Daily 26.06.2014


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U.S. stocks fell on Thursday as government data prompted downward revisions to U.S. economic growth

in the second quarter and after James Bullard, head of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, said interest

rates could increase sooner than expected. More >>

US initial jobless claims fell 0.6% to 312,000 for the week ending June 21, according to a Labor

Department report released today. More >>

Fed’s Bullard Says ‘Harder And Harder’ to Justify Low Real Rates. More >>

GOLD (1317.90/oz t, -0.36%): Gold futures fell on Thursday as investors brushed off sluggish U.S. data

avoiding the commodity as Federal Reserve official gave an upbeat forecast for the economy. More >>

OIL (WTI: 105.63/bl, -0.82%; BRENT: 113.01/bl, -0.87%): Oil futures fell in U.S. trading on Thursday on

less-than-stellar U.S. data and waning concerns that insurgency in Iraq will threaten oil exports. More >>

NATURAL GAS ($4.444/MmBtu, -2.72%): Natural gas futures extended losses to hit a four-week low on

Thursday, after data showed that U.S. supplies rose more than expected last week. More >>


European markets closed slightly lower on Thursday, with shares in Barclays and Standard Chartered

ending the day sharply down following news of a lawsuit and a profit warning respectively. More >>

In the U.K., Bank of England Governor Mark Carney announced plans to cap some mortgages and

toughen lending criteria in an effort to cool the housing market. More >>

Mota-Engil Africa is going to be listed in the London Stock Exchange in July 16, with a price range

oscillating between 11.5 and 14.50 euros. More >>

The PSI-20 ended with a slight devaluation, less than 0.5%, down by Galp Energia and the banking sector.

In the financial sector, the focus was on the actions of ESFG that fell more than 6%. More >>

The Government will no longer have any stake in CTT – Correios de Portugal. The council of ministers

meeting today and took another step toward the exit of the shares. More >>

Portugal Telecom had invested EUR 900 million in commercial paper of Espírito Santo Group (GES). This

operation is being supervised by CMVM since there are a lot of conflicts of interest behind. More >>

26thJune 2014

DISCLAIMER: Daily Briefs contains a summary of financial news covered on conventional news services around the world. Daily Briefs coverage of subjects is based on the

whims of its volunteer contributors. FEP Finance Club is not responsible for any imprecision or error in the content of any news.

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Asian stocks rose, with the regional benchmark index posting its biggest gain this week, amid optimism

the U.S. economy is emerging from a worse-than-estimated contraction last quarter. More >>

China’s chief auditor discovered 94.4 billion yuan ($15.2 billion) of loans backed by falsified gold

transactions, adding to signs of possible fraud in commodities financing deals. More >>

Singapore's May manufacturing output contracted at its worst annual pace in 11 months, government

data showed, underscoring recent weakness in exports that pointed to feeble external demand. More >>
