add 1/2 cup of sauce to the bowl with the

vegetables, season with red pepper flakes, and mix well.

5. Place the eggplant slices on a clean work surface, making four overlapping, 5-inch wide

by 10-inch long rectangles. Place an even amount of the vegetables and some of the

remaining fresh basil leaves on each rectangle and roll up. Place the rolls on top of the

remaining sauce in the skillet and spoon some of the sauce over each roll. Transfer the

skillet to the oven and bake until the eggplant is tender, about 10 minutes.

6. Place the almonds in a blender with just enough of the soaking water to blend them

and process on high until it’s a thick and smooth ricotta-like texture, about one minute.

Remove from the blender and place in a small bowl, add the cheese, add a little lemon

juice to get a little more tang. Pool a little sauce from the skillet on each of four plates.

Place 1 roll on top, and top each roll with the almond mixture.

Steak Salad

Dash Diet Phase One

Here is a DASH Diet Steak Salad that has 480 calories per serving. Steak has many health

benefits and beef is a good source of polyunsaturated fat that helps strengthen bones and

teeth; the recommended amount of 4 oz is 64% of the daily requirement of protein.


3 oz


flank steak,

grilled and

cut into


1 cup

baby kale

1 cup





chopped red onion

½ Red bell pepper, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon Chia Seeds

2-3 sun dried tomatoes, finely chopped

1/4 cup garbanzo beans

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

A little Monterey Jack cheese if you’re a cheese lover.


1. Combine all of the ingredients.

2. Sprinkle your favourite cheese on top

3. Drizzle your Balsamic Vinegar on top. Enjoy

Roasted Cauliflower or Broccoli

This is a delicious recipe I often eat just on its own when I’m going through the Phases One

stage, as you can eat as much vegetable as you can desire and I really desire this recipe.

Dash Diet Phase One

This spicy yogurt marinade is so good you will go back for seconds. The recipe I have given

you is for cauliflower, but is just as good with broccoli.


1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 head cauliflower

1½ cups plain Greek yogurt

1 lime, zested and juiced

2 tablespoons chilli powder

1 tablespoon cumin

1/2 tablespoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon curry powder

1 teaspoon black pepper


Preheat your oven to 400, F – lightly grease a small baking sheet with olive oil and put aside.

Trim your whole cauliflower- remove woody stem and green leaves.

Combine yogurt, lime zest, lime juice, chilli powder, cumin, garlic powder.

Put the cauliflower into yogurt bowl and smear marinade all over it.

Place the drenched cauliflower into prepared baking sheet and cook for 30-40 minutes – let it

sit for 10 minutes before serving.

Dash Diet Phase One

Spinach Pizza Crust

Using spinach to make pizza crust is a great alternative that also helps you cut down your

carbohydrates and calorie intake. This crust itself is only 63 calories a serving and can be

topped with whatever you want—like sauce, cheese, meat, and veggies. You do need a food

processor or blender to make this recipe successful.

Try using spinach instead because it has a milder flavour and blends with other ingredients



2 cups fresh baby


1/2 cup mozzarella


1 egg

1 teaspoon dried


1 teaspoon basil


teaspoon oregano


1. Blend cheese and spinach together in a food processor.

2. Stir in the egg and herbs and pour mixture onto a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet.

3. Bake spinach crust at 400°F for about 15 minutes, or until crispy.

4. Add on your favourite toppings (tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, vegetables, etc.)

and broil until toppings are warmed.

Cut with a pair of scissors as it is a lot thinner than your normal dough.


Cheese is generally full of sodium, but there is a variety of low sodium cheeses that you can

eat while on the Dash Diet, check out some of the Low Sodium Cheeses HERE

Sesame Beef

Here is a wonderful healthy recipe Sesame Beef and Broccoli that makes even broccoli taste

good, there is a secret ingredient that brings out the flavor in this recipe. You can make

Dash Diet Phase One

double this recipe and split it in two and place it in the freezer and then it is ready for another

quick fix meal.

This delicious slow-cooker recipe is an easy and healthy way to make your dinner. Packed

with protein and iron and low in calories, this meal will become a staple in your kitchen. Set

this up two hours before dinner and come back to a filling and tasty meal.


2 tbsp cornstarch

4 tbsp cold water

1 1/2 lbs flank steak, thinly


1 cup beef broth

2/3 cup low-sodium soy


1/3 cup brown sugar

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp minced garlic

1/4 tsp red chilli flakes,


1 tablespoon of Sesame seeds

4 cups broccoli


1. Combine the cornstarch and cold water.

2. Put all of the ingredients in a bag, and place in fridge until you are ready to cook.

3. Put all the contents of the bag in slow cooker set on high and cook for 2 hours.

Serve on a bed of whole wheat rice or noodles.

Dash Diet Phases One Dessert

Dash Diet Phase One

There are few Dash Diet Phases One Dessert recipes as you are not allowed fruits or

sugar, so simple desserts with pumpkin, cream cheese; avocado and chocolate are the

best areas to look for.

Chocolate Avocado Mousse

This is so simple and tasty with the base of an

avocado, soaked dates, Chia Seeds, raw cacao

powder, and almond milk.


1 avocado

4 pitted dates, soaked for 15 minutes

¼ cup raw cacao powder

¼ cup almond milk

½ tsp Chia Seeds

Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend

until completely smooth.

Spoon your mousse into a small serving dish.

Sorry strawberry not allowed in Phase One

JELLO – You can eat unlimited amounts of Jello while on Dash Diet Phases One


Balsamic Chicken & Vegetables in a Slow Cooker

Dash Diet Phase One

Here is a light, easy, and perfect for any meal in the slow cooker which cooks it to tender

perfection with vegetables and the savoury taste of balsamic vinegar.


1 Tbsp olive oil

4 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 lb sweet potatoes

1/2 lb Carrots

8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp dried basil

1/2 c balsamic vinegar

1 onion, sliced

1 lb green beans - can substitute for asparagus as per the photo above


Add the olive oil and garlic in the bottom of a slow cooker. Line the bottom with baby carrots.

Place the chicken thighs over the sweet potatoes. Season the chicken thighs with pepper,

garlic powder, basil and vinegar. Top with sliced onion. Cover.

Cook on Low 8 hours (High 4 hours). Add green beans during the last 30 minutes of cooking

time. Serve immediately.

NOTES: Chicken thighs are higher in sodium than breasts, about 100 mg per 4 ounces

compared to a breast's 75 mg per 4 ounces. I have not tried it, but I see no reason why you

could not substitute boneless breasts.

Try to use fresh green beans when they are in season, only trimmed the ends and add these

in the beginning of the cooking cycle. You can use frozen green beans but wait to add frozen

beans until the last hour or so. Don't use canned green beans. They will become mushy.

If you like asparagus then they are a great substitute; put these in at the last hour of the

cooking cycle.

4 servings PER SERVING: Calories = 377 Fat (g) = 10 Sodium (mg) = 245 Carbohydrates (g)

= 29 Protein (g) = 37

Chicken and Red Bean Chilli

You can have a plentiful abundant of beans while you’re in the Phase One of the Dash Diet,

you can also enjoy up to 6 ounces of lean meats, fish and poultry a day and up to 4 to 5

servings of beans or lentils a week.

Dash Diet Phase One

This easy slow cooker chicken chilli is relatively light and low-calorie compared to the classic

beef or pork chilli. Boneless chicken breasts and a variety of canned beans make

the chilli super easy and convenient beans

2 (14-ounce) cans red beans, small or kidney beans

4 boneless chicken breast halves, diced

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon butter

1 medium green bell pepper, diced

1 medium red bell pepper, diced

1/2 cup chopped yellow onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tablespoon chilli powder

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

½ teaspoon paprika

8-10 Roma fresh tomatoes or 1 (28-

ounce) can low sodium tomatoes

1 (6-ounce) can tomato paste

1 (4-ounce) can chopped green chilli


Ground black pepper

1 cup water


Put chicken breasts into the bottom of the slow cooker crock; add water.

Rinse canned beans to take all the sodium out of them and add to crock pot.

Add the diced Roma tomatoes, yellow onion, chilli powder, garlic, cumin, paprika,

tomato paste, green chili’s and black pepper.

Cook on Low for 6 hours (or on High for 3 hours).

Pork and Vegetables

Pork is usually contains a high amount of sodium, but letting it cook slowly in the slow

cooker, helps sweat out some of the sodium content. Pork is an excellent source of

Dash Diet Phase One

vitamins and minerals including zinc, thiamin, vitamin B12 and B6. This is such an easy

recipe and is great for leftovers.


3 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves

3 tablespoons

fresh sage leaves

1 tablespoon fresh

thyme leaves

5 tablespoons olive


One 5- to 6-pound

boneless pork

shoulder with a fat


Freshly ground

black pepper

1/2 cup dry white wine

2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped

1/4 teaspoon ground allspice

4 large carrots, cut into rough 1-inch chunks

4 celery ribs, cut into 2-inch-long pieces

1 large finely sliced yellow onion

2 bay leaves

1 cup low-sodium chicken broth

3 to 4 teaspoons cornstarch

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley


Chop all the herbs up finely and mix with olive oil and then rub all over the pork loin.

Put the carrots, celery, onions and bay leaves on the bottom of the slow cooker (7-

quart slow cooker) then add the pork on top of the vegetables, and pour in any leftover

juices. Add the reduced wine mixture and the chicken broth, cover and cook on low for

8 hours.

Transfer the pork to a cutting board and cover with foil. Transfer the vegetables to a

serving platter. Remove all the bay leaves, and cover the vegetables with foil. Pour the

juices into a liquid measuring cup, and let them sit for about 10 minutes. The fat

Dash Diet Phase One

should rise to the surface; spoon off as much as you can, and discard. Pour the juices

into a small saucepan, and bring to a boil.

While the juices boil, make cornstarch mixture.

For every cup of juices, mix 1 teaspoon cornstarch into 1 tablespoon cold water until

dissolved. Reduce the heat so the juices are simmering, whisk in the slurry and cook,

whisking frequently, until the sauce has slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir in 2

tablespoons of the parsley.

Cook some green beans and corn mixed vegetable medley and you have a scrumptious

Dash Diet Phase One Dinner.


You’ve completed The Dash Diet Phase One- the first 14 days of a happier and healthier

you, Diet Phase 1 was designed to reset your metabolism and boost your natural calorie

burning processes. With this protein-rich, low carbohydrate and no sugar period you will

have seen an immediate and visible weight loss.

So now you have conquered Phase One you go onto

Phase Two, this is when you can reintroduce healthy

whole grains, fruit and starchy vegetables so as to

control your weight loss and improve the body’s

response to hypertension.

Please make Dash Diet Phase two a lifestyle choice,

follow its principals every day and you will reap the

health rewards.

Make sure you check out this wonderful comprehensive

eBook that has everything you will need to learn about

The Dash Diet with over 250 recipes and all the

information you may need, check it out.

The Dash Diet Collection V2

Support is only a click away; there are many going along the journey with you, so please

check out some of these social media sites.

Facebook: Dash Diet Recipes

Pinterest: Dash Diet Recipes

Twitter: Dash Diet Family
