Dangerous Marine Biota



dangerous marine ecosystem guide for captivating manual

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  • Dangerous Marine BiotaLIGULA Ecotourism Organizer

  • ObjectiveThe participant should be able to identify dangerous marine biota

  • Description of SessionIn this session you will learn* identify dangerous marine biota* their food and predator * why its dangerous * how to cure the pain

  • Blue spotted stingray

  • Lion Fish

  • Stone Fish

  • Stone Fish

  • Fire urchin

  • Crown of Thorn Starfish

  • Sea Snake

  • Fire Coral

  • Fire Coralhttp://diveshoppe2003.wordpress.com/2007/08/17/touch-me-not/

  • Stinging Hydroid

  • Stinging Hydroidhttp://diver.net/californiadiveboats.com/OceanOdyssey/2008.02.23/P2230819wh7-255lr.jpg

  • Cone Snailhttp://www.nsf.gov/news/speeches/colwell/rc04_aslo/img021.jpg

  • Cone Snailhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kxPG6y8Qctk/Smdip28BhhI/AAAAAAAAJvg/E6iejDiuNfY/s400/cone_shell.jpg

  • Blue ring octopushttp://diveshoppe2003.wordpress.com/2007/08/17/touch-me-not/
