Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1918-05-05dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1918/di1918-05-05.pdf · nlng...


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May 4, 1918 --------~ds 1 ,·2c each addl I ~,orU l readelR aline. 'I

In nrlvlIlICI' - ..... Itlng. EXPI r , or gener-' . Phone 6~


~es ot ';\9 th~ following and In good




niIu • The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa






Lieutenant Paul D. Boxx, Qf the AMES WINS BY 2 POINTS


'rhe management of the Hawkeye

British Flying corps has rearhed Iowa's tra.ek triam was nosed out will great apprecIate it lr those who London, accordIng to a cablegram to of the track meet at Ames Yesterday have subscribed tor copies wlll can hIs wife, who has been llvin;g with afternoon by a two-point margin. at the office in the chemistry annex Lieut. and Mrs. G. C. Jeffries, at The score was 69 to 67. Monday or Tuesday afternoon and


IN EXCITING CLASH Technique and Compositions

Masters Will Be Shown in Tomorrow's Programs.

of Des Moines, since her husband went Tile Iowan regrets that it is un- get t.helr books. The demand for across. a.ble to print a detailed story and annuals by those who had not 01"-

Hawkeye Ba.tters Unable to Solve Delivery of Klein and Lose

by 3 to 0 Score. The young aviator is a former summary of the contest. dered them In advance has been so Iowa City man, ha.vin;g come here ---1--- great that the books w1JJ be placed

IBSEN'S PEER GYNT TO BE PLAYED ~;~y~ Ottumwa, to enter the Univer· SUBSTANTIAL YEAR on general sale next Wednesday. VISITORS EARNED ONLY ONE RUN Those who have ordered books can

Three Soloists in Each Concert , Will Offer Both Song and

Instrumental Numbers,

He played on the freshman eleven, I~ MARKS SERVICE or In 1913. He joIned the flying corps

ll'lal{6 sure of getting a copy by coming to the office.

On account of Us comparative at Toronto, was trained there and uY" IN UNIVERSITY won his commission at Fort Worth, isolation, many people do nol know

wherl:! the Hawkeye office is. The Tex. Emil Oberhoffer and his Minne- He will train a few weeks more in-

apolis symphony wiJI be here for tensively, in London, and then' be two concerts in the armory tomor- sent abroad-by June 1, he hopes. row. Both the University and the ---1---town are looking forward with con· siderable expectations to the work of this talented organization.

Both the afternoon and the even· Ing programs have been selected with care and the desire to show technique as well as the compOSitions of the best symphony composers.


Such is Opinion of President of Grinnell College-Calis it

Duty to Remain.

m. the chemistry annex is on Iowa Ave· Despite Several Changes nue, and the office Is upstairs, al

Management Association the back of the J:laU. Shows Real Gain. I


for the Yea.l·- Total Balance Is Now $1152.88.

Although the loosl Y. M. C. A. has been handicapped by three changes

Iowa. Men With Reserve Buttons Entitled to Esteem Shown

Enlisted Men in Army,

Brown Only Iowa Man in Batting Clothes-Wild Pitches Cause

of Two of the Tallies.

In a game which for Interest has seldom been equaled on Iowa tleld, Coach Kent's IIawkeyes, heretofore undefeated, feU before the Illinois ilaseball team by the score of 3 to O. yesterday afternoon. The interest of the .game from the beginning rested about the pitching of Ha.mllton for Iowa and Klein for nllnolB, and the visiting twirler must be adjudged the winner by a scant margin. The breaks of luck favored Illinois, there bing only one ea.rned run.

The f1 rst score of the game came In the afternoon the numbers in- in the secretaryship and the with · Because of lhe possibility ot a mls-

clude Beethoven'S Symphony No.1, Grinnell, May 3.-Special to The drawal of many members for ser. und erstanding on the part or the in the fourth iunlng when Doss

Ol'j g'g WQrk Produced

Iowan: "You are cheating yourself singled to right field, advanced to in C major, of which four movements vice In the army and navy, the an· public in regard to the metal but and your country if you fa.1l to real· I t I substantial second on a bobble by Belding} stole

ill b I d 0 f th t I nua repor SlOWS t n or by e I lhe Medl I "'n w e p aye. ne 0 e mos n· Ize the significance of the years be- 0 s w u m n n ca '" . -thi rd, and scored when Hamilton teresting numbers wilJ be Grie""s 2 growth and Igood Interest, as well as listed Reserve corps, the government .. tween 18 and 1," declared Presi- cut loose a wild pitch. Iowa's best " p G t" It N 1 Thl a cash balance In the treasury. 1d tl dl tl f tl eel" yn su e 0.. S pop· dent J. H. T. Main in a patriotic _UJ er 1e rec on 0 1e surgeon- chance for life oame in tho sixth In-

The report as issued by Secretary e I h k d t g nera as as e newspapers 0 nlng. Brown, first hitter, doubled Simmers covers the period begln- bll I I f r tl b t II pu s 1 noma on a ou le men to left. Hamilton and Hall, tbe next

ular work of the NorwegIan master chap" address here Monday morn­

nlng July}., 1917 to March 16, 1918, ' thl bach f th i h ill S r n 0 e serv ceo hitters whirred, but Olson shot 0.

"You are c eating the Igovern- has been duly approved and audited ""

Is the fiTst of two suites of inclden- Ing. tal music to Tbsen's symbolic .dra­matic poem of the same name. In .."nJlstment in the medical reserve single over right field and Brown

ment out of something it ought to by a committee on audl·tm· g. the last of the four movements Peer does not entitle men to wear tbe unl· have, if you enlist before 21," he wou ld have scored but for a perfect Gynt's visit tQ the cavern of the SeC! rories in Service form of the United States, or any peg home by Wrobke.

continued. "It is the essence of SCQretary Guy V. Aldrich was gnomes and their grotesque incanta· chivalry to bide you time, for 'they part thereof except the bulton, un- , Illinois' second was pushed tlons and dances. also serve who stand and wa.it." sent to do war work early In the t il called into tIle service. Such men across In the sixth Inning. Killinger

Tschalkowsky's Symphony No.6 year and was sllcceecjed by II. H. are, however, allowed to wear a met-IRllJl!leCl oyer Rerond. Doss glfmced In E minor wflJ be the opening num- "The government set tlle ' urll.ft Mayn.ard In ~ ptenberl 1\1aynaro1 ln 1 b tton 0 d's d tl lid

I a u 1" 1 C an 1 s s regal" - an easy one down the first base line

bel" of the evening program. This age between 21 and 31, because they turn lett to do war work in Dccem· d dl l' tl t f t1 I ~ as a s mc ve par 0 Ie un · Which requIred HamIlton to extend Piece seems to give dark spiritual ex- thought the men between thOse ages bel" and the present secretary, W. L. f f th orm 0 e army. himself to field in time to get an Perience and only at the close do the could best serve their country. They Simmer, took charge of the work in n I ti . t tl tb egu a ons 1D pro ec ng e gov· out. Killinger advanced to second cloudS lift and the skies clear. It 'intended that men under 21 should February t f f . "rnmen rom in ringement of tbe on the play. From third the IllI-Is a wonderful composItion from the stay In school and in college in order "One of the greatest works of the I It f I th'f b t • g 1 0 wear ng e UUl orm or u · nois runner scored when Hamilton point of view of a light thrown on that they might learn how to serve. association," says the report, "was ith ' on w out just ri ght, state that pitched a low one which Frank

You are not slackers to stay here. the securing of rooms for the stu· I I I II b I h d b fi v 0 ators s IA e pun s e Y a ne falied to stop. We have military service in Grinnell. dents at the beginning of the school '\ ! not more than $3,000.00 or 1m· Be loyal to your opportunity at col- year." In addition to this many stu. Klein had the Iowa batters stop-

prisonment not exceeding six Dlonths ped at every point. Tb f r hit 1ege. I am pleading for Grinnell," dents were assisted n finding em. e ou S

Russian character. Ol>en With National Song.

The en tire prOigram follows: Monday Afternoon at 3 o'clock "The Star Spangled Banner." he emphasized. ',T am pleading for ploymel1t, who have in the

r by both such fine and imprison· charged up against him came in so aggre- ment. there- sporadic a manner that not a Hawk-1. Symphony No.1, in C major, 'your country, and for you. The 'gate earned about $30,000 The insignia does not mean that t t d base. His eye go pas secon

'Tlen wearing it . are exempted from I. Adagio molto--AlJegro con brio you to make the most of your years Activity Is Varied varied delivery, change of pace ' ervlce, but that their status Is in-II. Andante cantabile con moto. before 21 l' The association has kept a list of .cllve until they can complete their and curved balls completely bat-

Op. 21 . . ...... ........ Beethoven question is, have you the stuff In from.

III. Menpetto. President Main emphatically stated 800 approved rooms for men, through ,rofessional duties. They llre sub. (CQntfnued on page 3.) IV. Adagio--Allegro e vivace that men are not only drafted for which great help has been given the 'ect to call at any time.


2. Concert rfor Violin and Orches- th~ army, but tbey are also drafted students. The book exchange and A large number ot Iowa men on tra, No.4, in D. minor .. Vieuxtemps tor service In life and that unless the "Y" parties have both been of ' he campus are wearing theSe re-

I. Adagio rellgloso. they learn to make the most of that dist inct service to the men this year. Afve discs and they are entitled to II. Finale marziale. 'servlce their existence Is of little The institution reports receipts of ~ 11 the respect accorded offcers or en.

Richard Czerwwonky value. The best way to learn, he , $7,400 and has expended $6,712, 'isted men in the Tegular service . 3. "Peer Gynt' Suite No.!. . Greig stated, Is to remain in college until leaving a balance of $688. This last • French and Belgian Children

Will Be Furnished With Cloth­ing by Red Cross.

(8.) morning, (b) Aase's Death, (c) Anltra's Dance, (d) Dance In the .Hall of the Mountain King.

4. Oria: "Armour veins aider," (Love, Lend me Thy Aid) from "Samson and DeJllab" .. Salnt·Saens

Christine Schutz 6. (a) Badinage ........ Herbert

(Continued on page 3.)

MORE WAR BOOKS AT IJIBRARY War, heroism, and courage are

subjects tr:eated In new books at the library. Emerson, "Essays on Heroism and Courage"; Andrews, "Courage of the Commonplace"; HaYden, "Book of the V. C."; An­drews . "ThTee Thllllgs"; GleWson, "Yollng Hilda. at the Wars"; Her· rick, "Conscript Mother"; Wood, "Soldier's Stories of the War"; WOOd, "Ip the Line of Battle"; Daw· 80n, "Carry On"; LQgge and Roose· velt, "Hero Tales from ADlerlcan History"; Haddock, "Culture of Couragtf"; Gren fell, "Adrift on an Ice Pa.n"; are boo recently re­


they IIlre drafted, for the government fund and the balance of last year in will call every man as soon as he Is addition gives a total balance of needed. $1162.88.


"Honor the flag Ull your country ralls you," be concluded. "Then go, and God be with you."


---1- IiJlemcnhlry School, University High, Refugee garments are being made APPTJl' FOR NAVAL RESF.Tt,'E aD<l Nurses are Not Slackers. from 9 to 6 o'clock dally on the first

James Franken and Bryan MiB.rtln, floor of the building between the seniors In the liberal arts college and A drive for war savings and thrift City Bakery and Joe Albert's shoe

BUNN BURIED TODAY members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon ~tamps will be started In the Unlver- shop on Washington street. Every-

Howard Bunn, freshman liberal fraternity, recently returned trom slty Monday, May 6, by the local body is invited to come In and work.

arts, who died at the University hos- Chicago where Franl{en enJisted In 1 itH.I rat 7 o'clock Thursday n1:ght, I the naval reserve. MalUn, although was the fourth University student to I he best half mller on the Iowa track

b t i d it I spuo,d, was rejected on account of a

O.uccum 0 pneumon a an s com· broken arch.

t JicaUons within the last three I k H ill b t Ix d

Mr. Franken Is sun in school and wee s. e was u says.

'rhe body was taken to his home In does not expect to be called for about

CI k Tl d Th f 1 . !Ilx weel{s, He wi1l go to the naval

lero ee lUrs ay. e unera ' III k 1 d

reserve orrlcers training schOOl at w til. e pace 00· 'ay.


"Talk 00 your Neighbor" day was recently observed at Illinois by the University women w,ho forgot all class distinctions, cliques and differ· ences in race and color. Each Iglrl spoke to everyone whom she met and they hope to advance a more demo· cratlc .plrft in their Institution.

municipal pier. Chlca.go. -1-

NOTTOE TO SENIORS College seniors and Igraduate stu·

dents who are Interested In oppor­tunttle" :for ;trll/1n'1nS) in !~be .,h1. chology of salesmanship are Invited to consult Dean Seashore In regard to fellowships In the Carnegie In­stitute of Teohllolol1'.

committee. Many who do not knit but sew may "There are only two groups in the find there opportunity of helping

University that have subscribed as here. The work may be taken home much as should be subscribed: the if the helper wishes. children In the University elemen- At present garments ar~ being tary and hlg~ school and the nur- made from new cloth furnished by ses," says Dean W. J. T,eeters, chair· the Red Cross (for French and Bel­man ot the University wa.r savings glan children from babies up to committee. fourteen year Qlds. Later old

President Jessup is ,especis.lly anx· clothes may be made over. These ious that the University subscribe to garments go to families who have tbe full amount of its apportion- been turned out, without shelter of ment. any sort in many cases.

The committee will meet Tuesday The room and furnishings were at 4: 30 In room 213, liberal arts generously donated by private part­building. ies. At present the organization

---11- needs two large waste baskets, solB-Elsie Hleden of Trayer is visiting sors, large shears, an Ironing board,

at the Alpha Deltt. PI hou.e. electric Iron, and roller toweIa.



THE DAILY IOWAN patches of the yellow sprinkled l'lle Student Newspaper of the State about the campus, the patclles would

Univenltr of Iowa melt away like butter,

===================_. We want a pretty campus. Dande· \l1!l~m1!lB IOWA COLLEGE PB~~ lions do not make for this beauty,

P ulo llahed mornings, except Monday by many will say, Perhaps It is not the Thp Dally Iownn PubUahlng Company at

What Others Think '1'Ill' Dull y lowl1u will gludly print

lind l'Olllll1l1 nkRt lOlls froUl ~tnd l'nls or ru cu lt~' 1lI1' lIIber H, 'l'h ~ IYrlll'r must sig n thl' urtit' ie to KiloII' It ls good rulth In srll(llllg It, bnt no 01111,' wil l bt' Qrlnl rcl If tbr senrlt'r 80 dpsign/H,·o,


Tlle May queen lor the May pag· eU1Jt a t Coe college will be cbosen by popular election, The cast will r&­hearse dally untn May 24 when It will be given,


103 East Iowa AVI'nue, Iown City duty of students to attend to this matter, but they could do it witb

_____ ______ __I Ricnow Urges the Maintenance of

Scholastic Sta;ndards-SaYB War Is Test of Worth.

Send The Dally Iowan home. i!:nlered as second ~la8s matter at the post ro the Editor :

olfice of Iowa City, Iowa, so little trouble by concerted el'l'ort that The Daily Iowan believes the

BOARD OF TRUSTEES scheme is altogether feasible. Who 'll c, n, Weller, chaIrman, Harold Stoner,

"I'('r;,tary, E, M, McEwen, Mildred E, Whit· organize the forces for the battle .'onlb, Vergll Hancber, H, H, Newcomh,

E. 8 , Smith. against the yellow pests?

EDITORIAL STAFF W. Earl Hall Bdlto .... iD.QbJet

'relephone Black 17117 () lfI re IJonrs-l to 0 dally, Boom 8, L. A.


Managlnl' Editor 'rhomas O. Murphy



N}t~W ~fOVE F'OR PATRlOTJSl\( (Des Moines Capital)

The time for Commencement Is drawing near and all loyal seniors should be up and doing, The sen· ior girls are showing this week that

At th(' first meeting of the Inter· fraternity conference for the year 1918-1910 at the Phi Delta Theta

they have the real '18 spirit. Every· hou se Wednesday evening, the toJ· where we hear the remn1'k made lowing officers were elected: Harold about the good feeling that exists Rigler, president; C:trler IIamillon. between the members of this year's vice ,president; George II, Scanlon, class, The men do not need to feel secn·tary; Joe ::'ITullurky, treasurer, left out because the activities of this Heports of what each fraternity

ChIef Auoclate MJJdred E. Whitcomb

week have been just for girls, Next had invested in war savinI\' stamps The State University (If Iowa is Friday night every senior man ot were tal<en, which totaled ,633 for

planning to do a great work in thE!

Sports Editor Albert P. J cnk1ns

Auoelate Edltora WllIlllm J, Burney Frank H, COy Howl'nn Wellman Alnn NlcbolS - .

BUSINESS STAFF It. O. Hammer BU8iDees Manager

all the different colleges will have the month of April. Each fraternity the chance to show that he has the ae;reed to hou~e a group or high I

real '18 class spirit by attending the ochool men "'ho are to compete in ,all·class party in the Woman's gym, P interscholastic traCk, meet May

E. S, 11.


way o~ patriotic education, Plan'! ha ve teen completely worked Oll t f.nd 1 ne organization is to be caUed " The Iowa Patriotic League" of

whicL !my school, publIc or private, mas llecnme a member, The ol·gani· zation wJll attempt to spread patri- I

Telephone 187. nll1 rll Hours-Z to 0 dally, lOS E Iowa Ave. otic Iptelligence and create patrio ~ic LETTERS FROM OUR SOLDIERS

Advertlslnl' nanal'er Kenneth O. EII8worth

interest. It is contemplated tha~ -------------_ meetings will be held in all the 15 Apr, 1918,

schools for the purpose of discussing The Alumnus,

Jlobprt TD. Rienow, advJsor of m!'n, "pf'uking bcfore the group, urged that the few juniors and senio rs reo mal Ing in the liberal arts fraterni· UI':; (io nil in their power to prev nt lowe ing of scholarship and lIloral

TRAND APRIL, AT LAST! subjects of national Interest. Prizes Iowa City, Iowa, stallda rds,

Kind reader, don't blame the prin· will be awarded for the best essays Gentlemen :-Serge~nt Harry M. "War is a test of what a fr.aternlty ter for the title of this editorial. but there will be no essays against Greene, L '0 6 of this company, and is wortJl and they must assume nn Don't blame the editor, eltber, The tue govornment. All must be patri· myself are thirsting for Iowa news ag~rc,sive and positive stand and . iII-mannered weather which afflicted otic, There are three kinds of chap· 'and we want you to Bend us the hack the war savings campaign with us during the entire month of April ters proposed: Junior chapter for 1917-18 file of the Alumnus, to. their laRt dollar;;," ~Ir. Hleno\\' said, is solely responsible for the out· the elementary grad es: senior chap· gether with your bill and we will reo The inlerfraternlty delegates for break, This sketch was written on ters tor high schbols; and adul~ mit, We are in the trenches now the year 1 !il8·19111 are as follows: a windy and disagreeable day along chapters for those above sixteen and can not procure a money order or Frank Coy, Acacia; Harold Stoner, about the middle of the month by a years of age not affiliated with any we wou ld pay in advance, Alpha Tau Omega; Carter Hamilton, member of the staff who was opti- schooL There will be published out· I'd like to tell you about the Apollo; J. ~Iullarky, Deta Theta Pi; mistic enougb to believe toot April lines of patriotic biographies and trenches, with their dingy dugouts, l' )br.rt Larimer. Delta (;lti; lIow· weather really would put in appear· package libraries will be made up etc,; and of No Man's Land, which to ani M, Dallcer, Delta Tau Delta; ance before May crowded It out. bearing upon live topics of general me seems like an inferno with its l"v(~rett .\rnold, Delta Sigma Delta;

Don't believe for a moment that civic and patriotic interest. The big shell houses, blasted tree trunks, J , p, Thuroton, Kappa Sigma; George we mean wbat we say about April in university work will be done through -l nd wiles and miles of tangled barb· H, Scanlon, Nil Sigma Nu; Willii m the following: the extension division , There are ed ,vire entanglements. Wehrli; Phi Alpha DtVta; A. F, 0 ,

April, the fickle and alluring April to be no expenses connected with L, Co" which I command was un· Donoghue, Phi Deta PI; ' T, W,

we love, has just come. The alter- these or~anizations-no collections del' one heavy bombardment and ~1iles, Phi Delta Theta; M, H. nating gloomy and sunshiny chlld ot and no admittance fees, The con· lhey took it like veterans, During Mullany, Phi Kappa; HOI1Cllcl G, Nature and Time has sprung up oag- test feature wlll not be over· our first stay In the trenches we lost Reeel, Phi Kappa Psi; II. L, Stanton, erly if late. Mother Nature has in- emphasized but wisely guarded and two killed and two wounded, You Phi Hho Sigma; J, C, Weise, Phi du}ged April, has spoiled her pret· used as an incentive to' broader have read the total regimental losses Zela }<~p~ilon; 0, W, Kress, Psi tiest cblld. This fourth daughter participation than mere local Interest long before this In ,the state pa· Omega; G, Harold Higler, Sigma AI· at the year pouts and scowls; sh'3 would provide, pers. • • \ I, pha l~p:lon; H. J, Hollow,,:;', Slg:na sta'mps her feet on the broad earth In the New York schools patriotic I 'm sorry I'll not be able to at· hi; L , A, Block, Sigma Nu; Her· fioor and It shakes with thunder; examinations are in progress to tend the 1910 breakfast this year at her eyes snap with lightning; her ascertain what the children know commencement time but it the Lord,

bert 0, Pillars, Sigma. Phi Epsilon; Donald E, Shelmidine, Theta Xi; II,

tears gush quickly. about the United States of America. in His Infinite Wisdom, permi ts me Her wiles cbange, In a trice The answers disclose wonderful ig. to return I'll have some of the whop

sunbeams glint from her eyes and norance, The school authorities In pingest, biggest tales to tell in 1920

\1. Ehred, ,·i Pili PhI. I --t---

R '(HxJ<mus TOT.UJ 130 RT.ms dry her tears ere they leave her the city of New York have taken that ever were narrated, Sixteen stars hlVC recently been cheek. She smiles upon the world , this educational matter up in earnest. Give my kindest regards to all of added to the ellglneers' service flag and the world answers back with a Each state probably will move on 1910 and to S. U, I. heartful of gladness. At a glance, separate lines but the enltre move· Sincerely, buds at her teet burst Into full bIos· ment is one to be encouraged , The Clifford Powell, L, A. '10. som, and flOW8TS unlold and tilt State University ot Iowa Is to be Capt. 168 Int fre sh faces toward her flultfy cloud congratulated on taking up this Censored crowned head. work. C. Powell

Petulant yet delightful, entiCing ---1- Capt. 168 Int. n all her ,moods, this maJden of Momdg. Co. L. aughter and tears pays visit to a WAR ---1---

which represents the numbor of stu dents nnd alumni who have gono in· to the service within the last few , months, When tIte fiag was first I flown last tall, 120 slare were on it and the s1. teen which have recently j

Ileen added are for tholle who have Joined lll(' army since then,



Shows continuous starting

[I,t 1:00 p. m.; 2:45; 6:15;

<):00; 9:30

t will make



Admission 30c; Children 15c

hardened old world and moves it to ATTENDING CONCERT emotions long dormant. H&1l fair Tb!ObaW; [;::~n~~l ~~r~~e a!e:r d~~; LEGITIMATE EXCUSE '~=======:::;::==================~=i\ Aiprll! res ture a aet of questloDll and answers

prepared by varIous departments of At the last meeting of the board the UnIversIty and designed to give Information on pnst WArs Rnd tbe pre.· of deans it was. dlBclded that I'n ent WBr, Emphasis will be placed on

---1-the roles played by tbe Unlverelti'l case of students In all colleges ex·

We see In the papers that France and the state, but the mnterlnl wi J I cept those under "'overnmental dlroc. THE FALLAOY

not be Umlted to tbelMl fields. I "

S not hungry; that all one needs Is Uon, attendance at the Minneapolis money with which to buy a liberal (Editor's Note-Qtle~tlon8 ond nnswrrs Symphony concert, May 6, should be

now being print d In thIs sectioD are be· meal. Perhaps It Is true tbat some Ing prl'pnr('fl by N, R, Whitney, nsslstanl consld red a valid excuse for absenc peopl e in France, as In the' rest ot professor of economIcs,) from class, he world, with a full pocketbook Why do the 8 1-2 per oont bonds

PAN·HELLENT l)AN0]iJ can obtain an unfair sbaTe ot food. !'ell At n Mgher prloo tlUlR the other But that France as 6. wbole has honds which pay more interest? A hundred coupl s crowdctl tho

When we buy clothes we consld · pavillion '\t the Red rOils dance n t ollollgh food is untortunately very

£:,r Jrom true, We need only note er not only the wearing qualities th park Friday nigbt. Pan· hat 0. still further reduction In but t1l e fit, app('arance, and other Hellenl o Is to be congratu lated on

br ad rations was made early In attrartloDs as wen, In the same the success of the undertaking, Allout April. These rations had already manner, when we buy bonds, the $125 will be turned over to th Unl beon cut to almost halt the normal price WA are willing to pay is de· verslty Red ross, Of th is sum lho consumption. By the recent re- termlned not only by the Inter st I Delta Gammas rai sed $22 tn ' the strlctfoTl, 6. further cut ot one·thlrd rate b~l also by the length ot time sale of AO uvenlr Red Cross dolls. Is made, The amount granted to the the bouds have to run, the conver· The chaperollS were: Mr , and (l eak workor a month ago, slon privilege, and the extent to Mrs, In galls Swisher and Mr, and

I whIch the bonda are subject to tax· Mrs, Bob Whetston,e. DOWN WITH THE DANDELIONS I at!ou, 'fhe 3 1-2 per cent bonds, ---1-

Tho abundance of the Innocent willie paying less interest have a A number ot mon at the Unlver· Ilttfe flower called the dandelion on mor~ c.ltractlve convorsion privilege sHy ot Minnesota are spending part ollr campus thIs spring would make nn<l have a tax exemptlon feature of thetr time at the brauch Red the suggestion of a "DandeUon Day" whll'h makes them very attractive Cross workshop, The girls there reo altogether sensible. It two thous· to persons who have large Income. celve credit tor their time engaged in and students would equip themselves I Red Cross work.

wIth the proper Implements Bome Send The Dally Iowan home. ---1-day and descend upon the uriou. Send The Dally Iowan home.


$1. 2 5 per cover

SUNl> \V 12 to 2 P. M .. ($ to 8 P. M. WEEJ{ ) i VB 0 1'. 1\1. to H P. 1\1.

Old _.-

I~al!hloned Vogetable Soup or

('on c;omme 1\11.1('0(10111(' _.-SI\'('el l'ickll's Sa lt ed P cans _.-

('hoiel' uf:-!Ion t I I'rl'~h Long I 10n<1 J)urlcllll,:{, \ppi 1'rlll14' HIIIR of NlIlIve !le4'r, au jus, j.' ilet nt' lIlar) n!lll~, Rnuc Tal'tltf _.-Kew 1'otnl(1!'11 ill r!rl'am or Mashed Polatol's

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;unday, May 5, 1918 THE 'DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA •••• _._ a.a ••••••

Want Ads I I

RlltC: 12 words. 10e; 1-2c ellch lllldl.! tlon .. 1 word.

Three losertions. 2:k'. Lo('ul rellders. fie II 1I0e, block fllce. IOe aline. •• ~1! .C~l\~8t6e~ .6tl H! (-8Mb lu .. ~d.vnn("~._.

WANTED-Typewriting. Expert yping of theses. notes. or genera.l >,ork. E. M. Blanchard. Phone 629.


Society and Personal Jeannette Rogers. Kappa Kappa


(}amma of Union, has returned to Treatment of Crippled Children school after an absence of ssveral. to Be Given Free By Staff . montbe. of Medical College.

;·1:argaret Mussetter is visiting Alma Kroeger at Currier hall. She Construction of the new Perkins'

WANTED-Two copies of The Is teaching physical training at Al. hospItal on the West Side Is now )ally Iowan for each of the following bla this semester. welt under way. The basement and lates. Must be clean and In good :ondiUon, for files.

Nov. 11, 30; Dec. 13, 20, 23; ~eb. 3, 10, 17, and March 5. tl

tile reinforced concrete floors have Naomi Gunderson, L. A. '16, Is 'been finished and work on the walls

spend ing the week end at the Alpha is progressing rapidly. It will be Chi Omega house.

ready for occupancy betore the first Barbara Chase, freshman liberal of October.

Olson, lb Frank, c Belding, rf Goodwin, 3b Parrott. rf


3 2 3 1

o 1 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0

6 0 11 0 o 0 2 1 o 0

30 0 4 27 2 --1---


(Continued from page 1.)

(b) Air de Ballet ...... Herbert 6. Vulcan's Song. from "Philemon

and Bancis' ............ Gounod Royal Dadmun

7. Three Pieces from "The Dam· FOR SALE-Typewriter desk, dis· .llllearing type, three drawers. reas. arts, is spending the week end in The hospital Is Ideally situated on nation of Fa.ust" •......... Berlioz Inable. ,iount Verno~ the crest of a hill on the old Chautau- (a) Minuet fo the W1ll 0' the

qua grounds just across the river. Wisp. LOST- A pair of nose Iglasses in Fred Egan, of the Kappa Sigma, The grounds of about fifteen acres (b) Dance of the Sylphs.

. case with Dr. Bywater's name on will spend the week end In Cedar wlll afford such play,ground facilities (c) Hungarian March, "Rakoczy'

nslde. Return to Iowan office. I Rapids. as were Impossible on the crowded Monday Evening at 8: 15 O'clock o .ill Klingaman gave a com medical quadrarugle. PART I

LOST-A ring of keys. Return to .. . owan office. 174 'nencement address at Oxford Junc· The hospital Is a red brick, one· "The Star Spangled Banner"

tion Friday evening, talking on "The story building trimmed with Bedford 1. Symphony No.5, In E minor N Ed ti d th W" rock. It is about four hundred feet !.. ew 1 uca on an ear. . ..........•.... Tschalkowsky

;.-------------.- in length and Is composed of two II R d t SJiJRmS Oli' UlJC'1'(lRES I Because of the constant care reo I tl j i d t th d i i . omanza: An an e canta.blle,

ma n sec ons 0 ne 0 e a m n s· non alcuna. lIcenza. BEGINS THIS ~roR~lNG I lIuired by an invalid wife, D. Edson

tration section by means of .narrow III. Valse: Allegro moderato :. ~. Smith ,vill be unable to attend the hallways. 'Each section Is made up

IV. Finale: Andante tnaestoso--ree w ngs, an arrangemen Allegro vivace-

:pecial series of addresses at the I commencement exercises of the Un!· of th i t

JNITARIAN HURCH during May. verslty this year. Mr. Smith was which allows a maximum amount of II fi t d t f til 11 f Moderato assai e molto maestoso.

'ODAY at 11. Prof. Starbuck will 1e rs gra ua e 0 e co ege 0 air and light. The building when I i'b I t f th U i't i 2. Aria: "Ah fors e lui, (The One

k "Ed tl r D " lora ar s 0 e n versl y, rece v· \ completed will provide quarters for

pea on uea on or emocracy ing his bachelor of science degree In of Whom 1 Dreamed) from "Tra·

I one hundred and fifty patients. vlata" Verdi

fay 12, Prof. Clarence )1. Case will '58. He is now living at Santa An· .......... " ..... . . The Perkins law, providing for

peak on "Tile Progressive Element 'lao CaUf. Idelle Patterson the free treatment of Impecunious h the GospeL" I Prof. E. J. Ashbaugh gave a. high chlld ren under the age of fifteen was PART II

3. Theme and Variations, "Le De· I school commencement address at enacted by the General ~sembly

lay 19. Prof. G. G. Benjamin will ,Jurt Thursday evening. several years I1Ig0, and Since tbat dscss the subject. "Will Democracy I time many hundreds of crippled and Alpha. (,hi Omega announces the lurvlve the War?' I pledging of Edna Patzlg, instructor di seased children ha.ve been wholly

or partially cured through treatment

dude th series with the subject, plactic arts. in the University clinics. Up to this lay 26. Prof. Ellsworth will con· \ in the department of graphic and

time they have been housed In the 'Democracy and Discipline." , Lowell Forbes of Camp Dodge. genera l hospital, and it was to se.

adv· llaw 17, is visiting University friends. cure better quarters for the unfor.

tunate children that the legislature made an appropriation lfor a new hospital last year.

sl ro," tor CeHo and Orchestra .. .... ... ...... .... .... Servais

Cornolius Van Vliet 4. Suite: "Woodlawn Sketches"

from Op. 51 ........... MacDowell Orchestrated by Emil OberhoITer

(a) In Autumn. (b) To a Wild Rose (c) From Uncle Remus. (d) At an Old Trystlng Place. (e) To a Water Lily. (f) Told at Sunset.

Iowa Is one of the few states tllat 5. Ari a: "Cielo e Mar," (Hoaven

has utilized Its medical facilities for lnd Ocean) from "Giocondo"

the poor of the state to this extent,

, eep VIR GLEV'S In n!i!1d as t~e lon~est­

L.~iin:l confection )IOU

can buy. Send (t to the bO)ls at the front.

W r Time Economy (n weetmeats-

a 5-cenf package of WRIGLEY-S will :lIve )IOU several da)ls' enJoy­ment: It's an investment In benefit as we.1I as pleasure. for It helps teeth. breath. appetite. dlaestlon.

Chew It After EverY Meal

The fl vor Lasts I

and the new hospital wlll be one of the large3t and best of its kind In tlte entire country.


One of the biggest open donces of the year was given at the University )f Indlan,a recently by Sigma Delta ChI. The proceeds went to a war fund.

---1---l'J .. LHU n~'FF.ft '1' Io~r A


«('ontlnued trom page 1.)

fled the batters. n Irl'ed for only

Hamilton was 8 safeties and

-,laying against a weaker team han th e IIIiijl he would doubtless

"ave been returned victor. Harry Ehred made one of th e

'I fst 2:'.nsational plays of the "ea.r when he raced over near the ':lrr~t bleachers and pulled down '1arl{lage's high foul. Brown was be only Iowa man who garnered

more than ons hit. The double by Brown In the sixth Inning was the only extra base crack ot the game. Hamilton and Olson are credited with one bingle apiece.

The crowd was p'robably the greatest that it has been at any game In recent years. Berch of Earlham umpired the 'game.

The box score follows: Tlllnois AB RHO E Doss, ct 4 1 1 0 0 Kopp. c 4 0 1 16 0 Edwards, If 4 0 2 2 0 Ingwerson, Ib 4 0 0 • 0

Lalor, 3b • tI 1 1 0 Klein, p • 0 0 1 0 Barklage, 2b • 0 0 2 0 Wrobke, rf J(issinger, S8


• 1 1 0 0 3 1 2 1 0

-----35 3 8 27 0


• 0 0 2 0 • 0 0 ~ 2

. . . . . . . . . .. . .... . Ponchlelli

Allen McQuhae

6. Overture to " flgnon" Thomaa


A Big Double Show


That Great Broadway Star, in

'Loaded Dice" An interesting story of

the Board of Trade Also showing a two-reel



Showing what good the Red Cross is doing for this terrible war. It will give you an idea why the Red Cross needs money to carry on the gre$lt work which they are doing for our boys in France.


8 Big Reels for

ONLY 10c AND 15c

You will like this show. SEE IT

Elhred, ss J{remer, 2b Brown, If JIamllton, p }lall, or

• 0 220 3 0 1 1 1




PAGB roUB THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ,Sunday, Mq IS, 1918 -®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®@®® ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @ I ® @ ® @

I Minneapolis Symphony I ® @ ® @ ® @

I Emil ~o~:;:::; ORCHESTRA ~:::;~rHeighton I ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @

1 THE ARMORY MONDAY, MA Y 6 i ® ~ ® @ ® @ ® : @

I IOWA CITY 3:00 and 8: 15 P. M. I ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® . @ ® ............... ~ .............. , ............... ,.... ................ ~" ............... @ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @

: Season Tickets Good for Reserved Seat Tickets for the Two Concerts ~ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @ ® • @ ® @

I- Prices $2.00 up 10 May 2··$2.50 May 3=6 I ® @ ® @ ® @ ® @



i! ® ®

I~ ®

I~ ®


I. t •

, To be excha.nged for reservation May 3·6 at the Johnson County Savings Bank

-.,.... ....

Single Admission Tickets for one Concert, $1.50





