Daily Louisville times. (Frankfort, KY) 1856-08-31 [p...


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(Aorta side,)torisviLI.C.ki'.

rtv t r LiiuHtif bn hand t .rfsortraewtA toUur 01 a Bend lie, tr tc o rd.-r- .

liuicurt'ct.. 1 invite tbe pnr'ic ,t tnyl ira a tail. it I cwiU K-- U em. av rluiMOi

8top M look u my



AND FOURTH.lA few door V the Mechanics' Buk.)

vfLLC, KY.TIT It. form uie cittaen and surrounding country, thatII he h bow on band large and well wecudof Clorhin-- eh a "..t f rock Coats, fatu.r4a besriful eat Patterns, of ciCeient

tO HUtt lllSXeo e stock of Furnishing Goods, each a Shirts,

tder-h'!- . Cravau. Collar, avc.tie invite countrv mcrcnanta in trtictilar to five aim

a call anu bop- - by" strict attention to lu'eaa and tairC.'.-k'--

, to men: a share of U.e public patrouaje.M. VI KAUH.p.v.


A Sfccctd liaportalim rccired tbi morning bjtaproot M

SENT 6. DUVALL'H,no. 37 naln street, ppwtlia Oanlc

of Keniucarpurchaser beinenew in the EasternOniwciil enaoied to oiler a variety at sew and

rici fod 'or uie ladies wear, in the fouewirf teceivedtai niorninr ry tifrew.

Fls'n ;ck reajme;Do 1n ttlks;

4- - f ink an J ButT Cambric;Fiack fcarige Kobe;Colored do do;Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, great variety;Lnthrotdered Tulle Robee, all color;rtich S:nredaud tfured OrgandieaMourningt aimrre Prarf. very cheap;bick tace Mantiea, ecurely aew atfiat

Do Crae do: .

HtwJ Bni. U Lac MkaUea, erua nc-h-i

Flriped Barrfes;. nue nod cuiored Hair Cloth for akinDo Cou Ja Hosa, a!! number;

do do, do;Crown Lacea ana Cdfinfa;black iiairure do do:

4 White ilk Illusion;Gtu1 HemtiUitLed UajMSkercluefs;

(to flo do, colorad horderajVV hire Ctmbnci and Jaconets;led. a Mull; Nainsooks;V due Orynn dies, Freaca Cbtata;Rmbr.ndered Muxlias lor Basques;

i r wnffjit tarn lowert pricea, and al .bcDlkil 1 I "J T ALUa c oolyj Mhia trret- -;r ;i

new Or&ndi9 UaallaB atnnMTdt D IT ALL'S.

itain Sired, letveten Second and Third.Btrwk nfOrranrlte Muslins b4 Robes is bow

I " ccxolte in til l- -f tHwt styles and jaaiirtea, the mostOt bicli lisve heen reced within the p jew dsvx.

Ptraiifers vtufng i!.e esty, and ra want or" new and eld--r.ul D.- - uooos. 7UV.XT?.

,21 orpowite Paitk of Kentucky.

Tremendous Sacrifice!Tlie Bsst Bargains of the Seasa!


Ersn CJis, Taney OckxIi, Zawcji, aaflEmbro'-aere- a,

f TTH"r"i5, Hr.TlI fc . bv.ug recent'T nlatred1 I : . r uire. with a iew of larrfcly incmas

1, i t:."irhuinetwtne coming fall are determiaed to closd

ot taeirtivnrta nitmn stock of tiicj Goods, in or-J- e;

t j make room iortneir tali ?"ci. Toete food w-l- l

91 out without rcrj to cost.K,c,i tint, o.4 iiaUy wortli 30 aow for flfr!o do co 1o do 20 do 10;

frinf r , orifrlnally wor.h tl 6" Trd rowTRf;do oo io 1 od uo do Cic;

! .n do d da T5c oo do aOc;r "rant rarr;sep? Knhea.orjiiiaiiy i0 now $lt;U;,r."" nand mels Lace Capes, 1 1 fiaall worth

f Mitred ' ti? worth tioand t, bow aold for IS Mt" p.vieru;

P:-- , n Kiivip, worth KV now aold for iSc:M .n:ii r.f r.'.: tiirl unci color, worth from tit to $40

i. it p i:j irti t' no a piect; w:Ji macyCU"; l 'rC 'rt'i.KEB. HFATH CO..

J lc7 Fourth si., bet. jtaraetw.uJeffe8CO.


T"" - er.sning f Institution will commenceJL fa Hie .' jio,kiht in r

1 fv..Tn reii'-r- I chnr i b.nxd. 1'uition, Wesuh,--. Fu?l, at L u t the sewon ni lx months

f ir.- to it i.inr"tr .;" die rr'ui s concetntJ.co.iinuii:catiou to tii uderij'ud w;!l ba promptly

c'-- it to ."n. tTAijin,. v i flHwrm of FV. iby P.'lere.

a'AtER X!




ARiiS ECHAKCE.raxa, Ilineral Lnds, audi Bprtngs for

Sale.TVIR vm on which is situated the ITnion Whits Bul- -X phor bpriiiy st 5 v.." fri! tara..i.ff land 409 of

wt-'r- a art-- , i cirliva'ion tv well set in blue ray ndci ? ai'vI lann.Uiis s ihi Ot the txrt in kentccfcT. V:ie and othtr nruerals wiii becoire vaitiab'e the i of traiportatior tt the iofirira:e cflected. I lie locat or i lour miles trom

eleven inilf. front Coutown, and twenty-tw- o

iroir, ntwwminr'tj,if i? wv ler-hi- as a waterinf place. The front build

t"r can accofiiiu'-M- i ae J' hosrdt-r- . ard T5 horse. TheCux'itr anrf clirac:"r the water, as will he seen fromtrie :? (i x!.f!Til Kcrrt.are fully equal to the farI i jei t li'ie au'Phf r f (nr.f ot Virfiuia. tve wia sell

n r" v.rnt. Torfurtnar apply to us onI Le .: it., witere one ot as will alwav be found.

r,:y4d'.v:f h ARB EH Sr A1.LTW;

200 AGENTS WANTED!vrrrth of rarmi tii Bailins

iK TV E GOLD REGION OF VIRGINIA, CulpeperM. c u:rj'. f f: O'vtded t to surtttcriDers, onTie 17 Ji .f FTMeinher. lHos mr the benefit of Port RoyalFfc.ti uc A" tilfiiiT. tulcnt Soiis oniy ten dollar rack;cn hair flow-- the nt oi e delivery of the Deed.

ve7 eiOcriber v.m fH a T Sil(1:nf LOt AT farm ranf-in- a

in vai'.ie Irorn iluto kUvx The Arms and Eoufisc m clienp to induce i e.ument, a aumcient Dualtsr hem rervc4. theinfe in the value ot whichw II compi;nsate f r the 8rint low pnee bow asked.i lie rnou" inp:e sfcumy wi e itvn iot uic laiiniui

f ontracu and r emifces.!; Arrii are war-- to oblafn auhscribers, to

wrviui lite t,i.t liberal indu e'lifnu will tt firen. omAr-- writ ti.it tht-- r are raskiiic $2oo per months Adrtrlifins will be done lor ery Arent where possibleFor luu parucuiars bubscriions, Afencies, kc siplyf ba 1'nboto

je4 rl?w3m P t Royal. Caroline o Va.

n, D. RUSH,(SeceessortoGallafher k Riley.)

lrH0I.EALE GROCER, and Commiasion Merchant,f filer in ,irrs, Koreifn and Domesuc Liquors,

Kt. Jr Main strtt. between seventh aAd Eifhtli, Ixmiis.Oft daw

M4IIC.EV WASTED.tWII.l. pay tlie lu"t mark-- pnee. in cash, for Bar

at the 'f weifth Btreet Brewery.iyildawDm JACOB rTPHTR.


fiSSIS Q a


1 VUr AC7"i'RER of Ohio Zinc Washboards, nndera J rn.-- . n.: tieof G. VVtr Co.MinufM.-iureoroa- fiow Mmdles, and Oak Work,y of Wood and Willow Ware of every ie--V - mir ae.Cif in Coanq, Manilla, ar.d Herrp Bopc,

Tw:m:. for ts.;ii.etillnd w rapping, tish Lines,- r"''ih"T' Martm ;a karn, CoUon and Hemp

At. o, Htcki,Tubs,Mssare, Vei: Hames,He , Bii.-- I hnrr-s- , ' ar Cans, k -- frifcraiwrs and.i -- u. t ab and W Ucariny . Willow tor Basket

mpt Twer, er Kivtttm. Am B.nilot rird t'arrtiitaii Elr VWappinfj Paper, iu) of'? i P r and Compf j:tion, conrt.mtlr n hi.i. i navet'" rM;rts.i-.Mii- of all uie articles abovf ntuiietfia theVv - u an I ih.i r a.--k dealers to call and ret any price, as

1 tin and fceii lower than any other house in thetrae..uife Wa!it trtd Front street.; Psper Ware,., VValut alreet; Facrory CT Ware street. Cia- -


UHOOflsrOCK.r.C' HOff ASUwTEU Handle:aC,aJl7 1.000 do Twine;

fvX e hewinf do;H"iiffi,lrri. bu"pi aiifl Xeedler;. . ..wa S!'dLU LrooA tiji(1le:Torsaiety S. M. BAKRETT.

- cor, n nlnnl aad Front su. CnrinaaU.alKCt.Tls.

I13 '"rr'' !'ck of r.ronms ever offered'".'m T't rt"r1' i w.H s at low rates- .-

I , aiH raaraateesstiiu..tiou. r .vuif iecii in Miii,s s ftciently lonr to hareacoricindeaot slut la kuatuaie. Sow taW Ant Tt Comm'-- Brooorpv;"

io k."a do dn,?7 Farcy oo:Ubdoaca Vhps andbs'r t'onmn;

&. M. HAKkETT.pjll cor.Wlnut anj Eroaisu. Ciac iiti.-- J.O.B. F. MAKk. M. t . AW

Xi fiemipeil Lw HandkcrcLici;Mojiti nf Gitifaarat!;i!o p Skirtipf :

piV French Mirts;lam Is Corded fkirte;

t;ae k sad PiHii twisstiu3lns.s low by MARK fc POWNK,H'J ;i Main streat.


I. F. STONE,dealer in;

Fine Coaches & CarriagesOF EVERY DESCRIPTION.

No. 609 Main Street.LOLISYZLLE, &VWOULD refietfulljir v'te

tennoa to h'shirge and pi oiidid

nit erery style, imported t irtt v for this maiitet fromthe fol'nwing slntlari lioutws, n: OunUp "i Co.. Phiia- -aeipfiiH: lyswrtfitce ca nraiTtef, & prtpuens, anoJames Jtrewstr & Lroau wuv. New Kork. I havejust r as toltows:

I radcRincent trit ues, lairst ma ic:s fine ligiit do, suiuble ior country or city;

hue lifrht Rockaw-ays- ;

4 fwie hchi f romr.r Burtries, from M to 3o0 poundweight.

Af.J a genera assortment of orr Carnages, present-ir- g

great induceiMnts to purchasers. Person Jin 3 dslance may always rely on a complete stock to select Irouu

uiyK cu

Willian Huggins,Carriage HanufactoryFlrat atreet bt. Slain wnd Riaract,

HAH on hnd and are furu.Miinfof various pattern, contfiirp r

Flie;- -: . Slidsaal But Prini"! All drtanu Kocka y buggn t, x liH i.

as low as thev can Dr. bonrht in tbecitr. Those tnrtliu.f in their :ie would do wellto give lion a he warrant all nis work to oe equalto any in: his market. He ha on hand at pre' t.t afhsnon, nnisnea la superior siyie, wiacu ii wui sn si abarf aia. inyaM3tn


CarriageBonthwast cor, of Green and Sixth te,

elfidis LOL'ISVILLE. KY.

3Z3ctslo TTnllJefferson a'sreet. bet. TDlrd aVFonrtH

DANCING ACADEMY.J. P. LAS3ERKE returns his sincere thanks fbrM0N8. increase of is school. He will continue to

teach through tlie winter all the newest and most fashionable Waltzes and Dances, whirh are inn timers We.

Days f Tuition a usual.for Misses and Maimers. efrySaturday from to II o'clock, A. M., and S tof P. M. ForGentlemen every Monday and Wednesdays, frwn 1 toin tlie evening. Private classes taught at his school, or inprivate families application made at his Hall, or at Mdohn-on- 's raaidence, Jefferson street, adjoim&f the Hall.



QUICK YEASTarticle 1 eara fully prenaradexpr3Iy forfamTHIS IlwlUaoiwsr all tha paiposei of good

rek bra war's yeaat.ln auaklsc ail kiadsoflltht bread.biscuit, cakes, dtc, die.

House keeper will are money py vnsg ruser-- i

C sick Veast, as oz'j two-thir- the quantity general! Jit4 wlllnffioe. Prepared and aold wholesale aniJsuilby JAMBS F1SHBR,

UOri(rsmua'l orwi "iwim, mmmnir, m

A. Weisenberger,MACHINE SHOP,South Side qf Market ttrtet, bet. Brook and Eloyd,

LOUISVILLK. RY,STEAM Engines and Horse Power, Sawmendala,

Meat I "utters, LsrtJ, Cider, Book. Lith-ograph Presses, Glass Moulds. Turning Lath's, and allkinds of Screws; Pulley ana dhatung; Beer Pumps andPossets; Water Pnrops.

All kinds of repairing doae. JanSCdiy


Lamps, Girandoles and riatod Goods.JAEQZZL A CO.,

If it KaTe just received by Express a rwCST!I L supply of the above mentioned goods, ia IISJ which will make ourstock.tiic .jr.-x- l IT

t-- and intuit complete iu thes country. We would inviu1. tli" auen- -tian cf purchaser to an examination of our U)cV Rndrn.-t- s before making their selection, as we tie confidentthat in point of style, quality, axid fi.cc ot uooii we cannot tail to please.

A. JAEGER fc Co., 11 acd 131 Fourth rt.,yiea aiQEart HalU


UCPKI-NeVILL- aY..WILL give hi undivided attention tr a'l claims etitmst

IT; him in the Countiee of Oii-tta- n. Trias, Ch'Jwell. Hopkits, and Todti, K..L-u- d ."iljntgoiuery county.IT nr.

fe;rto Hon. H. J. fttes. Grp.nt fc Phelp.s, Ilcrk-rt- s

vilie: J.O. Noble. Roitnikor. fc P:o . a..a VV. D. Reed,Atto"y tt Law, Lbuville; riier, Vancunn fc Gia, Fhii- -a"ejpaia; L.angley. kuureau at UO., u.ci:uu:; more a.Vsicu ;n. New Orleans. ::Tri-- dif

Brooke Hall Pemale Seminary,HEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA.

list uisii r e i qt-h-t i vT ppivimviiTHIS 6emm.j, ' cated in the detirMt'nl nnd health

Media, thirteen mi.es from i'h:!adc!p!na,byRauroai, w!lbeC?i:Nfc.D on WEPNSSDAk, dep- -lerrtiier !";n. mm.

'i uc commodious bund'ng no- - ia process of erecn,vriuaiiine moaem iu.,r" tnenis. win oe r.:jbu.ic nytnifirst "f August, and wiu contain such uccommouations,bot.i si, pcu.t tr. ite and com. ' - a canot rail to satisfyparents UiM wh,te iir dsughters are enjoyu'.n the ben-efi- u

of mental culture, they ;.ive also Uie coiulortsofarefined imnie.

To:, in t.uuon is establinhed with aveiw to afToriitoyoung ladies ( je moi perfect comhinution of advantagesfor the attainment if a u;rourh rrid icou-.-'.slie- d ejuos- -lion, ar.d no pstns or will be stored io render itin reality what it professes to be. a sc!:ou of nup.-rio- r merit. Mifc Eastiuan me principal, was at the head ol aschetin New England previous tohcr residence u Penn-sylvania, and, lor the last six years, has u:..i I.iiowq tothe patr iita of Aston Ridge tSeaouary, as presiding teacher 'n t:iai institution.

TheKt. Kev. Potter, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, says:

Miss M. L. Eastman who to open a YoungLadies' 6emanai7. in Media, Delaware Co., Pa-- in September bext, has been known to the snhsenber for severaleirspast. Ucliw vcty onintou ot her capacity,

ehiCiuicy,and devotedneMaiianedi:: :: r. .he has hada large ana sucee.slul experience, i lie builning wmcnis to ie t cried tor ner u& wui cun'aoi evt-i- :tccommodauon. The villsre snd sorroundina "Of jy aie Uitiuguished for and beaut: , aurt tl - n,iscr;Strhas confidence that parent who enuoal iheir Ja. ghter,to Misa Lastmsn will have to reason to rerret it.'

Afiss Laciuia "iil be au'ed vf an euiciect cors olTeachers.

The French Language will be tiught aud spoksn by aPansian Lady resiking in the t::wiv.

The Laun, 'German, Spanish and Italian Languagewill receive due attention.

Tbe Natural Sciences will be aught, with the aid of alarre and eiDensiva arparaiua

The Musical Department wil, be.i:-.- r tlie charge ofa iaay emineiuiy quaunea to nil me buiuon; ana ailpreferring a maic I eacuer on U.e Puino or in tintringeaa naveuic nenenitM a a visiung leacner iroru nulldeiphia.

Drawing and Painting will he under the direction of aLauv accomplished in Uie art.

The numher of puimIs is limited to ff.rtr.Ibe TERMS lor HOARD and TUITION, in all the

Rranches eicepung Music, are $160 per sesnou of fivemonths.

Mi Kastman bu Uberty to referto the following

kt. Rev. Potter, D. D., and the Episcopal clergy OfPhQ- -au'ipuia.

Hon. P. Pierce, President of the United States.Hon. S. Chase, Governor of Ohio.Hon. N. B. Baker, of New Hampshire.Hon. M. W. Tappan, M. C, from New Vork.Rev. N. 8tn. of NornMown.Pa.Rev. A. McLeod, Clearfield Pa.Pierce Butler, Eeq of Philadelphia.J. B. Okie. doE. W. Clark, Esq., doGeorge Wharton. Era., doChristopher Loeser, Pottsville, Pa.George Wrman, 8u Louis, Mo.,Hon. P. C. Jolinson, Wasnuigton, D. CFor fuiher panic ulan or for circulars, apply to the Prin

cipal, Miss MARIA EASTMAN.je8 ttm MEDIA, Delaware Co., Pa.

Booaa for Politicians.AS we have had frequent calls of late, by the Demo-

cratic and A u Nothing politicians lor reliablebooks from which to get tuch evidence as is necessary tomeet the false charge of Uie Know Nothings against thecatnouc cnurcn. we Here give a iKtor some oi the pnnciral works, wilh thepnees and nostare.

kishop ispaldiiig's ''Miscellanea," containing Reviews,Lectures, and Essays: svo. Pnce $3 85. Postage 40cenis.

Hughes and Breckinridge' "Oral Debate," fhe verybe- -t woikof the kind. l'rtce165. Postage SO cent.

Putce.il and Campbell's Debate. Price $l oo. Postageaucenia.

PopsandMaguire' Debate. Price 7J cents. Postageio ceuis.

Protestantism and Catholicity Compared, by Rev. J.Balme. Price i. Postage no cents.

Catechism of the Council of Trent. Price 91. PostageJj cents.

Butler's Book ot the Church. Price 60 cents. Postage16 cents.

Letter of A Kentucky Catholic to Geo. D. Prentice.Pnce 26 cents. Postage 6 cents.

Together with a great many others, which, though theymay not treat the genera; subjects so thoroughly, are vI- -eamean particular quesiiorti.

Fortalefcy WEB3.CILL LEVFRIN0,jyll Sil Main street.

V7IHDOW GLJB3.WE Invite aoention to the foUowiug list just receiv

caloo boxes exio; 100 boxes lonj- -100 do 10x14; 60 do lOnS

o de loxid; (j do luxiTto do 10x1 to do, lom,to do 11X14; 60 do 1U!6;60 do lixiti; to do 11x17;36 do 12H4; n do JSirS;iA HI 13llSi U do ISlio;

for sale low for cash, by E. TCKE3,marf ureen sueex. ret. jackonand Hancock.

TAKE NOTICE! TAKE IVOTIUEXtreccet vw Express al toe "Sign of the GoldenJfffT a beauulul aasoruuent of FuroiAhing Goous- .-

OoBsirtsng ofFancy Linen Bh'rta, French Wnsthands.Bvron Collars.

do MisLn do do do rfo do;White do do do do d";do Lines d do do do do,Fancy Cotton and Lyle Thcal Sticks;Wane de do do do do;rron Collar Farcy tid Tlair.;Bishop do do do do;bap do do do do:

And ether article to numerous to n'nf ron atGEO. FLANCHARD,

jrW t House.

A FEW MPHB I.Kl f,ATtheBign of the "Golden Hr.n,"-tho- i Fountain

Svrinres. Also. Bathing Apparatuses.The demand beinr rreat. I an fise viu LO call f jon fTrm d.sire one. Gutta Percha Floor Cloths. PisnoCoverfce.,fcc. GTO. ELANCHARD.

Jyl Matnweat comer Kecond and ?I'U eti.

AVn SUM, XIIaST roinEA TtheSirw of the "Colrfea Hand A Isrve assort- -A went of Kagisn Duster, just receiveJ bvExtress.

lorgenueavea travemig. uso w Ditei.nn n wound .!SCK- -ets. tor waiter, maile cxprewly fr r kt. sinlror t and hotelwaite-- a. GEO. liLANCUAUU,

jyl Opposite Gait House.

Iliiiinary.IX VarVrf airoet WsrVet sfraofr-- f M.VIGLIM would rvpa'-Ti- anntrjt.ee)- .

v j to tt'eladit that she is now rec ivir daiiy

of banneu.RihHons, Flowers, oe'.feori.a-x- t other articlein berime, fcne h th' ds.y received a SiiUPlv nf K,ra.Goods. to which she solicit your earnest

iiviai,five good MilUnen w a

MEDICAL,Private Medical Treatise,

ON THEPtjIolcglcal Vlaw of Mar r la 5 3.

B7. IL B. LA CROIX, SI. ALBANY, N. Y.sSu pages aii4 ISO Ca Plsin ar.d Colored Liliiograpsan

Piatea.OXLY 25 CEXTS-C- O

CJ-Se- free of to all parts of the Uuion.-- rJ

PR. M. B. LA CROIX'S PHVUIOLuUiCAL VI KW Of ftiARaiiuE.Anew and revise edition of 850 pngeso 'id I ? i plates, i i ice 16 ccr. U a eo" y . Apapular aud comprehensive tr:aime ntlie df'ies and casuallics of su.r'.e a. idmarried lif happy an 'i i rui il'ul alliances,mode tif securing tneni iiilelicitous andinfertile ones un-i- r obviatioa and re-

moval nervous debility, its chuhs amcure, by a process at one to sunple.saieand ttttectual, that failure is ii.iptsillerules lord.iily manaa-emen- t au essay on

P)eTrnaforrhoea, with pracucu, olwervauons on a saferaud more, successful mode of treatment precautionaryhints on the evil results trom empirical practice; to whichis added commentaries on all the diseases of f;inalesfrom infsncv to old sre earn case gmphicaliy illustratedbT beautiful plates. It point out tue remedies for mose

miseries and disappointed hopes so union Jnatcly t in the young. It is a truthful adviser tothe married and those contemplating marriage, lis peru-

sal is particularly rccairi.-cdi-- to persons cntertaiumgsecret doubts of their phyxicnl condition, and who areconscious of having haaarded tha health, happiness, end

...i Kin inrr ioixoin heinr is entitled to.Price 26 cents per copy, or five copies for $1, mailed free

of posture to any part ot tne united ctsies, iy aaarcssingDr. LA CKU1JL, IPOBl paiu,; aiuhiij , new x wis., cui-i-

Pi. o. 1 nose w no prerer nnjupon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, eitiler personally or by mail. His medicines often cure inthe short space of six days, and compieiety ana entirelycradicat? S!i traces OI llloe. atsoruRia wmtu c".aiYa Tia

cubebs having ko icng been thought an auuuote, to therain ol the health of Uie. patient. H.s "r rencn Secret".. ..r,oiniial iernlv for that class ot d cornerswhich, unfortunately, prysicians treat with mercury, to.i urtion of th parient's consutu- -U"n, and which al' iie aaraapariila in the world cannot

lr. LA I'kUl a is menicinra ic ncc 11.10 ui uimnaipoisons, and put in a neat and compact form, which canLu ..ni km k nress or Mail, and may betaken in a publicor private bouc, or white traveling, without exposure to

. ......me most muui.iu: incun .., ..u.....v.mrfv- - and no important cnanre in the diet is

necessary. .Medicines sent to any part ol" the Union, ac-

cording to directions, safely packed and carefully securedfrom ail observation.

Omceremoved from No. 69 Beaver St., to II MaidenLane, near Broadway, Ainany, rs. 1 . jeiuiy

Dr. A J. Vanderslice,Late professor of the Ecole Clinque de Medicine e Phar--

ViaUlC I A fu I.,(A Practitlener for Twenty-nin- e Year Fast,)

to his friends and the public th heANNOUNCES bis lime to the curing of U e following diseases, via: Coughs, colds, Asuima, riis. irrpsy,Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Piles, Fistula, Go t Rheu-

matism. Scrofula. White Swelling, Nervous A S'ectiouslFever and Acue. Billious Complaints, fcc.

Dr. Vanderslice ha met witn gieatucces bj h pecu-

liar mode of treatment of diseases, where her veryeminent Dbvsiciaiis have failed to produce a cai . 1 o attest his confidence in his own skill and merits, I will undertake tlie cure of all patienu without charge zcepungthe cost of the medicine, requiring no fee until alter tberatorarinn of their health.

Disease pf a peculiar character be guarantee to re-move radically in a lew days, without offensive or dele-

terious medicine. He warrants to all, no matter how e

e or long standing the disease, an effectual cure, or hereqxires no pay. iemale suffering wilh irregularities,nervousness, debility, fcc, can be permanently relievedk rir v.

"invalids in any ection of the country; by addressing aletter to nim (poi paid ) ana enclosing a ice, c,ui untc auvie mnA medicine PromuLl v sent them.

on Market street, between Floyd and

Ar.privale office oa Floyd street, between Market andJetlerson. Office hour from 8 to 13 A. M., and from 3 toi P. M.

Williains's Anti-Dyspepti- c Elixira with the utmost cofindence. offered to the Medical

1 Faculty and the public, tor the cure ef Dyspepsia orIndigestion, and ail disease aribing iroa 11, aucu aa

Nausea, iiciuiacue,Veiugo, Dimness of Sight,Debility of the Nervous System,Hypochondria, Jiunu.ce,Los of Appetite,Wafting of the strength.Flatulence, with treueuttclchlrig Of Wind,Vitiated taste,Constipation and uneasiness of the bowels,Hilions Vomiting,Euiuiiix sensation at the pit of the atomach.Liver Complaint,Oppression after eating.PaloitKlion of the Heart.Pai n in the pit of the stomach, or tow ards the right side,Sallowness ot complexion,llecression of spinu and irritabiliry of temper, fcc

If a cae of dyspepsia should be neglected, most seriousettect wsy ensue, ior it isys uie iouuaiuion mr, u uie iuciDienl cause ot, and very treqiienily tenuinntes in consiiniTition I would impress upon the mind that to trinwith this disease, may be to sport wiUi that r"i?on whichennt'ttttes iuan among animal biting, orto eriLiitter ej:, lence oy auuiug a couaciouauess o, iui:)-t-

the penalty of pain.This medicine is prepar"! entire'y f.oin vcgetsMc sub-

stances; tlie most delicate stomach can tear it conveniently, and iti given with penect safety, in minute dosesto the u.ot tenuer infants, iu properties hcrtg of atrer.phcniijg and na.ure. li u uea!y put

up in lvttieh, with ample direct. .ins ior use.I'netotlowiiiir trstiiuonials some known and

respectable citizens ot Philadelphia, ai-- tuny corrohorauveo; tne uiea cmcacy 01 uic j.ua ijspcui; .i j,

Jittstzaticn.We, having ttsed VVuIiam'i Elixir with

.UIC most peneci snilMtieuoii aim .uvvcen, i.f,c mi vitm-ure in recommending it to all pe"ops suffenrg with

as wa are luliy convinced of its most estimablequalities iBrest'ning" the powers, removing ailpain and uneasiness, and tinparurg a heaitliy tone 10 thetomacn.Jo UK R. PiKtosi, No. SISouUi Wiarve.'Arsz VV. Moaais.Tocony.

Thomas Alliboni:. Fie dcut Banko' Pennsylvania.Asnan Ei.m s. Market street, below Six:!..t kwiin H. Uowlet. No. 14 Nor.hMichael Hess, supcrimeKUeut ot" ."Miicha?.! yx

climre. Phil.This '1st of rame rc'. 2 extended to almost any

Icngiu, nut t.e toregoing m deemed sumcient.

Testimonv of Mr. Mich:.el Dunn. Superintendent of uiePhiladelphia Exchange, corroborative of the efficacy ofv, imams' Anu i: ; Luiif. i

PHiLaPBLFBia, March 16, So3,

Doctor James Williamsi For set:r-- s r."irs ps:t. I havebeen liable to attack, of Dyspepsia; bQ never have I beenP'ore amiclcil v. iUi its symptoms, than w:iin uc last lew weeks, indieesliou. uervous irritabiiavdespondencv. a sense of weiant in the iomach. a:id sc--v ci: puii.e in Uie left torfe, rendering me, for the time being, truiv wreu uea. rnnunaieiy, i was recommenaea

ai'i'nd totrv vour Elixir. 1 uid so. and in less thantwo weeks, indigestion ctased; pain and nervous depres- -biob leu me, auu ai'eiiie, wim intiuii niiu utfuujr iieniuiwere fully restored. '1 o uie the cure seemed aliuot t miraculous. and my object in writing to you is a hope tintotner persons suneruig me iiiiscries oi uyspepiia winavail tnemseivesoi your emcient remeuy.

I am, dear sir, yours truly.01I1.11LAI1 DLl.H.

Agent for Louisville; KyBELL, TALBOT fc CO.,

Jelldly 453 Market L

Consumption Cured.DAILY'S Inhaling Vaper if nsed in the cure of disease

Lungs. Worn en the breast, the beat of u.tbody causes an evaporation, which wui be constantly

by the patient, passing geuuy into all the air cellsanu passages oi uie lungs, auu suppii ing every pan wiina soouung ano neanng vapor, wuiie me pi' lent is laainDaily's Extract of 'in-n- .g or liont y fyrup, for the cougand debility, aud bis Balaam of VVahoo. ior tie impurstate of the blood. It is acknowledged by all that by inbaling marsh miasma, or noxious vapor or air, th lungbecome diseased. 1 it not equally Uun that, s'oplyinathe lung with an invrr orating and ueaiing inedicue, willrestore Uicm to hea Itii?

Dr. Daily keep on hand a general supply of FamilyMedicines of his own compounding, to cure diseases in-cident to our ciuuate. Daily's Family Practice, 824 pages,price five dollars, can be baa at Daily s Pain Extractor De-pot, No. 78 Second street, between Market and Jefferson.

lebW VVM. DAILY. M. D.

BCflllY WEBER, j

VO. 100 Third street, residence No. 470 Market street,11 between Third and Fourth.


Mr. Henry Weber will be at all time ready to wait onhe ladle. inyis du


Ko. 119 and 121 Fourth ttred, Mozart Building,

.HAVE the largest and best selected stocklot French Cliiua, decorated and fane' silded. and nlam and white Oval Shaoelof liuiiiig vare, UreakiVst and Tea warjon hand in the city. Also keep constantly

on hand Fancy Vases; Colognes: CunJiertick; Mugs;Motto Coffees; Cut and Pressed Glassware; Cullory Wait-ers; Girandoles; Lamps; Silver-plate- d Goods; britamna.vfe,ac iiouiiooc uuuitt, i iioiri;, irmiiiuibacitvmofrom the celebrated manufactories of Jame EdwardMeigh a Son, and Pumeuell a Co., of the StaffordshirePotteries. England, and a general assortment of common,artnernware, ior country mercnanis. .

1 hey call attentioa to their large and splendiif assortment of every description of foods. Thei rpnees will befound unusually low, and their stock in paint of varietyand elegance, cannot be excelled by any Western house.give tnein a cau.

A, JAEGER fc CO., Motart Hall,mylg No. 119 and 131 Fourth street.

IfEW BOOKS.rpilE Great Iron Wheel or Rcpubilcanism Backwards

m. by j. k. uraves, oi the Tennessee paptists.Price i. i

Ida Norman hy Mr. Lincoln Phelps. Price gl 35.A Commentary upon the Epistle of St. Jutie. Price tl.Six Months Kansas by A Lady. 60c.The Youth of the Old Dominon by SamL Hopkins.

Price tl So. TThe select Remains of the Rev. John Mason; Price T5cLue ot Schayme.1 and the Narrative of tbe Circassian

War by J. M. Mackic. Price tl.Meuioris of Bishop Leber, D. D.of Calcutta. Price tl 35.Forest and Shore, or Legends of the Old Pine Tree

State-- hy C. P. Price, tl 25.The Roman Exile by i. Gayaiiia. Price tl 35.Gilfellans Literary Portraits Third Gallery. Price tl 35.The Marble workers' Manuel by M. L. Booth. PiiceFresh supplya of Aspiratina, Life of Buchanan, Mem-on- e

of S. o. Prentisb, Ernest Linerood, fcc. For salehy U3J CliAGAN fc IJO.

Ol GROSS RAILROAD AN D STEAM BOAT CARDS., ei y cheap. Sams manufacture. aLecelverf .alor sale by

jy C. II AG AN fc CO.- .) GKOSSMAwx Jk.rtutLt.YV CAKD.s-Ki-cci- ved by


1; GROSS HIGHLANDER CARD3- -:t t'ftjpTorsaieby jy) O. HAGAN fc CO.


GROSS L.nFMF.LED ECART AND WM!T-- Fayj back. For sale by O. HAGAN" i CO.

I GROSS CLAY MEDALIOWS VeiT tlnpi Cat.ta. back Received and for sale by



COMMODORE PERRY'S Zipcdition to Japan and theBeauulul illuUaicd. tt.

Peter Still, the K'n-ppc- r, and Kosamoml. tl 35.The State and Territories of the Great West, with

maps and lUestralions, I45ti. l i. i1 he wonderful ad.eUurciot uapt. friest. 75c.The Earnest Man Life and Lebor oi Mr. Jnrlson

by Mrs. Conant. tl.iteceivea cagusn Dcnpinres, wiui motes, eoc.New Supplies Great American Battle. Lue of Fnrh.

anan, Modern Agitators fccitms. u. alKK,

au!5 Mvrn Ilinlu'ng.v-- a MUSiU uoxe. loneertmes, Mii,ig. New

J a - Music, and a complete assortment of MusicalMerchandise can he found a h, otisie Store of

auio CILAS.J. KENT. i Third si.

Violins, vioisn-ceiio- s, Gmfus, Flutes, ate., inFINE variety, just received uora the East and for saleat low prices by

aio CIIA1. J. KENT, 67 Third st.

F?r. VIOLINS.A GOOD Mortment of these inurnment can be found

at the muric atom ofCAH9. J.KENT,

No. tl Thud st



Lfixicgtoa and Franlifort

Stock and Articfes for ExhibitionAT THE

liEXJKCsTOI & PAIllS FAIRS,THOSE persons desirous of tending Stock or eiryar-M- .

licles fur ciiilntioii at the resul-- snitual Faris to bepent in Lexington and attlit-SUt- Fair to tie held at Paris,K v., in the mouth of September proximo, are htit-b-

that tne Lexington and Kiansf.i.t and i.ouisviilaand Frauitfott Railroads iransport al such tock andar- -ucies upon the looowing contnuono:

The nx"ilar fere is to be prepaid to the Agent whenthest.ipmenua!:: place. Upon presentation tothe Agentin Lexington, within one week alter the termination ofthe Exi'ihition. of a certificate of the ritcrciary of thenmwiauun tnur tne biock or otner articles were cjni-bite- d,

the said Agent in Lexington, and he alone, will refund tlie money p.ii.1 and will give a permit for thefciock or article to be returned free of charge 0 the placeol its shipment.

ilisdixtuictiy to be understood, and the owners andshippers of Slock and articles for exh'.hitinn are to agreethat the said Railrond Companies are to related fioina.lresponsibility lord amago or accident to such Stock oraiticlts for exhibition liom whatever cause ausiitg.

i ne companies are disposed to oner every facility fortheir tranportatiori with ut charge, butcanuot asum:tlie risks or accident should any occur.

It is desirable that several daj.'uoiice should tm givenat the nauon when it is intended to make shipment.

auHtloct Sup't Lou. Frank fc Le. fc F. R. R.

LClilGVILLE AND FRANKFORTAnd Lexington and Frankfort ,


BCinirAEIC AHRAIfCEiriEIVT.Datljr Paiienger Trains Sundays

jcixceptra.ON and after

via:Monday, Apdil 7th, 1866, Train will run a

FIKST T81IVI.uln.lnill..i L. ustopping at all regular stations and 15 minutes for breakfast at Lagrange, and arrives at Lexington at 11 o'clock,A. M. Returning, leaves Lexington at 2:30 o'clock P. M.," T"'? ?l nu triiar suiuons, aaa arrives at i.ouisvuieat 7:20 o'clock, P. M.

Passengers by this Train connect at Eminence withStages for New Castle, Drennon Springs, and S'lelbyville;at r rankfort with stapes fo Versailles, Hardinville,Law-rencebur-

Harrodsburg, and DanvUle; at Payne's withstages lor Georgetown; and at Lexington win spires for

fiernng, uwiugsvuie, iticninonn, ir--vme, Aicuolasville, Danville, Lancaster, Crab Orchard,Stanford, London, Barboursville, and all points somli; byrai1wT.Pn.l?!'noutnJ Covington and Maysville.

BLOOND TRAIN leaves Louisville, at a:sa oVl.k p.stopping at Smith's Smtion. i.nmn.P. mil u .to.

tlouseastof Lagrange, and arrives at Lexington at 7:30o'chick, P. M. Returning leaves Lexington at 515o'clock A. M., stopping 30 minutes lor breakfast at Frank-fort and at all stations east nf l.imn ! r an,.,!,).Station only west of Lagrange, airiving at Louisville at10:30 o'clock, A. M., in eTos-- connection by daily mail lineof steamnut lor all points on the Ohio, Mississippi, andMissouri rivers: also by Jeffrrsonvtlle and New Albsnyrailroads with Indianapolis. Chics v.--, ivm iiaio- - v,cennes, 2u Louis, Keokuk, Burlington Rock Island, Ga- -""t "uffitici auu oo uie prmcipai town lu the .North-west...T'iPP. T?A WJaccommodanon) Leaves Louisville

4:50 o'clock, P. M.. popping at ail regular stations, fairgrounds, and at Washburn'., and arrives at Lagrange at6:25 o'clock. P. M. keturninr;, loaves Lrar.ge at :6o clock A. M.,storping at the same stations, and arrivesat Louisville at 7:30 o'clock.A. M.r reignt trains leave Louisville at 6:15 o'clock A. M., anilLexiiiirton at 6:35 o'clock A. M . iini. si..r,.i. I,.

Fare oy first and second trains, about 4 cenU per mile;a discount of nearly 25 per cent, is allowed for tickets.are on accommodation train, about 3 cents per mile.and near 35 Per cent, is nlloureH n,For env further information, please call it the depot,corner of Brook and Jefferson streets. Louisville.

SAMUEL GILL.mart Bnpt. L. fc F., and L. fc F. R. S.

OrsratL Tickt Aoint's Dcpartmiht,LitUe Miami and Columbus and Xenia R. &.,

Cincinnati, Jan. 34, lboti.'TTI1E night Train east of Columbus, having been tempo--

j si ' commence running reguianyma auu nue i nnrsoay, January 4tn, making con

mi, i nun, m.ii Lutiern elites, as noretoitire.ih ree Daily Katern Trams LighUung Express at.M.; Express Aim Blio A.M.: Night Express at 6 P.M"janvs sr. VV.IS rUAI)rJB..-ener- Agent,

Loniaville & Nashville Kailroad

lOrriCB Lons villi fc Nasrvime . K.Co.iLonisville. K?.. Jm.e iih lKM.

UNTIL furtScr notice hut ouo train will be run on thennd Nashvii'e Kailr"?. Tlie tr.in wui

irom ana alter iionc;ay, June mi, leave the Depot in LPisvuie, at uie corner of. ninth and i, road way sheets, ati.tor.m., i"iure luiuiiiu wan tne Ui.aiioii uiancii, adistance ol 3oX miles. Returning, wiil leave Ibe junctionato.w . . ' ., uiu ornvr tii iouivitte ni 0:10 r. m.

JArf. F.GAiiiLE,Supcrinterideat.An Omnibus Line wti: connect the trains on thu

ro-.- a, anc win tie passengers irom an. t: i y place within tbe city limit. The office of Uie 0"imitus Line atTn'8 Hotel, comer of Fourth and JefTor-ir- i streets, andny ieavins; i.ouce iiicrr, pasttuigu Will DeprompUy alKtcr at any house in the city jciTHE SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT R0UT2


Central Ohio and Bi!timoro andOhio Railroads, j

OPING THE ONLY HOUTE by tv through tickcUe MJ AOIU..U1 U11 U1I

can be prci'icd, to w'iic!i point, as well a torALTIMoiiP. i

it is t!ie khrrtcst, rnov 'iiirect, and in evcTf respet thewmnciiiiuir niuir. iiisuiuomy route ny wticri purWMlilf Ul UllUJi UVi ' t'J j

NEW roi:xare enabled to reach ths cities ofUALTUIORE,


and NSW YCE'--at uie cost of a ticket ? Nt York only, thus nabHDuaiiiess men ann travelers ior or mVisit fourof the principal citiea 1:1 the Union for less costtha cak b sr.'oauiD y ast otukk hocxs.In addition to these great advantages, tlie inducepientsoffered to travelers the prompt ami emcient mimare-me-

of trains on this route must not be lost sight ol) aud-e- dto which the grandeur ol tlie scenery of locoli Jes tobe met with in traversing toe Balumore and O.'iia Rail-

road are such as are afforded by no other line oi' travel inUl WUIIU.

Three Dally Train:rassengers going Last from Lnuismie may proceei hythe U. S. mail steamers to Cincuinati, and there lake tueruiruati 10 connect wiin tn's line, or may Louisvilleuy uic Kxnroaa direct, arriving i lime toeotiiieci witn euueruie a a. fll., 1? A. M., ortf F. i, train01 the Little Miami Railroad for CoInmhiiM, connectingthere with the Central Ohio Railroad through Newarkand Zanegviile for SriAir. on tii iiiun ,. ...,ioa ......Wheeling. From this place Uie connection with the lSal- -umore auu tmio ttauroad is mac direct. ly the h t pressTrain of thu rout" the time lrom Cincinnati to Baltimoreuuuiwuuura, anu 10 vv is but 27 hours,i., f"a'e checked from CinciuiuiU to Balumore, andWashington City.

CGPassenvers should be Particular and inquire forticket viaCUl.L.vlBUS and WHLELING, as no otherroute can tickst, through Baltimore or Washington Cityto New York, their representations to the contrary not- -wuiittaauiiiK.

yBTFart at loo as by any other rovtc. j


APpiyonDoard the U.S. nmil steamers, which leaveLouisville eve ytiay at 12 o'clock, or at the ofiice of thejeitcrsonviiie Railroad, by way of the Jeffersonville, O!;ioand Mississippi.and Little Miami Railroads Aim in Ci- -

i'""'t bj me omces 01 tne i.itue Miami Kailroad, No.P h!?1 11 J second door west of Vine stieet; No. r,1nic juiiuing, auu oin omce. soutnwest cornerBroadway and Front street, OPPOSITE the SpencerFront slrect ' Eastera (LitUe Miami) Depot, East

At Wlieehng, or Benwood, four miles below Wheeling,the passenger ukes the superior car of the Baltimore andOhio Railroad, which leaves three times daily at 7:30 AEl"'.4!.30. J,tP' Baltunore, Washington,Philadelphia and New York, making clo,e and sure con-nections to all points, East and South. For safety, speedregularity, beauty of the country and general comforttl,L?JVMU.l.!!,co,", to none in tl,e Union. 'oini a,ln llle larf,st uipment of anythe United States, the company is prepared to doan immense business in the transportation ot freights.

fcarrrd wiUi caie nd oeopatch, and at rates aslow as any other first class line. The road makesimmediate connection at the wharves and in the streetsof Balumore, with the railroad to Phildelphia and NewYork, steamer of Ericsson and Balumore SteamshipCompany's Lines, by canal and sea to New York and Bos-ton, steamer to Norfolk. Charleston,- - Savahnali, etc.For particulars, see freight tauif, copies of which may betu'"F uousesinuie west.WM. S. WOODSlDE. M ister of TransportaUon,

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.JOHN M. SHARPE,

Je34dJ General Westetn Agents.


au t. Wallace t. s. lithqow j. bihkt THoxasWALLACE, LITHQOW ft CO.,


No. 636", NorCvwut corner Main and Third streetJLonlsrille Ky,

IN cilling tbe attention of dealers in our DHt in ihis marwe would state that during the last six month ourattention has been dirocicd to getting up a large number olnew Stove and Grate Patterns, which, added to our aiready large stock, gives us one of the most extensive anddiver'ihed assortments in the western market. Anionthe number, we would refer to our "Ashland Kentuckiun''Cook Stove, (tliree 8jzes out.) 'ibese Stoves have greatweight of metal, highly flnished and elegant in appear-ance. They combine ill the modem improvement thatpractical experience has developed.

We would invite dealers to call and erntie nr them-selves, and we think iii nuality, price, ate, they cau besuited. Having enlarged our manufacturing departmentwe can promptly meet all demsnus. Tnankful for the pat'ronage which has been so kuikly bestowed upon us wetrust, by atnet and prompt attention to nil orders, to' se-cure a continuance of iu And the quality of our aianufac- -u.ci mn iinu w, etjuiu 11 not superior tothe best, and satisfaction riven in all etwees

feb33 . L1THGOW fc CO,

A Card to the ladle- -.

MVIGLIM would refrctftiily snnotnice to tbeand surrounding country, thatshe will shortly be prepared to offer to tnem the huvesind root handsome atsortineflt of Millinery Good, everreceived in this citv. Her tame is uiisurrnssed by anvand ail she wouid ask to insure her favor, is a call from theLadies. She is (it nrent in NnrV,k ,nA h..,. '.:

Will be riven of her return, or recti,. . a'. ul ....alert. No. 433 Market street, between Pturth nn p;.Vi. . .

febas -HVtitV " 1 1 Ma..:.A GOOD Second hand top Buggy can be had at a bar- -

f IS' ,r ""nettiate sppnentton to the carriage oflillSll Afsrlui. form.r of rt.itli anH lr...n .,,. ...J'" Hi

ntv he u.r, ' ' wnere iirnytitf

Great Excitement

owest pfieei V10ini"n!' ,he very

bouthwest corner Second and Main sujy3 Opposite theGalt House.PARLOR GUARD OR CECILLIA!

PIANO FORTES.f'fUSyrj 'J"veqTYLB intramnt.fromthEce!ehiJdin8n-Lh- ku,?fT of Harlett fcCnmston. of kiZinn,

I would invite the attention of rnrrh. lanovtettn

Messrs. are not TriE ONLY makers ef thiskmd of Piano out Uietr's are warrantedM?.maLV- - p,leMecJl n examine thS,mntoVtythe

of Ciii-s.- KBNNT'' ' f0' hlistrwet.CIIK a 9 T1IR miFArvST.I WILL Fell Mtifieal Instruments, Hheet Muic, andMusical Merchandise of every desenpuon, at aa lowprices as can be founJ in tin city. Please call and foryourselae. CHARLES J. KE.NtT

augiidu No. 67, Thud street.




TUIE Little Miami via Columbus being the shortestenaMr anniroric and ale secd. Connect:'- n

are certain, unj have full time for meata. i.yany other route from Cincinnati, a dangerous spettt is re-quired t.4 compelled to overcome iiuu.e, which moke

iniiecuon uncenain.The I'oitiiiiLus ts evclnsiveir an mnte. the

Time Tables of the Eastern Roaua are arranged to run inuireci coniiet uon.

Passeiiaers from Cincinn.ni bv the Renfrmraine nd rorrest Route, depend oa Trains from Inuianapolni and FortVVynetoroEast, and nde over the rougnedt Koad isOhio to get to CrcsUiae.

THHEE DAILY TBA1IVSAt e A. IW.f io A. n. and o 1". m

rirBt Traiu Lightning Express. Little Miami Railroadavt Cincinnati m s nvwk a m fo ruiiimhua. i imi.

line, Pittsburgh, Lancaster and fhiladelpuia, Hanuburfhand Baltimore.This Train is the only Lightnirg ETpres Train, leaving

Cincinnati with reliat !e connei jon to the Easu. . . u,icf,, Liiiuc muuiij tuiuimi, in.i.cwCnc'nnauet 10 o'clock, A. M. for all the above piacea.1 bis 1 rain leaves Cincinnati two noras later than any

othrrooti, and makes toe same connections.xnuo .rain night Express, LitUe Mia".I Railroad,leaves u at o'clock P. M.. fbr all the aboveplaces.

t n: i rain leaves Cincinnati osa hook later than anyother route, and make j the uime eon no.Ho7i

The Littlo Minii is the only Eastern Depot at Ctncin-Bat- l.Ail Other Depots e.t Cincinnati sre Western.

OR THROUGH TICKETSAnd all mfamiauon, please apply atthe Little Miami andCovincton and i.cTinx.in iiflrI V u . n..second door west oi me, No. 177 Gibson House; and OldOffice, soiHbean corner Btoadway and Front, opposite thewr.,.yci uuusc. VV . H 1 KADKiCael li General Agent.

GREATNorthern. Eastern and WesternRAILROAD ROUTE,

erf 3 tl.VIA


ROUTE TOIndianapolis. Lafayette. ChirjitT.-i'TVtmi- Ha1Tit i t i ,. ' . . v j

Awca. isiana, cunington, tfitcmnati, CleTB--tiwiu, xunaio, new I one, BWon, Pittsbnreh.Baltimore, Waghinarton. Phila.rle1rihia- - TpttHante, Vincennea, ETanarille, Cairo, Spring- -ucitA, oil xxiuia, ac.

THE oe"e.ronT?u --fjlrod 1 laid with heavy Trail and. ar.il a,w.k.j ..w '.mouves and Cars, and has ever fatnt kUme and sure epMaections. It is the shortest route by Mmiles between Louisville and fiiovo .rf ,h. n.i.Railroad routcfroaaLouuivilietorit l io ...t

Two Train daily (Sunday excepted) to Indianapolis.One do do do do Cineinaau.Cm and after Monday, May fiUi, trains will leave aa

Ollows:FIRST TRAIN. Inrfiansnoli. t ... re--

sonville at 6:15, a. m.,andarrives at Indianapohs at 11:30, arVTi wiui uie L.aiayette anoinaianapolis Railroad for Lafayette, Chicago, Detroit, kc; withthe Terre Haute and Uu hmnnj u,;.l . t . if.....

jik rf 'v, me Indianapolis and Bellefontamei tutiin m venuiu Hauroaos ior wntehng, Pitteiturg,Baltimore Washrngton, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Buffalo,New York, Boston, ttc.

8 ECON D TRAIN. Cincinnati Express leaveat2:3o, p.m., and arrives at Cincinnati at 8:30, p. m.

iiijmi.j connection tne next morning with the LitUeMiami and the C incinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad

Aajiu,i, yieveiann, ttunaio, flew Kork,Boston, Pittsburg, Pnuadelphia, Vvheeujig, Waahingtonttnltitnore, fcc.

TrilitD TRAIN. Leaves Jeffersonvflle at 3:45. p. m.ana arrives at Indianapolis at 7:60, p. m., making a direct.c,c""v w,ul ln" iaiayette and in--Ihfltiannltl Rm mail w . i m- - - ""ii". wiui tins i eric xiauieand ltichr.rnnd Railroad for the West, and de lndianapo-l- 'iand Bciiciontaine and Indiana Central Railroad for the

Time from Louisville viaJeffenonviHe Railroad tIndianapolis, 4 hour,;Cincinnau, 6 3 hours;

Lafayette, 7 hours;Terre Haute; 8 hours;

Chicago, 16 hours:Saint Louis 17 ben's;

Cleveland, 14 hours;Buffalo, 21 hours;

N "v York, as hovrs;Lcton, 40 hours;

f 15 l- -j hoursrlPhiladelphia, 3f hour;

VVhee.ing, 15 hours;Baltimore, a hotinc

Washington 1 )lu,n.Paysaje checked through from Jefferson'viKe to Indianapoii. tid Ciiicmip.ti.r titiuH i h. By a recent arrangement with the IM. fci. . n. 11, tne Jenenouvuie Ccmpary now rut th"

OWn Locomotives, r.r and Cond'letora thmn.h to In. I

anapolis, over the M. fc I. R. R. from fcdinhurg, whichgreatly laciiilrtect the transportation r freirhta.The attention of merchants shipping freight North andjw m tauru o. Tiiis ro"ic, ana uie aianiagr3 rt otters.ror u:ruugii iicHeisnniiiiifirmauon m re? ira to f?'gh!s.

apply s tie office, 655 Main street, LouisvL'c, Ky.. . O.NOKTON , gent, or at the I'rpoiin JeiieTsotivle.




Exclusively an Eastern Routs,On and after this dif the

LITTLE MIAMI, VIA COLUMBUS,Is THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE to and from CInchinatiana me "tiiy route running cars into the LakShore Depot at Cleveland, and the only route with unilorn gunge fioia CuiciniiaL to Cleveland, Dunkirk andBuffalo.

BV ANY OTHER ROUTE Cleveland passenger goi.i oruuustty, auu uepcua on inuns irom cntcago andToledo to o East, break gnage at Sandusky and ferry from

viu Ufutt. ylty lf ir:veiujiu.THE LITTLE MIAMI, VIA COLUMBUS,

if tne only route with reliable connection to and fromCI INN ATI and PITTSBURG.

BY A"S OTIIEK KOUTK,PitUburf posseTtgers de--Pnu si neueioniaincor r orrest on train irom Indianapo-lis and Fort Wayne, to go East.



lSTHa OST.T ROCT to aad fWm rtnemnstl.Crestline nnd Cleveland, with LighUung Eapreaa, withuuicimiiKt: ui ears.

This is a grsat comfort io Ladies and Families.THE LITTLE MIAMI. VIA COLUMBUS,

Btnu ihb monies HUUTE from Cincinnati tothe East, auuifonu and afe speed is maintained. Con-nections are certain.

BY ANY OTHER ROUTE from Cincinnati a danger-ous tpeeei required to overcome distance aud delay

in euaugiita: pasttriigers ana paggage at Be le-ft ntame, Forrest, Sandusky, and ferrying at Old Ohio




. . NIAGARA PALLS1 o an uie ciucs.

inreedauyjsastern trains at I A. M., 13 A. M., andFIRST TRAIN-Clevela- nd, Pittsburf, Steubenvilre and

,.n.-ciui- imiiiitiiig express, leaves Cincinnati ats A. M.far all tlie Lantern cities. Also, Detroit, via ClevelandSpringfield; w Zanes-vill- e;

Chilhcothe and Alliens. This train stop betweenCincinnati and Columbus at Loveland, Morrow, Xenia,and London only.

SECOND TRAIN Cleveland, Pittsburg and Wheelingmiimiiii, KraTeH Cincinnati ai 10 O'clock, A. Jn., viaCleveland, Pittsburg and Wheeling, for all the Easterncities. This train st op at ail points between Cincinnatind Columbus.

THIRD TRAIN Accommodation. leave Cincinnati atS:30 o'clock P.M. for Springfield: Wilmington, Circlevilleand Lancaster; Chilhcothe, and Hillsborough. This train"knLxiJri'ATvTf" Cincinnau and Sprin-irtiel-

Cleveland and Pittsburgh Nightu.itot., ir..c. uniriiiiiou in r. m. via C leve-land and Pittsburg, for all the Eastern eiUes. This trainstops (tail points between CincionaU and Columbus.

One train on Sunday at 3:Jo o'clock P. M., for Colum-bus.

Trains run by Columbus time 7 minutes Cuter than ctn--uuuatb

Fare as loiiras by any other Ronte.THROUGH TICKETS

And all information can be obtained at the new office, No3 Burnet House, second door west of Vine street; No. 177rout office, Gibson House Building, and old c.ffice, south-east corner Broadway and Front street, OPPOSITE theSpencer House, or at the Eastern (Little Miami) Depot

East Front street.Office hour from 4 A. M. nnfil P. M

P. VV. STRADER, General Agent.XUfi U.ll.TllDUa LINE

Calls for passengers at ail the principal Hotels fbr each andevery train. By leaving directions at either of the aboveoffices, will cad lor passengers in ail parts of the city, witk- -it. H. HCGGLES,my80dtf Conductor.

Boot and ShoeMANUFACTORY, Pifth street, oppo-site uie Court House. Louisville. K v. 1

u , manufactnre all and every description off 4 ! 12kLadlcs and Gents' One Hoot, .nrf 11., I 1 V'Also, Aiisses. and Chilurens' Shoes and Gaiters 'maiL toorat r, ana wnrrameu a goon nt. 1 am a practical me--cbamc, and manufacture ail my own work and emptornone but the best workmen. I none hv .rri

2 . r ' 'ain fooa articlesou Kiiuii .iiu yi.tc.un: puuiic pan ona.A. LLOYD, Film street,Jann dly opposite the Conrt Hon.

George Hces,

, ........v .vvrwiuj ua nana a larfeand varied stock 01 Rosewood, Mahogany, Oak and Wal-nut Furn'tnre, comprising every article tor Itousehold pur-poses. Also, manutaclurer of every desenpuon ofCotton.Shnck ami llair .Vl'tredsea. alnriv. on hnnj .- - i. .,.,,iallwuul UMe 10order.

CLocgsJ CLOcas!--I keep a geseral assortment ofClocks of the latestand most improved style. Thirty hourana eiajn? nay cioe&a, warianica to run regular and keepAlso, n.nnnfacrurcr ot Plain, Lined and Ornamental,soi."ia, uiuet.i1 am always prepared to furnish rood Hearse with an"

nil s ber of Carnages that may be wanted, at short nouce--Dav tr Menu

Order solicited and filled with promptness, on short no-ti-e.

1 hankftil for the many past favors from the citizens ofLotpsvuie, aiia nope ny ainci att'iition to auincsa, ai.asell.-3- a good arucie at tarrpnees, to sham an I merit acontinuance 01 uie same. btui iiK lic.8.au8 dtf Noj(88 and nu Market street.ITtw Arrival of Francft Cblna. GIaa

aai Tea Wa.ro.We have tnstieeeived rrom the atman-p-"

ufaciurers ft" Pans ('rai,ce the latest Vi 4styles of (pit and plain white oval -- nayi-s olTea. ilrecktast and Dtnisr Ware, also abeautif'il snn'v of Sheil Colognes, Holly Water

Ponds. Jew elry Cases. Vase. Watch and Sn'itf lloxea.Cigar and Ash Stands, kc, uxrether wits a large and

Ces tors, all of which we wu'l seil at cry low p4ces.Caliaad examme ior yourselves.

A. JAEGKRfcCO., Jloiaitnarl,I IS and UI Fourth ntrf

I7RFSH TE .. Just received, so pacXage nfsupertoJP Green and Blaok Tea: in store and fbr sale by

jy39 AD.U. v.ii;.. as rouiUi

tr cj'

andtor-'J.. Gothic

7 3

Plala andAU crdert for



"T- - AND 15

LIand fair Bridle Hog and Calf

wnoiesai nxuaiae,eiuag, ire tngme ana r team svai noae,can be boatht In tha

C;f-- Hides and laOX. Saddiery W 436 Main sueet.




andbeen eagaged In the of Piaao Forte, m the at the sta'aa.years. Ileal confident that, from my long experience. I can Dl:aj..i a:i wno t... .. -

from beat materai, wita fvill metalie frama .. .. i iInstrument in the Cuueri tat- -. f,. " r.vag . MyPiaaoe are manufacturedtnem eaual in every respect to anydouce by xaericneed worameav.


JTlTtUi ot., Toot- - 0-3-0


-- T.;i .Pf


ALSOOrnamental Plaaterert.

PlAgtering Stucco tatexiorjrr-nr- t!



Coach and Saddlery,Jbl.jSS.

FMBRACI'G SkirUDg.nanieae, Band,Hoe,bIak Leather,manniactureroi

Easternroach, boagbtaad


C3r-- J'AOKSOKT,Practical Piano-Fort- c illaker,

rrnn street, between market jetterson, lomistillb, rr.HAVING mannfactnrtng beat stannfactoriea Uattett

aaaaafactaredDealers, schools, semtnanea, ana proreion dTseowZb

Waremomsjf D. F ALLD'S, 63 Mat a ut. opposite tUuk ot "AwokTwte and compare thesa wua Pianos lanuuwuuaa sy oiasr ceiebrate. waWiij. r. MUftBO.t.OrUUllpurcha-e- r can always

nra dawiy

Canfield, Brother 2c Co,,WH0LT8AXB IaurVErU, MASVTACTVXI AJTD DEAL- -

aa iaWatches, Fine Jewelry,Silver end Flated-'War- e, Mil-

itary andFANCY GOODS.

329 Baltimore st cor.ef Caarlesat.UALT1710UE.TOConalry ercaaatsappUed alike very lowest

rates. xoiyvi dlyL C.Oaiiiiii. "Wat. B. Cavsislp. Jo. H. MiasetTK.H.JOXBS M J.T. SOOT


KBSOHANTS,C03d St. bstwesn lVSaln and Wattr



LOUISVILLE. K.Y.DE ALEP.S in Family Groceries, choice Teas, Uc lees.

and every t'tui; usual'y kept in the Gioieryire.

Thankf"! o our ol friends and crtomers for theii patlontje, we hope by stiict atientioa to to shareand merit a continuance of the same.

ap"? E. ft J. McDFRMOTT.

John & Euiili Irviiie,LUMBER MERCHANTS,nAVEfors'ieat -- ieir Lumber Vail (the old't in the

sir b..:feen JH-- i. c4 miClay, not th ite, a large a.,.1 srpcrior atock of VV hue P:aeBoards, Pine ehi.glrs, C lax V fcc, and all kin23 vlLumber sii'taltle for burdma-- .

VV e nave aisoin operation a ruui"" JlKlwns, and ai)J tv ready to furnish Tlotjriii gaud Dressed Lumaer ol

all k jkIs.from the cenntry will ot w ito. and tue Lumber shipped witho-'- t d lay.

It'HUS Ml, Oil 1 It V IaplOdtf Wai:int'n sL beu Hancock and Clay.

XTOTTCB,HAVVTodrry.t of Tr.:r, c to

Stewart, I woiud respecu:;j-solici- t

lor him a conunoance ot patronage so Lbemiwbestowed upon me. GEO. S. STEWART.

ANDILEW STEWART,wboliial ann ran,rusci ot

Noriheatt corner cf Market v.i lifih rfTf,LOUISVILLE. KY.

ll kinds of country produce taken In eicbazj.de'lS dl

. wtjtcHisTra. a. a. wines.V7IHCH153TTin & CO.,


t'RANDIES, WINES k CIG.UISTogether with a full assortrneai of

Fancy Goods, Notions, do.Also, Depot for Wichester'a Kentucky Liniment.

Carnsr ( Sixth aud Jialn strseOTsa King - "yr wm. aro. posit


IMPORTED CIGARS,Pipes, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, ani ManuJac

turers of tsmoting looacco. uryoi oi

GAIL'S BALTIII02S TODACCONo. 76, Fifth street, near Market,




rancr Wer in itlantle-plecesT- m

tna Ac nrnamsnUl Statuary.;ini..ii,.iimiuim nf the eiusens of Louisville

O and Uie public generally to his handsome and elegaaUyliued establisiiiuent, on Jetlerson street, between

nd Fitth. He pledges bis faiUl U e prompt di any aaaall orders given him. and wui guaranu;e nt wo,a eompanson with any done Uu side ol Mason fc I ioD

n- - rVF.V INline. fnoia

P. Hofl'aCit-- Citwrr and Laser Sr Baloon,

si.tk .... i,iwssn main and Klvers nMr.MitArsniik Barkeeper and other. and1 deliver to all part of Uo ally, a rood article olBoer, or cat the tains apla bbUandhalIhl,readyforshlpxaenU .... . .,v-- i.Thankrai ruyoia menasanw t,u.c...v,ait favor, I hop Dy tnot atvenuon io owuasnstwperil a eeaunnanee oi tneir petronaa;.

Jl.a. 1 wlUpay ths aliet aarkiprioJaeahnr Barley. .


Pine andPoplar Lumtieri


CtJO-- w




CliOTHIWGw&13 South Side MarVet street, LouiaTUle, Kj.

16 Mala street, Danville, Kj.

GentV rnmishiu Goois.


CAJLP23T BAGS, THDNK3, Ac, o?itait, Carmenta made to order et the very shortest




408 Jetlerson sirt. twtea SLxtband Ssrsntik.

, CTJITAR9 AO. a.I ' - " J l.An. rtn.,.. Van

VlLV'i.g.l'Mtisic, PtrinVs, aci a crniylesOi Xusicai .tiatcaaaaiaa, tor sii ativw

price by U. J. KENT,X4.7IkaT4t,

xdl c3 "WjxZxx

frtimn.-- . n.i aortn:iat to be seeu at tii



UseP. thean assortment








rara for s.3 at tia lowest cash

mi tf

Hardware and leather

name. Trunks, Pare at stretched1 Laathwarraaied ol aa good euautj and at aa low ncsa


riomoval.jTROWERT LEYIN.WE fi"' ""noved to No. 45, Third street, below Ma

where we have better tacihuee to supply eacustorner w:th Plumbiri and tias Fiumgiaall its vanoii7hranehT. W have al-- o added tr our bti'mes. BraI urning.aie. Ey .tnct attentiou to susmeaa, and reason

cl;?.r"-.w- M1P i rece, ve a share of pnbue pauf--Wr Closets, Bath Tubs, and Plumhir.g work olail descriptions introduced into puolie and private baild.ig. ta nttmg done on y.ry reajooahia term.. ji


BRAND CUTTER,(At Johnston Painter' Depot.)

No. 5--5 Third Sreet,

tpldly L0C1STILLE, KT.


I ..VITFS to hi ew .ryle Hpnag and Sum.

. nrT eHha all cc.itrn, I.io.i y asd Strooat's bla a MouV. Z V11 nne. Kr pr.i,g and Suuurer Coat.d J "J"my - aswimeres iu grrt variety .

"t"f Wed'im; Vestmifs. MiaKillt) attd Druunga.r ine r rench Cl;n am! i. meTes, aw style, ad eot-"-

Kr busiaese suits which mil be made tip to (.totrcheaply r can be puno-s- ed of asy eloth ng esUAuslkin i4 city.

$J- - Main street, between Fourth and Pitta. LoanVi:lS,KT. ap

W1I. !. CRANE,Dr?IQnilR AUD MArrjTACTUaiia


CABINET AJIE,Coraer cf Srb rr?et Court PLic.

I OriSVU.LJE, KT.AH orders th k"y it..it; ' 1 promptly attendst.:? Co.iler ;'y refers to ".nmeroua fnend r1 eua-r-

or the root (.ik,. . variety of style c: a.work. aptT. P. HUGHES. J. H. ULTCUUO.I

nufiiiss & BricmsoN,w uuuuiAi. iAitluVl i2

jcoreign and DomesticDRY GOODS,

NO. 433 MAIN STREET,Souih Bide, !ciweei Fulh and Sixtlx itrej




At'Ennst respectfully eaHth atteatiow of our frtsa"J nd tue put;.c loonrstockol tloths. rasauree- -

ard esung , wtch we wi.l make to order ai short nodeand on the axxt reasonaalr terms,'jivsasactll. ner: tct o. 30 Fourth street.jnju3o dr."


HATTER,C3T TXarket st.,t. Drookex Tlj4 ,

LLISVILLK, KY.IHAVE jrut received aiy Fall Stock of Fall and Wist

and Caps. Sou Traveling Hah. Youth anChildren' Hats and Caps and above ail that tin alI'Teas l! it, which aeateat to be fooad us the city aaslowci.ee. ESC.

1 hankail for past lavora, I hope tohre a eoariniand the earr.e. . SOI ERMAAVS.

OCtodtf No. o7 .Market street.


HOWE 6 WHSOIT,(accessor lo E. X. Puller t Co.)


CIXCifl.lATI, O.for Eastern Trans portation Line, siyfaa 1

Piano Fortes!MELODEOIVS.

MUSIC and MUSICAL KERCH AS DI3E of every TSof pnee k suit pure baser for .i t e by

V. J. KE. T, 7 Third strvtPtanoataewiaerehange lor arw j.rumentaof ail kinds tuned and repaired at short aouc



JB. V. RUSSELL, of Chicago, and Isaac K. TrakKentucky, having associated themselvea in baa.aess.nnerilieir services p any persona won nh A ....

n"-"- t er utsic ui M ui City n LlScifinthe West. Col. Kn - il has been in the Real Estate buss,aess in the city rf Chicago r Uie fast 1 years, and waa t aprincipal ot tie late arm of J. E. F. K.i,eil a. i o ...i .roavcrsanl with in j uiles, advaatageoo loeaiittea. te n Ithe property in and sroun.l tie city. They have31.100.xo worth of Keal Lstate u sale, oa eaaal xZt w . "lime, lying in a.xl ariund the city of Clot ag, aad oat tfnany lines ol Kailroad runuine thrnnvt. th- - a.... .m.nas, and beautii'iii.'ami .ilea in the Suue of iowa anJWisconsin, and Minnesota Territore.- b else (Vesn

oar a iin.ii n,,Z,...ah rt rme. --.r

Ar.y o.ie who washes to enter into Ma .n.nt.,. ..be u.U d at koaaell a TwNki s. w so wiU taxe pleasare ishew: Uie prrpertv tliev hi- -, fr .oi. .... .

luu. --li coaui.uuic.ou s to1 wSSELL fc TSA?UX.CTTCA0.?fovernUe? . t .;.. .ft,


4t Jetierssn st., et.rsartn etrirtja

solt: agfnt torSMITH'S CELEDKATED

Piltibcr? XX and Kennett'a AleAND


T. VCLKl.'f C, corner Tui(? f ersosj tt..JeU-lt- t'ppm e P sn.riice,


FK0WEF.T k LEVINE,de3Q- - 64 TTTrr.p STTlET. ;

X?SurVC. ."W""." HEADED Fancy

Wno?e Sale Book Dealer,. MbliS .SiVJlSiiau bet. liird aadJ
