Dale F. Leavitt - Applied Shellfish Farming · Dale Leavittt A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to...


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Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 1

Applied Shellfish Farming ~an overview~

Dale F. Leavitt

Tonight’s agenda

Introductions of people

Introduction to aquaculture

Overview of shellfish farming course

Complete registration materials and discuss $$

Tour Wet Lab/Shellfish Hatchery

Dale Leavitt

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 2

Dale’s Credentials PhD from University of Maine

Dissertation on techniques for lobster aquaculture

23+ years working in Woods Hole

2 years for the Boston University Marine Program

1 year for Tufts University Veterinary School

20+ years as research biologist at Woods Hole

Oceanographic Institution

Professor in Marine Biology at RWU (2003)

50% release to conduct aquaculture research, education

and outreach

Aquaculture Extension Specialist?

B.S. Marine Biology M.E.S.M. Wetlands, Watersheds and Ecosystem Sciences Graduate Certificates in Community Planning and GIS & Remote Sensing Save The Bay Restoration Ecologist -Habitat -Policy/Advocacy -Education URI GSO CRC/RI Sea Grant Fisheries & Aquaculture Graduate Research Assistant RWU Shellfish Hatchery Manager & Adjunct Professor Licensed US Coast Guard Captain Certified SCUBA Instructor Certified CPR/AED/First Aid Instructor Certified Lifeguard Instructor

Rob Hudson

B.S. Marine Biology M.Sc. Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences Shellfish Restoration Specialist RIDEM/NOAA North Cape Restoration Program Fisheries Specialist RI DEM and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Oyster Farmer RWU Shellfish Field Technician & Adjunct Professor Licensed US Coast Guard Captain AAUS certified diver

Matt Griffin

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 3

Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Just what is an “Extension Specialist”?

Originated with development of land grant system for

support of agriculture.

Responsible for “technology transfer” from the research

community to commercial agricultural application.

Achieves goal via

Workshops & education

Demonstration projects

Applied research

A Primer on Shellfish



You want to grow

What? Where?

Dale Leavitt, PhD

Aquaculture Extension Specialist

My Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about:

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 4

1) What is aquaculture? The science, business and art of cultivating aquatic

plants and animals (The Council on Agricultural Education).

The farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic plants (FAO).

Aquaculture is agriculture – just add water.

2) Is aquaculture a new technology?

First recorded effort is from

China in 3,500 BC.

Because of overfishing the

Chinese started raising carp for


Developed concept of

polyculture to take advantage of

multiple ecological niches within

a pond.

Emperor Fan Li wrote technical

manual on carp breeding in 5 BC

3a) History in the United States?

United States Commission on Fish and Fisheries precursor to NMFS

established in 1870 in Woods Hole

to culture fish and invertebrates

Cultured over 26 species during fiscal year 1897.

Produced large numbers of individual animals for restocking (1897). ­ trout & salmon > 50,000,000 released ­ shad > 134,000,000 released ­ American lobster > 115,000,000 released ­ Atlantic cod > 98,000,000 released ­ winter flounder > 64,000,000 released

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 5

3b) What about local history? “The future of the quahaug industry of Massachusetts lies in the hands

of her citizens, since only through public sentiment can suitable laws be obtained for its preservation.”

“In the interests of the fishery it is essential that both consumer and fisherman receive more general knowledge concerning the quahaug fishery and the possibility of its development through quahaug farming.”

David L. Belding, M.D. “The Quahaug Fishery of Massachusetts”


RI oyster landings

Rhode Island has a long history of aquatic farming

Rhode Island Oyster Act 1864

Established means to award oyster aquaculture leases

By 1900 – 20,000 acres under cultivation

1/3 of Narragansett Bay

Described as the most productive in the country

Collapsed by 1920’s

Decline in seed availability

Water quality?

Oysters finished off by Hurricane of 1938

1950’s – ability to lease bottom revoked

1980’s – the first modern aquaculture licenses awarded

3c) What about local history?

4) If not new technology - why so much talk

about aquaculture in recent years?

Increasing demand for farmed seafood

Diminishing wild fisheries, locally & globally

Increasing world population

Cultured seafood is “safer” seafood

(i.e. free from pollution)

Health benefits of eating seafood

(i.e. W-3 fatty acids)

More recently, increasing criticism

Aquatic nuisance species introductions

Inefficient use of feed resources (i.e. fishmeal)

Environmental contamination


Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 6

4) If not new technology - why so much talk

about aquaculture in recent years?

Wild productivity versus overall demand for seafood.

Current global wild production = app. 90 million MT

Estimated sustainable production of oceans = 75 million MT

Projected world demand for seafood (2030) = 151 million MT

How will the extra demand be met?

Aquaculture Production in 2012 exceeded 66 million MT & increasing

Ryther 1960’s

5a) What is happening now? Shellfish culture in the Eastern U.S. - 2012 summary

About 1,000 small farms

~30 with more than 10 employees

In New England = ~4 acres/farm (~1.6 hectares)


60% hard clams (quahogs – Mercenaria mercenaria)

39% oysters (Crassostrea virginica)

1% blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)

~ $121 million in sales

Up from $93 million in 2009

Most of the growth is in oyster production

Average income (New England) ~$12,000/acre

1,221 full time jobs & 1,294 part-time or seasonal jobs

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 7

5b) What aquaculture is

currently being done

in Rhode Island?

Finfish Operations (primarily freshwater)

9 farms

Shellfish Operations (exclusively marine)

70 farms

Shellfish currently cultured in RI

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 8

New kids on the block


Average annual increase in landed value of farmed shellfish in Rhode Island between 1995 thru 2016 = ~20% per year

Increasing at an average of 12 acres per year

Increasing at an average of 2.8 new farms per year

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 9

5c) What about in Massachusetts?

In 2014: • ~350 shellfish

farms • $19.6 million

farmgate value • (526% growth

since 2005)

~ Shellfish ~ Traditional areas



Newer areas


Pleasant Bay


Martha’s Vineyard

Developing areas


West side of Buzzards Bay


6a) How can aquaculture improve upon a

wild fishery?

Use catfish pond production as an example:

Wild pond (one acre) productivity = 100 lbs/year

Control species distribution of pond = 500 lbs/year

Beef production = 600 lbs/year

Switch pond to monoculture = 1,000 lbs/year

Manage pond and feed fish = 2-3,000 lbs/year

Complete control pond WQ & fish = 8,000 lbs/year

Partitioned Aquaculture System = 20,000 lbs/year

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 10

6b) What about shellfish?

In reality – catfish farmer’s can produce about 8,000 lbs of fish

per acre each year.

How do oysters stack up against this?

If you bottom plant at 50 oysters per m2

That is ~202,343 oysters per acre

If all are marketable in a year

That produces ~17,600 lbs of live oyster or 344 gal (~2,752 lbs) of

shucked meats (246.5 lbs nitrogen)

If 1/3 are marketable in one year

That produces ~5,900 lbs of live oyster or 115 gal (~920 lbs) of shucked

meats (82.4 lbs nitrogen)

7) What is the fate of all of those farmed


~Public Aquaculture~

Farmed animals dedicated to restoration and enhancement of public resources

Rear animals through nursery stage

As the animal reaches a predetermined size they are relayed into the public beds

Efforts can be designated for Commercial


Closed sanctuaries

Quahog Restoration (with RI Shellfishermen’s Assoc.)

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 11

Public quahog


Typical Rhode Island quahog

Oyster Restoration

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 12

7) What is the fate of all of those

farmed products? (cont’d)

~Private Aquaculture~ Specific areas are licensed to private growers

Licensing requires an extended application process

Requires approval by:

Town oversight body


Army Corp of Engineers

Provides for exclusive use of that area

Private business enterprise

Rhode Island oysters “The Rhode-oyster”

8) How do you grow shellfish –

Bivalve Biology 101

A bivalve mollusk

Two-shells (valves)

Filter feeder

Removes very small

particles (2-3 mm)

“Pumps” large

volume of water to


Has been reported to be

up to 50 gallons per day!

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 13

The hardy oyster Ranges from Prince Edward

Island in Canada down the

Atlantic coast and the Gulf of

Mexico to the Yucatan


Tolerates temperatures from

below freezing to 100+oF

Lives in the estuary, where it

tolerates salinity from 0 to 35


Oyster Reproduction

Life Cycle of a typical bivalve

Adapted from Rice, 1996

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 14

Oyster Terminology Larvae

Free-swimming babies during the first 2-3 weeks of the oyster’s life


When an oyster transforms from a larvae to their adult body shape

Settlement (Setting)

When a metamorphosing oyster cements itself down to a hard structure


A juvenile oyster after it has settled onto a location

Farmers call this “seed” when they purchase it to place on their farm


When the current pulse (cohort) of larvae settle into a location

9) What are the basic steps in shellfish farming?



Wild caught juveniles

Farm Site



Fertilized eggs

Larval rearing




Shellfish Aquaculture The stages of aquaculture


Larvae raised in a controlled environment

Microscopic to ~2 millimeters (2-3 months)


Post-metamorphic spat transitioning to the open


~2 millimeters to ~25 millimeter (3-4 months)


Final rearing in the open environment to market size

~25 millimeter to ~75 millimeter (12 – 16 months)

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 15

Oyster Farming Stages




Market size

RWU Hatchery

What Happens in a Shellfish Hatchery?

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 16


Jug stage

Carboy stage

Broodstock Conditioning

Unripe and Ripe Broodstock

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 17

Rice, 1992


Egg & Sperm

D-hinge Umboned Pediveliger Juvenile veliger veliger


Fertilized Egg

w/ Polar Bodies


Blastula Early cell division

Sketch of the Quahog Life Cycle


Rice, 1992


Egg & Sperm

D-hinge Umboned Pediveliger Juvenile veliger veliger


Fertilized Egg

w/ Polar Bodies


Blastula Early cell division

Sketch of the Quahog Life Cycle

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 18

Fertilized eggs

Rice, 1992


Egg & Sperm

D-hinge Umboned Pediveliger Juvenile veliger veliger


Fertilized Egg

w/ Polar Bodies


Blastula Early cell division

Sketch of the Quahog Life Cycle

Larval Culture

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 19

Rice, 1992


Egg & Sperm

D-hinge Umboned Pediveliger Juvenile veliger veliger


Fertilized Egg

w/ Polar Bodies


Blastula Early cell division

Sketch of the Quahog Life Cycle

Downwellers for setting

Shellfish Nursery System

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 20

Shellfish Nursery System

Quahog Field Nursery System

Oyster field nursery system

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 21







Let’s see what technology each of these strategies involves.

10) What is some of the growout technology

being used in the Northeast

10) What is some of the technology being

used in the Northeast

Oyster Bottom Culture

Bottom Culture

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 22


Some of the technology being used in the


Quahog Bottom Culture

Quahog – raceways

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 23

Some of the technology being used in the


Oyster Tray Culture

Some of the technology being used in the


Oyster Tray Culture

Some of the technology being used in the


Oyster Bottom Cages

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 24

Oyster Bags

Alternative Bottom Culture – Cage

Alternative Bottom Culture – Rack & Bag

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 25

Some of the technology being used in the


Oyster Rack + Bag & Longline Systems

Bottom Culture – Site View

Shellfish in Mid-water

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 26

Some of the technology being used in the


Oyster Suspended Culture

Shellfish in Mid-water – Hanging Cages

Shellfish in Mid-water – Hanging Cages

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 27

Some of the

technology being

used in the


Oyster Floating Bag Culture

Surface Culture – Taylor Floats

Surface Culture – Taylor Floats

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 28

Surface Culture – OysterGro Cages

Two Objectives in Shellfish Farming

Minimize mortality



Maximize growth


Water quality




Risks to growing shellfish

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 29



Full Aquaculture Application


to applicant

Director; Dept of


Management; Fish

and Wildlife; Water



30 Day




Advisory Panel

RI Historical





Army Corps of




RI Marine




CRMC Public






Objections No Objections

Initial review with town, US

Coast Guard, Dept of

Environmental Management,

Army Corps of Engineers,

non-governmental agencies,

fishing industry

Siting and


Business Management

Things to consider: Ecological Services

Water filtration/clarity

Nutrient removal

Shellfish harvest

Benthic/pelagic coupling with denitrification

Habitat enhancement

Societal Services

Marine-based industry

Sustains the working waterfront

Economic input into the community

Supports ancillary marine-related industries

Generates jobs

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 30

More Things to consider: A carefully regulated enterprise

State regulations

Coastal Resources Management Council

Consultation with RI-DEM and RI-DOH

Federal oversight

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is ultimate Federal authority

In consultation with US-EPA, US-F&WS, NOAA, USDA, etc.

Last Thing to consider:

Shellfish aquaculture is an

industry whose success is

dependent on high water


Best Management Practices for

the Shellfish Aquaculture Industry http://www.ecsga.org/Pages/Resources/


What should you know?

Competencies Survey

Responses (53 total)

35 shellfish producers

9 government/regulatory

5 outreach/extension

2 university research/instruction

2 NGOs

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 31

Important Competencies Scientific/Technical

Shellfish Disease Recognition and Treatment

Shellfish Biology (Genetics, anatomy, & physiology)

Shellfish Predators & Biofouling

Best Management Practices for Growout

Site Selection and Site Dynamics

Regulatory Governmental and Tribal Authorities and Regulations

Relationship with Regulatory, Biosecurity & Extension Personnel

Permit Application Process

Food Safety

Human Health & Safety Shellfish-derived Human Pathogens/Contamination Risks

Human Health Safety Issues and Regulations

Worker Safety

Important Competencies Business

Business Planning/Permitting/Insurance

Marketing/Social Media/Branding

Professional Development/Networking

Financial Fundamentals


Boat Handling/Seamanship Skills

Worker Safety

Equipment and Site Management

Boat Maintenance

Physical Environment (Tides/Weather)

General Professional

Public Engagement Skills and Knowing the Industry

Personality & Personal Management Skills


Work Ethic, Practical Skills, Ability to Acquire New Skills

Common Sense

Passion for the Industry

Practical Shellfish Farming

Tentative Class Schedule

Dale Leavittt

A Primer on Aquaculture or You want to grow what - where? 32

In a short time, you too can produce clams

like this!

Six month

old clam!

or oysters like this!

Well….maybe like this!
