d20m - Wish Book


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  • 7/30/2019 d20m - Wish Book






  • 7/30/2019 d20m - Wish Book


    CONTENTSGeneral Equipment RulesArmor & Protective GearBags & Boxes

    BooksClothingComputer & Consumer ItemsLifestyleProfessional EquipmentSports EquipmentSurveillance Gear

    Survival GearWeapons: MeleeWeapons: RangedWeapon AccessoriesKits (collected)Index





    To account for the mundane and innocuousobjects that most people have among theirpossessionsand not force every character tospecifically purchase such objects in order toemploy themuse the following rules.

    With the GMs permission, a character can

    make a Wealth check to see if he or she has amundane object on hand, as long as the objecthas a PDC of 10 or lower. (The GM determinesthe PDC for an object thats not mentioned inthis chapter, using similarly priced objects as aguide.) The Wealth check works the same asfor buying the object, except that the charactertakes a 10 penalty on the check, and he orshe cant take 10 or take 20. Also, a charactercant make a Wealth check to see if he or shehas a mundane object on hand during

    character generation or between adventuresonly during play. If the character succeeds, hisor her Wealth bonus is unaffected, even if theobjects PDC is higher than his or her Wealthbonus.

    Depending on the situation, the GM can rulethat a certain mundane object is not availablefor an object to be obtainable, the charactermust be in a place where the object logicallywould be.

    RESTRICTED OBJECTSSome objects require licenses to own o

    operate, or are restricted in use to qualifyingorganizations or individuals. In such cases, acharacter must purchase a license or pay a feeto legally own the object. A license or fee is aseparate item, purchased in addition to (andusually before) the object to which it appliesThe four levels of restriction are as follows.


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    Licensed: The owner must obtain a licenseto own or operate the object legally. Generally,the license is not expensive, and obtaining ithas few if any additional legal requirements.

    Restricted: Only specially qualifiedindividuals or organizations are technicallyallowed to own the object. However, the realobstacles to ownership are time and money;

    anyone with sufficient patience and cash caneventually acquire the necessary license.

    Military: The object is sold primarily tolegitimate police and military organizations. Amilitary rating is essentially the same asrestricted (see above), except thatmanufacturers and dealers are generally undertight government scrutiny and are thereforeespecially wary of selling to private individuals.

    Illegal: The object is illegal in all butspecific, highly regulated circumstances.

    Table: Restricted ObjectsRegistration

    RatingLicenseor FeePDC

    BlackMarketPDC 1


    Licensed 10 +1 1 dayRestricted 15 +2 2 days

    Military 20 +3 3 daysIllegal 25 +4 4 days

    1 Add to the objects PDC if the character tries tobuy it on the black market without first obtaining alicense; see The Black Market.

    Purchasing a License

    To purchase a license or pay necessaryfees, make a Wealth check against the PDCgiven in Table: Restricted Objects. With asuccess, the license is issued to the characterafter the number of days indicated. To speedthe process, the hero can make a Knowledge(business) check against a DC equal to thelicense PDC. Success results in the licensebeing issued in 1d6 hours. (During the processof character creation, a character just needs topurchase the license or pay the fee; the timerequired takes place before game play begins.)

    As a general rule, a character must obtainthe appropriate license before buying arestricted object. Legitimate dealers will notsell restricted objects to a character who doesnot have the necessary license. However, a

    character may be able to turn to the blackmarket (see below) to obtain restricted objectswithout a license.

    The Black Market

    Sometimes a character wants to obtain anobject without going through the hassle ogetting a license first. Almost anything isavailable on the black market. Knowledge(streetwise) checks can be used to locate ablack market merchant. The DC is based on thelocation in question: 15 to find a black marketmerchant in a big city, or 20, 25, or higher insmall towns and rural areas.

    Objects purchased on the black market aremore expensive than those purchased legallyAdd the black market PDC modifier from TableRestricted Objects to the objects PDC.

    Obtaining an object on the black markettakes a number of days according to the TimeRequired column on Table: Restricted ObjectsThe process can be hurried, but each day cutout of the process (to a minimum of one day)increases the PDC by an additional +1.


    When a hero working for Department-7needs more equipment than he or she has onhand, the hero may try to requisition itDepartment-7 evaluates whether the characterreally needs the object, how soon the agencycan supply it, and whether the agency canreasonably expect to get it back when the herois done with it.

    The result is determined by a level check(1d20 + character level) against a DC equal tothe equipments PDC. Add the charactersCharisma bonus to the check. TableRequisition Modifiers lists modifiers that mayaffect the check.

    The result of the check determines whetherand how quickly Department-7 can provide thehero with the requested equipment. With asuccess, the object is issued to the heroGenerally, it takes 24 hours to obtain an objectthrough requisition, but if the object isespecially common, or if the hero beats thecheck DC by 5 or more, it is available in 1d4hours.


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    Requisitioned objects are loaned, not given,to the hero. Obviously, expendable objects likeammunition dont have to be returned if used.

    Table: Requisition ModifiersSituation Mod

    Object is necessary for assignment +6Object has obvious application forassignment +4

    Object has peripheral application forassignment


    Object has no obvious application forassignment


    Object is rare 2Object restrictionLicensed 2Restricted 4Military 6

    Illegal 8Hero is proficient in use of object +2Hero returned all gear undamagedon previous mission



    Weapons, armor, and some other types ofequipment can be constructed as mastercraftobjects. The exceptional quality of theseobjects provides the user a bonus on attackrolls, damage, Defense, or some other

    characteristic that improves when the object isused.

    A mastercraft object that provides a +1bonus can usually be purchased on the openmarket as a custom version of a commonobject. The increased cost of such an objectadds +3 to the PDC.

    A rare few objects are of mastercraft qualityeven without customizationthe off-the-shelfversion of the object is of such high quality thatit is always provides a bonus of +1. In these

    cases, the PDC is not increased (such objectsare already priced higher than similar objectsof lower quality).

    Mastercraft objects with a bonus of +2 or+3 are not common and are generally not forsale. If a mastercraft +2 object could be foundfor purchase, its cost would add +6 to thenormal PDC. The cost of a mastercraft +3object would add +9 to the normal PDC.


    Its assumed that, when attempting toconceal a weapon or other object, a characteris wearing appropriate clothing.

    Drawing a concealed weapon is moredifficult than drawing a regularly holsteredweapon, and normally requires an attack

    action. Keeping the weapon in an easier-to-draw position makes concealing it moredifficult.

    Sleight of Hand Checks

    To conceal a weapon or other object, makea Sleight of Hand check. A characterconcealing an object before he or she headsout into public can usually take 10 unless he orshe is rushed, trying to conceal it when othersmight see, or under other unusual constraints

    Sleight of Hand can be used untrained in thisinstance, but the character must take 10.

    Size and Concealment

    The objects size affects the check result, asshown on Table: Concealing Weapons andObjects. The type of holster used or clothingworn, and any attempt to make a weaponeasier to draw, can also affect the check.

    Table: Concealing Weapons andObjects

    Size of weapon or object

    Sleight ofHand


    Fine +12Diminutive +8Tiny +4Small +0Medium-size 4

    Large 8Huge or larger cant concealClothing is tight or small 4Clothing is especially looseor bulky


    Clothing is specificallymodified for concealingobject


    Weapon is carried in +4


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    concealed carry holsterWeapon can be drawnnormally


    Weapon can be drawn asfree action with Quick Drawfeat


    Spotting Concealed Objects

    Noticing a concealed weapon or otherobject requires a Spot check. The DC varies: Ifthe target made a roll when concealing anobject, the DC of the Spot check to notice theobject is the same as the targets check result(an opposed check, in other words). If thetarget took 10 on his or her Sleight of Handcheck, use this formula:

    Spot DC = Targets Sleight of Hand skillmodifier (including modifiers from Table:Concealing Weapons and Objects) + 10

    An observer attempting to spot a concealedobject receives a 1 penalty for every 10 feetbetween him or herself and the target, and a 5 penalty if distracted.

    Patting someone down for a hidden weaponrequires a similar check. However, the skillemployed in Search, and the searcher gets a+4 circumstance bonus for the hands-on act offrisking the target. Some devices may alsooffer bonuses under certain circumstances (ametal detector offers a bonus to Search checksto find metal objects, for example).

    Spotting Concealable Armor

    Concealable armor can be worn underclothing if the wearer wants it to go unnoticed.Dont use the modifiers from Table: ConcealingWeapons and Objects when wearingconcealable armor. Instead, anyone attemptingto notice the armor must make a Spot check(DC 30).


    The PDCs given are for average-qualityitems. Its possible to purchase similar itemswith luxury features, generally by increasingthe PDC by 1. Although such items are moreexpensive, they offer no additional features orgame benefits.


    Operating a bicycle uses the same rules asany other vehicle, but with a few special rules:

    Operating a bicycle uses the Balance skilinstead of Drive, but is otherwise treatedthe same when using the Vehicle rules.

    A bicycle can only reach a maximum o

    street speed and doing so requires a full-round action, unless going down asignificant downward slope (GMsdiscretion).The rider must use a full-round action to

    climb up a significant slope and can only movea maximum of alley speed on such an action. After every hour of strenuous riding, the ridermust make a Constitution check or becomefatigued for 1d10 minutes per hour of riding.

    It is a free action to get on or off a bicycle.

    All attacks made from a bicycle suffer a 2penalty. The rider cannot use any weaponsthat require both hands.

    Bicycles are Small vehicles, granting a +1bonus to Initiative, maneuver modifier, andDefense (the size modifier is alreadyincluded in the vehicle statistics on TableVehicles.)

    Bicycle tires have 2 hit points each.


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    GEARBody armor comes in a variety of shapes andsizes, providing varying degrees of coverageand varying heaviness of materials.Three feats cover proficiency in the use ofarmor: Armor Proficiency (light), ArmorProficiency (medium), and Armor Proficiency(heavy).

    LIGHT ARMORFor the character who doesnt want to bebogged down by more cumbersome armortypes, a leather garment or some sort ofconcealable armor is just the ticket.

    Chemico Body Armor

    The Chemico Body Shield, as it was known,dated from 1917. It was commercial modelbody armor that was sold for use in thetrenches of World War I. It was a vest-typejacket made from fabric bonded together with

    kapok resin.The Chemico Body Shield only sawextremely limited service.Chemico Body ArmorType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +3Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +4Armor Penalty: -3

    Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 6 lbsPDC: 16Restriction: none

    Year: 1917

    Buff Coat

    The buff coat was a standard piece of clothingfor both the foot soldier and the cavalrymanthroughout PL3 (The Age of Reason)Historically, it offered moderate protection

    against blows from swords, but was ineffectiveagainst musket fire. It is a supple leather coatthat covers the torso and the shoulders.Buff CoatType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +1Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +8Armor Penalty: -0Arcane Spell Failure: not listed


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    Speed (30 ft.): 30 ft.Weight: 5 lbsPDC: 11Restriction: none

    Fire Resistant SuitThis bulky, silver-coated suit provides fireresistance 10, but does not protect against anyother type of damage. It is used primarily byfire fighters.Fire Resistant Suit

    Type: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +0Nonprof. Bonus: +0Maximum Dex Bonus: +5Armor Penalty: -4Arcane Spell Failure: 40Speed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 10 lbsPDC: 13Restriction: none

    Flight Suit and Helmet

    The flight suit and helmet combination worn bycombat pilots doubles as body armor thatprotects grounded pilots. The flight suitcontains kevlar-lined pouches on the chest,back, arms, legs, and abdomen, into whicharmor plates are inserted. The helmet protectsthe head.The armored flight suit carries over into laterProgress Levels. Most military pilots in later

    eras wear armored flight suits and helmetsessentially the same as this PL 5 version,though in the design appropriate to theirsociety.Flight Suit & HelmetType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +2Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +6Armor Penalty: - 0Arcane Spell Failure: not listed

    Speed (30 ft./ 20 ft.): 30 ft./20 ft.Weight: 2 lbsPDC: 10Restriction: License (+1)


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    Leather Jacket

    This armor is represented by a heavy leatherbikers jacket. A number of other impromptuarmors, such as a football pads and a baseballcatchers pads, offer similar protection andgame statistics.Leather JacketType: ImpromptuEquipment Bonus: +1Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +8Armor Penalty: -0Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 4 lbsPDC: 10Restriction: none

    Leather Armor

    This archaic armor consists of a breastplate

    made of thick, lacquered leather, along withsofter leather coverings for other parts of thebody.Leather ArmorType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +2Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +6Armor Penalty: -0Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 30

    Weight: 15lbsPDC: 12Restriction: none


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    Light Undercover Shirt

    Designed for deep undercover work in whichits critical that the wearer not appear to bearmed or armored, this garment consists of aT-shirt with a band of light protective materialsewn in around the lower torso.Light Undercover Shirt

    Type: ConcealableEquipment Bonus: +2Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +7Armor Penalty: -0Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 2 lbsPDC: 13Restriction: Lic (+1)

    NBC SuitAlthough technically not armor, this oversizedsuit does protect the wearer from nuclear(radiation), biological, and chemical hazards.When worn and completely sealed, it grants a+10 equipment bonus on Fortitude savesagainst radiation, disease, chemicals, orpoisons (airborne or contact only). An NBC suit

    comes with an internal air supply that lasts forone hour. The suit takes 5 minutes to don withsomeones aid or 10 minutes without. If an NBCsuit takes 4 points of damage from ballistic,slashing, or piercing weapons, the benefits itprovides are negated. If the suit has beenexposed to some hazard, it must be cleanedand neutralized, taking 1 hour and requiring

    special chemicals (PDC 15) and high-pressurewater hoses.NBC SuitType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +0Nonprof. Bonus: +0Maximum Dex Bonus: +5Armor Penalty: 4Arcane Spell Failure: 40Speed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 10 lbs

    PDC: 15Restriction: Restricted (+2)

    PaddedPadded armor features layers of cloth andbatting. Armor used for training attack dogsand extremely heavy winter clothing fall underthis classification of armor.Padded armorType: ImpromptuEquipment Bonus: +1Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +8


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    Armor Penalty: -3Arcane Spell Failure: 5%Speed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 10 lbsPDC: 9Restriction: none


    Pull-Up Pouch Vest

    This garment, consisting of a torso apron oflight protective material held up by a looparound the neck, can be stored in an innocuousfanny pack. Deploying the apron is a moveaction. This garment provides no equipmentbonus (and has no armor penalty or maximumDexterity bonus) when undeployed.Pull-Up Pouch Vest

    Type: ConcealableEquipment Bonus: +2Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +5Armor Penalty: -2Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 2 lbsPDC: 13Restriction: License (+1)

    Rad Suit

    The wearer of this suit treats an irradiated areaor radiation source as two degrees weaker forthe purposes of determining radiation exposure(severe becomes moderate, high becomes low,moderate becomes mild, and the wearer isunaffected by low and mild degrees ofexposure).

    The suit takes 1 minute to don with someoneelses aid or 2 minutes without. If the rad suittakes 8 points of damage from ballistic,slashing, or piercing weapons, the benefits itprovides are negated.Rad SuitType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: -Nonprof. Bonus: +5Armor Penalty: -4Speed (30 ft.): 30

    Weight: 15 lbsPDC: 19Restriction: none


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    Sports Pads

    A number of impromptu armors, such as afootball pads and a baseball catchers pads,offer protection in a pinch. The exterior of thearmor is made of durable hard plastic. Theinterior contains the soft padding, whichcushions blows.

    Sports PadsType: ImpromptuEquipment Bonus: +2Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +8Armor Penalty: -0Speed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 7 lbsPDC: 5

    Studded Leather

    This armor is made from tough but flexibleleather (not hardened leather as with normalleather armor) reinforced with close-set metalrivets. Some heavily studded motorcycle gearcan be considered studded leather.Studded LeatherType: Archaic

    Equipment Bonus: +3Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +5Armor Penalty: -1Arcane Spell Failure: 15%Speed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 20 lbsPDC: 13

    Restriction: none

    Undercover Vest

    Covering a larger area of the torso, this vest

    provides better protection than the lightundercover shirtbut its also more easilynoticed. Its best used when the armor shouldremain unseen but the wearer doesnt expectto face much scrutiny, granting a +2 bonus onSpot checks to notice the armor.Undercover VestType: ConcealableEquipment Bonus: +3Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +5

    Armor Penalty: -2Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 30Weight: 3 lbsPDC: 14Restriction: Lic (+1)


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    MEDIUM ARMORMost medium armor (except for the archaicchainmail shirt) is not terribly heavy, butnonetheless provides a significant amount ofprotection at the expense of some speed.


    A breastplate covers your front and your back.It comes with a helmet and greaves (plates tocover your lower legs). A light suit or skirt ofstudded leather beneath the breastplate

    protects your limbs without overly restrictingmovement.BreastplateType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +5Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -4Arcane Spell Failure: 25%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 30 lbs

    PDC: 18Restriction: none

    Concealable Vest

    Standard issue in many police forces, this vestprovides maximum protection in a garment

    that can be worn all day long under regularclothing. While it may go unnoticed by a quickglance, it is usually visible to anyone lookingclosely for it, granting a +4 bonus on Spotchecks to notice the armor.Type: ConcealableEquipment Bonus: +4Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +4Armor Penalty: -3Arcane Spell Failure: not listed

    Speed (30 ft.): 25Weight: 4 lbsPDC: 15Restriction: Lic (+1)


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    Chainmail Shirt

    This medieval-era armor is a long shirt made ofinterlocking metal rings, with a layer ofpadding underneath. Its heavy, making ituncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

    Type: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +5Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +2Armor Penalty: -5Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 40 lbsPDC: 18Restriction: none

    NO IMAGEE.O.B. Armor

    One of the many types of officially-issued bodyarmor from the First World War was theExperimental Ordnance Board (EOB) armor. Itconsisted of a front plate, back plate, and groinprotector, and was fairly widely issued

    Type: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +4Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -4Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 20

    Weight: 10 lbsPDC: 18Restriction: Mil (+3)

    Year: 1917

    Firefighter Turnout Coat

    The Firefighters Turnout coats also provide fireresistance 5 to the wearer and cannot catchfire.Firefighter Turnout CoatType: ImpromptuEquipment Bonus: +4Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -3Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 25Weight: 15 lbsPDC: 13Restriction: Lic. (+1)


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    This armor is prepared from multiple layers of

    leather and animal hides. It is stiff and hard tomove in. Shadow creatures and other primitiveindividuals that are unconcerned aboutappearance or hygiene commonly wear hidearmor.Hide ArmorType: ImpromptuEquipment Bonus: +3Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +4Armor Penalty: -3

    Arcane Spell Failure: 20%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 25 lbsPDC: 10Restriction: none


    Similar to splint armor, lamellar consists ofsmall, overlapping plates of metal sewntogether or stitched to a backing of leather orcloth.LamellarType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +5

    Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -4Arcane Spell Failure: 30%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 35 lbsPDC: 20Restriction: none


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    Light-Duty Vest

    A lightweight tactical vest designed forextended use by riot police and forces on alert

    for potential attack, this armor sacrifices adegree of protection for a modicum of comfortat least compared to other tactical bodyarmors.Light-Duty VestType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +5Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -4Arcane Spell Failure: not listed

    Speed (30 ft.): 25Weight: 8 lbsPDC: 16Restriction: Lic (+1)

    Scale Mail

    This is a coat and leggings (and perhaps aseparate skirt) of leather covered withoverlapping pieces of metal, much like thescales of a fish. It includes gauntlets.Scale MailType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +4Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -4Arcane Spell Failure: 25%

    Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 30 lbsPDC: 16Restriction: none


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    Tactical Vest

    The standard body armor for police tacticalunits, this vest provides full-torso protection inthe toughest flexible protective materialsavailable.Type: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +6

    Nonprof. Bonus: +2Maximum Dex Bonus: +2Armor Penalty: -5Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 25Weight: 10 lbsPDC: 17Restriction: Lic (+1)

    HEAVY ARMORFor the best protection money can buy, go withheavy armor, but watch out for the armorpenalty.


    Banded Mail

    This armor is made of overlapping strips ofmetal sewn to a backing of leather and

    chainmail. The strips cover vulnerable areas,while the chain and leather protect the jointsand provide freedom of movement. Straps andbuckles distribute the weight evenly. A suit ofthis armor includes gauntlets.Banded MailType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +6Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +1Armor Penalty: -6

    Arcane Spell Failure: 35%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 35 lbsPDC: 19Restriction: none

    Forced Entry Unit

    The most powerful protection available is builtinto this suit, which consists of a heavy torsojacket with ceramic plates over the chest andback, neck and groin guards, arm protection,and a helmet. Heavy and cumbersome, thisarmor is generally only donned by tacticalofficers heading into a dangerous assault.Forced Entry UnitType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +9Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +0Armor Penalty: -8

    Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 20 lbsPDC: 19Restriction: Lic (+1)


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    Half-PlateThis armor is a combination of chain mail withmetal plates (breastplate, epaulettes, elbowguards, gauntlets, tassels, and greaves)covering vital areas. Buckles and straps holdthe whole suit together and distribute theweight, but the armor still hangs more looselythan full plate. It includes gauntlets.Half-PlateType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +7Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +0Armor Penalty: -7Arcane Spell Failure: 35%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 45 lbsPDC: 21Restriction: none

    Land Warrior Armor

    The Land Warrior combat system was a majorInformation Age step in the ongoing effort toincrease the efficiency of the individual solder.The primary benefits of Land Warrior armor arefound in its communications and sensor gear;each Land Warrior armor has a built-incomputer that is capable of sending andreceiving text and image transmissions (via adisplay built into the armor), including images

    captured from the scope of a linked OICWassault rifle or TacMil sniper rifle. Additionally,the display can be linked to the scopes onthose weapons to provide real-timerepresentations of what the scope can see,allowing the wearer to fire around corners withease. In addition to the communications anddata equipment, the armor functions asstandard infantry battle armor complete withbullet-resistant plating and kevlar protectivegear. The armor allows for instantaneous

    transmission of coordinates and targetinginformation, allowing teams of Land Warrior-capable soldiers to communicate andcoordinate with ease and efficiency.Land Warrior ArmorType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +6Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +3


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    Armor Penalty: - 3Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft./20 ft.): 20 ft./ 15 ft.Weight: 10 lbsPDC: 20Restriction: Lic (+1)


    O-yoroi, also called great armor, is a full suit ofarmor formed from small metal plates tiedtogether with colored leather lacings andlacquered to seal them from moisture. The fullsuit consists of a corselet (do-maru, coveringthe stomach, chest, shoulders, and back), largerectangular shoulder pieces (sode), an apron oflarge plates to cover the thighs and knees(haidate), a great helmet with a face mask(kabuto), and shin guards made of metal

    splints (sune-ate). Wearing great armor is abadge of honor for bushi of the samurai casteof Japan, and they frown on anyone elsewearing such a suit.O-Yoroi (Great Armor)Type: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +7Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +2Armor Penalty: -5

    Arcane Spell Failure: 40%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 45 lbsPDC: 28Restriction: none

    Plate Mail

    This medieval-era armor consists of metalplates that cover the entire body. Its heavyand cumbersome compared to most modernarmor, but it does provide a great deal ofprotection.Plate MailType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +8Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +1Armor Penalty: -6Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 50 lbsPDC: 23Restriction: none


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    Space Suit

    The standard space suit used by NASA andother space programs is a completely enclosedenvironment suit capable of sustaining life inextremes of temperature and a lack ofbreathable air. The suit is large and bulky,composed of a thick body suit and helmet witha transparent mask, all parts of which arecapable of deflecting micro-meteors and otherspace-borne projectiles. Inside the suit, internalair tanks and environmental filters maintaintemperature and pressure. Additionally, acommunications system not only allows forradio transmissions to the space shuttle butalso allows internal sensors to monitorbiological functions that can be observed frommission control. The space suit is poor combatarmor, but allows for movement and action inspace.Space SuitType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +6Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +3Armor Penalty: -3Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft./20 ft.): 20 ft./15 ft.

    Weight: 50 lbsPDC: 26Restriction: Lic (+1)

    Special Response Vest

    Built like the tactical vest, but incorporatinggroin and neck protection as well as a ceramicplate over the chest, this armor providesadditional protection in battles against heavilyarmed opponents.Special Response VestType: TacticalEquipment Bonus: +7Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +1Armor Penalty: -6Arcane Spell Failure: not listedSpeed (30 ft.): 25Weight: 10 lbsPDC: 17Restriction: Lic (+1)


    Splint Mail

    This armor is made of narrow vertical strips ofmetal riveted to a backing of leather that isworn over cloth padding. Flexible chain maiprotects the joints. It includes gauntlets.Splint MailType: ArchaicEquipment Bonus: +6Nonprof. Bonus: +3Maximum Dex Bonus: +0


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    Armor Penalty: -7Arcane Spell Failure: 40%Speed (30 ft.): 20Weight: 45 lbsPDC: 18Restriction: none

    SHIELDSYou strap a shield to your forearm and grip itwith your hand.


    This small metal shield is strapped to yourforearm. You can use a pistol, longarm, ormelee weapon without penalty. You can alsouse an off-hand weapon, but you but suffer a

    1 penalty on attack rolls because of the extraweight on your arm. This penalty stacks withthose for fighting with your offhand and forfighting with two weapons. In any case, if youuse a weapon in your off-hand, you dont getthe bucklers shield bonus for the rest of theround.Type: ShieldEquipment Bonus: +1Nonprof. Bonus: +0Maximum Dex Bonus: none

    Armor Penalty: -2Arcane Spell Failure: 5%Weight: VariesPDC: 17Restriction: none

    Small Shield

    A small shields light weight lets you carryother items in that hand (although you cannotuse weapons).Small ShieldType: ShieldEquipment Bonus: +1Nonprof. Bonus: +0Maximum Dex Bonus: noneArmor Penalty: -1Arcane Spell Failure: 5%Weight: 6 lb.PDC: 5Restriction: none


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    Large Shield

    A large shield is too heavy for you to use yourshield hand for anything else.Large ShieldType: ShieldEquipment Bonus: +2Nonprof. Bonus: +1

    Maximum Dex Bonus: noneArmor Penalty: -2Arcane Spell Failure: 15%Weight: 15 lb.PDC: 7Restriction: none

    Wooden or Steel

    Wooden and steel shields offer the sameprotection, although they respond differently tospecial attacks.

    Impromptu ShieldThis includes picked up shields like garbagecan lids or stop signs. They are bulkyunwieldy, and tend to fall apart after a few hits(hardness 5, 3 hp).Impromptu ShieldType: ShieldEquipment Bonus: +1Nonprof. Bonus: +0Maximum Dex Bonus: noneArmor Penalty: -2Arcane Spell Failure: 5%Weight: variesPDC: 17Restriction: none


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    A riot shield is a large shield made of tough,transparent plastic, providing cover withouthindering sight.Riot ShieldType: ShieldEquipment Bonus: +3Nonprof. Bonus: +1Maximum Dex Bonus: noneArmor Penalty: -1Arcane Spell Failure: 30%Weight: 6 lb.PDC: 10Restriction: Res (+2)

    BAGS & BOXESWith the wide variety of equipment available tomodern adventurers, its often critical to havesomething to store the equipment in or carry itaround in.

    Sometimes how you carry your possessions isas important as what equipment you have.

    Aluminum Travel Case

    When something has top arrive undamagedthis is how to ship it. A travel case is areinforced metal box with foam inserts. Wing-style clamps keep it from opening accidentally.10lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.

    PDC: 10

    40lb. capacitySize: LargeWeight: 10 lb.PDC: 11

    75lb. capacitySize: LargeWeight: 15 lb.PDC: 12


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    Once it was the sure sign of a businessprofessional-- a briefcase still gives theimpression of authority and responsibility. Theycarry up to five pounds worth of gear. Abriefcase can be locked, but its cheap lock is

    not very secure (Disable Device DC 20. BreakDC 10).5lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 7

    Camera Bag

    Once used only by professional photographers,

    the advent of affordable digital still and videocameras has made the camera bag an itemfound in many households. Camera bags havecompartments designed to snugly hold acamera, lenses, and other miscellaneousphotographic equipment, and the entire bag ispadded to prevent damage to delicate items.Each comes with an adjustable shoulder strap.(If dropped, crushed, or attacked with a melee

    weapon, the camera bag provides DR 3 toeverything inside.) Camera bags come indifferent sizes for different types of camerasThe smallest bag holds up to 5 lbs. worth ofitems, but there are also models with 10 lband 15 lb. capacities.5lb. capacitySize: Small

    Weight: 0.5lb.PDC: 4

    10lb. capacitySize: SmallWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 5

    15lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 1.5 lb.

    PDC: 5

    Contractors Field Bag

    A combination tool bag and notebook computercase, this has pockets for tools, pensnotepads, and cell phones. It even has a clearplastic flap for maps or plans. Made of durablefabric, it holds 10 pounds worth of equipmentand comes with a shoulder strap.10lb. capacitySize: Medium

    Weight: 2 lb.PDC: 6


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    Day Pack

    This is a small backpack, the sort often used bystudents to carry their books around, or by

    outdoor enthusiasts on short hikes. It holds 8pounds of gear and fits comfortably over one orboth shoulders.8lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 2 lbPDC: 10

    Duffle Bag

    A cylindrical canvas sack that is open on oneend, the duffle bag is a convenient way to

    carry clothing, bedding, and other non-fragileitems. It cinches closed at the top and issecured by a clasp at the end of the strap.Made popular by military personnel who usethe bag to carry their belongings overseas,duffle bags are still most commonly made ofolive drab canvas. However, their popularitywith students and campers means that other,more fashionable color schemes are available.A duffle bag can hold approximately 50 pounds

    of material, but offers no protection fromdamage or wetness.50lb. capacitySize: LargeWeight: 1lb.PDC: 5

    Fanny Pack

    A small pouch attached to an adjustable belt,

    this item has become widely popular withtravelers, campers, losers, and anyone whoneeds to keep both hands free but must carrymore than can reasonably be held in onespockets. Despite its name, most people wear itwith the pouch facing the front or to the side,and use it to carry passports, cell phones,PDAs, maps, note pads, wallets, and otherrelatively small items.2lb. capacitySize: Small

    Weight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 4

    5lb. capacitySize: SmallWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 5


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    In the United States, only women commonlycarry handbags or purses. In some Latincountries, however, men also frequently carrysmall totes. Either way, handbags provide

    another way to carry 2 pounds of equipment.The PDC shown is for a basic bag; high-fashionpurses can increase the DC by as much as 5.2lb. capacitySize: SmallWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 4

    High Fashion HandbagSize: SmallWeight: 2 lb.

    PDC: 5

    Money Belt

    A thin, four-inch wide belt with several securepockets meant to be worn across the lowerabdomen underneath clothing, the money beltis a means to clandestinely carry cash or otherprinted materials. It can hold up to one half-pound of paper, and provides a +2 equipment

    bonus on Slight of Hand checks to conceal thebelt.5lb. capacitySize: TinyWeight: -PDC: 4

    Patrol Box

    Originally developed for use by police officersthis portable file cabinet has found favor withtraveling salespeople. This hard-sided briefcasetakes up the passenger seat of an automobileand provides easy access to files, storage for alaptop computer, and a writing surface. It holds5 pounds worth of equipment and has anaverage lock (Disable Device DC 25; break DC

    15).5lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 4 lb.PDC: 9


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    Range Pack

    This lightweight black bag has a spacious innercompartment capable of holding roughly 8pounds of gear and can hold an additional 4pounds in six zippered external compartments.The larger version holds 12 pounds ofequipment in the internal compartment andanother 6 pounds in the zippered externalpouches. A range pack easily holds several

    pistols and a submachine gun, and the largerversion can hold disassembled rifles.Standard 8lb. capacitySize: SmallWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 7

    Oversized 12lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 3 lbPDC: 9

    Suitcase, WheeledThe preferred carrying case of travelers theworld over, this suitcase has an extendablehandle on one end and wheels on the other sothat it may be pulled rather than carried. It canbe used to hold anything from clothing andpersonal items to professional equipment obricks of gold. Anything that fits in the caseand does not exceed its weight limit can betransported inconspicuously. Wheeledsuitcases generally come in three sizes. The

    smallest is suitable as an overnight bag (and ismeant to fit in the overhead bin of acommercial airline), the middle holds a fewdays worth of clothing, and the largest ismeant for use on extended trips.25lb. capacitySize: MediumWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 7

    50lb. capacity

    Size: LargeWeight: 3 lb.PDC: 8

    75lb. capacitySize: LargeWeight: 5 lb.PDC: 10


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    Tool Belt

    This sturdy leather belt has numerous pocketsand loops for tools, nails, pencils, and othernecessities for repair and construction work,making it easy to keep about 10 pounds ofitems on hand. The pockets are open, however,and items can easily fall out if the belt istipped.ToolbeltSize: Small

    Weight: 2 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 9

    BOOKSMany scholars equate the start of the modernera with the invention of the printing press.Books remain the single most effective way topermanently codify an idea or fact and make itavailable for future generations to reference.There are many sorts of books in the world:novels, textbooks, memoirs, dictionaries,anthologiesthe list could go on forever. Someare popular and can be found in everybookstore; others are quite rare or evenunique. Rare books should be handled on acase-by-case basis. Their value, contents, andeven composition vary too widely to create ageneralized equipment entry. Books are sold inthe dominant language (or languages) of thearea. Books in other languages may, if the GMapproves, be available, but they may bedifficult to find and their PDCs will generally be1 point higher than normal.

    Popular Press

    These are the novels, self-help booksbiographies, and other volumes that fill theshelves of bookstores large and smal

    throughout the world. Most are printed in softcover form (what is generally referred to as amass-market paperback), but especiallypopular books are also printed in hardcoverPopular press books generally do not provideany bonus on Knowledge checksthey arewritten to be entertaining rather thanparticularly educational. But reading anespecially appropriate volume grants the heroa +1 equipment bonus on Knowledge checkspertaining to a very specific subject. It is

    usually necessary for someone to read anentire volume before receiving any benefifrom a popular press book. A popular pressbook is 5d10 + 200 pages long.Popular Press BookSize: SmallWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 5


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    These books are written for students to helpthem study various subjects. They are usuallyprinted in hardcover, and cost significantlymore than popular press books because they

    have such a limited audience. Textbooks areusually sold at university or specialtybookstores.They cannot generally be found in mass-market bookstores. Textbooks are goodsources of information. In general, a textbookprovides an equipment bonus ranging between+1 and +5 to checks made in a single categoryof Knowledge. One textbook might provide a+4 equipment bonus on Knowledge (business)checks, while another might provide a +1

    equipment bonus on Knowledge (philosophyand theology) checks. It is rarely important thata character read an entire textbook. If she has4 or more ranks in the Knowledge categorycovered by the book, she need only read 1d6 10 pages in order to receive the appropriatebonus. A textbook is 5d10 + 400 pages long.Text bookSize: SmallWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 8


    An encyclopedia is a collection of books thatcontain general information about a wide rangeof subjects. It can therefore be useful in abroad range of situations, but its information is

    usually very superficial. Spending 1 houreading through an encyclopedia provides a +1equipment bonus on one Knowledge check forany category. Alternatively it can be used toprovide a +1 equipment bonus on a Researchcheck.EncyclopediaSize: LargeWeight: 50 lb.PDC: 12

    Library Collection

    A library collection may be as small as a fewhundred volumes (and be stored on a set oflarge bookcases) or large enough to fill anentire buildingor several. In any case, a


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    library collection is not something a charactercan carry around with him. Some collectionsare specialized, with all their books devoted toa single topic, while others are quitegeneralized.

    Library collections are usually accumulatedover years as an individual or organizationacquires useful books on a particular subject. Itis possible, though, to simply buy a library fullof books at one time. A standard librarycollection provides a total +5 bonus onKnowledge checks. At the time the librarycollection is bought or accumulated, thepurchaser (or the GM) must decide how thatbonus is divided. All five points can be put intoa single Knowledge category, or they can besplit among several. For example, one librarycollection might be able to provide +5 toKnowledge (arcane lore) and nothing else,while another is capable of providing +2 toKnowledge (history), +2 to Knowledge(business), and +1 to Knowledge (civics).Library CollectionSize: -Weight: -PDC: 20


    The items described here represent specialclothing types, or unusual outfits that acharacter might need to purchase. For themost part, clothing choice is based on

    character concept. Its generally assumed thata hero owns a reasonable wardrobe of the sortsof clothes that fit his or her lifestyleSometimes, however, a character might needsomething out of the ordinary. When thats thecase, he or she will have to purchase it like anyother piece of gear. Clothes have two effectson game mechanics: one on Disguise checks

    and one on Sleight of Hand checks. Firstclothing is part of a disguise. See the Disguiseskill description or more on how appropriatedress affects Disguise checks. Clothes also helpto hide firearms, body armor, and smalobjects. Tightly tailored clothing imposes apenalty on an attempt to conceal an objectclothing purposely tailored to conceal objectsprovides a bonus.

    Clothing Outfit

    An outfit of clothing represents everything acharacter needs to dress a part: pants or skirtshirt, undergarments, appropriate shoes oboots, socks or stockings, and any necessarybelt or suspenders. The clothes a characterwears does not count against the weight limitfor encumbrance.


    Book KnowledgeBooks are full of interesting and often helpfulinformation that characters may want to accessduring their adventures. Some books, such asencyclopedias, prove helpful in a great manysituations, while others, such as novels, have veryspecialized uses (if indeed they have any practicaluse beyond entertainment). The trouble is thatreading a book is not an especially quick way to gain

    small bits of information. In fact, it often takes hoursto read through it just to determine what sort ofinformation it contains, let alone evaluate its worth.As a general rule, in 1 hour a character with theappropriate Read/Write Language skill can read anumber of pages equal to her Intelligencescore 5.

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    Bigfoot Suit

    The ultimate in woodland chicanery, a Bigfootsuit is a modified gorilla costume covered in furin medium or dark brown colors. A figurewearing a Bigfoot suit may be mistaken as areal Bigfoot and possibly shot at.A character wearing a Bigfoot suit withappropriate coloration gains a +5 bonus on

    Disguise check. Characters under . However,the bulky suit imposes a penalty of 4 on allDexterity checks, Dexterity-based skill checks,and melee attack rolls. A character wearing thesuit in a mundane urban environment willalways be assumed to be a Guy-In-A-Suit.Bigfoot SuitSize: MediumWeight: 15 lb.Restriction: nonePDC: 17


    A business outfit generally includes a jacket orblazer, and it tends to look sharp and welgroomed without being overly formal.Business SuitSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.Restriction: nonePDC: 12


    Casual clothes range from cut-off jeans and aT-shirt to neatly pressed khakis and a hand-knitsweater.Casual ClothesSize: Medium

    Weight: 2 lb.Restriction: nonePDC: 8


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    From a little black dress to a fully appointedtuxedo, formal clothes are appropriate forblack tie occasions. Special designercreations can have PDCs much higher thanshown on the table.Formal OutfitSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 15 Fatigues

    Called battle dress uniforms (or BDUs) in theUnited States Army, these are worn byhardened veterans and wannabes alike

    Theyre rugged, comfortable, and provide lotsof pockets. They are also printed in camouflagepatterns: woodland, desert, winter (primarilywhite), urban (gray patterned), and black areavailable. When worn in an appropriate settingfatigues grant a +2 bonus on Hide checks.FatiguesSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 9


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    From the cable guy to a senior Air Force officer,people on the job tend to wear uniformsmaking such clothing an essential part of somedisguises, since a uniform inclines people totrust the wearer.UniformSize: MediumWeight: 2 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 9

    Designer Outfit

    In some levels of society, the name of anoutfits designer can be more important thanthe name of its wearer. Sometimes simplyhaving clothing made by Gucci, Wang, orArmani will open doors that no amount ofmoney could. When you absolutely have todress to impress, the high fashion designerswill clothe you in style for a price. (In certain

    situations, the GM may allow characterswearing designer outfits to benefit from a +2equipment bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, GatherInformation, and Intimidate checks.)Designer Business SuitSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.Restriction:none

    PDC: 15

    Designer Casual ClothesSize: MediumWeight: 2 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 12

    Designer Formal OutfitSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.

    Restriction:nonePDC: 19

    Ghillie Suit

    The ultimate in camouflage, a ghillie suit is aloose mesh over-garment covered in strips ofburlap in woodland colors, to which othercamouflaging elements can easily be added. Afigure under a ghillie suit is nearly impossibleto discern.


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    A character wearing a ghillie suit withappropriate coloration gains a +10 bonus onHide checks. (The suits coloration can bechanged with a move action. However, thebulky suit imposes a penalty of 4 on allDexterity checks, Dexterity-based skill checks(except Hide), and melee attack rolls.Ghillie Suit

    Size: MediumWeight: 5 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 6


    Worn by anyone who wants to go someplacewithout being seen. Includes long-sleeved shirt,cargo pants, tabi shoes, and ski mask. All theseitems are tight-fitting and matte black.Stealth OutfitSize: MediumWeight: 2 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 9


    Any type of clothing can be made double-sidedallowing quick-change artists to switch outfitsby turning their clothes inside out. It takes oneminute to swap clothing to the other side andgrants a +2 equipment bonus on Disguisechecks. Double-sided clothing adds +1 to thePDC of an outfit, but does not change theweight.Double-Sided FeaturePDC: +1

    OUTERWEARIn addition to keeping a character warm and

    dry, coats and jackets provide additionaconcealment for things a character is carrying(they often qualify as loose or bulky clothing;see Concealed Weapons and Objects).


    An outer garment worn on the upper body. Itslength and style vary according to fashion anduse.Coat

    Size: MediumWeight: 2 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 8


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    Fatigue Jacket

    A lightweight outer garment fashioned afterthe fatigue uniforms worn by military personnelwhen performing their standard duties.Fatigue JacketSize: MediumWeight: 2 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 7


    A warm coat worn over a suit jacket or indoorclothing.Overcoat

    Size: MediumWeight: 3 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 9


    This winter coat grants the wearer a +2equipment bonus on Fortitude saves made toresist the effects of cold weather.ParkaSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.

    Restriction:nonePDC: 9

    Photojournalists VestMade of cotton with mesh panels to keep the

    wearer cool, the photojournalists vest has


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    numerous obviousand hiddenpockets. Itcounts as loose and bulky clothing when usedto conceal Small or smaller weapons, and alsogrants the specially modified to concealobject bonus when used to conceal Tiny orsmaller objects. See Concealed Weapons andObjects.Photojournalists Vest

    Size: MediumWeight: 1 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 9

    WindbreakerThis is a lightweight jacket made of wind-resistant material.WindbreakerSize: MediumWeight: 1 lb.Restriction:nonePDC: 6



    No type of equipment becomes outdated fasterthan electronics. Todays cutting edgetechnology will be run of the mill, or perhapseven obsolete, within two years. GMs may wantto periodically take a trip to a local electronicsretailer and just look around for items thatwould be interesting to add to their campaignsThis book currently contains items and gear asthey are presented in the Modern SRD.Rules for operating computers appear unde

    the Computer Use skill. Some of the items inthis section have monthly subscription costs aswell as initial purchase costs. The PDCaccounts for both costs; once a character hasobtained the item, he or she doesnt have toworry about ongoing subscription costs.


    Still cameras let a character capture a recordof what he or she has seen. Heres a selection.


    The best choice for the professionaphotographer, this camera can accept differentlenses and takes the highest-quality picture. Acamera is needed to use the photographyaspect of the Craft (visual art) skill. The filmused in a camera must be developed.35mm CameraSize: SmallWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 17


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    DigitalA digital camera uses no film; instead, its

    pictures are simply downloaded to a computeras image files. No film developing is necessary.Digital CameraSize: SmallWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 14


    A 35mm camera with film built in can bepurchased from vending machines, touristtraps, drugstores, and hundreds of other

    places. Once the film is used, the entirecamera is turned in to have the film developed.Disposable CameraSize: SmallWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 4


    The medium upon which photographs arestored, film comes in a variety of sizes and

    speeds. The PDC represents the cost of a roll of24 exposures of high-speed (ASA 400) film.FilmSize: DiminutiveWeight: -PDC: 3

    Film Developing (Service)

    In most areas, drugstores and photo shopsprovide 1-hour service; in others, it takes 24hours. In really remote areas, film may have tobe sent away for developing, taking a week orlonger. The PDC represents the cost of gettingtwo prints of each shot on a roll of film, or oneof each and any two also blown up to a largersize.Film DevelopmentPDC: 3

    Cell Phone

    A digital communications device that comes ina hand-held model or as a headset, a celphone uses a battery that lasts for 24 hoursbefore it must be recharged. It works in anyarea covered by cellular service.


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    Cell PhoneSize: DiminutiveWeight: -PDC: 9


    Whether a desktop or notebook model, acomputer includes a keyboard, a mouse, amonitor, speakers, a CD-ROM drive, a dial-upmodem, and the latest processor. A characterneeds a computer to make Computer Usechecks and to make Research checks involvingthe Internet.


    Bulky but powerful, these machines arecommon on desks everywhere.Desktop PCSize: LargeWeight: 10 lb.PDC: 22


    Slim, lightweight, and portable, notebookcomputers have most of the functions availableon desktop computers.Notebook PCSize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.

    PDC: 23


    A character can upgrade a desktop or notebookcomputers processor to provide a +1equipment bonus on Computer Use checksIncrease the PDC of a desktop by +1 or anotebook by +2 to purchase an upgrade.Computer UpgradeSize: N/A

    Weight: N/APDC: See related text


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    Digital Audio Recorder

    These tiny recorders (about the size of a deckof playing cards) can record up to eight hoursof audio and can be connected to a computerto download the digital recording. Digital audiorecorders dont have extremely sensitivemicrophones; they only pick up sounds within

    10 feet.Digital Audio RecorderSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 10

    Laser Pointer

    Pen-shaped devices that shine a bright, tightlyfocused beam of light (usually red, butsometimes green) that lecturers use to draw

    attention to a specific area of a display orprojected image.Laser PointerSize: FineWeight: -PDC: 5


    A modem allows a character to connect a

    computer to the Internet. To use a modem, acharacter must have a computer and anappropriate data line (or a cell phone, in thecase of a cellular modem).All computers come with dial-up modems,which allow connection to the Internet butwithout the speed of broadband or theflexibility of cellular. A dial-up modem uses astandard telephone line; while its connected,

    that telephone line cant be used for anotherpurpose.


    Cable modems and DSL services bring high-speed Internet access into the homes omillions. A broadband modem gives a

    character on-demand, high-speed access todata, allowing Computer Use and Researchchecks involving the Internet to be made inhalf the normal time.Broadband ModemSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 3


    A cellular modem allows a character to connect

    her notebook computer to the Internetanywhere he or she can use a cell phoneHowever, access speed is slow, and anyComputer Use or Research check involving theInternet takes half again the normal time(multiply by 1.5).Cellular ModemSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 6


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    Multi-Function PDA/Cell Phone

    This item combines the functions of a PDA, cellphone, digital camera, digital audio recorder,and pager.Multi-Function PDA/Cell Phone

    Size: DiminutiveWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 17


    A cellular device capable of receiving short textmessages (100 or fewer characters) only.Pager

    Size: DiminutiveWeight: -PDC: 8


    Personal data assistants are handy tools fostoring data. They can be linked to a notebookor desktop computer to move files back andforth, but cant be used for Computer Use or

    Research checks.PDASize: TinyWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 16

    Portable Hard Drive

    A small case (the size of a paperback book)that contains a hard drive that can hold asmuch data as a personal computer. Themachine does not have the ability to functionas a computer, though, just as a storage unit. Ifthe portable hard drive is plugged into apersonal computer, that computer can read,add to, or erase the data contained there.Portable Hard DriveSize: SmallWeight: 1 Lb.PDC: 12


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    Portable Satellite Telephone

    This object looks much like a bulky cell phone,and functions in much the same way as well.However, because it communicates directly via

    satellite, it can be used anywhere on earth,even in remote areas well beyond the extent ofcell phone service.Portable satellite phones are very expensive touse. When used in a place not served byregular cellular service, each call requires aWealth check (DC 6).Portable Satellite PhoneSize: SmallWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 17

    Portable Video CameraPortable video cameras use some format ofvideotape to record activity. The tape can beplayed back through a VCR or via the cameraeyepiece.Portable Video CameraSize: SmallWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 16


    The color inkjet printer described here is suitedfor creating hard copies of text and image filesfrom computers.PrinterSize: MediumWeight: 3 lb.PDC: 12


    A color flatbed scanner allows the user totransfer images and documents from hard copyinto a computer in digital form.ScannerSize: Medium

    Weight: 3 lb.PDC: 12


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    Video ShadesIncorporating a tiny pinhole camera and amicrotransmitter, these otherwise ordinarysunglasses see whatever the wearer sees.There are two modelsone transmits in blackand white and the other in color. They includea microtransmitter with a range of 150 feet.Video ShadesColor 24B&W 23


    This hand-held radio transceiver communicateswith any similar device operating on the samefrequency and within range.


    This dime-store variety has only a fewchannels. Anyone else using a similar walkie-talkie within range can listen in on thecharacters conversations. It has a range of 2miles.

    Basic Walkie-TalkieSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 7


    This high-end civilian model allows a characteto program in twenty different frequenciesfrom thousands of choicesmaking it likelythat the character can find a frequency thatsnot being used by anyone else within rangeThe device can be used with or without a voiceactivated headset (included). It has a range of

    15 miles.Professional Walkie-TalkieSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 15

    LIFESTYLELifestyle items include travel expensesentertainment and meals beyond the ordinary

    and housing, for those characters interested inbuying a home rather than renting. Lifestyleitems are shown on the table below.


    A number of types of homes are listed belowThe PDC covers the down payment, not thetotal cost of the home. (A character buying ahome does not have to worry about mortgagepayments; they simply replace the heros rentwhich is already accounted for in the Wealthsystem).

    The small house and condo are one- or two-bedroom homes, probably with curbsideparking.


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    The large condo and medium house are three-bedroom homes with garage or carport parkingfor one or two cars.

    The large house is a four-bedroom home with atwo-car garage.

    The mansion is a five- or six-bedroom home

    with an extra den, spacious rooms throughout,and a three-car garage.All of these homes are of typical construction;luxury appointments or avant garde design isavailable with a +2 increase to the PDC.

    Location dramatically affects a homes value.The given PDC assumes a typical suburbanlocation. An undesirable location, such as a badneighborhood or a remote rural site, reducesthe PDC by 2. A particularly good location in an

    upscale neighborhood or city center increasesthe PDC by 2.Small Condo 28Large Condo 30Small House 30Medium House 32Large House 34Mansion 36


    PDCs are given for several entertainmentoptions. They represent the purchase of asingle ticket. A pair of tickets can be purchasedtogether; doing so increases the PDC by 2.Movie Ticket 3Theater Ticket 7Sporting Event Ticket 7Concert Event Ticket 8


    Several typical meal costs are provided. Thecost of picking up the tab for additional dinersadds +2 per person to the PDC.

    Fast Food 2Family Restaurant 4Upscale Restaurant 7Fancy Restaurant 9

    Transportation & Lodging

    Airfare tickets are for a single passenger roundtrip. One-way tickets are available, but onlyreduce the PDC by 2. Car rentals and lodgingrates are per day.


    AirfareDomestic, coach 14Domestic, first class 17International, coach 18International, first class 22


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    Car Rental

    Economy Car 6Mid-size or Truck 8Luxury 10


    Sleazy Motel 6Budget Motel 7Average Hotel 9Upscale Hotel 11

    ServicesThe broad spectrum of services available tocharacters is only represented in overviewhere. Services are identified on Table: Services.

    Auto Repair

    Having a car repaired can be expensive; howexpensive depends on the amount of damagethe vehicle has suffered. The PDCs for damage

    repair assume the vehicle has not actuallybeen disabled; if it has, increase the PDC by+3. Repair generally takes 1 day for every 10hit points of damage dealt, and results in thevehicle being returned to full hit points.

    Auto Repair

    1 - 10 HP Damage 1511 - 20 HP Damage 18

    21 - 30 HP Damage 2130+ HP Damage 24Tow Service 8

    Bail Bonds

    Characters jailed for crimes can seek bail. Bai

    is a monetary guarantee that the suspect wilshow up for his trial. The bail amount is set bya judge or magistrate, sometimes immediatelyfollowing arrest (for minor crimes) andsometimes days later (for serious crimes). Ifbail is granted, a character can arrange for abail bonda loan that covers bail. The PDCsrepresent the fees associated with the loanthe bond itself is paid back to the bond agencywhen the hero shows up for trial. If the herofails to show up, the agency loses the bail loan

    and may send bounty hunters or other thugsafter the character.Bail amounts vary dramatically, depending onthe seriousness of the crime, the suspectscriminal history, his or her role in society, his orher family life, and other factors the judgebelieves indicate that the character will or wilnot flee (or commit other crimes) before thetrial. An upstanding citizen with a good job anda family who has never before been chargedwith a crime gets minimal bail; a career

    criminal with nothing to lose gets maximumbail or may not be granted bail at all. The PDCsshown assume the suspect is viewed positivelyby the court. If not, increase the PDC by asmuch as 5. Whatever the base PDC, asuccessful Diplomacy check (DC 15) by thesuspect reduces the PDC by 2.


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    Property Crime

    The crime involved only the destruction ofproperty; no one was attacked or seriously hurtas part of the crime.Property Crime Bond 13

    Assault Crime

    The crime involved an attack intended tocapture, kill, or seriously injure the victim.Assault Crime Bond 16

    Death Crime

    Someone died as a result of the crime.Death Crime Bond 22

    BriberySometimes you can get things done bygreasing a palm or two. Below are listed someranges a PC may find in her adventuring.Bouncer 6Bureaucrat 10Informant 7Police Officer 10

    Legal Services

    So youre in some legal trouble, and you didnttake a single rank in Knowledge (civics), didyou? Well, no worries. In our modern age wecan buy such things. The PDC for hiring aLawyer is 10 + lawyers Knowledge (civics)ranks. Good luck!

    Medical Services:

    A characters medical insurance is built into hisor her Wealth bonus; the PDCs represent theancillary expenses not covered, or only partlycovered, by insurance. Medical services mustbe paid for in full regardless of whether theyare successful. See the Treat Injury skill fo

    more information on the medical servicesdescribed below.In a hospital setting, the necessary treat Injurychecks are always successful. The PDC is percheck.

    Long-Term Care

    The PDC represents treatment for regaining hitpoints or ability score points more quickly thannormal on a given day.Long-Term Care 10

    Restore Hit Points

    The PDC represents treatment for hit pointdamage from wounds or injuries on a givenday.Restore Hit points 12


    The PDC represents the cost of a singlesurgical procedure.Surgery 15


    The PDC represents one application oftreatment for a poison or disease.Treat Poison or Disease 10


    This category covers a wide variety ofspecialized equipment used by professionals inadventure-related fields.


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    Some objects contain the tools necessary touse certain skills optimally. Without the use ofthese items, often referred to as kits, skillchecks made with these skills are at a 4penalty. Skills and the kits they are associatedwith are listed below. See the descriptions ofthe kits for additional details. Note that kitsshould be restocked periodically (PDC 5 less

    than the original PDC.Note that some skills, by their nature, require apiece of equipment to utilize.

    Bolt Cutter

    An exceptionally heavy wire cutter, a boltcutter can snip through padlocks or chain-linkfences. Using a bolt cutter requires a Strengthcheck (DC 10).

    Bolt CutterSize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.PDC: 6

    Breaking and Entering Kit

    This kit is designed for stealthy individuals whotry to get into someplace without being seenand while making minimal noise. It includes acontractor field bag (black), circularglasscutter, boltcutters, car opening kitcontact microphone, penlight, lockpick set, lock

    release gun, microphone headset (walkie-talkiebought separately), and a multipurpose tool.Breaking & Entering KitWeight: 50 lb.PDC: 20Restriction: Illegal (+4)


    Caltrops are four-pronged iron spikes designedso that one prong is pointing up when thecaltrop rests on a surface. A character scatters

    caltrops on the ground to injure opponents, orat least slow them down. One bag of twenty-five caltrops covers a single 5-foot squareEach time a creature moves through a squarecontaining caltrops at any rate greater thanhalf speed, or each round a creature spendsfighting in such an area, the caltrops make atouch attack roll (base attack bonus +0). Acaltrop deals 1 point of damage on a successfuhit, and the injury reduces foot speed to halfnormal (a successful Treat Injury check, DC 15

    or one days rest removes this penalty). Acharging or running creature must immediatelystop if it steps on a caltrop. See the avoidhazard stunt for the effect of caltrops onvehicles.Caltrops (25)Size: SmallWeight: 2 lb.PDC: 5


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    Camouflage Compact

    This small plastic item looks like an olive-drabmakeup compact. Inside are three or four patsof grease-paint, in camouflage colors.Compacts are available in woodland, desert,

    winter, and urban color schemes. Using themakeup in conjunction with fatigues of thesame pattern increases the bonus on Hidechecks from +2 to +4. A camouflage compactcontains 10 applications of makeup.Camouflage CompactSize: DiminutivePDC: 3

    Capture KitThis kit is designed for neutralizing andcapturing a live, dangerous target. Additionalmethods of incarceration are up to the herocages, lead-lined boxes, etc. The capture kitincludes the following items: Mossberg shotgunwith 12 beanbag rounds, air rifle, 6 tranquilizerdarts (poison or tranquilizers must be boughtseparately), 2 sets of handcuffs, 25 zip-ties,

    ketch-all pole, taser, duct tape, net launcherand an additional net pack.Capture KitWeight: 57 lb.PDC: 21Restriction: Restricted (+2)

    Car Opening Kit

    This set of odd-shaped flat metal bars can beslipped into the window seam of a car door totrip the lock. The DC of a Disable Device checkto accomplish this varies with the quality of thelock; see the skill description.Car Opening Kit

    Size: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 6Restriction: License (+1)

    Chemical Kit

    A portable laboratory for use with the Craft(chemical) skill, a chemical kit includes the


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    tools and components necessary for mixingand analyzing acids, bases, explosives, toxicgases, and other chemical compounds.Chemical KitSize: MediumWeight: 6 lb.PDC: 16Restriction: Restricted (+2)

    Concertina Wire

    So named because it folds up like asqueezebox, concertina wire is the latestgeneration of barbed wire. It comes in 20-foot-long rolls that are stretch across the surface orfence to be protected. For each 2-foot sectionthat a person tries to cross, he or she mustmake a Reflex save (DC 15) or take 1d6 points

    of damage (save for half). Concertina wire hashardness 2, 5 hp, and can only be damaged byslashing weapons or cut with a tool like bolt-cutters.Concertina Wire (20 ft.)Weight: 15 lb.PDC: 11

    Demolitions Kit

    This kit contains everything needed to use theDemolitions skill to set detonators, wireexplosive devices, and disarm explosive

    devices. Detonators must be purchasedseparately.Demolitions KitSize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.PDC: 13Restriction: License (+1)

    Disguise Kit

    This kit contains everything needed to use theDisguise skill, including makeup, brushesmirrors, wigs, and other accoutrements. Itdoesnt contain clothing or uniforms, however.Disguise KitSize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.PDC: 12


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    Duct Tape

    The usefulness of duct tape is limited only by acharacters imagination. Duct tape can supportup to 200 pounds indefinitely, or up to 300pounds for 1d6 rounds. Characters bound withduct tape must make a Strength or EscapeArtist check (DC 20) to free themselves.A roll provides 70 feet of tape, 2 inches wide.Duct TapeSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 4

    Electrical Tool Kit

    This collection of hand tools and small partstypically includes a variety of pliers, drivers,cutting devices, fasteners, power tools, andleads and wires.


    This small kit allows a character to makeRepair checks to electrical or electronic deviceswithout penalty.Basic Electrical Tool KitSize: LargeWeight: 12 lb.PDC: 14


    This kit consists of a number of specializeddiagnostic and repair tools as well asthousands of spare parts. It grants a +2equipment bonus on Repair checks forelectrical or electronic devices and allows a

    character to make Craft (electronic) checkswithout penalty.Deluxe Electrical Tool KitSize: HugeWeight: 33 lb.PDC: 21

    Evidence Kits

    Law enforcement agencies around the worlduse generally the same tools to gatherevidence. Having an evidence kit does not

    grant access to a law enforcement agencyscrime lab; it merely assists in the propegathering and storing of evidence for use bysuch a lab. Without an evidence kit, a characterreceives a 4 penalty to use the collectevidence option of the Investigate skill.


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    A basic evidence kit includes clean containers,labels, gloves, tweezers, swabs, and otheritems to gather bits of physical evidence andprevent them from becoming contaminated.Basic Evidence KitSize: Medium

    Weight: 6 lb.PDC: 7


    A deluxe kit includes all the materials in a basickit, plus supplies for analyzing narcoticsubstances at the scene and for gatheringmore esoteric forms of physical evidence suchas casts and molds of footprints or vehicletracks, as well as chemical residues and

    organic fluids. It also contains the necessarydusts, sprays, brushes, adhesives, and cards togather fingerprints. It grants a +2 equipmentbonus on Investigate checks under appropriatecircumstances (whenever the GM rules that theequipment in the kit can be of use in thecurrent situation).Using a deluxe kit to analyze a possiblenarcotic substance or basic chemical requires aCraft (chemical) check (DC 15). In this case,the +2 equipment bonus does not apply.

    Deluxe Evidence KitSize: MediumWeight: 8 lb.PDC: 15

    Fake ID

    Purchasing a falsified drivers license from ablack market source can produce mixedresults, depending on the skill of the forgerTypically, a forger has 1 to 4 ranks in theForgery skill, with a +1 ability modifier. When acharacter purchases a fake ID, the GM secretly

    makes a Forgery check for the forger, whichserves as the DC for the opposed check whensomeone inspects the fake ID. The PDC of afake ID is 10 + the forgers ranks in the Forgeryskill.Fake IDSize: FinePDC: See TextRestriction: Illegal (+4)

    Fiend Hunters Kit

    Considered by some to be the most dangerousof prey, fiends require extreme force and quickthinking to bring down. This kit contains aBeretta M3P shotgun, 10 high-explosiverounds, 10 white phosphorous rounds, 2 whitephosphorous grenades, 2 fragmentationgrenades, night vision goggles, holy symbols(various faiths), and 5 vials of holy water, alcontained in a duffle bag.Fiend Hunters KitSize: Large

    Weight: 40 lb.PDC: 21Restriction: Restricted (+2)


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    First Aid Kit

    Available at most drugstores and campingsupply stores, this kit contains enough supplies(and simple instructions for their use) to treatan injury before transporting the injured person

    to a medical professional. A first aid kit can beused to help a dazed, unconscious, or stunnedcharacter by making a Treat Injury check (DC15). A first aid kit can be used only once. Skillchecks made without a first aid kit incur a 4penalty.First Aid KitSize: SmallWeight: 3 lb.PDC: 5

    Forced Entry Kit

    Sometimes its necessary to enter an area thatsomeone really doesnt want you to get intoThis kit is not subtle, but effective, relying onbattering down doors and blasting holesthrough walls. Police and military personnel aremost likely to use this kit. The forced entry kit

    contains the following items: Mossberg shotgunwith integrated flashlight, 10 high-explosiveshells, 5 beanbag rounds, bolt-cutters, liquidmetal embrittlement sprayer, portable ramsledgehammer (equivalent to warhammer)and chainsaw.Forced Entry KitWeight: 135 lb.PDC: 21Restriction: Restricted (+2)

    Forgery KitThis kit contains everything needed to use theForgery skill to prepare forged itemsDepending on the item to be forged, acharacter might need legal documents or otheritems not included in the kit.Forgery KitSize: SmallWeight: 3 lb.PDC: 12


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    Generator, Portable

    A single cylinder, gas-powered generator onwheels that can produce enough electricity topower a house for eight hours. It requires two

    gallons of gasoline to operate and is noisy.Operating it indoors without proper ventilationcan be lethal due toFiend Hunters KitWeight: 40 lb.PDC: 21Restriction: Restricted (+2)

    Glasscutter, Circular

    This special device allows a person to cut

    through glass panes without cracking orshattering them in the process. It fits onto theglass with a suction cup and has a rotating armthat cuts a hole from 3 to 12 inches indiameter. Once the hole is cut, the suction cupis tugged, pulling out the circle of glass. Theuser makes a Dexterity check (DC 10) to createa hole without shattering the glass. If the checkfails, the glass shatters with a loud crash.Circular Glasscutter

    Weight: 5 lb.PDC: 13Restriction: Restricted (+2)


    Handcuffs are restraints designed to lock twolimbsnormally the wristsof a prisonetogether. They fit any Medium-size or Smalhuman or other creature that has anappropriate body structure.


    These heavy-duty cuffs have hardness 10, 10hit points, a break DC of 30, and require aDisable Device check (DC 25) or Escape Artistcheck (DC 35) to remove without the key.Steel HandcuffsWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 7


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    These are single-use disposable handcuffs,much like heavy-duty cable ties. They havehardness 0, 4 hit points, and a break DC of 25.They can only be removed by cutting them off(Disable Device and Escape Artist checksautomatically fail).

    Zip-TieSize: DiminutiveWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 6Restriction: Restricted (+2)


    Hydraulic Compressor

    A hydraulic compressor is used to providepower to tools like the jaws of life,

    jackhammers, pumps, and the like. Without acompressor, many of these items will notoperate.Hydraulic CompressorWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 7

    Headset, MicrophoneThis is a small, unobtrusive microphone andearphone headset, often hooked up to a

    professional walkie-talkie or cell phone (whichmust be purchased separately). It allows aperson to keep their hands free while engagingin conversation. Better quality versions alsoinclude a small, powerful flashlight attachmentor tiny video camera.Microphone HeadsetPDC: 13

    Microphone Headset with lightPDC: 14

    Microphone Headset with cameraPDC: 16

    Holy Water

    Holy water damages undead and evil outsidersalmost as if it were acid. Typically, a flask ofholy water deals 2d4 points of damage to anundead creature or an evil outsider on a directhit, or 1 point of damage if it splashes such a

    creature. Also, holy water is consideredblessed, which means it has special effects oncertain creatures. A flask of holy water can bethrown as a grenade-like weapon. A flaskbreaks if thrown against the body of acorporeal creature, but against an incorporeacreature, the flask must be opened and theholy water poured out onto it. Thus, you canonly douse an incorporeal creature with holywater if you are adjacent to it. Doing so is aranged touch attack that does not provoke an

    attack of opportunity.Holy Water (Flask)Size: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 15


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    Instrument, Keyboard

    A portable keyboard, necessary in order to use

    the Perform (keyboard instrument) skill.Size: LargeWeight: 12 lb.PDC: 12

    Instrument, Percussion

    A set of drums, necessary in order to use thePerform (percussion instrument) skill.Size: HugeWeight: 50 lb.PDC: 15

    Instrument, Stringed

    A guitar, necessary in order to use the Perform(stringed instrument) skill.Size: LargeWeight: 7 lb.

    PDC: 13

    Instrument, WindA flute, necessary in order to use the Perform(wind instrument) skill.Size: TinyWeight: 1 lb.PDC: 8


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    Jaws of Life

    This rescue tool is used by firefighters and aidpersonnel to pry open the mangled doors ofauto accidents. It requires a hydrauliccompressor to work, but gives a +10equipment bonus on Strength checks to opendoors, bust through gates, and the like.Requires a Hydraulic Compressor in order torun it.

    Jaws of Life

    Weight: 40 lb.PDC: 18

    Lockpick SetA lockpick set includes picks and tension barsfor opening locks operated by standard keys. Alockpick set allows a character to make DisableDevice checks to open mechanical locks(deadbolts, keyed entry locks, and so forthwithout penalty.Lockpick SetSize: TinyWeight: 1 lb.

    PDC: 9Restriction: License (+1)


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    Lock Release Gun

    This small, pistol like device automaticallydisables cheap and average mechanical locksoperated by standard keys (no Disable Devicecheck necessary). Also known as a lock pickgun.Lock Release Gun

    Size: TinyWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 12Restriction: Restricted (+1)

    Liquid Metal Embrittlement Sprayer

    Although superficially resembling aflamethrower, this tool is used to spray aspecial liquid that makes metal brittle. It has arange of 10 feet and can coat a 5-foot squareof metal in one round. After 1d6 x 10 minutes,the liquid reduces the hardness of the metalpermanently by half (round down). The tankholds enough liquid to coat 50 square feet ofsurface. The liquid has no effect on any othertype of substance.Liquid Metal Embrittlement SprayerWeight: 50 lb.PDC: 18Restriction: Restricted (+2)

    Marbles, Bag of

    About two dozen assorted glass spheres in apouch. Commonly used as a toy, but alsouseful for checking slopes (just set one downand see which way it rolls) or as a non-damaging alternative to caltrops, one bagcovers a 5-foot square. Creatures movingthrough or fighting in the area must make a

    Balance check (DC 15) every round theyremain within that area or fall prone.Bag of MarblesWeight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 3

    Mechanical Tool Kit

    This collection of hand tools and small partstypically includes a variety of pliers, driverscutting devices, fasteners, and even powetools.


    This kit, which fits in a portable toolbox, allowsa character to make Repair checks formechanical devices without penalty.Basic Mechanical Tool KitWeight: 22 lb.PDC: 13


    This kit fills a good-sized shop cabinet. Itincludes a broad variety of specialized handtools and a selection of high-quality powertools. It grants a +2 equipment bonus onRepair checks for mechanical devices andallows a character to make Craft (mechanical)or Craft (structural) checks without penalty.Deluxe Mechanical Tool KitWeight: 45 lb.PDC: 20


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    Medical Kit

    About the size of a large tackle box, this is thesort of kit commonly carried by military medicsand civilian EMTs. It contains a wide variety ofmedical supplies and equipment. A medical kitcan be used to treat a dazed, unconscious, orstunned character, to provide long-term care,to restore hit points, to treat a diseased or

    poisoned character, or to stabilize a dyingcharacter (see the Treat Injury skill). Skillchecks made without a medical kit incur a 4penalty.Medical KitSize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.PDC: 15

    Multipurpose Tool

    This device contains several differentscrewdrivers, a knife blade or two, can opener,bottle opener, file, short ruler, scissors,tweezers, and wire cutters. The whole thingunfolds into a handy pair of pliers. Amultipurpose tool can lessen the penalty for

    making Repair, Craft (mechanical), Craft(electronic), or Craft (structural) checks withoutappropriate tools to 2 instead of the normal 4. The tool is useful for certain tasks, asdetermined by the GM, but may not be usefuin all situations.Multi-ToolSize: Tiny

    Weight: 0.5 lb.PDC: 15

    Pharmacist Kit

    A portable pharmacy for use with the Craft(pharmaceutical) skill, a pharmacist kitincludes everything needed to preparepreserve, compound, analyze, and dispense

    medicinal drugs.Pharmacist KitSize: MediumWeight: 5 lb.PDC: 15


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    Ram, Portable

    This modern ram is the perfect tool forbattering down doors. Not only does it give youa +4 circumstance bonus on your Strengthcheck to break open a door, but it allows asecond person to help you without having tomake an aid another check, adding another +2

    bonus to your check.Portable RamWeight: 35 lb.PDC: 12Restriction:Restricted (+2)

    Road Flare

    Road flares are small chemical sticks thatproduce a brilliant red light. They are lit bystriking the cap against the stick. A road flarelasts for an hour before being completelyconsumed and fills a 5-foot square withflickering red light. Anyone struck with a roadflare takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Roadflares are sold in packs of three.Road Flare (3)Weight: 1.5 lb.PDC: 3

    Scuba Diving Gear

    Scuba gear allows a swimmer to remainunderwater for a lengthy period of time. Scubagear consists of a buoyancy compensator andweight belt to keep a divers buoyancy neutrain the water, an air tank and regulator to allowthe diver to breathe, fins to aid in swimming,and a mask for visibility. When using scubagear, a diver can remain underwater for up toan hour if she does not exceed a depth of 30feet, 30 minutes if she doesnt exceed a depth

    of 60 feet, and 15 minutes if she doesntexceed a depth of 90 feet. It takes five minutesto don or remove scuba gear. Scuba geaimposes a penalty of 2 on all Dexterity checksDexterity based skill checks, and melee andranged attack rolls while in the water. On land,these penalties double. In addition, thewearers speed falls to one-quarter the normaspeed (removing the fins eliminates this speedpenalty).SCUBA diving Gear

    Size: SmallWeight: 25 lb.PDC: 17


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    Search-and-Rescue Kit

    This waist pack contains a first aid kit, acompass, waterproof matches, a lightweightspace blanket, a standard flashlight, 50 feetof durable nylon rope, two smoke grenades,and one signal flare.Search & Rescue KitSize: MediumWeight: 7 lb.PDC: 12

    Spike Strip

    This device is designed to help the police endcar chases. The strip comes rolled in a spoolabout the size of a small suitcase. Deploy it byrolling it across a roadway, where it lies like aflat, segmented belt. (The user can roll it outonto the road without entering the lane oftraffic.) Until the strip is activated, the spikesdo not protrude, and cars can pass safely overit. When the user activates it (via a controldevice attached to the end of the strip by a 10-

    foot-long cord), the spikes extend.Each time a creature moves through a squarecontaining an activated spike strip at any rategreater than half speed, or each round acreature spends fighting in such an area, thespike strip makes a touch attack roll (baseattack bonus +0). The strip deals 2 points ofdamage on a successful hit, and the injuryreduces foot speed to half normal (a successfulTreat Injury check, DC 15, or one days rest

    removes this penalty). Wheeled vehiclespassing over the strip are automatically hitalthough vehicles equipped with puncture-resistant tires are not affected.Spike StripSize: HugeWeight: 22 lb.PDC: 13

    Surgery Kit

    About the size of a small backpack, this kitcontains the instruments needed forrudimentary emergency field surgery. Asurgery kit is used when performing surgery(see the Treat Injury skill). A characterperforming surgery without a surgery kit takesa -4 penalty on the Treat Injury check. (Thispenalty is in addition to the -4 penalty thatapplies if the character doe
