D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan ... · 1.2.1 Scope of the deliverable ......


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693319. Disclaimer: This document reflects the views of the authors only and the Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Ref. Ares(2018)593781 - 31/01/2018

Project acronym: Mobile Age

Project full title: Delivering open and personalised mobile

access to public services for senior citizens Grant agreement no.: 693319

Responsible: Vassiliki Zalavra (Gov2u)


Panteleimon Kanellopoulos (Gov2u), Ilenia Gheno (AGE), Ophelie Durand (AGE), Bev

Abram (ULANC), Juliane Jarke (ifib), Michael Snaprud (TT), Helmut Heck (FTB), Antonio

Charles (ZGZ), Manolis Falelakis (AUTH), Kallitsa Pantazi (RCM), Freddy Priyatna

(UPM) Document Reference: D5.4

Dissemination Level: <PU>

Version: Final

Date: 31/01/2018

Website: www.mobile-age.eu Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the

European Commission

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693319. Disclaimer: This document reflects the views of the authors only and the Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium


Version Date Modification reason Modified by



First version Vassiliki Zalavra





Panteleimon Kanellopoulos (Gov2u), Mikael Snaprud (TT), Ilenia Gheno (AGE), Ophélie Durand (AGE)



Final version Vassiliki Zalavra




Quality check

Bev Abram

Michael Meaney (ULANC)



Submission of the final version

Bev Abram

Michael Meaney (ULANC)

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Table of contents

History .................................................................................................................................. 2

Table of contents .................................................................................................................. 3

List of figures ........................................................................................................................ 5

List of tables ......................................................................................................................... 6

List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 7

Executive summary .............................................................................................................. 8

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 10

1.1 WP5 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation ............................................ 10

1.2 The deliverable: D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan ........ 10

1.2.1 Scope of the deliverable .................................................................................... 10

1.2.2 Methodology of the deliverable ........................................................................ 10

1.2.3 Structure of the deliverable .............................................................................. 11

1.2.4 Intended audience of the deliverable ............................................................... 11

1.3 Relation with other WP5 deliverables ....................................................................... 11

1.4 Quality of the deliverable .......................................................................................... 12

2 Updated Communication and Dissemination Strategy ............................................... 13

2.1 Communication and Dissemination Objectives for Y3 .............................................. 13

2.2 Communication and Dissemination Channels, Tools and Actions for Y3 .................. 14

3 Communication and Dissemination Report of Y2 ....................................................... 21

3.1 Communication and Dissemination Objectives of Y2 ............................................... 21

3.2 Online and Offline Communication and Dissemination activities of Y2 .................... 21

3.2.1 Mobile Age Website .......................................................................................... 21

3.2.2 Mailing Lists ....................................................................................................... 22

3.2.3 Mobile Age Social Media ................................................................................... 22 Facebook Page Insights & Twitter Page Analytics ......................................... 23

3.2.4 Mobile Age on Scribd, Issuu, Slideshare and Vimeo platforms ......................... 24

3.2.5 Newsletter Issues............................................................................................... 28

3.2.6 Press Releases .................................................................................................... 29

3.2.7 Promotional Materials ....................................................................................... 30

3.2.8 Organization of events (co-creation events, engagement workshops, etc.) ..... 30

3.2.9 Participation in conferences, workshops and events ........................................ 36

3.2.10 Direct contact with stakeholders (face-to-face meetings) ................................ 40

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

3.2.11 Communication with stakeholders (via email, social media, phone, contact form of the website, etc.) .................................................................................................. 44

3.2.12 Scientific Publications ........................................................................................ 44

3.2.13 Media coverage ................................................................................................. 46

3.2.14 Collaboration with other projects, networks & initiatives ................................ 46 Joinup ......................................................................................................... 47 European Innovation Partnership On Active And Healthy Ageing ............ 47

3.2.15 Measurement of effectiveness of communication and dissemination activities 48

3.2.16 Overview of dissemination tools and activities ................................................. 49

4 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 51

APPENDIX I – Website Data retrieved from Google Analytics ............................................. 52

APPENDIX II – Facebook Page Insights ................................................................................ 54

APPENDIX III – Twitter Page Analytics ................................................................................ 58

APPENDIX IV – Newsletter Issues ....................................................................................... 59

APPENDIX V – Promotional materials of Y2 ........................................................................ 66

APPENDIX VI – Photos from events .................................................................................... 76

APPENDIX VII - Media Coverage Y2 ..................................................................................... 79

Appendix VIII – Posts on Joinup .......................................................................................... 91

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

List of figures

Figure 1 : Mobile Age on Scribd platform .............................................................................. 24 Figure 2 : Mobile Age on Issuu platform ............................................................................... 25 Figure 3 : Mobile Age on Slideshare platform ....................................................................... 26 Figure 4 : Mobile Age in Vimeo platform .............................................................................. 28 Figure 5 : Audience Overview (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018) ............................................................ 52 Figure 6 : Location Overview (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018) ............................................................. 53 Figure 7 : Total Page Likes (1) ............................................................................................... 54 Figure 8 : Total Page Likes (2) ............................................................................................... 54 Figure 9 : Post reach ............................................................................................................. 55 Figure 10 : Total reach .......................................................................................................... 55 Figure 11 : Post Types (Feb.2017-Jan.2018) .......................................................................... 56 Figure 12 : Followers (the people who follow your Page) ..................................................... 56 Figure 13 : People reached .................................................................................................... 57 Figure 14 : Twitter Impressions (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018) .......................................................... 58 Figure 15 : Followers Growth ................................................................................................ 58 Figure 16: Newsletter Issue No.4 – April 2017 ....................................................................... 59 Figure 17: Newsletter Issue No.5 – June 2017 (part of the full version) ................................. 60 Figure 18: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Interview section) .......................................... 61 Figure 19: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Project news section) ..................................... 62 Figure 20: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Press section) ................................................. 63 Figure 21: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (At the conference scene section) .................... 64 Figure 22: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Other news, Publications sections) ................. 65 Figure 23 : Project’s Info sheet (in Greek) ............................................................................. 66 Figure 24 : Consent form in Greek ......................................................................................... 66 Figure 25 : Invitation letter in Greek ..................................................................................... 67 Figure 26 : Questionnaire in Greek........................................................................................ 68 Figure 27 : Project logo in Spanish ........................................................................................ 68 Figure 28 : Updated project’s info sheet in German – phase 2 .............................................. 69 Figure 29 : Booklet for Lancaster .......................................................................................... 69 Figure 30: Poster for the review meeting (1) ......................................................................... 70 Figure 31: Poster for the review meeting (2) ......................................................................... 71 Figure 32 : Poster for the review meeting (3) ........................................................................ 72 Figure 33 : Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (cover page) .............................................. 73 Figure 34 : Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (inner pages) ............................................. 74 Figure 35: Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (inner pages) .............................................. 74 Figure 36 : Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (inner pages) ............................................. 75 Figure 37 : Co-creation workshops organised by RCM (23/06/2017) .................................... 76 Figure 38 : Co-creation workshops organised by RCM (02/10/2017) .................................... 76 Figure 39 : Co-creation workshops organised by RCM (15/12/2017) .................................... 77 Figure 40 : Co-creation walks organised by ifib in Hemelingen ............................................. 77 Figure 41 : Book launch ......................................................................................................... 78 Figure 42: Posts on Joinup (1) ............................................................................................... 91 Figure 43 : Posts on Joinup (2) .............................................................................................. 92 Figure 44 : Posts on Joinup (3) .............................................................................................. 93

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

List of tables

Table 1 : Intended audience of the deliverable ..................................................................... 11 Table 2 : 3rd dissemination and communication phase (objectives, tools) ............................ 14 Table 3 : Dissemination and Communication Channels, Tools and Actions for Y3 ................. 20 Table 4 : Website data Y2 ..................................................................................................... 21 Table 5 : Website data from Google Analytics (Feb.2017 – Jan.30, 2018) ............................. 22 Table 6 : Mobile Age page on Facebook ............................................................................... 23 Table 7 : Mobile Age profile on Twitter ................................................................................ 23 Table 8 : Mobile Age profile on LinkedIn .............................................................................. 23 Table 9 : Newsletter Issues ................................................................................................... 29 Table 10 : Organization of events ......................................................................................... 36 Table 11 : Participation in conferences, workshops and events ............................................ 40 Table 12 : Direct contact with stakeholders .......................................................................... 43 Table 13 : Communication with stakeholders ....................................................................... 44 Table 14 : Scientific publications ........................................................................................... 46 Table 15 : Created synergies with similar projects ................................................................ 47 Table 16 : Key performance indicators – measurement of success (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018) .... 49 Table 17 : Overview of dissemination tools and activities (Feb.2017 – Jan 2018) ................. 50 Table 18 : Media coverage (external) ................................................................................... 83 Table 19 : Media coverage (internal) .................................................................................... 90

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

List of abbreviations

AGE AGE Platform Europe AISBL

AUTH Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis

DoW Description of Work

EC European Commission

EP European Parliament

Gov2u Government To You

FTB Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein

H2020 Horizon 2020 Programme

EIP on AHA European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

EIP SCC European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and


ifib Institut Fur Informationsmanagement Bremen GMBH

ICT Information and Communication Technologies

KPI Key Performance Indicator

M1 Month 1

OSCPEP Open Senior Citizen Public Service Engagement Platform

RCM Region of Central Macedonia

TT Tingtun AS

ULANC Lancaster University

UPM Universidad Politecnica De Madrid

ZGZ Ayuntamiento De Zaragoza

WP Work Package

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Executive summary

While being at its implementation phase, Mobile-Age project1 develops and tests innovative processes of co-creation with older adults in order to help them get more involved in the design and use of open government data and electronic access to government services. As the number of Europe’s senior citizens is steadily increasing, relative to the rest of the society, it is crucial to ensure that no one is left behind.

In this context, during 2017 a lot of mobile service co-creation activities took place in Germany (Bremen), United Kingdom (South Lakeland), Spain (Zaragoza) and Greece (Region of Central Macedonia) with special focus mainly put on four use case scenarios for older adults across Europe: social inclusion, independent living, a safe and accessible city for older people and access to health information, in collaboration with public authorities in these areas. In all the above cases, mobile-based applications have been designed, developed and tested during workshops organised with the participation of older adults. They were working with researchers to ensure that the products developed are accessible, meet the needs and requirements of the older adults involved, and thus provide relevant accessible services while assuring a sustainable and exploitable solution after the project ends.

Regarding WP5 Communication, Dissemination and exploitation efforts and work throughout the 2nd year of the project, it completed the second communication and dissemination phase (M7-M20) and has dynamically proceeded to its third and final phase (M21-M36).

Thus, following D5.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan (M2) and D5.2 First Communication and Dissemination Report (M12), the current deliverable aims to present the updated version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan presenting the dissemination and communication strategy, the objectives as well as the online and offline activities that need to be undertaken by partners during Y3 of the project to better disseminate the project and its outputs at European and local level ensuring its sustainability and future take-up. Moreover, we will present a report on activities undertaken by all WP5 partners during Y2 of the project so as to indicate the work done so far and in the meantime emphasize the work that needs to be done during the remaining time. So, the main purposes of this deliverable are to present a coherent and comprehensive presentation of the activities done during the second dissemination phase, logically combined with the updated communication and dissemination plan for the upcoming period.

Hence, the current deliverable includes the following chapters:

• Introduction – we present shortly the structure of the deliverable, its methodology and its relation to previous and upcoming WP5 deliverables;

• Updated Communication and Dissemination Strategy – this part is dedicated to the objectives, the strategy, the tools and the activities of the final/third communication and dissemination phase of the project aiming to result in the best and most effective promotion of the project at local, European and international level;

• Communication and Dissemination activities of Y2 – a detailed presentation of these activities that were performed by partners during the second year (M13-M24) of the project’s implementation. This is an interesting part of the current deliverable as it

1 As already mentioned in D5.1 and D5.2, “Starting in February 2016 and running for 36 months, Mobile Age is a H2020 EU co-funded project that targets to a group of citizens that are usually marginalized as far as contemporary, technical innovations are concerned: seniors. Thus, Mobile Age will focus on open

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

clearly shows the efforts made and the work done within the reporting year regarding the online and offline project tools and channels used for dissemination and communication of the project findings and developments;

• Conclusions are included in the last part of the deliverable.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

1 Introduction This is the introductory part of the current deliverable presenting the structure of the deliverable, its methodology and the relation to other WP5 deliverables so as to make it easier for the reader to follow the progress made and the developments during M13-M24 of the project.

1.1 WP5 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation

WP5 is a subset of the Mobile Age project, led by Government to You (Gov2u) and in which all the partners (ULANC, TT, AGE, FTB, ifib, AUTH, UPM, ZGZ and RCM) participate. WP5 is responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of the project results through an effective internal and external communications strategy.

The implementation of WP5 is directly related to the following tasks:

• Task 5.1 – Planning and Coordination of Communication and Dissemination Activities (Leader: Gov2u, duration: M1-M36)

• Task 5.2 – Implementation of Communication and Dissemination Activities (Leader: Gov2u, duration: M1-M36)

• Task 5.3 – Transferability, Sustainability and Business Plan (Leader: ifib, duration: M17-M34)

• Task 5.4 – Uptake of Mobile Solutions and Demonstrator Application by City Information Providers and Public Authorities (Leader: UPM, duration: M33-M36)

Apart from being responsible for the dissemination and communication strategy, WP5 works towards the establishment of a wide network with various stakeholders and audiences that have a vested interest in the project, while it is also responsible for the internal communication of the WP5 with the rest of project WPs.

1.2 The deliverable: D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

1.2.1 Scope of the deliverable

This deliverable aims to present the updated version of the communication and dissemination plan based on the developments of the project and the remaining tasks and time till the end of the project. The online and offline activities for Y3 are planned according to the aim of the final phase of the project which is to raise visibility and ensure sustainability of the project platform and findings.

Moreover, it is within the scope of the deliverable to outline a yearly report related to the dissemination and communication activities performed and tools used by project partners during Y2 (M13-M24) of the project to achieve the objectives of the reporting period.

1.2.2 Methodology of the deliverable

The current report feeds into Task 5.1 Planning and Coordination of Communication and Dissemination Activities (M1-M36) and Task 5.2 Implementation of Communication and Dissemination Activities (M1-M36). The deliverable has been created based on the detailed description of WP5 objectives and tasks in the DoW, as well as taking into account the strategies, tools, activities and methods described in the initial Communication and Dissemination Plan (D5.1) delivered in M2 of the project. Thus, this updated version does not

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

intend to repeat the content of the initial plan but it focuses only on the objectives and activities corresponding to the final phase of the project.

Given that the successful implementation of WP5 objectives and tasks is highly dependent on the coherent, effective and fruitful collaboration of WP5 partners as well as on their individual active roles within the WP, the current deliverable was produced by Gov2u and then it was shared with partners for review, feedback and contributions in certain sections. The final version of the document was submitted to the project officer for final approval.

1.2.3 Structure of the deliverable

Following the scope of the deliverable, the present document is structured as follows: • Introduction • Updated Communication and Dissemination Strategy

o Objectives for Y3 o Channels, tools and actions for Y3

• Updated Communication and Dissemination Strategy o Communication and Dissemination objectives of Y2 o Online and Offline Communication and Dissemination Activities of Y2

• Conclusion

1.2.4 Intended audience of the deliverable

The following table defines the intended audience of the current deliverable:

Intended audience Reasons for interest in reading

Mobile Age Consortium partners

To be informed about the updated communication and dissemination objectives and activities for Y3 ((Feb.2018 – Jan.2019) as well as the progress made during Y2 (Feb.2017 – Jan. 2018)

European Commission To review and assess this deliverable as a required report

based on DoW of Mobile Age

Identified stakeholders

To be informed about the communication and dissemination activities performed within the reporting period, raise awareness about the project, announce project objectives as well as to find out how they could benefit from the services offered by Mobile Age

Partners participating in similar projects

To share knowledge, information, best practices and activities that could be utilized in their projects as well as to find common ground on which they could establish a potential collaboration of cross-dissemination with Mobile Age

Table 1 : Intended audience of the deliverable

1.3 Relation with other WP5 deliverables

The present deliverable relates to the following other deliverables:

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

• D5.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan (M2): this is the communication and dissemination strategy and actions that will be implemented throughout the project’s lifetime in order to achieve the project’s widest promotion, greatest visibility and awareness to the external audience. Moreover, this deliverable states clearly the methods and tools of internal communication within the work package.

• D5.2 First Communication and Dissemination Report (M24): this is the first report on communication and dissemination activities that were implemented during the first year of the project and will be following the initial action plan of activities as described in D5.1 deliverable.

• D5.6 Final Communication and Dissemination Report (M36): this is the final report on communication and dissemination activities that partners will undertake during the last year of the project.

1.4 Quality of the deliverable

The structure and the way of reporting are similar to the previous reports related to communication and dissemination. The draft of the deliverable and the final version was prepared by Gov2u. The content of the Y2 reporting on activities was provided by consortium partners. The deliverable was reviewed by AGE and TT partners and then submitted by ULANC to EC by the project coordinator for final review and approval. The deliverable is written in English, is included in the correct template of the project and a language quality control has been performed.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

2 Updated Communication and Dissemination Strategy It is clear that the priority of this final phase is to maximize the impact of the project findings and conclusions, to raise awareness and increase the visibility of project results and intensify networking so that we can support the exploitation planning.

So, the external communication and dissemination strategy employs a vast range of different and effective means, by which we will communicate the project results to the identified target groups2 on a timely basis, ranging from digital media like the website and social media accounts, to direct in-person contact by attending conferences and events. Additionally, the internal communication strategy continues as developed by defining roles (WP5 main contact points and press focal points) and responsibilities, thus ensuring that each partner promotes the project, and that all partners contribute equally to the implementation of the project objectives. Moreover, at this phase, WP5 partners will need to intensify their efforts and contribute to both dissemination and exploitation of the project results.

The project’s strategy for Y3 will set the framework for the successful alignment of the communication and dissemination objectives with the necessary online and offline activities and tools that follow. WP5 objectives throughout the project’s timeline have already been identified and reported in D5.1 deliverable. However, in this chapter, we focus on the objectives, tools and activities that correspond to the final phase of the project.

2.1 Communication and Dissemination Objectives for Y3

Although communication and dissemination of the project starts from the beginning of the project, it is a continuous and significant process during the project implementation. During the previous dissemination phases, WP5 efforts were focused (a) on the general promotion of the project by developing the project website, the initial communication materials and the social media in Y1 and (b) the dissemination of interim results, further engagement with key stakeholders and establishment of new contacts and relations with similar projects in Y2.

In Y3, the third and final phase of the project, WP5 aims to put emphasis on the widest possible dissemination of the project final results at European and local level ensuring its further sustainability by the exploitation and take-up of its outputs. The table below indicates only the last period of the project, while the other two periods can be seen at the table in p.20 of D5.1 deliverable.



Dissemination tools to be used during the phase

Final/Third phase (M21-M36)

• Effective dissemination of the project results

• Creation of the final promotional tools

• Organization of the final dissemination activities

• Support further take-up of the project’s results

• Final conference in Brussels • Policy Briefings to be distributed at

the final conference • Co-creation Best Practice Guidebook • “Key Findings Summary” brochure • Video produced for promotional

purposes of the co-creation events • Commercial factsheet

2 The identification of the stakeholders and target groups has already been done at the beginning of the project and it is part of D5.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan, so we don’t intend to repeat this part in this deliverable.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Table 2 : 3rd dissemination and communication phase (objectives, tools)

So, in this context the updated objectives for Y3 are the following:

• To increase visibility and awareness of the Mobile Age key outputs/results [Policy briefings, Co-creation platform, Open Senior Citizen Public Service Engagement Platform (OSCPSEP), Best Practice Guidebook on the design and deployment of co- creation approaches, “Key findings Summary”, impact assessment framework for the deployment of mobile services for the ageing population]

• To ensure that the project and its findings are widely disseminated to the appropriate target audiences, within the appropriate timeline and using the appropriate dissemination tools

• To encourage and motivate the participation of stakeholders in the project events, promote exchange of experiences and knowledge sharing with related initiatives and take-up of the project outputs and findings

• To organize a meeting with MEPs at the European Parliament to present the policy briefings

• To organize and raise visibility about the final conference which will be hosted by the Committee of Regions (if our application will be accepted) in order to present and discuss the final project results. At this event around 150 project key stakeholders will be invited. These stakeholders include MEPs, representatives of public authorities, members of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, Open Government Partnership, ePSI experts, representatives of projects alike Mobile Age (e.g. Clarity, ReCAP, CoSIE, SOCATEL), representatives of IT industry and of civil society organizations that advocate for open government reforms and e-inclusion & e-accessibility policies addressing the ageing population

• To prepare the ground for further exploitation of the project results with the production of a video about the project results and the printing and dissemination of the Co-creation Best Practice Guidebook and the “Key Findings Summary”, as well as the policy briefing on open data, mobile technologies and ageing society

• To plan, coordinate and report on the communication and dissemination activities that will be performed by WP5 and especially those related to communication and dissemination activities as foreseen in the DoW

• To produce the dissemination deliverables and any other project report including WP5 efforts on dissemination and communication as foreseen in the DoW for Y3

• To continue implementing effective online and offline dissemination activities (website, press, marketing materials, social media, participating in events, etc.) that increase the impact of the project at local, national and European level

• To maintain and enhance positive reputation of the project, as well as gain trust and acceptance of the key outputs and exploitable results of the project by further networking with similar projects and target customers.

2.2 Communication and Dissemination Channels, Tools and Actions for Y3

As already mentioned, the updated strategy and objectives will be implemented through a wide range of channels and tools which are selected given the message we need to send each time. The table below gathers the most important channels and tools that will be used till the end of the project.

Channels Tools Actions

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium


Project website

It will be regularly updated with all the materials, news and documents that will be uploaded in digital format. The OSCPSEP and the co-creation platform will be disseminated via the website either with a banner that will redirect the visitor to OSCPSEP or with sliders that will explain what it is and how you connect.

Furthermore, the website will be hosted for 2 more years after the project ends.

Social media profiles

They will be updated to inform followers on project outputs and increase engagement with potential customers of the project’s exploitable solution.

Partners’ websites and social media accounts

Partners will post and share project news in order to enhance visibility and interaction with users.


Three more issues are planned to be published in Y3 of the project:

• Issue No.7 – May 2018 (M28) • Issue No.8 – September 2018 (M32) • Issue No.9 – January 2019 (M36)

The issues will be sent to all subscribers and available on project website.

Mailing lists

A database of important contacts of various target groups identified and gathered by Gov2u, AGE platform and WP5 partners is already available and will be updated to inform audience about the upcoming events and project results.


Project promotional materials

All materials will be updated around June 2018 based on the co-creation study • Updated project brochure • Updated presentation • Updated factsheet • Updated poster

WP5 will design, create and print any materials that partners will need for field sites workshops in Bremen, Thessaloniki, Zaragoza and South Lakeland.

A Commercial factsheet will be created by TT and designed by Gov2u at the end

of the project to point out the value

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

proposition and benefits of the OSCPSEP platform.

All promotional materials will be uploaded on the website and they will be available in EN. They will be also shared Scribd, issuu and Slideshare. However materials are also available in partners’ languages if it serves project’s objectives.

Project outputs

• Co-creation Best Practice Guidebook featuring evaluation and impact assessment framework

• Toolbox to develop mobile, open data apps based on Open Senior Citizen Public Service Engagement Platform (OSCPSEP)

• Policy briefings on open data, mobile technologies and an ageing society

One-day final conference

This is the final event of the project and it is expected to be held during the European Week of Regions and Cities (8- 11 October 2018 in Brussels). At this event around 150 participants will be invited. Project final results and lessons learnt will be disseminated to the participating key stakeholders. These stakeholders include MEPs, representatives of public authorities, members of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), etc.

Meeting with the MEPs in the European Parliament

This is a meeting AGE plans to organise in October 2018 with MEPs (right before or right after the final conference) to present them the policy briefings. There are several intergroups at the European Parliament (groups of MEPs interested in specific issues, and meetings to discuss/debate): one on ageing and one on urban issues. The idea is to organise a joint meeting with these two intergroups to present them Mobile Age: a special discussion setting organised at the European Parliament, liaising Mobile Age with the URBAN - EP Intergroup and/or the EP Intergroup on Active Ageing, Intergenerational Solidarity and Family policies.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Participation and presentation in conferences and events

Partners will be asked to participate in conferences in order to present the project’s outputs and explore selling possibilities Gov2u suggests the following list of events which are focused on ageing and could gather the proper audiences for exploitation: • AGEINGFIT 2018 “Accelerating

innovation for the senior market”, 6- 7 February 2018, Nice, France

• Environments for Aging Expo & Conference, 21-24 April 2018, Savannah International Trade & Convention Center, Savannah, Georgia

• The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May 2018, Oslo, Norway

• IFA 14th Global Conference on Ageing, 8–10 August 2018, Toronto, Ontario

Meetings with other similar projects

WP5 partners will invite other projects to their upcoming project meeting so they can be informed on the co-creation methodology and the workshops, as well as the work done so far. Moreover, similar projects will be invited in the Mobile Age final conference in Brussels.

Project deliverables

For Y3, WP5 will submit two deliverables due in January 2019 according to the DoW (D5.6 Final Communication and Dissemination Report and D5.7 Final Exploitation Plan for Civic Open Data Engagement).

Meetings with target groups to inform about the project outputs, encourage involvement and future take up of the project solution

• Liaise with local age-related groups such as community centres in countries of field sites

• Liaise with AGE platform’s member network

• Visit senior clubs and distribute brochures and inform them about the video and final conference

Brochures for informational reasons can be translated in the languages corresponding to the field sites so as to

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

make it easier for seniors to understand the benefits, the solution and the services offered by the platform.


Press Releases

In Y3 we are planning to publish three press releases according to the milestones of the project • Field site reports OR field sites and

results of co-creation events • Announce the Final conference • Announce the completion of the

project, the project outputs and exploitable solution

The press releases will be published in May 2018, September 2018 and January 2019 respectively.

They will be released to national and EU media, uploaded on the project website and shared on social media.


A promotional video addressing policy makers and showing the final outputs of the project will be produced closely to the end of the project. A good option would be to produce the video during the final conference in Brussels where the target stakeholders (MEPs, representatives of public authorities, members of EIP on AHA, etc) will be invited to attend.

Featured articles

In Y3 that the project will have some concrete results will put some efforts to publish articles in magazines targeting R&D communities (e.g. Research*eu focus, Research*eu results, Horizon-The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, Futuris Magazine, Government Technology magazine).

Moreover, AGE Platform’s newsletters will support the project’s dissemination and will address articles in specialized publications, newsletters and websites that target eInclusion, eHealth, open data practitioners – such as ePSI platform, Joinup platform, Innovation Europe newsletter, the European Covenant on Demographic Change’s newsletter, Parliamag, etc. will be important for an

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

effective dissemination.

Scientific papers

A number of papers are already published in Y2. Mobile Age academic partners will continue writing academic papers on Mobile Age technology, OSCPEP platform, services and project results.

These papers can be submitted in journals and conferences as the main channels to disseminate research results to academic and scientific communities, for example European Conference on e- Government, e-Democracy and Open Government, European Journal of ePractice, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, European Data Forum, Open Government and Open Data Conference , International Conference on Information Systems, European Association of the Study of Science and Technology Studies Conference, Information and Organization journal, Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe Conference, International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs.


In coordination with the exploitation team, we plan to approach one or two European government entities to facilitate demonstrators of selected results from the project. For the Concept lookup we have approached Termcoord, the Terminology coordination unit for the European Parliament. A further service is

Webinar and/or survey planned to be selected and disseminated about the platform and in a similar way.

the other project A webinar with interested stakeholders outputs and an online survey about the co-

creation study and the toolbox based on OSCPSEP can be organised. Participating target customers could be asked about benefits by the services offered and the commercial viability of the results (how innovative, if it properly suits seniors’ needs, if interesting to customize for their organization’s requirements, etc.)

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Online Communities

Other networks to activate include:

• Covenant on Demographic Change



• Join up

• EU eGovernment

• Public Administration for the 21st century platform

Inform and influence policy makers and public authorities about Mobile Age work (challenges faced by older persons, open government issues, open data

These target groups will be invited to attend our final conference in Brussels.

Moreover, AGE will produce and distribute to its database (over 2000 contacts across Europe) special policy briefings in the project partners’ languages: English, German, Greek and Spanish, as well as in French and Italian. Among others, European Commission’s services, European Parliament’s contacts, as well as the members of the European Covenant on Demographic Change will be reached.

As mentioned above in previous section, a special discussion setting will be organised at the European Parliament, liaising Mobile Age with the URBAN - EP Intergroup and/or the EP Intergroup on Active Ageing, Intergenerational Solidarity and Family policies.

Table 3 : Dissemination and Communication Channels, Tools and Actions for Y3

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© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

3 Communication and Dissemination Report of Y2

3.1 Communication and Dissemination Objectives of Y2

This section reports on the Y2 objectives which were:

• Implement an effective internal and external communications strategy • Raise visibility and awareness of the project’s developments and current activities,

mainly communicating the work done in the four field sites • Design promotional materials according to partners’ needs for demonstration and co-

creation workshops • Update on a regular basis the project website and social media accounts with

interesting news items covering the reporting period • Monitor the project’s website and social media profiles • Participation at events and conferences to raise awareness about the project • Establish, maintain and enhance collaboration with other similar EU funded projects • Provide deliverables and reports as foreseen in the DoW covering the reporting

period • Support the exploitation team with the market analysis and identification of potential

customers for the exploitable project solution

3.2 Online and Offline Communication and Dissemination activities of Y2

3.2.1 Mobile Age Website

During Y2 (from February 2017 to January 2018), WP5 regularly updated the Mobile Age website. As indicated by the numbers below, the project website remains the most informative and resourceful dissemination tool. It is a major channel of information and communication for visitors and, for this reason, is harmonized and interrelated with the main goals of WP5 to disseminate the project findings as well as to engage key stakeholders with a view to knowledge sharing.

The website is a means to convey all information pertaining to the project for a range of audiences. Since its launch, the website is regularly updated to maintain a sustained interest in project activities. Updates highlight project news, project in the press, events, relevant articles, press releases, newsletter issues, synergies and other activities dedicated to dissemination. The update of the website content, layout and design is ongoing and will continue in Y3.

Data retrieved from the back end of the Mobile Age website is presented in the table below:

Field Data retrieved Y2

Newsletter subscribers 101

Number of items on News 87

Number of items on Events 37

Table 4 : Website data Y2

Data retrieved on 30th of January 2018 from Google Analytics about Mobile Age website are presented in the following table:

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© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Field Data retrieved

Users (unique visitors) 2.419

Number of Sessions (visits) 3.428

Number of Page views 11.643

Average Session Duration 00:02:18

Number of New Visits 2.384

Number of Returning Visits 1.044

New visits vs Returning visits (percentage)

30.5% Returning Visitors vs 69.5% New Visitors

Table 5 : Website data from Google Analytics (Feb.2017 – Jan.30, 2018)

Figures indicating the aforementioned data retrieved are available in Appendix I.

3.2.2 Mailing Lists

A database of contacts including stakeholders and interested parties from local regional, national and European level has been created by WP5 leader, Gov2u, and project partners continue to contribute to this activity.

This database has been used to make announcements related to the project about specific achievements, developments, event participation, etc. The aim of using these lists is to raise awareness about Mobile Age, and to inform and engage stakeholders.

These lists will be updated throughout the project’s duration, especially in Y3 as we will focus on more target groups that will be invited in the final conference and potential customers of the project solution.

3.2.3 Mobile Age Social Media

The social media accounts of the project were regularly updated (posts) with content from the Mobile Age website, the project’s profiles in file sharing platforms, news and events related to the project’s topic as well as news from other EU funded projects where cross dissemination synergies had been established with them. Given their strength to attract audience and increase the project’s visibility, in Y3 the project’s presence in social media will be intensified as the outputs and final findings will be regularly posted as well as upcoming press releases, newsletters and information about the final conference.

The following tables present the number of “likes”, “followers” and “members” so far, the month that they were created as well as their links:

Field Details

Social Network Facebook

Project Month M24

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URL https://www.facebook.com/mobileageeu

Status 93 likes (50% increase in Y2)

Table 6 : Mobil e Age page on Facebook

Field Details

Social Network Twitter

Project Month M24

URL https://twitter.com/mobileageeu?lang=el

Status 248 followers (50,3% increase in Y2), 338 tweets (65,7% increase in Y2)

Table 7 : Mobile Age profile on Twitter

Field Details

Social Network LinkedIn

Project Month M15

URL https://www.linkedin.com/feed/?trk=nav_back_to_linkedin

Status 36 members

Table 8 : Mobile Age profile on LinkedIn

The abovementioned LinkedIn account is the project’s profile page which was created in April 2017 for better dissemination and visibility of the project. However, the group page is also available at: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8475752/profile. Facebook Page Insights & Twitter Page Analytics

“Facebook Page Insights” is a free service for all Facebook Pages and Facebook Platform application and websites. Facebook Insights provides Facebook Page owners and Facebook Platform developers with metrics about their content. By understanding and analyzing trends within user growth and demographics, consumption of content, and creation of content, Page owners and Platform developers are better equipped to improve their business with Facebook. Only Page administrators, application owners, and domain administrators can view Insights data for the properties they own or administer. The metrics data is aggregated on a daily basis and is made available within 24 hours after a full day is complete.

The figures presented in Appendix II show overall data from Facebook Page Insights for the Mobile Age page within the reporting period. Data on “Total page likes”, “Post reach”, “Followers”, “People reached”, etc. are presented.

Finally, some analytics about Mobile Age Twitter page are presented in Appendix III.

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3.2.4 Mobile Age on Scribd, Issuu, Slideshare and Vimeo platforms

Mobile Age profiles in digital publishing platforms (Issuu and SlideShare) were created serving as useful tools for communicating the project’s results (dissemination) mainly the publications and the public deliverables. The project’s profile in Scribd had been created in Y1. Moreover, the promotional materials and the newsletter issues of the project have been uploaded and published on all profiles. The project’s profiles can be found at the following links:

• Mobile Age Scribd profile: https://www.scribd.com/user/319716540/Mobile-Age-EU- project

Figure 1 : Mobile Age on Scribd platform

Other project news published on Scribd platform:

o https://www.scribd.com/document/367517584/Mobile-Age-Open-Data- Mobile-Apps-to-Support-Independent-Living

o https://www.scribd.com/document/367517658/Using-cultural-probes-for- co-creating-a-digital-neighbourhood-guide-with-and-for-older-adults

o https://www.scribd.com/document/367517722/Co-creation-eines-digitalen- Stadtteilwegweisers-fur-und-mit-alteren-Menschen

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• Mobile Age Mobile Age Issuu profile: https://issuu.com/mobileageeuproject

Figure 2 : Mobile Age on Issuu platform

Other project news published on Issuu platform:

o https://issuu.com/mobileageeuproject/docs/mobile_age_open_data_mobile _apps_to

o https://issuu.com/mobileageeuproject/docs/b8-1

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o https://issuu.com/mobileageeuproject/docs/2017_ws02_292

• Mobile Age Slideshare profile : https://www.slideshare.net/mobileage

Figure 3 : Mobile Age on Slideshare platform

Other project news published on Slideshare platform:

o https://www.slideshare.net/mobileage/mobile-age-open-data-mobile-apps- to-support-independent-living

o https://www.slideshare.net/mobileage/cocreation-eines-digitalen- stadtteilwegweisers-fr-und-mit-lteren-menschen

o https://www.slideshare.net/mobileage/using-cultural-probes-for-cocreating- a-digital-neighbourhood-guide-with-and-for-older-adults

The Mobile Age Vimeo account was created (https://vimeo.com/mobileage) and videos from project’s activities in pilot sites as well as the promotional video of the project were uploaded

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and promoted through this channel. In total 20 Mobile Age videos have been created for promoting the projects results and are available on this account.

An indicative list of videos uploaded on Vimeo account by our partner ifib on behalf of Mobile Age is presented below:

• Introducing co-creation in Bremen: https://vimeo.com/224428142 • Vorstellung des Projekts Mobil-im-Alter: https://vimeo.com/225376546 • Spaziergang Rund ums Bürgerhaus Hemelingen: https://vimeo.com/233953272 • Tamra-Spaziergang Station: Eisen Werner: https://vimeo.com/233957345 • Mobile_Age_Hastedt-Jüdischer_Friedhof: https://vimeo.com/252685608 • Mobile_Age_Hastedt-Bauernhof: https://vimeo.com/251805981 • Mobile_Age_Hastedt-Zigarrenmacher-Häuschen: https://vimeo.com/249508229 • Mobile_Age_Hastedt-Papenhuser_Hof: https://vimeo.com/248324660 • Projekt_Schlosspark_Meyer_v4_HD: https://vimeo.com/248323830

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3.2.5 Newsletter Issues

Figure 4 : Mobile Age in Vimeo platform

The project’s newsletter issues are being published on a quarterly basis and sent online to all subscribers, announcing news and developments in an interesting and easy to understand way. In Y2, three newsletter issues were created, designed and distributed via email to the mailing list and the subscribers for disseminating the project’s developments and communicating to the general public the consortium’s performed work. All issues are also available in electronic version at project’s website.

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© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Moreover, in Y2, the template of the project newsletter has been updated. In order to make it more contemporary, fresh and consistent to the main aspect of the project (“mobile”), Gov2u designed a template which looks similar to a mobile screen. So we avoid long texts and we focus on catchy titles and images that attract the readers and incite them to click on the image and redirect themselves to the respective full article which is already available on the website.

The table below presents the links of the three issues that have been released in Y2, while their images are available in Appendix IV.

Issue Date of release Available in URL

Newsletter Issue No.4

April 2017

http://www.mobile-age.eu/newsletters- issues/newsletter-issue-no-4-april- 2017.html

Newsletter Issue No.5

June 2017

http://www.mobile-age.eu/newsletters- issues/newsletter-issue-no-5-june- 2017.html

Newsletter Issue No.6

January 2018 http://www.mobile-age.eu/newsletters-


Table 9 : Newsletter Issues

Newsletters have been circulated by email to all subscribers as well as to other target groups and similar initiatives that have been incorporated into the mailing list by the dissemination and communication team.

All issues have been approved and posted on Joinup Platform and they can be seen in Appendix VIII.

• 4th Issue: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/mobile-age-project-newslett • 5th Issue: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/mobile-age-project-newslett-0 • 6th Issue: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/new-newsletter-issue-released

Moreover, they are accessible via the Mobile Age website under the section “Project Outcomes”, subsection “Newsletter Issues”. Website visitors can easily subscribe to the newsletter distribution list and follow the project’s progress.

3.2.6 Press Releases

It goes without saying that press releases are considered an efficient tool for the dissemination of the project since their distribution to a large number of recipients (media outlets, similar organizations, similar initiatives and projects, academia, communities and networks, etc.) enhances the project promotion at national and pan-European level. Press releases will be produced throughout the project’s lifetime. Its purpose is the media engagement in the dissemination of the project’s achievements and milestones.

Gov2u, as the dissemination and communication leader, is responsible for the creation of press releases. Once created, they are shared with the press focal points nominated by each partner. The press focal points are responsible for the translation of the press releases in to the partners’ native language (if necessary), and for the distribution of the articles to media outlets at national level. Therefore, press focal points enhance Gov2u’s efforts and further awareness and visibility of the project is achieved.

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

As indicated in the DoW, press releases have to be published whenever a milestone of the project is accomplished. So, besides the first press release announcing the project’s beginning, we didn’t publish any press release in Y2. However, three press releases are already planned to be published in Y3 (see action planned in Table 3 of the current deliverable).

3.2.7 Promotional Materials

Gov2u has designed a series of dissemination materials in order to create and maintain the common identity of the project, raise its visibility and support project partners to their promotional activities in workshops, face to face meetings, etc.

The offline dissemination of the project through workshops and other related events was supported with the creation of the promotional materials addressed to senior citizens. These materials supported partners’ activities and co-creation workshops at field sites in Lancaster, Thessaloniki, Bremen, and Zaragoza. Moreover, WP5 leader, Gov2u, provided the design of the “Interim Co-creation Good Practice Guide Book” (D1.3) in order to achieve the optimum graphic outcome for it.

A full list of materials designed by Gov2u and provided to partners is listed in Appendix V.

The layout of all promotional materials consists of the Mobile Age logo, the project’s grant agreement number and the EU emblem.

3.2.8 Organization of events (co-creation events, engagement workshops, etc.)3

Partner’s Name of the event Name

Date of the event

Location of the event (city, country)

Description of the event (type, aim, size of the audience, type of the audience)

ULANC Co-creation workshop with Phase 1 older adults

10/03/2017 Gateway Centre, Kendal, UK

Exploring users digital

resources and design requirements for the Events App

Exploring users understanding and use of local services

7 participants

older adults co-creators

ULANC Co-creation workshop with Phase 1 older adults

24/03/2017 Gateway Centre, Kendal, UK

Discussions around the development of the App and getting feedback

9 participants

older adults co-creators

ULANC Network meeting of 05/04/2017 Kendal Town *Feedback on progress

3 Photos from these events can be seen in Appendix VI.

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Local District council and Age UK SL

Hall and enhance trust in project

*To recruit intermediaries and service providers for Phase 2

11 participants

South Lakeland District Council and Age UK SL

ULANC Co-creation workshop with Phase 1 older adults

ULANC Co-creation workshop with new group of older adults from SLH apartments

ULANC Exploration workshop with SLH staff

ULANC Open day for Age UK SL Gateway services

ULANC Co-creation

workshop with Phase 1 older adults

07/04/2017 Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal

28/04/2017 Birthwaite, SLH apartments

08/06/2017 Edgecombe Court, Kendal

22/06/2017 Kendal Town Hall, UK

14/07/2017 Gateway Centre, Kendal, UK

Explore possible avenues of relevant service access for Phase 2 work

7 participants

Older adults co-creators

*Gauge interests and needs of older adults

*Recruit older adults for Phase 2 work

6 participants

Older adults

*Exploration of avenues of work with SLH services targeted at their own residents

4 participants

South Lakes Housing

* Recruitment of intermediaries

3 participants


Discuss disseminating app; Reflect on participants engagement so far

8 participants

Older adults

ULANC Co-creation workshop with

22/09/2017 Gateway Centre, Finalise the events app

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© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Phase 1 older adults Kendal, UK and refine it

7 participants

Older adults

ULANC Co-creation workshop with intermediaries

08/11/2017 Kendal Town Hall, UK

*Explore open data sources from different services and organisations

*discuss older adult user profile requirements and what information organisations already hold

*Set up working arrangements with various intermediaries

*15 participants Local authorities and


ULANC Mobile Age Co- creation Workshop with older adults

17/11/ 2017 Gateway Centre, Kendal, UK

* Co-creation workshop with older adults

* to discuss information that should be included in the older adult user profile to be used with the events app

*8 participants Older adults

ULANC Mobile Age Co- creation Workshop with older adults

01/12/ 2017 Gateway Centre, Kendal, UK

* Co-creation workshop with older adults

* refine categories established on previous workshop and discuss benefits and risks about using a user profile

* 7 participants Older adults

RCM Co-creation activity : Information meeting

23/06/ 2017 12th Open Care Centre, Thessaloniki

The members of the OCS had their first contact with the project, general

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

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RCM Co-creation activity : Information meeting

RCM Co-creation activity : Services

ifib 1st focus group with older adults (Hemelingen)

ifib 1st focus group with older adults (Sebaldsbrück)

Ifib, FTB 1st focus group with older adults (Arbergen)

02/10/ 2017 3rd Open Care Centre, Ano Poli, Thessaloniki

15/12/ 2017 12th Open Care Centre, Thessaloniki

22/05/ 2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

23/05/ 2017 Day care center of the local charity organisation (ASB) Bremen Hemelingen

24/05/ 2017 Senior residence in Arbergen

information and the steps to be followed were explained. Questionnaires and consent notes were analyzed and filled in.

This was the second event of the first phase of the co creation activities. A big discussion on the problems and needs of the mature aged people took place along with a number of propositions and ideas.

The main scope of the event was to work on the services that were defined through the first two meetings. The participants evaluated the proposed services and work on the pharmacists cooperation procedure

To engage older adults in the project.

To get feedback on the relevance of the content of the technical result from Osterholz.

To engage older adults in the project.

To get feedback on the relevance of the content of the technical result from Osterholz.

To engage older adults in the project.

To get feedback on the relevance of the

content of the

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

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ifib 2nd focus group with older adults (Arbergen)

ifib 2nd focus group with older adults (Hemelingen)

ifib 2nd focus groups


Ifib, FTB 1st district walk with older adults (Tamra)

06/06/ 2017 Senior residence in Arbergen

13/06/2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

14/06/ 2017 Old town hall


30/06/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

technical result from Osterholz.

To discuss possible solutions for the mobility problems (e.g. information on connecting routes)

To complement the data from the printed district guide

To collect the cultural probes and consent forms

To complement the data from the printed district guide

To complement the data from the printed district guide

To identify relevant attributes for walking routes (what information older adults need on walking routes)

To raise trust and interest on the project



Debriefing session on 1st district walk (ID 15)

09/08/ 2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

To debrief the results from the 1st walking workshop (Attributes and data)

To discuss examples on displaying routes and related information

To plan the next walking route

To develop another walking route

Ifib, FTB 2nd district walk with older adults (Hasenpromenade)

15/08/2017 Neighbourhood Arbergen

To collect data on interesting places and issues along the route

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ifib Data capture on 1st district walk (ID 15)

ifib Co-creating a district walk (ID 25)

Ifib, FTB 3rd district walk

with older adults (Schlengpark)

Ifib, FTB 4th district walk

with older adults (Sebaldsrück)

ifib 5th district walk with older adults (Arbergen)

ifib 1st tablet workshop with older adults

ifib 6th district walk

with older adults (Hastedt)

ifib 2nd Tablet workshop with older adults

23/08/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

29/08/ 2017 Neighbourhood Hastedt

30/08/ 2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

19/09/ 2017 Neighbourhood Sebaldsbrück

28/09/ 2017 Neighbourhood Arbergen

09/10/ 2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

17/10/ 2017 Neighbourhood Hastedt

19/10/ 2017 Neighbourhood


To collect data material (audio, video, photography’s, text) on the route and the interesting places along the route

To plan and organize another district walk with knowledgeable older adults from the district

To collect data on interesting places and issues along the route

To explore and record a walk through the district and collect data on nice places

To explore and record a walk through the district and collect data on nice places

To recruit participants for further process

To introduce participants in the use of tablets and apps

To explore a historical walk through the district and collect data on historically intersting places.

To recruit further participants

To bring all participants on the same level and prepare them for the upcoming design phase

To agree on content and functionalities

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ifib Survey of accessibility aspects for 1st district walk (ID 15)

23/10/ 2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To survey barriers on the route/create data on the accessability of the walk

Ifib, FTB 3rd Tablet workshop with older adults

26/10/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To design drafts for displaying the walks in the app

ifib 4th Tablet workshop with older adults

06/11/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To co-create content for the app

ifib 5th Tablet workshop with older adults

13/11/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To co-create content for the app

ifib 6th Tablet workshop with older adults

16/11/ 2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To co-create content for the app

Ifib, FTB 7th Tablet workshop with older adults

27/11/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To populate the content in the backend of the app

ifib 8th Tablet workshop with older adults

30/11/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To populate the content in the backend of the app

ifib 9th Tablet workshop with older adults

07/12/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To populate the content in the backend of the app

ifib 10th Tablet workshop with older adults

14/12/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To populate the content in the backend of the app

Ifib, FTB 11th Tablet workshop with older adults

18/12/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen


Table 10 : Organization of events

3.2.9 Participation in conferences, workshops and events

Partner’s Name of the Date of the Location of Description of the event (type, aim, size of Name event event the event the audience, type of the audience)

(city, country)

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

ifib Europäischer Verwaltungs kongress

23/03/201 7

Bremen, Germany

Conference for eGov practitioners (50 attendees).

Two projects from the ifib research workshop were presented at the 22nd European Administrative Council. Both contributions to these projects can be found in the recently published conference proceedings entitled "The Citizens' Administration in Digital Transformation":

Herbert Kubicek describes a project in which the Senator for Finance invited developers to develop certain apps together with the data-holding bodies on the basis of open data. Previously, they had received a particularly large number of expressions of interest in an upstream online survey, e. g."Safely cycling","Targeted waste disposal" or "Transparent advisory councils". Based on the story of the "ten little dark-skinned children", the article describes the difficulties of recruiting developers and cooperating with the administrations, especially when it came to additional data that would enable the expected added value.

The second contribution is based on the EU-funded project "Mobile Age", led by Juliane Jarke. The focus here is on involving citizens themselves in the development of apps. Specifically, it is about the development of a digital city district guide for older people using the example of Osterholz, which was developed by a group of 11 elderly people together with the project team. This application is available online at http://www.bremen.de/osterholz/Seniore n. The way to the app was much more difficult than the theory suggests. Above all, it has also been shown here that the data in the Bremen data portal, which were regarded by the elderly as particularly interesting, were not or not currently available, but had to be collected and processed by them first.

The book launch was attended by the publisher Jürgen Hartwig of the Bremen

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

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University of Applied Sciences as well as contributors. Henning Lühr, responsible for e-government and administrative reform in the City State of Bremen stressed to the two press representatives present how important such impulses from science are.

ifib Data Power conference

21- 22/06/201 7

Ottawa, Canada

Academic + practitioners conference, paper presentation (50 attendees)

ifib Mensch und Computer

10/09/201 7

Regensburg , Germany

Academic workshop for HCI researchers (20 attendees)

ifib Informatik 2017

26/09/201 7

Chemnitz, Germany

Panel on participatory design (20 attendees)

AGE Workshop at the Social Platform on Digital Inclusion

13/03/201 7

Brussels, BE

Meeting for social platform members to discuss the issue of digital inclusion/exclusion (20 attendees)

AGE Meeting w/ University College BXL

25/04/201 7

Brussels, BE

Discover different stakeholders in the field of EU-R&D cooperation (6 attendees)

AGE The voice of Patients on Health Data: Saving lives and protecting patients’ rights

08/05/201 7

Brussels, BE

Access to health data for better outcomes: Cloud Computing and Voice of the Patient (15 attendees)

AGE How to Improve Quality of Life and Services for an Ageing Population?

18/05/201 7

Brussels, BE

UHCE final conference.

Parallel Sessions:

C: How to improve smart city strategy for an ageing city

AGE Digital Festival 2017

01/06/201 7

Brussels, BE

Security in IoT, Digital living, digital smart cities, digital innovation in government

AGE AGE 07/06/201 Platform 7 Europe Annual

Brussels, BE

Annual conference gathering AGE members and relevant stakeholders in the field of ageing (topic: “Inequality and Abuse in Old Age”

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

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Conference 120 attendees with presentation of Mobile Age leaflets

AGE AGE Platform Europe General Assembly

08- 09/06/201 7

Brussels, BE

Statutory meeting gathering 100 members of AGE with presentation of Mobile Age leaflets

AGE EIP on SCC action cluster meeting

20/06/201 7

Brussels, BE

Citizen Focus Action Cluster: how to engage citizens in smart city projects (25 attendees)

AGE European Week of Regions and Cities Workshop “Alternative Approach for the Future: the Silver Economy for Cities and Regions”

10/10/201 7

Brussels, BE

260 attendees

AGE European Week of Regions and Cities Workshop “Open Data driving Innovation in Cities”

11/10/201 7

Brussels, BE

60 attendees

AGE EIP on SCC action cluster meeting

11/10/201 7

Brussels, BE

20 attendees

AGE EIP on SCC general assembly

12/10/201 7

Brussels, BE

300 attendees

AGE WHO Healthy Cities Network meeting

17- 20/10/201 7

Udine, IT 20 attendees

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

AGE The Future of government - JRC Policylab

27/11/201 7

Brussels, BE

40 attendees

FTB AAATE 13- Sheffield 30 attendees in session Conference 14/09/201 UK 7

Gov2u 51st ICA 11- Tokyo, The Conference themed Bold Digital International 14/09/201 Japan Government-dealing with disruptive Conference 7 technologies was attended by international governmental CIOs from a number of countries from around the world as well as local stakeholders and national ministerial representatives.

Gov2u, Tingtung

Digital Transformati on of Public Administrati ons Event

24/10/201 7

Brussels, Belgium

The event aimed at promoting the uptake of Horizon 2020 projects’ results in the field of ICT-enabled Open Government both at policy and market level, and more generally fostered peer learning and networking activities among developers of Govtech solutions, potential clients, support service providers and policy makers.

100 participants https://ec.europa.eu/info/digital-

transformation-public-administrations- event-3_en

EC, Gov2u, Tingtun

Exploitation call

12/10/201 7 at 11.00- 12.00CET

Webex 10 participants.

To increase our chances to build synergies and to exploit the projects outcomes successfully we have been encouraged to form a cluster and to take part in the eGov event 23-24 October 2017.

Table 11 : Participation in conferences, workshops and events

3.2.10 Direct contact with stakeholders (face-to-face meetings)

Partner’s Name

Name and type of the contact

Date of the meeting

Venue/Location of the meeting

Activity description (short description of the outcome of the meeting, what we gained from it)

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium



Age UK South Lakeland

Deputy Chief Executive

South Lakeland District Council

Business Resources

01/12/ 2017

01/12/ 2017

The Gateway Centre, Kendal

South Lakeland District Council, Canal Head House

Discussion about synergies between the apps being co-created and their services

Permission to use data they publish

Discussion on possible future deployment of apps and digital services

Identifying Officer intermediaries group for further co-creation workshops

ULANC Age UK South 05/12/ 2017 Age UK, Finkle Securing help with Lakeland

Volunteering & Community Activities Manager and Digital

St, Kendal recruiting group of older people in new areas and groups of intermediaries for further co-creation workshops and testing

Champions Project Manager

ULANC Sight Advice 05/12/ 2017 Sight Advice, Discussion about Lakeland

Sight Support

Highgate, Kendal accessibility needs and mobile devices

Co-ordinator Assistive Technology

Identifying groups of intermediaries and users for further co- creation workshops and


AUTH Charalampos 16/02/ 2017 Thessaloniki Presentation of the MA Chatzis, Head Of Town Hall project. Discussion e-Government about the processes/ Department, flows followed by the Municipality of municipality and the Thessaloniki mobile apps and open

datasets it provides.

ifib Network 04/04/2017 Protestant To recruit meeting of church Bremen intermediaries and local service Hemelingen service providers for providers core project group

ifib Cooperation 06/04/2017 ifib Explore possible

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

meeting with research project buten aktiv

synergies with respect to sharing data, field access

Exchange experiences

ifib Establishment of core project group (network of local service providers & government)

19/04/2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

To agree on work plan and time table

To consider further recruiting

ifib Press meeting & kick-off

04/05/2017 Local district administration

To officially launch the project kick-off with core project group

To gain support from local administration due to positive press coverage and local stakeholder buy in

ifib District fair 06-07/05/2017 Weserpark, Bremen Osterholz

Dissemination of results

(Present results from co-creation activities of 1st phase through exhibiting multi-touch table)

Recruitment for 2nd phase

Commitment from actors in Hemelingen

ifib 2nd core project group meeting

10/05/2017 Neighbourhood management office

To plan and organise the first focus groups with respect to content and concept

To consider further recruiting

ifib Network meeting of local service providers

17/05/2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

Further recruitment of local service providers for our core project group.

ifib 3nd core project group

13/06/2017 Protestant church Bremen

To reflect on the completed activities,

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

meeting Hemelingen to plan and organize further focus groups

To consider further recruiting

ifib 4th core project group meeting

09/08/2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

To establish a data structure

To identify and define data sources and arrange related tasks

ifib Meeting with P+T bureau for urban planning

15/08/2017 p+t Bureau The project “accessible city guide Bremen” creates accessible routes through Bremen through the detailed measure of routes and possible barriers and their description. Mobile Age would like to collaborate with them on the Co-creation of age-friendly walks in Hemelingen.

ifib 5th core projectgroup meeting

19/09/2017 Protestant church Bremen Hemelingen

To update the core project group on the progress conducted walks, meetings etc.) and to plan the next steps (tablet groups, data co-creation)

ifib 6th core project group meeting

04/12/2017 Neighbourhood Hemelingen

To plan the evaluation and the dissemination of the hemelingen app


31/10/2017 Presenting MB project

Meeting planned for 07/12/2017 (see below, collaboration with other projects)

Table 12 : Direct contact with stakeholders

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

3.2.11 Communication with stakeholders (via email, social media, phone, contact form of the website, etc.)

Partner’s Name

Name and type of the contact

Date of the meeting

Venue/Location of the meeting

Activity description (short description of the outcome of the meeting, what we gained from it)

AGE Eda Ozdek, White Research

12/10/2017 Presenting MB project

Keep in touch

AGE John Zib, EIP SCC 28/11/2017 Mentioning MB activities

Keep in touch for EIP SCC citizens engagement toolkit

RCM Open Care Centres, email, phone

Several times during the preparation of the meetings

Organizational reasons, better involvement of the participants

A very good and trustful cooperation has been built with the OCS workers who fully support our project.

RCM Medical Associations, email phone

During the engagement procedure

Collaboration in order to use data

Medical Associations are the key data holders for most of the planed services. Their involvement is an ongoing procedure.

Table 13 : Communication with stakeholders

3.2.12 Scientific Publications

Title of publication

(in case of joint publication with other partner please mention- {joint})

Date of publication

Name of Author(s)

Journal, Publishing house (please provide URL if available)


(accepted/submit ted/presented to the conference proceedings and scientific journals)

A Collaborative Environment for R2RML Mappings

May 2017 Priyatna, F., Ruckhaus, E., Mihindukulasoori ya, N., Corcho, O., & Saturno, N.

In European Presented as a Semantic Web demo in Conference (pp. European 114-119). Semantic Web Springer Conference

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Customised City Maps in Mobile Applications for Senior Citizens

September 2017 Reins, F.,

Berker, F.,

Heck, H.

P. Cudd, L. de Witte (Eds.): Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives. Proceedings of the AAATE Conference 2017 at Sheffield; pp 622–629

presented to the conference proceedings

Mobile Age: open data mobile apps to support independent living

May 2017 Christopher Bull, Will Simm, Bran Knowles, Oliver Bates, Nigel Davies, Anindita Banerjee, Lucas Introna, Niall Hayes

In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2410-2415.

https://dl.acm.or g/citation.cfm?d oid=3027063.305 3244

Presented; conference proceedings

Co-creation eines digitalen Stadtteilwegweis ers für und mit älteren Menschen

2017 Juliane Jarke, Ulrike Gerhard

Maximilian Eibl, Martin Gaedke (Hrsg.): INFORMATIK 2017,

Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2017

http://www.ifib. de/publikationsd ateien/B8-1.pdf

Presented; Conference proceedings

Using cultural probes for co- creating a digital neighbourhood guide with and

2017 Juliane Jarke, Ulrike Gerhard

Burghardt, M., Wimmer, R., Wolff, C. & Womser-Hacker, C. (Hrsg.),

Presented, Conference proceedings

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

for older adults Mensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband.R egensburg: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..

http://dl.mensch -und- computer.de/han dle/123456789/5 336

3.2.13 Media coverage

Table 14 : Scientific publications

Media coverage of Mobile Age has high importance as target groups can be reached at local and pan European level. This practice also helps to increase project impact and informs stakeholders about the project’s developments and achievements. A detailed table of these activities can be found in Appendix VII.

3.2.14 Collaboration with other projects, networks & initiatives

Communication with other EU funded projects led to the expansion of the Mobile Age network and more cross dissemination synergies were established. Mobile Age project was represented in the “Digital Transformation of Public Administrations Event” organized by the European Commission in October 2017. During this event WP5 had the opportunity to meet, discuss, exchange ideas and examine possible joint actions. The projects that were contacted are Recap, SOCATEL, CoSIE, YourDataStories, STEP. The first outcome from this communication was the submission of a joint participation with SOCATEL and COSIE to the Common Dissemination Booster. This proposal was successful. More potential opportunities for further collaboration with the aforementioned projects will be examined in Y3.

Additionally, within the framework of the expansion of the Mobile Age network other initiatives and projects such as “Brandis – the Saxon innovation city” and “Open.NRW Strategie” were approached for exchanging information mainly related to open data.

The following table presents the similar projects that accepted Mobile Age’s invitation for synergy creation and cross-dissemination.

Partner’s Name Name of the project you collaborated with

Contact person or organization

Date Description of the collaboration activity

AGE Future of Government 2030+

European 27/11/2017 Commission JRC- DG CNECT

Presentation of MB approach

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

AGE Eurofound workshop on digitalisation and social services

Eurofound, DG CNECT, REA

1/12/2017 Presentation of Mobile Age

AGE Brandis – the Saxon innovation city


07/12/2017 Exchange of information

FTB Open.NRW- de Fries, Strategie; Acenture

Technology NRW Solutions GmbH; InformierBar Leonie Schmidt,

Pricewaterhouse Coopers AG; Wolfgang Schmitz, Agentur Barrierefrei NRW

17/01/2017 Exchange of information concerning available open data and presentation of open data

ULANC, TT, Gov2u

CLARITY Ivonne Jansen- Dings (Waag society)

November 2017 Cross dissemination synergy

Gov2u FLOOD-serv Monica Florea, Adrian Ganciu (SIVECO)

June 2017 Cross dissemination synergy Joinup

Table 15 : Created synergies with similar projects

Joinup is a collaborative platform created by the European Commission and funded by the European Union via the Interoperability Solutions for Public Administrations (ISA) Programme. It offers several services that aim to help e-Government professionals share their experience with each other and supports them to find, choose, re-use, develop and implement interoperability solutions. Gov2U has used this platform during Y1 for promoting project’s announcements concerning newsletter’s issues and press release availability to the general audience. Some posts on Joinup are available in Appendix VIII. European Innovation Partnership On Active And Healthy Ageing

This platform is a communication and information hub for all actors involved in Active and Healthy Ageing through Europe; the place to promote news and events, to meet and exchange ideas with peers, to look for potential partners on innovative projects.

Launched in 2011, the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing gathers stakeholders from all over Europe committed to increase healthy life expectancy by two years

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

by 2020. To do so, it works in 6 action groups: adherence, fall prevention, frailty, integrated care, independent living and age-friendly environments.

At the beginning of 2016, all action groups have renewed their action plan and the new one from the age-friendly environments Action Group includes a sub-objective on inclusive smart cities (see https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/actiongroup/index/d4_en). The renewal of the action plans went hand in hand with a new call for commitments which aimed at " inviting organisations from all over the world, involved in developing, promoting or deploying/ implementing innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing, to come forward with projects and initiatives that they will implement in the coming 3 years, which are relevant, and can clearly contribute, to the goals and action plans of the existing EIP on AHA Action Groups”.

Mobile Age took this opportunity to commit to support the Action Group on age-friendly environments, and in particular its sub-objective on inclusive smart cities, in order to exchange information on its activities and to share results with the wide range of stakeholders involved in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.

Mobile Age will be presented during the next Conference of Partners of the EIP AHA (26-28 February 2018) as part of a side event on age-friendly smart cities and as part of the D4 Action group’s parallel session.

3.2.15 Measurement of effectiveness of communication and dissemination activities

In order to estimate effectiveness of the communication and dissemination activities undertaken by WP5 and the impact of the project’s dissemination to the external audience, some indicators were foreseen in the deliverable D5.1 “Communication and Dissemination Plan”.

Performance will be continuously monitored against predetermined targets and within the timeframe scheduled in D5.1 (p.25). As it is obvious in the table below, most of the targets are reached and overcome. However efforts will become more intensive and corrective actions will be decided within WP5 during the last period of the project. Thus we will manage to achieve the KPIs as outlined in D5.1 till the project ends.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Target established

Current Data (Official measurement Jan. 2018)

Who will be responsible for the measurement

Number of Newsletter subscribers

By M24: 260



Number of visits (sessions) on Mobile Age website

By M24: 1600



Number of likes in Facebook, followers in Twitter and connections in LinkedIn

By M24: 130

377 (93 likes on FB, 248 followers on Twitter, 36 connections on LinkedIn)


© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Number of promotional materials

By M24: 550

1,000 copies of booklets for ifib, plus other materials distributed to field sites workshops

Each partner organizing the event in coordination with Gov2u

Press and Media coverage of the project (in radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, informational websites)

By M24: 6



Engagement with other similar projects

By M24-M36: engage with at least 10 projects and organize common meetings with 2-3 of them


Gov2u, AGE

Table 16 : Key performance indicators – measurement of success (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018)

3.2.16 Overview of dissemination tools and activities

The following table summarizes all dissemination tools and activities performed during the reporting period.

Type of activity Number

Number of Page views on Mobile Age website


Number of visits (sessions) on Mobile Age website


Organization of events (co-creation events, engagement workshops, etc.)


Participation in conferences, workshops and events


Direct contact with stakeholders (face to face meetings)


Scientific publications 5

Press and Media Coverage (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, informational websites) – external


Internal media coverage through 51

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

partners’ channels (social media, magazines, newsletters, blog posts, websites)

Total Press & Media coverage (internal and external references to Mobile Age project)


Social media (total number of likes in FB, followers in Twitter, connections in LinkedIn)

377 (93 likes on FB, 248 followers on Twitter, 36 connections on LinkedIn)

Videos created (available on Vimeo) 20

Newsletter Issues 3

Profiles in Digital publishing Platforms 3 (Issuu, Scribd, SlideShare)

Liaison with other similar projects 5

Table 17 : Overview of dissemination tools and activities (Feb.2017 – Jan 2018)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

4 Conclusions The current deliverable presents the updated version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan presenting the dissemination and communication strategy, the objectives as well as the online and offline activities that need to be undertaken by partners during Y3 of the project to better disseminate the project and its outputs at European and local level ensuring its sustainability and future take-up.

Moreover, a report on activities undertaken by all WP5 partners during Y2 of the project is included in the deliverable. It is important to indicate the work done so far and in the meantime emphasize the work that needs to be done during the remaining time.

So, a coherent and comprehensive presentation of the activities done during the second dissemination phase, logically combined with the updated communication and dissemination plan for the upcoming period, is the essence of the deliverable. The current deliverable is tangible evidence of the efforts made by all WP5 partners towards the widest possible dissemination of the project and communication of its results so far.

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX I – Website Data retrieved from Google Analytics

The data are reported in detail in section 3.2.1 Mobile Age website.

Figure 5 : Audience Overview (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018)

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 6 : Location Overview (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018)

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX II – Facebook Page Insights

The figures below present the data retrieved from Mobile Age Facebook Page Insights on January 29th, 2018.

Figure 7 : Total Page Likes (1)

Figure 8 : Total Page Likes (2)

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Post Reach is the number of people your posts were served to and it is depicted on the following figure.

Figure 9 : Post reach

Total Reach is the number of people who were served any activity from your Page including your posts to your Page by other people, Page likes ads, mentions and checkins.

Figure 10 : Total reach

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 11 : Post Types (Feb.2017-Jan.2018)

Figure 12 : Followers (the people who follow your Page)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

People reached: the number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen, grouped by age and gender.

Figure 13 : People reached

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX III – Twitter Page Analytics

The graphic below indicates the impressions that Mobile Age posted tweets earned within the reporting period Feb.2017 – Jan.2018.

Figure 14 : Twitter Impressions (Feb.2017 – Jan.2018)

Figure 15 : Followers Growth

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX IV – Newsletter Issues

Figure 16: Newsletter Issue No.4 – April 2017

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 17: Newsletter Issue No.5 – June 2017 (part of the full version)

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 18: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Interview section)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 19: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Project news section)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 20: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Press section)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 21: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (At the conference scene section)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 22: Newsletter Issue No.6 – Jan.2018 (Other news, Publications sections)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX V – Promotional materials of Y2

Figure 23 : Project’s Info sheet (in Greek)

Figure 24 : Consent form in Greek

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 25 : Invitation letter in Greek

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 26 : Questionnaire in Greek

Figure 27 : Project logo in Spanish

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 28 : Updated project’s info sheet in German – phase 2

Figure 29 : Booklet for Lancaster

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D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 30: Poster for the review meeting (1)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 31: Poster for the review meeting (2)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 32 : Poster for the review meeting (3)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 33 : Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (cover page)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 34 : Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (inner pages)

Figure 35: Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (inner pages)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 36 : Booklet about 17 places in Osterholz (inner pages)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX VI – Photos from events

The full list of events (such as the co-creation workshops) organised by partners is available in 3.2.8 section of the current deliverable. In this Appendix we include photos of some events.

Figure 37 : Co-creation workshops organised by RCM (23/06/2017)

Figure 38 : Co-creation workshops organised by RCM (02/10/2017)

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 39 : Co-creation workshops organised by RCM (15/12/2017)

Figure 40 : Co-creation walks organised by ifib in Hemelingen

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

Figure 41 : Book launch

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

APPENDIX VII - Media Coverage Y2

In this section we mention press releases, articles, interviews, website links, references on webpages, reference in news items, etc.

1. External (Third party references around MobileAge in newspapers, magazines, websites and other media e.g. social media)

Partner’s Name

Type of item (press release, interview, etc.)

Title of the item Media where it was published

URL (if available)

ifib Article Co-creation diary (communication with stakeholders)

Website www.bremen.de/hemeli ngen/senioren

ifib Newspaper article Digitals district guide for older adults


http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/122- article-in-the-regional- bremen-newspaper- %E2%80%9Cstadtteil- kurier%E2%80%9D- from-the-20th-of- march.html

ifib Newspaper article Digital On The Move Stadtteil Kurier Südost

http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/128- digital-on-the-move- stadtteil-kurier- s%C3%BCdost.html

ifib Newspaper article Social Inclusion In The District

Weser Report

http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/129-social- inclusion-in-the-district- weser-report.html

ifib Newspaper article Needs Of Older People In Hemelingen

Weser-Report http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/136-needs- of-older-people-in- hemelingen.html

ifib Newspaper article Walking Through The District

Kurier http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/137- walking-through-the- district.html

ifib Newspaper article A Search For Traces For The District

Stadtteil Kurier Südost

http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/138-a-

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

search-for-traces-for- the-district.html

ifib Newspaper article Hemelingen Follows Osterholz

Weser Report http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/142- hemelingen-follows- osterholz.html

ifib Newspaper article Exploring The District Stadtteil Kurier Südost

http://www.mobile- age.eu/news/145- exploring-the- district.html

ZGZ Article Zaragoza, anfitriona ante alemanes y griegos del proyecto europeo Mobile Age

Heraldo http://www.heraldo.es/ noticias/aragon/zaragoz a- provincia/zaragoza/2017 /11/21/zaragoza- anfitriona-ante- alemanes-griegos-del- proyecto-europeo- mobile-age-1209341- 301.html

ULANC TV interview Researchers at the University of Lancaster pioneer an app that is aimed at getting older adults out from loneliness and isolation

ITV Border n/a

ULANC Article Could a new app help cure loneliness?

Medical Xpress https://medicalxpress.co m/news/2017-12-app- loneliness.html

ULANC Post Loneliness and isolation affect thousands of elderly people across the Border area. Now a group of older people in Kendal have been helping university researchers pioneer an app that is aimed at getting them out and about. So can technology help the elderly stay

Charlotte Briere- Edney ITV Facebook Page

https://www.facebook.c om/CharlotteBriereEdne y/videos/152444602051 751/

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

connected in the real world?

ULANC Interview Lancaster Uni Loneliness Project Focuses On South Lakeland

thebay.co.uk http://www.thebay.co.u k/news/local- news/lancaster-uni- loneliness-project- focuses-on-south- lakeland/

ULANC Article New app being developed to help reduce loneliness in elderly

Nursing Times https://www.nursingtim es.net/news/community /new-app-being- developed-to-help- reduce-loneliness-in- elderly/7022513.article

ULANC Article Technology can be used to tackle social isolation

Westmorland Gazette


ULANC Article Could a new app help cure loneliness?

myscience.org.u k

https://www.myscience. org.uk/news/2017/could _a_new_app_help_cure _lonelinesse-2017- lancaster

ULANC Article Researchers Exploring Whether Technology Could Be Key To Tackling Loneliness

Top Breaking news (TBN)

https://top- breaking.news/research ers-exploring-whether- technology-could-be- key-to-tackling- loneliness/

ULANC Article Researchers exploring whether technology could be key to tackling loneliness

News Medical Life science

https://www.news- medical.net/news/20171 215/Researchers- exploring-whether- technology-could-be- key-to-tackling- loneliness.aspx

ULANC Interview Lancaster Uni Loneliness Project Focuses On South Lakeland

Lakeland radio http://www.lakelandradi o.co.uk/news/local- news/lancaster-uni- loneliness-project- focuses-on-south- lakeland/

ULANC Post Can an #app help Charlotte Briere https://mobile.twitter.co

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortiu


D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

tackle #loneliness and isolation? @LancasterUni has been working with older people in Kendal to develop an app that will help them get out and about- but will it work? Find out on @ITVborder tonight @AgeUKnews

Twitter profile m/CharlotteBriere/statu s/941702017432670208

Gov2u News article Collaboration with Mobile Age project

FLOOD-serv project website

http://www.floodserv- project.eu/collaboration- mobile-age-project/

Gov2u Newsletter Collaboration with Mobile Age project

FLOOD-serv newsletter - Issue No. 3 (July 2017)

http://www.floodserv- project.eu/press- kit/newsletter/

Gov2u Article Mobile Age Project releases its No.3 Newsletter Issue!

Joinup platform https://joinup.ec.europa .eu/news/mobile-age- project-releases-i

Gov2u Article Mobile Age Project - Newsletter Issue No.4 is now available!

Joinup platform https://joinup.ec.europa .eu/news/mobile-age- project-newslett

Gov2u Article Mobile Age Project - Newsletter Issue No.5 is now available!

Joinup platform https://joinup.ec.europa .eu/news/mobile-age- project-newslett-0


Twitter post We have the luxury of now being able to introduce #ICT and #digital #health solutions in early stages of #dementia which can make them more meaningful to the #older person - Leo Lews of @IFICInfo at the #INLIFE workshop in Madird @AGE_PlatformEU @MobileAgeEU

InLife Project H2020 Twitter account

https://twitter.com/InLif e2020/status/95355338 6124795904

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Gov2u Twitter post Our project @MobileAgeEU was made possible thanks to #H2020 #InvestEUresearch!

Horizon 2020 Twitter account

https://twitter.com/EUF railSafe/status/9531876 14093463552

Gov2u Twitter post Have a look at FrailSafe #volunteers talking about the study, virtual reality games and devices http://bit.ly/2jEJhpi #H2020 #ICT #cyprus #nicosia #frailty #prevention @BlogCyEu @AgeFriendlyEU @EIP_AHA @MobileAgeEU @GERAScentre

FrailSafe project twitter accounr

Gov2u Twitter post Have a look at FrailSafe #volunteers talking about the study, virtual reality games and devices http://bit.ly/2jEJhpi #H2020 #ICT #cyprus #nicosia #frailty #prevention @BlogCyEu @AgeFriendlyEU @EIP_AHA @MobileAgeEU @GERAScentre


https://twitter.com/i_PR OGNOSIS

ifib Newsletter Articel Hemelingen Digital Local District Magazin


Table 18 : Media coverage (external)

1. Internal (references around Mobile Age in partners’ websites, partners’ press releases, partners’ newsletters and other media e.g. partners’ social media pages)

Partner’s Name

Type of item (press release, interview, etc.)

Title of the item Media where it was published

URL (if available)

AGE tweet Interested in co- creating with older

Twitter https://twitter.com/AGE _PlatformEU/status/898

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

persons? Look at @MobileAgeEU project great experience!


TT Blog Article Assure a level playing field for European ICT startups

Blog https://ec.europa.eu/fut urium/en/egovernment4 eu/assure-level-playing- field-european-ict- startups

FTB News on website FTB präsentiert Forschungsergebniss e auf dem internationalen AAATE-Kongress

FTB’s website http://ftb- esv.de/ftbaufaaate2017. html

FTB News on website Wege der App- Entwicklung – Gemeinsam mit Senioren

FTB’s website

http://ftb- esv.de/wegederapp- entwicklung- geimeinsammitsenioren. html

Ifib Blog Article Ein Tisch auf Wanderschaft

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/ein_tisch_auf_wanders chaft

Ifib Blog Article Projekttreffen MobileAge in Madrid und Saragossa

Ifib’s blog

http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/projekttreffen_mobile age_in_madrid_und_zar agoza

Ifib Blog Article MobileAge startet mit Tablet-Workshop in die Entwicklungsphase

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_startet_mit _tablet_workshop_in_di e_entwicklungsphase

Ifib Blog Article Mobileage spaziert durch den Sebaldsbrücker Schlosspark in Hemelingen

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_spaziert_d urch_den_sebaldsbrueck er_schlosspark_in_heme lingen

Ifib Blog Article Tabletgruppen für Hemelingens ältere Bürgerinnen und

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/tabletgruppen_fuer_h

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Bürger emelingens_aeltere_bue rgerinnen_und_buerger

Ifib Blog Article Film über unser Projekt MobileAge

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/film_ueber_uns_proje kt_mobileage

Ifib Blog Article MobileAge startet Daten Ko-Kreation auf Stadtteilspaziergang in Arbergen

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_startet_dat en_ko_kreation_auf_sta dtteilspaziergang_in_arb ergen

Ifib Blog Article 17.652 Schritte in Osterholz

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/17.652_schritte_in_ost erholz

Ifib Blog Article Digitale Infrastrukturen für die altersfreundliche Stadt

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/digitale_infrastrukture n_fuer_die_altersfreundl iche_stadt

Ifib Blog Article MobileAge Projekttreffen in Thessaloniki

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_projekttreff en_in_thessaloniki

Ifib Blog Article Mobileage Stadtteilspaziergang in Hemelingen

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_stadtteilsp aziergang_in_hemelinge n

Ifib Blog Article Die Macht der Daten Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/die_macht_der_daten

Ifib Blog Article MobileAge Projekt ist spitze - Heute auf dem Digitalgipfel

Ifib’s blog http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_projekt_ist _spitze_heute_auf_dem _digitalgipfel

Ifib Blog Article Mobileage startet Ifib’s blog zweite Projektphase in Bremen Hemelingen

http://www.ifib.de/blog/ index.php/site/comment s/mobileage_startet_zw eite_projektphase_in_br

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium


Ifib Video Introduction to MobileAge

MobileAge Vimeo

https://vimeo.com/2244 28 142

Ifib Video Introduction to Bremen App

MobileAge Vimeo

https://vimeo.com/2161 38979

Ifib Twitter Posts > 40 tweets Twitter @juliane_jarke

Ifib Twitter Posts >15 tweets Twitter @ifibGmbH

Ifib Twitter Posts >15 tweets Twitter @ZeMKI_Bremen

ULANC Video Could a new app help cure loneliness?

Lancaster University channel

https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=d8KYMIcz_e 0&app=desktop

ULANC Post @LancasterUni Professor Niall Hayes was interviewed by @ITVborder this morning, talking about a new app being developed to combat #loneliness @MobileAgeEU

Lancaster University Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Lanc asterPress/status/94165 8414253510657?s=17

ULANC Post Can technology help cure loneliness? Our researchers have been working with older people to develop a new app to connect them to their communities #LUResearch

Lancaster University Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Lanc asterUni/status/9416063 31865288704

ULANC Article Could a new app help cure loneliness?

Lancaster University website

http://www.lancaster.ac .uk/news/articles/2017/ could-a-new-app-help- cure-loneliness/

ULANC Post Thank you to those who attended our launch event today, where Professor Niall Hayes and Dr Marcia Smith

Lancaster Management Twitter account

https://mobile.twitter.co m/LancasterManage/sta tus/9416646040857272 32

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

presented a new mobile app designed to tackle loneliness in older people.

ULANC Post LUMS Professor Niall Hayes is part of a pioneering research project using technology to tackle loneliness.

Lancaster Management Twitter account

https://mobile.twitter.co m/LancasterManage/sta tus/9416104918849945 60

ULANC Post Could a new app help cure loneliness? Researchers from @LancasterUni are exploring whether #technology could be the key to tackling the UK’s loneliness epidemic by better connecting older adults with their communities #LUResearch

Lancaster University Twitter account

https://mobile.twitter.co m/LancasterUni/status/9 41683029990363139

ULANC Post Great to see #loneliness at the top of the political agend

Marcia Smith Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Desi gnResearchr/status/941 707851055161345

ULANC Post We have been busy meeting the media this morning in Kendal about our research into how to tackle #loneliness through digital services co-created with users. @MobileAgeEU @LancasterUni

Marcia Smith Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Desi gnResearchr/status/941 689906019143680

ULANC Post This is the footage from @ITVborder about progress on the @MobileAgeEU project at Lancaster - focusing on the co- creation of apps and services with the

Dr. Christopher Bull Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Chri sBull88/status/94270746 3425613824

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

older adults:

ULANC Post My work as part of @MobileAgeEU team will be broadcast on radio @BBC_Cumbria at 5:30-ish (during drive time show) and ITV Border between 6- 6:30

Dr. Christopher Bull Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Chri sBull88/status/94171556 3126108162


Gov2u Post The Mobile Age - For Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c inclusive open public Page om/Gov2u/posts/10156 services app aims to 019341876057 help senior citizens stand up to loneliness! Gov2U is a proud partner of this EU funded project.

Gov2u Post The Mobile Age - For Gov2u Twitter https://twitter.com/Gov inclusive open public account 2u/status/94280220822 services app aims to 7241984 help senior citizens stand up to loneliness!..

Gov2u Post The 5th Mobile Age - Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c For inclusive open page om/Gov2u/posts/10155 public services 612870211057 Newsletter Issue is out!

Gov2u Post Mobile Age - For Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c inclusive open public page om/Gov2u/posts/10155 services focuses on 344331621057 #digital and mobile #technology, based on open #government #data, which will be used by senior #citizens to acess and use #public #services!

Gov2u Post Mobile Age - For Gov2u Twitter https://twitter.com/Gov

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortiu


D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

inclusive open public services focuses on #digital and mobile #technology, based on open...

account 2u/status/86661054507 5597312

Gov2u Post The latest Mobile Age - For inclusive open public services #newsletter is featured in Joinup.eu !

Gov2u Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Gov 2u/status/85934269160 7433218

Gov2u Post Mobile Age - For inclusive open public services has realeased it's 4th Newsletter Issue!

Gov2u Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Gov 2u/status/85785486107 7086209

Gov2u Post Mobile Age - For inclusive open public services Cooperation meeting in Thessaloniki

Gov2u Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Gov 2u/status/85465567789 3148672

Gov2u Post The Mobile Age - For inclusive open public services Team in Bremen presented their project to a network of local...

Gov2u Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Gov 2u/status/85426065990 6895872

Gov2u Post The Mobile Age - For inclusive open public services project is featured in the Bremen Newspaper "Stadtteil-

Gov2u Twitter account

https://twitter.com/Gov 2u/status/85244860416 5992451

Gov2u Post The latest Mobile Age - For inclusive open public services #newsletter is featured in Joinup.eu!

Gov2u Facebook page

https://www.facebook.c om/Gov2u/posts/10155 276818036057

Gov2u Post Mobile Age - For inclusive open public

Gov2u Facebook page

https://www.facebook.c om/Gov2u/posts/10155

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

services has realeased it's 4th Newsletter Issue!


Gov2u Post It is undeniable that Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c digitising public page om/Gov2u/posts/10155 administrations is an 238228311057 advantageous solution since it simplifies and speeds up the administrative process. But what about senior citizens?

Gov2u Post Mobile Age - For Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c inclusive open public page om/Gov2u/posts/10155 services Cooperation 235364951057 meeting in Thessaloniki

Gov2u Post The Mobile Age - For Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c inclusive open public page om/Gov2u/posts/10155 services Team in 231647936057 Bremen presented their project to a network of local stakeholders on the 4th of March.

Gov2u Post The #paper of the Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c Mobile Age - For page om/Gov2u/posts/10156 inclusive open public 099301786057 services "Using cultural probes for co-creating a digital neighbourhood guide with and for older adults"

Gov2u Post The Mobile Age - For Gov2u Facebook https://www.facebook.c inclusive open public page om/Gov2u/posts/10155 services project is 213269596057 featured in the Bremen Newspaper "Stadtteil- Kurier".

Table 19 : Media coverage (internal)

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Appendix VIII – Posts on Joinup

Figure 42: Posts on Joinup (1)

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Figure 43 : Posts on Joinup (2)

D5.4 Update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

© Copyright 2016-2018 Gov2u and members of Mobile-Age consortium

Figure 44 : Posts on Joinup (3)
