Dan Shears (daniel.shears@gmb.org.uk) UK National Work-Stress...


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Dan Shears (daniel.shears@gmb.org.uk)UK National Work-Stress Network24th November 2018

}Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leavethe European Union?

} 23rd June 2016

} Britain leaves the EU on Friday 29th March 2019 (ish…)

} No longer bound by EU Regulations, Directives or European Courts (unless Soft Brexit keeps us in!)

} Most (not all) UK H&S law since 1989 Framework Directive derives from the EU.

} Will be adopted into UK Law under European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

} BUT…

} Until we leave (and through transition), UK government and devolved administrations are bound by EU legislation

} This is enforceable through the European Courts} This has been a ‘safety net’ since 1973, with specific H&S

detail from the 1989 Framework Directive, which gives the 1992 ‘Six Pack’ on and so on…

} Effectively, minimum standards set on a range of hazards/issues – Working Time, PPE etc

} H&S Regulation to be ‘copied over’ via European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (Brexit Day +1)

} Even if the regulations are just cut and pasted, there are no guarantees that they will stay that way (Brexit Day +2...)

} Parliamentary sovereignty means the Government of the day can repeal regulations as they see fit, with no fall back of challenge at EU level – once they’re gone, they’re gone.

} So the immediate threat is the Working Time Regs, PPE Regs, Work at Height regs, DSE Regs, anything that costs money…

} All justified by the need to make the UK more competitive in the new internationalsettlement we find ourselves in.

} In 2018, more than half of UK shares were owned by foreign investors

} EU companies own large shares in UK utilities, telecoms, food and drink – what happens if they reduce investment?

} Many other large businesses are owned by BRIC/US investors – Tata, Kraft – who will move production overseas to reduce cost

} UK may lose industries – or may have to start manufacturing from scratch, with risks this brings

} Not being in the EU means a lot of EU nationals living here will go elsewhere – many have already gone (nurses!!!)

} This will make existing skills shortages even worse –construction and agriculture – the most dangerous sectors – likely to be hardest hit.

} This places new and vulnerable workers into these sectors at the most dangerous time

} There will be fewer people to do the same, if not more, work. The implications for stress are enormous with austerity still ongoing

} The provision of essential NHS and care services likely falls over without migrant workers

} The economy will take a hit – did we vote for worse living standards?

} This may increase the risk of violence towards public sector workers as frustration increases

} Shortages will likely be filled with workers sourced from states with different cultural understanding and expectation of risk – Brazil, India, China…

} Austerity policy since 2010 had already caused endemic issues with stress in the workplace.

} HSE’s 2017/18 statistics confirm this:} 595,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or

anxiety (new or long-standing) in 2017/18 } The number of new cases was 239,000, an incidence rate of 720 per

100,000 workers.} 15.4 million working days lost due to work-related stress, depression

or anxiety. } Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 44% of all work-related ill

health cases and 57% of all working days lost due to ill health.} Source: Labour Force Survey (LFS)

} Increased workload as more colleagues leave and are not replaced – across the board

} Fear of long-term employment prospects if working for multinationals, where UK exit is a risk

} Fear of continued pay suppression and lack of career progression in the public sector

} Wider societal issues:◦ Rising cost of living likely to explode post-Brexit (esp food)◦ Inability to afford housing for young likely to continue – mortgage

unavailabilty◦ House price drop likely for homeowners

} All of this is ultimately due to a lack of control – all of these decisions are taken without the individual’s consent, leaving them powerless:


} Bear in mind that whatever the outcome, there are going to be some very unhappy people out there:◦ Remain – Not the Will of the People◦ Soft Brexit – Not the clean break we were promised◦ Hard Brexit – Where’s the £350M for the NHS?

} In every scenario, there will be groups that feel lied to and only now realise it.◦ That will drive increasing anger, lack of respect for authority and

ultimately justification for increased aggression and violence

} Use our rights – especially the 1977 Safety Rep Safety Committee Regulations

} Ensure than stress risk assessments are in place, are up to date and are reviewed when staffing levels change◦ Use the Healthy Working Lives Scotland model if possible.

} Make sure that inspections are done, and visibly so◦ Colleagues more likely to discuss issues with you than with

management, especially if you’re making a difference} Consider gender-specific issues – see Womens’ H&S Guides:◦ Period Poverty◦ Flexible Working

} Make sure that violence risk assessments are in place ◦ Adequate staffing is present to provide the service, especially if public

facing◦ Never accept that violence is simply part of the job, or that it simply

‘happens’ and cannot be managed

} Ensure that all cases of work-related stress, and all violent or aggressive incidents are recorded and reported◦ This is crucial to allow for trends and hotspots to be identified and


} We have to shift the debate – talk in terms of ‘protections’, not ‘regulations’; share the TUC briefings

} Make sure that the awful consequences of Grenfell remain in the public eye and mind – this is the way to fight the deregulatory pressure that is coming

} VOTE LABOUR (OR YOUR PROGRESSIVE PARTY OF CHOICE)! We will need a progressive left Government for at least 10-15 years to ensure that the protections we have can’t be eliminated in Parliament

} Agitate, Educate and Organise – and START NOW!
