Dance Terms


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Venessia Veeria

Pinto, period 08

Dance terms

One dance term is called the ball change, this consists of two steps:

or a partial weight transfer on the ball of a foot behind or by the

other foot, followed by a step on the other foot.

Another is called chasse, Chasse is a dance step with a triple step

pattern used in many forms of dance. It is a gliding, flowing step

with the feet essentially following a step together step pattern.

Next is a ballroom dance figure called heel turn, which during the

last step the moving foot passes the support foot, rather than

closes to it.

Another is called the thunder cap, The Thunder Clap is a form of

dance that incorporates clapping in the air with a sliding motion. To

perform this dance one must raise one hand and then with the

second hand meet the first one half way making a clapping sound;

that hand must then fully extend. This motion is repeated to the

beat of the music.

Finally, another move that is part of dance terminology is called

Allegro: The part of a dance class, divided into petit ("small") and

grand ("large") allegro, where exercises for jumps, turns and

travelling are performed; a musical composition performed at a

brisk and lively tempo.

Dance move

Ball Change) Allegro)


Heel turn)

Thunder cap)
