Dark Heresy - Hrud



Dark Heresy - Hrud

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Little is known of the Hrud. They are an old race whom hu-

manity have encountered ever since they began to explore

the galaxy's southern rim. Certain Eldar legends speak of

Hrud colonies infesting worlds millennia before humanity

began to build it's Empire. The Hrud themselves seem un-

concerned with keeping histories and refuse discuss their

ways with others.

The Hrud seem to have evolved from a burrowing mammal-

like creature. They have strong arms and sharp-clawed hands

but their bodies are small and wiry, less resistant to damage

than a Human or an Eldar. They have a well-developed sense

of smell and brilliant night vision, but they dislike bright

lights and are easily dazzled. Hrud move very fast, have

quick reflexes and a strong tail which helps them stay bal-

anced when running at speed. Imperial scholars theorise that

the Hrud originate from a hot desert environment, which

would explain their nocturnal lifestyle. It is certain that they

can exist for long periods without water. They also rarely

appear on cold or storm-wracked planets; and even in hot

regions Hrud garb themselves head-to-toe in heavy garments

consisting of scarves, shawls, robes and cloaks. Whether this

is for their comfort or for some theological reason is un-


The Hrud utilise a form of Warp-Plasma engineering that the

Adeptus Mechanicus are at a loss to reproduce or under-

stand. The Hrud use their mastery of Warp-Plasma to create

efficient, if somewhat volatile, weaponry and engines. Aside

from this one area of specialisation the Hrud seem to have

very little in the way of technology. They do not seem to

produce their own interstellar craft and they method by

which they spread from planet to planet is a mystery. When

forced to make long journeys across the land the Hrud con-

struct large armoured transports which protect them from

exposure to both sun and rain. If attacked during their travels

the Hrud use these carriers as mobile firebases.

To the human eye Hrud wargear seems archaic. Long rifles

of dull iron with stocks made of wood or dried tuber, bound

together with lashed twine. They also have a very slow rate

of fire, as the loading process must be made carefully if the

Warp-Plasma ammunition is not to cause an accident. For

these reasons Hrud guns are often named after the old flint-

lock weapons of ancient earth, fusils, calivers and muskets.

However, these nicknames belay the potency of Hrud fire-


Hrud medicine is primitive but effective. They seem to have

an instinctive knack for herb-lore and it's applications. Even

when arriving in a new ecosystem the Hrud quickly seem to

classify any plant life there and how they can best exploit it.

Without this skill disease would spread quickly in the

cramped and squalid warrens. Miraculously the Hrud seem

to be able to work out how to apply this lore to other species.

This has the result that certain Rouge Traders do business

with the Hrud, supplying them with goods in exchange for

potions and panaceas for human ailments.

The sociology of the Hrud is perplexing. Individual Hrud do

not seem to have much say in their own affairs. A typical

Hrud society consists of 500-2000 members living in a

tightly-packed warren. These warrens consist mainly of

cramped living quarters, though the larger ones will include

workshops, armouries, areas for the preparation of herbal

potions, medical rooms and eerie empty chambers, seem-

ingly used for solitude and contemplation. Hrud live very

spartan lives, having few personal possessions save weap-

onry and clothing. The Hrud diet is also sparse, consisting

entirely of roots and tubers. Decision making within each

warren seems to be made by a single leader. These rulers of

the Hrud are rumoured to have psychic abilities, or some

form of extra sensory perception. This odd prescience makes

them very hard to observe unnoticed and Imperial Spies re-

peatedly fail dismally to uncover their secrets.

The Hrud recognise no central authority and warrens do not

seem to owe one another any allegiance. If a warren is at-

tacked Hrud from a neighbouring warren may come to the

aid of their fellows but are just as likely to ignore them. In

rare occasions Hrud have even been observed assisting in an

attack on another warren.

Hrud recognise no outside authority either, and this is what

starts conflict with other races. Hrud have been found stow-

ing away on spacecraft and entering territory explicitly de-

nied to them. On worlds with dry climates and plentiful edi-

ble vegetation Hrud populations can explode. This makes

them serious pests on Imperial Agri-Worlds where the num-

ber of Hrud in a single warren can reach tens of thousands.

For this reason the Imperium carries out a ruthless extermi-

nation program wherever Hrud are found in Imperial space.

The Eldar fear the Hrud infesting the Maiden Worlds, and

also tend to kill Hrud wherever they find them. Even the Tau

find it hard to tolerate the Hrud, who refuse to recognise the

greater good.

In all my years of service to he who sleeps on the golden throne I have never en-countered a hazard as dangerous and foul as that of the cursed hrud. Much like the orks who so plague our beloved Imperium, the hrud appear from nowhere and overrun indigenous peoples at such a rate that one must not misunderstand the symbolism between them and the foul plagues they spread. At first the infestation of the hrud may be easily overlook as merely another outbreak of disease amongst the unclean, the heretical and the mutant. But deeper exploration will unravel a network of slavers, poisoners and thieves seeking to tear at the very heart of our human civilisation. When my acolytes first encountered these devouring beasts, the nest was but small, perhaps a few dozen of the nefarious nocturnal warriors and the corrupt heretical priests that lead them. And do not allow their misshapen forms deceive you either. While they may seem twisted, hunchbacked and weak, they are in actuality agile, lithe and fired with a steely determination to eliminate you and all that stands in their way. My be-loved acolytes learned this much too late and the cries they made over the vox signal tore at the base of my courage and steadfast determination of the Em-peror’s will. none returned.

When I myself cleansed their foul bur-rows and dark cavernous temples with the vaunted Iron Hands chapter, many did not survive the warp fire and damnation at the beck of their technology. To this day the cursed artefacts captured that day baffle our brothers in the Adeptus Mechanicus. I myself left behind my eyes in that battle for the soul of Corpus IV. It is now unto you, my new acolytes, that I entrust this knowledge to seek out and rid the Imperium of these foul vermin and their pantheon on destruction. A curse as foul as the chaos gods courses their veins, with the ability to spread and in-fest at the rate of that of orks and ‘nids and the ability to hide as the renegade Eldar, these rat men from the void are perhaps the most dangerous foe our God-Emperor will ever face. And no one but us few know they exist.

In all my years of service to he who sleeps on the golden throne I have never encountered a

hazard as dangerous and foul as that of the cursed hrud. Much like the orks who so plague

our beloved Imperium, the hrud appear from nowhere and overrun indigenous peoples at such a

rate that one must not misunderstand the symbolism between them and the foul plagues they


At first the infestation of the hrud may be easily overlook as merely another outbreak of

disease amongst the unclean, the heretical and the mutant. But deeper exploration will

unravel a network of slavers, poisoners and thieves seeking to tear at the very heart of our

human civilisation. When my acolytes first encountered these devouring beasts, the nest was

but small, perhaps a few dozen of the nefarious nocturnal warriors and the corrupt hereti-

cal priests that lead them.

And do not allow their misshapen forms deceive you either. While they may seem twisted,

hunchbacked and weak, they are in actuality agile, lithe and fired with a steely determina-

tion to eliminate you and all that stands in their way. My beloved acolytes learned this much

too late and the cries they made over the vox signal tore at the base of my courage and

steadfast determination of the emperor’s will. none returned.

When I myself cleansed their foul burrows and dark cavernous temples with the vaunted Iron

Hands chapter, many did not survive the warp fire and damnation at the beck of their technol-

ogy. To this day the cursed artefacts captured that day baffle our brothers in the Adeptus

Mechanicus. I myself left behind my eyes in that battle for the soul of Corpus IV.

It is now unto you, my new acolytes, that I entrust this knowledge to seek out and rid the

Imperium of these foul vermin and their pantheon on destruction. A curse as foul as the chaos

gods courses their veins, with the ability to spread and infest at the rate of that of orks and

‘nids and the ability to hide as the renegade eldar, these rat men from the void are perhaps

the most dangerous foe our God-Emperor will ever face.

And no one but us few know they exist.

Senior inquisitor Darius Luecrotta

The "Hrud" is depicted as a crouched, diminutive crea-ture swathed in rags, its face obscured by a hood, and possessing a rat-like tail.

The Hrud prefer darkness and are basically scavengers and tunnel-dwellers. They are found all over the galaxy, though never in large numbers. They are considered to be parasites, and when they are referred to it is usually as "infesting" a place.

Observing a Hrud is often difficult even within a well light room due to a distortion field of unknown origin

emanating from the Hrud that prevents the eye from focusing on it. In addition the limbs of a Hrud have a bone structure similar to the human spine allowing the limbs to bend in any direction (hence the nickname "bendies"). They also exude various poisons from their skin. Their bodies liquefy rapidly upon death - conven-iently making detailing the creature impossible.

The Hrud are meticulous record keepers and have com-piled large libraries of data. The Hrud believe in a pan-theon of gods called the Slah-Haii.



The hrud specialise in the use of the mysterious energies cre-

ated by the warp to power their technology, from their weap-

ons and communications to their star ships and phasing

shields. But even with their experience and knowledge of im-

materium powered devices their technology is still hazardous

and risky to use, especially by those untrained.

In this effect most weapons used by the hrud are considered to

have the following weapons traits: Inaccurate (ranged) or Un-

balanced (melee) or Unstable (common for both melee and

ranged weapons). Some technology will have the Overheats

trait even when not used as weapons, basing their failures and

overheating issues on the Tech-Use skill roll employed to

operate these technologies.

Hrud are galactic scavengers and therefore may have weap-

ons, armor or equipment from any source. However, poor

upkeep and improper tools prevent any of these scavenged

weapons to have the accurate, balanced or fast traits and can

never be of best quality. In fact, must wind up becoming poor

quality quite fast.

Even with the above modifications, hrud technology still suf-

fers from a special trait called Backlash.

Backlash: Characters without the proper Talents for using

hrud technology the have the backlash trait face even harsher

dangers, as their unfamiliarity and untrained use causes distur-

bances in the Warp. Therefore they face the risk of Perils of

the Warp much like a psyker does. When a character rolls a

“9” on any of the dice used in the roll to operate hrud technol-

ogy (based on WS, BS or Tech-Use) he or she must roll on

table 6-2: Psychic Phenomenon (DH page 162) just the same

as if they were psykers. The backlash result is in addition to

any other damages and effects inflicted by Unreliable, Unsta-

ble, Overheats, and any other trait the device has.


Lock Weapons: Lock Weapons are special archaic weapons

charged with energies and rare material from the Warp. They

are similar in function to primitive terran firearms but far

more dangerous and unstable. Lock weapons take a full round

to reload and can never fire more then once a round. Once

fired the shooter must wait at least a half action before he or

she can fire again as the weapon has to reprime.

Laslock Pistol: A Laslock pistol looks much like a primitive

human flintlock pistol but is powered by Phase-Shot Powder,

a special variation of terran black powder that is altered and

infused by energies from the Warp. These weapons operate

and act like normal flintlock pistols but do not have the Primi-

tive weapon trait. In addition they can use the following spe-

cial ammo from the Dark Heresy rule book: Dumdum Bullets,

Hot-Shot Charge, Inferno Shells and Man Stopper Bullets as

well as Phase-Shot (see below). Unlike human flintlock pis-

tols, a Laslock Pistol has clip size of 4 and only takes 2 full

rounds to reload.

Plaslock Pistol: As the Laslock Pistol, the Plaslock Pistol

resembles a flintlock pistol, but is more akin to a plasma

weapon. Therefore it has stats identical to the Laslock Pistol

but does damage as a plasma pistol and only has a clip size of

3. It cannot use any special ammo options (including Phase-

Shot) but can use the Hot-Shot Charge option.

Laslock Musket: The Laslock Musket is to the standard mus-

ket what the Laslock Pistol is to the normal flintlock pistol. It

may use all the special ammo the Laslock Pistol can and has

the same clip size.

Melee Weapons: Hrud usually wield simple swords and

knives in combat, but are not unknown to used special warp

fuelled melee weapons. These weapons will have the Over-

heats weapon trait but will also have the same abilities as

Phase-Shot, but using a D5 instead of a D10 and are not con-

sidered Primitive.

Cybernetics: Hrud are very fascinated with cybernetic and

bionic technology, though are unable to create and built them

on their own. Therefore many hrud with cybernetics have

taken them from others, usually against the original owners

will. Hrud have access to the full range of cybernetics, but

never of the best quality and they will freeze up or jam on any

roll to use that is 96 or higher inflicting D5 wounds ignoring

Toughness and Armour and stunning them for 1 round.

The following Talents and Traits are common cybernetics for


Talents: Autosanguine, Binary Chatter, Concealed Cavity

and Logis Implant.

Traits: Armour Plating, Multiple Arms, Natural Weapons,

Sonar Sense, and Toxic.

In addition any number of basic cybernetics or basic equip-

ment could easily be made into cybernetic gear.

Phase Field Generator: The primary defensive and move-

ment technology of the hrud is their phase field generators. A

hrud armed with one can go immaterial or incorporeal almost

at will. Generally it only takes a half action to phase out or

back in and requires a Tech-Use skill roll. A hrud armed with

one of these fields can use the device as a reaction the same as

a dodge or parry. See Dark Heresy pages 329 and 331 for the

descriptions of Incorporeal and Phase traits. Phase Field Gen-

erators suffer from the Overheats trait and those not properly

trained also risk Backlash.

Phase Shot: Phase Shot is a special type of ammo used by

Laslock weapons (Pistol and Musket, but not Plaslock). Phase

Shot is made up of warp energies and changes from material

to material as well as density from microsecond to microsec-

ond, allowing it to pass through various strength materials.

When employed, Phase Shot gives a weapon a random Pen

value of 0-8. Simply roll 1D10 and use the resulting number

as the Pen for that single attack. You roll for each hit. If the

roll is a 10 (or 0 if the die is so coded) the Pen is 0. On a “9”

the shot is a dud and does not inflict any damage. If Phase

Shot is used with melee weapons (see above) note any “9” or

“10” (“0”) and apply their affects before dividing by 2.

Scavenger Claw: Scavenger Claw is a special power weapon

used by hrud technicians. They appear as an odd set of straps

and attachments to the arm and end in a huge claw like device

the fits over the fist. They are rarely armoured and often ap-

pear very skeletal. The Scavenger Claw is used to pick up and

touch unknown technologies and as a weapon of war in close

combat. While it does not inflict great damage, it allows the

hrud used to use his or her normal unarmed attacks as if they

were enhanced by the Power Field, Unstable and Unwieldy


Chitinous Armour: Hrud wear heavy, dirty and folded robes.

Layers upon layers of them, covering their bandaged and

swaddled covered bodies, these in turn cover their dirty,

mange fur and sinewy muscles. This usually provides them

with AP1 on all locations. Some hrud, most notably warriors

and Warp-Monks, wear a chitinous armour created from the

shells and hides of various insects and creatures from their

native worlds. This provides them an AP 3 to the body. Hrud

may still have scavenged armour from other races, usually

quite fond of arm armour and Imperial Guard helmets.

Vehicles: Any vehicle (be it a ground car, bike, air car or full

fledged space ship) used by a hrud is going to be stolen or

scavenged and often cobbled together from many different

vehicles. Therefore they use the stats assigned to the vehicle

normally but may be 10% fast or slower and will have its Ar-

mour modified by 1D5. There is a 50% chance that this will

be higher armour and a 50% chance it will be lower. In addi-

tion, the vehicles will always incur and additional -5 to any

pilot or drive roll. Vehicles may be given upgrades, based on

other technologies from the armoury, but each one will add a

negative trait to the vehicle as well. The most common nega-

tive trait is Overheats.

Warp Drugs: Hrud use special warp drugs that act the same

as normal combat and healing drugs (Dark Heresy page 148-

149) but will also always be considered to be a shot of Spook

as well and have the Backlash trait (use the Chem-Use skill).

If a hrud variation of Spook is used, it will be counted as two

doses. Non-hrud using any of these Warp Drugs automatically

gain 1 Corruption Point and if they fail a WP test will also

gain one Insanity Point.

Other Weapons: Hrud employ many weapons. They prefer

their Laslock technology but even they cannot afford to outfit

all their warriors and Warp-Monks with these devastating

warp weapons. The following is a list of weapons commonly

used by hrud. Ranged: Hrud prefer Shotguns, Autoguns, Las-

guns and Flamers over all other non-hrud weapons, though

some are fond of Eldar splinter weapons. Melee: Sword,

Hammer, Club, Axe, Shock Maul and Power Sword. The hrud

like to use overcharged weapons (not necessarily the over-

charge packs) which increase the damage of most weapon by

1 but adds the Overheats drawback to it. This even applies to

their use of Shock Mauls and Power Swords.

Death Sphere: A hrud innovation, these small hollow

spheres contain a noxious gas. When thrown, the sphere shat-

ters, dispersing the poison. Used extensively by Warp Monks,

these weapons are devastating to both hrud and their enemies.

To use a Death Sphere, select a target within range. Make a

Ballistic Skill Test as normal. If you fail the test, roll 1d10

and consult the following chart to see where it shatters.

Roll 1: You drop the poisoned wind globe at your feet, but

somehow it doesn’t break.

Roll 2–9: The poisoned wind globe falls 1d10 yards short of

the target. See diagram above as to where.

Roll 10: You drop the poisoned wind globe at your feet and it

shatters. When the globe shatters, it releases a cloud of poi-

sonous gas. Use the small template.

The gas remains for 1d10/2 rounds after which time it loses

potency. Any creature caught in the cloud must succeed on a

Challenging (–10%) Toughness Test or take a 1D10+4 dam-

age hit that ignores armour and Toughness Bonus.

Hrud Ranged Weapons







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Hrud Melee Weapons




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er Claw


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Hrud Armour



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These are the basic rank and file of the clans of the hrud.

These denizens of the tribes follow their warp-lords and

warp-monks without question and gather in communi-

ties for the purpose of protects, reproduction and swarm-

ing over local populations. Like all hrud they excel in

the dark, can burrow, have an uncanny knack for herbal-

ism and carry diseases on their persons like a Agri-

Worlder carries water in a bucket.

A hrud’s first instinct is always survival, so lone hrud

often flee from trouble. Their next instinct is the spread

of the tribe of clan, and this usually involves stealing,

killing and taking what they need to survive, including

slaves and females of other species to raise their young.

And while hrud outbreaks are usually accompanied by

vile plagues and illnesses, this is more of a side effect of

the lifestyle and ecology of the hrud then any real at-

tempt on their part to spread disease.

Most hrud warriors are armed with muskets (not Laslock

or Plaslock) , Autoguns, Lasguns or shotguns with

roughly one in ten armed with flamers and/or death

spheres. About one in five nocturnal warrior will have a

cybernetic implant and one in ten will have a Laslock

pistol or musket.

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 11 Skills: Awareness (Per), Chem-Use (Int), Climb (S), Concealment (Ag), Scholastic Lore (Int) (Herbalism), Silent Move (Ag), Tech-Use (Int). Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP, Primitive, Hrud), Heightened Senses (Hearing, Smell), Melee Weapon Training (Hrud, Primitive), Resistance (Disease). Traits: Bestial, Burrower, Dark Sight. Equipment: Hrud Robes, Autogun or Lasgun or Musket or Laslock Musket. Various members will be armed with flamers and other special weapons.


The Hrud are meant to be used as adversaries for members of

the Inquisition and the acolytes who serve a inquisitor mas-

ter. Being so it is rare to encounter a full tribe or clan of

hrud, usually individual families or raiding parties are en-


What follows is a brief set of statistics and basic description

for the most common and important types of hrud encoun-

tered. Variations are possible and common. Mutant hrud tend

to flock together in one tribe and often have similar or identi-

cal mutations, resulting in unique tribes being created just by

a single roll on the corruption mutation chart (Dark Heresy

page 334 and 335).

At the same time Warp-Monks are not limited to Psy Rating

2 as Psy Rating 3 and 4 are not unheard of. In general there

will be roughly 8-12 warriors per hrud lord and perhaps one

Warp-Monk per 25-50 warriors. As the GM you are encour-

aged to alter this as needed.

Most of the Warp-Monks protect themselves with either a

symbite or hrud brute, and on occasions ruthless hrud lords

have released packs of either against human settlements.


Hrud do not cause disease intentionally, it’s a natural condi-

tion based on their culture. Close living conditions, shared

water and food and sleeping areas, unsanitary habits and lack

of good hygiene tend to cause the spread of disease causing

viruses and bacteria. Hrud are natural carriers and usually

immune or resistant to most strains they carry.

If a GM wishes he can have an area infested by hrud also

suffering a plague or other mass spreading illness.

The most common illness carried by these vermin is the

Space Pox.

Space Pox

Exposure: Contact with the ill. Test Toughness (+10) failure

results in infection.

Effects: Test Toughness everyday for ten days. Failure re-

duces S, T and AG by 1D5. If T is reduced to 0 the infected

individual dies. After ten days test Toughness again at +10

(+20 if resting, +30 if medical attention is available and

taken). If the test fails the pox continues for 10 more days.

Repeat until recovered or dead.

Symptoms: Early on the symptoms are discolouration of the

skin, inflammation of the eyes and gums, bloody discharges

and severe acne. As the days drag on the victim begins to

show sever lesions and boils. Eventually painful sores cover

the body with boils and acne bursting with movement, re-

leasing a greenish-brown fouls smelling puss.

Cures and Immunities: Anyone with Psy Rating 1 or better

is immune. Keeping cool will net a +5 Toughness test bonus.


A hrud lord is larger and more intelligent then his nor-

mal kin. Having fought his way to the top and survived

more then his fair share of trouble and pain. Hrud Lord’s

are almost always armed with Phase-Shot swords,

Laslock or Plaslock pistols (usually a brace of them) and

chitinous armour. However, they are more fond of their

cybernetics and any given lord with have two or more

implants or bionic replacements.

This creates for dangerous mad foes who are armed will

with highly volatile weapons and the insanity to use


There will be about one lord per 25 hrud, and a Master

Lord if 100 or more are encountered. The master lord is

+D5 better in all characteristics, including Wounds.

A Master Lord always has a Phase Field Generator.

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 14 Skills: Acrobatics (Ag), , Awareness (Per), Chem-Use (Int) +10, Climb (S), Command, Concealment (Ag), Dodge (Ag), Intimidation (S), Scholastic Lore (Int) (Herbalism) +10, Silent Move (Ag), Tech-Use (Int) +10. Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Hrud, Bolt, Las, SP, Primitive), Hatred (Humans), Heightened Senses (Hearing, Smell), Logis Implant, Melee Weapon Training (Hrud, Primitive), Pistol Training (Hrud), Resistance (Disease), Sprint. Traits: Bestial, Burrower, Dark Sight. Equipment: Chitinous Armour, Laslock Pistol, Cy-bernetics (Bionic Arm (poor), Auger Arrays (poor), Cybernetic Senses (Telescopic Vision)), Phase Shot Sword.


The Warp-Monks are the true leaders of the clans and

tribes invading the Imperium. These beasts are powerful

psykers and cybernetic menaces, almost as much ma-

chine as they are foul rat mutants. A Warp-Monk is typi-

cally has a Psychic Rating of 2 and always has a least 4

cybernetic augmentations.

Warp-Monks are more then just spiritual leaders, they

lead the clans and tribes in migrations, mating rituals

and wars of conquest, all in the need of survival. They

are the master mechanics and doctors of the clans and

protect their own out of malice and desire to survive, but

not necessarily the savagery of the orks, the mindless

nature of the Tyranids or the blood lust of chaos. To the

Warp-Monks and the hrud in general, its all about sur-

vival to the next generation, and no other race, species

of culture matters.

A Warp-Monk always has a Phase Field Generator.

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 14 Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Chem-Use (Int) +20, Climb (S), Command +20, Concealment (Ag), Medi-cae +10, Scholastic Lore (Int) (Herbalism) +20, Si-lent Move (Ag), Tech-Use (Int) +20. Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Primitive, Plasma, Hrud), Concealed Cavity, Hatred (Humans), Height-ened Senses (Hearing, Smell), Litany of Hate, Logis Implant, Melee Weapons Training (Primitive, Hrud), Psy Rating 2, Resistance (Disease). Traits: Bestial, Burrower, Dark Sight. Equipment: Chitinous Armour, Scavenger Claw, Laslock Pistol, Bionics (Bionic Arm (good), Auger Arrays (good), Cybernetic Senses (Telescopic Vi-sion), Utility Mechandrite (good)). Psyker Powers: Call Creatures, Chameleon, Fearful Aura, Flashbang, Inflict Pain.


A symbite is a captured insectoid type creature used by

the hrud to guard their lairs and homes. A symbite is

almost mindless, but several Warp-Monks have discov-

ered means to control their minds and instincts and send

them out amongst the people of the Imperium.

The symbites performing hrud missions encountered by

man and other species have caused a great deal of confu-

sion as to the true nature of the hrud.

Movement: 2/4/6/12 Wounds: 15 Skills: Dodge (Ag) +10, Survival (Int) +10. Talents: Fearless, Frenzy, Lightning Reflexes, Mimic, Resistance (Cold, Disease), Takedown. Traits: Armour Plating, Fear 1, Natural Weapons (Bite and Claws) (1D10+4R), Sonar Sense, Toxic. Equipment: None.


Hrud-Brutes are large ogryn sized monstrosities born

from the clans from massive mutations and curses gath-

ered from centuries of cybernetic engineering, warp ex-

posure and phase technology.

These hulking brutes are not truly members of the clans

any longer and are usually denied adequate food or mat-

ing rights, but the hrud are not above releasing their

cursed children up their foes and enemies and do so of-

ten for pleasure and safety.

Hrud-Brutes are never armed other then with cybernetic

gizmos and built in devices that are not true weapons,

but when backed by a 220 kilogram monstrosity work

quite well as weapons.

Due to their nature, Hrud-Brutes are often enraged and

full of pure hatred and only the most powerful of hrud

drugs and Warp-Monks can hope to control them.

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 20 Skills: Awareness (Per), Tracking (Int) +10. Talents: Berserk Charge, Frenzy, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Smell), Logis Implant, Resistance (Disease), Sprint, Swift Attack.. Traits: Bestial, Dark Sight, Natural Weapons (Bite and Claws) (1D10+6R), Size (Hulking), Sturdy. Equipment: None. Notes: Logis Implant can be activated by a Lord or a Warp-Monk using their Tech-Use skill.