Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-07-01 [p ] · tKJ ohlsfssua Broihsr* i Meet at yoar Wig...


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?VEDNEBDAY MORNING..JULY 1 1863.g*ar* Kaga! Rasre!! MsugSll l___Mmhlshsst

a_artst pries will he paid at THIS CFFIOB torall kU u.iofOLBAB COTTOB aaiLIMBS BAOSm jgaajcr easssj ejaaa*_lUee. jm

Tonus SOVP.-We have been teformedAs.Tart's Soap wB he sarv*d SB) at tsiass's Bolet t_*_rmrr_w, bswiaatae hosrs of halfpas* 11rsad S c'ekeV a

inrulD.On Tassaay moreing, Mihlost afur a long aadisvara lllassa, at tbeissideaee of bar brotbsr Inlew, Thomas Johasioa, In Betiriao eoanty, MrsSaMARB, wUb of teenyhL Smoo.Mmrmaeral will fajka P'aee fromlbaabovsmsa-

t-aaedraßtsaaae. oa th. I) tap SuaTuraplke, this[Weaa-saaay) af_r___ooa at S eeloek. Ths rela-tives.and friaa-a of me family are Invited toatteadAt Ids ratt-aaßi, ta Geeeklaad eonatv, ea tbe

BUS sff Jsssa, at half put 11 o"otoek, WILLIAM IALVIS. ta the 734 rear of bis «_ge, leavloga wileBaAa_a_ietal4i«ato_r_ri-_nsth>lrlfTspsrsb?sloare *bs<S> FOOAHOSTAS TBIBB. Mo 14, IO B MtKJ ohlsfssua Broihsr* i Meet at yoar WigwaasTaNlOHr, at S o'clock, for the elution olCfci«f. ac«_ ot*_er brelasas of Importaaea

By order of the Saahem.BOBff PBTTIOBBW. Ohlsf of B*_ord.

Ml-hmoad, let Staep, Bash M.on, G 8M.3.lv l-n>

\u25a0a*«M. A POBLIO MBBTI-IGof thseHUsaa of_\u25a0***_» lbe lower end of HanovereoantyIs esiled atCold Harbor on THOBSBAT, Jaly 8.1.18 3at 10bstock, to forma laaalasms-say. Ja_0-tt*

ovrioMblb noMunos nis co. IBICHH3SD, J 'ne -lib, 18-3. }?Br-*. TF"- AMSUAL M-KIINO OP THI**-_F BTuoKßO__Dß__. of the Old D.mlaloa

lasoraccs Ocmosay will be held at thsctttaeof theC.Basaßf ooBOMBAY, Jaly U'.h, 1863.

Ji -g?tdm OHAS M WOBTBAM. See*y.

Mf*Aa THB VIBOIHIA VOLUBTIBR BAWs****** OOMl'iiNT.- The books for aabsoriptloa tothe capital st.ekof tt-UOampsoy are op-nit thaHanking Hoasa of KM MAOaT A UO. Mainatr-et Js 84?la

OBBMK OOMP'MI.?A meeting of theBK# Storkhol?_\u25a0 of thia eompsuy will ba hei_onIstof Jaly next,at the ofßes of thePresident ofthe Biebmoad and Fetershorg Bsllroad Coaraoy,at 41 c clock PML All ahart holders wiU find lt 10their tatereat to attend.tatt-St* MABY BTOCKHOLPBBB

DB ALFKKO HCOBBS. practising thePsjf Hotcoß-aathlc traatmsnt of disease: haare-movedbis ofl.ee to the corner of Ith aud Grassstreets, a few doors above St Peal's, and dirsetiycppcaluthe Catholic Church.

Ofßes hoar_?corning, fromI to 10; noon, fromSto4, evening,bom 7to 9. Je 1J -lm*


FIE MBMT, WITHOUT BOABjD?See.raitarge aaddelightful tarnishedRTOMt, with

ftssaad aervsct's atteodsnes, forgentlemenorUrnLies; also, s small BOOM, plainly foroiehed. Amess can be supplied w.thtae services of s g__dcook sad partial ow of a kitchen. Apply untilSatordsy st Mrs BBOCK'S, 00 FrankUn strset. 3doors below 3rd. Jy l-.t»iT7'IR KBXT.?I wiil rent my SCOBS, on 55X? street, between Mainand Cary, by tha mon'.b,-audi -at January, lßfs lam eonflned to mvhoose. Appiiesats wiU esli there, Brosd strset,neat doorbelow African Churchtr I?2>> J W i> .8818.

FUB BHJ'i.-'iWj Is-ge unrornlshed BOOMS,suit-, be fora small family, situ te. ou 2id

street, between Bekar and Gharitv For Informi-li.u apply at 'LOUf.IkMi _T_K SAT.COY.'onOsrrstrset. betweso llth and 13tb. ge I?Ii»|/U___i,.Ui.L> suva . -X Hi.l'.-unr, or

MJ two gent. aeocantbt»_Bsco_r*r.rtab.'e ROOMta a nriviie fim'ly, by callingon Cliystreet, third>qtare aboveBru.k avenue. ______side.jf 1-U*

FOB KHBT?A eomfortsbls K>._, raaaSty furni*hei (txespt with bed liusn and towels,*with washing snd c ck'xg facilities affir.ed, wi'.li

ia tea minatea' walk ot the Capital, aud tsttab'cfor lic-g's gtn.len-.r_, Tnqalre oathe prsmisen. ocByrd sirest. third door from fourth, Gamble's Hi'l.ly 1 -tt«>

fjNOB EIiHT-A cimfonable, well .sr_t__»dJ7 Boom, with gas and firs p!se*>, snltsb'e fcrtwo g.ntlesi.n, (frierds ) Apply,aftsr 3 o'clock,on Glxy street, 3d door below 4th sLeet,

Jy 1-lta170*kKKMr?'-wo farolahed Booms, with ossofP Kitehea; also, oneemail famished bedroom,Aepiyoa Leigh at, North aide, between SJ acd __.ly l-lt»

5 tt___T?Two FU-tMaUtli. RMmm. -, withor wlthcat hoard Qcmt'cme. only dea'red.Applyat ih. oornerof Orace acd Fooahea _t.*eeu

ly I-g.*

55 KWM P?Oer tiemen's rnrr.l_be* KUOtir.,on Frackda «t. between B.b and . . Aleo,

front basemeat BOOM, suitabls forancfdos,Jy l-lt*

OOMS FOB BBNT ?awo BtMMfB fit rent,to a small family. Applyat Bo _46 BroadBw_-t jyl?lt*OB BBNT?Five naa___B___ad 80088. twoservsots' BOOMS, and a BOUBB, soluble forpott'rigaway coal orwood. Apply at ths cornw

of Broad and Mayostreeta la 30-3*."m\ MBBT?The Ladies'Ordinary,Kltchen.lsr-Boom, and thelarge Ooneert Boom; sis., 17IS sdlotatag, la ths Exchange Hotel. Any

pst-on wiahtag to open arettaoraat wld flud thesepremisas admirablyaoitad for sucha p-.irjo.-.,,. 'i he?ersmlaaa can _a seen by addressing 8 W HAitWOOD, box333. )? £4?eod6i*T '-HB GOY-tBMBdt OF Yi_Gl-.11-APBOOLAMATIOB ?la conformKy t. thsreq-jliitiocis of law and to the returns made to the

~-xeeativa ? soartment, I have aseertslasd thatJihuKaodolph Toekerhas beendoly elec;edtheAttora-y General of this Cocmonwe-lih for theterm of four years; that B*rja__tn F Heall hubeen sleeud aComatlsaloasr of Public Works forthethird district for thaterm or sixyear.; and thatthe fol'cw:rg paraooa havebean elected membersof theBouse of BsprsaanUttvaa of the Ooaf.derateBiates fe.m the re .pee'lve disteieta entitlsd toreprafaa alio*. 1_ tbti Oommoaweallh, to wit 1 Perthe feat -liirte*, Bobsrt L Montsgns: for thssecond district, Bobt H Whit ___Mh for tie third dis*trtat, Williams O Wiskhtm; tor lbsfourth dktrist°. *-omesB Oholsoa; far tho fifth __.tr.ot, Yhomaa 8__ \u25a0>'-; fsrth) sixth district, John Goode Jr- forthe >.vtnth coiirtet, Willian C Blvsa; for'theoigtath dls_rl-t, Daniel G OeJaroette; f_r t*e rl_thdistrtet. BsvldFamdea; fcr ths tenth dt ,tri«_ F WMBodldsy; for ths eleveath .istrlet, John B Bal.*---asda-o for tbelw*ir__ district, Waller B £Upl_»; fortheth|rl__u<h distrisl. Fayette VcUu'l.p; for thefcrsrtesßih district, Ssmaal A Mider, for tha Sf_a*cth_f.__c_,Bobert J.hieti}*.; for the tlxtseaihdistrict, Ohsrles W Bass.ilAnd that tosopplyavacancycreated la then'othPoil^*,!ll_*__ *»?*>?*- IV «he rseignstlcnof Wl.Ham Smith, David FoasWn Iselected tethenncxtaredterm.t*?* a ta taatlmony whereof, I have hsreunto< L a. *>r_gnsd my nsme . s G .vsro_r, an« cans, d» .v. 'the Seal of the Ooaamoawealth to bs effixed, thia30th daycf Jane, IC_3, and In tke b7ihyeartf theOcmmoaweaith.

: JOHB LITCBIB.By theGovernor:asOBaB W MfJSFOBD,Jvl-» Bee'y of the Oo__m_awealth.

TIHB liriBABT Ml_a__NO___,«_ _.. t *W>* JUW.-he Messecger will bs issueJ today. Jaly Ist,and wiU pw*nt a very luteres Irq table ct onmm

* » T__LH,^lt' 0' "\u25a0? W,r" «>F KBDowl.nam ? Psotaama Skatehea," eoa'ainlr*an ace.actof the batt_t. if Bethel; a review of Victor HugosLas Mtßenbks snd a eoutteattlon of that eta?mlog Bov*»l "Aanea," are smorg the Üble of e«a-taati. kjt aale at the BxrAstorsi, aud at theafflaa,on Baok aadUthstreeta -The Msssaager can still be _urnl_hsdfrom ths !Stares. __r__4_m' ** ?aßun »* l"n- <* ' ?">* Bst '..._>. «AtFAILtNSAFBKCU3SO_I,siam-raaasi « Proprietors.T s_AVMFOB__S_.S at Mr Johnston*. aasadsAl*\|B_r of snbetenualmatch 808818, and four jssf^isi-*-. Amr> !"" « oc?, aUta G° m* ?odf,lr-_.ef,f«A- ,-v, thT BoneM endMolsß _4mlytoftl-^afJKf-twti** -**'?? SB ta the Ca_3e. te

*^*>[* « DBKIK. oaar the old aa_ss_,IFl-lt* SF MIBMBBT.

JOstP_I»ML-M, PATYMBI. MsK____ iaprs-acred to rtaatve orders far PATYIKBd of

?very de-crlpu-m. Aaeaperienee «.f a nnaiber of*fears aoahlea tim to tarn ant pßtteraa ofanyaftanaatar, at nassnahla sntea _*ll orders left atbis aaBBB-Saa ouMasahOlstrest, sevandoors aboveIst,wi 1 hapremnuy attaadsd to.

SBWIMut MkiuiMß FOB SaL? a bloatstUiptt. MAOMIMS assrsaaasdbatth__e__._t_a

anise, asMlbMataßss hat iw. was. b. Thsroas-oof rMagmal ttdaataete besHh oa the pert of the?wis*. Can ha seenea 16 h street, between MstaMdGary -_*r canaou.aon thest c it.tr i__i*«>~f_V,B BALB-ttae newthreeor fearboras WA-X ?**»* ?*«"? «B_sr_, eßy made. A eergata saaynehad ayaariy asajllaallante

McJABTHYAYOOMO,Irl-li* Oor dm and Bytd sto, ea the Oeaal./Soil* SOn SALA-T-S advertSierhsaSAW\J* to aOt, whisk be -B-B-BSS te sail. Addram?? dStH,r atla_Mcdaas, atattag-what pramtam willhsjajven |y i-li'

FLAATA-A large «aaaiby or%J Celhsfe PleaM, ef the Flat Bntsh variety,teTsaishy FDBLAKOMjvl-Sl* Osrnst dA sadBreed skressatmWL^ewW^^*? MfmhJßi,

?maßmmtmms?masmmß._ . SI-MIAL -HIVISBA.'?s******l-*-*-**-*-!* . ' *"UT IP* I' L UYll IR.-Attsr-il--. la a*k«4?«- mo s_i« ol Hi UIB*B. LOT, THTS APTBB_»»_ stße'deeh,onlTHisweetfstaawry omumß

andoceapied by Mm Martha H -my.\u25a0 itsT.T_s partofLOT InthsrearofBla k-mllb Shep,

oa tbe sti-asy Bam Mad, tetmerry owned by theheirs of John Sastioek. _?* _» *"ydlr 1 TOPS W XtX IBS, Aa_tloßoer.

JLsTT 6*K"?lit, _~0?-Ol-w_ w.tl __*.»? earrsgoisr eel. . f OreesrUs Ac, or. I'dIDAY osxt_dlost. PsrUoolars of same in ear special notice oamorningof sa'e

jy l-lt BOBIBIOM, APSMB A 00, loots

\u25a0apBPBOIaL N-TIOE ? Wo will isll at thsH-rss Lot, oa Oounel'i Chsmber ILII, oa WIDNIB-DAT marnlcg, July lit at 10 o'clock---1 varyfins v.on* Boris

1 nsw Family «"arrls*-*.BBDWOOB APHILLTPS Anct'ra.

ts3o-tt BtMslaßtratGPAOUTIOB aOTIOB?Ths ssls of Dry

Oo<i_s adveit'sed by ns t. takep'aeeon Thnndsynsxt Is or\u25a0v_itJab.y poatpoosd tLI next week, ofwhich das notice will b . niven.

lr 33 _i HOMIER AAIIHTS.Aaet'rs.

OTSPICIAL r.OTIOB? Onr r*l«.f Tnbeeeo,Qroeerias So. advertlssd fcr M_rd«y, will takepla.* st 10 o'clo.s: enTHUR -DAT, .1.oly.

Addilious will b» rsesivedWM H fOV-LB, BONS * CO,

i« 30-3t Aoct'ra,

gjrGCLD A?'D tr.l_.Vß-- FOk OALH? A Hoi-Ited _monatfor b»'«. Address "DO F."box 6ee,Rlch-KBd Fost Offise, sts'iug ths t'gh«-s'. priesthat will bs paid. te39-RF|y :P>l.laL BOTIOU.?Tha asidflreljuedb-gt

?o iu-ortabl. f Itods snd former pstrot b that hi isslid la th-S-clMi tasi'i*.", hsvi-ig sa l.t.r«stiolbs bnsi :?» of U'»i ? V. _H Ronnie, l*ots A to,(Iron bcldiog,Ma 1.6 and HO M- la street,) wbsrsbe will be p'eised to c -n..uc _..'.» f.t these whofirrhl.. ih _h» _<r,g,i_o.atboi'diog _r.ii larg* bud-MS ?xpailtccs cf s-'tgrsWm B Fowls, hoes A Co, cflcr snperirt inducemsots to parlies hating g.ods ofany d.toilpii_uI. asll st public see 1in or ptivslosr.is.

Thsnkfn for th* d'-«r_l petrousgcof his f lendswhile la ths eocesrc or .nmasr AVn r.s-, bers-speeifaliy solidls s c-ntl'.at.cs of the ssms.

J .. I BUKKB3O.I- 9-is Formsrlycf Satuasr A SnrrsßA

|2»"Arj_l*-lS; 2t10_t".4 K0T10.3-.-Tbs nud.tsga«d baringqastiSsd si Adsunistrßtor on thoe*__t- of v7ii:is__t Killer, d.o'd. of Uscorer co,Va _otlfl.es sil psraoas tadsbtsd lo ssld es'nu toocme f.rnsrd and make payment,and tbo.e bav-i.g claim*Bgslost it to present them for payment,da.y aathantlcated, within ths t-me pr». c. ibed bylaw JOHB G __i.Hi.lr*,

i_y 10- Is*, ii* A-mlolstrator.


cf toe 17»ih Beg m-.r-.t Virglui* Militia willmeet lor drill every EVE SIN-I,at » o'cioc. , oathecornerof Boss aud 14._ttrsais. Th'tcaU i.i-. sd ssi tnen not setualiy enrolled andmuitered into theUonfederate? e-vicea bnwetn tleag.aof 18 sua 4*yssn Slesplcs; Inthe b -nn.« oi this dlrtriot, to-wlt: between 18 h and i4t_. s'rot., a.d lo weenBroad street a_d theriver. Fyor.er.

J M IUCON Jr,Jy t-31,* Ctpt4.h C-, ITii.h Kegnoo..

ArYBMYIUfI '* S2sotk'A MOUMXBBGUAKD "?Yoa a*e hereby order.d to mist

i.; ._« flityHsll TilS (Wednesday; ~_VBNl_tGJuly Ist, st 4 o'clock. EveryKe.aber li cxpsetcdto bs at hi* »o.t promptly,for eUstl.u cf concomtrl "ion. 1 office a

Bycr4ee of W HB_.YW*.*P. Cspt.j; 1-lT.e v. V MOTT, O 8

BHiCisH e-lßJßt.l'B.?Yoa are rtqa-in.j ioi.isit -JHlb LVI-BIKO, at T o'clock, at

_upps's Pistol Osllery, ou }Gth draet,bstJre.oMain snd Csry, for ihe p'?*.... of f-rc.ir.g

_ com-pany and off-rug onr aervicss In SatVssaaa*1 theelty. In to ii i_g y n tw. I 00l >o.frit your allsglaaeo to tte L0..0 Government.

J. 1- I-.*- LMAO"ABB.A rYBBYIOB.?AIt F.-ncti t_,J lt-luaa ro.:-J\ detit. sior-qasstsd to roe*<;stl*i fl vß_A-hCT,'.s ea7ih _tr_«i, __V>_a _ DiT, at 4 P M, ta(cm tato t'j_ipv-lGi fir tb_ J.fapcs of tha ci'y?

Th.-i* prrm.-".sttegtiea l-i exr c_'.».l ly '-\u25a0 6 *NOTI-_.-HKN_.iOO MIL:.T__ ?lv p_-_-_ oe

ur* ihe satb_k__ed orders pf Major L V/Bii*.*_pi, eeaamsadtag, t-jvUicti nlmcnce i! aaada,b" ji.ihiius tSHBTetacesivib. ">, _li_ Uv_ag~wl__ta the__B_-i>tas; Ill.ni.lls _*r_ herabyerdsred, u__-r v-nall* 8 tiier.'n refer-, nd t>, t. meet for en o'lmentend aril, aaxt THU;.-D__Y, July 8.. M H ovl.ck,P V, ia iroai cf cli Aabory C_s;el, Uaiou BBL

Bousps - BoC-k by tvs Cuic'-«ibcm:iiy. Be.si t*.ythe Hew B-idte rra i and Md" tir.ek, Booth by tbe.?>i_>.r_.ij.i lioe. snd Weat l>y*fa* KochaalcviiteTcrcorke. [)« 30-»3.»] TV B _CB 11-. Capt.

AtTS-tnOB, OAWt YOVMSMB'S OOMFA-IY, 33tr.g;r..a; Vt-ginisMilitia?Assem, i- ti- ?. ci Wad*'.*, on Brook tozd, i»*>a» ISa.sa

0.1 FBID*.V, Jrly3', 1163, at fouroclock, to _irsslssard tlrili. Frmelcal a'i9«_-r.ce)isr: f-trad, a-i t.'-.te diil a ere ordered by th? Gov

em-.--, of ths vomm-rwesilh. All bst_rrest*.. esres of It? and45 {t- sthsr they _..?. a fos-tished_n';n-.ttit--<» cr not ) *xc reqtred ia-attecd fed -.'ri LVh_ boucdi cf this C unp*t.-r «,i'B ail fr.i.fwsi _*rcm11 oad S.reet orjist-e.-the crporarionline, ta Brookr sd. t-.ere. to lircck _r_.k, a_d frnra there toB_B_d_-*_r_-i ti,uC, t_.e corparsiion line.

Je?o-3.» il YOPBggB, C»*-t-LKaIQ'ES, _L'_» MM-FX Va MXUfIA. f

Juue *.-, 1-63. >IN PCntiTJiNCr- to tfljiilsnl flsneral crdira, thec:mm_o_act. of C.mp*nies wil Drier at ones

the'r coupn.niesUs __s*_-bl. cue day la esck week (lor diill, scJ be kepton dutycot execdirrg twoh ..rs. Theywl:l sis. snroil Iv.ry v:_ _ _.-_\u25a0_ 18 to45ye.rs of age. r d cot earc-li*1 as a eomcriptVte O;ve:r_(_.* las drec-.d that thise who fsii torspcrt Cor inroil-ifut, or fat* l_ mmter. ihsdbsrep .r-.id to the __d'_!e_t Genera', with the vi.w oftskiciT 'he n_.si. .ry steps io esr'orcs the perform-on.ecf tui. di..-. 'ill urder mast be |iromptlyobeyed

V.y r-tCitr cf L W lii.lsps,Vt\rt _. md'g.J-.9-3."' JOMr. Wlii-THA.T. Adit.

_«_Mi\A«_.Yjsiorj«sa_T_fl_t?Y DOLLtBS EBWiBB.?Ths ab.-ve

reward Wi'd tep. r-.l ( ..- lbs apprehernionacdc-_fl_imeut 01 th. foUuwlcg _...srtiis f.ommyctra. a-.y 1

lI.rGH __TT_PIIY a su'u.t lUI-, aged 46 years,lightbins eye., sandy hai-.'fl.rid complexion, 5feet 7 leches high;born ta I..!__?_; ooenpatioc, la-borer.

YisfOTFlY SHiHAV, a B-Bstt-Ute, aged 46..irs dark eyes, black hair, sprinkled w'th gray,__.*_. c .-.__;.lexl.n,5 fast 5 laches Mgb; b >m lv Ire-land; cce-patlon, laborer. I. HIMOOT,

0», t 11-i L'p'ti _.r.__.ryPul" AlexandriaLt Ar i 10-t us.r '81-hmond. J3*_s*_.l. *5.3 S Jss7 5*

MAIIL_Nn2B.,-I_?-ryconBid oration of pride cud ' _l_. *,t araas you to

unitef>r thsr«d_mr/do_ oi your -.si'»\u25a0_ ru.to. inojip.irtnrl'\u25a0\u25a0 now offers tv ea_*>ra favcrire branchsi theirsn'ios. with __a_y sc_-_t£.t;»! sdvi*tei»_e,and unde' fo_r owuba_mer. A _«VAi.V.Y (.OM-PiNVUbtlDg tormed to J-lu tha ir*> ii-r.,.-,kUavalty, cxd.r c mmand of Males*.".'__;-y rlr.-wn,Hore-is asd eq_lt.:oects farnlbUsd imueiiiaiely,ardactive _.rvle. tuteied withoutdelay. _'. . a _«rv-iog hi reghutnts from oth*; oi_t_s canbs testisfcrred, aud to thosewishing to sctr-i* the isrvicc abetter opjorluoiiycan haidlyoccur For furtLerpart'c-'ars applyst the H.ugh and Beanygsioon,i/O Main street, b.lws__i Bih sod ... .tresis

A F _~ .HV. A..-Z .1.S G B A.N,O iaviMO BIFTY,,/'l*-d2 «0 SLIBOJ-OFF

PgltSlOffAL._Iff TBB OABB OF JOHN CBCMLBY, be*V -tiie Mayor tbsut tte robbery of my mooey-iiu war, be waa honorably a'qiltud?not havinghad any e< mpUeitywith 1has tonstall.

j_l-_lt*» BOBBBT K*n>.

ANY ovaknowiag the whersab-ula of my eonJNO O FBIMST, co A, 49th Va reg't, will

H._aa reavs ti_etaf,rmaUon.i; thlsoffl*.>«s£**obligebis father. MAYIiMW PAiBST.iv 1-I**

Ifc-fr'OBMATIO-t W. NTtil.-THO3 U o_-j>i_N.prtvetc lo OoH 13th Virginia I»faatry,

was ialt st Madison Court Eooae. e'.k, last No-vember. Hehasnotbaaa heard fromsiice Anytafofsnatlcnta reg _rd ta him will be thankfullyrs*Mired. Ad.rasa THO.. O -<_._»*, or.

WM BH_.B_t.SOK,Capt CoH, 13thVa Infantry,

}sas?-.* Winchester, Va.iTiOfcL- -My wire __IL»>RSI> 11*08;.,havingleft my had and b_ard without my consent,

i ...rebyforewarn all persons sga-nst furolshirgtsr w.tn any necessaries on my credit, aa Iahalinot pay norba reip-nalble forany debt which shemayc-©tract while thus asperated.)o-4-Bt* JAS CBOSfli

(V&BB_Gl_Pi_*N_-H-_-i._sve ftt sale, a. myJ gi.dsu, c«*r Fs-fl-'d Bacs (v*j:.i, a lag*

qu. oilyof OABBAOB PL IB18- I'no-headaadHat IM ck-atfIper hnndre..ly l-St" Vif.BBI IN 1HlfKLMK.

Y?*__f_Bi-_*__BLl DBISS MiKllG.-Mra DIL-JT LOB Isready teresaiva a**yor.arefrom theLa-«Teaof ilshmoiid,tem.ks DkU.ull, Ao. Ktsi-descßon thesomsr of Fooahsesad LsJgi eia.

ivl-_s>*»0 o__aiilUVß.-Apypet.oa wlsblaga Santi*O taUeaagetsraeby ealltagoa frMSBY MIL*KB, Csrystreet, opposite Talbot-*Foundry!Jf 1-6;B

§~ PBOIAt_ MOTIOM-Jmtrscaivsd at tbe Oen*tralMtarß Depot,atee lot ef Viol Is sad Gal.Strlrfs; also, V-<*-___* a_-_l Collars VWlaßowsf-bdPega. Hovelsef every kind ; SaaLettarsed_2^_»iS____r^ij l^i*Xaaiaß_n___l __&__\u25a0__' B_Um -ta_-B_mf

? OUmEtL IMWI DJ_P**T.Be ma*M \u25a0 tmuTmtmmmY RRkm_

iMA-d__d<2SI «___l_____Lomww umrmm gsawwe*


WAITTID-A __m_*fcm hy a gaat'emta ofmvea ye»-a' «s**e_ieaea to TIAOS the

eemaaenIrgttshv.- . b a. _*_-____« Al_*s_ra, Oa-emetry.Hetaral . i loeophy. Ac; saw. FraaahaadMeans, la a ssbo.l, or as ffator te two or threeramlrlea stsfsraneea ajtvso If feejalrei. Ye et>jMrtlsaa to s-ott_« South. Will be ready to begte?at offaptenbsr. Address "J W J." franhlln,P<*pdi-tcne-'tiair Va Jr I?djrwatwU*

W,t_ri'i.-4 young man.bavins soma aeve-rai yasrs' ixpstisces In tbe met_u_r.t_s

bmioses InIbis elty,deal.esskploymsntas ?.LBVKor ft.LB.MAN la a Mot* ors.med*p_rtm_mtandcan five the brat references. Addta-a "BoxHo10," Mahmamlrot-Otto*. jr l-lt*\EJAaTBD-Torent a noom -__a_edlatelr,___\u25a0W Blsbs« oruafomishsd, with board for a

I-aUsinst*. and wife P.ivstefamily preferred.At o, asmall House, with Iron three tosix roerca.

Mtraaa '?-* W. elty FotUCtßoa. \r I?lt*

WAN H_u?-a yoooa vVOMAB, ws. generalhousework. Awile oneprsferrsd. np

plr to JO BAON-IL,j;l?l>* Cornst list and Main tla.

WaNiKO? agood HAND, to wotkon Breadsod Cakes. ApplytoJOBAOIALL,

Jvl?lf Corner Mat ard MamMA

WAMI__D-to h're farm aaada, (man andwitnin)a modprise will ba said.

jtfWSLrp,Iyl-3_» OppBlebtPond Hoase. -toss st

ANvBD.?Two sjenUsmsn are aesiroos ofoltiiolugoneor two famishedBooms, wHh

or without boar., in a privets frm'ly. Addreae"H H * Pl-patchct&'m. IV I~3;*>

WAM'iMO-'isa good ______-« _J________--MNona bat Rood, ateady men need apply.

Applyto WL-OX. Brass founder, 21 street, between 01 syard Lslffh. I* 30?-t*XX7 a£_1 EL.?The sobieriser is desirousofpar-W efaasiog a _"__«_ eonUlning from ISO to

300 aersa w:th c. z_'orta*-le improvsmsnts. Poe-session reqnlred ia time for wedlng A liberalprice will b. pal*, apply to JAS M TAYLOB,«sal l*tsis AneilOßser. |a 88? 5t

WANraO? To poressas sI1ABM of ifiO to iSO. teres, wlili grod LmprovementA Must inot be more than six milsa from the elty. Prefer '<?_? bjrdeil.gon Ibe Ohl.kah.miny. Any personbasingaFarm to sail will please s4_ress *'BDBB-KA." jeB*3-5*?tITABt-i!) TO HIT.?A DWILUNOVV HGU_.B snd TWO BOOMS, suitable for a

school I>7 the Ist of September. Would prefer ,both under tbesame roof, or on the same lot Ad- <drees through Box .9. cr call at -orner of Mar- ishall snd Acsm_ streets, on

til7-lsw_W WM B JOBB-OH.IHT _ P-tamedUtety, three or foarHAPD_, *»h_ nnderstsnd Qisrrylng aad iraising Slate, lowork In ths Baekiogbam Slate iU_«rry, near Sew O-cton. Good wages will be ipaid. Address or apply to

tOaUGOS FOLIMAN A 00. <jo 15 -eo_st* Irco-o B.rff, Floviona 00. Va. ,

WAS TBO-By a ladysotog to lbs euantry for Ithe g.mmir, a KbR'yAST, (colored or iwbits) to do tbawaiblog ton ironing of asmallf ___i"y, ths chamber work of two rooms, acd assistla plain sewing. Applyon Frank'ln *t. bstween7tb andBlh, nsxt to tha tlhoreh. je_4 -eod3t* (

a t. \u25a0 a urn *. t'S.fet-iBA-VA.__>'. I

RU ITAWAY- S_00 RIWABI'.? lanswayfrom \die .übscrlbsr,oa the maruDgcf the 26_iaf ,_~.,«, 1363 my Negro Boy BBS. Be Is about 10j-aar_ of age of a d_rk gloßsrbrssd complexion,a' (i-ii5 f**.i 3 inohsa io height. He bad ocwhenhfliofi a ligbt-.iolorcd J tcket a pair of blue Ysn- ?a-a }.__'. ai-,1 s Mask bst- end he Isevidently tryirq to make Li. way to tbe Yankee* I wiil psytbe ibive rewsrd if delivered to ms, or one huu- idrsd sud fifty dollars if see-red in any jailao that iI cray rtoover him. Pest Office, Kicfcmocd- i

8 ABAH T k YDVOX. iEx xof W B Fydr-. r. dsod, Hanover . :>. Va, tjo- 1? d_* .'ne rrdlo below M»chsnic .vll'.s. |

RAM A tvAY-?.;?>?_ tta snOicrib.r, on tl.u 'vtahA of tha __._. of Jans, my negro boy.v», KSH, sueut five- feet h'gh,broirn _i.-__.Ux-

ion, fuil h>ad of hs'r, isthsr stoat built; bad en'_\u25a0?'.. d_rhp__ts. whits ..o.iencoat.«cdhat b:undwith bl_e. ard blui strip.-c tlun ihUt. Said beywaa b oght in this city on ths 24 ih of Jaas. B»wan Lroogiit from Clark* _. amy, intbe ValleyofYirgtaia, sod vr»_ formerly ow. Ed byDr !_mib,cf (t'.a sb v* n*ifl'd eoua'.y I -"ill gi.efifty _i-llara ,for his daSversneato me, or if pl_*ed lr any place (v.b.re 1 _._: get trim JOBS M KIP_-BLL ?\*-._l has aVl_._k.o_d, half mdc from Blc_m.n_. j

j.- t-6 » iROMAWAY?SMS *_._.W_-__r_.?_;__ away, ori 'tin S-th laaWmy ants. WiLUAM. Me L. '?tc-ui! 2. ___**?_ _._ . .est yt cr 10 f____M high. 'railier ii-acer _r__i. g*ogtr brad color, r_c_ is gee-erstlyknown _bowt thecity a* Wr YLcsley.

KDMOBDaad OB; it.OB left my hoas. about 6o'clock - asaerdsy roornhrg. Bdcioad is tb_ut lby.ur_ o'd. q_iia btAck.tb3.-its fss!3or 4 inches h'eh,itcli r__-« aad like y. C*or-je is ebon. 13yearsdd, ,gint;:?? \u25a0treu col ar, "hick lips, and wsll gcowa j

1r ill pay t!i-ee hucdr .d dollars for the delivery ;cf the t_ree boys, or oca huodre1 ilolUra forlh* ...liveryof either. S C GrMMMMMO _T. j

|.30-5t |

EA'I AWAY?_UM ;.E .-. _.!.!>.?k_a awsy .fr'-m the .ab-cribers. ou last eight, a negroB-Veamsd M.RI'IB, par_t__»d of DrHA.ri -ders. ', of _._.__.er._a'y. tie is aboat 5 f*et so*Cictli_s "v iifi.l.t b <rut built, bush? hssd, acdg.oltenth. _fco_' S. y tsrs o'd. H» teas dressed inaa:It of grey mtrmtmama . !oth:-a. sud bat on st__B___.rar__e etesw hst Pc flesh __tr_sr-oal!ected.I", isi.k*. I: fc»:i* ii.a_l3f*_iis w_y toward-Louisa.\~e wili give ths above rawsr. if deliveredto Leett J-mc-., of _-_.l_i_.ud, or if confined in jailsothat -9 gat bltu again.j.30-4 » McMURttY fc WIBSTBAD. ,

__. _»iv.ii?from tns sab-Cri-rr, in tin .vacuaco, Vs, onthe 2- __ cf Msy list, myn.___iKOr.B _?. H* ii near6 feet h'gh, blrck, rather'sleoder, but large b .ne;oneeye out, theright I be-lieve; knock kneed and turned somewhat to oneside; scar onarm betwecz. elbow and shoulder, cutby a knife; eo_.se voice;bad on jestsback coat andmixed aaaV-cmpaata He miy endeavortopass asfree and gone rf_ with so'cl ir.-. I will give SCOIftaken out o. theState, or85. in thsMai*; or 825 if 'taken In Fluviaos, or sny a. Joiningo.uniy ta 1.. <Iveith-r esse to bo --"slivered to me, cr plasad iaJR;I BO .tSt I g«A-iri.

ti £.0 W PITTIT,D-xisP O,Je 11?co 13',*» Fluvanna, Va,?' I

GKOCERtBS, LiqUORS. Ac. 'SU !l D E I 11 i , " ~ !50 boxes Britlm .reB'cck Soap5 b-xes Col-eta's Soap5 boxso Hotel <.a_i_lea5 diiio Brooma |

IS d.am Wilaat Cs'scp ,SO cans B-glUb Oronod Pepper5 din F.each Mattard i3 bbl_ *-mo*sd Serrlcga (

10 bags BlackPsss10 bag*. Dried Applos 'ICO ibs Oa ds Wick j5) etomt Matei_«a i3 CtO lbs Lslla Ruckh Ycbtcoo

?aLSO.-_10 bbls Bo 1Bosin Oil i11 bMs Lt-br;eating Coal Oil

For sal. by W T WIGHTMAHA CO,Jrl-3t» Ho 40 Pssrl street,below Oary.

LACS: SFi _*E___t?A tuperlor lot of Black- ;r..e eesfor H.*i- by \u25a0_*_

jr l-i-t OH aaT WOBTHAMA CO.

17*s_rII,T HAM».-2_o sa.erior Ktmdy Bams ,' ter sale by CiIAST WOftYHABA CO.ir l-tt .

I/-OR B*_f_B?Bsversl b.rrols of BomhamptonP APPI-t. B&AMDY, a Hie srtiele, by tke gal- ?iSfi or hsrrsL O W GBIYTBB,j| 2» -3t* Msin ttsest

AMILY __SOQ-___D_S??? hand and atstore? .4 hhds superiorBmllhfleld Himjt hhds small Family Middlingsand Shoulders10fabdß H O Surus10bbls pore OlderVinegar6 pkgaMoustain Batter Jast rs:slrsd 1

KO kegs Smitfcfleld Lard ]400 lbs aaperlor Greenand Black Teas i4 bags Laguayta snd Bio Ccffee, andevery iother kind ef FamUy Groeariei la market.?ALSO,-Ioffir to fernJUs, for meiletnal pur poms?

410 bolt,espore Mountain Bya W blakey530 " " Sorry co AppleBrandy.J 8 BOBKRTBOV,

je 15 -101 Oor 13jhand Frank!ta streetaOB iH CABOLIB AttJIAIiAMD HABKIHOSFOB 8-iLM? -21 half bbls M C Cut Herrings, Joatreceived i85 ?' " Shad ?' ,to bbls Plakling Vinegar 'St kegs Bl Cub Sods -SO bags prims Bio Coffee60 hags Paasata

10S kegs SmithSeld fard16 bbls Crashed Eager '50 bbls primeM O Molsssesbl bags prima to ehdee Sugar

1000slb packagesof "Alligator" Smoking To- !hseeo1000 piekatnsef Macafaetnred Yobaeeo, various

breeds3_3 tiercesprime Bios3> bbls floe Apple Praodvand Whlsksy

Fcr. stsby WM B JoBBS * OQ,j.88-.; ltta_t,_etssH*_mMataandO_ry._

aaaj-tawKi-ma f*jm balm amp BisspT7H)B BI11-By tbe month, a Kervaat Woeaan,r who v an average COOK, WASHBB aadlaABML Shshasalll-Is-aßghtar, largesaesghtoact tha table, sweep np thahsejea, da, whowillgo with her. She la tor hire hseaaas thsfamily?with whom M» to livingta*--_*noß vWttag tha cocat-y foes few moßihs. Ammiyjo am at this odtoi.apststm.Mw boildlag.

taao-Bf m b oepwnf,Yp ;B BIBM-A lot ef nasty ye*mg MMB aadr BOYS. Also, mveral yooag WffMBM, aU)wt from the eonatry. Boaae need Bans haadaT___mia<«-_ilw'UdeweUmea_ra__ly.-fifiSmm^SmntSm^AtEm^^S^St^ml^mms^Sml

__?«» *, ****V<W^]^fs^^|sa ( a* SBsajfl

RARER* B_r__AYMD, ***?\u25a0

I teyibettii. tast, aama'lOnM» FoX eaewer-ufi to the name of "Jleh " *ey oeebi-Btotbe-esnsrofTthsadOary a_rse_B. wiUreaafvsthe abovereward >» I?tt-V oar OB BtotsM--_*e -he Uth Job-, a uotiJL. Hunth.fLever WATOB. JtaH ita. t ptate.ipnextra j-wale,WsMw,tar,«^* r,lf*.!rto the Admiralty. 43 Btag Bqasra, ««?*?". "\u25a0LoDdon. Mo 14 OSS Also, c Oota OBAIM aadLOCK.V. Onehuadrsd doltere Is otfstsd far therecovery of the abovenamed ertasles. Ar*dremMessra GOODIB * AFFMBSOM, Bkhmond, Va


E«Bt-«d Bhcekoe W,N,*w«^? m.l^*'ri~jeFooshea aad 4th Ma,a DIAMWSIB 8180,wtthore stone set la blue enamel, with a sotflpKambroken oat of the side of the flag. A bberal re-ward wiU he paid If left at tha General Telsgraphoffles. a it 1-tt*rt .aKKB OF, on Jons S»:_. two bresdlogHOVIg,X wktoh the cwaarsenhaveby acmtagfoiward,paying damagmsad prtvlngprop*Ty9wmmm> mra DOBAB BOLOWAY,

OaMeehsnlcavUls Yornpike,Jyl?U** Hear theTollgate.

ESTBAY.? «s*ne ta my boose on 18th sUeetneat *oor to engine house, on tbe 29A nit,

a small MAMMY BOAT The ownerwill oallprove property, andtakeher away _?__lyl-lt* JO-W fItMBY.

tVBfIIYFIYBDOt.LABS BJ*. AKp-FortuformaUon eooeeramga large red and whits

OuW, that»trsys-l or waastolen <tor_.mc ab.ut 10days a«_. She oaaallygrsssi about Gamble'sHillaadbeyond. She had a brass tip cv one of herhorns; whits forehead, aad meatnow have a calf.Shewaa ta fine coadltioo.


l»30-2i*» A JUDSOM OBABF.

STIitYBD OB STOLE*.- On Fildsy. fromBoehstts, a rsi MILCH COW, about 9 or 10

yearsold. She hadboth .srs split, and one hornbroken and shaded off about ball way. Any lofor-mtilon given will bs rewarded by

11 30 -tt* OBOBQB LAOY,Bccfcatta ,OlOLBH?From my »tablet, on the Nine Mile itO road, abouttwo ml'.es from Biehmond, on Bun-dsyeightlast, abayBOBSB, with eeryshortmens,(ao marks recollected,)snd asorrel MAEB, withtw3 white hind feat A liberalreward wl lb * paid .for their reaovery, If deliveredto Mr 808 _BT FBnt DDTT., on 18ih street,or to tberubeer b _r. ,

j«3o?_'.» JAMBS M COSBY. jOTtAY OOW-S_s KBWABD.?Strayed from ?fOmyfarm, betwreu the W_lla_o»-_-g aadBiceMile Boad, aboat .t mlsa from thecity,a small-arkrad Ct'W, withwhite breast and very longtall. I will give 525forher return to meonmyfarm.

J-_9--3_S FAIKBB C W_-_-_OTT.OSt?SIOO Bt-WABD.?Lost, en Batarday,27.h Inst, a PAPFY PABQBL coctsiolng a

few hundred dollars in ''reasurynotea. The abovereward wili be giv-n to any one leavingit at theoffice of thsPfrpatc-. ]s _-?3t»

C.ANI to the Foehatsn We/ebons., ii YortJ Mayo, Thursdayevening last, two red Gows,

i.n. with aears short tall, aad toe point cf herhorns aawsdeff; the othsr deep red, with white ;and*r the b> Hy, tbeleft earcropped. ,

le 25 -s__3f LBWI3 JSOHQHBB-tQSB. \O.T?Oiißi'iriUATß ? Noilce ts hereoy giv- ?en thata Certlflo*t_, dttei 3d J.oas y, )852,

<._!02..0_,)t. .uedty the K.e.mond Fire Assoeia-? ion io J. lm Hid, hss been tost and csnnot now b»Aund. acd that I. h_ 1applyto ths Board ot Dlr«e-lois cf tbs Bichmoud F're Ass-Clatlou for anewC«r ifl .ate of Block ta thep'.sco of the oneabove 'Ui.Dtioued.

XOBIRT S rOLLAKtI, Adm'r ofJohn BUI, deo'd.

E-Intitnr.-id. Jntie 19 156.. je 20?lsw4w

LOST GBB.TIFICATB.-Bct.es is bereby \given tbata OKHTIFICAtE, Bo 53. datedntubw 4,1853, acd issued by tha Louisa BallrosdCoiapsoy to William H_c.ock for tec shares ofat. ci. in .aid cor_p__/ hss been lost or mldald,and csnnot now bs found, aid that ws stall arip/yto tbeE__**d ofDire-tcrs of tbe Vi**:__i* Geutrsl(forms! ly Lssdsa) Ballrosd Gompsny for a _c*_Csriificate, in lieu o. t'_e onestrove mentioced.

A J A » J HANGOGK, adm'rast> ge?^__._\u25a0» <~'f WM HAWCOCK df.Vd.


DSjSISABLI LAND AKD TOW/i PiO-BBI'Y I-'OB BALB-I t.iU Si" 410 _c.es o'

i tour miles ess; .* Ifasuwsia, Bartew c s>oty,Ha, w.it acispud te gr-A and grt_ , vrlihsn *'.-d , ,.'snee of water sn> timbsr. O-. tha piece i_ str?:-.i'_)ry brick br___-tag*. with *U nece.*ray outbcidit-g-r. also, ciy Roui:e and Lot, of Senac es,in th. town of MssMssaa, two a., ts wad set lrasVaet TU. hoos-3 is two stonss Ugh, co. rsias ilxr_'mi, with stsbl., e_-rrisg«-i:o* o, krtch .n, ser- j«a-:ts' t)UEB, rar«_t-_or*L'o, well U use, and flo.wsiflr. At ite oiitico ef ihe ptiT.f'.s-:. r, 41 acres cf ,v:"o ?_ Lsrct, s n.iirti -si a .iii. __r*tant,

BGtrIAX'N.Ksn.'sse, B*.rtowc. Qa. Js SO -tt*ATfD toli £AU:.»A TBAOTc-f 110 acres, Jj two miles Irom Tomahawk repot, snd toree

talus from Co-lfls!..ssjoisin**; tbs i» _<_s of Hi!! ,Spear's estateand oibsrs; about 30 acres eles,-r-d,the balarroe Lv pine __» oak. 'ibcrr is rpnn th*place asmall, eomforlsble dwslllng.necc.ssry cut.\u25a0>__\u25a0?_*, _.-?» garden snd an ascelisut well of watar. Eov 2) B Wicfrst*will abow ths prriirisca

A!.'\u25a0_, a TSAC t ccu.ainlr g SCO acr*M very near 'Powhatan Drpot, end immsoistely ontbeLsnville ;_._'~.*v»:l Fius reaidencs, Ac,ou the plaea.

_.L«0,4 OCO Acr.s v.i-.sb's L_.Biß, with m'.ilr.f o ncrP.ndletoii, 8 13.r..r terms. *__? m r.iv -n f..l__d A B .0.

my 27-'



Co PABYMBBt-SIP.?Ool anos B Eiosia »_dMr D D Tallit _-_ asiociated niii this

aoamfrcm th's date,snd we respectfully snllcit sc .uticcaa-e of thepatrocaga brstowsd on the oldfirm.

Bank Notes, G. Id snd Silver, boughtsnd sold.All kinds of Blocks snd Bends bought and sold

ca eemmi.sion O W PUBOBLL * CO.I*l- lw

CO-PABTBIBSFIP NOTI .R.-The tub_aib_rhavingaisociated with him, in his ._ i_..s cf

h, rSUriABT T* .LOP. bia cepbew, WILLIAM FBlJli4~.rs.-<".H. thab. s:_r_a wiU her.afr.r bsccn-ducted urdsr th. firm of W HOLT BIGS ISOBGB A CO

lurstunsing tha.ks to h's f._-n_B snd cnslomsr-for p»~t favors, he would soiic.t a _?\u25a0__.!_._ .__s cft-i" seme to the raw firm, promising svsryihlug.hail 'no dose to plsass those who will gl- \u25a0 them acell [jyl?3t«l WM HOT/I* 810-AfD'Ot..

MSDIOAI. COLL.GI UOSPIYAL, Msrsbal ]street, below Uth, Biehmond?'This Hc.plt«i -cclves patlsntß of every olara, exciptths in-sanesad thoss laboringundero .nisgi. v. disorder?.It Uprovided with eeery fael'lty f<?r tha c mforlvble tcoommo-stion of ths siok and for theiraao-S-asfultreatment , .

Pdvsterorms farnisbad to thras whod« sire them.Ths stteutir n of slsk and woonded effiosrs, andstrangsra bo|\u25a0_____\u25a0 ta the elty, I* oil ci to the de-sirable aeoommo_aiio_s thereby _ff <rd»d.

Spaelou*. end airy wards for osarroeaLying-in women,both whits audcolored, recalvsd

aad pi-operryatteaded to.CHAROBS.

Whits persons, in puei-c w\u25a0d S.Opar week.?? * private t00ni.... S5 "Negroes 15 **targical operstloos, $5 to S.O, according it their -mag-Uads snd diffi-tilty.

tts.es of mldwifsry, SlO, (in addition to thsweekiy rates)

eurgaons?rrofswon OHtOB, IBTIOOLAP,*m_ yyEL__T<-l-I*. 'Pbysiclsns-Pioresson TTJCKIB CONWAY,andMcGAW.

Prsiidsot?Profassor JOYBBS.EssidaotPhysle'sn?FßEUlOll KO* R, MD.8 o*.«_-- _- GYU-ÜBLBY. Jr 20 -so.Ut\u25a0 \u25a0 vOrrics OKDBRS AMD Bbtail UB Navy Dept, I

Richmond Jons «.tb, 18(3. J/lARD.DATB*. forsppolatmsats asL .uu_aa;sV_. orMasters ta thi v 8 Ruvy,duly soth raid .to appear o*u«. the 2ia_. cf Bxaaata .ra. .-ahereby notified that the extwins'lon wiU com. imaoeeonboard cf the O S atctmerPairiek Btcry,at Drewrye B'sff on Mondaynsxt, Jane 221.

Bycommand of the ciecy oi* th. *-a*.7.JNO X MITCasTX,

Js 2t?law-tr Commander to tharg*

PB BLBL-IYT, ~~~(Late of thaArm cf Powell A Bcb'stt,)

OOMMdeU-OM M___.GHABT,ShoekoeSlip, opposlts Shoekoe Warehouse,

Biohmoad Va.,Givesh's undividnd atteotioo to the -at.cf Joan-try Produce, consignment,ot which herespo.tfoilyeillc'ts. Fartlenlsr attentloa paid to the aale ofTobacco. Bafsratouts principal Kastaem boosesIn Richmond I?lsw4_>*

sBOrAOTUBttD ABB eMOAi-lt- lOBsO-«JO.?Ws haveoon.tantly aa hand and offer

a* piivate aaleMAMCFxOTOBIDand

BMOKIMO TOBACCO,of all amies,taelodlng aoms of tha moat popularbranda

We also offer 5 OCO lbs M Altmeyat*city madeSOAP,of prim*qualityta-W-eoaar WH FOWLB, BOBS A CO.


of all tared**,andof bis. workaßaaablp. Also, se-veralflue brand* of Smoking Tohaeoo, teeludmcthseelsbrated ?aaarfallatU" aad"Frids ofBethel;''to all of which we invite the atteui'on ef heyemcoating to oara_-_kct. Calland we will ______ Ittoyear taterest tohay. BILL A MuBFLMBT.left-UK* Per Va and Gary itaOALTFOMuBIBTMBFIBLD?Ths _________ of0 the soaatpwho Savenet aaltsd tar their q_ota-TBtete _Wt wUI plesea de eabetwaaaUna sndthe IS* day of Jaly. after which time lbs Ht-rt-botloa will e_aaa,a___ the rsmalstsg gelthe other-wise dkposad ef foe the baaaitot tha Bounty

Ms ordar. LBWIgLUMSFOAD,J*MV»> Agaat fcr l-etaraberg.

1AAA OCMiM FMIMM MTBOM 8-LT*, atlUUU (Hie per la bythebW; 1008_?__ Bag-JtWmV liISIA at SB 18pet lh hy thaahgai 1880lbsBt-ansaiMaaßMat fjl IS gar th bribemuTm mams

at -»*S _easatjsrgaWi j&**\\***~|B__ta(|aV?... Tl _WSISfvB-i

AVuvntm _uLM_t"-rass__s_Ba_f*AMyOaHin A Asamtaasj.

CIUMItI-0188 S SiLlOf TIAY YIMTvataaWe UraoiU front Tsaemaat. en tke

nur'h sMe of Mala, between 0 h aad lßth eta?AsCemaaksdasMWsvpekßtsd bya decreeof the ClrenHOoartoftfeeOttyof Blebmond, proaoacesd on thelOih Jans, 183 ta the es*s ef Jones sgstast Joeee,A ... I shsilproe»- d to sell st pohl:at-cl.*. ca thepremlfes, on TUB .D AY, tbe 7ih Jaly. IS6S at lto'dret M, (U fair; It not, t_c fiat filr day there-af-er.) that largssad veryerJaable fonr-etory g*a»Bits-rout Yeatmeat keste. as above, etUe. theH.?a_pit_4 Hones" the lower at dry of w__*_. Isnowoeeapledby Meases Baker A Brother. Thia tene-menthas afrost of V | 'est sad a depthof IC6 feett> sn all. Itwas bu.it abort tsn years sgo, sadUlnsVyr led as oneam njstthtbatten* meatslithst . locality. Thaareaial stisutloa or e«i i.*i__*-. ud others larsepeeVfally c tiled to this s*l*.Tbemj ? *lh» purclsse: is lo depesHta thsBankof Virginia, to tie ore.'s. nf iti * cues, thastm of fit 4:5 for the Bsarpy. s of dis.bs gunar theIlea la favorof Sam'i B Isivib and of tha residueof the pa-o-am money i ii tabe psid la cash, bal-ance at lt aad 18miothi, for aegitlsbla notea, In-tsrsat added, saiUts.tor liy endorsed, aad titlers-tahMfi Ull all ths porchuo money la fully paid;but with liberty to the pur.:baser topay thewholeofIdaparohsss tacash, atbl* option.

*y 1 SA -IBS LYOBS. Oomv.MyS«- Fienanam, A__rtleneer.

MULBB, COWS, OALVBS, AMD OXtT, FOBSALS AY Al7OrION.-1will sell at auetiou,

ou i &OBBDAV, 9J inst, at le o'clock, oathsLotonFranklin s*r»-1 opposite tha Masoalo Hall?

4 YOOSG MUJLSS.Ybess areall gentis,largs la s'st, will broken,

a.dwarrantedparfsctly soundandreliable in everypoint Also,

3 very fl is Cowsand Oalvw,1 pair Osen,1 floe B .11,Alot of first rate Beef Oattls.

The above are ia fitc order, andmost exoTentstock, and arewell w-rtfcy the attentionof stockraaern, fariters andbaithers.

WM H PLB-SAKTS.Saleeonducledby ISFlbasasts Aaot'r.

JyiTTATSOBOVB FUBMTUOM, GIGAS*., LlK-ri SBBO OIL, Ac . FOB SALS AT AUOTIOH.iwul sell at my store, on TBUS&DAY,JoiySd,at 10o'olock, an excellentand largeassortment orIOAMIIUBH, comprising ta p_r'.?

Mahogany Cabinets, Maible-topWashstands, "Jsnny Llnd and other Bsdstsads

_»_ Kxtensiou Yable-hairs, Shades, CnrUinsF.ather Beds Hslr csd i-hnck Matlr.sstSH.id'ng,Urocksry, Glassfrsre

4 b.lsptlm. i.iuseed Oil5 000 Ci-rarsBssl-ls* comerou*. other srtlales.


PIABO. FUKNIfUBE, TAFBITBY GAB-PITS, me., AT AU . TlOU.?ly order ofths*__.c_- rs. I wi'd sell, at ihe residence of Mrs JasGray, dic'd, on Frsokllu, between Istand 2d sts,m FRIDAY, the 31 lustmi t, ecmmenclaa- at I.- "clock, a portion a_ tbe H a-ahold and KitchenFareitare; amongstwhio*) srs

21l.jrntTapestry Car.sts, and1 tnperior Kirteweod P a_to, made by Woroes*ler A Co.

jy 1 SI PLS*VS*BY«I. Anet.By Sore; a. Beissean, Aocts.,

[St. Nt, i_ .r.viUs,' Vs J

AOOTIO-. _AT.__?We will s.Il at ow scottonroom, onUnto st, l___. i.ln, Vs, ou vT___--MAS >AY, tiie 15ih Jaly, 1813. commcocicg at 9o'ci-ck : X?\u25a0

3747 boxes "Mtra'ae'.ured Tobacco5)0 hog' Mnc.boy Bang23d castskx:elslor ft__ok_c*r Tcbccc.'\u25a0ill c* .<*»_ sa*3l5. tots Smoking YcbhCooSOB- lbs ?i'arpe-'.'i-.s *_.sp23 bbls _....'-Brandy

Psrle-c v. "_..'\u25a0 g to avail ihemfelvss of our aale,will i.;* _k*. ssnd iv their goo.s cr sampUs by 19o'elask Tueedav. SSStoY * BOI8_I!AU,

1- 8 Ajßßttasajaaßi_I___!_!__s__j_ ___!_^_!S-___ZIZI-ZZ


SaS rOTBXi at lis pises will be open to re-ceivevis.t.raon MOkDAT, 2»d J_u.:

Jso.rd rsr.ty , 88 OCIB.rv_.ta sc_ t tvldren acdir 10yearn

01. 6 COHoi Cslh., «__h 1 00

QB** So ti.ed__tii.-a wßi ba __s.de from themmsse1 tie cars leave _ts__to_ every Yassdsy, Tbora-

d*y, snd Sv;_'_*y, for MBl___r*>, from which i.'.-.cstL>re is astars line lo ths B|rings.

Tha Fost-offlneb ?.*?« having been discontinued,vld'.-ra wUIreceivs their letters withoat delaybyhaving t_am diroeted to "lu.n G H. eareof BotBpring- Hole!," S GOODS. Bxseator

Hot Sp.lurr*, Jans 13, IBM. je IS?_of


This celebrated wai*rir.gp'aeewiil as or-nedfor the reception of visiters on the SOth cf 'tispresent x_o_t._; (Jace Thsstase will leave Wolf'?'rap. en Ui Danvi la Kailroad, on Tuesdays,Thirs.sv*. and tr-B-a-d.yg. Termi: SIOO permouth; 535 per wek; SO per day.

]c 11-lsa* P*__SO_i M DOHHAK, Prop's.

rp_*.'_»lifl*o BAZAAS? Mi.s B _______\u25a0 inJ_ vli -i ;re st_r__l.outf c!"_ .srnof the army i_dlUV7 to _.er la*g. rind leau'ifa! s'sort-neat of iilL*ItABY*JfJ_l___llKGS, _uo_ ssGenerals' Wrest-*.Stars, Bftbres. Gr___-*"-si__!.ng,Bmbroids. Ed ' M S 8,"Fuji-bars, (lord axd __a**_a__*, tritr.pi sai B»dg*s for1..;-,al i'kl.cr-, Geld Birl of every dcecri ;'-i -v, ke,Ao. Bhs is c.rHlfot ot ier abL'it7 to plicae asyteste, and only siks acsil st bcr Bmnmr, B. 33Main itreet, two d-ors below ft ChsrlssHospital,op Btsirw IsSO- «*~*"'*

Ij>J_.Eb« AN_» SGkKCB -s__a_h*c?1 Bab Nilrsts of BismathFresh Il'.istsricgOlntmontBlaneard's Fills of lodide of IronMeMaon'a S'iair ofOpiomEog'.i.li Hslr snd Tco'hBrashes

At MBaOI * a_LKR3'3 Drug Etsre,|ef2--tot--d»' 186 Msin st.er-rabove PO.

BL .UK TBIBMIHG EScSE H-LOcl'/W. Ac.B'sokTi immiag .s-es,of all wl Jtbg and btst

.i.-es; _"!_._; Iliodvi; Bltck and W :.e Lawessnd Orgaadi.B; s vsriety t all styles iirsss Goods;Damsss Tsßls Cloths, K_p_\u25a0... sad Tow.'., Ac,at

le 21-eodlw is_*.-._**.-.--- v Mllc ,tM_BU_-lOVCti-D lOJAOOO, MVC?Atcar

store oa Msta street, (butt's __r_er,) bayeraw li always fl i agood s».ot .reset of ourdifferentbrands and qaaitte* of fi ,s Tobscoo, from oarfactory in Danville. We namelo part tVirginia Seminole

Weddin? Oske GuldenBe*ptreBoby VirginiasMay Apple Bponsre GakaJewelOphir T O W AOoKohl-Moor Ao, Ac.Also,Smoking T_ba_eo In bales, boxes aadbar-rels. THOS O WILLIAMS A On,

J. 17-Uw_w» Qcr Mstasnd 15;htta

BLACK MBB'KO kUD LAGS SHAWLS.?'On hand audfcr aale lew. a few fine Mourn-ing Shawls, of merino, with black silk bordering,cordedwith black, white and purple; alio, agood»s*-ortmeut of B*_ek Lsee Shawls acd Mantlet,Blsek goroto -, Biar-k and Hhits Fields.

|* 14- aodlw FZBKII-L'B,41 Msta at.

PA.aii_ir.-I txig letcve l) e.oy to ny oldfriends and the pub io, that, haviae beea

Lurnei oat of myformer »t .ad, oon_er ofoth andFranklin streets, oaths so__ imt. 1 haveopened as_op en the prsmltsa osen ie. by Mr John WDavisa, oa 9th street, bstwesa Msla and Fracklta,where I shall bs pisses! to . soeivs ordsra forH'-OaH AMD BTOB P_IN'ING, KALHOMIM-ISO, WALL GULOHING,sis. Toaakful for pastr«»crs I h.ps by strlst stteatlon to ba_lssss tomerit a eontiaaanes of thesame.

leS.--.** _ V LABDBPMSUNi>tl__9? 30 gsaas Bine Head Mattshsa, BS

lbsOoualrytoap. Dried Apples snd Peaches,Tsllow Oandlfe, Old Bor_lni_a Ooffse, Langhorne'afc-tsr, Dsaoallon, Byao, ImpnUl, _u*pb«.i, OraodYarklxh. and Klunlc-ialek t_mok_cgY.ba_oa, Bali,yioe s_d Sapeifins F.ur, As. oaconsigbrr.aatandforsals by WM 8 MDB_U_I,

Js2S?3t* 13 Ftarl Btrset.bAljl'.?lwa new and one eaeasafhand

r* KliPf Hi and MOWBaS, first o'aea Ma-eMnsr'-, also, _tuba of all slaes; 1 bbl or LicssedOil; a tot of Cacsl Barrows ,Strsw Gaiters; o.mSheliers; B.ek.U'; Bslf BurhelMessars ; Wantfans. ds. _ ar aHorses, Ac. H M BMITH,

Is 26?3t* . 14 Mstastreet.1AAA lb* WOOL1V\JU a Rroma Bauere' Bow Btetoga


Ratters, 64 Mainat andBxaharge Alley.Jsß_-_«

taoK BALM?One set of Buggy £____\u25a0_. bit\u25a07 Itttle ÜBsd ; onenew Cottage Bedstead; one

HandPower forsawing, or CtpeaUr'i vie; 6.000tactof Lumber. 2 medrn-a_.se Ortad Btoass. Ap-plyto O GO I, _dst. betweenLatah and Clay.

1526 St*Ij*>D_-BITUAI FOB SALR ?An oißecr being1 orderedfrom the ____\u25a0 wishes ta mil bis Hoaaa*boIdFDAN.TCBI at private ssls Tbers la oneparlor aadsixbed rooms, farniched w th fineFor-Bhare. but Itttle oted. Apply on M street be-iween Marshall sad Clay ate, fourth dies* fr-mOtay. Mast -Ids. la tS-_i*>rplu XHB OOfcßl«w__-»l_B_.o OP Olka-sLI IUOTiaMS IM TMMCOMMONWMALTUTh*retaros ofmanyooaot!. *in the Co_gre_a_onalIMbtrtotohave not bean resatvsS et 'ha Departmeat. Dateaa forwarded hafore tha 88__iaat. tbetatares w_Bhe tee lata to hewanted.

GMO W MUMI-OKC.yoij-tt ?_»_\u25a0.- ?- maawaalth*\u25a0,-_»« BALM-A sflßasttor headaosrsr «Jss_A_rF lleehtae, with 3 seta ef Out-era. viai SkipSeed, SodaandBatter Orsekerstaee; sad s standof i-silsn for taaehtaf dough. Also, one aeteetBslsase weighing toSBB Me. To hsßeen st ___amsMagta Feeadry, who is aataottael to makeaalsaf

taSt-St*?****? kUmutyWmuoA---OmJ\Books assybs feami ta the haa* ci B O

Allaarneaawtag eewMataaße sail and aaaata, far

s!s___l m WW JKw aBBBBB*wP*B__P_i .-arnanl Ps>**Vb__b9 BB*B_B

|~*»* ?mT mmt\%TT Wm%m\%m\m\Mm% -BF WIH

AMSSfSIM SAIiMB msaf mkmtmMy Jaa M Taylor.Asee

A VSLU-kBLM FAUI OlSiUlf GAB-/V. BBM, en ths Beep Baa Taraptae, ta Heat*, jtaTaocatV. tt asltseWsst of the sMy ef Btoh-the Mr Je-, sepb I_ Statoo. Iwi'l aaO, apoa the bibbibbbs, ea

TOMSDAY. JrtuM -Oth, at 4 o'elcek P M. thevale*able and heads-m* FABM, wtth all the growiasjiCrops, leeatsd as shove, eontatataff SS aerea, ofwhich 40aerea srsslsarcd, wall sat ta cornend sle-?ssr. together with a gardenof thoe____*__t vsgs-tablea; the ba'aocc ia heavily wooded with safeaud pins, of virgin growth. Thsrs Is else apoathe tract a very superior ies-bouse aad lea pood,wellshaded, togetherwith aaorchard oftheehofesatfruit trace. act oat ta thepast fiveyears. The lm-, prorem.nts corsUt of aeomfor-sbls dweUlnr, son-tsi-loir four goodrooms together with all thaBanaloat-btuldings, and eootaJßtog amoat excellent wellof water ta the yard. Parsoni desiringto secureoneof t_e moat -ssirsbls farms contiguous tn theelty wuuld find it to their late, set to examine thiaonebefore the dayof sale. Possession given Im-mediately.

W; LL Bl SOLD-Immedlately after the solaef theproperty, a valasble lotof FAKMIMG IM-FLIMIOTS,eonsisttag of Certs, Flows, Oult-va-tors, Hsnowi, Cart, Wsgon, and rkrw Bar-neaa, Ac

ALS9?Will be soM,tw*> exeellsßt yeaeg MtlshCows, snd ens Heifer. 14 months old, sllln finecondition, together with an excellent Baggy endHemsss. Will bs hired, for the balance of theyear, agood Cock. Bans, Wsihar, and Iroaer.

TBBMS?For the Iss d, one-third sssh. (or fhewhole ifpreferred;) the balance at 8 and IS months'ers-11, for negotiable notss, with lutereat added,acd secured by a irurt deed. The purehaaetto paythe taxesand icsuranee for 1883. For the baton*s,eas_ will beraqaired upou delivsry.

to 27 JAS M TAYLOB, Aoet.OTOn aeeouutof lanem in the family of Mr

Staton. the shoveaale la postponed to HOBDAYnext, the7ih of July,at4 o'etoak F M.

js 30 JAS M YaYLOB, Aoet,


next, the Snd day of Jaly, on tha msmUse,et5|o'clock, P M, theBODSB and LOT. on the WestBids of 17th -treat. The lot Croats41* feet aadrunsbiek theoansl depth.

TSRMi.?One half cash j thsbslmetat Smooths,for negotiable notea, Interest added, and steeredhy trust deed. JAS M TAYLOB,

|s .9 Aoetioaeer.p£mt>lmmedlatoly afterthe above aale I will mil

rev.ral smell Lota, ad|oi__eg the above propsityoathe South, frantingon the«Jsbtral railroad.

Jy 1 J M TAYLOB, Auct.

EXSOCTOR3 SALV_ ? Wdibe soldonTHUBS-DAY nest, ths2nd July,at thelate reHdanae

of W O Tsy'.r.r, dio'd, on Clay, between ith endOth s*. est*, oo__m«n.i__# at 10 ac l.--, A Mr all bisbou_eho>d and Witchea FUKNITCkU, embracingthe nival variety, together with a superior Pianosnd aocxeellsnt Milch Cow.

Twins?Cash. JAB M TAYLOB,Ixeontcrof W O Taylor, dto'd.

)s89?ts? l_eut_u*4 copy?ALIO,?

Will bs hired out forthe ba'anoe of the year,sgoodO'X-K, WASBBKacd IKOBBB;anda BOY,about 16yearsold, aceoatcmed to waiting in thehoass. J '8 M TAYLOB,

J»3O-tds Bx'rof W Q Taylor, deed.

RBAL BBTATB FOB _A< 1 - ru.aaant to thadecree ectared ta the soil of Bore snd wifeand others against_.es and wife snd oth .rs,by tha

Biohmond BpitiogsCourt, on ths 26:.dsy of Jone,18.t, I shall, on i H_R_DAY, tbe 3d Sayof Jul?,1.63, at 44 o'dock? M. on the pra__.g«s, sail atpu.lie au.tion, to tbe highest bidder the Bea> Ei-tate ta the bill mentioced, upon the folio..Logterms:

One third ess., one third in 6 months, and one*third ta 12 mouths bom the day of sals, with In-terest added on Uie deferredpsymsnts from thadsyof sale, the pa'ehassr givingnegotiable notes,sRd the title to te withheld till -he whole purchasemoney U paid. Yazsa for 1563 tobs paid by theparehsser. ___.

Thia Baal Estate consists of ten Brisk Bouseaand Lots, east of 17th street, in ths elty of Bleb-mond, formerly ownedby Michael Dwyer,near theworkshops ofthe CentralKallroad Company,

T_*«B J HYANS, Special Comr.galehy Jaa M TarLoa. auct t__T

By Uanlep. Bleacnre __T"o., Ancta jA UOYIOK BALB OF Ttil LARGB SMDJ\ VALCABLB OAB-.0 OF GOOHS IM*!KaTM. PBB STSaMB«iIP *'FL »BA."?On

TBUBSDAY, the fit of July, eommcnelug at 10o'clock ws will sell, at ens section store, by cata-logue, the valuable c__s- _? g.ods l*nportsdpsrsteamer '-Flora," eomsrUing _ large and Sasjmatßassortmeot of Bogllsh ssd Frewih goods, oo_o_rt-lcg io partof?

14 ess** (410 piecss)snortad Ir:_:-V-__ sndVi. ochPrints and McsHus1ease (GOpieces)Gioghama

fi cams i-ku pleess)Ksgtmies2 do («i0 dos) Liceo aad Linen Cambria

M-Cdksroblsfi1 case(39 pieces)Plaids

S bales 100 pieces)Begatta Stripes2esses (100 pieeeß) Check Gtaghsms1 ease(75 pieces) DriilL-gs1 do (Uo pieces) CheckLocoes2 cases (9__ dca) a_s_rted .rac-s2 oassa <__Sd| dca)asserted Madras Hikfi1 cam (101 piKes) White Book MnsUn1 do (7. pise-**) goldcolored Ginghams1 do (144) Oottan ShirtsS toman (177) Fancy Muiilu Drs-Ssa1 oa.. (120piaoes) iriUiautss1 do (40pieces) Dull Otrek2 eases(-00 dca. Whit, ad Blue Cotton Ecss1case (iO r'«-_*\u25a0) I't.caasa

do (144; French Osssimsrs Pantaloon Cutsdo (. 9j gross) aarorted * iosabsdo (60 peeks)imperial Finstoassa(401) Bonnstsdo assorted Forcslata aad Bone Buttons,Horn and Shell Oomba, Tooth Brushes,Steel Pens, Pec Holders, eta

BE9M Tt_Kl*D AND CALF BKIKS.4 esses Brown aad White ShoeThread2 do (48 dos) French Calf Bkina.LIQOOLS, 84V01S, TIA, OILS, 081118,Ac.88cases Hennesay Brandy4 do .-..-Whiskey

SOcasksPa's Als7 asses Ch_a_psgns Wine17esses English pickles, Sauces, Table Belt,

and Mustard, all ta glassfi esses _.__uinaa10eheaUsßpar Green Teaf-tboxea OdveOU3 cases raw, __Bg_e, and d.ublsboiled OU47Mogliaa Ohesßes.

HAi.BWA_tg, die.1rase Ten nan's Solder1 taskassorted Film sad Wood Beeps1cask Shovala8 easesBrsss Sheets1 cask Hone Shoea.DAUaS, AcIM) kegs Bi Garb Soda10btola reflnsd Oopperas

19 boxes IxtrastLogwood8 trunkhPomatum1 caseBrown Windsor Soap8 casksLamp Black.

OOIFBK100 bags Coffee expected in time.Catalogues will bs rea _y the day before the

sale. Teens-dash.Je 20 DOMbOP, MOKOOBI AOS, AboU.WiU beadded *o the ebovesale?3 OCO Laechss

ft 1 paacbeo ipore Jamalaa Bumltd kega assortod Malta

D-7ULOF. MOMOniB A CO,lv 1 Aactiocesrs.

Hy Thaa W Keeaee, Aaet'r,(Otlice cornerof 12thaad Osry sts.]

TTALCABLM DOUSB AMD LOT AMDV BOU-MHOr.B AMD KirOEMM FUBBI-TUKB, ABD nOW AMD YBAMLIBG. FOB SALSAT ACCTIOI.-I will sell, on f810AY. July 3J,at 18 o'clock M, onUnion BOL tbe very desirableHouaaand Loi. ooS___ and P and Q streets, threesaaaiea bepoudthe Leigh Street BspUst Ohurah,fronting en tath street 71 feet, and lunulas tackISS feel to al6 feetalley. The house eoaU__ssixrooms, (three of the rooaas are papered) with apassage 11 feetwide; with a ________ ta the yard.and a pamp of eery superior water, stable, aadfruit trees la heertog. The gsi.Ua well Be.invsgetsblea I a__sdiatsposbbsbioo gleso.

-ALSO.-The Eossshold sad Kitehsn Fomiture, soulsl*

tagof?Cirpsts. Table.,Ohaim. Sofa, Bsdataad.Varysaperlor Cooking St .\u25bc. As.

BBW-MG MACHJMB.One of Stoat's Sewing Marhlnes, cf superior

aua-tty, nearlyaew.-ALBO.-Obc crysaperlor Ayrshira MUch Cow snd catdusY *-'t_gTaa.._-At aale THO3 W KBBSBB,»??** Aae-ksaaar.

MyDaveapert A Co, Stack Aact'rs, ' "I -ornsr Cary aad 13__ streets. J

WISFi" "ÜBtaroitoaTat theofßes ef the... ?W ?»»\u25a0»??«? -aswmes Oaamaay.comerof Oary and I3lh streets, w _P__lD__Y, July 3d,11*3, scmaesetag at 11o cloak, the foUowtog veryde_lrahls Beads sad Stocks.100,0.0llcbmoad aad Bsnvflla Bsllroad 6 per

_.___ «_\u25a0*_- ffegU-erad Boeda, ISI35,000Virginia6 par seatKsglstared Boa_s,loagdale-500 Oo__tsd*rate IS m Ooapon BondsI,o_o Ooßfsdasste 8 per mat lCd m Ooapon

Monde6 shsras B____-_.od la_s*ori_ej sndfxport-

tag Go's Stoeh, Semi J Bantoon,Freat3 chares Btahaaoad andPewraborg l__a*_ri

tag end Bxaerttag Go's Stoak, Wm1 M Sntteo. Frm't49it__i_sB_Bkof We_____end Stack., \u25a0._ ?__a___g___

l gaajsn ca Ac JessesBlear aad Kanawha Otaali wfllbtto _sa__kd__om the lath to thetetb July,f tacta-tve h-atweanSevaaih I_l*_ndn_4 «_rye_ttt*_sf P

* !r__»_L'^sA^¥¥_Wr lAOOft pad i» s__bs__rata[[ Jmtfß bjr^

!?-_-*s_e_F **X BabSBBIb

At-MTlsyM IMy maters, Tell,aaa ' _.».m. n. \s\7M W U BALL at a *t__iaae, a,.VV Pearl at, ea WBDMSSBaY s»s___sVVlsi. seaaaaana-aga 9*o'efcek.a lsrgs sssora2of blc.h_s_e goods, aoo-i-Uag of

Faaey andBlaafc aad Whits PrtatsOlaghaaas, Lawns, _*rgaa*_BaePrioted BrllliaaUFaaey and cwipedM-tsralag DiU-nes-__eba_r_t Madnaaas, Lavslla ClotheFaaey M stares,Flak acd Blue Plain IstasjesIrb-bLtasns, Bleached WRnrnWPapsr Gse_.br.es. Oolorsd GsmbrissSllsela, Bed PaddingWhite Br d Bed tinted FlasmalCanton flannel. Linen C*ar__borgsBlue Drill. Ho-p SkirlsItasaOamb I. HandkerohlsfsWblte 811k and Baadaaea H«k*BagtlehGottoa BdkfsBmasts sad Bonnet BltkansFlonnass, tmmmX Vets, eta.

BOYIOMS.WhlU aai Bleak Spool CtottooBlack Thread. Sewtag MkGenu' andLadlaa'KM fl?BlllMGenie'Ktd OtoveesVaMss. -data Thread ami Tmßmm SBssssMeek ties, Tooth BrasheaFaa-y Soaps IvoryFtoe GoaabsBahber and Horn Dressing CombsBsddl-.g Foeketsnd Yoek OombsPtaa, SewtafsndKal ting Na**d_seBone B-speader andF-y BaltaneLsatloa Coat and Vest ButtonsAgate Bat tons, large and aoullFoeket-Bcoks, Porta MoranalssBuckPanes, Camp Writlog OasssBoldiers' Gompanion, Me mi BooksWriting Fapar, Bnvalopes, FmaFan Holders. Pencils, BasonPan Knives, Looking GlaaaeaViolta StringsLadl*s' aad Mlaasa' White CottonHemGents' BrownHalf HoseShoeThread, Genta' Ltaea OoUsrsLadles' LtaenOollaraL idles' Mas'in andBisc*_ OnapeCollar*.SHOBI ABB HATS/Ladles Lastlr*g GaitersBalsßoral SboeaLadtos' Slippers and IThUdrsn's ShornGents'Oxford andBalmoral btnotBLack and OolorsdSoft Hats, a large aaaor*ment,

OLOTHIHG.AlpacaCosta Mirnellies VastsBummer Pints Gam CvsroosU. eta. 1DID-8, An.Indigo. Ooceentrsted Lye, BoresMorphine, Be fist d JsteptorCslrlnrd Magaeata, ffal__i<aPowdersSchiedamftahaaarpe,London OordialG v, Mnatar.Browa Windsor Soap, StandiBiaoklßg, Csstor OU. AlcoholCoatOil, Soda MmCoffee. MstoheeGrewaad Black Tea. OhoeolataBack Writing Ink, eta.000 b iis medium Tobioo.LAMIIBS, TOLLBBOM A GATLIYT,

je_o A__.limism5 Will be add.d to ourmtlm ot this aaorstag a lass 'audve'nabe aramr-meat of Jewelry, eoa_ißtlc«of

L idles' Breastpin, Mar rings,_>rassl*ta,'<OaralMsokiaee,"old Loeksts, Clas. s,F.oger kiog* SUvsr Combs, die,Oen;. fineG .Id Ht.da,t- e*ve "Butt- ns, Watob Kty*.P.as. Pens P-te'.le, fcllvsi V rtcoDoa_t,_i

Theee goods wiU be sole at 12 .clock _ree_i,?Jyl T_ 1.81*B. TSILBB.M A 00

My Jamea B Battler, Aast'r.A HOUSB AMD LOT AMD TWO TAOasTJ\ LOIS s#Jdniug. taPort Mayo, at .".uotior.-,

Iwdl Bell, oa the .remIres, on sTIBBB.DATnest, Ist July,at 4j oclrci PM, ths House ulLot oo the weat side of 7in st, la Port Mayo. fnaaraambss 6rooms. The let froeti abont 4.1m.Saßmfr_Nj back ths asusl depth. Also, iwo vtmmLits B-iolninqr, fronting 40 fee', each.leans ?Oaah to pay expenses, or ths wao'e.preferred; the balance st 8 __-d 12 months, farr*gotlsblacotse, tatereal added, aad .scored bykmot tru_t. JAS M YAYLOM,

Je 85 Aao_kma_.

ABBI.K 81 ORB AND DWBLL_M« 0!.--i'KS_\u25a0_'?.. STBtST, MlABLY IfFftvIb.dTEI .YOBBOP COL B ? MABKIBB, ifAI '?) . I -.',-By r-qisas. of the heirs of Mkehi!B-belb Pearsor.l will Bell, npon ths press*en Wt*DS'.:.i>AJ* r.x-, the lit of Jaly, «fc dork, P __ the Brick _ toes and Dwelling Ht_».t.d as above. 'I ?_ dwellingpart of tha heats be*!x rooms. The store la ccr__plsd by ItV. hippie..: ftor ths sbo?9 sale, I wl'.l rail the vacant WT

:1-i h« rear of the above property, treat! at taP _pIar street

raUM ?Oos-lhlrd cash, (or the whole if aref .rre-). Bslares at 0 and IS months, lor na**.__i;ble Botes, with Interest added, and aeeunrt hydssdor trust; ths taxsafor 18d3 to bs paid byItspurchaser. JAMB M '£ AYLOS.JR SS Arstic-Sn.

My WUilnmaen 5 Co., Aucta.,Ws iaa Mate stasstj

FTONIfUBB, AC, AT AUOTIOH.-On W_U>NkSDAY. the Ut day of Jay. oammeiialsi

si 10 o'c.c.k, we wl * Bell si _ur .a'es_______,.*,191 Main between » h sad 10th atrtes,en *___.meet of exeeliact Faraliurs, Ac, eoasstllng la panof? Chairs, Tables, Bedileada

Mattresses Sees, WardrobesCabinets, Wsabstends, Sofas1 large OCo. Dssa1 vary Sne gloat'sSewing Msehtna

ISO lbs Scrap Leather, eta.]s 29 WILLIAMBOM A OS, Aoei'm

?WILL BB ADDBD,---1 newTop Wagon,S.blsKloe,8 kegs Lard,Lot ofStatlonsry.SmokingTcbteco,Blik, G-lieo tndMuslinDrams,1rplendid Pi xuoCover.Ml WILLIAMSON A OO.AmmVt

My Themas W. Msmss, SB-_____saaTjtO-Sos earner 12taand Cary sts.)

TTOnSB ABD LOT FSB BALM AT Af>JtJL TION.?WiU be sold on WSDNBSDAY lo \u25a0Iy Ist, atS o'e'oekF kl, the ? wo-stcryfrs-aedBoancoctainiog four rooms, with a front of SO fast «a17th street, running back to the railroad, with mexcellent well of water ta thsyard, formally .we-ed aud coenpl.d by Mrs Martha Henry. Aim,atths sums time and place wiU be sold, aa tatars-loftwo thirds ofshalfseesLot, more orUse. Bltmlsdta rear of the blacksmith shop on the Stony Boaroad, aad formerlyowned by the heirs of JakeSpßrioek, deed.

-.\u25a0RMS-Cash. T W KBJMBI,letd aeS-meer^

My M B. Ftaaannta, AmrVr. ""TCAKMIMG iMPLBMBMTS,W4 GOBS, 3UJr MB-S, Ac, FOB BALI AT ATJOYI-'H -.will sell al Kelly's old ship, on Brook Avaaaabe-twean Broad and M____.aU streets, (belongioi lea sen'lemon who hss dlseaatlaaed farmmg,) «WBDBI .DAY, July i - at 10 o'clock-

2 Wagons, (1 Mrahone,with abody)S Carts1 Montgomery Wheat F____, bat little ossdDoable end Staple PlowsCoulter's Cal.lvatorsWhest Cradles, Cartand Flow EsmessBetides comercos other artlalea ef uttl'ty*farmera. M S FLBABABTB.s M AaaUae-asf_


authority vestedta m«. by a decreeof the Ctrea.Ooart of A'bs-rsrle eoanty. satersd on the !___day of May. IS*., ta the Ohaaeary suit it****-*pending of George va Wayt'a sdm'r aad ou««**\u25a0 Iwill expotetoisls oo tha fiBST BAY Of JOLT.IMt, on ihe premissa at pahlie aastloa, to u»hlghse.bidder, s very vsioahls FABM, aoalatattlabout36oseres <* highly laaprevedl_a_t, lying-**IvyCrest, srlthlu t nt tattoo of C____ot_s_n-.lle_-4threeof the Catven'tyef Y_rglnta. adjoining tbefaraas of Mis Wa _»____, J Woods Oertb, Ita, aadothers, Yh«re is a fraaasd dwelitog-house sad -heBse-ssary oat-booaeetipm the pises, aud* largebearing orchard of peach,pear, apple, aad pl___iresA Itis rarely that so deslrehls apises Is offer-ed f.r pub'tosals.

Texas ?Cash, or credit, aa the parehaasr nayalect. JAB D JOBS*. Oom'r.

(. 2U-IU Cl*.-riot?_?? s.l«- Va- \u25a0-'=?


_B__BMO__S, Jane*_4h, i«__. irpHMFBBSIDBMTAMDDIBBC. u*U\ OFtSII Old !*________« laaatanaa Oompaayhave ttadsy declareda dividendot manyper em*, eats*capital atoeh. oat or the r-rcdrs of See mead*eudtagMay 3Ut leAU.*>ayaM.tot_epre__>*-i_to-tboldsesoa andafter Iks Ist day of J-ly IMS.

toB6-8w OMAB B WOBYBAM,-se'y^orriiaislliic-*«'**.». J

___M__g_m__h Jane __d. \u25a0?*-***- 'JAIVIDIBD NOTIOM.-tha **£,?_J rectors have deearsd n dtvMiod st*SM*apsi -bars npon the c-tpital sleek o' -**,*?1!Pony, payable ta the -loahaoldara.or task tail «*tboitaed attorney*,on aadafter the Istarcxw*taat-tlstj S F MaBWOOD- ttata^,

OFFIOM lafltW |Rican.BO. Va, Jane _S*J_?*L

Tf\IVIDB-l» MOTiOB-Tke Booed ofD**««"- I|i i__r«s_p4__la_e__k-_I ___toCVmß_By,ei-*>_- tt* 3SU Inst,to aU gessoes *tbaj*?**?_

i stoe___e__Bra«m thatday. or to tha*nave, -fhebeiksef iraaslm arUac stassftbeHtbtatheMth Man,taehaiee.bwi___ufw*, I,<MMII> '"^. ltJfft_oA*-OeTUBBB>T.__A-Ibteefl4

I s__e__e_aehoSa*-ts*n_ shmh at thatdata

!^_^_a|fm »Bf-B." 2_S***____- -t-HiOffJ-M islsVf___>^tnßßß_a___HNte
