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Number 058 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Thursday 27-02-2014

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

Tidewater’s STIPE TIDE hooking up to Sapura’s SK 900 in Pasir Gudang (Malaysia)

prior departure to Indonesia Photo : Capt Jelle de Vries – Sunshine Marine © CLICK on the Photo to view the High Resolution version


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The Port Blair pilotboat ML KOIL pulling alongside HAL’s VOLENDAM to deliver the pilot which is seen on the photo

sitting on top of the pilot house Photo : Cees Kloppenburg ©

Hoax lifeboat calls putting lives at risk on the Norfolk and Suffolk coast

The RNLI has condemned prank callers for putting lives at risk after a lifeboat crew and an RAF helicopter scrambled to what turned out to be a hoax. The Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat launched into action last Monday night following a report that a man had gone in the sea at Gorleston after a dog. The volunteer crew went out just after 6pm and, with support from an RAF Wattisham helicopter, searched the waters for more than half an hour.

Following enquires by police and Coastguard, it became clear the call had been a hoax and emergency crews were stood down. Last year, the Gorleston-based RNLI crew were the victims of three confirmed hoax calls.

Speaking after Monday’s shout, a spokesman for the life-saving charity said fake calls were difficult to identify.

“The RNLI will always launches to assist if there is a concern for people’s safety,” he said.


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“Our volunteer crew members do not judge as to how or why someone is in difficulty.

“However, like any emergency service, we are occasionally the victim of hoax calls. It can be difficult to say for definite if a call is a hoax, but incredibly disappointing when we suspect it has been.

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat RNLB Samarbeta. Photo: James Bass

“Our volunteer crews are willing to put their lives at risk to save others so it is incomprehensible why anyone would fake an emergency. A hoax call also has the potential to divert search and rescue assets away from a real emergency, putting lives at risk in the process. “However, we would urge

anyone who genuinely thinks someone needs our help to call 999 and ask for the coastguard.” Source : Norwich Evening News 24

More than 250 vessels will join the Clyde's Commonwealth Flotilla

A FLOTILLA of ships and small boats will sail up the River Clyde to arrive in Glasgow as the Commonwealth Games gets underway. More than 1000 crewmates and passengers will be aboard 250 vessels when the flotilla sets sail on July 26.

Tall ships and smaller vessels will gather at Greenock's James Watt Dock on the Friday night as part of the Homecoming Muster before sailing the 17 nautical miles (32km) to Glasgow's Pacific Quay the next day.

New pontoons will be installed at the quay to berth the flotilla, which will be one of the biggest gatherings of vessels on the Clyde in recent years. The event is being organised by the Royal Yachting Association Scotland (RYA Scotland) and supported by Inverclyde Council.

James Stuart, Chief Executive of RYA Scotland, said: "We want to make sure that as many sailors, non-sailors and spectators have the opportunity to make history by being part of this once-in-a-lifetime event. "The Commonwealth Flotilla will mark the culmination of hundreds of journeys to Scotland and Glasgow, and each crew will have their own reasons for making the journey and their own story to tell. "Already there is strong interest in being part of the Homecoming Muster and Commonwealth Flotilla from people across the UK and further afield, and we expect interest and excitement to build as we get closer to the last weekend in July."

One of the vessels which has already registered to take part is the Ocean Youth Trust Scotland's yacht, Alba Volunteer.

Nick Fleming, Chief Executive of Ocean Youth Trust Scotland, said: "We are delighted to be part of the Homecoming Muster and Commonwealth Flotilla. "These events will serve as an amazing opportunity to inspire young people through adventure under sail." Inverclyde Council will supply £250,000 to support the event, with the cash also being used to secure longer term improvements to James Watt Dock. Source : Herald Scotland

Rotterdam-Singapore VLCC freight rates hit fresh 2014 lows

Rates for Very Large Crude Carriers on the Rotterdam to Singapore route, basis 270,000 mt, Monday hit a fresh low for 2014 on the back of ample tonnage, shipping sources said Tuesday. According to Platts data, the VLCC freight rate on the route fell $0.74/mt on the day to be assessed at $18.52/mt, hitting the lowest rate since $17.04/mt on


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November 11. Shipping sources said Tuesday that they continue to put the lump-sum rate on the route within a range of $4.5 million-5 million lump sum [$16.68-18.52/mt]. "There are more VLCCs open in Rotterdam for the natural loading dates," a shipowner said. "The rates for Suezmaxes are low, so charterers split their cargoes and chartered on Suezmaxes rather than the VLCCs." Source : Platts

Drying Systems Help Ensure the Good Health of the Workforce

More and more attention is being paid to safety initiatives, but Pronomar believes the health initiatives should get equal attention. Poor health causes an increased risk, especially on-board of vessels and offshore.

In the Scandinavian Oil-Gas magazine* we read the following:

“It is crucial for operators to remember that health plays an important role in the industry and has never been more relevant.”

and “Buying into health is the best return on investment any company can generate. Healthier workers are more focused on their jobs and are more alert to safety risks, immediately creating the potential to reduce the number of accidents. Workers who have healthy immune systems are less likely to catch colds and other infections that are endemic in enclosed environments.”

Increase your crew’s health and motivation Studies focussing on occupational health have been carried out and they showed that the use of drying systems results in a significant decrease of sick leaves. Saving just one day of sick leave per employee

Additionally to less sick leaves the staff’s motivation and efficiency naturally increases as well when provided with dry and properly maintained clothes and footwear. In the long run, many chronic diseases are caused by wearing wet work wear and in turn count among occupational diseases leading to costly down-time in organisations.


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Another major factor that leads to a faster payback time of the Pronomar – Top Trock drying systems is that if boots, gloves, clothes etc. are always kept dry their lifespan is of course prolonged considerably (by about 2-3 times).

We all know that you are more likely to get sick when working in wet or damp clothing. With the Pronomar – Top Trock drying systems this is a thing of the past. Take a look on your website www.pronomar.com and contact PRONOMAR today!

Antarctica cruise ship rescue cost $1.8 million

The federal government is trying to recoup the nearly $2 million it spent helping rescue passengers aboard a ship that became stuck in sea ice in Antarctica over the summer. A distress call was sent from a Russian research ship on Christmas Day after it became trapped in heavy sea ice near Commonwealth Bay with a group of scientists, explorers and tourists aboard. The ship had been undertaking the Spirit of Mawson voyage, retracing Australian

explorer Sir Douglas Mawson's Antarctic expedition. Several attempts to free the ship were unsuccessful, before the the Australian icebreaker Aurora Australis was diverted from a resupply mission to Casey station to assist in the rescue. Fifty-two passengers were airlifted to the icebreaker, which completed its resupply mission before returning to Hobart nearly three weeks after the ship first became stranded. Australian Antarctic Division director Dr Tony Fleming said the rescue cost his division around $1.8 million and they were trying to recoup the bill. "We're having discussions with the insurance companies," he told a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Monday. "It's a complicated process." Source : AAP / SMH

The ALINA outbound from Rotterdam – Photo : Monique Davis-Mulder ©


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Maersk sued after losing 517 containers off French coast

French environmentalists are to sue Danish shipping company Maersk for failing to tell officials of the loss of over 500 containers at sea during Storm Ulla, which hit western France earlier this month. Maersk only owned up on Wednesday to losing 517 containers from one of his boats on 14 February. The shipping giant initially reported 70 containers had slipped into the sea off Brittany when the storm lashed the west of the country, causing giant waves offshore but on Wednesday it said that, in fact, the figure was 517.

Environment campaigners Robin des Bois on Friday announced that it was making a

legal complaint against the company in the Brittany port of Brest, accusing it of “endangering lives” and pollution and “abandoning waste”. Source : Longshore $ Shippingnews

The 2011 built ITA flag and owned ro/ro ship EUROCARGO VENEZIA entering Grand Harbour, Malta on Monday

24th February, 2014. Photo : Capt. Lawrence Dalli - www.maltashipphotos.com ©


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India Drops Anti-Piracy Charges Against Italian Marines

India has dropped a plan to prosecute two Italian marines accused of killing two Indian fishermen under a tough anti-piracy law, a government lawyer said on Monday, offering a chance to end a diplomatic row between the two countries. Italy had strongly opposed India invoking the law, arguing that it would amount to treating the men as terrorists and last week it recalled its ambassador to New Delhi in protest against the delay in the two-year-old case.

The sailors, part of a military security team protecting a privately owned cargo ship, say they mistook the fishermen for pirates and fired warning shots into the water during the incident in February 2012, off the coast of Kerala state.

Indian attorney general Ghoolam Vahanvati told the Supreme Court on Monday the prosecution did not intend to proceed against Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone under the anti-piracy section of the Suppression of Unlawful Acts. He gave no reason. "We want to delete the anti-piracy clause," he said. The men can still be tried under India's criminal laws, but the punishment in case of a conviction is ordinarily less stringent than under the piracy law.

Nevertheless, new Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi made it clear on Monday that the issue will remain a priority under his government, saying that he had made two "symbolic telephone calls" to the marines as one of his first acts as premier since his Saturday swearing in.

"I chose to call the two marines because for too long they have been stuck in New Delhi in an absurd and infuriating affair for which I guarantee my personal effort and that of the government," Renzi told the Senate in his first parliamentary address.


The dispute over the marines has stoked international tension and the European Union had expressed concerns about the use of the anti-piracy law. There is wide public support for the marines in Italy, while in India, supporters of harsh penalties for the men have marched on the streets. India had originally sought to prosecute the marines under the piracy law partly because the incident occurred outside the geographical area covered by the country's criminal code.

It said, however, that the sailors would not face the death penalty, which the anti-piracy law usually carries, because it has not permitted the investigation agency handling the case to invoke that particular clause in the legislation. India's Supreme Court on Monday said it would rule on whether the National Investigation Agency which handles cases relating to national security should investigate the fishermen's deaths at its next hearing. It gave no date for the session. The top court ruled over a year ago that a trial would take place in India, but charges have not yet been filed. Defense lawyers for Italy and the marines maintain that the incident happened beyond India's jurisdiction.

The delays in filing charges, not unusual in India's notoriously slow legal system, spurred Italy to approach the Supreme Court last month demanding a nod for the marines to return home and a block on any use of the anti-piracy law. The two men deny killing anyone or aiming directly at the fishing boat. They are on bail but cannot leave India. Source : Reuteres / MAREX

Inbound in Cape Town, looking like in need of a coat of paint after the ice of North American ports

the multi-purpose vessel SOPHIE. Photo : Ian Shiffman ©


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MT Kerala Returned to Angolan

Authorities After Hijacking

An oil tanker hijacked for a week off Angola in January has been returned to the country’s authorities, a board member at state oil firm Sonangol said on Tuesday, adding that the hijackers had stolen diesel worth $8 million from the ship.

The Liberian-flagged MT KERALA was under a time charter contract for Sonangol when it vanished off the coast of the capital Luanda on Jan. 18 before being intercepted by the Nigerian navy a week later.

The incident raised concerns that piracy is spreading south from the Gulf of Guinea, near Africa’s biggest oil producer Nigeria, where most hijacking gangs originate.

Photo’s : Local Newsclippings Contributor ©

Angola is the continent’s second-biggest crude operator and almost all of its production is offshore.

The incident sparked a row between the Angolan government, which accused the crew of disabling the ship’s communications to fake a pirate attack, and the vessel’s Greek owners, who said pirates hijacked the vessel and stole a large quantity of cargo.


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“The MT KERALA was found in Nigerian waters, but as the coast there did not offer security it was taken to Ghanaian waters and then recovered with help from both countries’ authorities and brought to Luanda,” Sonangol board member Anabela Fonseca told a news conference. “It is now with Angola government authorities … We (Sonangol) managed to recover around 78 percent of the cargo, but they managed to transfer about 12,000 tonnes of diesel, so that is what we lost,” she added, without commenting on who was responsible for the theft. Mateus Neto, also a member of Sonangol’s board, told the news conference that the diesel the company lost was worth around $8 million. Source : ThomsonReuters / gCaptain

The MARCO POLO in Tromsø (Norway) – Photo : Peter Maanders ©

Outlook for offshore pipe industry strong in 2014 according to Tata Steel report

The European outlook for the offshore pipe industry in 2014 is positive, according to a recent report conducted by Tata Steel, a leader in the supply of innovative deep-water pipe line solutions. The study, conducted by Europe’s second largest steel producer, points to high energy demand from Africa, Asia and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations which will continue to drive offshore developments.

The study highlights the growth in deepwater developments in Africa and Europe as signs that the offshore pipe line industry is set to continue its recovery.

Richard Broughton, Commercial Manager for the pipe lines division of Tata Steel, said: “Whilst it is undeniable that the economic recovery has been sluggish and as a consequence progress in major infrastructure projects has been delayed, we are now experiencing real signs of recovery and a change in momentum, both onshore and offshore. Budgets will continue to be challenged, but the industry will continue to step up to the challenge, push the boundaries and drive innovation.” Investment in deepwater exploration has increased significantly over the past year and is expected to continue as easy-to-reach reserves continue to be depleted.

Also emphasised is the likely growth in pipe line transportation as new sources of shale gas come on line. In particular the report highlights Russia as a region of significance for 2014. Mr Broughton added: “Increased investment from operators will see infrastructure requirements grow. Already we are beginning to see the signs of this offshore activity in regions like the Gulf of Mexico, where spending will represent a third of all deepwater activity globally and the Middle East, where existing brownfield infrastructure needs to be replaced and new installed. Both represent significant opportunities for the pipe line industry. Shale will also play an important role, particularly as renewable energy progress has been intermittent.” Tata Steel is a sponsor and attending the Offshore Pipeline Technology Conference, Amsterdam on 26-27 February at the Krasnapolsky Hotel. For more information visit www.tatasteel.com

Cyprus: Shipping register stable Cyprus' shipping remains strong, despite the shock caused in the country’s economy, Communications and Works Minister Tasos Mitsopoulos said. According to an official announcement, the Minister said that Cyprus’ ship registry has not shrunk, despite intense competition and the embargo Turkey’ imposes on Cyprus shipping. Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus’ northern part since they invaded in 1974, does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus. It has imposed


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an embargo on Cypriot flagged vessels and aircraft, which results in massive losses in terms of revenue for these industries.

Responding to journalists’ questions, Mitsopoulos noted the promising prospects for growth, created with the discovery of natural gas reserves in the Republic’s exclusive economic zone. He said however that the right planning must take place concerning the next steps for Cyprus shipping. The Ministry, he added, will present soon to the Cabinet its strategic plan for “Blue Growth”, comprising one of the priorities for the country’s Integrated Maritime Policy. Source: InCyprus

25-02-2014: Yang Ming line ship YM ENHANCER inbound to Vancouver harbour Photo : Robert Etchell ©

Dry bulk carriers still the hottest "commodity" of the newbuilding market It seems that 2014 will be the "come back" year for the dry bulk market, after a gruelling period which followed the 2008 financial crisis. As a result, ship owners are "stocking" up in newbuildings and modern tonnage alike, a trend which has taken an urgency note as of late, given that asset prices are only going up in the coming months, unless something unexpected occurs. This has been the case since the start of the year, with dry bulk carriers being the most sought after vessels on a daily basis.

According to the latest weekly newbuilding market report from Clarkson Hellas, "continuing the flow of ordering seen in both sectors, this week’s dry orders have been focused on both the Newcastlemax and Ultramax sizes. In China, clients of Cardiff Marine have added two further 208k Newcastlemax to their series at Jiangsu New Yangzijiang. The latest vessels are due for delivery in 2016, and takes the total series to six. Although understood to have been signed at the end of January, it came to light this week that Shandong Landbridge Group have contracted five 64,000 DWT Ultramax at Chengxi Shipyard, all due to deliver in 2015. Clients of Swiss Marine have contracted two firm 64,000 DWT Ultramax at Jinling Shipyard, with both delivering in the first half of 2016. In Japan, Shin Kurushima have taken an order for two firm 60,000 DWT Woodchip Carriers from domestic buyer Daio Kaiun. Similarly, Hachiuma Steamship


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have contracted a single 60,000 DWT Chip Carrier at Imabari, understood to be for charter to Daio Kaiun when delivered in 2016", said Clarkson Hellas.

In a separate report on the sale and purchase second hand vessel market, Lion Shipbrokers said that as the charter rates are slowly heading north, so does buying interest grow stronger. "We picked up thirty (30) second hand transactions taking place this week. In the dry bulk market, "Cido has disposed 3 panamaxes to Greek owners at firm levels; Sisters TOP COURAGE & POS DIGNITY (76K BLT 2004 SASEBO/JAPAN) went en bloc to clients of Modion for $21 a piece, while one year younger unit TOP ETERNITY (76K BLT 2005 TSUNEISHI/JAPAN) went to clients of Anbros for $23 mill. A staggering number of 10 supras changed hands this week; In an off market deal, clients of Grimstad of Norway have committed en bloc Philippino built sisters JIN YANG (58K BLT 2010 TSUNISHI CEBU CR 4X30T) & JIN ZE (58K BLT 2012 TSUNEISHI CEBU CR 4X30T) for $27 & $29 mill respectively. Clients of LMZ of Greece have purchased Dolphin 57 supramax AQUAROSA (57K BLT 2010 YANGZHOU/CHINA CR 4X36T) for $20.5 mill. Gourdomichalis controlled Dolphin 57 sisters KAVO PLATANOS, UNICORN, TRANSTIME & CHESIRE (57K BLT 2011/2012 JINLING/CHINA CR 4X30T) were privately committed en bloc for a very firm $30.5 mill per ship to undisclosed interests. Prompt resale ORIENT IRIS (55K DELY MAR 2014 EX-KAWASAKI/JAPAN CR 4X30T) has gone for $31 mill to undisclosed direction. Greek controlled SKY MARINER V (53K BLT 2005 IMABARI/JAPAN CR 4X30T) has commanded a price of $22 mill while similar unit TROPICAL QUEEN (52.5K BLT 2005 TSUNEISHI CEBU/PHILIPINES CR 4X30T) attracted half a mill less ($21.5 mill), a quite firm level for her Philippino built. In an off market deal, Optimistic Greek buyers have agreed to pay a very firm $12.1 mill for Ugland's handymax LIVANITA (45K BLT 1997 HASHIHAMA/JAPAN CR 4X25T) while back in January her two year older sister AZURE SKY (45K BLT 1995 HASHIHAMA/JAPAN CR 4X30T) was sold for just $8.5 mill. Mitsubishi controlled large handy PACIFIC ELFIN (35K BLT 2001 MIMANI/JAPAN CR 4X30T) attracted $14 mill. Oldendorff's sisters LUCAS & LILY OLDENDORFF (31.5K BLT 2002 & 2003 SAIKI/JAPAN CR 4X30T) were sold for $14.8 mill & $15.4 mill respectively. Japanese controlled smaller handy logger GLOBAL ARROW (25K BLT 1997 KANASASHI/JAPAN CR 3X30.5T) was snapped by Greek buyers at the vicinity of $5.8-$6.1 mill", Lion Shipbrokers stated. Meanwhile, in the rest of the shipping field, back in the newbuilding market, Clarkson Hellas noted that "in tankers, DHT announced that they have doubled the number of vessels in their series of 300,000 DWT VLCCs at HHI, taking the total order to six. The latest vessels are due to deliver in the later part of 2016. Two orders to report at Minami Nippon, with Mistui OSK Lines (MOL) contracting two firm 50,000 DWT and four firm 30,000 DWT Methanol Carriers. Delivery is planned from 2015, with the larger vessels for long term charter to AMPCO and 30k sizes to Methanol Holdings.In other sectors, a yet unknown Chinese owner has placed an order for one option one 2,000 unit PCCs at Jinling, due to deliver in 2016", the shipbroker concluded. Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

The 1990 built VCT flag passenger ship KAY entering berthed at the Grand Harbour, Malta on Monday 24th February, 2014. This vessel was originally the fifth of 6 sisters built for the Soviet Ministry of Gas Industry just around the time of the collapse of the USSR. She was launched 11 November 1989 and delivered as Vladimir Chivilikin in April 1990. She was immediately transferred to the fishing organisation 'Dalryba' and in 1992 to the j/s Co. Vladivostok Base of Trawling & Refrigerating Fleet. In 1998 she was sold to Falklands Investments Ltd, renamed Kay with the intention of converting her to a luxury passenger vessel. A year later she was sold to Pacific Seaways S.A. and in 2001 arrived at Keppel's Singapore for conversion work to begin. In 2005 her management transferred to Care Offshore S.A.. Some work was carried out at Keppel, including the new stern. In 2007 she arrived at Arista Nautica, Split ostensibly for completion but was laid up at Vranic. In March 2011 she departed for Brodotrogir again, for completion, but little was done. Now over 2 and a half years later she has arrived at Malta, again ostensibly, for completion. Photo– Capt. Lawrence Dalli - www.maltashipphotos.com ©


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Dockwise FJELL seen anchored off Singapore yesterday morning – Photo : Piet Sinke © – CLICK on the photo !

Seadrill sees bigger drilling market slowdown

The global oil drilling market will slow by more than expected over the next two years as energy firms save cash for dividends and delay exploration, Seadrill, the world's biggest offshore driller by market capitalisation, said. Oil companies are struggling with cash outflows, while they also need to spend more just to maintain production levels at their existing assets, where depletion rates are high, Seadrill said on Tuesday.

"Combined with a relatively high dividend payout and increasing development cost to bring new production on stream, oil companies have limited opportunities to fund exploration activities," Seadrill, the crown jewel is shipping tycoon John Fredriksen's business empire, said in a quarterly results statement. "In this regard, 2014 and 2015 may show slower growth in activity levels than earlier anticipated," it added. It added that it sees "limited value" in increasing its own dividend further and would preserve funds for buybacks or later dividends.

By 0913 GMT, Seadrill shares were down 6.4 percent, underperforming a 0.3 percent fall in the European oil and gas index. Seadrill had been on an order spree, adding ultradeep drilling vessels in recent years, but said it would now focus on its existing fleet until it sees oil companies raise spending.

Rates in the ultradeep offshore market, the most lucrative segment, peaked close to $625,000 a day last year and have since fallen to around $575,000 for the so-called 6th generation rigs. Analysts have predicted that those rates will sink further to between $525,000 and $475,000 per day. "Based on the fact that this pause in spending has not been caused by oil price declines gives us confidence that this is a momentary pause rather than a cyclical downturn," Seadrill said. It expects its first-quarter earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) to be


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flat or lower compared with the fourth quarter following a number of operational issues with several vessels. But it expects year-on-year profit growth above 20 percent in subsequent quarters, it added. For the fourth quarter, the company reported a 27 percent rise in EBITDA to $768 million, just ahead of forecasts for $754 million in a Reuters poll of analysts. Source: Reuters

Museum to re-enact ghost ship mystery Adults wanting to try something a little different during their next trip to the Otago Museum can learn more this week about one of the world's most baffling maritime mysteries. Museum visitors can ''navigate the mystery of the Marie Celeste'' during a paid-entry ''Whodunnit Mystery'' evening of seafaring suspense tomorrow.

Built in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1860, the Marie Celeste was a 31m-long cargo ship which set sail from New York, bound for Italy, in November 1872 with a cargo of raw alcohol. The ship was later found floating, but abandoned, in the Atlantic on December 4, 1872. Captain Benjamin Briggs, his wife and daughter, and a crew of eight were never seen again.

Players in period costume will provide clues to help visitors get to the bottom of this real-life ''ghost ship'' mystery. Bookings were essential for the 7pm event, and the $15 entry charge included a drink and canapes, organisers said.

The museum's director of visitor interaction and programmes, Helen Horner, said the museum wanted to provide ''engaging interactive experiences'', and the latest show followed the success of the museum's first ''Whodunnit Mystery'' night, last year. Two trained actors on the museum staff were playing key roles, and the event aimed to entertain people in a different, more interactive way. It was hoped to continue such ''Mystery'' evenings, based on scientific fact, in future, she said. Source : otago daily times



Abis Shipping: Trading worldwide

The ABIS CUXHAVEN – Photo : FLYING FOCUS luchtfotografie - www.flyingfocus.nl ©

Abis Shipping was founded on October 1 2007. At the outset, Abis set a five year target to have more than 10 ships in service for short sea shipping, project cargos and river shipping. Not only did it meet this target but since then it has grown and grown, recently welcoming its 17th and 18th ships to its fleet, a pair of project carriers which will sail worldwide.

René van de Graaf, managing director of the firm, tells Maritime CEO the intention is to grow further in fleet size without having a target number in mind. “We focus on the small and medium sized shipping segment and offshore segment,” he explains, adding: “If we can bring an innovative vessel to the market which can increase innovation or logistic efficiency in the value chain we will try to accomplish this.” Abis’s niche sees it building ships in Europe where it


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can control the building process of the complex ships it wants to construct. By using its own technical specifications and the input from respected and well-known Dutch subcontractors, Abis builds the ships together with its shipbuilding partner Shipkits in Groningen. The hulls are built in Poland and then shipped to Abis’s homeport in Harlingen for outfitting.

“We want to grow by bringing in our logistic knowledge into these markets including the partners we cooperate with who are naval architects,” says van de Graaf. While the company tended to focus mainly on Europe its latest larger vessels delivering sees it trading worldwide. Source : Maritime CEO

Mauritius seeks to become armed security hub

The Mauritian capital Port Louis is well placed to become a regional hub for embarking and disembarking weapons for onboard security teams, some private maritime security company (PMSC) personnel believe. Patrick Bouquet, area manager for logistics company RDT (Maurice), told IHS Maritime: "Mauritius is well situated in the Indian Ocean, and using Port Louis to proceed with the transit of the PMSC is much more attractive for the shipowner as well as for the PMSC itself." Other advantages cited include lack of port congestion, 24-hour access and low tariffs. "For each vessel proceeding with a crew change, a discount of 50% is applicable on the port dues," Bouquet noted. Source : IHS Maritime 360

The ZIM ROTTERDAM arriving in Rotterdam Yangtze Harbour Photo : Hans Elbers www.fotovlieger.nl ©


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New and existing members boost London P&I Club tonnage entry

The London P&I Club has increased its membership by almost two million gross tons over the past year. This increase reflects the entry of further tonnage with the club by existing members, and the addition of new members from China, Greece, Singapore, Turkey, and the UK. Ian Gooch, chief executive of the club’s management team, says, “The London P&I Club heads into 2014/15 after a solid renewal and further controlled growth. The club has seen encouraging progress, including continued steady growth in its mutual membership, which now stands at 43.1m gt. “On the one hand, the renewal took place against a backdrop of depressed freight markets in many sectors. On the other hand, the increases in rates and deductibles applied by our underwriters were an important part of the ongoing work on our operating performance and consolidation of the club’s financial strength. These competing pressures contributed to the few cases where it ultimately proved impossible to agree terms, while in a few other cases the decision was taken not to offer renewal.

“The club is grateful for the support received from its members, and will strive to continue to provide a first-class, dedicated P&I service.” Source : London P&I club


3 of total 9 Royal Danish Navy Standardflex vessels laid-up at Naval Base Korsoer (DK)

Photo : John Christensen ©

Navy relieves commander of grounded ship


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The commander of the U.S. Navy ship that ran aground while deployed near the Olympics has been relieved of his command. Navy officials in Europe issued a statement Tuesday saying Cmdr. Dennis Volpe was reassigned to another job due to loss of confidence in his ability to command. The Navy says the USS Taylor, one of two U.S. warships dispatched to the Black Sea before the Sochi Winter Olympics, remains under repair in the Turkish port at Samsun. It ran aground there Feb. 12 while preparing to moor.

The guided-missile frigate arrived in the Black Sea early this month with the USS Mount Whitney, an amphibious command ship. The Pentagon announced the planned deployment in January, after terrorist groups threatened to disrupt the Olympic Games in Russia. Source : Seattle PI

Seven sailors hurt, 2 officers missing after accident on Indian Navy submarine INS

Sindhuratna Seven sailors were injured and two officers are missing after an accident on board Indian Navy submarine INS Sindhuratna off the Mumbai cost . The submarine is headed back to the shore after it was forced to surface when smoke was detected on board. The accident took place in the early hours of Wednesday. The injured sailors, who fell unconscious from suffocation, were airlifted to a Navy hospital in Mumbai. Reports suggest that a fire may have broken out on the vessel.

The INS Sindhuratna was being sea tested after a refit, about 40 to 50 km off the Mumbai coast when the smoke was detected. The senior-most submarine officer of the Western Naval Command was on board. The Russian-origin Kilo Class submarine was carrying no weapons or ammunition. Since it was still in testing mode, it had not been placed under operational command yet. While the Indian Navy is yet to release an official statement on the mishap, sources in the Navy have reportedly told news agency PTI that a leakage in the battery compartment of the submarine could have caused the smoke.

This is the 10th mishap involving an Indian Navy warship and the third submarine accident in the last seven months.

In August last year, Navy submarine INS Sindhurakshak sank in the Mumbai harbour after an explosion on board, killing 18 sailors. Earlier this month, an amphibious warfare vessel INS Airavat ran aground after which its commanding officer was stripped of his command duties. Source : NDTV

Tug inducted into Navy A 25-tonne tug named Sarthi was inducted into the Indian Navy at the Naval Base on Tuesday. Tugs provide berthing assistance to ships entering and leaving harbour. Built by Tebma Shipyard Ltd. at Malpe in Karnataka, Sarthi is capable of generating 25 tonne bollard pull capacity.

The induction is expected to bolster the capability of the Navy to berth major ships at Kochi. Rear Admiral Ravi Kiran, Admiral Superintendent of the Naval Ship Repair Yard (Kochi), was the chief guest of the induction ceremony. Rear Admiral R. Harikumar, Flag Officer Sea Training and Balasubramaniyam, vice-president of Tebma Shipyard and personnel of Naval Ship Repair Yard (Kochi) were present. Source : The Hindu

No money for new naval vessels Defence Minister David Johnston says the government has no money for new naval vessels and has to "rob Peter to pay Paul" to keep shipbuilders in work. Senator Johnston said the government faced a deficit of $123 billion and there was no money for shipbuilding projects. "We have got to rob Peter to pay Paul that keeps people in work and that is precisely what we are seeking to do," he told a Senate estimates committee hearing. "We have a clean sheet of paper to try and resource any of those programs to keep (defence contractors) BAE, Forgacs and ASC workers in place."


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This stems from the so-called "valley of death", the period between the end of current shipbuilding projects and the start of new projects, when companies will have to lay off skilled workers. Speaking in Canberra, Forgacs chief executive Lindsay Stratton warned the company would have to lay off 900 skilled workers by the end of next year as their work on the air warfare destroyer project concluded. Senator Johnston said it would not be a problem if the former Labor government had brought forward shipbuilding projects.

The government was now considering what it could do for shipbuilders in the new Defence White Paper and Defence Capability Plan, to be launched in early 2015. Senator Johnston said the government's promise of lifting defence spending to two per cent of gross domestic product in 10 years gave some semblance of hope. But defence was no orphan in these tough times. There were a host of other portfolios where the financial base had been eroded or where expenditure far exceeded the capacity of government to resource them, Senator Johnston said. Source : the australian


Tschudi’s BLIZZARD in drydock at Shipdock in Amsterdam – Photo : Eric Gevers ©

Zelenodolsk shipyard lays down lead patrol ship of project 22160

On February 26, 2014, OJSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after M. Gorky laid down the lead patrol ship of project 22160 designed by Severnoye Design Bureau OJSC, IAA PortNews learnt from the shipyard. The ship is intended for protection of the territorial waters, patrolling of the economic zone in open and inland seas, prevention of illegal


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activities and piracy, search and rescue of persons, ecological monitoring of the environment, protection of other ships and vessels during their voyages as well as naval bases and water districts in order to prevent any wartime attacks. Characteristics of project 22160: displacement of some 1,300 t, endurance – 60 days, maximum speed – up to 30 knots, crew – up to 80 persons, dimensions – 94.0х14.0х3.4 m, main propulsion plant – 25,000 –kW CODAG.

Tatarstan-based OJSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after M. Gorky, specializes in the construction of warships and passenger high-speed vessels. The enterprise is managed by AK BARS HOLDING. Source : PortNews

Nanjing Tanker books provisions of $756m for 19 VLCCs

Financially-weakened Nanjing Tanker Corporation (NJTC) has booked provisions in financial year 2013 amounting to RMB4.62bn ($755.96m) for 19 VLCCs due to the weak oil tanker shipping market. The Shanghai-listed tanker shipowner said it will have liabilities of RMB2.1bn for 10 chartered-in VLCCs and impairment of assets of RMB2.52bn for nine owned VLCCs.

On the chartered crude tankers, NJTC said it has agreed with the owners to continue the 10-12 years charter, even though spot rates are currently way below the rates that NJTC had agreed to pay. “Due to consecutive losses, we have met the accounting criteria to record provisions for losses (for the 10 VLCCs),” NJTC, subsidiary of China's state-owned Sinotrans & CSC Holdings, said in a regulatory filing. NJTC also announced that the asset values of the nine owned VLCCs have fallen since 2012 and chances of seeing the values recover are slim.

“Since 2009, the global tanker shipping market, particularly crude tankers, has been sluggish and freight rates have stayed below the industry's average breakeven level. The asset values of large crude tankers have also plunged sharply since 2012,” it said. NJTC had earlier predicted an annual loss of RMB1.27bn in 2013, widening from a deficit of RMB1.24bn in 2012. It has recorded a loss of RMB989m in the first three quarters of last year. NJTC will delist from the Shanghai Stock Exchange after it releases its 2013 annual report in April, after four years of consecutive losses. Its shares have been suspended from trading since May 2013. Source: Seatrade Global

Silja Serenade was converted at BLRT Grupp’s yard

The conversion of passenger ferry M/V Silja Serenade at Finland’s largest ship repair yard, a part of BLRT Grupp, has been finished. According to the press release of BLRT Grupp, all modernization and repair works at Silja Serenade were carried out within six weeks at Turku Repair Yard’s dry dock. “The success of such projects is ensured by smooth cooperation of all three parties involved – the customer, the supplier and the yards – on every phase of the project. Having reliable partners among suppliers and contractors, we can always offer competitive prices and terms,” said Vesa Marttinen, the Managing Director of Turku Repair Yard.

All works were completed on time. "Silja Serenade has always been a beautiful, gorgeous ship. This renovation makes sure that it will keep its place among the pioneers of the Baltic Sea and will certainly enable us to meet the wishes of our customers on the Helsinki-Stockholm route", said Margus Schults,theCEO of Tallink Silja, while explaining the importance of conversion. Cabins and public spaces were refurbished and now chain stores, restaurants and leisure areas have a more modern look. Huuhka & BLRT Interior executed all cabin interior renovation works.

Apart from refurbishment, the vessel also underwent dock repairs in order to align vessel’s mechanisms and devices with DNV class requirements. The scope of works comprised repair of sea valves and connections, piping, bow thruster, propellers and propeller shafts and reshimming, repair of metal components in ballast tanks with subsequent painting of tanks with corrosion-resistant coating, repair of steering gears on either side of the vessel.

In Turku Repair Yard’s dry dock, corroded welds were repaired, and underwater hull cleaned and coated with abrasion resistant ice coating. To maximize passenger safety and comfort, ship stabilizer control system was adjusted and rescue equipment and lifeboats were repaired. Turku Repair Yard is a ship repair yard located in Naantali (Finland). It operates one of the biggest dry docks (265m x 70m x 7,9m) in the Baltic Sea region and a floating dock (101m x 21,6m x 6,0m), and also has a voyage repair team ready to carry out repair works in ports or at sea.

The yard works as part of BLRT Grupp, one of the biggest industrial holdings in the Baltic States. In cooperation with the holding’s other ship repair yards – Tallinn Shipyard in Estonia and Western Shiprepair in Lithuania – the yard is


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fully prepared to perform maintenance works on all vessels operating in the Baltic Sea. BLRT Grupp offers a complete range of quality services through all phases of a vessel’s lifespan, from design and fabrication through to repair and recycling. Source : PortNews


The ONEGO NAVIGATOR (IMO 9631357) arriving in Delfzijl from Norway on 25th of Feb.

Photo : Maurits Diepeveen ©

Ennore Port renamed as Kamarajar Port The youngest, third major port in Tamil Nadu at Ennore has been renamed Kamarajar Port Ltd. The decision, which came a few days ago in the form of Union Cabinet approval, was formalised with Union Shipping Minister unveiling a plaque at a function organised by the port in the city on Wednesday.

With this Tamil Nadu has an airport and seaport named after Kamarajar. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Vasan said the ruling UPA government was carrying forward various schemes conceived by the legendary Congress leader and former chief minister Kamarajar. These include the significant allocations for employment, education and mid-day meal scheme. The port, hitherto known as Ennore Port Ltd, is in the forefront of such facilities in the country and has the potential to become the first in terms of cargo handling. It has six cargo handling berths with a total capacity of 30 million tonne per annum. The port is expected to handle 24 million tonnes of cargo this fiscal, which would be around 34 per cent growth compared to 17.89 million tonne handled in 2012-13, he said. As part of the expansion plans, Kamarajar Port Ltd intends developing many projects including an 5 MTPA LNG terminal, a 16.8 MTPA container terminal, 2 MTPA multi cargo terminal-2 and 9 MTPA additional coal berth-3 for TANGEDCO. Source : The Hindu

RS signed agreement with Baku Shipyard

In February 2014, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) signed an agreement with Baku Shipyard LLC of Azerbaijan for the design approval of project 38М сrew boat high speed craft (designer - SHIPTECH, Singapore). The new boats are intended for the carriage of specialised personnel employed at offshore oil and gas facilities. The boats


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will be one of the first orders placed with the newly built shipyard in Baku. Under the terms of the design approval agreement, the RS experts are to review the design documentation of five ships under construction for compliance with the new RS requirements as well as other RS applicable normative documents and also, with statutory requirements coming within the terms of RS reference. The new boats will be constructed as part of the Azerbaijan state programme for fleet renovation. The launch of the construction is planned for April-May 2014. The series is commissioned by the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR). In total, it is planned to build 10 boats.

The new RS requirements specially worked out for this ship type will be applied for the first time during the 38М сrew boat design development. If the boats comply with the new RS requirements (effective since January 2014), an additional descriptive mark ‘Crew boat’ may be added to the class notation upon the agreement with the flag administration. The new requirements apply to ships not engaged on international voyages. The personnel carried by such ships are to hold certificates of competence containing a statement of compliance with the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW Code). As regards fire protection, machinery installations and machinery, systems and piping as well as life-saving appliances complement, the new RS requirements permit applying to the above ships the provisions of the International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft pertinent to cargo ships.

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) is one of the leading classification societies, established in 1913. RS activities are aimed at enhancing the safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, environment protection. RS is an EU-recognised member of IACS, associate member of INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO and BIMCO. RS is recognised by maritime administrations of over 70 flag states including 16 EU members.Source : PortNews

K” Line takes delivery of 'Corona' Series Coal Carrier "CORONA SPLENDOR"

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., Tokyo, announces the delivery of "CORONA SPLENDOR", an 88,000 DWT-type special coal carrier at Marugame Shipyard of Imabari Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan on February 25th, 2014, the company said in its press release. CORONA SPLENDOR is same type as “K” Line’s specialized fleet for transport of thermal coal known as the "Corona-series". The Corona-series, which "K" Line originated and continues to develop, consists of epoch-making coal carriers equipped with wide beam and shallow draft, which are the most suitable type Source : PortNews


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The sheerlegs ASIAN HERCULES III operating in Singapore – Photo : Julian Wigman ©


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