CX Magazine June 2014



LGBT Magazine, North Florida Gay

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Photography by Cedric Terrell

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IN EVERY ISSUE 10 Miss Daisy 20 Religious Corner


08 Gay Marriage vs Florida


03 Content 06 White Party Fundraiser 10 Miss Daisy: Keep’em Honest 16 Why Gay Men Suck At Dating 20 Religious Corner: Gay Religion


13 Gay Marriage: AG Pam Bondi

Religious Corner Miss Daisy

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Boot Rack: 4751 Lenox Blvd. (904) 384-7090

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Club Jax: 1939 Hendricks Ave. (904) 398-7451

Hamburger Mary’s: 3333-1 Beach Blvd. (904) 551-2048

Incahoots: 711 Edison Ave.

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Park Place: 931 King St. (904) 389-6616

Metro: 859 Willow Branch Ave. (904) 388-7192

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Dr. Harvey Carr, Christ Church of Peace

Joey Amato, OUT Reach Public Relations

Dr. Doug Massengill, University of Lola Chicago

Sebastion Fortino, Project Manager

Contributing Writers

David Vandygriff, Mamie Joshlin, Joey Amato, Sebastion Fortino, Dr. Harvey Carr, Atty. Gordon

Nicol, Greg Henchar, Michael Smith



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White Party PFLAG Scholarship Fundraiser

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Written By: Jason Massengill

MIAMI — Plaintiffs challenging Florida’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage asked a state court on Thursday to rule that the ban is unconstitutional.

In their motion, the six same-sex couples and Equality Florida Institute argue that Florida’s ban on marriage equality violates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

The motion asserts that Florida’s marriage ban cannot stand in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling last June that the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates the federal constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process.

The couples’ papers note that every court to consider these federal constitutional claims since last summer’s Supreme Court decision has ruled in favor of the freedom to marry for same-sex couples, including federal courts in Utah, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Tennessee, Texas, and


The couples, all from the South Florida area, filed their lawsuit in January in Miami-Dade Circuit Court. It is one of four lawsuits challenging Florida’s prohibition on same-sex marriage, and recognition of lawful same-sex marriages performed out-of-state.

“The law should treat all families fairly. Florida’s marriage ban makes it harder for same-sex couples to take care of one another and protect their children,” said Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida Institute.

“We are confident when we have our day in court Florida will stand with other courts across the country in concluding these laws violate the basic principles of fairness and equality for all,” she said.

The plaintiffs are represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Gay Marriage vs Florida: Suit Ask Court to Rule Ban Unconstitutional

Plaintiffs (from left): Don Johnston and Jorge Isaias Diaz, Jeff and Todd Delmay, Dr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez and David Price, Vanessa and Melane Alenier, Summer Grace and Pamela Faerber. (Nit pictured: Catherina Pareta and Karla Arguello.)

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MISS DAISY: Keep’em Honest Written By: Miss Daisy

Oh hello all Xtra’s. We can say it’s been quite

a month around the state of Florida. Seems

this chick that wants to call herself a lawyer

doesn’t know crap about LGBT.

I have yet to figure out her game plan. What

was once okay with the Attorney General

Pam Bondi during her campaign is now not

okay for the rest of the state. Once again the

LGBT Community gets the royal shaft by yet

another politician.

One could understand if Pam Bondi argued

the Gay Marriage Ban based on the popular

vote. However, no Pam Bondi wants to say

that gays do NOT have enduring and lasting

relationships. Furthermore, she even de-

scends to the past arguments of procreation.

Jesus take the wheel before Miss Daisy takes

a bat her cray cray ass. LOL

Just who does this woman thinks she is. It is

has been proven time and time again that

LGBT are GREAT parents and many of us

having long and enduring relationships.

We are NOT asking for special treatment

here. Simply we are asking for the same

rights to enter into marriage just the same as

any other citizen of Florida.

Well enough of free press for yet another

BIGOT in Florida politics.

On a more positive note kudos to Neptune

Beach, FL in passing protections for the city

employees against discrimination based on

sexual orientation, gender identity and/or ex-


We hope Mayor Brown takes the hint from

Neptune Beach. FYI Lenny Curry has entered

the Jacksonville Mayor’s race. A little bird is

saying that Lenny Curry just may, key word

boys and girls, MAY support LGBT rights.

This should be interesting.

Till next time peace, love and hair grease.

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GAY MARRIAGE: AG Pam Bondi Written By: David W. Vandygriff

SAVE-THE-DATE July 2, 2014, Gay Marriage goes to court in Florida. The Attorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi has been making national news with her response to the Gay Marriage lawsuits filed in Florida. Not because of her attempt to defend the states gay marriage but her statements against LGBT relationships and families. Bondi seemed to attack the LGBT families in her

response to the court. Making such statements that imply that LGBT does not have enduring and loving relationships. She even takes us back to arguments of procreation. WOW time warp in Florida.

What seems to be the normal in Florida continues. At least this time the LGBT Community and John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council are in agreement that Pam Bondi is not the person for the Attorney General’s office. Bondi has attempted to back peddle in and try to just simply ignore her statements in the brief to the court. The ironic thing about Pam is that she stated during her campaign that she had LGBT friends that had adopt and were in a loving & caring relationship. We wonder if she still thinks the same way now that she is in office. No matter her or the state’s stance on Gay Marriage 56% of Floridians now agree with Gay Marriage. Judge Zabel rules to deny anti-gay groups the motion to intervene. Therefore, SAVE-THE-DATE July 2, 2014 as the beginning to an end of discrimination in Florida. Many people have asked her personal belief on Gay

Marriage and she refuses to

answer. Her two divorces and living with an individual prior to marriage definitely gives this lady no authority to defend marriage. Pam Bondi is no Ella Woods! However, Bondi could re-deem herself by refusing to defend the state against Gay Marriage as other Attorney Generals have done across the nation. We are not going to hold our breath waiting. For up-to-date happenings on the Gay Marriage cased visit

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Why Gay Men Suck At Dating Written By: Jerry Plaza

The older we get in life the more pressure we have in finding a stable relationship. For single gay guys around the world, it can get personal real quick. With every passing year, more and more people begin to look at us with judgmental assumptions as to why we haven’t found a man. Certainly something must be wrong with us.

The truth of the matter is gay dating has turned into an endless competition with ourselves and the people around us. So much so that we’ve forgotten what’s important. With endless voices reminding us what we’re missing, boyfriends have become the number one accessory of the 21st century. I’ve seen countless of gay guys obsessed with the idea of being in a relationship, yet so many of them don’t actually want it when they find it. It’s the “idea” around it which makes them feel complete, not the practice. With so many hot guys shaking their tails in the gayborhoods and on TV, it’s quite easy to get distracted the minute another enters our peripheral. Finding and settling down with a guy not only takes discipline, but a conscious decision – probably the most complex we’ll ever make. But if done right, it doesn’t seem like work at all. Access to information has made us more picky, jealous and snoopy than ever before. But regardless of the high-tech age we’re in, we’re still plain old human beings looking for someone to connect with. Most of the time, the only person that’s preventing us from achieving what we want is us. But here are a few problems I’ve discovered in the process:

Gay Guys Are Boys Until

They Turn 30

We Refuse To Sacrifice


We’re Too Afraid Of Feel-

ing Vulnerable

We’re Unclear Of Our In-


We’ve Become Nomadic

Money Rules Our Emo-

tional Availability Hookup Apps Are Becoming The Norm The days of meeting people are now online. Anybody 18 or older most likely has some app with his nude pic floating somewhere in space.

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Religious Corner: Gay Religion

Written By: Carlos Martinez

The rights of religious groups or individuals

that object to same-sex marriage continue to clash with those pursued by gay rights advocates. Now, the fight that started at state ballot boxes and in courtrooms has moved to floral shops, bakeries and photo studios.

As churches are concerned about the potential of facing lawsuits, some are changing their bylaws to explicitly reflect their views on traditional man-woman marriage.

A bakery in Gresham, Ore., owned by a Christian family, under investigation by state officials for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, decided to close its doors. “This fight is not over,” they wrote on a sign in the shop window. “We will continue to stand strong. Your Religious Freedom is becoming not Free anymore.”

Last month, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that photographers could not refuse to shoot gay wedding ceremonies even though the state does not officially recognize gay marriage. The court ruled that declining to photograph a gay wedding was similar to declining to work at an interracial wedding, with Justice Richard Bosson saying, “There is a price, one that we all have to pay somewhere in our civic life.”

Many of the legal skirmishes are not directly tied to federal recognition of gay marriages after the Supreme Court’s decision striking down most of the Defense of Marriage Act. Instead, the fights largely revolve around state and local anti-discrimination ordinances that include protections for gays and lesbians.

Upcoming battles include whether religious opposition to same-sex marriage constitutes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender and/or marital status; and what happens when a discrimination claim bumps up against an individual’s or institution’s religious freedom.

The Supreme Court’s decision against the Defense of Marriage Act applies to federal benefits, but many have been watching to see whether it holds further implications for religious groups or individuals. For instance, employers in states where gay marriage is legal are required to provide Family and Medical Leave Act leave to employers with same-sex spouses, even if their state doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.

Ahead of the court’s decision, the Becket Fund issued a brief on areas where religious freedom could be impacted by the DOMA ruling, outlining seven areas to watch:

Public accommodation laws Housing discrimination laws Employment discrimination laws Government facilities access Maintaining licenses or accreditation Government grants and contracts qualifications and tax exemptions Educational and employment opportunities

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