Daily lesson plans 4 acc week 5


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SPANISH 4ACC * SEMANA 5 - 1/10/12 – 5/10/12

METAS SEMANALES / WEEKLY GOALS:Meta semanal de HABLAR: SWBAT Talk, ask questions about, and/or portray details in a story/poem in Spanish.Meta semanal de ESCRIBIR: SWBAT Express their opinions/interpretations of plot details in writing in Spanish.Meta semanal de LEER: SWBAT Identify terms they can & can’t understand while reading a story in Spanish.Meta semanal de ESCUCHAR: SWBAT Identify key plot elements to understand a story while listening in Spanish.

BLOG: “DISCUTAN: ¿Cuál es el elemento más esencial del amor?” (“What is the most essential element of love?” Post and comment on at least 1 other post. The more you write, the more conversation there will be!)

EVALUACIONES INMINENTES (upcoming assessments:)HABLAR: Friday Oct 5 & 12 - Prepare to participate in group discussion about poems 4 & 5 (Oct. 5) and 6 & 7 (Oct. 12) Weekly speaking grade from participation in class discussionsESCRIBIR: Tuesday Oct. 2 (Wed. Oct 3) – Reflection on “La mujer brava.” Weekly writing grade from BLOG and class assignments.LEER: Thursday Oct 4 - La mujer brava abreviada: With your group, prepare a short reenactment of the story. Cover all of the main points to convey the same message/feel as the original in a shorter time. Weekly reading grade from evidence of reading/research shown & contribution to discussionsESCUCHAR: Monday Oct. 1 - Dictation

Lunes 1/10/12

Preparación para la clase: Lea “La mujer brava”

¡Vámonos! actividad: Prepárese para discutir y analizar “La mujer brava”

Objetivos de la clase: SWBAT Identify terms they can/can’t understand while reading a story SWBAT Identify key plot elements to understand a story in Spanish.SWBAT Talk, ask questions about, and/or portray details in a story in Spanish.


1. Dictación: Sr. G will dictate an excerpt from the story, students will write, translate and contemplate it.

2. Análisis: Students will form groups and read “La mujer brava”, planning their presentations for Wednesday.

3. Discusión: Students will compare their interpretations of events in “La mujer brava” in groups


Tarea: Termine y analice “La mujer brava.”

Saque apuntes de “La mujer brava”para ayudar a tu grupo a actuar una versión abreviada del cuento. Lo representamos el miércoles o jueves la semana que viene.

(Read and analyze “La mujer brava.” / Take notes on “La mujer brava” to help your group to act out an abbreviated version of the story. We’ll present it on Wednesday or Thursday.)

**Remember to participate in the class blog!**

Martes 10/2/12

Preparación para la clase: Termine “La mujer brava”

¡Vámonos! actividad: Prepare una pregunta/comentario de “La mujer brava”.

Objetivos de la clase: SWBAT Express their opinions/interpretations of plot details in writing in Spanish. SWBAT Identify terms they can/can’t understand while reading a story in Spanish.


1. Discusión: Sr. G will lead the class in discussion about “La mujer brava”

2. Reflección: Students will write a reflection about “La mujer brava”


Tarea: Termine y analice “La mujer brava.”

Saque apuntes de “La mujer brava”para ayudar a tu grupo a actuar una versión abreviada del cuento. Lo representamos el miércoles o jueves la semana que viene.

(Read and analyze “La mujer brava.” / Take notes on “La mujer brava” to help your group to act out an abbreviated version of the story. We’ll present it on Wednesday or Thursday.)

**Remember to participate in the class blog!**

Miércoles 10/3/12

Preparación para la clase: Termine “La mujer brava”; Traiga tu ‘Reflección de “La mujer brava” ‘

¡Vámonos! actividad: Prepare una lista de los momentos más importantes de “La mujer brava”

Objetivos de la clase: SWBAT Talk, ask questions about, and/or portray details in a story in Spanish.


1. Análisis: Students will break down the action in “La mujer brava” to prepare their own group interpretation which will be presented today or tomorrow.

2. Práctica: Students will review important moments of the play and decide how to present their interpretation of the story.

Tarea: Practique la presentación de “La mujer brava” para evaluación mañana.

(Prepare group presentation of “La mujer brava” for presentation tomorrow.)

**Remember to participate in the class blog!**

Jueves 10/4/12

Preparación para la clase: Prepare to present group interpretation of “La mujer brava”

¡Vámonos! actividad: Pídale a un compañer@ que escuche a tu parte para la presentación

Objetivos de la clase: SWBAT Express their opinions/interpretations of plot details in writing in Spanish.


1. Representación/Evaluación: Sr. G will oversee as different groups portray “La mujer brava”

2. Práctica: Students who have yet to portray their interpretation of the story may continue to coordinate.

3. Análisis: Students will begin to review Poema 4 & 5 para mañana

Tarea: Lea y analice Poema 4 y Poema 5 de Pablo Neruda con la “Hoja de poesía”

(Read and analyze Poems 1-3 using the “hoja de poesía”. Prepare to talk about themes, symbols, and possible meanings of the poems.)

Viernes 10/5/12

Preparación para la clase: Prepare un comentario de cada de los dos poemas.

Vámonos actividad: Discuta con un compañero EN ESPAÑOL los temas, símbolos, y significados posibles de Poema 4 & 5


1. HORA DE TÉ: Sr. G will make available refreshments so that we may relax and discuss, IN SPANISH, the poems.

2. Analysis: Students will point out themes and techniques used in Neruda’s poems.

3. Discussion: Students will talk with other students about their interpretations of the poems..

Actividad(es): Bebemos té y discutimos los poemas

Tarea: ¡Descanse! La semana que viene tenemos OTRA historia para empezar y un repaso de gramática.
