Daily Life


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Daily Life

By: Madis Käärma

Everyday life in Britain

• The first thing they do in the morning is wake up...

• Then they drink some tea...

• Then they put on there clothes...

• After all that they get ready to go to work

• Then they walk 3 miles thru the rain

• Then they get vociferated because there late to work and get fired

Then they go home depressed and grill some fish...

• But the problem is they use to much cooking oil and get fat...

• Then they get even more depressed...

• They have got no job, there geting overweight and theres an efliction note on the desk...

• 3 days later there all homeless.

So what next?...

• They will beg for some money...

• Then they will go cambeling in the casinos and win lots of money...

• They buy a new house...

• Get a new job...

• And so it all starts and goes around again

• And thats the life of an avarage british person