D. drawing or painting. C. greeting card. B. editorial...


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Now He Belongs to the Ages

This drawing is an artist's conception of the death of President Lincoln. Lincoln was carried to the home of WilliamPetersen, across the street from Ford's Theater, where he died nine hours after being shot. There were not this manypeople present at his death, although his family and several government officials were present, as well as his familyphysician. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was said to have uttered the famous words, "Now he belongs to the ages" atthe time of Lincoln's death.

D 1. This document is a(n)

A. photograph.

B. editorial cartoon.

C. greeting card.

D. drawing or painting.

Answer Key

A 2. This document represents

A. the artist's idea of what it might have looked like when Lincoln died.

B. the scene at Lincoln's assassination.

C. exactly the way it looked when Lincoln died.

D. a family portrait of the Lincolns.

B 3. Who is obviously not present in this document?

A. The doctor

B. Mrs. Lincoln

C. The Vice President

D. Cabinet members

A 4. What date did the depicted event happen?

A. April 15, 1865

B. April 14, 1865

C. April 15, 1965

D. August 15, 1865

5. Who is the small boy at the left of the bedside most likely to be?It is probably Lincoln's son (Tad).

6. Who do you think the men standing around the bed are?Answers will vary, but should include government officials, Cabinet members, and/or family friends.

7. What seems to be the general mood of the men in the room?They seem sad, serious, and thoughtful.

8. The man seated by the bed is holding a watch. Who is he most likely to be and why is he holding thewatch?He is probably Lincoln's doctor, and he has just pronounced the time of death.

9. When Lincoln was shot, it was decided to carry him across the street to the Petersen house to be examinedby doctors. The White House was too far away, and it was feared that he would die on the way, but theyhad the option of not moving him at all and examining him at the theater, or carrying him to the tavern nextdoor, which was closer. Why do you think they chose the home across the street over their other options?

10. When Lincoln died, the first words spoken were by the Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton. He said, "Now hebelongs to the ages." What did he mean by this simple sentence? Has his prophecy come true?

Answer Key

Recruiting Poster for the Bryan Guards

CREATED/PUBLISHEDJones & Co., PhiladelphiaRegiment: New Jersey Infantry Regiment, 10th (1861-1865)Other Regiment Identification: Bryan Guards attached to Olden LegionCommanding officer: Bryan, William, Col.Also associated: Clarke, R. Graham, Capt.

Answer Key

D 1. This document is best described as a _____.

A. photograph

B. diary entry

C. painting

D. poster

C 2. The purpose of this poster is to _____.

A. find men who want to camp

B. find men who need board and rations

C. recruit volunteer soldiers

D. advertise for Camden, New Jersey

B 3. How much money is promised in bounties?

A. $204

B. $100

C. $150

D. $90

B 4. Married men will be paid more per month than single men.

A. False

B. True

C 5. According to the document, this group of recruits is to proceed to camp _____.

A. in two weeks

B. in six months

C. at once

D. in one month

6. Where should prospective recruits report in order to register?Recruiting Station, Zimmerman's Second Street, between Market and Plum Streets

7. In what city was this document printed?Philadelphia

8. According to the document, what kinds of recruits are wanted?active young men

9. By what name is this regiment known?The Bryan Guards

10. Do you think that a document like this would have more or less success fulfilling its purpose in the south?As you answer the question, keep in mind the timeframe of the document, and the reason for its existence.

11. To our modern eyes, the financial incentives on this document seem dubious at best. Do you think that themen who responded to the call of this document did so for financial reasons, or for some other reason?Explain your answer, and provide other reasons that may have motivated "active young men" to respond tothis document's request.

Answer Key

Metallic Artificial Legs

Advertisement appearing in Harper's Weekly Magazine on September 5, 1863, Page 575

B 1. This document can best be described as a(n)____.

A. doctor's prescription

B. advertisement

C. scientific sketch

D. magazine page

C 2. What object is the subject of this document?

A. socks

B. wooden legs

C. metallic artificial legs

D. boots

D 3. How much do the objects presented in this document weigh?

A. 10 pounds

B. $80

C. $50

D. 4 pounds

D 4. How much do the objects presented in this document cost?

A. $50

B. $80

C. $60

D. Both A&B are correct

5. When was the object described in this document patented?January 6, 1863

6. Who patented the object described in this document?The Universal Joint and Artificial Limb Company

Name Date

7. What is the object described in this document made of?Corrugated brass or other metals

8. Why might soldiers pay one price for this item while civilians pay a different price?This item was manufactured during the Civil War when many soldiers lost their legs fighting.Charging them less was probably the company's way of both thanking them for their sacrifice, andrecognizing their lessened financial means during wartime.

9. Utilizing both your knowledge of history and this document, describe why the product presented in thisdocument represents an important advancement for its time. Who would be its main beneficiaries? Aresimilar products still used today? Do they look different? Are they still used by the same groups of people?

10. Given the date of this document, do you think that demand for this product increased or decreased over thenext few years? Again, utilize your knowledge of history to isolate two other periods during which demandfor this product might have surged.

Answer Key

Gustavus V. Fox to Gideon Welles, Sunday, March 09, 1862 (Telegram reporting battle between Monitorand Merrimac)

From Gustavus V. Fox to Gideon Welles, March 9, 1862Recd WashingtonMarch 9th 62Fortress Monroe 6.45 PM 9thThe Monitor arrived at 10 PM last night & went immediately to the protection of the Minnesota lying aground justbelow Newport News-- At 7 AM today the Merrimac accompanied by two wooden steamers & several tugs stood outtowards the Minnesota and opened fire-- The Monitor met them at once & opened her fire when all the enemiesvessels retired excepting the the Merrimac. These two vesselsIron clad vessels fought part of the time touching eachother from 8 A. M to noon, when the Merrimac retired-- Whether she is injured or not it is impossible to say-- Lt J LWorden1 who commanded the Monitor handled her with great skill -- & assisted by Chief Engineer Stimers-- LtWorden was injured by the cement from the pilot house being driven into his eyes but I trust not seriously-- TheMinnesota kept up a continuous fire & is herself somewhat injured-- She was moved considerably today & willprobably be off tonight-- The Monitor is uninjured & ready at any moment to repel another attack--G V FoxAsst SecyImage Caption: [Note 1 ID: John L. Worden was a career navy officer and first commander of the Monitor. Wordenachieved notoriety in the North following the engagement between the Monitor and the Virginia on March 9, 1862.Worden remained involved in either commanding or supervising the construction of ironclad vessels for theremainder of the war. After over fifty years in the navy, Worden retired in 1886 as a rear admiral.] Abraham LincolnPapers at the Library of Congress. Transcribed and Annotated by the Lincoln Studies Center, Knox College.Galesburg, Illinois. The Monitor was the first Union ironclad ship.

C 1. This document was a transcript of a _____.

A. TV special

B. speech

C. telegram

D. telephone call

C 2. What two ironclad vessels were fighting?

A. Newport and Fox

B. Merrimac and Missouri

C. Monitor and Merrimac

D. Monitor and Minnesota

B 3. When did the Monitor arrive at the area?

A. 10 pm on the 10th

B. 10 pm on the 8th

C. 7 am on the 9th

D. 6:45 pm on the 9th

B 4. The battle occurred early in the _____.

A. Revolutionary War

B. Civil War

C. Korean War

D. French and Indian War

Answer Key

B 5. The document is from the _____ century.

A. 20th

B. 19th

C. 18th

D. 17th

6. What would the importance of ironclad vessels be following this point in history?

7. Explain the subject of the battle described in the telegram.

Answer Key

Soldier Reading Letter, 1864

Three officers of the 1st Connecticut, Company C, Heavy Artillery from the Eastern Theater of the War.

Answer Key

A 1. What is the occupation of the men in this document?

A. Soldiers

B. Clowns

C. Merchants

D. Sailors

B 2. The date of this document is _____.

A. 1964

B. 1864

C. 1946

D. 1904

B 3. The man in the center of the document is _____.

A. laughing with his friends.

B. reading a letter.

C. studying a map.

D. writing a letter.

C 4. The war referred to in this document is _____.


B. The Crimean War

C. The Civil War


5. How many of the men in this document are reading a letter?One

6. From whom is the letter?We can't know that from the information available in this document.

7. What characteristic makes the pants of these men unique?They have stirrups on the bottom of them to keep them from "riding up" their legs.

8. Name three things that would be different in the uniforms of today's soldiers.Today's soldiers would wear helmets instead of hats, their uniforms would be camouflage, and theywould be functional rather than formal, their boots would be better suited to walking and running,and they would be carrying much more elaborate gear (although we can assume, based on the lack ofweapons on these soldiers that they are not in "battle-ready" mode right now).

9. Why might letters have been important to soldiers 150 years ago? Are those reasons still relevant today?

10. Based on the expression on the faces of these men, what do you think their opinion of war is concomitantwith this document? Do you think that their opinion may have been different three years earlier? Explainyour answer.

Answer Key

Sherman's Telegram After the Capture of Savannah

At the end of his famous March to the Sea, which began in November of 1864, and was intended to destroy thewillingness of Southerners to wage war, Sherman sent this telegram to Abraham Lincoln. "I beg to present you as aChristmas gift, the City of Savannah, with 150 heavy guns, and plenty of ammunition, and about 25,000 bales ofcotton."

Answer Key

D 1. This telegram was written by

A. Samuel Morse.

B. Alexander Graham Bell.

C. Abraham Lincoln.

D. General William T. Sherman.

B 2. The telegram is addressed to

A. William T. Sherman.

B. President Lincoln.

C. the state of Mississippi.

D. Savannah.

C 3. The date on the telegram is

A. Christmas Day.

B. July 4, 1776.

C. December 22, 1864.

D. November, 1864.

C 4. What is Sherman giving to Lincoln for Christmas?

A. a Southern plantation

B. Lee's surrender

C. the city of Savannah

D. some of Sherman's neckties

5. What did Sherman mean when he presented Savannah to Lincoln?He meant that the city of Savannah had surrendered.

6. How long did it take Sherman to reach Savannah? Where did he start?It took him about five weeks to go from Atlanta to Savannah.

7. What else did Sherman capture when he captured the city?He captured 150 guns and ammunition, and approximately 25,000 bales of cotton.

8. Why did Sherman give the city to Lincoln as a Christmas present?It was a Christmas present because the city surrendered just before Christmas, on December 22.

9. What was Sherman's purpose for the March to the Sea? How did he hope to accomplish this?

10. Sherman's March to the Sea left bitterness in the South that lasts to this day because of civilianinvolvement. Can this type of warfare waged on civilians be compared to anything that is experiencedtoday?

Answer Key

Soldiers of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry

[Petersburg, Va. Company H, 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Zouaves)]. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1864 August.Photograph from the main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864-April 1865.Library of CongressPrints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USALC-DIG-cwpb-03688 DLC LC-B8171-7077 DLC

A 1. This document is a _____.

A. photograph

B. political cartoon

C. law

D. map

Answer Key

D 2. From what infantry were the men?

A. California

B. Virginia

C. New York

D. Pennsylvania

C 3. Based on the years of the document, what war was occurring at the time?

A. Iraq War

B. World War II

C. Civil War

D. French and Indian War

C 4. What kind of shelter did the soldiers have?

A. ship

B. hotel rooms

C. tent

D. apartment

5. Explain the reason the men were fighting a war.

6. What kind of conditions did the men face?

7. How has fighting changed over the years?

Answer Key

Lincoln's Nomination of Grant

One of Abraham Lincoln's greatest frustrations during the Civil War was not being able to find a senior general whowould press an advantage or exploit the weaknesses of the South. He went through a series of generals, all with theirown weaknesses, before finding one who would follow his suggestions as commander-in-chief. Lincoln believed thatUlysses S. Grant would be resolute in his desire to win and would not let anything stand in his way. Grant proved

Answer Key

Lincoln right, earning a reputation as a general who would even willingly sacrifice the lives of thousands of men for avictory. He accepted the surrender of General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army on April 9, 1865.

C 1. This document can best be described as a

A. map.

B. journal entry.

C. letter.

D. telegram.

A 2. This document was written by

A. Abraham Lincoln.

B. a senator.

C. an army general.

D. Ulysses S. Grant.

B 3. This document was written to

A. Mrs. Lincoln

B. the Senate of the United States.

C. Ulysses S. Grant

D. Abraham Lincoln.

B 4. The date on the document is

A. April 9, 1865.

B. February 29, 1864.

C. March 3, 1969.

D. December 25, 1864

5. What was the purpose of this document?Abraham Lincoln was asking for Ulysses S. Grant to be appointed as the senior general of the UnionArmy.

6. The document originated at the Executive Mansion. By what name do we know the Executive Mansion?The Executive Mansion is known as the White House.

7. How long after Grant's nomination did Lee surrender?Lee surrendered a little more than a year later.

8. What military position did Abraham Lincoln hold as president?He was the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces.

9. Lincoln had had several senior generals before Grant, some of them only for one battle. Using yourknowledge of the Civil War, tell why Lincoln had been unsatisfied with his previous senior generals.

10. What had Grant been doing in the Civil War before Lincoln appointed him senior general? What battles hadhe fought in? What character traits did Grant have that made Lincoln notice him?

Answer Key

Federal Soldiers

[Group of Federal soldiers in Confederate fort on heights of Centreville with Quaker guns]. Barnard, George N.,1819-1902, photographer. CREATED/PUBLISHED 1862 March. Photograph from the main eastern theater of war,Confederate winter quarters, 1861-1862. LC-DIG-cwpb-00981 DLC

Answer Key

B 1. This document is a _____.

A. law

B. photograph

C. map

D. political cartoon

A 2. What side were these soldiers on?

A. Union

B. neither

C. both

D. Confederacy

D 3. What is true of the image?

A. The soldiers were men.

B. The area is fairly open.

C. The fighting is not active at the moment.

D. all of the above

A 4. Based on this image and your knowledge of social studies, what war were the soldiers fighting?

A. Civil War

B. Revolutionary War

C. World War I

D. World War II

5. Describe the side of the Union during the war.

6. What strengths/weaknesses did the Union possess during the war?

7. In what ways are wars conducted differently today than they were during the time that this photograph wastaken?