“Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology” as stopbullying.gov...


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•“Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology” as stopbullying.gov informs.

•Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that is not face-to-face, for example,

•A child goes on a social media site and posts an embarrassing or unwanted picture of your child.


THE POSITIVE OF TECHNOLOGYTechnology itself should not be blamed for cyberbullying. It’s the users. Some things are used to connect with family or friends. It can also help people in a lot of positive ways.

Picture from www.livingmydash.com

THE AFFECS OF CYBERBULLYING•Whether cyberbullying/bulling is done person to person or through technology the effects of cyberbullying are very similar.

•Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to do the following…• Use of drugs or alcohol• Not attending school • Have low self-esteem of yourself

WHY PEOPLE CYBERBULLY•Cyberbullying happens for many of the same reasons. People cyberbully because of different piers. It is mostly based on popular and the not to popular people.

Picture from stopbullying.gov

Cyberbullyin and regular bullying.whats the differanc

The difference between cyberbullying and regular bullying are almost the same. Traditional bullying is mostly punching, pushing, teasing and much more. Cyberbulling is bullying through the internet.

pictures from www.telegraph.co.uk and peaceloveandreview

