Daily Spinal Hygiene Exercise Routine - Perfect...


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  • Daily Spinal Hygiene Exercise Routine I – Daily Spinal Range of Motion

    For each exercise, focus on trying to move one spinal bone at a time from the top to down. For each exercise, slowly move through the indicated range of motion, and then if there is no pain, try to move a bit further into the maximum range that you can safely achieve. Then slowly return to starting position. If you feel any pain or other symptoms, let Dr. Hunter know.

    Make sure you continue breathing with a relaxed face while doing the exercise.

    a) Spinal flexion: Bend head down to chest and use abdominals to pull your shoulders towards your thighs. Then bend your knees slightly, and reach all the way down to the floor to apply maximum flexion to your spine.

    b) Spinal Extension: Tilt your head back and then try to increase the curve in your back as much as you can by sticking your butt out. This fully extends your spinal joints.

    c) Rotation: Rotate your head all the way to one side, and with your arms extended in front of you, rotate your body all the way through a full range of motion. Then, if no pain exists, try to go a bit further. Repeat in other direction.

    d) Spinal lateral flexion: Tilt your head to one side, tilt that shoulder down, and then roll the rest of your spine down to the side, sliding your hand as far down your leg as possible. Then, if no pain, try to go a bit further.

  • II – Y W T L shoulder stabilization exercises

    Hold each of the four positions for 15 seconds each. Total time for exercise = 1 minute. Do exercise standing against a wall with your heels, butt, shoulders, and head flat against it. Then place your elbows against the wall, followed by the back of your hands.

    Then pinch your shoulder blades together as if you were squeezing an orange between them. Then move from an “L”, to a “T”, to a “W”, to a “Y” position with your arms. Ensure that you are “squeezing the orange” firmly the entire time, while keeping a relaxed face, and calm breathing. To progress: Try doing away from the wall. Then try lying on your stomach on the floor or exercise ball.

    III – Hip Mobility Exercises

    Hip Mobility Exercise #1:

  • Put one knee on the ground and the other in front as in picture a. Then reach the arm opposite the forward leg as high as you can and rotate toward the forward leg. Then, keeping an upright posture, shift your body weight forward to apply a stretch to the front of your back leg (picture b).

    Advanced: Place the top of your back foot onto an object such as your traction unit (picture c) while performing the same stretch. Progress to larger objects, and ultimately put the top of your foot against the wall (picture d). This provides the most ideal stretch. The closer your back knee gets to the wall, the better the stretch!

    Mobility Exercise #2:

    Place the side of your lower leg on a chair (as shown in picture a). Lean forward so that you can get your lower leg FLAT on the chair. Then straighten your posture and shift your weight down towards the floor (picture b). After stretching in this position for 30-60 seconds, rotate your torso right, and then left, finding additional areas of tightness, and spend 30-60 seconds in those positions as well (picture c and d). Repeat this process with the opposite leg.

    ** Easier versions: Start with these if needed! Please ask for a demonstration if needed.

  • Hip Mobility Exercise #3:

    Keeping your toes pointed forward, and feet shoulder width apart, come down into a full squat position (picture a and b). ** Your heels must stay on the ground, and your knees MUST NOT go forward of your toes (shins should stay vertical). Now actively push your knees outward with your elbows and work on your ability to remain in this position for up to 10 minutes. If this is new for you, start by holding onto a solid object in front of you (picture c), or using the “easier option” shown below as pictures D and E.

    **Make it easier, if necessary, with this option: Lie on the ground with your feet up on the wall (shoulder width apart, toes pointed straight up). Get your body as close to the wall as possible. Now bring your feet as low down on the wall as you can, and push your knees outward with your elbows.
