D0117 - Going to the Doctor


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  • 8/9/2019 D0117 - Going to the Doctor


    Upper-Intermediate - Going to the Doctor (D0117)

    A: Hola Doctor, buenas tardes. Muchas gracias porrecibirme a ultima hora.Hi, doctor, good afternoon. Thanks for taking me at the last minute.

    B: No hay problema, me imagine que era algo urgente.

    Theres no problem, I assumed it was something urgent.

    A: S, tengo mucho dolor.Yes, I have a lot of pain.

    B: Explqueme, que le pasa?, d onde le duele?Explain it to me. Whats happening to you? Where does it hurt?

    A: Me duele mucho el est omago, llevo das con un dolorconstante, he tomado medicina pero nada me lo quita.My stomach hurts; I have gone days with constant pain, Ive

    taken medication but nothing rids me of it.

    B: Tiene diarrea o vomito?Do you have diarrhea or vomiting?

    A: Solo vomito y mucha nausea.

    Just vomit and a lot of nausea.

    Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version ). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

  • 8/9/2019 D0117 - Going to the Doctor


    B: Ha comido algo inusual en los ultimos das?Have you eaten anything unusual in the last few days?

    A: No, todo normal.No, all normal.

    B: Siente mucho asco?Do you feel disgusted?

    A: S mucho, hay olores que no soporto y muchas vecesvomito tan solo al percibir un olor.Yes, a lot, there are odors that I cant stand, and often I vomit simply after perceiving an odor.

    B: Siente este malestar todo el da o en alg un momentoen particular?Do you feel uneasy the whole day, or at a particular time?

    A: Sobre todo por la manana, cuando me despierto es a unpeor.Mostly in the morning, when I wake up its the worst.

    B: Ha tenido su perodo este mes?Have you had your period this month?

    Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version ). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

  • 8/9/2019 D0117 - Going to the Doctor


    A: No. Pero... no creo que sea eso, tomo la pastilla anti-conceptiva.No. But... I dont think its that, I take birth control pills.

    B: Pero las pastillas tambien pueden fallar.But pills can fail as well.

    A: Nooooo.No...

    Key Vocabulary

    recibir Verb to receive

    urgente Adjective urgent

    dolor Noun pain

    doler Verb to hurt

    est omago Noun stomach

    tomar Verb to take

    medicina Noun medicine

    diarrea Verb diarrhea

    sentir Verb to feel

    Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version ). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

  • 8/9/2019 D0117 - Going to the Doctor


    vomitar Verb to vomit

    malestar Noun ill

    periodo Noun period

    pastilla Noun pill

    Supplementary Vocabulary

    cita Noun appointment

    receta medica Noun prescription

    ebre Noun fever

    tos Noun cough

    gripe Noun u

    dolor de cabeza Phrase headache

    embarazo Noun pregnancy

    antibiotico Noun antibiotic

    farmacia Noun pharmacy

    enfermera Noun nurse

    Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version ). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

